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Abase---------to look down someone,

Agglomeration ---accumulation

Abash----------to celebrate something

Appendage------as a supplement


Accursed------Under a curse



Adroit---alert, clever,dexterous

Applause ----cheering, praise

Annex ---join something

Anomaly ----abnormal, deviation from regulator

Axiomatic ----evidence without proof or proof

Amortization----depreciation –-

Affirmative –positive statement

Accolades---award of honor

Asperity ---vulgarity, coarseness, harshness, raffish

Abhorrent ----dislike, hateful

Arduous ----difficult,
Aesthete ---one who loves beauty of things. Devoted in the beauty of

Appall ---outrage ,horrify

Ameliorate –to make something better or more tolerable.

Articulate ----clear

Apprehension ----feeling of fear,

Acarpous ----nonfruitful, non productive

Antidote --- remedy, medicine that works against poision

Abysmal ----very bad

Abut -----join, adjoin, touch

Abscond ----to avoid

Affable ---friendly, amiable; easy to talk to

Acquittal ---act of declaring innocent,

Adamantly ---stubornly

Anarchy ---a stat of disorder

Abrogate ---give away, repeal,jan churana

Analogous ---similar

Attenuate ---gradually lose

Bourse====stock exchange

Bay. A darkish red color

Begrime===make dirt

Benign----kind, gentle

Buoyant---floating up

Bidder ---one who proposes prices at an auction.

Blight---disease, plight, scourge

Beguiling---charming, deceiving

Blister 0-----very insult

Belabor ----criticise

Broach ---open a bottle

Boisterous ---noisy load

Burrow –a dig inside earth

Cohesive-----------------combine, gather


Capsized off-----accident

Cannular-----a sort of tube

Cumulonimbus---type of large dark grey rain cloud

Corsage----small arrangement of flowers on clothes.

Concocted-----------cook combine

Catchment ----area in between river

Chickpeas----beans, small beans. White lobia


Cessation ---stopping

Contravene ---violate

Chorus ----group of singers

Canvas ---a hard cloth

Cognoscitive ---awareness, familiar

Condescension ---acting in a proud way. To lower someone.

Contiguous ---adjacent ,successive, touching

Camouflaging ---disguise, hide with camouflaging

Caret ---deletion mark

Contamination ----pollution

Cryptic ----secret, hidden

Caustic ---organic tissue

Counteract ----prevention

Debase-------------To lower someone

Doe ---young female dear

Deleveraging-------to reduce something

Dessect----------to examine

Diaspora----out of country



Detection ----discovery

Deluge ----flood

Denture ----artificial toot

Despotic ---tyranny

Dally -----wastage of time

Decibel ----unit of measurement

Dexterous ----cleverly. Adroit

Derelicit ---abondened, forsaken, neglected

Disparaging ---giving little importance

Deride ---mock, ridicule, sneer

Diffident --shy, timid, hesitant due to lack of confidence


Embolded----to encouraged, to make bold

Embezzled---illegally, fraud money

Enamor-----to inspire with love

Entresol---the floor just above the ground floor.


Evacuation. process of clearing people out, act of removing (from a dangerous area, war
zone, etc.); withdrawal; discharge of contents


Emollient----softnening, smooth

Elicit ---extract

Extinguished ---totally destroyed,quench, annihilate

Evanescent ---vanishing, disappearing

Enrage ----anger, exasperate

Enervate -----weaken

Enigmatic -----mysterious, puzzling

Emphatic ----forceful, stressed

Ecosystem ----a reciprocal system between living things and envoirment

Endow ---income , grant

Endrose –sanction, approval

Exasperate ---enrage

Elegy ---mourn, lamented

Francophone-----a person who speaks in French

Fascinate ----charm, attract

Fervency----feelings of great warmth

FLEDGE----grow flight feathers; raise a baby bird; cover with feathers

Fiat money----the money which has govt decree and people use it as a medium of

Fudge ----falsify. Cheat


Frivolous----silly, pitty

Flanked---to be placed at side of, to be attack from side

Fusillade ---fire with different guns at a time

Filed ----arrange in

Febrile –having symptoms of fever

Fretted ----adorn, decorated

Frugal ----economical

Forgery ---falsification, fake

Ferocity ----brutalness,

Fringe –such a boarder

Fallacious ----false

Flounder ---struggling helplessly

Exports flounded while imports begun surging.

Foragers ---hunter or a person who searches food

Grab-----grasp firmly; snatch; seize forcefully or violently
Grosteque ---strange and unpleasant

Gargoyle ----very strange

Gritted ---grind the teeth together

Gregarious -----living in group, sociable

Grudging ----unwilling

Glitches-----defect, fake

Galvanise---to stimulate something

GLIDEPATH ---aik sahe fasila


Hoodwinked ----cheat

Harbinger ---one who walks in ahead of corps, sipasalar

Horrendous –terrible

Insurgence-------uprising, rebellition

Inhale----draw in air

Intrepid ---brave, valor


Intrinsic----important, essential. Fundamental

Innocuous ----

Impecunious ----lacking of money,poor

Impermeable---can not be entered, not a vivid, unclear

Ignominious ---disgraceful, humilitating, deserving

Intruders ----one who enters by force

Insouciant ----lacking of concern, indifferent

Insularity ---lack of interest

Incumber ---weight down,hamper, hinder, impede

Indistinct ---vague, notclear

Impeccable ---faultless, perfect

Irksome ---irritating, frustrating,pest

Idiosyncratically ----unusually

Impinge ---to influence

Incursion ---an attack

Limelight----very light, centre of attention.

Lethal----cause of death, fatal

LITMUS----A piece of paper, used for checking acid.

The litmus test for checking the confidence on reforms is to see how the large
Pakistani diaspora, having huge foreign savings, reacts to the country’s policies

Lumber---move awkwardly. Not proper

Lacerate-----injured, damaged

Libel -----publish to defame someone

Loutish ----illmannered

Enigmatic---mysterious, puzzle

Lethargic ----sluggish, lacking energy

Loquacious ----very talkative

Lullaby ----song sang by elders to children at bed time

Murky----dark, gloomy

The situation on investment policies on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

(CPEC) route is still murky but the Pakistani Diaspora is hoping that this time around
they would be given a fair deal.

Lambasted ---beat harshly,rubuke strongly

Myopic===lacking sight

Mumble ---speak in a low voice,speak in unintangibly mutter

Mercenary ---hired worker

Mural ---wall like, painting on a wall

Mutinous ---disobedient , rebellious . Given to mutiny

Mutter ---soft spoken, mumble

Metamorphose ----change in nature


Malasses ----dark thick syrup producing while producing sudercane.

Moribund ---- dying, expiring

Nudge----push slightly


NOTORIETY-------------state of being hatred

Nascent --beggner


Jockey—seriousness, frivolous


Opaque ----not transperent

Plummet------drop, fall

Preserve ----keping and maintain in unaltered condition


Perturbed----concerned, alarmed; agitated, disturbed; bewildered, confused

Powell---family name of U.S. Secretary of state.

Procrastination---postponment, delay


Parched ----thirsty, dry

Plausible ---conceivable, imaginable

Plaint ----flexible,
Ponderous ----

Parsimony ---miseliness, extreme frugality

Pasture ----green plants used for grazing
Prerogative ----special quality that gives superiority to someone
Plethora ----disease, blood disease
Prevaricate ----make a false statement, speak half truth
Pest ---annoying, irksome
Prologue -----introduction
Plummet ---throw down something.
Pervade ----spread out

Overture ---piece of music that plays during performance

Opera ----musical drama in which actors sings at music

Oscillated ----movement between two things, a regular movement between two


Pulverized-----powder, cut into particles

Plageriaze----make easy

Padestrians---someone who travels on feet

Precipitous ----very steep, having high degree of inclination

Prerogative ----right, prevalage

Pungency ---heat

Pungent ---spicy

Quack ----the person who deceives others as a fake medical officer



Robin- a type of a strong bird

Rekindled----set on a fire again, again lightning

Repatriated----returning of someone home.

Ruffle---irritate,annoy disturb

Revere ----feel deep respect to

Relit ---lighten again, rekindled

Rampart ----a shelter wall

Realtors ---real state agents

Raft –a small wood which joins two boats or ships together.

Raffish ----vulger, asperity

Recalcitrant ----rebillion, Moorish, disobedient

Repugnant ----offensive, disguising

Rumbling ---loud and deep

Roil ---muddy

Repulsion ---act of repelling, act of driving away; repugnance, disgust; force that causes
two bodies to move away from one another (Physics)

Repine ---long for something

Rookie ----naïve, beginner

Rapacious -----greedy

Reprimanded ---abuse scold

Scrambled----to mix something

Silo ---airtight thing used to keep grain

Surged--------rise and fall, waves

Splendor ---brightness

Supplant-----------substitute, alternative

Sentiment-----feeling emotions

Spellbound----Having your attention

Stodgy-----stuffy, dull, unimaginative; hard to digest, heavy


Susceptible----vulnerable, prone, liable to be affected by illness; emotionally sensitive,


Spigots----a tap of

Stab ---piece of wound

Saga ---tale of hero

Stumble ---make a mistake, blunder

Sentient ---able to perceive sensation, sensitive in perception or feeling

Succumb---fail to resist pressure, out of worship

Sublimity ----lofty, high

Spooking -----weaken, fearful

Sparse ---thinly scattered, not crowded, widely spaced; scanty, few

Sedulous ----careful, meticulous, attentive

Shambles ----disorder

Sedative ----drugs that cause sleep

Staunch –marham on a running lood.

Stoop ---bend the body upward and downward

Trotting===move briskly

Twilight-----soft light just before sunlight


Tome ---large book

Tailspin ---destroy

Travesty---a false appearance of something or representing something falsely

Temerity ---boldness, rashness, impetuosity

Tractable -----obedient , submissive

Tantamount ---equal

Transient ----temporary , impermanent

Trepidation ---trembling movement

Tirade ----rebuke

Thwarted ----frustrated, tense, impede, prevent

Tungsten ---metal

Toy ---

Tyranny ---unchecked use of power



Valor---intrepid, brave

Vex ---anger, irritate, exasperate; shake up, disturb; puzzle, confuse and concern; cause
mental suffering, afflict, cause suffering, torment ; debate, argue a question, discuss at

Verdant----green with vegetation

VERDICT----Decision made by court

Vassalage---condition of being sub ordinate,

Vehemently----intesively, passionately

Veneration ----great respect

Viscous- ----sticky and thin

Veneration ---respect, feeling of great respect

Vindicate –justify . acquit, exonerate, absolve

Tantamount-----------equal to, equvivalent

Throattle---------strange. Decrease

Tabloid-----newspaper provides news of a certain issue

Wooeing----------look for, court

Whimsical--------determined by chance

Wield----Handle with skill, attempt, solve


Wobble—move from side to side

Whey ----waterly part of milk squeezed from milk.

Waive ---forgo or relinqueish

Waive----insist upon

Whimsical ----predictable

Asperity ===smoothness

Ignominious ----honoured

Evanescent ---permanent

Transient ---eternal

Enrage ---infuriate, anger, exasperate

Evanescent ---eternal.

Transient ---permanent

Acarpous ----barren.

Sublimity ----baseness

Loutish ----sophisticated.

Enigmatic ----easy to understand

Enervate ----invigorate

Toy ----think over seriously

Quack ---true practioner

Fringe ---center

Fallacious ---valid

Cryptic -----self-explanatory

Veneration ----derion

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