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Analysis of code mixing used in Tonight Show on April 12 2017

N. P. A. Pebriyanti1

English Education Post Graduate Program, Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja


This research analyzed the code – mixing used in the conversation in Tonight Show on
April 12 2017. This study the researcher tried to find the answer of the research question about
“How the code – mixing is used in interaction in Tonight Show TV program on April 12 2017?”
The researcher also expected to provide information needed by everyone in studying code-mixing,
thus they would get more understanding about types of code-mixing the researcher used qualitative
analysis methods. This case because the researcher takes the conversation to be analyzed, which
is in the form video. In addition, the researcher used transcription conventional to transcribe the
conversation in the text form. The researcher took some procedures in analyzing the data. Those
are: First, the data was gained through the conversations which were recorded and transcribed.
Second, the types of code-mixing that mostly occurred in the conversations were classified. After
the analysis process was done, the research found that about 95.45 % code – mixing is classified
as insertion, 4.55 % is classified as alternation and 0% of congruent lexicalization. It can be seen
that insertion is commonly used by the artists. None of the utterances show the use of congruent

Key words: Sociolinguistics, Code – mixing, Informal, Artists

1. Introduction
Language is closely related to the way people communicate from one to another. Thus, in
language learning process, we are also bound to the society people with different ways of
communication. In Linguistics, there is a study learning about human and society, it is known as
Sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistic is part of linguistics which is concerned with language as a social
and cultural phenomenon Trudgill in Yuliana et. Al (2015). In other word, Sociolinguistics is a
study that focuses on the phenomena that happen in social life related to the language which is

Language in society will pass the language development including a double and a mixture
to form code-mixing. People who are studying a language must be familiar with a code. A code
is a symbol of nationalism that is used by people to communicate in a particular language, dialect,
an accent or a style on different occasions and for different purposes. Bokamba (1989) in
Ayeomoni (2006) states that Code-mixing is the embedding of various linguistic units such as
affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound morphemes), phrases and clauses from a co-
operative activity where the Participants, in order to infer what is intended, must reconcile what
they hear with what they understand. It means that code-mixing is a part of sociolinguistics that
discusses bilingual and multilingual. Code-mixing is an incorporation language in accordance with
the rules by which to be heard and understood by the users of these languages.

In this era, code -mixing has become an interesting phenomenon to study in particular of
language usage in society, since it is part of development process and use multiple languages (or
bilingual) or a mixture of (multi-lingual). During the communication, some people tend to mix
their language. The mixing of languages can occur almost in every daily conversation, in the
formal or informal situation. It happens because there is no suitable expression in the language
being used, so it is necessary to use word or expression from another language. Sometimes, people
easily understand the expression that have been taken from other language. Hoffmann in Yuliana (2015) explains several reasons why bilinguals and multilingual mix their language. It is done
to range the particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, repetition
used for clarification, intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor and expressing
group entity.

Code-mixing is typically divided into three main types – insertion (word or phrase),
alternation (clause) and congruent lexicalization (dialect) – and the most common occurrence of
code-mixing variants in society is insertional code-mixing (Muysken, 2000). What means about
insertion is insertion of material (lexical items or entire constituents) from one language into a
structure of the other language. Alternation means the alternation between structures from
languages. The last is congruent lexicalization of material from different lexical inventories into a
shared grammatical structure: (1) Insertion: Insertion is the process of code-mixing which is
conceived as something akin to borrowing: the insertion of an alien lexical or phrasal category into
a given structure. (2) Alternation: It occurs between clauses meaning that alternation is used when
speaker mixes his or her language with a phrase. (3) Congruent lexicalization is the influence of
dialect within language use.
It is interesting for the researcher to do research related to the code- mixing that is used in
communication. Through this research, the researcher tried to find the answer of the research
question about “How the code – mixing is used in interaction in Tonight Show TV program on
April 12 2017?” The researcher also expected to provide information needed by everyone in
studying code-mixing, thus they would get more understanding about types of code-mixing.

2. Literature Review
2.1 Sociolinguistic

Sociolinguistics is the study of the language function in a social context and the development
of language in society. Sociolinguistic is part of linguistics which is concerned with language as a
social and cultural phenomenon Trudgill (1974 in Yuliana et. Al 2015). It means that
sociolinguistics is a study that focuses on the phenomena that happen in social life related to the
language which is used. This is also supported by Noam Chomsky in Romaine (2000), states that
sociolinguistics focus on differences in the use of language in society so that an object can be the
object language learning another language. From the statement it is clear that sociolinguistics is
the study of language use in a society that does not focus on the composition of sentence structure
but focuses on differences in language use and language development in society. It is not only the
organizational structure of the language, but also how the language is used in society and
familiarize people to use the language that is used in accordance with the appropriate
developmental and level in society. It can be concluded that sociolinguistics is the study of the
development and the level of use of language in a society in which there is a discussion about
bilingual and multilingual discussion of incorporation language in accordance with the rules and
are not in accordance with the rules but is used by the community and accepted by society well
studied in the code-switching and code-mixing.

2.2 Bilingualism

A speech community that has a relationship with another speech community, it will pass
language contact. Chaer in Sumarsih (2014) proposed that bilingualism is relating to the use
2 different language by people bilingual in their daily activities. There are several definitions of
bilingualism even though essentially same. In line with the previous opinion Lado in Sumarsih et.
al (2014) argues that bilingualism is the ability to use 2 languages by someone with as good or
almost as good, which is related to the knowledge of two languages regardless of level. It can be
concluded that bilingualism is the use of two languages by a speaker in the interaction with the
speaker of other language. People as bilingual sometimes mix their language during their speech
or switch their language to other language. The process of mixing and switching the language are
known as code mixing and code switching. In this research, the researcher only focused in
analysing the code mixing which is used by entertainer.

2.2.1 Code-Mixing

Code-mixing occurs when people mix two languages between mother tongue and
English. Nababan (1993) said that code-mixing is found mainly in informal interactions. There
are some reasons why people make code-mixing. The first is, bilinguals are able to use 2
different language and apply some words or phrases from foreign language while the other
language is used as the base language. Secondly, bilingual mix codes when there is no topic
that changes, nor does the situation (Gumperz, 1982). Mix the code is divided into two,
namely: 1. Mix the code into the (inner code-mixing): Mixed code derived from the original
language with all its variations (formal, standard, informal, non-standard) 2. Mix the code to
the outside (outer code-mixing): Mixed code derived from foreign languages. (Muysken,
2000) states that code-mixing is typically divided into three main types, they are: 1) insertion
(word or phrase), 2) alternation (clause) and congruent lexicalization (dialect) – and the most
common occurrence of code-mixing variants in society is insertion code-mixing. The insertion
which is meant here is the insertion of material (lexical items or entire constituents) from one
language into a structure of the other language. Alternation means the alternation between
structures from languages. The last is congruent lexicalization of material from different
lexical inventories into a shared grammatical structure: (1) Insertion: Insertion is a process of
mixing code that is understood to be something similar to a loan: the insertion of lexical or
foreign abrasion categories into a given structure. (2) Alternation: It occurs between clauses
meaning that alternation is used when speaker mixes the language with a phrase. (3)
Congruent lexicalization is the influence of dialect within language use.

2.3 Method
The method used in this research is Qualitative analysis. There were several steps used in
analysing the data. First, the data was gained through the conversations which were recorded and
transcribed. Second, the types of code-mixing that mostly occurred in the conversations were
classified. Finally, each of the utterances were put into a table and the types of code-mixing were
classified and analysed referring to Muysken (2000).

3. Finding and Discussion

3.1 Table Code – Mixing

No Utterances Code - Mixing

1. Setelah sekian lama kerja bareng home band tonight Insertion

show, my on music, siapa yang skill nya paling bagus
bermusik, dan paling tidak bagus atau tidak punya skill
menurut lo?
2. Mau menjawab atau mau truth or Dare?! Insertion

3. No add feeling ya bro Insertion

4. Skill nya paling jago, Jehan yang main keyboard Insertion

5. Ok, Jehan, paling tidak punya skill dalam bermusik Insertion

6. Waduh.. nggak enak hehehe . . . Aduh gimana ya?! Aduh, Insertion

Sorry ya bro aduh . . .,
7. Dare nya apa sih?? Insertion

8. Ini follower nya banyak banget ni Insertion

9. Dari sekian banyak temen artis di isntagram yang kamu Insertion

follow, siapa artis yang postingannya nggak penting?

10. Bukan nggak penting sih, tp dia itu kalau nge post banyak Insertion
banget dalam satu hari,
11. Sorry ya millane ya . . . Insertion

12. Ini caption nya pasti ngacok barusan ni Insertion

13. Grup mana yang paling pengen lo delete atau leave, coba Insertion
kalau berani leave sekarang dan tunjukin ke kamera
14. koq double sih? Kok ada action nya juga ? Insertion

15. bukan, cah deso motor club Insertion

16. ni cah deso ni ya, good bye my friends alternation

17. hahaha . . . ok sorry gue leave ya Insertion

18. Sedih dech, delete ni delete, Insertion

19. aduuhh… ni serius ni?! Aduh . .. gue dare dech Insertion

20. hihihi, followers nya banyak bro Insertion

21. lo bajakin aja followers nya bro Insertion

22. Yahhh . . . hahaha norak, jarang main instagram sih, di Insertion

back dulu

The table shows that during the conversation, the artists use code – mixing. The result shows
about 95.45 % code – mixing is classified as insertion, 4.55 % is classified as alternation and
0% of congruent lexicalization. It can be seen that insertion is commonly used by the artists.
None of the utterances show the use of congruent lexicalization. From the utterances also can
be seen that code – mixing is used in informal situation

4. Conclusion
The artists who joined the conversation in Tonight Show commonly use code – mixing. It was
also proven that artists were bilingual and multilingual. Most types of code-mixing used in
conversations were insertions. They used code – mixing by mixed the words or phrase among their
speech. It was done to make the informal situation become more relaxed, thus the audiences will
also enjoy the program. Since, Tonight Show program is one of the talk - show program that shows
the other sides of the artist / celebrities in order to make the audience feel closer to them.

Ayoemoni. (2006). Code-Switching and Code-Mixing: Style of Language Use in Chilhood in Yoruba
Speech Community. Journal of African Studies (15th ed.). Obafemi Awolowo University.

Gumperz, J. J. (1982). Language and social identity: Cambridge University Press

Muysken, P. (2000). Bilingual Speech: A Typology of Code-Mixing. United Kingdom: Cambridge

University Press.

Nababan, P. W. J. (1993). Sociolinguistics: Sebuah Pengantar. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka.

Sumarsih, Siregar, M., Bahri, R., & Sanjaya, D. (2014). Code Switching and Code Mixing in Indonesia:
Study in Sociolinguistics: Canadian Center of Science and Education. English Language and
Literature Studies; Vol. 4, No. 1

Yuliana, N., Luziana, A. R., & Sarwendah, P. (2015). Code-Mixing And Code-Switching Of Indonesian
Celebrities: A Comparative Study. Jurnal LINGUA CULTURA Vol.9 No.1

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