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Thiamine hydrochloride
This product is required to support energy metabolism and amino acid synthesis in cultured
cells. Present in many classical and serum-free formulations. This product is suitable for cell
culture; suitable for insect cell culture; suitable for plant cell culture. CAS NO.67-03-8

6-(γ,γ-Dimethylallylamino)purine (2iP) is a bacteria-derived riboside cytokinin used to grow
plant tissues such as tobacco and soybean callus. 2iP is a precursor of the cytokinin Zeatin. 2iP
has been used in Schenk and Hildebrandt medium to support in vitro propagation of
microshoot cultures from shoot tips of Genista plants. This product is plant cell culture tested.
CAS NO.2365-40-4

6-Benzylaminopurine, benzyl adenine (BAP) is a synthetic cytokinin which together with
auxins elicits plant growth and development responses. BAP is a widely use cytokinin
supplement to plant growth media such as Murashige and Skoog medium, Gamborg’s medium,
and Chu’s N6 medium.BAP is an inhibitor of respiratory kinase in plants, and increases post-
harvest life of green vegetables. This product is plant cell culture tested. CAS NO.1214-39-7

6-Benzylaminopurine solution
6-Benzylaminopurine, benzyl adenine (BAP) is a synthetic cytokinin which together with
auxins elicits plant growth and development responses. BAP is a widely used cytokinin
supplement to plant growth media such as Murashige and Skoog medium, Gamborg’s B5
medium, and Chu’s N6 medium. BAP is an inhibitor of respiratory kinase in plants, and
increases post-harvest life of green vegetables.

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