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If you downloaded this

e-book it means you have decided to
take care of your vision.
This e-book will teach you 10 simple
tips you can do to improve the condition
of your eyes and take care of your vision
for life.
I recommend you print these pages, read them once and
have them somewhere where you can review them regularly
until these tips become automatic habits and you don’t
need to even think about it anymore.
Read them, practice the tips and enjoy the effects !

Attention! While this guide contains very useful information

its content is for educational purposes only. It is not in any
sense diagnosing or advicing any medical treatment for any
pathological condition and it is not a replacement for advice
or care from a qualified health care professional.
Consult your ophthalmologist as many times as needed.
Tip nº1 Look at the far
The resting position of the eyes is looking at the far. When we look hear
different sets of muscles are tense so we are able to focus objects and, for
example, read. When we look at the far we relax them. Nowadays the
amount of hours we spend looking at screens or books has dramatically
increased and it becomes more important than ever to make sure we look at
the far. Especially if you spend a lot of time reading or using screens make
sure that at least every 20 - 30 minutes you look as far as possible.

Take time to look at the landscapes as far as possible!

Tip nº2 Go outdoors

In our contemporary way of life we spend a lot of time indoors: with
sedentary lives, lack of movement, lack of diversity of things to look at and
lack of variety of distances. We also miss natural sunlight that has many
positive properties to take care of your eyes and vision. Being outdoors
facilitates moving, looking at natural objects in motion at different distances
and enjoying a reasonable amount of sunlight. Especially if you work a lot
with computers and reading make sure that in your free time you spend time
outdoors, moving, playing and being in the sun.

Invite your beloved one to go for a walk and look at the sunset!
Tip nº3 Play with balls
As you go outside, take some time aside to play with any kind of balls. The
coordination movements that you will have to perform with your body, your
eyes following the ball in movement at different distances and the
coordination between you vision, your hands, your body and your brain are
very beneficial for your long term vision. You can do this in many ways: play
any kind of sports involving a ball, throw the ball to your dog, practice some
juggling (even with one or two balls)... any of those is a great option.

You can refine this with a pirate patch that you can alternate eyes while you

Tip nº4 Use screen filters

The artificial led lights in most screens generally use blue light. While
natural blue light in the middle of the day diminishes the probability to
develop nearsightedness, artificial blue light shed by different screens tend to
generate fatigue for the eyes as well as other health disregulations. A simple
solution is to buy physical screen filters for blue light (Reticare is a good
brand that has models for all shapes of computers, tablets and
smartphones) and/or to install virtual filters that change the colour and the
intensity of the light of your screen such as f.lux.

Always put the filters on the screen NOT on your eyes!
Tip nº5 Limit sunglasses
Sunglasses are very useful if you are a pilot, if you drive your car facing the
sun, if you go skiing and - in certain circumstances - in the desert or in the
ocean. In other situations they are often excessive and keep your eyes from
getting enough sunlight to stimulate and nourish the retina. They also keep
you from synthesizing the vitamine D that is created from the sunlight
entering the eye. Last but not least, they make your pupil become lazy which
diminishes your ability to see sharply, for example, when you read.

If there is much sun wear a hat or go to the shadow!

Tip nº6 Blink more often

Spending so much time looking at screens or reading we often forget to blink!
Blinking has many great effects for your vision: in stimulates the production
of tears that keep your eyes wet, it spreads it over the cornea making it more
spherical and homogenous for better vision, it creates a moment of darkness
that allows for the production of the enzymes that let us see colours, during
the dark moment the focusing muscles in our eyes relax, they allow for the
iris-pupils to exercise. All of the above are very beneficial for your vision.

If you blink less than 30 times you are blinking too little!
Tip nº7 Massage
Very often we keep tension in the muscles of of our eyes, our face, our head,
our neck, our shoulders and our back. They make it more difficult for the eyes
to relax and thus they create strain for the focus muscles to function
properly. Even a very simple massage of your head, a delicate massage of
the outer borders of your eye sockets in your skull, some tapping on your
head and your face, and rubbing your neck and shoulders will make a
difference in the fatigue you feel in your eyes.

Receive a full body massage now and then for better long term results!

Tip nº8 Palming

Palming is a special technique for specifically relaxing your eyes. The
darkness and the heat of your hands on your closed eyes relax physical,
emotional and mental tensions, allowing for better vision once you open
your eyes again. Relax your hands before performing palming, make a
spoonlike shape with them and cover each eye with you palm of the
corresponding hand. Your fingers can rest on the top of each other on your
forehead, covering your third eye. DO NOT PRESS THE EYES and do not
perform any movement. Make sure that you can breathe deeply.

Enjoy for 5 minutes as often as you can during the day, especially before
going to sleep!
Tip nº9 Limit glasses
Eyeglasses can be considered a kind of a crutch. If you wear them constantly
your eyes will tend to become lazy and it is likely that you have to increase
the prescription of the glasses overtime. Of course DO use them when you
need them to perform a specific task, like reading and DO NOT put yourself
or others in danger by not using them when needed (driving or using
dangerous materials), but there are many occasions during the day when
probably you don’t need them (in the bath, getting dressed, eating…) and
you could stimulate your eyes to see by themselves.

Encourage your own eyes to see!

Tip nº10 Eat healthy

The quality of your vision may reflect how well nourished is your body. The
cells in the eyes need nutrients and are very sensitive to toxicity. Avoid
whatever could increase the toxicity in your body (alcohol, lots of coffée,
tobacco...). Prefer eating organic local fresh vegetables and fruit of the
season. You can also supplement for Omega 3, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamine
C, vitamine D and vitamine B.

A well nourished body means well nourished eyes!

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