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Capitán Baezano Guardia Civil @CapitanBaezano


1. They ____ afraid of snakes.
a) are much
b) have much
c) are very
d) have very

2. Paul was in the cinema with a colleague of ____

a) him
b) his
c) himself
d) hers

3. If you have ____ time at the end of the exam, check your answers.
a) few
b) a few
c) little
d) a little

4. -“How long ____ her?”

-“Since last year”
a) do you know
b) you know
c) have you known
d) have you know

5. I ____ my friends for dinner after work tomorrow.

a) will meet
b) am meeting
c) am meet
d) meet

6. The programme ____ at 12.00

a) is starting
b) will start
c) is going to start
d) starts


Capitán Baezano Guardia Civil @CapitanBaezano

7. -“Would you like ____ salad?”

-“Yes, please”
a) some
b) any
c) a
d) -

8. I am fed up ____ my job

a) to
b) for
c) with
d) of

9. Mary is very fond ___ animals

a) at
b) of
c) with
d) for

10. This is the message that we want to ____ to the public

a) go across
b) put out
c) put on
d) get across

11. Can you help me ____ the things from the table?
a) clear away
b) clean out
c) clear off
d) clean away

12. I ____ eggs. We had some already.

a) needn’t buy
b) needn’t to buy
c) needn`t have bought
d) needn’t bought

13. -“The baby is crying!”

-“Ok, I ____ him”
a) ‘ll take
b) am going to take
c) am taking
d) take


Capitán Baezano Guardia Civil @CapitanBaezano

14. Either of my ____.

a) friends is working
b) friends are working
c) friend are working
d) friend is working

15. Wolves have ____ in the suburbs.

a) being seen
b) been seen
c) been seeing
d) being seeing

16. Can you tell me ____?

a) what time it is
b) what time is it
c) what time is
d) what hour is it

17. My clothes ____ all wet and wrinkled.

a) was
b) were
c) had
d) is

18. -“How far is it?”

-“About ten ____ walk”
a) minute’s
b) minutes
c) minutes’s
d) minutes’

19. -“____ is Alan?”

-“He is in New York”
a) When
b) Where
c) What
d) How

20. Pau Gasol is _____ basketball player in Spain.

a) better
b) the best
c) the better
d) best


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