Advantages, Disadvantages, Costs, and Benefits of A Particular Course of Action

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Advantages, Disadvantages, Costs, And Benefits Of A Particular Course Of Action

So after the case has been settle down, Watsons has immediately removed the video and
apologise to all people about the ads. So as we can see there are many effects to their company
whether in good or bad ways. Let’s discuss together.

Some advantages that we can conclude in this case is about the branding of their company.
Branding is one ways for a company to make people know more about their company. For
example, a father that didn’t know about Watsons company watching the Lagenda Cun Raya
2017 advertisement, so after that the father know about the existing of Watson company. So this
is a good side for Watsons and their branding.

Watsons also can increase their rating of views in youtube channel with this ads. Actually this
ads was being shown at youtube and also television. So after this case had spread out the rating
of views in youtube channel increase drastically. So unintentionally it will also increase views
the other video in their youtube channel.

Actually this case had lead to many bad side effects to theirs company’s reputation and some
disadvantages that Watsons had to face. One of the advantages is Watsons need to face customers
comments about the Lagenda Cun Raya advertisement. After the advertisement had been showed in
youtube ads, netizen bash the video and start to comments in the comment section. If Watson didn’t
remove the video it may can cause a very bad reputation soon.

Other disadvantages that we can discuss is about

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