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ID# _ _ _ l_~_~_}_.

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~ME OF C/RRESPONDENT: /J.lti.LA lee /2 R.4 ) f
• \/oc Mail Report ·


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Dear Mr . Flores :
Ycur h -: tter t o i.Hchael Deav e r has b een ref rred. t o Me for
re spons e ~ I re-gn~t the del&y in hi s r ep l y ~ b ut I c~ r. a.ssn r ~
you W"' we r A ple ased to henr f rom you and to rec;t ive )l our
words of friendship and Bupport.
Yo ur comm.en t s or. th0. t C! 1 ~"?vision p r ogr am " The Day After" h a v e been
nota d . The P r es i de n t has s tate d his dete r mination that nu~l e ar
war must nnt b- el l 0wa to h ppe n , but h e hae a lso e mphQa!zed t h at
a ll t hr e e e e e nts of i,nit e d S t atc !.l ~o1 i cy - -- deterr1:.~nc~, mode rn-
izat i on of OUL n uclear arsena l , and n~go tiations for signi f i cant
roduc tionE in nuclear an!ls - - e re a bsolutely ne c essa r y to pre v e nt
war . Re be l i e v "S that .duca tion ., p rograms abou t nucl e ar .arms
which do rio t ta.k e a ll of these e l :emoen t into a~cou nt are i ncom-
plete . As t he President z tatBd o Dec·":l?her a at the n· tior a l
Conference on Excell ne e in ~d u c a tion, nrn ~chools ac ro ss the
count.r .y, s tud£?nts are be "ng taught the da ng~r!l of ~u c l e<'! r weapon s
and the burdens of nati c nal d e f en s e . We ll let's ~ a k e certain t he ••
u nderstand not only th?. p ric e of d e f 0r,d lng Arne ri c c b ut th pric e
o f fai li ng to . As stuc.en ts from St:: . George ' ,::; Unive1·si ty :-' c hoo l
of Mad icine le ~r n e d in Gr t:' na. d , f ree ~om is not free . I t ca.ri .bi:!
e a s ily lost, but is wor t h s tickina up for . n
Th~ Pres ident is d e t e rmin e d t o k ee 9 Iune rica s trong , t r €e a nd at
p <:-'! a Ce with the world. H~ be.l i eves t .hat t h e s e gon l s ara 1o t con -
trad i ,;; t ory but comp l ementar y . As a r e s ult, 1 98 4 c~n h .... e v~;--i r of
oppr)rtu n:tties for peac e. -- not a f al s a p e ace of compl il r:e rn; y , b u t: ll
tru<::.> p~a ce bas~d m1 d e mocr nc y , j\rn tice and re s pe c t for htxrtan d ig-
ni ty . Your c omment~ a r e a ppre ci.ated t a nd th~ Pres i den t ha s a s!--:ed
me to ~e nd you his wa r m best wishes .
Sincere ly ,

A.rum Higgin s
Special As sistant to the Pres i d e n t
~nd nirc.H:! t or o f Corre-s o n dcnce

Mr . Chr i stophe r Flore s

3 25 So ut h Siesta Ave n u e
L~ Pu en t . , CA 9174~

AVH :C~.D : sew 3AVHA

;l/ 1:5<.J ; qgg


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