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AbuAli 1

Nicole AbuAli

Ms. Scheutz

Service Learning P.2

14 November 2018

Baseline Data Analysis

My baseline data included a series of questions mostly aimed to the youth and children

that would come to the library and more specifically the kids I would tutor. I had a hard time

formulating a theme I would base the questions around. Yet when I reflected on dewey decimal I

thought of more things the library and kids could use. Mainly my goal was to understand what

the kids needed help on and stressing the things they liked to do but could do more of. In

example I figure kids like to read if it’s something fun and that interests them of course. So I got

ideas of some favorite genres, how often they read, and if they were interested in joining a book

club with me! Though this didn’t follow through it was the idea. Mostly the kids agreed to this

and gave thorough answers for the written questions. I also came to the conclusion that only half

the kids had a brief overview of dewey decimal because when I asked them personally they

didn’t know as much as they thought they did… To conclude I got some insight on their

knowledge of the library, events and dewey decimal. With this information I tried my best to

create a book club though the library had already had one, though I did create dewey decimal


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