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Destiny Felix

Dr. Kellner

ENGL 0099

29 October 2018

Positive Polly

“The power of optimism” by Kevin Chappell is a article about motivation. In a interview

with a tsunami survivor, he tells that he “Mourns” but doesn’t let the grief take over his life.

Even though it feels like you’re drowning, the pain does get better. It builds your character when

you go through unfortunate events. Even though staying positive is hard, it is quicker to heal if

you are positive. Turn your “why?” into “how?” and redirect your thoughts into positive and

look at people who have it worse off.

Life can seem like a series of unfortunate events and sometimes you can’t breathe and

just some fresh air would be great. The encouragement and the positive vibes in this article help

retrack your mind into thinking positive. Every problem will eventually turn into a problem so

small it was ridiculous to let it have such a big impact on your life. We tend to magnify the small

problems when life is so short and we should redirect our thought process. Instead of being

selfish and only thinking of how hard our life is we should see the blessings we have in our life

and use that to help us overcome many struggles.


Chappell, Kevin. "The Power of Optimism." Ebony, vol. 60, no. 5, 03, 2005, pp. 38.

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