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1000 Totally Random Magic Effects

Originally by Hohenstadt (RPGgeek)

Copied & Compiled from RPGGeek on 7/15/2015 by TheGrayRonin (RPGGeek) / dimlink (reddit)

> NOTE: The original list did not have anything for 297, so I added my own. Additionally, 665 was between 664 and 666,
but wasn’t numbered, so I corrected it. – TheGrayRonin, 7/15/2015

 Roll 3d10 or a d1000 to generate numbers. If using 3d10 roll 1 at a time, 1st one is 1st digit, 2nd one is 2nd digit
and 3rd one is 3rd digit. EX: roll is 4, 8, 2 = 482 on table.
 "000" on table = 1,000;
 NOTE: Fate Point: You may save or spend this. It will completely resurrect you at full health or another. WILL NOT
restore injuries. Example - If you were blind when died, will still be blind. If missing a limb, will still be gone when
resurrected. Remove curses or any 1 adverse effect from this table from you or another. Or, whatever the GM
wants it to be or able to do.

000. Adonis, god of beauty, appears before you. He has taken a liking to you he touches your face & increases your
already good looks. +5 to CHA. He states, “Remember, beauty is ever fleeting. Olympus is watching you…” He
vanishes into the heavens.

001. You summon forth a tiny blue rabbit that sounds like a frog and smells like a cat.

002. Your right foot withers into nothingness.

003. Fireball damage: 3d6+4. d20+4 vs Reflex of all in burst 3 centered on you. Miss: half damage.

004. You just don't feel quite right; have that heavy sinking feeling as if you are falling into yourself. You implode!!
There's a sickening wet smack sound. Take 2d6+6 damage, return in #rds=to damage taken.

005. The Magic affects you instead of the desired target.

006. The Magic affects your entire party instead of the desired target.

007. An elephant suddenly appears in front of you, explains that he’s very sorry he didn’t show up earlier and wanders
off humming.

008. Small meteor impacts within 1d4 squares of you, 6d6 damage burst 20; d20+5 vs Reflex. Miss, half dmg.

009. Snowfall; 40 square radius centered on you. The snow continues to fall for 1d4 hours.

010. Fire & brimstone rain from the sky, 40 square radius centered on you for 1d4 Rounds. Chance of starting fires, 0-
61%. All in range take 5d6 damage/Round. 30% chance set flammables on fire on person.

011. The Spell draws half of your HP from you and has quadruple effect.
012. A live explosive appears at your feet. Will detonate in 1d6 Seconds. Burst 3. 4d6 damage to all in blast area. D20+5
vs REF. Miss, half dmg.

013. A Cloud of Smoke 6 square cube centered on you appears. Lasts one minute. All in cloud have total concealment.
All in cloud are considered blind as well.

014. A Cloud of Acid 6 square cube appears around you. Immediate 5 Acid damage to all and 5 ongoing damage while
in cloud. Once out of cloud save ends ongoing damage.

015. You get Happy Feet. Cannot do anything else except dance & prance for 1d4+1 Rounds.

016. Your right arm falls off. No wound, as if you were never born with it.

017. You permanently grow a pair of small 4" horns on your forehead. Dark red color. –2 CHA.

018. Your right eye pops out of its socket & hangs swinging by its nerve thread. –2 CHA.

019. You gain an Action Point that only is lost thru actual use of it.

020. You & all your party members with equipment shrink to 6 inches tall. For 1d6 Rounds.

021. You find yourself surrounded by 1d100 rats.

022. You feel something went wrong, looking up a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, kitchen, dinning room, den, living room & 2 car
garage house is descending rapidly toward the spot you are standing on. D20+8 vs Reflex. Fail = 6d6 damage.
(Hope no one you like is near you).

023. The earth rumbles for 1d4 minutes 60 square radius. All roll Balance Check during each Round in affected area.

024. Spell works normally.

025. The true name of the person next to you is revealed, but they also get to know yours.

026. Your left lung implodes, 6d6 Hit Points damage. D20+6 vs Fortitude. Fail = –5 to DEX & CON. –5 to all Physical
Skills. Hold breathe time is cut by half.

027. A Red Dragon swoops down to have you and your party for a snack.

028. One random member in your party looses all their possessions & equipment. They simply vanish.

029. Lightning hits your target. D20+10 vs Reflex. Burst 3. Damage 2d12

030. Spell fizzles…………subtract 1d4 HP.

031. Spell is delayed for 1d3 Rounds and has half effect.

032. Nothing happens.

033. You feel a tug at your heart. A curse was placed on it. You know it will stop functioning in 1d4 weeks. Remove
Curse spell will fix it.

034. “Telegram” says a well dressed Bell-hop all in red. He gives you a telegram, tips his hat and leaves. It states: “Good
luck in your next action. We suggest it be a dodge. Signed; Best Wishes from the Luck & Improbability Guild.” You
look around; a huge bladed pendulum is swinging low to the ground in your direction. D20+10 vs Reflex. Fail = 4d6

035. From now on you can call yourself weird. You grow a third eye on your forehead. As a result of this mutation you
can see the aura of other persons if you spend 1 HP.

036. The smoke clears, you find yourself in front of The Bad Man himself, Le Diablo. “I’ll send you back, fully
recovered,……..for a price of course…ha, ha, ha………” Refuse, your dead.

037. You are transformed into a Peacock for 1d8 hours.

038. A field of “Poppies…..Poppies….Poppies….” 20 square radius spring up around you. D20+7 vs Will. Fail = Laying
down in the field, falling into a deep sleep (Sleep). Lasts 1d4 days.

039. A loud bang with the strength of thunder booms from above you and a new roll for Initiative has to be made by
any person standing in burst 10 of you including you.

040. Spell acts normally.

041. Your skin is turned transparent (-6 CHA) lasts for 1d8 days.

042. You are turned red in color for 1d6 weeks.

043. All of your belongings (real estate included...) are turned yellow for 1d4 minutes.

044. All party members are Astral Projected from their bodies for 1d6 Rounds.

045. A squid (a big one) lands on your head and starts to strangle you, damage 1d6/Round. AC 18; 200 HP.

046. Dinner’s served for all persons within 50 ft. (A real banquet with servants and all...)

047. All of your left toes wither into nothingness. –5 to SPD, DEX and Acrobatics, Athletics skills.

048. 1d12 Zombies rise from the ground to attack you.

049. A random person within 10 squares from you is transformed into a bat and flies off to a better suited place in
order to sleep. The person is permanently transformed, and only a remove curse can return them to normal life, if
the person is found...

050. An Assassin is now out to kill you, but you know this.

051. The laws of reality forget the action you just did; it is a free action..
052. “What happened…” (GM’s Choice).

053. You pass out for 1d6 minutes but the Action still has the desired effect though it can’t be cancelled...

054. “Whose there…” You summoned something really nasty…(GM’s Choice).

055. You levitate 10ft up. Lasts 1 minute/your level. No flying or moving in any direction is possible. Tethered to rope,
you can be pulled along like a balloon.

056. You get an additional qualifying Power for 1 day. Roll 1d4: 1=At Will; 2=Daily; 3=Encounter; 4=Utility

057. A monster insect appears within 1d4squares and attacks the nearest person.

058. “BUCK YOU!!!” You now have a nice rack of 12 point antlers growing from your head. STR of 17+ to keep your
head up & not fall over. Balance check periodically, to see if you fall over. May be sawed off or Remove Curse
spell. Will grow normally until removed by Magic. If 17+ STR may keep & gain Bull Rush Feat free with +1d12 of

059. Heavy rainfall (1 square burst) centered on you, lasts for 1d3 days. The cloud is constantly 30ft directly above your

060. Your balls fall off. If female you finally “grow a pair”.

061. Suddenly you know Ritual create Lightning Bolts!!! Does 8d6 damage. Saving Throw: None. Costs 100gp Arcana
components per Bolt. May only make 1 per day. May only have max of 5 on hand.

062. Spell fizzles………subtract 1d4 HP.

063. You grow a beard, 2 ft long, permanent.

064. Spell acts normally.

065. As you feel the ripple of the Magic energies swirling through your conscious mind, something goes wrong. You
forget the incantation for 1d4 weeks. But the desired Spell works as it should’ve, it’s just that it does not have the
usual effect... (The Spell has five times as high effect and also burns 3x1d100 Experience Points...)

066. 6d6 lesser demons appear to attack you.

067. In some strange way the Spell makes you feel really good... You have an immediate orgasm and you lose your

068. “Help! Help! I’m being repressed….” Sir Arthur, King of the Britain’s, appears before you & tells you, “Stop it…
quiet, old man.” He disappears. You are so dumb struck, can not speak for 1d6 days.

069. “… fine.” You just do not feel right, everything is upside down and closer to the ground. You scream in horror as
you discover your fully functional genitalia (sex organs) is where your head was & (you guessed it) your head is
between your legs. Lasts for 1d6 weeks or Remove Curse to end it. -6 to CHA and -5 to all skills.
070. An energy bolt (4d6 damage, d20+10 vs REF) suddenly shoots out from your left ear and hits the nearest object to
your left (be it person or possession...)

071. Your skin turns neon-purple for 1d6 hours. (Glow in the dark).

072. “Spider sense tingling…” turned into Medium spider 1d4 weeks. You retain your self.

073. As the Spell looses its effect you feel something pulling your very genes and in a moment’s notice you find your
self transformed into a cute little piglet (1d3 months).

074. Your left arm & right leg trades places.

075. Now you know how it feels to be left alone... You teleport 1d100 miles in random direction, but lucky as you are
you appear on the ground...

076. You gain an Action Point that only is lost thru actual use of it.

077. You ain’t me, or are you!?! A doppelganger of yourself is instantly created 5 ft away from you. The creature pays
its humble respect and wanders off to see the world.

078. A random party member’s right toes exchanges places with their right fingers.

079. Receive one Fate Point.

080. A spark, a crack and BOOOOM! Explosion centered on you does 4d6 damage and decreases with 1d6 damage for 3
square radius from center of burst.

081. You are dead, unless you spend one Fate Point. (If none, divine/demonic intervention is possible, GM’s discretion.)

082. A Magic ring turns up on your index finger (+1 vs Spell Magic, permanent).

083. Your right toes exchanges places with your right fingers.

084. 2d20 palm trees grows up around you.

085. A random party member’s right hand exchanges places with their right foot.

086. Looking for some happiness? A prostitute turns up from nowhere and wants to do your bidding. But there’s only
loneliness to find...

087. A Mountain Giant invites you to dinner…………as the main course, that is. Will take you by force.

088. You find a love potion at your feet. (If taken, +2 CHA.)

089. A random party member gets one Fate point.

090. 2 square radius pillar of earth rises up beneath you 20 feet into the air, roll for balance, & anyone else caught in
this. If you are successful, you stay on top.
091. Your head explodes, unless you spend one Fate point. (If none, divine/demonic intervention is possible, GM’s

092. You receive superhuman strength. STR=30, CON=24, & +30 Temp HP for 1d6 hours.

093. A Weaken spell was cast on you. –1d4 to STR.

094. A black cat comes up to you and says she’s sorry.

095. “Whose there…” You summoned something really nice…(GM’s Choice).

096. For a moment you thought you knew... But the Spell still keeps coming, you repeat the Spell 1d4 times in the same

097. A fully equipped armed squad of 6 Coalition Soldiers appear in front of you. AC 25, 50 HP. Weapons: Laser Rifle
2d6 damage. They are not happy about being summoned here. Roll percentile for each soldier: 01-50%, will attack
your enemy. 51-100%, will attack you & your party. Once combat has ended with original foes or they are killed
they disappear.

098. An Addle Mind spell was cast on you. –1d4 to WIS.

099. “……99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer…………” That’s what appears before you, all your favorite &
ice cold. You commence to “take one down…..” (you know the rest.)

100. A Jinn, a green one, appears and grants you three wishes...

101. You grow roots and cannot move for 1d4 minutes, unless someone cuts off your feet of course...

102. May repeat 1 random Daily Power in same day once.

103. You asked for it... Spell effect x6.

104. GM’s Choice…………….???????????

105. Death himself comes to claim you. You can try & talk him out of it or make a deal…..????

106. Your left kidney implodes, 6d6 HP damage. –1d6 to CON & DEX.

107. You’re blessed by some chaotic supernatural entity and receive one extra fate point plus a random curse
(permanent, but can be removed).

108. “……and to you I leave………A boot-to-the-head.” TTTHHUUDDD!!! “And one for the wimp next to you.”
TTTHHUUDDD!!!. You both take 2d6 damage to the head.

109. Gezundtheit! You catch a very, very bad cold (lasts for 1d4 weeks).

110. “Be afraid,………be very afraid…….” Of what or whom???? Roll for Phobia.
111. You no longer emanate Magic aura. You retain all Magical skills, senses, knowledge, Spell casting, etc… You appear
as a normal being to all others & devices.

112. Heavy storms appear from nowhere and last for 1d3 days, affects a radius of 1d4 miles from where you stood
when the Spell was cast.

113. “In your face, Dude!!!” Your spell explodes in your face, doing 1d10 damage.

114. The person next to your right grows a pair of frog’s legs, permanently, unless of course they pass the D20+8 vs Will
(Can be removed). 3xNormal Jump.

115. Every spell you cast for the next 1d4 Rounds, you will loose 1d4 Hit Points.

116. You find yourself in a splendid golden chain mail teleported from the nearest king’s ransom..

117. You can’t take it anymore, you are overcome with grief. All you can do is sit down and cry for the next 1d6 days
until you get it out of your system. (There, there now….feel better?)

118. 1d4 skeletons rise from the ground to do your bidding.

119. You feel a lump in a pocket. You investigate to pull out a grenade with the pin missing……..???
BBBBOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! You take 6d6 damage & all others in a close burst 4 take 2d6 damage.
D20+10 vs REF. Miss: take half damage.

120. Was it like that, or? For the moment you can’t remember the Spell, try again next Round.

121. The gods are for you, gain +1 to FORT, permanent.

122. The earth around you is turned into mud. Burst 4, 1 foot deep. Permanent.

123. The gods are against a random party member, loose 1d10 HP’s permanent.

124. Snowfall, 1d100x10 yards radius, centered on the nearest person, not you!

125. You suddenly see the world from a different point of view, a rat’s that is. You are now a rat. You retain control of
your self. Lasts 1d12 days.

126. The Magic you performed seems to have defied the laws of reality and bends all light that hits you for the next 1d6
hours, you are invisible even to yourself...

127. A random party member “soils” their armor.

128. For 1 Round a strange oval black disc hangs in the air in front of you and then it disappears (dimensional gateway

129. A random party member is injured by that last spell. They roll for Injury.

130. You lapse into a Sleep for 1d8 days.

131. You were scared “shitless”. Can not defecate for 1d6 weeks. Got that “bloated” feeling.

132. Your very next critical hit does max of all dice and modifiers involved.

133. “Of all the times………” Your period just started. If male or pregnant, roll again.

134. A stone Golem rises from the ground and is ready to fulfill your wishes the best it can.

135. The gods are against you. –1d100 to Experience, permanent.

136. The Spell draws half of your CON. Gain 1 back/day.

137. “Congratulations!! You’re pregnant.” Does not matter what sex, if any, you are. 01-50% = boy, 51-100% girl. Will
be of your species & a normal nine month pregnancy. Morning sickness & severe mood swings apply as GM sees

138. Until now it wasn’t all that hard but since you cast that Spell... You have itchy rash for 1d3 weeks.

139. Hi, Ho, Let’s go! Your speed is doubled for 1d3 days.

140. You feel stiff all over & it is getting worse…………you are now a stone statue. You are aware of all about you just
can’t move, speak, well you are a statue until someone comes by with a Remove Curse spell to cast on you. Hope
your friends really like you, the pigeons do.

141. 1d100 “body crabs” decide to take up residence in your crotch.

142. The Spell costs half your INT. Gain 1 back/day.

143. The gods are with you, +1d4 to CON, permanent.

144. The Spell Mute is laid on the nearest person to you. Cannot speak or make a sound 5 minutes/your level.

145. The gods are with a random party member, +1d4 to INT, permanent.

146. You accidentally summon 1d6 lesser devils, that aren’t very happy ‘bout being dragged from their own dimension.

147. A potion appears at your feet…??? (GM’s choice).

148. You find yourself equipped with an old scythe.

149. An Assassin is now out to kill a random party member, but you know this.

150. You grow an extra right thumb.

151. 1d20 goblins appears around you. They have taken a dislike to you. Bite, 1d6 damage. Claw, 2d6 each damage.
Clubs, 3d4 damage. HP’s =50. AC 15.

152. A demon lord needs you in his stable and offers to make you a witch/warlock, you may decline but...????
153. Nosebleed. Loose 1 HP/minute. Will last 5d10 minutes. (If HP reaches 0, bleeding stops.) Healing will not stop this
bleeding. HP will only recover normally.

154. You grow fangs 6 inches long (2d6 bite damage).

155. “Whose there….????” You summoned something really nasty…(GM’s Choice).

156. Your Spell went??? Roll 1d10. 1-2 hits target, 3-4 goes left of target, 5-6 goes right of target, 7-8 goes straight up,
9-10 hits you.

157. A Stone Golem rises up to kill you & party.

158. “INCOMING!!!” One of the “lost” cruise missiles from “Desert Storm” impacts over head. Raining death, fire, &
destruction in a Burst 10 doing 4d10 damage to all. D20+10 vs REF, Miss: Half damage. 70% chance of starting

159. A potion appears at a random party member’s feet…??? (GM’s choice).

160. One of your permanent damages is mystically healed, if you don’t have any permanent damage roll for one!

161. The very next encounter, your dailies become At-Wills.

162. Spell acts normally.

163. You blink out of existence for 1d12 minutes. You materialize back in the same spot as you were before.

164. “Telegram!”, shouts a well dressed bell-hop all in red. He singles you out & gives you the telegram, tips his hat &
walks away. The message reads: “Sorry to inform you that your great-uncle, Sir Hector Aliwishes Smitterstone III,
on your mother’s side, twice removed, has left this realm. He is not expected back any time soon (as we have
buried him 2 weeks ago). Being the sole heir, you have inherited all his credits, castle, estate & possessions (of this
realm only). Must be in London, England within 30 days of receipt of this telegram to receive inheritance at the
Law Offices of Cheatem, Stealem, Swindle, & Sly. If not, all is forfeited to whatever current government (or bad
ass) is in charge at the time.”

165. A random party member suddenly feels “a change a commin’ on.” Roll for new Alignment.

166. An unusual dog like creature comes up to you and wets your left leg. Doing 2d6 acid damage. Will continue to do 5
ongoing damage (save ends) If eats thru armor or no armor must make d20+9 vs Fortitude Save. Fail = hopping
around on left leg looking for nearest water source.

167. A random party member feels dumber, -1 to INT

168. You feel smarter, +1 to INT.

169. A random party member’s right arm falls off. No wound, as if they were never born with it.

170. Hercules descends from the heavens and obliterates all your foes with his bare hands. “Now, that’s how’s its
done.” He states. You & all party members are covered in a light blue light, briefly. “None of this sissy weapon-
play……….”, he says as he bounds into the heavens. All get +2 to STR.

171. A random party member feels slower, -5 to SPD.

172. A gigantic hand descends from the sky & gathers up the whole party. (No Saving Throw). The hand sits them down
gently………?????(Where ever the GM chooses.)

173. Your right toes exchanges places with your left fingers.

174. Your Spell went off as you expected, however nobody’s ranged weapons are working. Friends & Foes’ alike. Lasts
1d4 Rounds. (Roll twice, 1 for Friends & 1 for Foes….This could be interesting……hee, hee)

175. A random party member feels prettier, +1 to CHA.

176. You grow the legs of a black goat. Permanent. +2 to Speed. May be removed by a remove curse.

177. A random party member’s right toes exchanges places with their left fingers.

178. Your right ear falls off, -1 to CHA.

179. A random party member feels weaker, -1 to STR.

180. You asked for it….You got it…..All party members increase one level!!!

181. A random party member feels mentally challenged, -1 to INT.

182. Spell fizzles....subtract 1d100 Experience.

183. The gods are for a random party member, gain +1 to WILL, permanent.

184. You accidentally throw a fireball at one of your friends.

185. You asked for it….You got it…..You decrease one level!!!

186. You turn one of your animal companions into a blue rocking chair, if you do not have any animal companions; see

187. A random party member feels more agile, +1 to DEX.

188. A Magic box 12 inches long by 6 inches wide by 6 inches thick of holding comes into your possession. May only
hold item or items equal to the size or less of the box. When opened, looks empty.

189. You get an additional qualifying Power for 1 day. Roll 1d4: 1=At Will; 2=Daily; 3=Encounter; 4=Utility

190. You are permanently blinded in left eye.

191. A random party member is dead, unless they or you spend one Fate Point. (If none, divine/demonic intervention is
possible, GM’s discretion.)
192. You’re on adrenaline! You go berserk for 1d4 minutes slashing out at anyone within 10 squares.

193. Your target, living or not, disappears………gone where???????

194. You make the nearest dragon very offended by revealing their true name to everyone within 15 squares. You
better find a good hideout...

195. Spell works normally, however you’re now violently allergic to that spell. If attempt to use it again or is cast on
you, begin to sneeze uncontrollably.

196. You got yourself so down you got you a headache. Migraine, permanent. (-1 to all Skills, 30% chance of occurring
when in a stressful situation).

197. “Stampede!!!” A very large (1000+) herd of Texas Longhorn Steers is now stampeding in your direction.

198. A community of black army ants explains it’s loyalty to you.

199. Spell acts normally.

200. You draw 1 HP from all within 5 squares added to your HP’s permanent. Magic Users get a d20+your level vs Will
save. The 1 HP loss is permanent.

201. A scribe appears and wants to do the story of your life, he’s very hard to get rid of and won’t take no for an

202. The target of your Spell is instantly and permanently turned into a turtle (a negate Magic may restore him/her).

203. You are turned into a gelatin mass equal to your weight & mass. Lasts 1 hour.

204. The only thing that happens is you & your target loose 1d10 HP’s.

205. You turn out to be holding a beer glass after all, filled to the tip of course.

206. 1d100 Large (2 ft wide 1 ft thick body) spiders surround you. They are trying their little hearts out to encase you in
a web cocoon. Saving you for a later snack.

207. Your Spell is delayed for 1d4 weeks, but you’re not quite sure of that...

208. You see “The King”, Elvis himself walks by, “Thank you……thank you very much.” But, alas, only the D&D Enquirer
Newspaper believes you.

209. The target of your Spell explodes, and dies instantly.

210. You find a ring in your pocket. When worn it does……??? GM’s choice.

211. A hippopotamus walks by ignoring you.

212. A random party member’s left lung implodes, 6d6 Hit Points damage. D20+6 vs Fortitude Save. –2 to DEX & CON. –
2 to all Physical Skills. Hold breathe time is cut by half.

213. 2d20 bottles of the finest red wine appear at your feet.

214. A very ornate large door appears before you. It opens, revealing a well dressed butler. Past him you see a large
ballroom with elegant ladies & gentleman. He says, “Aw, good of you to come, sir. We have been expecting you,
won’t you come in..??”

215. "You don’t have to say you love me. It’s all right, ‘cause honey I don’t care." A concubine materializes in front of
you and insists on giving you PLEASURE!!!

216. A random party member’s right hand exchanges places with their left foot.

217. The surrounding area (100 square radius) is turned into a desert.

218. Roll for Injury.

219. You lose 1d4 to HP, permanently.

220. A random party member feels smarter, +1 to INT.

221. You gain a fate point but this also makes you think "What’s it all about?" and you reverse your alignment for 1d6
months and maybe, just maybe, you’ll like it.

222. Spell fizzles………subtract 1d100 Experience.

223. Gradually you see your left hand wither into nothingness.

224. A random party member’s left eye pops out of its socket and hangs swinging by its nerve thread.

225. Don’t keep it all inside! You pour all of your heart & soul into this Spell. Triple effect, you pass out for 1d6 Rounds.

226. The gods are with you, +1d10 to HP, permanent.

227. Roll twice on this table.

228. The gods are for a random party member, gain +1 to REFLEX permanent.

229. You realize what’s bugging this Spell and from now on it is never unstable anymore.

230. After battle, you notice an irritating itch on your chest. You see a small runny sore. Take 1 Hit Point of damage. A
curse of some kind was placed on you. Each day it gets a little bigger. You will loose 2 HP/day, cannot regenerate
HP until curse removed. This cannot be cured by any other means.

231. A window opens in mid air in front & above you. An old man in night shirt and cap holding a candle yells down at
all, “Quiet!!! I’m trying to sleep here!!” Everyone stops and looks up. “That’s better!!” He goes inside & closes
window which disappears instantly. All Re-Roll Initiatives.
232. A random party member feels less durable, -1 to CON.

233. You’re deafened (for 1d10 Rounds) by the sound of this Spell which strangely enough only you seem to have

234. The very next encounter, your dailies become At-Wills.

235. A bone flute-playing fairy accompanies you for a 1d4 days.

236. Spell acts normally.

237. As you cast the Spell you burst into flames for 1d4 Days. Get +7 to AC, punch/kick does 3d6 fire damage, & 01-61%
setting flammable items on fire by touch. You & equipment are not harmed.

238. A random party member feels less confident, -1 to WIS.

239. A mad count has you contracted for assassination without apparent reason, but the good thing is that you’re
aware of it.

240. “PUCK YOU” you become a hockey puck for 1d4 days. Spell works normally.

241. You find yourself equipped with bat-like wings making it possible for you to glide up to 1 mile under good
conditions. The wings fall off after 1d3 weeks.

242. “Oooohhh!!………this is gonna hurt.” You suddenly find your self in the middle of an arena with a multitude of
people cheering. You are dressed in strange light armor complete with helm and a colorful cloth covering. You are
holding a leathery large elongated egg-like bladder, brown with two white stripes & laces. You feel the ground
tremor a bit as you look to see 12 other large men clad as yourself but their cloth & helm is different color than
yours. They are at a full running charge at you. Roll 1d12 to see how many hit you then take body block/tackle
damage of 1d6+4/each. After getting mangled you appear back where you were.

243. Gradually you see your right hand wither into nothingness.

244. GM’s Choice…………….???????????

245. An angry minor Earth Elemental rises from the ground to kill your party.

246. Spell acts normally.

247. You forget how to read for 3d4 days.

248. A random party member feels less healthy, -1d6 to HP.

249. One of your Insanity’s is Magically cured, if you have none then it’s time to roll for one now. D20+5 vs WILL.

250. A random party member gets one Fate point.

251. A maddened tribe of trolls set out in order to make dinner of you, but in some strange way you’re aware of their
plans and can act accordingly.

252. “Whose there….????” You summoned something really nice…(GM’s Choice).

253. You set the nearest forest ablaze.

254. Your left toes exchanges places with your left fingers.

255. A unicorn offers to become your steed.

256. A random party member’s left arm falls off. No wound, as if they were never born with it.

257. You’re mistaken for a wanted person in the next town you enter.

258. “I don’t feel so good………BBBLLUUKK!!…….SPLOSH!…” A random party member vomits violently for 1d6 Rounds.
Looses DEX to AC.

259. Exactly the desired Spell, gain 1d100 Experience.

260. Spell acts normally.

261. A random person within 30 ft is knocked down, if there’s no-one around you’re down instead.

262. The gods are against the party. All get –1d10 to HP, permanent. (Each player rolls)

263. Instead of a Spell a big green toad crawls out of your mouth and hops off.

264. A Steel Golem rises up to kill you & party.

265. Your eyes are turned into a neon pink liquid for 2d4 hours.

266. A random party member feels uglier, -1 to CHA.

267. You slip/trip & fall. Loose Initiative & subject to prone attacks.

268. You and all of your equipment you have on, shrink to 6 inches tall. Remove Curse to return to normal. But this may
not be to bad after all.

269. You receive a natural AC of +5 since your skin is turned into iron scales for 1d6 days.

270. A random party member’s left toes exchanges places with their left fingers.

271. The next person you tell your name will instantly attack you, but you know it.

272. You grow human fully functional female breasts. Size 38D. If female, you now have another pair.

273. May repeat 1 random Daily Power in same day once.

274. “Gone cuckoo??”. For the next 1d6 weeks, every hour on the hour, a Cuckoo Bird ejects from a random party
member’s mouth to “cuckoo” the hour. (Like a Cuckoo Clock) Loose Stealth, Shadow Walk, Sneaking, etc. when
this happens. Will give away position when sounds.

275. Everything you touch for the next 2d6 hours starts to burn. Except the gear you have on.

276. You and the entire party with all equipment, shrink to 6 inches tall. Remove Curse to return to normal. But this
may not be too bad after all.

277. A phantom footman turns up with a ghostly coach & horse team. He’s holding the coach door open, bows
gracefully. “At your service, sir……” (One way ride to????)

278. Your right foot feels burning hot. You look down a gremlin just gave you a “hot foot”, he runs away laughing. Your
foot is on fire, 1d6 damage + 3 ongoing fire damage until save ends. You can do nothing else except trying to put
your foot out.

279. 1d6 of your party members, d20+7 vs WILL, if they fail they’ll fall into a mindless frenzy and go berserk for 1d4
Rounds slashing out at anyone within 3 squares of them.

280. A random party member with all of their equipment they have on, shrink to 6 inches tall. Remove Curse to return
to normal. But this may not be to bad after all.

281. Spell acts normally.

282. A random party member grows a beard, 2 ft long, permanent.

283. 2d12 hungry tigers surround your target. HP=25, AC=15, Claw=1d6 each, Bite=2d6.

284. The earth beneath your feet opens up and you fall 30 feet down a hole taking 3d10 points of damage. After two
minutes the hole closes and if you’re still there; only the gods can Save you.

285. A well is created beside you.

286. A potion appears at a random party member’s feet…??? (GM’s choice).

287. All of your belongings, except holy and rune weapons, are lost. The items just disappear in thin air.

288. “Be afraid,………be very afraid…….” A random party member is afraid of what or whom???? Roll for Phobia.

289. A random party member gets one Action Point that only is lost thru actual use of it.

290. Your left arm & left leg trades places.

291. Spell hits target & ricochets???? Roll 1d10: 1-2 ricochets to you, 3-4 ricochets to targets left, 5-6 ricochets to
targets right, 7-8 ricochets to targets front, 9-10 ricochets up.

292. Your right eye pops out, hanging by the organ connections.
293. A bouquet of flowers spring forth from your out stretched arms. Spell does half effect & smells good too.

294. Your very next critical hit does max of all dice and modifiers involved.

295. You hallucinate for 1d12 months, the hallucinations is completely up to the all powerful GM.

296. “Tea time.” All stop what they are doing (friends & foes) & sit down to a table with cups, saucers, sugar bowl,
cream, etc. that wasn’t there before. A butler serves everyone a great cup of tea. Last 15 minutes. All resume their
places & re-roll Initiative to resume battle.
You are dead, unless you spend one Fate Point. (If none, divine/demonic intervention is possible, GM’s discretion.)

297. You suddenly start levitating. You gain the ability to fly at double your land speed for 24 hours. If you already have
a natural flight speed, then that speed doubles.

298. 1d10 gallons of way to old milk splashes down your body.

299. A random party member’s left hand exchanges places with their left foot.

300. When you cast the Spell you accidentally touched the soul of a nearby animal and it becomes your familiar.

301. Maggots infest your brain and you must magically remove them or die within three weeks.

302. “Whose there….????” You summoned something really nasty…(GM’s Choice).

303. The Magic energies didn’t quite leave this world when you were finished with them, instead it hung on to you and
from now on your hair always stand straight up, your handshake jolts and static electricity sparks appear on your
body now and then. This also makes you to only suffer half the damage from electrical attacks. You literally glow in
the dark...

304. Find Heal Potion. Heals 20hp.

305. 1d4 Beasts (greater devils) are mistakenly summoned and these gentlemen aren’t very happy about it...

306. Spell acts normally.

307. Diarrhea hits you like a lightning strike from a clear sky. Lasts for 1d8 hours.

308. A random party member gets a Nosebleed. Loose 1 HP/minute. Will last 5d10 minutes. (If HP reaches 0, bleeding
stops.) Healing will not stop this bleeding. HP will only recover normally.

309. A famous witch/warlock hunter starts taking interest in your affairs...

310. Your right kidney implodes, 6d6 HP damage. –1d4 to CON & DEX.

311. Spell works well. Unfortunately the same Spell also shot out both your ears to hit whoever or whatever is on
either side of you.
312. A well, 2 square radius, opens up beneath your feet, you fall 30 feet into water. Hope you can swim.

313. Spell works just fine!! +5 to the damage/benefit.

314. A random party member's brain becomes infested with Maggots; must magically remove them or die within three

315. 1d12 Mighty Oak trees spring up in front of you like a wall. Each 6 foot thick.

316. 1d100 “body crabs” decide to take up residence in a random party member’s crotch.

317. Grow an extra left thumb.

318. Your hands exchanges places.

319. You gain an Action Point that only is lost thru actual use of it.

320. Your right middle finger falls off.

321. That Spell went off without a hitch. You were so impressed with your self, you became speechless for 1d4 Rounds
(cannot cast Spells). Time to pull that weapon of yours…………..

322. A random party member's right middle finger falls off.

323. A random person within 10 squares falls in love with you, no matter how strange it may sound.

324. The gods are with you, +1d10 to HP’s, permanent.

325. Roses, red, red roses start growing from your ears. Falls off after 2d3 weeks.

326. A random party member's hands exchanges places.

327. You’re the guy from wonderland, or so it may seem since your pockets started to always be filled with golden
coins. Same as fools gold, lasts for 1d4 weeks.

328. A random party member grows an extra left thumb.

329. You feel less durable, -1 to CON.

330. A random party member feels more durable, +1 to CON.

331. You cannot sleep or rest properly for 1d3 weeks and in that time you recover HP’s at half rate.

332. A Brass Golem rises up to kill you & party.

333. 2d12 Zombies rise up to do your bidding.

334. Your body becomes infested with all kinds of parasites that can literally be seen crawling all over your body, lasts
1d6 weeks. –4 to CHA.

335. Your right index finger falls off.

336. From this day on someone or something looks out for you and in some strange way you always seem to have your
back covered. Cannot be caught Flat-footed.

337. A random party member becomes a hand size rock for 1d6 days. They are aware of what is happening around

338. A random party member's right index finger falls off.

339. You are turned to stone where you stand. May be moved. Remove Curse to fix.

340. A Gnome comes up to you and asks what’s wrong with that stone circle a few hundred yards away.

341. A pool of quicksand happens to open up under a random party member's feet. Lasts one hour, sinks at the rate of
6 inches/Round, once under will drown/suffocate in four minutes unless hold breath longer. 97% undetectable in
swamp, 79% outdoors, & 30% indoors.

342. You seem to have caught a rather common deadly disease; PLAGUE!!! (Bubonic Plague that is) unless properly
treated you’ll die within three weeks.

343. A beautiful pearl necklace with a medium size gem appears around your neck. Nice, huh? But, the gem seems to
be ticking……???

344. You notice the pink little hedgehog sitting on your head and at the same time you loose your initiative.

345. The Magic affects you instead of the desired target.

346. A moose comes up to you and whisper in your right ear: "You can’t hear this with your left can you?" When he has
said this he looks at you for a moment and wanders off mumbling.

347. A potion appears at your feet…??? (GM’s choice).

348. 1d10 small fireballs (damage 1d6 each) erupts from your face and flies in random directions; 30% chance of hitting
anyone within 20 squares.

349. Diarrhea hits a random party member like a lightning Strike from a clear sky. Lasts for 1d8 hours.

350. You grow a permanent exoskeleton (like a beetle) Natural AC of +5, -4 CHA. May be removed by a remove curse.

351. You become a normal black Labrador Retriever. You can speak & retain control of yourself. Remove Curse to
restore yourself. You gain all the abilities (and disadvantages) of a dog. SPD +10, Track +10, Recognize Scent +10,
Canine Language, +15 to Spot, Listen, & Search. Small Creature. STR 14, CON 14, DEX 20, WIS 18, INT 18, CHA 20.
See in black & white only, Lowlight vision. Claw 1d4, Bite 1d6.
352. 1d8 skeletons rise from a nearby grave to do your bidding.

353. 1d8 skeletons rise from a nearby grave to kill you.

354. Smile sucker! The corners of your mouth get stuck and you look a bit like the Joker.

355. You “wet” yourself. Spell acts normally.

356. You know the exact location of the nearest Magic Pool!

357. “YOU LITTLE PUSSEY!!” (no not the one you’re thinking). You are now a cute, cuddly kitten. Can speak & retain
yourself. Lasts 1d6 weeks.

358. All plants within 6 squares tries to kill you for 1d6 minutes.

359. Your right ring finger falls off.

360. A Shadow Beast turns up from nowhere and attacks you and your friends.

361. You find a ring in your pocket. When worn it does……??? GM’s choice.

362. You feel slower, -5 to SPD.

363. A random party member feels faster, +5 to SPD.

364. By some unexplained reason you cast the Spell; Metamorphosis: Insect, on yourself and see the world from a
snails’ point of view for 1d8 Rounds

365. A random party member blinks out of existence for 1d12 minutes. They materializes back in the same spot as they
were before.

366. Your head is turned backwards for the first time in your life (!) and pleased as you are to see your own behind, it
becomes quite uncomfortable for 1d6 weeks.

367. A random party member's right ring finger falls off.

368. Spell works, well sort of…………. –5 to the damage/benefit.

369. A giant hand reaches out of the sky grabs a random party member (no Save Throw) and takes to….???? (Anywhere
GM wants you to go.)

370. You grow a 10" long red nose, permanent. May be removed by a remove curse.

371. Spell fizzles………-1d100 Experience.

372. A church organ materializes 60 ft above your head and decides to fall on you, if a perception roll of 17 or higher is
made a d20+10 vs REF Fail = suffer the wrath of a god in the shape of 4d6 points of damage.
373. A random party member is injured by that last spell. They roll for Injury.

374. A Wind Rush Spell also hits your target. 60 mph wind 5 squares wide by 24 squares long. Balance Check of 18 for
those caught in it. All caught in it cannot attack or move forward. Small objects may be blown d20+4 squares
away. Lasts 1 Round + 1 Round to recover.

375. “Telegram” says a well dressed Bell-hop all in red. He gives a random party member a telegram, tips his hat and
leaves. It states: “Good luck in your next action. We suggest it be a dodge. Signed; Best Wishes from the Luck &
Improbability Guild.” You look around; a huge bladed pendulum is swinging low to the ground in your direction.
D20+10 vs Reflex. Fail = 4d6 damage.

376. Now you’ve really done it. Your Magic has upset the very forces of nature. 1d8 minor elemental turns up to give
you and your party a lesson you may not be able to forget.

377. Your right little finger falls off.

378. An eternal flame is instantly created where you stand.

379. You suddenly feel “a change a commin’ on.” Roll for new Alignment.

380. Just as you thought all was lost, here comes “The Lost Battalion” from WWI charging to the rescue. With all their
fire power, they do only 2d6 HP damage to each of your foes. They go charging off into the distance & disappear.
(GM’s discretion can have all re-roll Initiatives.)

381. A little demon appears, shakes your left hand. Walks away with a demonic giggle, chewing on something. You
check your hand & one of your entire appendages is missing. Roll 1d10: 1-2 thumb, 3-4 index finger, 5-6 middle
finger, 7-8 ring finger, & 9-10 little finger. –2 to Strike if finger is missing when using right hand. Can not hold
weapon if thumb is missing.

382. A pygmy choir steps out from hiding, sing folksongs for 1d6 minutes, bows respectfully and departs chanting.

383. You get an additional qualifying Power for 1 day. Roll 1d4: 1=At Will; 2=Daily; 3=Encounter; 4=Utility

384. Your right leg turns out to be made of pine-wood. Permanent. May be removed by a Remove Curse or a saw...

385. A random party member gets one Fate point.

386. The very next encounter, your dailies become At-Wills.

387. Roll for Injury.

388. A full size portrait of you is delivered by a messenger shortly after the Spell has been cast.

389. Spell acts normally.

390. You and all others within 6 squares are instantly teleported to a location totally alien for the party. (GM’s Choice).

391. A Weaken spell was cast on a random party member. –1d4 to STR.
392. A Stench of Hades is cast on you by a passing seagull that flies off laughing. Affects burst 2 with foul smell. 1d6
damage/Round in area, 01-50% of vomiting once/Round (loose Initiative, -4 to AC while vomiting). Everyone else, -
2 to AC, & to Hit. Does not affect those protected from gases.

393. A random party member: “I don’t feel so good………BBBLLUUKK!!…….SPLOSH!…” You vomit violently for 1d6
Rounds. Can only Dodge without any bonuses.

394. A 200 ft long chain appears on the ground.

395. A random party member's right little finger falls off.

396. Suddenly you find yourself surrounded by a pack of 2d4 frenzied hungry northern timber wolves.

397. You asked for it….You got it…..A random party member decreases one level!!!

398. You inherit a large estate from a senile Baron. This is told to you by a messenger that also asks you to attend the
funeral which will be held soon.

399. The gods are against you, loose 1d100 Experience permanent.

400. An Iron Golem steps up to you and explains that he’s ready to serve you now.

401. A random party member gets one Action Point that only is lost thru actual use of it.

402. All of a random party member’s right fingers wither into nothingness. –5DEX& CON.

403. You are permanently blinded in right eye

404. A random party member's right leg turns out to be made of pine-wood. Permanent. May be removed by a Remove
Curse or a saw...

405. A random party member’s left kidney implodes, 6d6 HP damage. –1d6 to CON & DEX.

406. A person in your vicinity random is reduced to 6" tall. Permanent. A negate Magic may restore the victim to a
normal life.

407. A random party member is turned into a gelatin mass equal to their weight & mass. Lasts 1 hour.

408. A greater demon is accidentally summoned by you, the thing is just that this gentleman isn’t cooperative at all and
has no understanding for your excuses...

409. Spell fizzles………subtract 1d100 Experience.

410. Fleas are now a part of your small universe.

411. A well, 2 square radius, opens up beneath your feet, you fall 30 feet into Acid. You take 1d6 acid damage/Round.

412. From this day and for one week forward all of your Crafting Spells cost only half of the normal amount!!!
413. Your right thumb falls off.

414. Your hair is turned white as chalk. Permanent.

415. A random party member's right thumb falls off.

416. Your Head is now permanently invisible. Any clothing/armor/equipment put on it becomes invisible. Can not be
detected by any means. You can have it replaced with cybernetics only to be visible again.

417. A random party member’s left arm falls off. No wound, as if they were never born with it.

418. All persons (including you) within 40 ft are turned completely yellow (possessions too) for 1d3 days.

419. You become aware a “Predator” wants a random party member’s skull & spine for his collection.

420. A light-brown snake bites you in your left knee. It is a non-poisonous snake. –1 HP.

421. The gods are with you, +1d10 to HP, permanent.

422. You instantly double your INT! (Lasts one hour).

423. Spell acts normally.

424. A Pegasus appears and if you are of a good alignment it offers to be your steed.

425. 1d100 giant hungry grizzly bears appears among you all. Bite, 1d6 damage. Claws, 1d8 each. Weight = 500+ each.
8-10 ft tall. HP=50 each. Will attack anyone or anything until all are dead.

426. You scorch yourself on the cold blue Magical flames that suddenly engulf you as you burn all of your current CON
& pass out. Gain 1 CON/day. The terrible scars left on you by this horrible experience reduces your CHA by 1d6

427. A random party member gets hyped up on adrenaline & goes berserk for 1d4 minutes slashing out at anyone
within 10 squares.

428. Spell fizzles....subtract 1d100 Experience.

429. Your left foot withers into nothingness.

430. A giant hand reaches out of the sky grabs you (no Dodge) and takes only you to….???? (Anywhere GM wants you
to go.)

431. A random party member “wets” them self. Spell acts normally.

432. A hard-core goblin child attacks you from behind with a crude cudgel, will flee if he suffers any damage.

433. A random party member is attacked by a whole nest of wild bees. The attack lasts for 1d6 Rounds.
434. 13 common pixies make yours and your friend’s life miserable for 2d20 hours.

435. A random party member's body becomes infested with all kinds of parasites that can literally be seen crawling all
over their body, lasts 1d6 weeks. –4 CHA.

436. Lightning Strikes the tallest person in your vicinity, it might even Strike you... (damage: 6d6).

437. A random party member finds a Heal potion. Heals 20hp.

438. Amnesia hits you like a hammer and you can’t even remember who you are for 4d6 hours.

439. You get an additional qualifying Power for 1 day. Roll 1d4: 1=At Will; 2=Daily; 3=Encounter; 4=Utility

440. A Terminator makes you his enemy and comes looking for you! In some strange way you’re aware of it.

441. Your right arm & right leg trades places.

442. Every stone within a 10 square radius starts jumping in all directions, if there are boulders present they might even
hurt someone unless a d20+5 vs REF is made each Round (damage 2d6). The stones stop jumping after 3d6

443. May repeat 1 random Daily Power in same day once.

444. The Spell just cast is permanently doubled in all aspects.

445. A flock of 200 +1d100 geese fly down & around everyone within 100 yards asking all which way is South? –5 to AC
& to Hit until they are killed or leave.

446. A random party member has caught a rather common deadly disease; PLAGUE!!! (Bubonic Plague that is) unless
properly treated they will die within three weeks.

447. “YOU LITTLE PUSSEY!!” (no not the one you’re thinking). A random party member is now a cute, cuddly kitten. Can
speak & retain them self. Lasts 1d4 weeks.

448. A eunuch materializes in front of you and insists on giving you PLEASURE!!!

449. A random party member’s head explodes, unless you or they spends one Fate point. (If none, divine/demonic
intervention is possible, GM’s discretion.)

450. “Green with envy???” The Spell works fine, except for you all your party members are green for 1 week.

451. “Be afraid,………be very afraid…….” A random party member is afraid of what or whom???? Roll for Phobia.

452. Spell fizzles....

453. 1d100 hungry alligators appears around you……and they are pissed!! Bite, 2d12 damage. Tail, 1d12 damage. 50
HP’s. 20-30 ft long. Weight = 700+. Will attack anyone or thing near to them until dead.
454. A 12 foot deep, 6 foot wide hole opens up in front of you. There’s a ladder leading down. At the bottom is a
colorfully clothed Gnome waving you down, “Quick, this way out…” Do you go? If no, he says, “Oh, well…I tried to
help.” He and the hole vanishes. If yes, GM’s discretion as to what happens next……………(hee, hee)

455. A potion appears at your feet… (GM’s choice).

456. Join me or... A devil lord offers to make you a wish, you may decline but...

457. “Telegram” says a well-dressed Bellhop all in red. He gives you a telegram, tips his hat and leaves. It states: “LOOK
OUT!” Signed; Good Luck, from the Luck & Improbability Guild.” You see a World War II Nazi BF-100 Messer
Schmidt diving in your direction, guns blazing. D20+9 vs REF you & anyone within 4 squares of you. Fail = 6d8
damage. It disappears.

458. Your right ear grows three times larger. Permanent. May be removed by a remove curse.

459. “Be afraid,………be very afraid…” Of what or whom???? Roll for Phobia.

460. You’re transformed into a cute little Yorkshire terrier for GM knows how long...

461. A random party member is transformed into a cute little Yorkshire terrier for GM knows how long...

462. You loose 1d6 inches in height, your clothes & armor amazingly still fit. Spell has no effect.

463. Maggots start pouring out your targets mouth. Spell fizzles.

464. The king in the country you’re in finds you responsible for a plot made against him and sets a reward of 100,000
gold pieces on your head.

465. A random party member decides it is time to “hit the showers”. They go bathe.

466. Mars, god of war, decides to pay you a visit. He really likes a good battle. For some reason he favors you & party
members with you. “Here’s something to help increase the sting of battle for you all….” You all can hit better, +1
to Hit for all.

467. The gods are for the party. All get +1d10 to HP’s, permanent.

468. Spell works normally.

469. A random party member grows human fully functional female breasts. Size 38D. If female, you now have another

470. You grow claws, horrible black non-retractable claws. (damage 2d6+2). Permanent. May be removed by a remove
curse, if you find a priest that can be convinced you’re a good guy that is...

471. You loose the last Power you just used for a day.

472. You find yourself dressed in the finest silk garments, but you’ve got no idea of where your armor is.
473. Your spleen implodes, 4d4 HP damage. –2 to DEX & CON.

474. X Y Z or? You are the lucky guy to be instantly teleported 451 yards straight up into the air. And on your way down
you have splendid view and hope you’ll live to tell about it. (damage = 10d6).

475. Something went very, very wrong. You and all party members receive full damage from last spell cast.

476. Without any justified reason your left ear turns permanently light blue. May be removed by a Remove curse.

477. You notice a necklace round your neck that wasn’t there before. Any way you can’t take it off and as another
bonus it gives you a +2 to Will.

478. A potion appears at a random party member’s feet…??? (GM’s choice).

479. A river of lava, 6 squares long, 3 squares wide, & 5’ deep stretches out from you in the direction you were looking
when the Spell was cast. 2d6 damage/Round in lava. 5 ongoing fire when exit. Save ends

480. Spell fizzles.....

481. Your left foot feels burning hot. You look down a gremlin just gave you a “hot foot”, he runs away laughing. Your
foot is no fire, 1d6 damage + 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends). You can do nothing else except trying to put your
foot out.

482. You find a key in your pocket.

483. A random party member’s right eye pops out of its socket and hangs swinging by its nerve thread.

484. A raving specter starts terrorizing you and your party.

485. “TRUCK YOU!!!” You are turned into a toy Tonka dump truck. Lasts 1d4 days.

486. A minor air elemental offers you its help.

487. “Oooohhh!!………this is gonna hurt.” A random party member suddenly find him/herself in the middle of an arena
with a multitude of people cheering. You are dressed in strange light armor complete with helm and a colorful
cloth covering. You are holding a leathery large elongated egg-like bladder, brown with two white stripes & laces.
You feel the ground tremor a bit as you look to see 12 other large men clad as yourself but their cloth & helm is
different color than yours. They are at a full running charge at you. Roll 1d12 to see how many hit you then take
body block/tackle damage of 1d6+4/each. After getting mangled you appear back where you were.

488. “A game of chess, hmmm...?”, asks a nearby tree.

489. The gods are against you, loose 1d6 HP’s permanent.

490. Gain +1 Heal Surge, Permanent.

491. You can feel the rhythm even before you can hear the wonderful music. A Magical Dance affects the entire party.
Cannot do anything else except dance & prance for 1d4+1 Rounds.
492. A pack of trappers’ mates selects you to be their next victim.

493. You gain an Action Point that only is lost thru actual use of it.

494. You find a dagger in your boot.

495. Spell acts normally.

496. Spell has only half effect and duration.

497. Your next Standard Action is treated as a Free Action.

498. You feel faster, +2 to SPD.

499. Spell fizzles………

500. Fate sees you as a promising investment and awards you an extra fate point but reminds you of his existence by
making you forget the Spell you just was about to cast, so that you won’t bother him again...

501. A pool of quicksand happens to open up under your feet. Lasts one hour, sinks at the rate of 6 inches/Round, once
under will drown/suffocate in four minutes unless hold breath longer.. 97% undetectable in swamp, 79%
outdoors, & 30% indoors.

502. A random party member Gains +1 Heal Surge, Permanent.

503. A warriors arm and sword in another part of the Palladium world happens to slash through a hole in space hitting
you instead of its intended target. You get a really good close-up of a Dwarven-made broadsword taking 1d8+4
points of damage in the process. +8 to Hit.

504. A random party member becomes a normal black Labrador Retriever. (SEE #351)Can speak & retain control of
their self. Remove Curse to restore them.

505. A random party member’s right arm & left leg trades places.

506. Since no-one at the Magic college told you ‘bout wa’ll ‘appen ‘f ya don’ watch i’ you cast the Spell on yourself.

507. For a moment you seemed to be getting away with it, but... Your Spell backfires and goes off in the opposite

508. A random party member gets one Fate point.

509. Your left toes exchanges places with your right fingers.

510. You grow webbed hands and feet. Permanent. Swim +10 checks.

511. A random party member gets one Action Point that only is lost thru actual use of it.
512. You feel a tug at a random party member’s heart. A curse was placed on it. You know it will stop functioning in 1d4
weeks. Remove Curse spell will fix it.

513. A well dressed violinist steps out from a shadow and plays a song for you, when he’s finished he bows, turns
around and implodes.

514. You loose an Action Point.

515. A passing frog stops to tell you to behave or he’ll...

516. All of your right toes wither into nothingness. –5 to SPD.

517. You drop all of your teeth in your upper left jaw.

518. “Telegram” says a well dressed Bell-hop all in red. He gives you a telegram, tips his hat and leaves. It states: “Look
behind you. Signed; Salutations from the Luck & Improbability Guild.” You look, behind you is Cyborg with laser
pistol pointed at your back. +8 to Hit. 6d6 damage. (GM’s choice, the Cyborg can disappear after attack or you can
have him stick around & fight on with your stats, of course.)

519. Your head shrinks to half of its normal size. Permanent. May be removed by a remove curse.

520. An Iron Golem rises up to kill you & party.

521. You see the Spell take effect and then everything goes black for a few seconds. When you open up your eyes again
you are standing in a long 20 ft wide, 100 ft long corridor which has its walls lined with strange chairs, two on each
side. Every chair has a strangely clothed human in it, 120 person all in all. They all stare at you, mouths wide open.
Through small oval windows on the walls you can see clouds and you can hear a distant humming sound, you have
a strange door to your right. After ten seconds everything goes black again and you’re back to where from you

522. An Addle Mind spell was cast on a random party member. –1d4 to WIS.

523. You feel weaker, -1 to STR.

524. A random party member feels stronger, +1 to STR.

525. You grow a hairy tail, 3 ft long. Permanent. May be surgically removed.

526. You find a ring in your pocket. When worn it does……??? GM’s choice.

527. A bunch of flowers, different types, 24 all in all. Appear before your feet with a card. The card reads: " We humbly
apologize for not telling you to duck earlier... Love: The council of most unbelievable and unpredictable accidents."
If you look up when you’ve read this you see a gray stone made windmill falling directly on you from the sky.
D20+8 vs REF or suffer 6d6 points of damage.

528. The gods are for a random party member, gain +1 to FORT permanent.

529. You loose control of yourself and your brilliant GM can do as he/she pleases with your character for 1d4 Rounds...
530. A random party member’s spleen implodes, 4d4 HP damage. –2 to DEX & CON.

531. Roll three times on this marvelous table.

532. A potion appears at a random party member’s feet…??? (GM’s choice).

533. You feel less confident, -1 to WIS.

534. A random party member feels more confident, +1 to WIS.

535. One of your present random companions turns into a black goat for 1d4 days unless they make a d20+5 vs Will.

536. A well, 1 square radius, opens up beneath a random party member's feet, they fall 30 feet into water. Hope they
can swim.

537. Suddenly you realize that you’re blasted on Dwarven moonshine. (-4 to all Skill Checks and WIS) You’re drunk for
1d12 hours and have terrible a hangover for 1d8 hours with half of the penalties.

538. A random party member's left leg turns out to be made of pine-wood. Permanent. May be removed by a Remove
Curse or a saw...

539. A eunuch materializes in front of a random party member and insists on giving them PLEASURE!!!

540. Your next Standard Action is treated as a Free Action.

541. A shrubbery a few yards away warns you of a nearby band of Orcs. Actually true, but far too late. 10 Orcs step up
to your party and explain that they’re going to eat you for supper. (Low level mercs.)

542. A random party member is injured by that last spell. They roll for Injury.

543. You feel dumber, -1 to INT.

544. The very next encounter, your dailies become At-Wills.

545. You reverse your speech for 1d3 hours. (Spells act in reverse, as well).

546. “PUCK YOU” A random party member becomes a hockey puck for 1d4 days. Spell works normally.

547. A person in your vicinity random grows a skin colored one foot long crooked horn on their forehead (ram attack
does 1d6 damage). Permanent. May be removed by a remove curse.

548. Your target is turned to stone where they stand. May be moved. Remove Curse to fix. If non-living or area it will be
turned to stone as well.

549. The next stranger you talk to will mistake you for an old friend.

550. Death himself comes to claim a random party member. They can try & talk him out of it or make a deal…..????
551. You’re attacked by a whole nest of wild bees. The attack lasts for 1d6 Rounds.

552. “They call him The Streak……” A random party member is now buck ass naked. All armor/clothing is now gone.
Spell acts normally.

553. A rat offers to be your pet, if you’re prepared to feed it with one pound of cheese a week.

554. Nothing happens.

555. A Steel Golem offers his friendship.

556. You grow a pointed chin. Permanent.

557. Spell acts normally.

558. You find yourself surrounded by 1d100 venomous snakes 6 feet long.

559. Your left eye turns jet black. Permanent.

560. A random party member's lung capacity expands without being harmed. Can now hold breath for 10 minutes.
Spell fizzles....

561. You appear to have been awarded with an armor of Ithan, but you don’t know for how long...+15 to AC (1d6

562. The Magic affects a random party member instead of the desired target.

563. A zombie rises from the ground to do your bidding.

564. Your very next critical hit does max of all dice and modifiers involved.

565. You notice a small chest full of gold and jewelry standing a few feet from you. The gold is real and it is worth
250,000 Gold Pieces.

566. A random party member’s right lung implodes, 6d6 Hit Points damage. Fortitude Save. –5 to DEX & CON. –5% to
all Physical Skills. Hold breathe time is cut by half.

567. A respected noble claims that you owe him 560,000 Gold Pieces and sets a reward of 50,000 Gold Pieces to
anyone who can bring you before him alive. You become aware of this when you see your own picture posted in
the next town you enter.

568. Spell fizzles………..

569. Your next Standard Action is treated as a Free Action.

570. A potion appears at your feet…??? (GM’s choice).

571. You find yourself in a black small room. You can see light peering in from a crack in what might be a door. If you
open the door you realize that a cupboard must have materialized around you. The cupboard is of good quality
and has several sets of fine tailored clothes in it, which amazingly fit you.

572. May repeat 1 random Daily Power in same day once.

573. A raven considers itself to be your pet.

574. You decide it is time to “hit the showers”. You leave to bathe.

575. The next sword that hits your body will simply slide through and you will not suffer any damage.

576. The gods are against a random party member. –1d10 to HP, permanent.

577. You turn yourself into a Silver-Crested Cockatoo for 1d4 days, but retain your self-control.

578. You feel as if “A weight has been lifted off your shoulders.” Your head falls off. You are not killed, strangely. Your
head rolls 1d12 feet away. You now have to direct your headless body to come and “pick you up” to get your
“head screwed on straight.” (Soccer anyone..?? hee. hee..)

579. The Spell you cast will repeat itself at the same time of day for 3d6 days.

580. Your target grows another left arm.

581. You gain one Spell same nature of Spell cast, the Spell works normally.

582. You permanently decrease your Experience by 6d6 points.

583. You permanently increase your Experience by 6d6 points.

584. Your right arm & left leg trades places.

585. You feel less healthy, -1d6 to HP.

586. A random party member feels more healthy, +1d6 to HP.

587. The Magic energies are warped and directed at you instead and your body starts to burn taking 1d6 of damage for
1d6 Rounds.

588. A random party member’s nose and anal opening exchanges places. Remove Curse to fix. -5 CHA

589. Your left leg turns out to be made of pine-wood. Permanent. May be removed by a remove curse or a saw...

590. Roll for Injury.

591. Whoops! You loose your balance and fall to the ground, which means that the Spell didn’t work and you loose the
initiative. Try again next Round.

592. Spell fizzles….

593. Sometimes a Spell goes wrong, very wrong and this is one of those times. If you are a male then you are from this
day on an impotent male, but if you are a woman then you’re pregnant whether you want it or not.

594. A Dark Wizard invites you for tea.

595. A strange pine tree appears in front of you. It is highly decorated as if part of some strange ritual. If you examine it
closely you can see small dolls hanging from its branches featuring a bearded man in red clothes. Burning candles
also line the branches. Under the tree there are some packages in multicolored paper...

596. “Be afraid,………be very afraid…….” A random party member is afraid of what or whom???? Roll for Phobia.

597. Somehow you didn’t quite understand how it was you were supposed to pronounce those last words... Spell is
certainly not the desired one, GM’s choice.

598. Spell acts normally.

599. Your next Standard Action is treated as a Free Action.

600. A small apple tree materializes in front of you. It is about 6 ft high and planted in a large pot. The tree has a glittery
aura and if examined closer by a Magic user it will radiate powerful Magic, in fact the whole tree is extremely
Magic. The tree monthly grows 1d6 red glass-like apples each containing 50 Experience Points. The tree has to be
kept in a suitable environment or it’ll die. This plant is of a Magic, practiced by the Titans and some Elves and
Dragons during the elf-dwarf wars, long forgotten called; "Th’aghf Zathciuwa’gh Ghathyur’eigh" or " The way of
the trees". If not treated properly the tree will die. Once the apples are picked they will last for centuries. There
are no cores in the apples, once each century the tree will grow one green apple (containing 2000 Experience
Points !!!) that can be planted to yield another 1d8 trees.

601. A passing dragon decides it is time for his late supper...

602. A random party member’s left kidney implodes, 6d6 HP damage. –1d4 to CON & DEX.

603. "Just who do you think you are!!? GET OFF MY HEAD!!!" Screams a stone from under your boot and gives you the
evil eye. (Not the psionic or curse. GM note.)

604. A random party member is dead, unless they or you spend one Fate Point. (If none, divine/demonic intervention is
possible, GM’s discretion.)

605. A well dressed lawyer approaches you, "According to Ch. 28 § 143 Lines 3 to 8 In the Book of Death and
Damnation 267’th Ed. you are hereby condemned to eternal suffering in the plane of Hades, please follow me
squire.", he states. A Baal Rog (greater demon), steps out from hiding and asks you to accompany him through the
black oval disc hanging in the air a few yards away. He may settle for a deal negotiated by the lawyer. If you refuse
he says he WILL take you by force...

606. All of a random party member’s left fingers wither into nothingness. –5 to DEX

607. Just as you cast your Spell, someone yells, DUCK!! The Spell goes off, but you don’t feel yourself. You look down
and see duck feet & legs instead of your legs & feet!! Your arms are now wings, you notice an orange bill where
your mouth was…etc….etc. Get over it!! You are a duck! A big duck!! At your original height & weight. Good news
is all related swim/water skills are at +10 & you can fly & you gain Aquatic Birds Language Skill. Bad news, lasts 1
week. Really Bad news, a lot of creatures, things, & people will want to eat you….for real. (You retain yourself. You
can talk like Donald Duck. All physical skills –10, unless “bird” related…..ha..ha..hee…hee)

608. A random party member gets one Fate point.

609. You feel stronger, +1 to STR.

610. Spell acts normally.

611. You threw that Spell so hard, it did double damage. However, severe pain in your right shoulder & arm. You
dislocated your shoulder, Fortitude Save. Arm is useless until fixed. –2 to all stats. –10 to all Physical Skill checks.

612. The gods are with a random party member, +1d10 to HP’s, permanent.

613. Roll to Save vs Curse: Cravings; Moose dung.

614. A “Stargate” opens nearby for 30 seconds.

615. A random person in your vicinity is affected by the Spell as well.

616. A Wooden Golem rises up to kill you & party.

617. Without any justified reason your right ear turns permanently light blue. May be removed by a Remove curse.

618. Your very next critical hit does no damage.

619. A potion lies before you on the ground. (Fairy’s Dance).

620. Death himself comes to claim you & the entire party. Can try & talk him out of it or make a deal…..????

621. The whole party is suddenly in a desert. You can hear the sound of a distant battle raging through the air. If you
look closer you can see a battle going on in a valley. There are only humans that are part of this battle. (GM: The
characters have been teleported to 900 A.D Middle East Crusades.) The group will remain in this dimension for
1d4 days and will then be teleported back to the same place and time as they left.

622. A random party member finds a ring in their pocket. When worn it does……??? GM’s choice.

623. Spell works well. Unfortunately the same Spell also shot out your left ear to hit whoever or whatever is on that

624. A random party member blink outs of existence for 1d12 minutes. They materialize back in the same spot as they
were before.

625. A fireball is also directed at your target.

626. A random party member’s left toes exchanges places with their right fingers.
627. You learn a new Spell random that of course is unstable and this also makes one of your other Spells unstable
random, the problem is just that you don’t know which one...

628. The gods are with a random party member, +1d10 to HP, permanent.

629. A snake (typical for the terrain) offers to be your pet.

630. Spell fizzles………subtract 2d12 Experience.

631. A random party member’s left foot feels burning hot. They look down, a gremlin just gave them a “hot foot”, he
runs away laughing. Their foot is no fire, 1d6 damage + 3 ongoing fire damage (save ends). They can do nothing
else except trying to put the foot out.

632. Nothing happens.

633. You asked for it; effect level x2!

634. You hear a whistling sound above... A shell from a WWII howitzer is dimensionally teleported to the world and
explodes 20 feet above your heads. Spreading shrapnel burst 20. 60% chance of taking 3d6 points of damage. 30%
chance of starting a fire. You are deafened for 1d6 minutes, if you survive that is.

635. "You have only one question, but you may ask me anything I will answer truthfully." Says a voice in your head and
before your mind’s eye you can see an old bearded man in a red silk robe standing before you and you notice that
time seems to have stopped.

636. Your arms & legs trade places.

637. A nearby cemetery is accidentally affected by a powerful raise the dead Spell producing 10d8 skeletons that set off
to terrorize the countryside. The creatures will kill all living beings that get in their way.

638. Heal Potion appears at your feet. Heals 10+twice your level.

639. Your Left Leg & Foot is now permanently invisible. Any clothing/armor/equipment put on it becomes invisible. Can
not be detected by any means. You can have it replaced with cybernetics only to be visible again.

640. Nothing happens.

641. A blow worm surfaces 30 yards away and dives in your direction...

642. A random party member’s balls fall off. If female you finally “grow a pair”.

643. A bard in a nearby town writes a hit-song about your groups’ heroic deeds, which results that in a year or two each
existing group-members’ renown will be increased by one point!!!

644. The Assassin’s Guild is now out to kill the entire party, but you know this.

645. You develop blisters. First on your hands and a few days later your arms. After a week your entire body is covered
and the blisters begin to turn into sores. You realize only to late that you have caught the disease; Leprosy. Unless
Magically treated you will die in 1d6 weeks.

646. A random party member can’t take it anymore, they are overcome with grief. All they can do is sit down and cry
for the next 1d6 days until they get it out of their system. (There, there now….feel better?)

647. An order of outcast Magicians in the Wolfen Empire send you their greetings and an invitation to their annual
celebration of the Equinox.

648. “Who are you..??” Whoever/whatever you are, you become a normal human being for 1d4 weeks with no special

649. Your left ear grows three times larger. Permanent. May be removed by a remove curse.

650. A random party member grows an extra right thumb.

651. You vomit uncontrollably for 1d6 Rounds producing a strange green foul smelling thick liquid taking 2d4 points of
damage directly to your hit points.

652. A random party member feels less agile, -1 to DEX.

653. You feel more agile, +1 to DEX.

654. A random party member’s right leg falls off. No wound, as if they were never born with it.

655. You grow another pair of arms. Permanent. May be removed by a remove curse.

656. A random party member is turned to stone where they stand. Remove Curse to fix.

657. A pool of boiling lead is created 10 ft above your head. You are aware of it and may save d20+7 vs REF. If you fail
you will suffer 6d6 points of damage.

658. “Be afraid,………be very afraid…….” Of what or whom???? Roll for Phobia.

659. A rat crawls up your back and bites you in your left ear and runs off leaving you with an infected wound. You also
receive one point of damage.

660. “Congratulations!! A random party member is pregnant.” Does not matter what sex, if any, they are. 01-50% =
boy, 51-100% girl. Will be of their species & a normal nine month pregnancy. Morning sickness & severe mood
swings apply as GM sees fit.

661. Since you weren’t concentrating hard enough the Spell fails.

662. Your left hand exchanges places with your left foot.

663. In some strange way you automatically loose the Initiative. But the Spell works and has double effect.

664. “Who are you..??” Whoever/whatever you are, a random party member becomes a normal human being for 1d4
weeks with no special abilities.
665. A random party member: You just don't feel quite right; have that heavy sinking feeling as if you are falling into
yourself. You implode!! There's a sickening wet smack sound. Take 2d6+6 damage, return in #rds=to damage

666. "Pleased to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself...!" You find yourself in a large damp dining hall at one end of
a large oak-table facing a handsome dark-eyed young man. He looks at you and has a sip of his wine, smiles and
says: " I have a proposal to make, but first we eat hmm?" The dinner you’re served is the best you’ve had in your
entire life, the man small talks during the meal. After you’re finished he personally serves you a glass of vintage
wine and asks you to do a favor for him." It is of course voluntary, since I wouldn’t dream of forcing you to do
anything against your will." He will not tell you the nature of the favor until you agree. If you refuse he will simply
send you back...

667. 3d6 skeletons rise from their graves to tear your soul apart...

668. You gain a +10 to the next roll of your choice.

669. You grow a 5” high dark crest. Permanent. May be removed by a remove curse.

670. You feel…strange. Your armor/clothes/boots feel a little loose the next morning. Does “The Incredible Shrinking
Man” ring a bell??. You will decrease in height 1d6 inches/day until you find a way to stop & reverse the process.

671. From this day on you can’t remember anything from certain full-moon nights since you suffer from Lycanthropy
(Werewolf). Permanent. May be removed by a remove curse.

672. A random party member has an uncontrollable urge to hug & kiss the person next to them.

673. A peach tree starts growing in one of your bags.

674. Instead of the desired Spell, a parachute flare shoots up. Lights burst 10 for 1 minute.

675. A thunderstorm builds up in the surrounding countryside and rages for 1d4 days.

676. The gods are against the party. All get –1d10 to HP’s, permanent.

677. A random party member gets a +10 to next roll of choice.

678. Roll percentile. That’s how much of a random party member’s Gold Pieces disappear.

679. A five mile long 200 yards wide 500 yards deep hole in the ground opens up a short distance away. Permanent.

680. A potion appears at a random party member’s feet…??? (GM’s choice).

681. The back of your skull is from this day on made of crystal. Permanent. Mind the head, please. May be fixed by
remove curse.

682. The Magic affects a random party member instead of the desired target.
683. You are instantly turned into a thorny shrubbery with small blue flowers and red berries. You may think and speak.
Lasts for 1d6 weeks.

684. Magic mushrooms (2d6) spring up at your feet. Eat one??? Effect = roll percentile: 01-25%, +1d10 to HP; 26-50%, -
1d20 to HP; 51-75%, +1d20 to HP; 76-100%,-1d10. All effects are permanent.

685. You feel uglier, -1 to CHA.

686. Spell fizzles.

687. You forget your name and profession for 1d4 weeks. (You may even find it strange to eat with a knife and fork.
You retain your skills and may react but you are not aware of what you’re capable of).

688. Spell acts normally.

689. A passing butterfly tells you to shut up.

690. Your target has angry Killer Bees coming out of their ears. They will attack all in the area. If exposed skin is stung, 1
HP of damage/sting.

691. Spell acts normally.

692. Your dead, Dude!!! Death offers you another chance, only if you…??? GM’s discretion.

693. And you thought that this was the end of it how wrong you were. A god (random, of course) "awards" you with a
quest (the nature of the quest is up to the storyteller). You may decline...but?????

694. You burst into the number of HP’s you have of 3 inch replicas of yourself. (If 75 HP’s there are now 75 3 inch tall
replicas of you). For each one of these that get squashed you loose one Hit Point until you “re-assemble” in 1d6
hours. All of you must be within 1 square of where this happened any not there are lost. If only one left, you will
come back as normal with only one HP. If none left or not at area, you are dead.

695. You develop a severe allergy to the subject you were using your Magic on.

696. “YOU’RE OUT!!!”, yells an Umpire. All stop, you have no choice except to “sit out” the next 2d4 Rounds on a bench
nearby. “Play Ball”, he yells as he disappears. All resume their actions.

697. You find yourself to be the next victim of a secret death cult located near your home, you are aware of this but
you do not have the faintest idea of how you became aware. Today is the perfect day for writing your testimony!

698. A beautiful pearl necklace with a medium size gem appears around a random party member's neck. Nice, huh?
But, the gem seems to be ticking……???

699. All of a random party member’s right toes wither into nothingness. –5 to SPD.

700. A greater elemental of fire sees you as one of the ancient "lost" elemental and in order to help your quest it grants
you resistance to all kinds of fire and heat (Magical and non Magical).You also grow the mark of fire on your
forehead and your pupils from now on glows with a deep red light. May be removed by a remove curse at 1/3 of
normal chance. Resist Fire 10.

701. Your Spell shatters a nearby window. A big “Mom” figure in house robe, curlers, & green slimy mud-pack on her
face sticks her head out. There’s a baseball in her hand. She yells down for all to here. “All right, who broke m’
window??!! Someone’s goin’ pay fer it, fess up, now.!!!” All, friend & foe stop & look at her, then each other. All
scatter, running away not wanting to be blamed. End of battle.

702. A random party member feels as if “A weight has been lifted off their shoulders.” Head falls off. They are not
killed, strangely. Their head rolls 1d12 feet away. Now have to direct their headless body to come and “pick their
head up” to get their “head screwed on straight.” (Soccer anyone..?? hee. hee..)

703. Spell acts normally.

704. A potion appears at your feet…??? (GM’s choice).

705. Your hands and lower arms are turned into a oozing yellow liquid for 1d3 minutes. If the liquid is not "at its place"
after this period you may from this day on consider yourself a cripple. (May roll percentile 1-10 = no effect, 11-30
= loss of 1d10 fingers, 31-60 = loss of hands, 60-90 = loss above wrists, 91-100 = loss at elbows).

706. You asked for it….You got it…..A random party member increases one level!!!

707. Suddenly you feel an itch on your back. As you scratch yourself you become aware of that something is not as it
used to be... You grow 1d12 hand sized green mushrooms on your body. Each mushroom may be removed, but it
will inflict 1d3 points of damage directly to your hit points in the process. Good luck. After a month they fall off
unless picked.

708. Spell fizzles.

709. The Spell drains you of CON. Pass out for 2d4 Rounds, wake-up with half CON (rounded up). Gain back 2 CON/day.

710. A random party member’s left arm & right leg trades places.

711. Your Right Arm & Hand is now permanently invisible. Any clothing/armor/equipment put on it becomes invisible.
Same with any weapon held by that hand. Can not be detected by any means.

712. A random party member is injured by that last spell. They roll for Injury.

713. The only thing you will remember from this day is that you were about to cast a Spell and that a shimmering
turquoise light engulfed you. Your friends on the other hand has a completely different tale to tell: Suddenly you
disappeared and were gone until now (1d12 days have passed). No one knows what really happened to you during
this time, but you have a strange feeling that someone else can see, hear, smell and feel all that you experience.
Sorry but it seems as though you have been abducted by something or someone and been probed... Roll Save vs
Random Insanity.

714. Have gained an Action Point to be used at will. If used in same round with another Action Point, will become
Fatigued and Stunned until end of the Encounter. Recover as normal after.

715. Spell fizzles………-6d6 Experience.

716. A random party member gets one Fate point.

717. You feel mentally challenged, -1 to INT.

718. Your very next critical hit does no damage.

719. You find your nose turned into 24 carat of solid gold. May be removed by a remove curse, or sold. Lower CHA by
1d3 points.

720. A random party member’s left hand exchanges places with their left foot.

721. You grow gills and naturally you cannot breathe air anymore. You must find water within 3 minutes or die from
suffocation. Luckily for you the gills work in both salt and fresh water. (GM’s note: May have well/geyser spring
forth nearby as Divine or Magical Intervention for a price to be paid later.)

722. The gods are against you. –1 to FORT, permanent.

723. A flash, a puff of smoke and a little pink frog. That is all that remains of your Spell.

724. A random party member feels smarter, +1 to INT.

725. In addition to your Spell you conjure up a wasp’s nest inside your target’s mouth.

726. “They call him The Streak……” You are now buck ass naked. All armor/clothing you had on is gone. Spell acts

727. Desired Spell at twice the effect, normal cost.

728. All Powers for the next 1 day are At-Will Powers. Ends at Midnight.

729. You feel invigorated, +1d6 to HP.

730. “Curses, foiled again.” You hear your target say as they disappear.

731. A random curse is cast upon you by the next priest of darkness you encounter.

732. A random party member's Powers for the next 1 day are At-Will Powers. Ends at Midnight.

733. When you cast the Spell you also notice that your left thumb is somehow stuck. Curious as you are you discover
that a silvery thumbscrew is attached to your thumb. It may easily be removed.

734. You just had a sex change. Remove Curse will fix it.

735. Your Left Arm & Hand is now permanently invisible. Any clothing/armor/equipment put on it becomes invisible.
Same with any weapon held by that hand. Can not be detected by any means.

736. “TRUCK YOU!!!” A random party member is turned into a toy Tonka dump truck. Lasts 1d4 days.
737. You suddenly "remember" the exact location of the nearest dragon’s treasure horde, the bad thing is that the
dragon knows that you know...

738. All of your right fingers wither into nothingness. –2 DEX.

739. Fate sees you as a promising piece in the game and awards you an automatic successful Dodge/Save against the
next supernatural attack directed at you.

740. The Magic affects a random party member instead of the desired target.

741. Your right eye pops out of its socket and hangs swinging in its nerve thread.

742. A random party member feels stiff all over & it is getting worse…………he/she is now a stone statue. They are
aware of all about them just can’t move, speak, well they are a statue until some comes by with a Remove Curse
spell to cast. Hope your friends really like you, the pigeons do.

743. GET READY TO ROOOCK!!! Spell at ten times the normal damage, range and duration.

744. A well, 2 square radius, opens up beneath a random party member's feet, they fall 30 feet into Acid. They take 1d6
acid damage/Round + 5 ongoing acid damage when exit (save ends).

745. You become color blind for 1d3 weeks.

746. The gods are for the party. All get +1 to FORT, WILL & REF, permanent.

747. You instantly triple your WIS for 2d4 Rounds.

748. A random party member just had a sex change. Remove Curse will fix it.

749. A Pegasus offers to be your steed, if you are of a good alignment. An evil character on the other hand finds himself
covered with 2d8 hungry tinder spiders.

750. May repeat 1 random Daily Power in same day once.

751. You mysteriously become aware of the workings of the Ritual (random) and may from this day forth consider
yourself as knowledgeable in it. Unstable of course. -1d12 on DC rolls.

752. A little bearded Gnome appears, says “Howdy” & shakes a random party member's hand. He leaves on his merry
way laughing & giggling as he goes. When they check, all their coins are gone.

753. You feel more durable, +1 to CON.

754. Spell fizzles……….

755. The next arrow fired in your vicinity will hit your head. Normal damage.

756. Your armor starts “rusting”. Looses 1 AC/day permanent.

757. A group of wandering pilgrims (3d6) mistakes you for a saint and starts harassing you with prayers, offerings and
submission. They will be very hard to get rid of and may act violently when the truth is revealed, depending on
their religion of course.

758. Your armor becomes totally immune to all damage for 1d6 Rounds.

759. The world "forgets" you for 1d4 hours and you are practically invisible during this period.

760. A random party member's armor starts “rusting”. Looses 1 AC/day permanent.

761. Your left eye pops out of its socket and hangs swinging in its nerve thread.

762. “Whose there….????” You summoned something really nice…(GM’s Choice).

763. Absolutely nothing happens and you loose the rest of your actions for this Round.

764. You feel…strange. Your armor/clothes/boots feel a little tight the next morning. Does “The Colossal Man” ring a
bell??. You will increase in height 1d6 inches/day until you find a way to stop & reverse the process.

765. A pack (2d6) of wild Boars are accidentally summoned to a location 100 ft to your left. There is a 75% chance of
that these fierce buggers will attack, if this is the case they will attack the nearest humanoid.

766. The gods like you, they give you a Fate Point.

767. Your next Standard Action is treated as a Free Action.

768. The gods are against a random party member. –1d4 to HP, permanent.

769. Your very next critical hit does max of all dice and modifiers involved.

770. A random party member has gained an Action Point to be used at will. If used in same round with another Action
Point, will become Fatigued and Stunned until end of the Encounter. Recover as normal after.

771. Cursed with Lycanthropy.

772. The very next encounter, your dailies become At-Wills.

773. A person to the left of you random will be affected by the Spell "Word of Truth" for the remainder of this day
(until sunset) Save vs 15 or higher. If this happens during the night then you will be affected by the Spell "Shadow
meld" for 3d6 Rounds Save vs 15 or higher.

774. Super Lucky your next Fumble (nat 1 on d20) is transformed into a Critical Hit or Success.

775. A war horse of the finest breed without any markings is presented to you as a token of eternal friendship by the
next noble you encounter.

776. “What happened…???” (GM’s Choice).

777. “BLACK JACK!!!!” You get this number’s digits added together 7+7+7= +21 to your HP permanently.

778. You become aware of the general location of one of the famous gates to Hades, the bad thing is that the ruler of
Hades knows this and has already acted accordingly... The "good" thing is that you know he knows.

779. Your left hand exchanges places with your left foot.

780. An active circle of protection from Magic (strength +2) is created where you stand.

781. A random party member suddenly sees the world from a different point of view, a rat’s that is!! You are now a rat.
You retain control of your self.

782. You feel less agile, -1 to DEX.

783. Your left arm falls off. No wound, as if you were never born with it.

784. A sketch of you falls to the ground beside you.

785. A potion appears at a random party member’s feet…??? (GM’s choice).

786. A mystic robbed figure walks by you, you gape in awe at the extremely powerful Magic emanating from
him/her/or it? It is overpowering, you pass out for 1d4 Rounds. When you awake your current maximum WILL
Save is doubled, permanently.

787. For the next 1d6 weeks, every time a random party member removes any head gear, a large white rabbit appears
from it. It is a normal rabbit. 01-50% Male, 51-100% Female. They will mate and produce offspring normally. Or,
could have rabbit stew any time wanted. Make rabbit skin jackets, etc.

788. Lightning Strikes and you suffer 6d6 points of damage.

789. “BUCK YOU!!!” A random party member now has a nice rack of 12 point antlers growing from your head. STR of 17
to keep your head up. Balance check periodically, to see if you fall over. May be sawed off or Remove Curse spell.
Will grow normally until removed by Magic.

790. You feel something invisible giving pressure from all around your head. D20+15 vs Will or pass out for 1d6 Rounds.
Your friends on the other hand witness your head shrink to the size of an apple (i.e. a Granny Smith apple of
normal size), the only thing that does not shrink is: 1; your eyes 2; your nose 3; your mouth 4; your ears 5; your
teeth 6; your throat. This effect is permanent and will not affect your mental capabilities. May be removed by a
remove curse at 2/3 of normal chance. P.B is halved due to the amusing look of your little "doorknob".

791. GM’s Choice…………….???????????

792. You’re right ear grows pointed like an Elf’s, if you are an Elf your right ear grows to double size. Permanent.

793. “Be afraid,………be very afraid…….” A random party member is afraid of what or whom???? Roll for Phobia.

794. You find a piglet among your gear.

795. Spell acts normally.

796. What was I ? A girl, a boy or..? You change your sex for 1d3 months.

797. A random party member is injured by that last spell. They roll for Injury.

798. You will be aware of the next plot made against you and your friends.

799. Spell fizzles……….

800. Mars, the god of war, sees you as a suitable subject for a new kind of “blessing” The Almighty Warrior. This
blessing has the effect of granting you +3 to Damage, Attack & AC. You are notified of his decision by Mercury, god
of speed, messenger of the gods, who also explains to you of how to activate this blessing: Turn your face to the
sun and whisper "In the name of Mars, warrior god, give me the power!!” This may be used once a week and lasts
for one hour. After explaining this to you, Mercury flies off stating, “ We may meet again……….”

801. You are covered in a glasslike substance that tightens so much that you cannot breathe. Make roll vs STR to
shatter the glass or take 1d6 damage each Round until you are dead. Others may also try to break the glass.
HP=65, STR=16.

802. The Magic affects you instead of the desired target.

803. The next person of your opposite sex that you encounter will insist on mating with you.

804. All of a random party member’s left toes wither into nothingness. –5 to SPD.

805. At the instant you cast the Spell you knew something went wrong, roll twice on this table.

806. Loose all your actions in this and next round. May defend normally.

807. Your Right Leg & Foot is now permanently invisible. Any clothing/armor/equipment put on it becomes invisible.
Cannot be detected by any means.

808. A random party member is Super Lucky your next Fumble (nat 1 on d20) is transformed into a Critical Hit or

809. You feel mentally stronger, +1 to STR.

810. You find a ring in your pocket. When worn it does……??? GM’s choice.

811. Spell acts normally.

812. A random party member's little finger falls off.

813. The next person of your same sex that you encounter will insist on mating with you.

814. Spell fizzles.

815. You find a kitten in one of your pockets, the Spell works normally.

816. Your target grows another right arm.

817. Spell has twice the effect but also affects you with full strength.

818. A random party member feels…strange. Their armor/clothes/boots feel a little loose the next morning. Does “The
Incredible Shrinking Man” ring a bell??. Will decrease in height 1d6 inches/day until a way is found to stop &
reverse the process.

819. What do you want !?! Says a black Jinn that materializes in front of you and bows. 3 wishes.

820. A Copper Golem rises up to kill you & party.

821. Spell hits nearest inanimate object, be it your friend’s armor, sword, etc. or rock, tree, building....which ever is
closest to you.

822. Nothing happens.

823. You gain 1d6 inches in height, your clothes & armor amazingly still fit. The Spell works normally.

824. Lightning Strikes and a random party member suffers 6d6 points of damage.

825. Spell you just cast, you gain the same amount of damage in HP, permanent.

826. “You really made an ass of yourself, this time.” You are now an Ass (a Jackass, that is.) You can speak & retain
control. Lasts 1d6 weeks.

827. You lose knowledge of Spell cast, plus the next Spell on list. The Spell has no effect. Lasts during Encounter and the
next one.

828. A random party member gets one Action Point that only is lost thru actual use of it.

829. Spell works perfectly, does full damage x2.

830. Your target disappears & re-appears within 1 square directly behind you & gets a free Combat Action.

831. You instantly change places with target of Spell, just in time for your Spell to hit you or area of target.

832. You find yourself in a “stockade”. Your head & hands are locked in the holes. Your feet are shackled. HP of 100.
STR of 20 to break free. Takes two Actions.

833. JACKPOT!!!! Everyone within 20 squares of you hears the clanging of a loud bell calling attention to you. Persons
close to you see a red light flashing on top of your head. One-thousand gold coins start pouring out of your nose,
spilling on the ground bouncing & rolling every where. Each coin is worth 100 Gold Pieces!!! Everyone must make
d20+15 vs Will (if they choose to). All who failed (or want to) will dive for the coins & roll Initiative. High goes first.
Then roll a percentile or 1d100 to see how many coins they retrieved (if roll is 56, they got 56 coins, total can not
be more than 1,000). Rest are considered lost.
834. A random party member’s left leg falls off. No wound, as if they were never born with it.

835. The Spell works normally, you immediately get another combat action.

836. Spell fizzles……….

837. You have an uncontrollable urge to hug and kiss the nearest creature to you, the Spell works normally.

838. The gods are with a random party member, +1d10 to HP’s, permanent.

839. Before you cast your Spell, you suddenly remember this is “laundry day”, so you leave to wash your clothes.

840. “Telegram” says a well dressed Bell-hop all in red. He gives you a telegram, tips his hat and leaves. It states: “We
just learned you have been selected to receive a really big award. It should be arriving…………now! Signed;
Congrats All Round, Well Done, Jolly Good & all that. From the Luck & Improbability Guild.” You find your self in a
shadow that is growing super-speed fast. You look up, in time to see a round base, 30 ft in diameter descending on
your little head. D20+7 vs REF. Succeed, still take half damage. (this is moving fast) Fail = 10d6 damage. On the
base is a 30 ft tall hand with middle finger extended. Caption reads, “UP YOURS!! FROM YOUR HATEFUL ENEMIES

841. You gain a Poltergeist only you can see or hear (no Magic can detect it) for 1d6 weeks. It will pester you and cause
mishaps around you, leaving you the blame. Things break, chairs will be pulled out from others, drinks spilled, trip
others, etc. 25% chance when enter a room/area, 50% chance/hour while you stay in room/area that Poltergeist
will do something. (GM’s Discretion).

842. Your left leg falls off. No wound, as if you were never born with it.

843. You become frozen stiff for 1d4 Round’s, however you are totally impervious to any and all damage, your Spell has
no effect. Your comrades can use as a shield or ram.

844. The very next encounter, your dailies become At-Wills.

845. Grow another right arm, the Spell works normally.

846. Spell acts normally.

847. Your lung capacity expands without harming you. You can now hold your breath for 10 minutes. Spell fizzles....

848. A random party member is injured by that last spell. They roll for Injury.

849. You can now summon an entire colony of Fire Ants 1/day to aid you & do your bidding. Your Spell fizzles..... They
can only do 1 HP of damage per round of caster. Only if they can get to skin or soft tissue. This does not count as
an action for the caster. But summoning is a standard action. Creatures infested with Fire Ants must make a
Distraction Save of d20 + casters level vs FORT. Fail = lose that action trying to get the ants off them.

850. A random party member gets one Fate point.

851. You are suddenly awe-struck at the beauty of something on the ground (blade of grass, pebble, speck of dust,
etc.). You immediately lay down to get a closer look & marvel at its complexity for 1d4 Rounds, the Spell works

852. A random party member finds a ring in their pocket. When worn it does……??? GM’s choice.

853. God of Fate smiles on you once again, you get 1 Fate Point which can be exchanged for resurrection from death.
He states, “Now leave me alone.”

854. “YOU’RE OUT!!!”, yells an Umpire. All stop, A random party member has no choice except to “sit out” the next 1d4
Rounds on a bench nearby. “Play Ball!!!”, he yells as he disappears. All resume Actions.

855. Thor god of thunder, appears before you & gives you 3 Lightning Bolts that will do 6d6+10 damage each.
Automatically hit target when thrown, cannot Dodge. Roll d20 only to see if you get a critical hit of 16-20. Thor
thunders, “Use these wisely, we are watching you on Olympus. We may meet again.” He disappears.

856. A random party member’s left arm & left leg trades places.

857. You are now permanently totally hairless, the Spell works normally.

858. Your left little finger falls off.

859. You have the knowledge of the universe, answers to all mankind’s questions, the meaning of life, knowledge of
the after life, where you left the keys you could never find, etc. But, before you could tell anyone, you forget it all.

860. A potion appears at your feet…??? (GM’s choice).

861. You develop “The Clock Work Orange Syndrome”. You suddenly abhor violence in any form. You become violently
ill & vomiting dropping to the ground in curled up agony at the mere thought of doing violence or seeing it done.
Lasts for 1d6 days.

862. A random party member's left ear falls off, -1 to CHA.

863. Spell works normally.

864. A random party member finds them self in a “stockade”. Head & hands are locked in the holes. Feet are shackled.
HP of 100. STR of 20 to break free. Takes two Actions.

865. You age 1d6 years & gain +1 to INT/year aged. Spell works normally.

866. A random party member's nose falls off, -2 to CHA.

867. Your Spell hits nearest one to you.

868. Nothing happens.

869. You grow another left arm, the Spell works normally.

870. All of your left fingers wither into nothingness. –1 DEX.

871. You grow a fully functional eye in the back of your head. Spell fizzles...

872. A random party member's right ear falls off, -1 to CHA.

873. You become cross-eyed for 1d4 weeks. Loose all Strike, Dodge bonuses, the Spell works normally.

874. GM’s Choice…………….???????????

875. “You don’t know Jack”. For 1d6 Rounds you are a total idiot. You loose all your knowledge. Drool & mumble to
your self. Walk in circles. You can only Dodge normally.

876. Something went very, very wrong. You and all party members receive full damage from last spell cast.

877. Your target and you take full damage from Spell.

878. Your right hand exchanges places with your left foot.

879. You feel prettier, +1 to CHA.

880. The gods are against a random party member. –1d10 to HP, permanent.

881. Spell fizzles.....

882. A random party member's left ring finger falls off.

883. A Raven lands on your shoulder quoting, “Never more…” He asks to become your familiar. Yes?? No??? If no, he
flies off.

884. Roll for Injury.

885. “Ho, Ho, Ho…..” 1d12 Christmas Trees with various trimmings & lights spring up around you. Spell works normally.

886. You become aware someone is searching for you. The reason is not clear…????

887. You and a random party member gain 1 Fate Point.

888. You’re Critical Hit Range is doubled. (Crit of 20 is now 19-20, 19-20 would become 17-20, etc.)

889. You feel more confident, +1 to WIS.

890. Spell fizzles.

891. A Sleep Spell is placed on a random party member. Save vs Magic 18. Fail = will fall immediately into a trance like
sleep. Can only be awakened by a (you guessed it) kiss.

892. A cow comes by asking to be milked. Spell works normal.

893. A random party member feels…strange. Their armor/clothes/boots feel a little tight the next morning. Does “The
Colossal Man” ring a bell??. Will increase in height 1d6 inches/day until a way is found to stop & reverse the

894. Nothing Happens.

895. Your left ring finger falls off.

896. A chicken decides to roost on your head for 1d6 days. Can not remove it. When leaves, drops 1d4 eggs on your
head. Messy & runny.

897. You asked for it….You got it…..All party members decrease one level!!!

898. “Spells, Spells..?? Where are they?” You have forgotten how to use Magic for 1d6 days. After which, all comes

899. Spell acts normally.

900. You are now have Natural Armor equal to your current AC. Your armor “fused” with you, permanent.

901. Spell works well. Unfortunately the same Spell also shot out your right ear to hit whoever or whatever is on that

902. A random party member's nose turns to 24 carat gold.

903. You feel more healthy, +1d6 to HP.

904. All party member’s weapons disappear for 1d6 minutes.

905. A major earth elemental decides to rid the world of you.

906. Your Spells stop working for 1d6 minutes.

907. A dog comes up to the nearest person to you and states he is very sorry for defecating in your “Sunday’s Best”
clothes. Wets their leg & runs away laughing.

908. Spell acts normally, however it knocks you out for 1d6 minutes.

909. Spell does half damage, you take half damage.

910. Weapon of your choice gains Brutal 2.

911. “CALL 911…………” A squadron of highly armed Police with vehicles shows up telling all to “Drop your weapons!!”
Ambulances & Paramedics along with Fire Vehicles & Fire Fighters. The Police want to take everyone in for
“questioning” & sort things out.

912. Weapon of your choice gains High Crit.

913. Nothing Happens.

914. The gods are against you. –1d10 to HP, permanent.

915. A Tyrannosaurus Rex appears in the middle of your battle.

916. A meteor falls on a nearby town & is destroyed. All survivors & relatives blame you. (1d100 times 20 people were
killed.) You may not be able to bare this burden. 01-45% of Insanity.

917. All party members get one Fate Point!!!

918. Spell does full damage. Unfortunately the entire party takes full damage as well.

919. Spell acts normally.

920. A cave opening appears nearby. A colorfully clad Gnome with a pointy hat is motioning to you, “Come on, hurry
up!! This way……I can’t keep it open much longer……Hurry..!!!!” The cave will disappear in 30 seconds.

921. You feel more vulnerable, -1d6 HP.

922. Someone or something has decided to hire you for a salary of 5,000 Gold Pieces/month. You will not know for
what or by whom until you accept. Could be bad, could be good…….. (GM’s choice.)

923. A little bearded Gnome appears, says “Howdy” & shakes your hand. He leaves on his merry way laughing &
giggling as he goes. When you check, all your money is gone.

924. 1d100 Wererats appear around you. Guess what’s for dinner??

925. Vulcan, god of fire, appears before you. He hands you a war-hammer he forged himself in the bowls of the Earth.
Its unusually light for its size. (5’ handle with 3’ long, 1’x1’ wide head). Says, “I could not let those lesser gods beat
me in gift giving. So, here take this & remember me. Olympus is watching you.” He disappears in flames & smoke.
Hammer does 2d12+5 Damage. Critical=16-20, +5 to Attack. STR of 20 to wield one-handed.

926. “Be afraid,………be very afraid…….” Of what or whom???? Roll for Phobia.

927. All involved in combat, are teleported back to the beginning of the battle. All must re-roll Initiatives. (The battle
never took place, starting over new.) Only you know what happened.

928. Spell acts normally.

929. All your armor vanishes, you get an immediate free action of your choice. If you choose to leave combat, you can
with out taking any damage. If you choose any other action, hope the life insurance is paid up.

930. Instead of the Spell you cast, playing cards come shooting out from your wrists. Lasts for the rest of the Round.
You loose all actions except defend as normal.

931. You gain an Action Point that only is lost thru actual use of it.

932. You now have x-ray vision for 1d6 hours.

933. For the next 1d6 weeks, every time you remove any head gear, a large white rabbit appears from it. It is a normal
rabbit. 01-50% Male, 51-100% Female. They will mate and produce offspring normally. Or, you could have rabbit
stew any time you wanted. Make rabbit skin jackets, etc.

934. Spell fizzles.

935. As you attempted to cast your Spell, a gooey jelly donut appears in your mouth, thus preventing you from
speaking the Invocation to activate the Spell. It takes you the rest of the current Round to chew it & swallow it.
This does not prevent you from using a weapon of choice at –1 to Attack.

936. Your very next critical hit does max of all dice and modifiers involved.

937. You gain 25 pounds, clothing & armor feel a bit snug. –1 to REF & Attks until you see a tailor or loose weight

938. You get -1 to all Ability scores. Gain one of them back each day starting the next day. Starting with your lowest
one. Roll randomly for tie breakers.

939. A Sleep Spell is placed on you. Fall immediately into a trance like sleep. You can only be awakened by a (you
guessed it) kiss.

940. Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, appears before you & offers an all expenses paid three day pleasure vacation for
you & a friend. Must decide now. If yes, you & your friend will immediately disappear with her. You will arrive at
her Palace of Pleasure in Olympus & be pampered by the sex or sexes of your choice for the next three Earth days.
You will be returned to place of choice on Earth. (You will automatically know where the rest of the party is.) You
will feel extremely elated & exhausted at the same time. You will find a place to sleep for the next 24 hours. Upon
leaving she states, “Hope you will come again & again & again……..hee, hee.”

941. You “soil” your armor. Spell works normally.

942. A random party member finds a ring in their pocket. When worn it does……??? GM’s choice.

943. Instead of your Spell hitting target, itching powder appears on their crotch. Must Save d20+caster’s level vs WILL
to be distracted to scratch. Fail = loose all DEX & Attack bonuses. 25% chance +5%/caster’s level they will drop all
weapons & attempt to remove items to scratch their crotch.

944. A random party member's skin becomes extremely sensitive to direct sunlight (like vampire’s). Any exposed skin to
sunlight will start to burn. 1d6 HP damage/minute of exposure. Lasts 1d12 days.

945. Streams of colorful ribbons start emitting from your target. If person/creature from their mouth. If object or
ground, fountains of colorful ribbons spring up like geysers. All affected or in area, -5 to Dodge & Strike. Spell ends
when Round ends.

946. Spell fizzles………

947. You loose 25 pounds, clothing & armor feel a bit loose. If no armor, your pants fall down, tripping you. Must make
Save vs STR to hold on to weapons. All prone penalties apply until you stand again. Loose all DEX & Attack bonuses
& 50% chance you will trip again unless you take one Round action to remove your pants.

948. Your very next critical hit does no damage.

949. 2d6 White doves appear out of no where from your hands. Spell fizzles....

950. May repeat 1 random Daily Power in same day once.

951. Your Spell fizzles..... You get itching powder on your crotch. Must Save d20+caster’s level vs WILL to be distracted
to scratch. Fail = loose all DEX & Attack bonuses. 25% chance +5%/caster’s level you will drop all weapons &
attempt to remove items to scratch their crotch.

952. A random party member gets one Fate point.

953. Big purple upright walking dinosaur appears walking among you singing, “I love you, you love me, we are all one
happy family…………….” All, friends and foes, forget about each other & immediately take their next Combat
Actions to attack this creature until it is dead, once and for all.(NOTE: GM’s Discretion as to HP and AC assigned to
this creature. Have fun with it.)

954. Your right leg falls off. No wound, as if you were never born with it.

955. You and your entire party exchanges places with the ones you are against. EXAMPLE: If enemy is in vehicles & you
are not, now you are in the enemy’s vehicles & their where your were. (NOTE: You, your armor, weapons, &
equipment goes with you.)

956. A random party member was scared “shitless”. Can not defecate for 1d6 weeks. Got that “bloated” feeling???

957. A Teradacto appears overhead, dives toward your nearest person random & attempts to grab him/her. D30+8 vs
REF. Fail = successful grab. STR DC 20. Fail = Teradacto flies off with victim to feed her young. If, any Save is
successful, she flies away in search of easier prey.

958. Your left middle finger falls off.

959. A fully equipped armed squad of 6 Coalition Soldiers appear in front of you to do your bidding. Armor: 20 AC, 50
HP. Weapons: Laser Rifle 6d6 damage. Combat Stats: same as caster’s. Go on his Initiative, # of Attacks, Damage,
Parry ETC.(Just to keep in simple. Also, no need to re-roll Initiative). Enemy must Save vs Intimidation of 35% when
first appear. Fail = Flee the area. Once 10 minutes have passed or combat has ended they disappear.

960. Your armor is turned to mirrored glass. Will reflect energy attacks only. All other will shatter it on contact. If no
armor, roll again.

961. Maybe Lady Luck will be with you, Roll twice on this table.

962. You’re skin becomes extremely sensitive to direct sunlight (like vampires). Any exposed skin to sunlight will start to
burn. 1d6 HP damage/minute of exposure. Lasts 1d12 days.

963. A horde of flies takes a liking to you, maybe you should have bathed after all. You loose all DEX & Attack bonuses
as you are covered in a cloud of flies buzzing up to a 1 square radius around you. Lasts 1d6 Rounds.
964. A random party member's left middle finger falls off.

965. A little demon appears, shakes your right hand. Walks away with a demonic giggle, chewing on something. You
check your hand & one of your entire appendages is missing. Roll 1d10: 1-2 thumb, 3-4 index finger, 5-6 middle
finger, 7-8 ring finger, & 9-10 little finger. –2 to Strike if finger is missing when using right hand. Can not hold
weapon if thumb is missing.

966. The gods are against the party. All get –1d4 to HP’s, permanent.

967. An unusual dog like creature comes up to you and wets your right leg. Doing 2d6 acid damage. If no armor, does
1d6 acid damage instead. Will continue to do 4 ongoing damage (save ends) action until washed out with water or
for 1d4 Rounds. If eats thru armor or no armor must make Fortitude Save. Fail = hopping around on left leg looking
for nearest water source.

968. A random party member's armor is turned to mirrored glass. Will reflect energy attacks only. All other will shatter
it on contact. If no armor, roll again.

969. “Guys….? Oh Guys…….? Where are you?” You cast your Spell, it goes off normally. You suddenly feel very alone.
You look around, all of your comrades are gone. They were teleported 10 miles south of your position (you know
where). You are now facing the situation at hand, alone. You will be allowed one free or combat action. If you
choose to flee for your life, 50% chance each of your assailants will follow you. (NOTE: Roll for each one left
individually. If 3 left roll 3 times, only ones who pass will pursue.)

970. A random party member's left index finger falls off.

971. A potion appears at your feet…??? (GM’s choice).

972. Your left index finger falls off.

973. Titan, god of strength, appears before you. He puts his massive arm around your shoulders, gives you a squeeze.
He says in a loud booming voice, “I have heard so much about you from the others, I had to come see for my self.”
As he gives you a whack on the back, knocking you down. “I like you, but you’re a little weak for my liking.” With
that you feel strength rush through your body receiving +5 to STR. “There, that’s better.” He winks & bounds out
of site.

974. A potion appears at a random party member’s feet…??? (GM’s choice).

975. Your Spell acts as normal. You then remember this is supposed to be your “day off”. A recliner chair with a magic
window appears. Along side is table with a tapped keg of your favorite drink. Sandwiches are on the table. Your
favorite game is on the magic window with your favorite team playing. You immediately sit down enjoying your
self. Every one sees this but for some reason no one is paying any attention to you. (NOTE: person is immune to
any and all damage while in the recliner chair.) Lasts 1d8 hours.

976. You become aware a “Predator” wants your skull & spine for his collection.

977. “Gone cuckoo??”. For the next 1d6 weeks, every hour on the hour, a Cuckoo Bird ejects from your mouth to
“cuckoo” the hour. (Like a Cuckoo Clock) Loose Sneak, Hide, Move Silently, etc. when this happens. Will give away
position when sounds.

978. The target of your spell, dies.

979. Your right eye turns jet black. Permanent.

980. A random party member’s right arm & right leg trades places.

981. You’re left ear grows pointed like an Elf’s, if you are an Elf your left ear grows to double size. Permanent.

982. Your nose and ass-hole exchanges places. Remove Curse to fix. 12 Horror Factor.

983. Nothing Happens.

984. Roll percentile. That’s how much of your money disappears.

985. An earthquake comes to visit the area surrounding you (300 yards radius, 4-5 on the Richter scale).

986. 1d100 Raptors (dinosaurs) appears around you. They look very, very hungry……..

987. Your Torso is now permanently invisible. Any clothing/armor/equipment put on it becomes invisible. Can not be
detected by any means.

988. Something went very, very wrong. You and all party members receive full damage from last spell cast.

989. Bad Spell, half damage to target. You take 10 points of damage.

990. A random party member's left thumb falls off.

991. Mercury, messengers of the gods, appears before you. “Olympus is in a dizzy over you. Zeus himself sent me with
that message.” He states with pride. “And here’s a little something from me.” Your boots light up briefly bright as
day, you feel lighter on your feet & faster. +2 to Speed. He winks & flies away.

992. Spell acts normally.

993. Lady Luck likes your style & chance taking even when odds are against you. She smiles on you giving you another
chance to re-roll on any roll once per day. But you must take the second outcome.

994. Any and all wounds, curses, negative spells, disease, poisons, etc. are removed from all the party members.

995. God of Fate, Strikes once again in your behalf. Get 1 Fate Point you can exchanges for immediate resurrection at
full strength on all stats. “Now go away”.

996. Your left thumb falls off.

997. Your left ear falls off, -1 to CHA.

998. Your right hand exchanges places with your right foot.
999. Well, you made it. You are immediately transported to Mount Olympus in Zeus’s presence, the god of gods. You
feel at peace with your self & the universe. He smiles at you, “You seem to have been busy lately. I have heard
good reports about you from the other lesser gods.” As he says this, all the gods & goddess’s appear around him in
his court. “We would like to reward you for your efforts……..” With that you are surrounded by beautiful light blue
light. You appear back where you were at with the following benefits:
 2,000 Experience Points
 +2 to all Attributes
 +2 to all Saving Throws
 +1 to Attack Bonus
 +1 to Damage (All weapons and Spells)
 +4 to all Skills
 +10 to Hit Points
 +5 to AC
NOTE: After all, anyone who rolls three 9’s in a row deserves this, don’t you think? But this make you a target for the
more powerful creatures that be.

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