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When you think about environmental engineering, you are talking about society and

environment, a union of concepts which allow us to understand the behavior of the

system. When we refer to the system, you have the opportunity to speak of a health-
society-environment relationship, since that is the importance of focusing on a social
aspect that has the capacity to understand and assimilate how the earth really works.
Finding ways to mitigate and reduce the impacts generated by the industries, this is only
one of the aspects, however you can consider the health factor to be paramount, since
if you know the conditions and manage to manage the state in which the environment is,
you will have the capacity to identify various diseases. In this same way, there are many
factors that unite and form this discipline.

Professional skills such as “an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility”

and “the broad education necessary for understanding the impact of engineering
solutions on a global, economic, environment and societal context” have proved difficult
to teach. As engineers, the people are used to applying our knowledge and experience
to solving problems rather than to defining needs. One could argue that the fundamental
tasks for engineers have not changed. Finding new solutions to technical problems or
social demands and optimizing existing solutions. While in essence this is still true, the
scope and the nature of systems that engineers are dealing with have changed. The
effects of engineers’ developments and solutions on the environment, the economy and
society must be studied before being implemented.

The environmental engineer like no other has the opportunity of innovating and in turn
reduce risks. Always using the relationship between society and environment, you are
the only in charge to know how much you should allow to use the land in relation to what
it gives us, that is the importance of good use of resources, these are not infinite,
therefore always the environmental engineer must have that focus in mind, because it is
the only way in which we manage to generate innovation without causing negative
impacts. However, it is a very curious issue since saying it sounds really easy but really
this has become one of the biggest problems, since it should not be only the
environmental engineering who thinks about optimizing the resources, any professional
should be focused on Such an idea, however the humanity are in the most problematic
era with regard to this issue, that is why you have the opportunity from our profession to
change many aspects and give them different ways and support to the society-
environment relationship. In conclusions, if you are an environmental engineer you have
the opportunity to change the way how the people look this world and not only that, too
make part of a society that can be focus that with cannot work and work and do many
constructions or an uncountable project and forget the base and careful of everything.

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