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Scenario Roleplay

Members of the group:

Apriziah Rahmawati as a patient

Chairunnisa Indah as a Nurse

Febriyanti Eka Lestari as a Nurse

Isma Firliana as a Mother’s patient

-How Professional Nurses Is Work-

Day 1

One day at the columbia hospital, there was a patient with complaints of pain in the
left upper abdomen, she also complained of no appetite, and nause when eating, and
headache. Nurse Nissa will begin to assessment and ask about the patient's identity by
checking the patient’s bracelet and matching it with the patient’s answer.

Nurse Nissa : Good morning. I was a nurse who takes care of you this

morning. Who is speaking please ?

Patient Ziah : Good morning sus. My name is apriziah rahmwati, you can
call me ziah

Nurse Nissa : Hallo ms ziah, my name is Nurse Nissa. May I know when is your

date of birth and what is your medical record number?

Patient Ziah : I was born on april 20th 1999, and my medical record number
is 1234567

Nurse Nissa : Sorry Ms. Ziah ,maybe you mean is 1234765

Patient Ziah : Yeah, i forget it.

Nurse Nissa : Fine. And now we begin to start physical assessment from
head to toe, from eye and end to foot.

Patient Ziah : Okay nurse. We will start now.

( The nurse does a physical assessment of the eyes and when the nurse check the
abdomen... )

Nurse Nissa : When I press this part, does it hurt?

Patient Ziah : Awww, it’s hurt a lot

Nurse Nissa : Umm, then i want to hear your bowel sounds ( listening by using

the stethoscope) maternal bowel sound heard 20x/minute. The

normal bowel sound is 5-12x/ minute

Patient Ziah : So, it’s not normal?

Nurse Nissa : Yes, maybe your digestive tract is disturbed.

Patient Ziah : So, what should I do?

Nurse Nissa : After this, I will consult about the results of this

Assesment to the doctor, and the doctor will explain to you about
your disease.

Patient Ziah : okay, fine. I’ll be waiting for it

Nurse Nissa : meanwhile, you must maintain a diet, no spicy, no sour, and may

not eat late.

Patient ziah : okay.

Nurse Nissa : and now I checked your vital signs. (the Nurse check the

patient’s vital signs) after I checked, the result of your blood

presure is 120/80 mmHg, your pulse is 75, your temperature is 36,
and your respiration rate is 18.

Patient ziah : is that all normal?

Nurse Nissa : yes, it’s all normal. Now that i have finish doing physical

assessment, let me help you get out of the bed.

-Day 2-

On the afternoon, the patient say if her chest is tight and his breath is very irregular,
and Nurse Febri will examine it

Nurse Febri : good afternoon

Patient ziah : afternoon sus

Nurse Febri : you complain of being tight? And now i will help you to use oxygen

Patient ziah : yeah... i feel very tight now

Nurse Febri : okay I will checked your vital signs.

( Nurse Febri doing check the patient’s vital sign)

Nurse Febri : after I checked your vital signs, the result of your blood presure is

100/60 mmHg, your pulse is 62, your temperature is 37℃, and your
respiratory rate is 20x/minute

Mother’s patient : is everything okay, nurse?

Nurse Febri : the result of your vital signs are normal. Normal pulse is 60-100
and normal respiratory rate is 16-20x/minute

Mother’s patient : how it can be normal when she is tight? it should be more than


Nurse Febri : it’s like that

Mother’s patient : try to checking again, please!

Nurse Febri : so.. don’t you trust to me?

Mother’s patient : how can i trust you if you don’t do it right ?!

Nurse Febri : I feel that i am right in doing it

Mother’s patient : now you call another Nurseplease. I don’t want to be with you


Nurse Febri : yes, wait a minute

( meanwhile in Nurse station)

Nurse Febri : Nurse Nissa, you are called by a mother’s of patient.. hmm who is

the patient…. Patient in room 2, what is her name?

Nurse Nissa : you mean patient Ziah?

Nurse Febri : maybe that, I don’t know

Nurse Nissa : hmm.. why me? Shouldn’t you handle the patient?

Nurse Febri : ya, but her family doesn’t want me

Nurse Nissa : what happened to you?

Nurse Febri : just later… you must go there first

(in patient room)

Nurse Nissa : good afternoon ms and mrs. Ms. Ziah, I’m a Nurse Nissa and I will

check your respiratory rate.

Patient Ziah : yes, nurse.

Mother’s patient : the previous nurse, who’s the name?

Nurse Nissa : Nurse Febri, what’s wrong mom?

Mother’s patient : she had done a checking vital signs of my daughter, but it was not

Nurse Nissa : hmm… was it like that? Please, forgive my friend. Maybe she has
a lot of thoughs.

Mother’s patient : ya, I forgive her. But tell her, don’t repeat this again

Nurse Nissa : okey fine mom, I will tell to Nurse Febri. After i checked your

respiratory rate, the result is 24x/minute

Mother’s patient : ya, thank you very much Nurse Nissa

Nurse Nissa : you’re welcome, because it’s finished, I excuse my self to go to

Nurse station
(in Nursestation)

Nurse Nissa : Nurse Febri, I wanna ask you something about patient Ziah

Nurse Febri : what’s wrong with the patient?

Nurse Nissa : what do you do to her before?

Nurse Febri : as usual, I checked her vital signs by measuring blood pressure

sphygmomanometer, measuring temperature with thermometer, and

measuring pulse

Nurse Nissa : what do you do to check her respiratory rate?

Nurse Febri : I don’t measure it

Nurse Nissa : and then, how can you get that result?

Nurse Febri : I followed her breathing as usual

Nurse Nissa : you can’t generalize like that, because every minute the patient can

change her breath pattern. You shold check the vital

signs according to the procedure, and check for the whole. Do you

understand, Nurse Febri?

Nurse Febri : yes, I understand. Thank’s for remiding me, Nurse Nissa.

Nurse Nissa : you’re welcome Nurse Febri, hopefully it won’t happen again.

-The end-

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