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During Infancy:
During infancy, physical development is very rapid. Embryo and foetus grow at an
extremely rapid pace both in size and structure.
By the time human infant is born, the rate of growth shows an enormous decrease as
compared with that of the foetus the first two years of the infant are very important in his
progress. The rate of development of the physical weight and size is very high in this stage.
During this period the child learns how to roll, creep, and then walk independently. Language
development also takes place at this stage. Individual differences also take appear at this stage.
For example:
Infants from poorer homes weigh less and are shorter in stature as compared with those
who belong to better economic status. Similarly, male infants are usually larger than female
infants of the same age.

During Childhood:
Childhood is also very much important with respect to physical development. The period
form two years to puberty is called childhood. At this stage the child learns how to control his
body and environment. He also learns to make social adjustment at this stage. This period is also
called as "Gang Age" because group activities of all sorts play an important role in the child's
life. This stage extends from 11 years to 13 years.
Growth In Height And Weight:
Height and weight progress at a fairly uniform rate, during childhood. The weight,
however, gains at nearly twice the rate of the gain in height

Sex Differences In Physical Growth:

During the first ten years the boys are slightly superior to girls in most aspects of physical
growth. The tempo of physical development is however faster on the whole in girls than in boys.
On the average, the period of rapid growth following the onset of puberty starts two years
earlier in girls than boys.

During Adolescence:
The following are some striking physical features which are peculiar to the development
during adolescence stage.
1. Marked bodily changes completing the differentiation of the sexes (boys & girls).
2. These changes result in a rapid gain in height and weight.
3. Variation in body form and in the dimensions of various organs.
4. Increased glandular activity, and
5. Appearance of bodily manifestations of sex.

Educational Implication of Physical Development:

There is a famous Arabian proverb, which means, “A sound mind is in a sound body". This
shows the importance of proper physical development of the child. If a child is not healthy he
can not show good results in his academic career.
Keeping this fact in mind, the school should have a regular programme of health education.
It must provide children with proper facilities for liberal participation in sports, games and
physical exercises. They should be informed about the importance of cleanliness and personal
hygiene. This is possible only the teacher has a sound knowledge of physical development of
Another mean for improving physical development of children is that differentiate treatment is
needed for children of different age. The teacher must be aware of the fact that, with the passage
of time, as an individual grows in physique, his behavior also changes with the change in his
physical appearance. Therefore the infant, boys and grown up children should not be dealt alike.
The teacher should adapt differential treatment in various classes.

There are many factors which affect physical growth and development. These include food,
functions of glands, intelligence, physical exercise, fresh air and sunlight and sex differences.
Meredith defines physical development or growth in the following terms.
"The entire series of anatomic and physiological changes taking place between the
beginning of pre-natal life and the close of senility is called physical development".
Thus, the increase in the weight, height and organ of a child is called physical development
This depends upon food, home and environment. It means that physical development is, actually,
the growth of the individual.

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