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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

General Lecture
“Language and the Brain”

- Relation between language age and human brain according to

several aspect
- Neurolongistic: learn about neuro (brain) and nerve system.
- Lingustic study
- Everything is just about neuro which is contribute in how brain
catch information and associated in brain by neuro.
- Phineas P. Gage, bombing stone by dynamite that makes a metal
rod about one meter and go thorough his chick to forehead but
not impact his sense.
- The most importance of brain that related in language
development ”Picture saved on my phone”
- Yellow – Kuning, Green – Hijau. Games for translating
- Note
Was it easy for you?
No, Not really, was it? Because colour of each word is different
from acual meaning of the world
In order to avoid mistake, frontal lobe of the brain is functioning
- German Pcycologist in 98 makes experiment about picture that
called “bouba” and “kiki”
- Langusge is processed by left brain. There are four areas that
concern in languages
1. Broca’s area (anterior speech cortex) related in extreme
difficulties that work for saying language
2. Wernick’s areas Understand the languages
3. The motor cortex related in controlling movement of the
muscle, which means that is
5. Number 1, 2, 4 is connected by connection
- Broca and wernick areas had importance role in language.
- Visual pathways

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