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Iduán Armando García Vega

Watching TV, kids should do it?

Watching TV seems to be a really common and harmless activity. There has always been
there in almost every home in the last 60 or 70 years. What seems to be more problematic,
is the important account of hours that people actually spend watching TV, it is by far, the
principal activity of entrainment that the average person prefers.

The topic is more problematic when we sum the fact that the children are the principal
target about the great amount of tv content. So we have a lot of children watching tv and
nothing could go wrong with it, right? well, in this text I defend the posture that, compared
with other activities that a child could do, watching tv is, by far, the less fruitfulness for the
general development of the children in their early years.

To start with, watching tv is an activity that does not require a high level of attention,
compared with other activities that a child can do. For example, solving puzzles, read, or
play an instrument. Watching Tv only requires that we sit and listen.

Is that good for the development of children, well I guess, it could help. but, compared with
the important skills that could be missing only sitting, compare with a real conversation or
with another kind of activities it seems like a bad move to bet.

If we add to this that important skills like memory, imagination and the development of
language took place in the early years of growth, Tv seems to be not so good in helping to
develop that skills, especially now that the apps and smartphones offer a more interactive
and less passive experience.

In conclusion, I'm not saying that kids should not be watching tv but, compare with other
activities, watching tv is less efficient in order to help to develop important skills in
children. So, we need to start thinking in better ways to spend our time, even that time we
spend in joy, relaxing or doing nothing.

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