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My story

 Did i ever tell you about the time when i went to cathedral of san francisco?

 No, what happened?

 It happened, a couple of years ago, when my boyfriend and me went to

walked for our anniversary , we enter the catacombs , we were there for a
long time . suddenly, i felt one hand in my back.

 Wow! what did you next?

 I freaked out and i screamed , my boyfriend ask me " what's up? " and i told
him what had happened. He definitely did not believe me and thought I was
joking. He thought that i inventing something to get his attention.
He told me to calm down and keep walking, then I felt footsteps behind me
and I saw a very dark shadow, that moment is in shok and I fainted. The
cathedral is visited by a lot of people , so my boyfriend asked for help , only
some people helped. I took a few minutes in that state and, since my
boyfriend was not a person peaceful, he began to cry. Although at that time
we are very scared, after some time that seems fun .

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