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Carlee Tolley

Greenscreen Room Script:

Mission Statement:

My name is Carlee Tolley and three things I value are Honestly, Family and Work Ethic. Without

a designated or assigned title, my goal to achieve by December 1st was and will continue to be a

more dominant leader on my college field hockey team. To carry my leadership roles that I’ve

learned over the course of my field hockey career and any effective leadership skills I’ve picked

up from my education and extracurriculars. I wish to help set the building blocks for my team to

become more of a unit, working together over the next two years that I am here. I will do this

by inspiring, challenging, enabling, and encouraging them throughout any challenges and

beliefs our team has. To fulfill this goal, I began in September with an activity called Sneetches.

This activity’s goal is to get to know one another better, using this as a source of trust, and

capturing each person’s strengths and weaknesses. As a team, this activity started the building

blocks for us to becoming a unit.

Background Image:

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