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Destiny Felix

Dr. Kellner
ENGL 002
4 December 2018.
Working to Spend
“Holding the Line” by Jasmine Evans shows different ways in which college can become

cheaper for their students. In a report about half of all universities have reported lower

enrollment. Most colleges are spending more than they can afford. Obama suggest universities

share some responsibility with the government. A college in Dallas is a working college where a

portion of the student’s income goes to their tuition bill to make it more affordable. Schools

spend a lot of money on books, but some colleges aren’t charging for books. There is no longer

any question on being able to afford tuition or books.

I love the idea of the tuition coming out of your paycheck, but I wouldn’t want it coming

out of my paycheck. What happens if something else is more important and needs the money but

to be able to even go to school you have to be able to pay for it. College is important, but

somethings are more of a priority then school. If you get behind then you build interest but

eventually you will be able to get a degree and later pay your schooling off. I do think for some

students it is a good opportunity.

Works Cited

Evans, J. (2013, Apr 25). Holding the line. Diverse Issues in Higher Education, 30,

8-9. Retrieved from

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