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Nick Politi

Paper Proposal

Vladimir Putin in Visual Art

Big Idea​: Artistic representations of Putin have great value cumulatively as opposed to
perceptual experiences because of their ability to express limitless extrapolations rooted in same
fundamental truths. The veiled Putin of the real world is thus able to express much less
transparently than the versions of him in visual art. In this paper I’ll juxtapose various images of
Putin and offer a discussion on ways one might interpret his representation between them as well
as more introspective comments on what each image might mean. I begin with Putin’s 2000
election headshot (which doesn’t necessarily qualify as an artistic depiction) as a place from
which to argue that his chosen mode of expression is quite opaque in terms of its insight into
who he is. This approach comes from the first weeks of class when we were shown the same
image for similar purposes. Highlighted topics in the artistic works themselves include Putin’s
patriotism/nobility, his relationship with Medevev, a descendant of a soviet-era propaganda
poster placing Putin in Stalin’s shoes as well as another similar historical switch-out with Caesar.
These representations are paired with information (below) which provides context into who
manifested it and their motives, if available. Together, the images evoke both political issues
and a sense of extremity that deeply contrasts with his election photo or most public appearances,
revealing the true extremes of Putin’s actions. As an example, my first image turns the reality of
a consistent political swapping act between Putin and Medevev into a homoerotic affair-looking
artistic scene between the two. Although I doubt there is any reality in the literal depiction of the
painting, I believe it was the artist’s goal to both get at the extremely manipulative politics Putin
employs in this switches and his regime’s attitudes toward the queer community. It is important
to me to evaluate images that all come from different idioms or points of interest, and I believe
this priority is represented with my choices. This said, I concede that certain artists’ images
remain anonymous - though I don’t prefer this in my evaluations, perhaps it will lead to a more
objective evaluation. Overall, my goal is to provide a multifaceted view of the visual artworks as
both affected by and actively influencing Putin’s presence in them. In contrast to the
1-Dimensional reality offered by Putin himself in his appearances and actions, this viewpoint
gets at underlying fundamental truths about who Putin is and how his mode of interaction with
others works.
Primary Examples and Links​:

1. Election Photo - 2000

2. Putin as Noble Warrior

(artist unknown)

3. Putin as Lover with Medvedev (Konstantin Altunin)

Notes: Russian police now trying to decide legality of painting Putin.
aint-putin-in-a-negligee-2743284/​ (Smithsonian)

4. Juxtaposition: Stalin/baby and Putin/trump (original propaganda and response)

Notes: Pretty obvious how the two pictures connect but I want to explore the space between
Stalin v. Putin a bit more - reinstatement of national anthem from 1943, alliance with Orthodox
Church, etc. - article below compares/contrasts nicely.
Putin arranges private viewing of “Death of Stalin”

5. Putin as Caesar
(artist unknown)

3. (Konstantin Altunin)

(stalin w baby)

(putin w trump baby)


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