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Shadowrun Mission Log.

Working for Alex Ross and Knight Errant, working with some other dudes an Ork and Elf, four
missions so far, last mission was a gig to recover a car that a errant employee took off with. Now we’re
meeting up with our Employer at the Skeleton, a fancy pants club. Shipment of pistols seem to have
gone missing, experimental R&D shit. Into the Barrens we go. We got blowed up. A month later, we
have been tasked with dealing Stim pushers, 4 known targets, 4500nuyen operating budget (Spent).
Down town Seattle, two story building. 4 targets, Stim makers who got out of the barrens. Shut it
down, avoid unnecessary casualties. Donnie Yen: Former Yakuza Razor Boy, probably there with his
brother Danny Yen Hacker of some repute Crash says he’s shitty. 1000 Nuyen, 1500 alive. Ex Mystic
Ganger Randall Smalls “released” by the Mystics because he was kinda crappy. Franky Savage
distributor, used to be a BTL guy now a real boy druggy real charmer and possibly ex corp Open
bounty by Knights Errant 500Y.

Up on floor 136, 135 has the lab. Took out the mage already. Dealt with everyone Savage gave us
4000Y to bribe us to not drag him off. 5 Karma.7 HK227, 2AK97s, 1 Rem990, 2Ares Pred 4, 5 trauma
patches. 3000Y in BTL, 8000Y in Drugs. Netted 4950nuyen each including 2250 into Crew Slush fund.
Got a interview with a Knight Errant board to get into the program, Alicia Winters torpedoed things.
Bolthole on the Pier (6months), Nice Apartment (Downtown 1 month, Yak). Ross set us up with a
meeting with a Mr Arnold Palmer. Heading to the Skull and Bones to meet up with him. Palmer is
setting us up with a Fast Eddy for a Heist, burnt out punk rocker. Wants to pull an armored truck job,
Bank of Azzies, Saturday at sundown. Same route. Managed to get the truck and everything in it
without much fuss, ran into a Cyberzombie. 7kg of Foam Explosives and 20 Detonators.

Alica Winters is a super bitch.

Arnold Palmer has a Kidnapping Gig for us. Rescuing an AI from the Cyber Zombie Nightmare Crater.
Dealt with the Guards and witnesses (non lethally), escorting AI out, acquired 2 AK97 carbines, 2 Ares
Pred 4s and 1 Remington Suppressor. 2000Nuyen Payday,and 120,000Nuyen in Paydata (over six
months). 6 karma

Scarber (Rat Shaman) Dog (Beagle, weak essence) Michelle Rampling (Fixer, good low tier fixer,
Pianist. 2040’s is when her career starts, chromed?decker?) Willis Belltree (Ex associate of me padre,
Ork, very old, getting blind as shit, Ork Underground supporter/member), Fox (elf, past is unknown, a
fixers fixer, very harsh with his personal treatment, but fair in dealings, big respect from the Corps,
Asian) Juwala Gibson (Dwarf out of Fiji, Female, established in the scene, Trid Fangirl, Cold and
succinct, Mariner, High End Fence) Manny (Human Mage, Asian, Witty, Charming, Magic circles,
works with Tribal and Corporate, Expert in Shadow History). Lyle Green (Operates more Covert Teams
thanGunners, Corp info and rumormill, ex actor)

Two Days later, Contact to meet up with Mr St James, wealthy looking, Troll Bodyguards, Sheridan
Hotel, British potentially. St James is a fixer, decent reputation, recent in the game. Hitting a
DocWagon factory out in Snhomish.

800 Units of Snake Antidote

500 Rank 2 Tranq Patchs
500 Medkits
And Jackal has started off war with the Ancients. Greats. Taking a run to go rescue. Last seen Church
of the Undying Light Halfway Shelter, Jessica Raven Wing (Ork Girl). Ares Squad grabbed her up a
fucking week ago. Burpy (Halloweener). 48hours and counting. Willis Dalltree: Ares Team Eliminators
picked her up. 40 man unit, operate in teams of 4. Military Training, SpecForce type crew. Got some
info out of Burpy, he saw that the Eliminators had a Native girl ina warehouse. Or’zet flier “Unite the
Orks against the Humanis Policlub with Password to get into a new part of the Underground”. Found
the warehouse the Eliminators have Jessica Stored in, preparing to make an assault on it. Doing recon
on it, prepping to eat through a wall and get her out quietly.

Everything went smoothly praise god. Turns out Alicia was responsible for the kidnapping of Jessica.

Have a gig from Kimiko to deal with some people who won’t leave a neighborhood. Starting a gang
war with the Tong and Halloweeners.

Got a finger in a box from someone, it’s labeled as “Arnold” Plane Crash for the Elf and the Ork was
“mistaken” as a famous singer and someone tried to get him into a van. Sofia is a new fixer whose
pushing into Arnies turf, got three crews of Runners, 1 group of Orks and Trolls, 1 group: Mages and
Adepts, Last group is currently an unknown variable, group of 5, Dwarf Old School Decker male, Elf
female hermetic mage black hair shoulder length, Ork male Chromed to the gills, Human Male Car
Salesman vibe to him Face I would assume, Human(ish) male, early 20s bobblehead mother fucker
Hacker most likely. Dwarf: Shark is his handle, rigger known for extreme competency and batshit
insane motherfucker. Elf: Dancer Hermetic Mage, Lodged with Astral Space Preservation Society
(APPS Big D subsidiary, Free spirit is the leader Ibu Air) Ork, Blackjack is a floater for about 6 years
Brute/Legbreaker. Human, Tank Hawk former Corp Guy got into Running as it was supposed to be
more profitable fucking Azzie. Wheels McGinty Human, Banshee Ion Lord of the Edge, White hat in
the region made the news years back.

Sofia hired some Humanis Punks to kill us or at least probe our house. Our Fucking house.

In the aftermath of Sofia's attack on our house, it seems Alex Ross has been killed, “suicide” in result
of the plane crash this morning, Grimjack and Jackal ended up with screaming migraines for a moment
(Cranial Bombs?)

Other Team that we were hired to work with.

Bobbie Casper, Elf, Female, Hermetic Mage, ASSP

Radical Ion, Human, Male, Decker Wheels McGinty
Tank Hawk, Human, Male, Face Man
BlackJack, Ork, Male, Thug/Street Sam
Swipe, Dwarf, Male, Rigger.

My Contacts.

Rowdy: Knows that a crew has been recruiting gang members, being offered guns and gear on “loan”.
Sofia was the recruiter. About a Dozen in theory. Crew of Runners causing some violence in the area, A
local deli got fucked up.
Kimiko: One of Sofia's teams is held up Downtown in a Highrise, Blue Prints of apartment 302. Mage
Team. Contested turf.

Jackal's Contact Gunny: Very poor negotiations on Jackals part, GM fiat on the mercy here. Possible
GPS location on her team.

Joilee: Scouts live tracking a team in shonomish, not that far away, but far enough to not be an
immediate concern.

Willis Dalltree: Sofia is busting up and stealing from the small time fences and fixers. Some of her
locations of recruiting,

Yep: Some runners saw a girl being passed between cars, about two days outside of the Essos, Beefy
Dwarf and a Ork Chick with Pink Mohawk trying to casually toss a girl into a van, GMC Bulldog,
Registered to an Azzie Factory, Happy Cheesepuffs. Further Confirmation that Sofia is ruining Palmer's

Manny: No information, but he's on the hunt for Palmer's daughter.

Gang meet with the Rovers going down. Joilee's crew got eyes on a 4 man crew of Three Orks and One
Human Mage.

Hkxm30 Carbine (Stock, Shockpad, Smartgun, Skinlink), forearm snap blades x2, knife, Defiance EX
Shocker, Ceska Black Scorpion Machine Pistol, Fichetti Pain Inducer. All have commlinks.

On our ex filtration we were tagged with a tracer round. Jackal is trying to deal with this guy. He is
dead in camo on a catwalk in the middle of the road. Making our way to the Gang meat up. New
Recruits are supposed to go to the warehouse easter island warehouses by the PRC, Pyramid Scheme.
Mister cambell, recruiter, 50 year old ork male. Former Lone Star Deputy.

Hitting the Snomish Team, they had/have an Insect shaman, dealt with the artifact there, but a Portal to
the Metaplanes still dwells there. Book “The Human Animus”. Auron, Mage who works for Manny,
going to get me African Red Tea. Palmer is coming for a meet and greet. Dealt with all fo that, went to
go check on Hawk's team, got ambushed by a Runner named Norad, we have since hired him. Frank
Savage, Pusher we met early on, is giving us some solid intel. Biggest Drops Warehouse in the Docks,
Manor House in Renton, Small Apartment Brick in Bellevue, Just inside of Redmond Old Office
Building, Shonomish edge of Downtown area Retail place. Most Expensive Drops, Manor in Renton
and Bellevue, Meds and Painkillers respectively.

Truck full of bodies found by Joilee, insect imagery cleans up to reveal a huge garage, area of badness,
screaming and wailing of torment in the garage, thumping of bodies into the truck and the chittering of
insects. Cybernetic systems were attempted to be installed “Skillwires, Simrig, Datajacks” Strange
corrupted Astral Auras. Dealt with that, Jackal had a weird dream and on our way back we ran across
the Hotel he dreamed of. Astrally it's Black, Void, Absence of all but with a pin prick of light just
above. Dead elf clutching a giant ass crystal, completely desiccated, Crystal is black and quartz.
AP=Standing right in front of a brilliant light source casting horrifically long shadows into eternity and
inifinity and an entity. Something big pops, Jackal is thrown through eons of elfish history.
Jackal touches the Crystal and shit goes mad, speaking Elven (and living through Aeons of Elven
Warfare). He sees 4 Men and 3 Women (elves) surround him and zoom off into the zoid as streaks of

Lord Sauron Falls, “Blah” “Blah” “Blah” “Blah” “Blah” “Blah” “Blah” “Blah” Rise “Blah” is what he
said in elvish.

Found that several cars at the Cheesie Poof Factory just go on random autodrives periodically and
noone has actually left the place sicne they took Palmer's kid in there. And the Troll has dosed the Ork
with all the drugs, assasulting now. Secured the facility, lot of product from a Blackhill Farms, some
guy named Rosario doing a ton of dealing with Miss Fall (Presumed to be Sofia) in french, lots of gear
and vehicles being sent to the “Cove” and Jackdaw mercenaries in the facility. Ton of medical files.
Hitting the Recovery Facility in Bellevue, French security. Mark I mercenary, Hotsim rig into them.
Infiltration went well enough for a short time before we got discovered, fought three of the six guards,
and now there's roaring in the basement. Strange necromancy at work, Cybermancy on site.

Successfully evacuated Palmer's Daughter, the Insect Shaman and a missing Yak Lieutenant named Ada
who had been missing for some time and was being used as Sofia's double/proxy. Got paid 40k to
handle it all (8k split to five people). 6 more AK97s.Alex's funeral, joyous most fractious day, talking
to Brittany's dad. And they want me to hit up a reorientation camp where I will be mind fucked in
multiple ways. Trying to hack the system to say I passed.

Zombie Dog attacks, twice, first batch had a message in a bottle, one of my dads old cyber ware pieces.
This crew (18) have little pill bottles. Stuffed wild flowers found in southern washington, northern
oregon. Dad was hired by Ares Shell, Schnee Limited. (Schnee is High German for Snow). 3000 listed
members, snatch up failing companies stocks and resell. Jason Alvarez was the client or “client”.
NecroBugMancer “Repay a debt? Needs to get closer to the Orc”.

Tickets in a tin in a tree that were geocached by Ross we think. Tickets to a Lunar colony, Second
Wave tickets, Five Tickets. Letter says: Hello this is Alex, sorry for being out of contact for so long, but
Winters has made my life rather difficult, however I would like to now gather and discuss revenge
against this woman. And a neighborhood designation. Bring anyone you can trust. Winters has My dad.
Cum guzzling thunder cunt. Is a lounge/gentlemen's club that is in the recreational sector. We were
delayed a few times, a swat team attempting to arrest Null for being a terrorist (Look into later), and by
some shady motherfucker with Renraku whose offering Grimjack a chance to reclaim his lost heritage
by turning on Alex Ross.

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