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5 Y SA-3

Grado Sa 2 1/2

Se define como una limpieza en la cual se elimina toda la suciedad, óxido de laminación,
herrumbre, pintura y cualquier materia extraña de la superficie.
Se permiten pequeñas decoloraciones o sombras causadas por manchas de corrosión,
óxidos de laminación o pequeñas manchas de restos de pintura antigua.
Por lo menos un 95% de la superficie de una pulgada cuadrada, deberá estar exenta de
residuos a simple vista. El 5% restante deberá solamente mostrar sombras donde
existieron los productos antes mencionados.

A SA 2 ½ B SA 2 ½

C SA 2 ½ D SA 2 ½

Grado Sa 3

Arenado-Granallado a metal blanco: Toda la capa de laminación, todo el óxido y todas

las partículas extrañas se quitan sin dejar ningun resto de contaminante. Deberá adquirir
un color metálico uniforme y coincidir con las figuras de la designación Sa 3.

Conveyor belts are systems for transporting materials or articles in a continuous manner
that basically consist of continuously established belts, which are transported through
the movement of two drums.

Conveyor Belt - Lightweight Use

Light weight belting is used in numerous industries for a wide range of applications. For
example, the excellent gripping characteristics and low-temperature flexibility make
lightweight rubber belts an excellent choice for food processing and unit package
handling applications. The absence of any reinforcing plastic in solid extruded plastic
belts makes this type of light weight belting the most favorable option for applications
where hygiene is important, such as meat and poultry handling.

Heavy Conveyor Belts

Heavy conveyor belts refer to US-style conveyor belts that are interwoven or nonwoven
in construction, as opposed to plied European-style belts. Thanks to their construction,
US-style conveyor belts are generally more durable (with better puncture and tear
resistance) and have higher lateral rigidity than European-style belts. However, they may
be somewhat less flexible and may require higher tension in order to run properly

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