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Educational Support Final Evaluation 1

Mohawk College Educational Support FINAL Evaluation. Evaluation must be authorized by a

Teacher(s)/Principal/SERT/LRT/ or Department Head. Due on/by the 20th day of placement

Student Name: Sandeep Kaur Placement School: Queen Victoria

Placement term (e.g., spring 2017): Fall 2018 Is this a General or Specialized setting- if
specialized include the name of the type i.e. Jr
Comprehensive class: Speech and Language
Evaluator (s)* Name and Position Held: Shelley List Child and Youth Worker
Primary Evaluator Email or Phone: 905-962-8884
*There may be 1 or several individuals (including EAs) who contribute to evaluation, however it must be signed by Administrator, SERT/LRT, Teacher:
Principal Name: Kelly Sweeting
Confirmation of Placement Hours:
Today’s Date: November 29, 2018
Total number of placement days completed to date: 19
 If not 20, indicate why and when the student will reach 20 days: she will finish tomorrow .
Evaluator Signature/Verification: Emailing this evaluation from the school supervisor’s board email address
authenticates this evaluation; no signature is required. Including the student’s email address in a CC when this evaluated is emailed back to FPS
will suffice. No signature is required.

1. You will receive this evaluation electronically via email from
2. Indicate the best rating for each evaluation criteria as a reflection of the student’s performance. Please
use ‘x’ to indicate your ratings.
3. Complete the Placement Day Tracking Form at the end of the evaluation. You will submit another one
with the Final Evaluation.
4. Email completed evaluation back to the FPS at from evaluator’s
board email and CC the student at their “first.last@mohawkcollege” email account. This will replace the
need of signatures. In doing this you are confirming the number of placement days completed to date
and that you approve of the ratings included in this evaluation.
5. The student will then submit the returned evaluation for grading via their eLearn Practicum dropbox.

Please note: EAs who directly observe the student are welcome to contribute feedback; the placement
supervisor -SERT/LRT, Teacher, or Administrator- must verify the ratings on this evaluation. Please provide the
student with only 1 evaluation.

The ratings determine if placement requirements have been met. The evaluator will indicate the best rating the
student has earned based on the student’s performance and contributions at the placement site. Direct and
encouraging feedback supports the maintenance of appropriate standards and role expectations. This is an
important document which identifies progression and achievement of the required vocational and
employment outcomes for the EA candidate.

Requirements Met: An evaluation with a minimum score of 50%. Mohawk Instructor to calculate. You may
include a few written comments to support this evaluation.

Skills and Qualitative Strengths:

*Calm, cool demeanor

*Quiet, clear voice
*Attentive & reactive to student needs

Further Recommendations and Area of Growth (technical or soft skills):

*Clear & consistent redirection

Educational Support Final Evaluation 2

*Consistent follow through of unwanted behaviors

*With more confidence, Sandeep’s assertiveness needs to increase

Level 4: Level 3: Level 2: Level 1:

Exceeds requirement. Indicates an area of Meets requirements. Approaching Requirement not met.
exemplary performance re=====quirement.

Use X to indicate
Category Criteria
4 3 2 1
Professional Uses professional language and tone of voice *
Demeanor/ 
Attitude 1. Models positive, patient attitude *
2. Uses humor, enthusiasm, inviting language **
3. Dresses appropriately for the role and environment **
4. Attended required placement days/missed days only due to illness/serious circumstances
Reported absences appropriately
5. Participates in before and after school duties **
Time Management
6. Punctual and present throughout the placement **
7. Identifies tasks to be done and does them **
8. Assists or provides attention to all learners when appropriate **
Self-Confident 9. Implements or builds on strategies to address learner needs **
10. Shares observations and asks questions in order to enhance knowledge **
11. Identifies own strengths accurately **
12. Reflects on how performance can be improved **
Reflective- Practice/
Feedback 13. Recognizes areas for improvement, shares relevant goals and evaluates progress **
14. Seeks feedback, open to constructive feedback, implements feedback **
15. Consistently follows instructions accurately. Asks for clarification if needed **
16. Asks insightful questions, shares insightful observations **
17. Makes connections between instruction and desired outcomes **
18. Error free written communication **
19. Initiates conversations with staff and learners; strives to build rapport **
Integration with
learners and 20. Interacts with all learners, promotes social relationship between peers **
staff/Social 21. Understanding and respect for Teacher/EA relationship **
Collaboration 22. Participates in extracurricular activities or facilitating games or activities during recess or
lunch duty when appropriate
23. Implements a variety of effective strategies with various learners **
24. Regulates individual and group behaviour effectively **
Behaviour 25. Appropriately motivates learners to stay on task **
26. Builds on existing strategies implemented by others **
27. Evaluates and adjusts strategies or methods when needed **
28. Able to support learners in literacy, numeracy and other academic tasks **
29. Prepares and utilizes resources to support the learner **
Academic tasks
30. Directs learners to appropriate resources **
31. Reinforces for the learner requirements of assigned tasks accurately **
Educational Support Final Evaluation 3

32. Prepares for potential challenges to better support learners **

33. Recognizes when to include the classroom teacher for assistance **
34. Promotes development of independence in learners **
35. Observes or participates in learner personal care routines when appropriate **
36. Asks questions to enhance knowledge about personal care tasks **
Personal care tasks
37. Fosters independence and upholds the dignity and respect of the learner when
participating in personal care tasks (includes feeding, dressing, washroom assistance, **
washing hands)
38. Utilizes relevant Adaptive or Assistive software or technology effectively –initiates or
Technology/ **
suggests use if no available opportunity
Devices 39. Utilizes communication software, devices, boards, or visual schedules effectively **

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