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Information for CHEM/MBIO 2360 Lab Exam, Fall 2018

Monday November 26, 2018
6:30 PM
Exam duration:
You will have 1.5 hours to complete the exam and a calculator will be necessary.
To be announced on UM Learn.
The lab exam is based upon the theory in the lab manual, the data that you collected, and the
calculations that you used to analyze your data. You are not responsible for the safety
information. You do not need to memorize the amounts, concentrations or volumes of the
various chemicals that were used for the experiments. You do not need to memorize the steps of
the protocols, but you do need to understand them. You do not need to memorize chemical
structures. You do need to know purpose of the various chemicals that were used if their
purpose is made explicit in the lab manual.
Formulas and constants will be provided.

There will be no questions about the specificity constant.

The exam is comprised of multiple choice questions and a mix of short and long answer
questions. The short answer questions will either be simple calculations, or will require brief
written responses. The long answer questions will be multi-step calculations or require answers
several sentences in length.

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