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Running header: EDMODO THROUGH PLC’S

The Multiple Benefits of Edmodo through PLC’s Interaction

Amy Morris

Kennesaw State University

December 2018

Dr. Williamson

Fall 2017


Hightower Trail Middle School (HTMS) is a public middle school in Marietta, Georgia.

HTMS is part of the Cobb County School District. The principal of Hightower Trail Middle

School is Laura Montgomery. 1,039 students go to Hightower Trail Middle School and identify

mostly as White, non-Hispanic; Asian/Pacific Islander; and Asian. 2% of the Hightower Trail

Middle School students are "limited in English proficiency." 9% of the 1,039 students here are

classified as "economically disadvantaged", and 11% are paying reduced lunch prices. The

student to teacher ratio at Hightower Trail Middle School is 16:1.


White, non-Hispanic 76% 39%
Asian/Pacific Islander 8% 5%
Asian 8% 5%
Black, non-Hispanic 7% 34%
Hispanic 5% 19%
Multiracial 3% 3%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.1% 0%

At Hightower Trail we are blessed with a lot of technology options and it is also a BYOD

school. Most of my students have iPad/iPhone. We have a very involved PTA and Foundation.

This allows for many grant writing opportunities for teachers each year. The faculty at

Hightower is in transition. The school has many teachers who have worked at HTMS since it

opened (25 years ago) or have only every worked at HTMS. In the 2016-17 school year HTMS

had its biggest influx of new teachers. The interaction amongst teachers is slim. The more

veteran teachers do not want to change their ways while the 10 or less year teachers are all eager

to use technology and try new things in their classroom. Knight states, in his book, that change

scares people and if you work on the personal relationships first it will help ease the pain of

change (Knight, 2007).

Hightower Trail Middle School and Cobb County School District are putting a great

emphasis on Professional Learning Communities (PLC). This is new verbiage for HTMS but not

a new concept. The administration’s goal for this school year is to become consistent and

effective with the use of Edmodo for blogging, class discussion, student centered discussion,

parent teacher communication and consistency school wide. This issue came about because our

current PTA could not receive the highest honors (2016-17) due to the fact that our teacher

communication is not user friendly and consistent across grade and academic classes.

Edmodo is an educational technology company offering a communication, collaboration, and

coaching platform to K-12 schools and teachers. Edmodo makes it possible for teachers to share

content, hand out quizzes, assignments, and manage communication with all parties involved.

Edmodo is a form of technology that is very teacher centered and allows teachers to invite

students and parents to join.

Based on the needs of Hightower Trail, the project will focus on developing tutorials on 5

different functions of Edmodo. The goal is to have HTMS teachers Edmodo confident by use of

the following:

 Blogging

 Student Controlled Discussions

 Group Projects

 Parent Communication

 Project/Quiz Submission

These professional development tutorials will be conducted during PLC meeting time.

HTMS PLC groups are broken down by subject area and grade level. This will lead to tutorials

geared to a specific audience.

Capstone Problem and Rationale

HTMS is a school with a lot of veteran teachers. These teachers are very knowledgeable

and confident in their subject areas and teaching styles. There are two areas that HTMS

administration is focusing heavily on this year. First, HTMS is implementing required PLC

meetings during the 2017-18 school year and to provide data for local administration to view.

They are required to meet weekly and to address issues pertaining to student learning and

teaching success. The second new, required, directive from administration is for all teachers to

streamline their blogs and classroom into Edmodo formats. The two areas of focus can be

merged together in the form of weekly meetings with PLC’s and monthly professional

development in Edmodo.

The PTA and student council, in 2016-17, came to the HTMS administration with the

pressing issue of uniformity and consistency of teacher blogs. This information was gathered

from end of year meeting and staff surveys. The administration put a committee together,

consisting of teachers and students, to help develop an assessment of the specific blogs types and

formats teachers were using. After numerous meetings it was decided that Edmodo would meet

all the needs and more. It was a school wide directive to use Edmodo during the 2017-18 school

year. This project will help teachers realize the ease of Edmodo for blogging and how to

implement all the other features this program has to offer (Carlson, 2015).

The majority of HTMS staff has been teaching for fifteen plus years. The more veteran

teachers are hostile towards the change, but more specifically the use of Edmodo. Many teachers

have been using the same blogging system for many years and just roll over information. The

thought of losing all their hard work is hard to grasp. The change has these teachers rebelling

against Edmodo and simply posting their “old” blog links to their Edmodo page. This is the

teacher’s way of keeping what they have done in the past. They still keep and update their old

blog but have a link in Edmodo to it. . HTMS is in need of continual professional learning, in the

multiple functions that Edmodo has to offer. These training will provide the teachers the needed

confidence they need to bring the classroom and the learning of the students into the digital age.

Professional Learning needs to be done in a continual process (Knight, 2007). Davis

states that professional development/learning will be highly effective if it is personal and based

on a long- term plan (Davis, 2015). The perk of having weekly PLC meetings is that the “role

out” of Edmodo can be observed by and taught to teachers on a weekly/monthly basis. The

Edmodo trainings would be offered to each department on a monthly basis or as needed per

feature area. The goals would be to answer questions about individual accounts and to roll out a

new feature for teachers to bring into their everyday teachings/planning. These meetings will

have agendas given to teachers prior to meetings so they can bring specific content to the

meeting (DuFour, 2012). Research has stated that if PLC’s are done in more of technological,

pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) framework, teachers will be less likely to be

resentful and nonresponsive. This project will take a TPACK approach and created cohorts,

similar to this project of PLC’s (Zinger, 2017). When teachers feel they have support from their

administration/peers they are more willing to change.

Research has shown that many teachers agree that technology is essential in student

learning but it is also hindering their focus. . (Buchanan, 2012The students of this generation are

“digital natives” they do not know life without technology. (Buchanan, 2012). Teachers are the

same way. At HTMS, integrating more technology is affecting many veteran teachers in

negative ways. They are having difficulties changing from the “homework hotline” approach of

communication to this new, blogging approach utilizing Edmodo. Research demonstrates that

blogging through Edmodo allows teachers the access to engage students in Higher Order

Thinking (HOT) (Zawilinski, 2009). Edmodo offers so much more than just a blogging site this

is why professional development tutorials are needed.

The quote by Winston Churchill, “There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the

right direction.” sums up the push for change in HTMS. The use of Edmodo will help HTMS

teachers stay up-to-date with the changes in technology, bring the school some uniformity,

provide teachers a new was to assess students (no bringing home papers), allow guardians to

know what is going on in the classroom, and allow for students to engage with other students

outside of school on common subjects (Parisi, 2012). By the end of this project HTMS teachers

will become confident with Edmodo in the following 5 areas: blogging, student controlled

discussions, group projects, parent communication, and project/quiz submissions.

Objectives and Deliverables

By focusing on the needs of HTMS, the objective of this project will be the design and

development of professional learning tutorials on how to use 5 different aspects of Edmodo

through the PLC interactions. The overall goal is to have the HTMS staff Edmodo confident

in the following areas:

 Blogging- consistently, clearly, and with creative control.

 Student Controlled Discussions- after hours help, chat groups (topic centered), peer help.

 Group Projects – using Microsoft 365 with sharing documents, online drawing board.

 Parent Communication – Parents codes and sharing works.


 Project/Quiz Submission –no more papers being taken home!

Objective: The design and development of professional learning tutorials on how to use 5

different aspects of Edmodo through the PLC interaction.

The following deliverables will be created as part of this project:

1. Create current functioning survey on personal confidence with blogging through

Edmodo. This will help create a baseline for specific PLC’s.

2. Develop a common Blogging template to provide consistency to teachers. Model these

expectations and walk teachers through the expected process. Tutorials on how to create

group codes (teacher and student), group discussions, and online

assessments/submissions for data collection.

3. Follow up meetings with PLC groups focusing on how to make Edmodo become a daily

classroom/teaching component. (see appendix)

4. Create Exit survey every 9 weeks to assess that teacher’s needs are being met.

PSC Standards

This project is focusing on PSC standard 2: Teaching, Learning, and Assessment.

Teachers will be able to “demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effectively

integrate technology (Edmodo) into their own teaching practices and to collaboratively plan with

and assist other educators in utilizing technology to improve teaching, learning and assessments”

(PSC 2). All of the objectives of this project will be addressed under this main standard from

integration of Edmodo to improving learning and assessments.

Standard 2.1 Content Standards and Student Technology will be met by implementing the

group discussion feature into their Edmodo class and create student controlled discussions.

Student controlled discussions can be teacher developed or student created. A teacher created

discussion can align with content standards and be a way to visually assess student knowledge.

Teachers will be able to design the template for discussion and add/take way features for student


The assessment standard 2.7 provides teachers with an alternative method of assessing

student knowledge by using digital assessment tools. Students can submit work in Edmodo and

use Microsoft 365 to work on group projects from remote locations. Summative and formative

assessments can be created in Edmodo to allow for instant grading.

By the end of the 2017-18 school year teachers should be able to cross PSC 3 off their

list. The goal of this project is to have teachers confident and proud of their Edmodo classrooms,

digital learning environments. Teachers should be able to provide assessments and communicate

with students and peers in their digital classroom utilizing Edmodo.


Table 1 Objective per PSC Standards

Project Objective PSC STANDARD

All Objectives 2. Teaching, Learning, & Assessment - Candidates demonstrate the

knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effectively integrate technology into

their own teaching practice and to collaboratively plan with and assist other

educators in utilizing technology to improve teaching, learning, and


Group Projects & 2.1 Content Standards & Student Technology Standards -Candidates

model and facilitate the design and implementation of technology-enhanced

Student Controlled Discussions
learning experiences aligned with student content standards and student

technology standards.

Project submission 2.7 Assessment-Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of

diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments to measure student

learning and technology literacy, including the use of digital assessment tools

and resources.

Blogging, Submissions, Discussions 3. Digital Learning Environments- Candidates demonstrate the knowledge,

skills, and dispositions to create, support, and manage effective digital

learning environments


This project will be the design and development of a series of professional development

tutorials that will help the HTMS staff become confident with the required use of Edmodo. The

goal will be to provide relatable and meaningful tutorials to increase the confidence level of

using Edmodo for multiple classroom/student uses. Theses tutorials will be personalized to

subject areas and delivered monthly during PLC meetings. These tutorials should provide

personalized content to increase student centered learning, assessments and open the means of

communication (student and parent). The tutorials will be presented in a “hands on” meeting and

recorded sessions. Meetings will be conducted with teachers using laptops and handouts.

First project/item activity.

This project will start with the main goal of HTMS, to implement Edmodo as the only

blogging source used in the classroom. Edmodo was introduced to the entire faculty in August

2017, in what could only be described as an abrasive way. The team captain of the 8th grade was

the first to question and put the Principal on the spot and stating “This too will pass, it is another

type of technology that will not be followed up on”. This teacher is a leader of the 8th grade and

also a teacher who has been at the school since it opened. The goal of the first project is to make

the faculty comfortable with setting up an Edmodo account, setting up class pages, and provide

teachers with a common template to follow when blogging. The common template will help all

the faculties’ blogs to be uniform so teachers, students, and parents know where to find

information and content.

Second project/item activity.

Once all teachers have their blogs up and running with their current classes, the

implementation of the tutorials on how to use the other features of Edmodo for student learning,

communication, classroom management, and assessments will be implemented. This will be a

hands on learning experience with modeling by the instructor. Teachers will come to each

tutorial with their laptop and Edmodo logins. This project will be broken up into mini-sessions

during 30 minute PLC meetings. Teachers will have the option to come and go as they please.

The mini-sessions will focus on what Edmodo has to offer in the four areas discussed above.

Teachers will come away from these tutorials with the confidence of knowing how to upload

notes, pictures, link websites and documents, reminder posts, digital assessments. If a teacher

can put all their work on the Edmodo site, their classroom could be considered a digital

classroom. Turning your class into a digital classroom can increase student learning because it is

an extension of their walls.

Third project/item activity.

The third activity should be a reality check. At this time of during the project the

teachers will look at other teachers Edmodo Blogs and posts and provide positive constructive

feedback. This feedback will take place ata through PLC meetings. This activity will take place

at mid-point of the project to make sure everyone is not overwhelmed and is doing what is

expected. It is an opportunity to help coach your peers!

Fourth project/item activity.

In this activity the instructor will model the creation of a simple discussion post for

teachers. Edmodo has features that allow teachers to create “small groups” with different

discussion topics or large group chats. This activity is designed to show how many different

uses of student centered discussions you can use with a click of a button. Edmodo allows

teachers the control over their groups with activities like choosing the groups or removing kids

out of groups because of inappropriate digital citizenship.

Fifth project/item activity.

This activity will show teachers how to create digital assessments that provide instant

grading. The types of assessments that will be addressed are basic multiple- choice assessments

and submission of projects. Teachers will be asked to come to the tutorial with a project rubric

or hard copy of a multiple-choice assessment that they currently use. They will learn how to

input the multiple- choice assessment into Edmodo and how to view submission/grades. The

other component is a group project. Teachers will be educated on Microsoft 365 and the

importance of students to use this available program for group projects. Cobb County School

District provides all students and teachers with a Microsoft 365 account. This is a great way to

help cut down the problems with group projects. If all students can have anytime, anywhere

access to edit the same paper, this can help even out the responsibilities of group members.

This tutorial will educate teachers in the features of group/project submission. Edmodo lets

teachers know who has submitted what and when. Combining 365 and Edmodo can make for a

very smooth grading assessment and cuts down the papers taken home. Edmodo keeps all the

documents in one location. Teachers will be able to develop an “online portfolio” of student


Table 1.2 Product Item/Activity

Project Item/Activity Objective Deliverable

Blogging  Teachers will learn the layout of  Tutorial and initial set up of
Edmodo and begin to transform their Edmodo account
past blogging programs to that of  Working site within the
HTMS’s new template. required template of HTMS
 Teachers will become confident in
their abilities to create a basic blog for
students and parents to view
classroom expectations and
Communication  Teachers will learn how to respond to  Tutorial with a Modeling
student/parent messages within approach. Instructor will
Edmodo. show example of postings,
 Teachers will learn how to post links, links and photos and teacher
photos, and documents to enhance will attempt to mirror the
the communication between home process with information
and school. that pertain, to their area, on
their blog.
 Visual assessment for
teacher learning.

Discussions/Chats  Teachers will learn how to create  Teachers post on the

group discussion and monitor student EDMODO PLC group to show
group chats. that they know how to
 Teachers will learn how Edmodo participate in a chat group
controls the content discussed by its and will be required to
participants. answer specific questions
posted by the instructor.

Assessments  Instructor will provide a variety of  Teachers will have created an

methods to assess students using assessment of choice on their
Edmodo. Teachers will learn at least Edmodo account.
one method that they will try during a
9 week period.

Evaluation Plan

The purpose of this project is to develop tutorials on 5 different features that Edmodo

offers for classroom teachers. There will be five different activities that will be addressed

throughout this project. These activities will be evaluated in a variety of ways: one-on-one

interactions with teachers, feedback questionnaires, visual assessment, and informal observations

of teachers. These methods of evaluation will help determine the effectiveness of the project. The

main standard to be addressed in this project is PSC 2 Teaching, Learning and Assessment. The

main goal of this standard is that teachers will “demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and

dispositions to effectively integrate technology (Edmodo) into their own teaching practices and

to collaboratively plan with and assist other educators in utilizing technology to improve

teaching, learning and assessments” (PSC 2).

First Project/item activity

The first activity will be to create a survey on personal confidence with blogging through

Edmodo (see sample Edmodo Pre Survey). This will be created using google docs. This will

help establish a baseline for PLC’s. After the survey is reviewed and data is analyzed, tutorials

will be created to help teachers set up an Edmodo account, set up class pages, and provide

teachers with a common template to follow when blogging. The common template will help all

the teachers’ blogs to be uniform so teachers, students, and parents know where to find important

information. I will be joining teachers Edmodo accounts to help coach and assess

implementation of presented tasks. The objective of this activity supports PSC 2 Teaching,

Learning and Assessment and PSC 3 Digital Learning Environments.

Second Project/item activity

The next 3 tutorials all follow the same structure. These activities will provide

meaningful, Edmodo, tutorials on how to address student learning, communication, classroom

management, and assessments. These tutorials will be delivered with a modeling approach.

Teachers will bring their laptops to the session and follow along with the coach. HTMS needs

continual professional development activities to help promote confidence in Edmodo. These

tutorials will be done in a face to face setting and will also be recorded for reference. These

tutorials are the most time consuming of all the projects. Time will be spent developing and

presenting tutorials on the topics. Each tutorial can be modified to the needs of the PLC’s. The

Teaching, Learning, and Assessment standard will support these tutorials. The main goal is to

provide teachers with confidence and knowledge of the many features of Edmodo. Meeting this

goal will help accomplish the projects overall objective: The design and development of

professional learning tutorials on how to use 5 different aspects of Edmodo through the PLC

interaction. This project will be the building blocks to turning, HTMS teacher’s, classrooms

into digital classrooms.

Communication through Edmodo

The purpose of this activity is for the teachers to learn the basic communication features

of Edmodo. Teachers will learn how to blog, post, send reminders, and create groups. This

activity will be brief with the consideration that the teachers have already logged into Edmodo

once before. This activity is the baseline of the whole project because this will start the

foundation to meet the objective.


Discussion through Edmodo

The purpose of this activity is for the instructor to model different way to use

“discussions” in Edmodo. This project will be in the form of tutorials in a face to face setting

with video posted for reference. Success of this activity will be determined by visual assessment,

by the coach, of the teachers Edmodo groups. This will be assessed by the instructor after the

month after the tutorial is presented.

This activity helps address the 3 PSC standards:

• 2. Teaching, Learning and Assessment

• 2.1 Content Standards and Student Technology

• 3. Digital Learning Environments

Assessment and Project Submission through Edmodo

The purpose of this activity is for the instructor to provide teachers with a tutorial on how

to provide digital assessments and project submission through Edmodo. Success will be

determined by observation of teachers Edmodo accounts. Teacher’s individual Edmodo

accounts will show an assessment and I will work with PLC’s on analyzing the data from these

assessments. The objective of this activity is for the Coach to provide teachers with a variety of

Edmodo assessment methods involving relevant classroom content. Formative and summative

assessment methods will be presented in the form of multiple-choice assessments, short answer

assessments, and projects. This activity will take more time to assess understanding then the

delivery of the content. Digital assessments will decrease the amount of time grading, provide

instant results on multiple-choice assessments, and decrease the amount of papers being

misplaced. The PSC standard 2.7-Assessment will be addressed in this project through modeling

of assessments types such as formative and summative assessments. .


Third Project/item activity

The third activity is a “Reality Check” (see appendix). This evaluation activity will be

done at the halfway point of the school year (January). The purpose of the “Reality Check” is to

make sure the Edmodo tutorials being presented are purposeful and that teachers are

implementing what they are learning. This will be delivered through a google doc’s survey.

PLC groups and the coach will review the results. A plan will be discussed for any weaknesses in

Edmodo categories. The PLC’s will create a group focus for the second half of the school year.

This focus will help drive the last tutorials.

The second part of this “reality check” will be a peer observation. Teachers will be asked to join

their peers’ Edmodo groups and click around to help develop suggestions for improvement or

gain ideas for their own personal accounts.

Projected Timeline

The timeline for this project will take place over the 2017-2018 school year. The project

will begin with an initial survey based on teacher’s familiarity of technology in the classroom

and Edmodo functions. The results from the survey will help create a baseline for each PLC

group. After the survey the project will start with initial set up of an Edmodo account. The

hours needed for each area are projected below in Table 2. The project provides a “check point”

halfway through. This “check point” is a time to administer a mid-point survey to assess the

feelings and productivity of the project. This will allow a time for the coach to reflect and

modify/revisit if needed. The final part of the project will be addressed during a post planning

meeting prior to summer break. This will provide teachers a time to reflect on the professional

learning tutorials and share their goals for the upcoming school year. This part of the project will

take the longest time (25 hours) but will be the best way to assess success of the yearlong

professional development tutorials in Edmodo. This will require analyzing/evaluating personal

meetings, surveys and viewing of Edmodo accounts of many teachers. The whole project will

take a projected 138 hours. The resources needed are very minimal they can be viewed in Table


Table 2. Projected Timeline

Month Content Create Implement Evaluate

Content Content Content
September 2017 All teachers have an 1 hour 4 hours 1 hours
Edmodo Account and a
course code

October 2017 Implementing Blog 1 hour 4 hours 5 hours

November 2017 Implementing 3 hours 4 hours 8 hours
Communication through
December 2017 Reflections on Current 1 hour 2 hours 10 hours
Edmodo skills and PLC
January 2018 Implementing Discussion 3 hours 4 hours 8 hours
posts and small group chats
with Edmodo

February 2018 How to create digital 3 hours 4 hours 8 hours

assessments with Edmodo.
March 2018 Needs Assessment 1 hour 2 hours 10 hours
What are your strengths
and weakness in Edmodo?

April 2018 Topics of interest 1 hour 15 hours 10 hours

PLC needs (depending
on needs)
May 2018 How to get ready for the 4 hours 1 hour 20 hours
upcoming school year.
Analyzing data from
surveys and reflection of
past PD.

Table 3 Projected Resources

Resources Specifications

Space  Virtual –Edmodo accounts

 Network –T:drive to archive tutorials
 Physical –PLC meeting area with SMART board, wireless.

Technology  Google Docs (surveys, reflections, assessments)

 Office 365
 Laptops or iPad
 Video steaming device
 Power Point

Administrative  PLC Technology Plan for HTMS

 Ms. Montgomery –Principal Support
 CCSD Instructional Technology Coach
 Edmodo Tech Support


Monthly Follow up Meetings:

When Topic
End of October Blogging
End of November Communication
End of January Discussion & Small Group Chats
End of February Digital Assessments

Sample Pre Edmodo Survey Questions:

I currently use Edmodo for Blogging and Communication in my Classroom. (Yes or No)

Sample of “Reality Check” survey:


Sample Edmodo Blog Template:

Syllabus at top.
Classes Set up.
Class Code locked.

Sample Chart of Survey Results:

1 (need someone complete required tasks for me) -5 (confident in Edmodo)

Post Survey

Reality Check


0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Connections PLC Science PLC Math PLC SS PLC ELA PLC



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