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Sammy Marks

Mrs. Thomas

UWRT 1104

3 November 2018

Is CBD beneficial to the human body?

CBD does a variety of beneficial deeds to help treat ailments for humans and

surprisingly animals as well. A friend of mine, Garrett, has a English bulldog, his dog

was suffering from cancer and there wasn’t much the doctors could do, at least not in

Garrett and his family's price range. Garrett knew about the benefits of CBD and started

to give his dog different types of CBD. It showed major improvements to the dogs health

and wellbeing over time. CBD is the short version of the scientific name which is
Cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is found in the plant cannabis sativa and is only 1 of the 113

different cannabinoids that have been identified. CBD is beneficial because of the range

of possibilities that CBD can help fix and cure, such as, anxiety, depression,

internal/external pain and stress relief. It is also important to know the truth about what

CBD is and the benefits of CBD because many people believe it is illegal and similar to

marijuana so in their eyes, CBD is bad.

The history of CBD or Cannabidiol goes back to the 1940s where it was first

discovered. It was discovered by a American chemist by the name of Roger Adams. He

found a way to extract just the CBD from the cannabis plant but he did not know what

he extracted from the plant. Cannabis itself has been around for thousands of years,

dating back to almost 4000 years BCE, there is record of humans still cultivating

cannabis. It was not until the early 1530s when many scientists and physicians started
to dig deeper into the cannabis plant, then figured out and learned about the medical

benefits cannabis has. In the 1950s, scientists figured out how they could take the

cannabidiol from the cannabis. Once the scientists were able to extract cannabidiol from

the cannabis plants, they were able to do further research and studying of the CBD and

scientifically prove that CBD was not a psychoactive component in the plant itself. THC

was the psychoactive component in the cannabis plant, which is why marijuana is

illegal. Once the study of the CBD was done and proven non-psychoactive, the legal

battle began for CBD to be legalized. America was unaware of CBD and what the

medical effects were until there was a story published about a girl named, Charlotte

Figi, who suffered from a very rare seizure disorder. The story that became public in

America told the story of how she was treated and cured with a CBD treatment. After all

the battling in the legalization of CBD in America, the final outcome is that CBD is now

legal throughout all 50 states.

Did you know that CBD was legal? If you thought that CBD was illegal, then you

are in the same boat as many other people. ​In my survey​, I asked 11 different people if

they knew that CBD was legal and over half of the people did not know that CBD was

legal. Many people in America think that CBD is a illegal drug that is bad for you and

similar / the same as marijuana. People have these assumptions about CBD because it

comes from the cannabis plant. What many people do not know is that there are

different compounds in the plant. The reason weed is illegal is because it is

psychoactive. The cause of the psychoactive is the THC, which is also a component of
the cannabis plant. CBD does not create a “high” for the user because it is a

non-psychoactive component. Jillian Kubala, MS (Master of Science degree) and RD

(Registered Dietitian) says, “However, unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive. This

quality makes CBD an appealing option for those who are looking for relief from pain

and other symptoms without the mind-altering effects of marijuana or certain

pharmaceutical drugs.”

When CBD is consumed by a user and the CBD enters the body, it enters

through the endocannabinoid system or (ECS). The endocannabinoid system is found

to be one of the most essential and important regulatory systems that is in the human

body. ECS does a lot for the human body and one major thing it does is advance and

regulate homeostasis throughout all the important systems in your body. What that

affects is a wide variety of things such as, sleep, appetite, pain, mood, memory, and it

can mess with reproduction. There is very little knowledge about the endocannabinoid

system and that is why schools do not teach much about this system in your body even

though it is one of the most important systems in the human body and animals bodies.

Similar to marijuana, CBD can be taken in multiple different types of ways. The

first way a person can use CBD is by simply ingesting it. You can ingest cannabidiol

with a pill, a drink, or food/edibles. The process of ingesting CBD is the exact same

process that vitamins and regulatory supplements go through when entering your

digestive system and bloodstream. Sublingually is the second common way a user can
consume CBD. Sublingually is when you put the CBD oil underneath your tongue for a

certain amount of time, typically 30-60 seconds. Using CBD oils sublingually makes the

effects react quicker because once the mucus membranes collect all the operating

ingredients in the oil, the CBD goes straight to the bloodstream and starts to work with

the ECS. A third method for consuming CBD oil is by inhalation. The method behind

inhalation is very simple, you vaporize the oils. Similar to the sublingual method,

inhaling the CBD oil goes directly into the humans bloodstream so the effects will

happen quicker. The last way you can use CBD is with topical options. This is when you

use certain types of CBD products that are meant to be enforced directly to your skin.

The CBD’s active ingredients will be taken in by the skin. The topical method of using

CBD is best used to help with pain relief. Typically, the CBD products used in the topical

method is in the same category as lotion. The side effects of consuming CBD oil is very

small. It consists of possibly diarrhea, changes in appetite, and fatigue. The side effects

are possible but not common.

Do you suffer from any of the following, anxiety, depression, stress, internal or

external pain, or any other similar types of ailments? ​In my survey​, I questioned 11 of

my classmates and asked them the same question, Do you suffer from any of the

following, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Internal or External Pain, or any other similar

types of ailments? 10 out of 11 of my classmates said that they either did have one or

more of those ailments or that they think they had one or more of those ailments. All of

these disorders and injuries are very common among people in this world and little do

they know, CBD can help cure them. The list of medical benefits that CBD brings to the

table is very impressive. If I were to list and explain every single ailment that CBD can

help or cure, then this paper will be very long and boring. I am going to discuss a couple

of the major medical benefits CBD has on people. The first thing CBD can do for

somebody is help ease and eliminate pain and injuries. When the cannabidiol reaches
the endocannabinoid system, the CBD is able to work with the ECS and reduce chronic

pain. Another very common medical ailment that many people suffer with is Anxiety and

Depression. Those disorders and other similar disorders are another reason people use

CBD. CBD can help minimize anxiety and depression that someone is going through.

Some people who have cancer smoke weed because it helps with the symptoms of the

cancer. CBD does the same thing, CBD can help reduce symptoms related to cancer. It

can help reduce nausea and vomiting. A classmate of mine, who served in the military

for multiple years, suffers from chronic back pain and decided to give CBD a try. He was

watching a video online and the bodybuilder he was watching was promoting a CBD oil

he uses for muscle pain and other ailments. He purchased that CBD oil and after a

couple days of using the oil, he felt immediate results in his back pain. “Coming into the

CBD world with an open mind really helped me. Suffering from chronic back pain from

the military has been a struggle. Using CBD has help me combat the pain and without

the use of harsh chemicals.” - ​Angel Rodriguez. ​UWRT 1101-017 (2018). Cannabidiol

can do so much to aid and assist humans health.

I had 2 goals for this Inquiry Thesis, the first goal was to show and prove to you

that CBD is not bad for you and is not the same as weed. My second goal was to

promote you and others to give CBD oil a try. How did I do, will you give CBD a try

yourself after reading this? Personally, I do CBD every day because of my social

anxiety and depression and it has allowed me to expand from my personal bubble and

go out of my comfort zone in social interactions. CBD allows people who suffer from any
kind of ailment, disorder, or injury to heal naturally and efficiently. Any medications you

are taking that are health related can be replaced with just CBD. Stores all across the

U.S. sell CBD and all the different types and forms of CBD out there. Give CBD a

chance because there is so much it can do for you with little to no side effects.

Works Cited

A., Gregg. “CBD Full Spectrum (What Is the Difference between Full and

Regular CBD).” ​Buy CBD Oil | Hemp CBD Oil for Sale | Cannabidiol Oil​,

30 Oct. 2018, ​

regular- cbd/​.

Corroon, Jamie, and Joy A. Phillips. “A Cross-Sectional Study of Cannabidiol

Users.” ​Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research​, vol. 3, no. 1, 1 July 2018, pp.

152–161., doi:10.1089/can.2018.0006.
Echo. “How to Take CBD Oil: Ingestion, Sublingual, Topical and Inhalation

Options.” ​ECHO Connection,​ ECHO, 13 Dec. 2017,

Iffland, Kerstin, and Franjo Grotenhermen. “An Update on Safety and Side

Effects of Cannabidiol: A Review of Clinical Data and Relevant Animal

Studies.” ​Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research,​ vol. 2, no. 1, 1 June

2017, pp. 139–154., doi:10.1089/can.2016.0034.

Johnson, Jon. “CBD Oil: Uses, Health Benefits, and Risks.” ​Medical News

Today,​ MediLexicon International, 27 July 2018,​.

Kubala, Jillian. “7 Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil (Plus Side Effects).”

Healthline,​ Healthline Media, 26 Feb. 2018, ​


Strause, Tyler. “7 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The

Endocannabinoid System.” ​​, Medium, 16 May 2017,


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