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Chapter 8

Bessel Functions

In cylindrical coordinates (ρ, φ, z) Laplace’s equation is

2 1 ∂ ∂Φ 1 ∂ 2Φ ∂ 2Φ
∇ Φ= ρ + 2 2 + 2 = 0. (8.1)
ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ ρ ∂φ ∂z
This equation has separable solutions of the form Φ = R(ρ)Q(φ)Z(z). The one-dimensional
equations in the φ, z coordinates are of the simplest type
d2 Z
− k 2 Z = 0, (8.2)
dz 2
d2 Q
+ ν 2 Q = 0, (8.3)
and all the complications are in the radial equation
d2 R 1 dR 2 ν2
+ + k − R = 0. (8.4)
dρ2 ρ dρ ρ2
Putting x = kρ, this becomes the standard Bessel equation
d2 R 1 dR ν2
+ + 1− 2 R=0 (8.5)
dx2 x dx x
In this chapter we deal only with solutions in the full azimuthal domain 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π.
Consequently the index ν takes on integer values and corresponds precisely to the index m
of the spherical harmonics. However, we use the notation ν because non-integer values will
be encountered later.
When k = 0 the solutions do not depend on z and the problem is in effect two-
dimensional. We already know that in this case the radial functions are simply ρν and ρ−ν
for ν 6= 0, and they are 1 and ln ρ for ν = 0.
For k 6= 0 there are solutions that resemble sin(kx) and cos(kx), known as the Bessel
functions Jν (kρ), and solutions that resemble exp(ikx) and exp(−ikx), known as the Han-
kel functions Hν(1) (kρ) and Hν(2) (kρ). The Hankel functions will be used later, in radiation
problems. Thus all we need for now are the Bessel functions for integer m.

8.1 Bessel functions of integer order
The functions Jm (kρ) are the analogues of the associated Legendre functions Plm (cos θ) ,
except that k is a continuous index (unlike l), if the domain of definition is 0 ≤ ρ ≤ ∞.
As in the case of Plm and Pl−m , negative values of m give nothing new and we can choose
J−m (kρ) = (−1)m Jm (kρ). The functions Jm have series expansions and recursion relations
(given later), but there is no Rodrigues formula for them, since they are not reducible to
polynomials. Instead, there is the very useful integral representation
1 Z 2π dϕ
Jm (x) = m exp (ix cos ϕ − imϕ) , (8.6)
i 0 2π
that can be written in many other ways, including
Z π dϕ
Jm (x) = cos (x cos ϕ − mϕ) . (8.7)
0 π
Closely related to these formulas (through Fourier’s theorem) is the generating function

exp(ikρ cos ϕ) = im eimϕ Jm (kρ). (8.8)

The useful lore about Bessel functions includes a large number of special integrals that
we will discuss as needed. We note here only the orthogonality and normalization integral
over the domain (0, ∞)
Z ∞ 1
Jm (kρ)Jm (k 0 ρ) ρ dρ = δ(k − k 0 ). (8.9)
0 k
Successive Jm functions have interlacing zeros and maxima, like the Legendre func-
tions. It is important to remember that Jm (x) behaves like xm for small x, so it is regular
at the origin.
For a given m2 there is also the “second solution” of the Bessel differential equation,
which for small x behaves like x−m for m > 0 and like ln x for m = 0. Its standard form is
known as the Neumann function, or the Bessel function of the second kind, and is denoted
with Nm (x) by some authors, Ym (x) by others. It is discussed further here below. It is used
in problems where ρ = 0 is not part of the domain.
We close this section by writing down the general “interior” solutions of the Laplace
equations in cylindrical polar coordinates. They are, for k > 0,
e±kz e±imφ Jm (kρ), (8.10)
and represent standing waves in the radial direction, evanescent waves in the z direction. If
instead of the Laplace equation we had solved the Helmholtz equation, ∇2 ψ = −(ω/c)2 ψ,
the solutions would be
e±ikz z e±imφ Jm (kρ ρ) (8.11)
with kz2 + kρ2 = (ω/c)2 .

8.2 General Bessel and Hankel functions
Many properties of the Bessel functions hold for any value of the index ν and are sometimes
easier to discuss for non-integer ν.

• Series expansions. For a given ν 2 , the two solutions

 ν X  2n
x ∞
(−1)n x
Jν (x) = , (8.12)
2 n=0 n!Γ(n + ν + 1) 2
 −ν X  2n
x ∞
(−1)n x
J−ν (x) = , (8.13)
2 n=0 n!Γ(n − ν + 1) 2
are linearly independent, except when ν is an integer (note that the Γ function of a
negative integer, or zero, is infinite). To avoid this difficulty, one defines the Neumann
Jν (x) cos νπ − J−ν (x)
Nν (x) = , (8.14)
sin νx
which remains finite in the limit ν → integer.

• Hankel functions are defined as

Hν(1) (x) = Jν (x) + iNν (x), (8.15)

Hν(2) (x) = Jν (x) − iNν (x). (8.16)

Compare exp(±ix) = cos x ± i sin x.

• Recursion relations that hold for Jν as well as for Nν , Hν(1) , Hν(2) are

Jν−1 + Jν+1 = Jν , (8.17)
Jν−1 − Jν+1 = 2 . (8.18)
They are useful to compute integrals, but are numerically unstable as step-up relations.

• The behavior for small x can be read from the series (see J3.89-90). Note however the
special case  
2 x
N0 (x) → ln + γ , (8.19)
π 2
where γ ' 0.5772 is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.

• The asymptotic behavior for x >> ν is

2 νπ π
Jν (x) ∼ Nν−1 (x) ∼ cos(x − − ). (8.20)
πx 2 4

• Of special interest for fields confined inside a conducting cylinder are the zeroes of
Jm (x). They are tabulated by Jackson. The orthogonality and normalization relations
over a finite domain are also given. These relations are of interest to people who
play (round) drums. They will also be useful to discuss the propagation of waves in
cylindrical fibers and waveguides (when we get to it).

8.3 Modified Bessel functions

If we are going to make “virtual photons” out of the solutions of the wave equation

e±ikz z e±imφ Jm (kρ ρ), (8.21)

all we have to require in the zero-frequency limit is that kz2 + kρ2 = 0. Clearly, in addition to
the option kz = ik, kρ = k, we have the option kz = k, kρ = ik, which gives the electrostatic
e±ikz e±imφ Im (kρ), (8.22)
where, by definition,
Im (x) = i−m Jm (ix) (8.23)
is a modified Bessel function. I0 (x) resembles cosh x, I1 (x) resembles sinh x. Every Im is well-
behaved at the origin, but not at infinity: thus these functions are to be used for “interior”
problems. The standard “second solution” is the modified Hankel function
π m+1 (1)
Km (x) = i Hm (ix). (8.24)
This blows up at the origin and vanishes at infinity: thus it is to be used for “exterior”
problems. The above definitions are valid for any ν, not just for integer values m. The
prefactors are chosen to make Iν (x) and Kν (x) real for real ν and x.


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