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Razie Hyria

Professor Zack
English 15
Revision Outline- Before

Parag Main Point of the Paragraph How/Why It Supports My Argument


1 Using a literary lens, I’ll be analyzing the This is my argument.

(Thesi effectiveness of 21st century political propaganda by
s their conventions, rhetoric’s, and
State affordances/constraints.

2 why it is important to understand rhetoric’s in political Its supports my argument by analyzing

campaigning the rhetoric used in campaigning

3 How Barack used a smart slogan to appeal to voters and It supports my argument by analyzing
proved his political poster is successful one form of a successful example of

4 Political propaganda can be found outside of It supports my argument by analyzing the

presidential elections features of a different political piece

5 Common era posters with an indirect audience and its Another piece, but looking at different
effectiveness conventions as its audience changes, but
still measuring its effectiveness.

6 Why their physical limits its effectiveness In judging the effectiveness of something,
we have to analyze why it also can’t
work in some circumstances, and this
paragraph does just that.

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