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LYA RIZKA HERAWATI – 160322605243

5.17 Using the data in Table 5.2,compute the value of D for the diffusion of magnesium in aluminum
at 400OC.

Diketahui :

T = 400 + 273 = 673 K

DO = 1,2 × 10-4 m2/s

R = 8,31 J/mol-K

Qd = 131 kJ/mol

Ditanya : D?

Jawab :
D = DO exp (− 𝑅𝑇𝑑 )

131 kJ/mol
D = (1,2 × 10-4 m2/s) exp (− ( 8,31 J/mol−K)(673 𝐾))

131000 J/mol
D = (1,2 × 10-4 m2/s) exp (− ( 8,31 J/mol−K)(673 𝐾))

D = 8,0613 × 10-15 m2/s

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