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Multicultural Issues in
Special Education
Chante’ Webb
Introduction to Special Education


College of Southern Nevada

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This research paper focuses on the issues in schools across United States. Address the issues of

race, language, social class, and culture as well as disability and geander. The beliefs and values

determine one’s behavior with respect to minority groups (Jenks, C., James, O.L., Kanpol, B., 2001). That

student input was valued were the two lowest percentages" (Menlove R.R., Hudson P. J., Donna S.,

2001). Students judge each other based off what they look, race and what kind of clothes they wear.

Students were not educate on being divergent is fine.

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This research paper focuses on the belief that all students should have the chance

to contain the knowledge of educational opportunities. In education an individual's behavior

reflects on their social class, race, ethnic group, gender, religion and disability. Even if

students are in a general or special education programs, multicultural education is

responsible for teachers to provide support structure for student’s growth and development

by playing many roles in the lives. Students come from all types of cultural background

backgrounds. The assessment of culturally and linguistic students take on an important

function in the school background. Multicultural education is also required to provide a free

appropriate public education (FAPE) and an individual education program (IEP).

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What is Multicultural Education?

“The development of such competency involve knowledge of cultural and racial differences and

issues; the critical examination of one’s own beliefs and values regarding culture, race, and social class;

and an understanding of how knowledge, beliefs, and values determine one’s behavior with respect to

minority groups (Jenks, C., James, O.L., Kanpol, B., 2001). Education is controlling the values of culture,

race and social class of diverse students learning needs. Typical developing children will master

developmental milestones through observing parents and practicing, while children with disabilities may

need accommodations to teach them basic skills such as feeding themselves, walking and

communicating. A few children have skills that come naturally but for children with disabilities it does


"General education teachers consistently reported lower levels of satisfaction with IEP

development factors. Satisfaction that training would be helpful and satisfactions that student input was

valued were the two lowest percentages" ( Menlove R.R., Hudson P. J., Donna S., 2001). Not all children

are going to learn on the same day or in the same way. Some students need more of a hand on

approach to learning. The benefits to the families of child with a disability are just as important as the

benefits to the child.

Poverty levels are more and more an issue that influences value of education. According to

Banks and Banks (2001), in 1999 approximately 36.6 million people in the United States were living in

poverty, including 1 in 5 students. Children living in poverty, who have exceptionality, are able to go to

pre-school and receive an education free of charge and which is also known as free appropriate public

education (F.A.P.E). The parents are able to take their child to school, which allows time for parents to

work and have a break. Other organizations provide free speech and language therapy for families along

with respite care.

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Multicultural education is being taught is by segregated each culture instead of valuing each

culture every day. Multicultural education needs to be part of the daily curriculum and incorporated into

every classroom. The limited amount of multicultural education being taught in school is having a major

impact on our students in the educational community. The quantity of bully due to race and ethnicities’

is high even in elementary schools. Students judge each other based off what they look, race and what

kind of clothes they wear. Students were not educate on being divergent is fine. Teachers need to

encourage the students regarding cultural differences and creating a classroom environment in which

students feel comfortable.

"IEP relevance focused on the relationship between the IEP any student learning" ( Menlove

R.R., Hudson P. J., Donna S., 2001). Children with disabilities may need specialized professionals like an

occupational therapist or a speech pathologist and equipment like a walker or an adaptive spoon for

feeding in order to learn functional skills and to be successful.

Furthermore, the power that teachers have should not make students feel worthless and

meaningless. Students are told what to do each day and there is little room for discussion or

conversation. Teachers and students need to learn and teach together. Students should feel in invoice of

their own education; they should able to be a part of the choice making process.
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"Nevertheless, multicultural teacher education, like all effective education, must be

developmentally appropriate" (Jenks, C., James, O.L., Kanpol, B., 2001). From the information above

goes over schools try to celebrate different cultures, this is not teaching multicultural education. This is

not teaching students to be aware of stereotypes, biases or prejudices about particular ethnicities. The

students learn about the customs and often get to participate in cultural activities that are appropriate

for that culture.

In conclusion, many teachers have great ideas about what they are going to teach throughout

the school year. Teachers work together and brainstorming ideas about assemblies and activities. In

most schools multicultural education is taught by schools designating a culture, ethnicity or race to a

given month in the school year.

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Banks, J.A. & Banks, C.A.M. (2001). Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (4th ed.).

New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Cochran-Smith, M. (2003). The multiple meanings of multicultural teacher education: A

conceptual framework. Teacher Education Quarterly, 30(2), 7-26. Retrieved from


Jenks, C., Lee, J. O., & Kanpol, B. (2001). Approaches to Multicultural Education in

Preservice Teacher Education: Philosophical Frameworks and Models for Teaching. Urban

Review, 33(2), 87.

Menlove, R. R., Hudson, P. J., & Suter, D. (2001). A Field of IEP Dreams. Teaching
Exceptional Children, 33(5), 28.
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Abstract …………………………………………………………………..1

Introduction ……………………………………………………………...2

Literature Review ………………………………………………………...3

Findings ………………………………………………………………………….4



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