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Blockchain Coding: The Many different

Languages You Need!

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Blockchain Coding: The Many different Languages You Need!
The blockchain technology is incredibly fascinating. It won’t be
far-fetched to think of a future which will be built entirely on it.
So, what do you need to learn in order to start developing on
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So, what do you need to learn in order to start developing on
the blockchain? Which languages will give you the edge? In
this guide, we will go through some of the more major ones.

Problems with developing blockchain software

Before we begin, let’s checkout some of the challenges that a

blockchain developer faces. Creating and maintaining a public
blockchain is not easy because of a number of reasons.

(Before we continue, a huge shoutout to David Schwartz

for his keynote address regarding C++ use in blockchain
software development in CPPCON 2016.)

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Blockchain Coding: The Many different
Languages You Need!

Reason #1: Security

Blockchains, as David Schwartz puts it, should be fortresses.
Firstly, the code is public and open for all to see. Anyone can
look over the code and check for bugs and vulnerabilities.
However, unlike other open code resources, the downside of
finding vulnerabilities on blockchain code is massive. Any
programmer can hack in and get away with potentially millions
and millions of dollars. Because of these legitimate security
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and millions of dollars. Because of these legitimate security
concerns, development on blockchain is usually very slow.

Reason #2: Resource Management

It is important to keep pace with the network. You cannot fall
too far behind and not keep up with all the network demands.
You should be well equipped to handle remote and local

Reason #3: Performance

The blockchain must always perform at its highest possible
capabilities, but for that to happen the language chosen must
be extremely versatile. The thing is that there are certain tasks
in the blockchain which are parallelizable whilst there are some
tasks which can’t be done in parallel.

A good example of “parallelizable” task is digital signature

verification. All that you need for signature verification is the
key, transaction and the signature. With just three data you can
conduct verifications in a parallelized manner.

However, not all the functions on a blockchain should be done

that way. Think of transaction execution itself. Multiple
transactions can’t be executed in parallel; it needs to be done
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transactions can’t be executed in parallel; it needs to be done
one at a time to avoid errors like double spends. Some
languages are good at parallel operations while some are
good in non-parallel operations.

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Reason #4: Isolation

What is deterministic behavior?

If A + B = C, then no matter what the circumstances, A+B will

always be equal to C. That is called deterministic behavior.
Hash functions are deterministic, meaning A’s hash will
always be H(A).

So, in blockchain development, all transaction operations must

be deterministic. You cannot have a transaction that behaves
one way and then behaves another way the next day. Similarly,
you cannot have smart contracts that work in two different
ways in two different machines.
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The only solution to this is isolation. Basically you isolate your
smart contracts and transactions from non-deterministic

So, we have discussed the main problems that blockchain

developers face. Now let’s finally check out some of the
languages that the developers can use to code on the

Language #1: C++

First and foremost, let’s start with the granddaddy of them all,
the evergreen C++. C++ was created by Bjarne Stroustrup as
an extension of the C language. The Language was designed to
have the flexibility and efficiency of the C but with some major
differences. The biggest difference between C and C++ is that
while C is process-oriented, C++ is object oriented.

What this means is that, in C++, the data and functions are
wrapped into one neat little package called “objects” which
means that once an object is created, it can easily be called and
reused in other programs, which greatly reduces coding time.

Let’s look at the simplest C++ program in the world. The

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Let’s look at the simplest C++ program in the world. The
“Hello World” program:

#include <iostream.h>


cout << "Hello World!";

return 0;

This code will print: Hello World!

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This code will print: Hello World!

So, why do people still use C++ for coding? Surely there are
way more glamorous languages now, why do people still insist
on going back to C++? Why is the bitcoin blockchain coded
on C++?

Well, as it happens, C++ has certain features that makes it very

appealing. (Shout out Peter Wiulle and David Schwartz for the
following explanation).

Feature #1: Memory Control

Remember what we said earlier about the challenges of
blockchain development? Not only should blockchains be
secured fortresses but they should have effective resource
management as well. A blockchain is supposed to interact with
a lot of untrusted endpoints while still giving quick service to
any and all nodes.

This quick and prompt service is critical for the success of a

cryptocurrency like bitcoin. Remember, they are all based on
the principle of “consensus”, all nodes on the network must
accept and reject the exact same blocks, or else there could be
a fork in the chain.
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a fork in the chain.

In order to satisfy all these demands and perform at the

highest level, you need tight and complete control over CPU
and memory usage. C++ gives that to its users.

Feature #2: Threading

As we have discussed before, one of the main challenges of the
blockchain programming is the integration of tasks that
parallelize well and the tasks that don’t parallelize. Most
languages specialize in one, however C++’s threading ability is
good enough to handle both parallel and non-parallel tasks. A
thread is a set of instructions that can be executed
simultaneously. Not only does C++ allow fir superb
multithreading facilities with effective inter-thread
communication, it also optimizes single-thread performance.

Feature #3: Move Semantics

One of the most interesting aspects of C++ is move semantics.
Move semantics provides a way for the contents to be moved
between objects rather than be copied outright. Let’s checkout
the differences between copy semantics and move semantics.
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the differences between copy semantics and move semantics.
(Following data taken from Peter Alexander’s answer in

Copy Semantics:

assert(b == c);
a = b;
assert(a == b && b == c);

So what is happening here? The value of b goes into a and b

remains unchanged at the end of the whole thing.

Now, consider this.

Move Semantics:

assert( b = = c);
move (a,b);
assert (a = =c );

What is happening here?

Can you see the difference between the two blocks of codes?
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Can you see the difference between the two blocks of codes?

When we are using the move semantics, the value of “b” need
not be the unchanged. That is the difference between copy
semantics and move semantics. The biggest advantage of
move semantics is that you can get copies of certain data only
when you need them, which greatly decreases redundancy in
the code and gives a huge performance boost. So as you can
see, this efficient memory management and high performance
are both desirable for the blockchain.

Feature #4: Compile Time Polymorphism

What is polymorphism?

Remember when we called C++ an “object oriented

programming (OOP) language”? Polymorphism happens to be
an OOP property. Using polymorphism, you use a particular
feature in more than one ways. In C++ polymorphism can be
used in two ways:

Compile time polymorphism.

Run time polymorphism.

Over here, we will only be focusing on compile time

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polymorphism. There are two ways that C++ implements
compile time polymorphism:

Function Overloading.
Operator Overloading.

Function Overloading:

Function overloading is when you have many functions of the

same name but with different parameter intake.

Consider this program:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

class A

void func (int x) //first instance of the f

unction takes only one integer value

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void func (double x) //second instance of t

he function takes only one double value


void func (int x, int y) //third instance of

the function takes two integer values


int main()

A obj1 //making one object of the class A

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A obj1 //making one object of the class A

//now we are going to call the functions




return 0;

Now when you run this function the output will be:


So, as you can see, the same function func() was used in 3
different ways.

Operator Overloading:

In C++ the same operator can have more than one meaning.
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Eg. “+” can be used both for mathematical addition and for
Concatenation basically means taking two strings and
combining them as one.
So 3+4 = 7.


Block+geeks = Blockgeeks.
The same operator, did two different functions, this is
operator overloading.

The Compile time polymorphism helps a lot in blockchain

development. It helps in putting responsibilities separately in
various functions and, in turn, boosting the performance of the
whole system.

Feature #5: Code Isolation

C++ has namespace features which can be imported from one
program to another. Namespace helps in avoiding name
collisions. Also, since C++ has classes, it can act as boundaries
between various APIs and help in making clear separation.

A class in C++ is a user defined type or data structure declared

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A class in C++ is a user defined type or data structure declared
with keyword class that has data and functions as its members.
You can access the functions declared in the class by declaring
objects of that particular class.

Feature #6: Maturity

The language is both mature and regularly updated. There are
at least 3 solid compilers, as David Schwartz says, and the new
features are aimed at solving real issues. Debuggers and
analytical tools of all kinds are available for everything from
performance profiling to automatic detection of issues of all
kinds. This means the language is constantly growing to
incorporate newer and better features.

Because of the above features, Satoshi Nakamoto chose C++

to be the base language of the bitcoin source code.

Language #2: Javascript

Up next we have Javascript.

Along with HTML and CSS it is one of the three core

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Along with HTML and CSS it is one of the three core
technologies in World Wide Web Content Production.
Javascript is usually used to create highly interactive webpages.
So, now we will see how to create a very simple blockchain
using Javascript. Huge shoutout to for the content in
this section.

Suppose, we want to create a simple blockchain in Javascript.

Before we do so, there are certain things that we need to

What is a blockchain and how exactly does it work…code-


A blockchain is basically a chain of blocks which contain data. It

is basically a glorified linked list. However, what makes it so
special? A blockchain is immutable. Meaning, once a data goes
inside a block, it can never be changed. How does a blockchain
attain immutability? It is because of a simple but ingenious
mechanism called “hashing”. Checkout the diagram below:

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Image Courtesy: Lauri Hartikka medium article

Each block is connected to the previous block via a hash

pointer which contains the hash of the previous block. So, how
does this make the chain immutable?

One of the most fascinating properties of cryptographic hash

functions is that if you even change the input by a little bit, it
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functions is that if you even change the input by a little bit, it
can greatly affect the output hash. Eg. Check this out:

Just changing the first “T” from upper to lower case drastically
changed the output hash so much.
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So, how does this affect the blockchain?

Each block is connected to the previous one via the hash

pointer. So, if someone were to tamper the data in a block, it
would change the hash drastically and as a result, end up
affecting the whole chain (as all the blocks are linked). This
would freeze up the chain which is an impossibility and hence
the blocks remain unchanged.

So, how do we make a block? What does a simple block consist

of? In our simple cryptocoin that we are going to make (Let’s
call it “BlockGeeksCoin”), each block will have the following
pieces of information:

Index: To know the block number.

Timestamp: To know the time of creation.
Data: The data inside the block.
Previous Hash: The hash of the previous block.
Hash: The Hash of the current block.

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Before we continue. You need to understand certain terms
that we are going to use in our program:

this: The “this” keyword is invoked inside a function and

enables you to access the values inside a specific object that
calls that particular function.

Constructor: A constructor is a special function which can

help create and initialize an object within a class. Each class is
restricted to only one constructor.

Now that that’s done, let’s start making our block.

Creating the Block

const SHA256 = require("crypto-js/sha256");

class Block

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constructor(index, timestamp, data, previo
usHash = '')

this.index = index;

this.previousHash = previousHash;

this.timestamp = timestamp; = data;

this.hash = this.calculateHash();


return SHA256(this.index + this.previousHash

+ this.timestamp + JSON.stringify(

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Code Analysis

Ok, so this right here is out block. So, in the first line of the
code we called the crypto-js library because the sha256 hash
function is not available in JavaScript.

Next, we invoked a constructor inside the class to call for

objects which will have certain values. The thing that probably
catches your eye is the calculateHash() function. Let’s see what
exactly is it doing.

In a block, we take all the contents and hash them to get the
hash of that particular block. We are using the JSON.stringify
function to turn the data of the block into string to hash it.

Ok, so we have the block ready and good to go. Now let’s
connect the blocks together into a blockchain.

Creating the blockchain

class Blockchain
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class Blockchain

//Section 1 Genesis block creation


this.chain = [this.createGenesisBlock()];


return new Block(0, "01/01/2017", "Genesis bloc

k", "0");

//section 2 adding new blocks


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return this.chain[this.chain.length - 1];

addBlock(newBlock) {

newBlock.previousHash = this.getLatestBlock

newBlock.hash = newBlock.calculateHash();


//section 3 validating the chain


for (let i = 1; i < this.chain.length; i++)

const currentBlock = this.chain[i];

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const previousBlock = this.chain[i - 1];

if (currentBlock.hash !== currentBlock.calcu

lateHash()) {

return false;

if (currentBlock.previousHash !== previousBl


return false;

return true;

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Code Analysis

Ok, so a lot of things are going on in the chain above, let’s

break it down to sections.

Section 1: The Genesis Block

What is the genesis block?

The genesis block is the first block of the blockchain, and the
reason why it is special is because while every bock points to
the block previous to it, the genesis block doesn’t point at
anything. So, the moment a new chain is created, the genesis
block is invoked immediately. Also, you can see a
“createGenesisBlock()” function wherein we have given the data
of the block manually:


return new Block(0, “01/01/2017”, “Genesis block”, “0”);

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Now that we have built the genesis block, let’s build the rest of
the chain.

Section 2: Adding The Blocks

Firstly, we will need to know what the last block in the
blockchain currently is. For that we use the getLatestBlock()


return this.chain[this.chain.length - 1];

Now that we have determined the latest blo

ck, let’s see how we are going to add new

addBlock(newBlock) {
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addBlock(newBlock) {

newBlock.previousHash = this.getLatestBlock

newBlock.hash = newBlock.calculateHash();


So, what is happening here? How are we adding the blocks?

How are we checking if the given block is valid or not?

Remember the contents of a block?

A block has the hash of the previous block right?

So, what we are going to do here is simple. Compare the

previousHash value of the new block with the hash value of the
latest block.

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Image Courtesy: Lauri Hartikka medium article

If these two values match, then this means that the new block is
legit and it gets added to the blockchain.

Section 3: Validating the Chain

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Now, we need to check that nobody has been messing with our
blockchain and that everything is stable.

We are using the “for” loop to go from the block 1 to the last
block. Genesis block is block 0.

for (let i = 1; i < this.chain.length; i++)

const currentBlock = this.chain[i];

const previousBlock = this.chain[i - 1];

In this part of the code we are defining t

wo terms, current block and previous block.
And now we are simply going to find the
hash of these two values.

if (currentBlock.hash !== currentBlock.calcu

lateHash()) {

return false;
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if (currentBlock.previousHash !== previousBl


return false;

return true;

If the “previousHash” of the current block is not equal to the

“Hash” of the previous block, then this function will return
False, else it will return True.

Using the blockchain

Now, we are going to finally use the blockchain to create our
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let BlockGeeksCoin = new Blockchain();

BlockGeeksCoin.addBlock(new Block(1, “20/07/2017”, {
amount: 4 }));
BlockGeeksCoin.addBlock(new Block(2, “20/07/2017”, {
amount: 8 }));

And that’s it!

So what happened here?

We created a new cryptocurrency based on the blockchain and

named it BlockGeeksCoin. By invoking this new object, I
activated the constructor, which in turn created the Genesis
block automatically.

We simply added two more blocks to it and gave them some


It is that simple.

(Thank you for the amazing and simple explanation.)

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Language #3: Python
Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer, created Python back
in 1991. Python is based on a simple philosophy: Simplicity
and Minimalism. One of the more notable ways that they
incorporated simplicity into their language is by using white
spaces to signify code blocks instead of curly brackets or
keywords. Let’s see what this means.

Let’s checkout a simple “hello world” program.

print(‘Hello, world!’)

Yup, that’s it!

Compare that to the C++ “hello world” program.

See how less complicated it is in comparison? How about we

do something a little more complicated? Let’s say we are
adding two numbers and printing the result.
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num1 = 1.5

num2 = 6.3

sum = float(num1) + float(num2)

print(‘The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}’.format(num1, num2,


And that’s it.

The output of this program will be:

The sum of 1.5 and 6.3 is 7.8

So, let’s up the ante. How are we going to program an entire

blockchain using Python? The following data and code is taken
from Gerald Nash’s article in Medium.

Creating the block

Firstly, let’s make our block:
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import hashlib as hasher

class Block:
def __init__(self, index, timestamp, data, pr
self.index = index
self.timestamp = timestamp = data
self.previous_hash = previous_hash
self.hash = self.hash_block()

def hash_block(self):
sha = hasher.sha256()
sha.update(str(self.index) +
str(self.timestamp) +
str( +
return sha.hexdigest()
Code Analysis

We are starting off by importing the hash library to use the

SHA 256 hash finctions (quite like Javascript).

Just like before, the block has the same value:

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Previous hash.

Once against, we are filling up the hash values via a function,

same as before.

Creating the genesis block

Now, let’s create the Genesis block:

import datetime as date

def create_genesis_block():

return Block(0,, “Genesis Block”,


Code Analysis

We have imported datetime to put in the timestamp.

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We have imported datetime to put in the timestamp.

We simply generated the genesis block and manually given it

some data to work with. The previous hash value is “0” because
it is pointing to no other block.

Creating the rest of the blocks

Now let’s define how the subsequent blocks will be created.

def next_block(last_block):
this_index = last_block.index + 1
this_timestamp =
this_data = "Hey! I'm block " + str(this_index
this_hash = last_block.hash
return Block(this_index, this_timestamp,
this_data, this_hash)

Code Analysis

So, how are we going to be determining the values of each and

every piece of data inside each and every block?

The block index is simple the index of the last block + 1.

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The block index is simple the index of the last block + 1.

The timestamp is the current date and time.

The data of the block is a simple message: “Hey! I’m block

<index number>”.

Hash we are calculating using the function we definted earlier.

And ultimately, we are returning all these values to the block.

Creating the blockchain

Finally, let’s create the blockchain.

blockchain = [create_genesis_block()]
previous_block = blockchain[0]

num_of_blocks_to_add = 15

for i in range(0, num_of_blocks_to_add):

block_to_add = next_block(previous_block
previous_block = block_to_add
# Tell everyone about it!
print "Block #{} has been added to the blockchain!".fo
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print "Hash: {}n".format(block_to_add.hash)
Code Analysis

Firstly, we create the genesis block and give its value to


Then we determine how many blocks to add, in this example

we are going with 15.

So we are running a loop that goes till 15 and adds each and
every block to the blockchain. At the end of the look we are
printing which number block has been added to the blockchain
via showing their index number. Plus, we are printing the Hash
as well.

This is what the output will look like:

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Image Courtesy: Gerald Nash Medium Article

Obviously in both this and the javascript you could add more
complicated features like Proof Of Work. If you want to learn
how to implement that then it is highly recommended to go
through Gerald Nash’s article. But for now, you at least know
how to create a simple blockchain in Python.

Language #4: Solidity

Finally, we come to Solidity. For anyone who wants learn how
to make DAPPs (Decentralized Applications) or get into the
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to make DAPPs (Decentralized Applications) or get into the
ICO game, learning Solidity is an absolute must. We already
have a detailed guide on it which you can read here. However,
here we are going to give you a basic overview. Solidity was
developed by Gavin Wood, Christian Reitwiessner, Alex
Beregszaszi, Yoichi Hirai and several former Ethereum core
contributors to enable writing smart contracts on blockchain
platforms such as Ethereum.

Solidity is a purposefully slimmed down, loosely-typed

language with a syntax very similar to ECMAScript (Javascript).
There are some key points to remember from the Ethereum
Design Rationale document, namely that we are working within
a stack-and-memory model with a 32-byte instruction word
size, the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) gives us access to the
program “stack” which is like a register space where we can
also stick memory addresses to make the Program Counter
loop/jump (for sequential program control), an expandable
temporary “memory” and a more permanent “storage” which is
actually written into the permanent blockchain, and most
importantly, the EVM requires total determinism within the
smart contracts.

So, before we continue, let’s checkout a basic Solidity contract

example. (Codes taken from github).
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example. (Codes taken from github).

Let’s run a simple while loop in solidity:

contract BasicIterator

address creator; // reserve one "address"-type


uint8[10] integers; // reserve a chunk of s

torage for 10 8-bit unsigned integers in an

function BasicIterator()

creator = msg.sender;

uint8 x = 0;

//Section 1: Assigning values

while(x < integers.length) {

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integers[x] = x;


} }

function getSum() constant returns (uint)


uint8 sum = 0;

uint8 x = 0;

//Section 2: Adding the integers in an arra


while(x < integers.length) {

sum = sum + integers[x];


return sum;

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// Section 3: Killing the contract

function kill()

if (msg.sender == creator)


So, let’s analyse.

Section 1: Assigning Values

In the first step we are filling up an array called “integers” which
takes in 10 8-bit unsigned integers. The way we are doing it is
via a while loop. Let’s look at what is happening inside the
while loop.
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while(x < integers.length) {

integers[x] = x;


Remember, we have already assigned a value of “0” to the

integer x. The while loop goes from 0 to integers.length.
Integers.length is a function which returns the max capacity of
the array. So, if we decided that an array will have 10 integers,
arrayname.length will return a value of 10. In the loop above,
the value of x goes from 0 – 9 (<10) and assigns the value of
itself to the integers array as well. So, at the end of the loop,
integers will have the following value:


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Section 2: Adding the array content
Inside the getSum() function we are going to add up the
contents of the array itself. The way are going to do it is by
repeating the same while loop as above and using the variable
“sum” to add the contents of the array.

Section 3: Killing the contract

This function kills the contract and sends the remaining funds
in the contract back to the contract creator.

When asked about what was the inspiration and motivation

behind creating solidity, Dr. Gavin Woods said this:

“It [Solidity] was meant to be a sophisticated tool for

developing contracts that could ultimately give both
developers and users good information on what the
code did. To help this along, I devised NatSpec, a
contract-friendly documentation format, and made that
a first-class citizen in Solidity. I also proposed a formal
proofing language subset (not yet implemented) in
order to maximise the kinds of correctness guarantees
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order to maximise the kinds of correctness guarantees
that could be made.

I introduced events as a first class citizen into the Solidity

language in order to provide a nice abstraction for LOGs
similar in form to function calls. Inspiration for that came from
the Qt meta-object system’s “signals”.

One later feature that Christian R. and I figured out together

was function modifiers; that allows attributes placed as part of
a function signature to make some modifications to the
apparent function body. Being a very declarative means of
expression, it’s an idiom that falls nicely into the contract-
oriented programming space.”

Blockchain Coding: Conclusion

In this article we have only covered 4 languages for blockchain
coding that are used in developing in and around the
blockchain. In reality there are many many more languages
that you can potentially use (Java, Go). If you are a
programmer, then the possibilities for you are truly endless. As
the world becomes more and more decentralized and
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the world becomes more and more decentralized and
blockchain becomes more and more mainstream, the future for
you is definitely limitless.

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cvsk kris 8 months ago 0

hi pdp , nice comments. Need some advice. I am not new to programming and
have been programming for well over 10 yrs . If i want to get into block chain ,
mainly developing smart contracts application what’s the best way forward /
learning path . I have some ideas i feel passionately about that i think could use
smart contracts to remove unnecessary human overhead and inefficiencies ,so
eventually i want to develop an application that uses smart contracts and gets
real world work done. Is the learning curve too long to learn the subject and then
start or is it best to gather capital and hire people .

Kevin Schmidt 7 months ago 0

pdp, please enlighten us, oh trollish critic of all blockchain languages. What the
hell is the right path?
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hell is the right path?

ruby rails ninja 5 months ago 0

Hi !

nice post thanks you .. I am a little disappointed to not see ruby and rails .. I use
them to code in both bitcoin and ether blockchains

Kelsey H 3 months ago 0

“Now when you run this function the output will be:


Wouldn’t the last be output be 5? How could the function below that executes
x=y on (2, 5) return 7?!!

void func (int x, int y) //third instance of the function takes two integer values


Also, could you explain this sentence?:

W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL "The CompileAPI!

PDF creation time polymorphism helps a lot in blockchain development. It helps
"The Compile time polymorphism helps a lot in blockchain development. It helps
in putting responsibilities separately in various functions and, in turn, boosting
the performance of the whole system."

Is this really that much faster than declaring separate functions?! Seems like an
extremely easy way to confuse and shoot yourself in the foot.

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