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Tutorial 5 – Relational Data Model

1. Create a database named ‘Premiere’, and use the ‘Premiere’database.
2. Populate the tables and records by executing ‘premiere.sql’ (download from e-learning).
3. Ensure all the tables exist and their records respectively.


Develop the Relational Data Model (RDM) which corresponds to the ‘Premiere’ database Your
RDM should identify primary and foreign keys. Your RDM should be presented in the following
TABLENAME (attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, …)
PRIMARY KEY attribute1
FOREIGN KEY attribute3 REFERENCES table name

Rep(RepNum,LastName, FirstName, Street, City, State, Zip, Commission, Rate)
Primary key: RepNum

Customer(CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, Zip, Balance, CreditLimit,

Primary key: CustomerNum
Foreign Key RepNum References Rep(RepNum)

Orders(OrderNum, OrderDate, CustomerNum)

Primary key: OrderNum
Foreign Key: CustomerNum References Customer(CustomerNum)

OrderLine(OrderNum, PartNum, NumOrdered, QuotedPrice)

Primary key: OrderNum, PartNum
Foreign Key: OrderNum References Order(OrderNum)
Foreign Key: PartNum References Part(PartNum)

Part (PartNum, Description, OnHand, Class, Warehouse, Price)

Primary key: PartNum

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