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C H A P T E R 20

Arterial baroreflexes in humans

Istituto di Clinica Medica IV, University of Milan
GIUS EPPE M AN CIA and Centro di Fisiologia Clinica e Ipertensione,
Ospedale Maggiore, Milan, Italy
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa
College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa

CHAPTERCONTENTS ciliano, discovered in the dog that the pressor effects

of occlusion of common carotid arteries were not due
Techniques to cerebral ischemia (as hitherto supposed) but de-
Carotid sinus massage pended on the integrity of nervous structures located
Electrical stimulation of carotid sinus nerves
Section or anesthesia of carotid sinus nerves and vagi near the carotid vessels. It continued in the 1920s with
Occlusion of common carotid arteries the great contributions of two German physiologists,
Neck chamber Hering and Koch, who identified these structures in
Vasoactive drugs animals as an afferent branch of the glossopharyngeal
Nonselective techniques nerves, showed their progressive engagement as a
Arterial Baroreceptor Control of Heart Rate
Autonomic mediation function of increasing carotid blood pressure, and de-
Other properties scribed the resulting progressive hypotensive and bra-
Relationship to base-line R-R interval dycardic effects (151,174).The story further continues
Relationship to respiratory cycle with the blossoming of the studies on the arterial
Arterial Baroreceptor Control of Atrioventricular Conduction
and Ventricles baroreflexes that characterized the 1930s and the pe-
Carotid Baroreceptor Control of Blood Pressure riod from the 1950s to the present. The large amount
Carotid Baroreceptor Influence on Cardiac Output and Total of available information on this topic came from these
Peripheral Resistance studies: the fine anatomical appearance and the elec-
Arterial Baroreceptor Control of Regional Circulations
Arterial Baroreceptor Control of Veins
trophysiological features of the baroreceptor afferents,
Set Point of Carotid Baroreflex the nature of their physiological stimuli, the complex-
Aortic Baroreflexes ity of the central integrating processes of the reflexes,
Factors That Modify Arterial Baroreceptor Control of Circulation and the multiplicity and importance of their cardio-
Age vascular effects in both anesthetized and unrestrained
Mental stress animals.
Sleep For obvious ethical and technical reasons, studies
Anesthesia on cardiovascular control exerted by arterial barore-
Central blood volume and posture ceptors have been far more limited in humans, and the
Pathological States
information obtained has been more scanty. However,
Heart rate in the past 25 years these reflexes have been found to
Arterial blood pressure play a role of paramount importance in the circulatory
Arterial baroreflexes as cause of essential hypertension regulation of humans, and they may even participate
Heart disease as a primary or secondary factor in a number of
Carotid sinus syndrome
Other pathological conditions cardiovascular diseases. In this chapter we review this
Modification of Arterial Baroreflexes by Drugs information and attempt to define the picture that
P-Adrenergic antagonists emerges from it (also from information available from
Cardiac glycosides animals).
Antihypertensive drugs


ARTERIAL BAROREFLEXES represent a successful chap- Before describing current knowledge on the cardio-
ter in cardiovascular research. This story began in vascular control exerted by the arterial baroreflexes in
1900 when two Italian physiologists, Pagano and Si- humans, we briefly analyze the different techniques

used to obtain information on this topic. The analysis Surgical denervation of the carotid bifurcation has
is important because the techniques largely determine permitted evaluation of effects of interrupting the
the quantity and the quality of the collected data. carotid baroreceptor activity in anesthetized patients
(13, 93, 238, 266, 338, 349). Similar results have been
Carotid Sinus Massage found in conscious subjects by anesthetizing the ca-
rotid sinus nerves with local anesthetic agents (142,
Reports on the cardiac effects of massaging the 169, 325). Blockade of the vagi in humans with local
carotid sinuses can be traced back for centuries. In anesthetics has been used to study effects of eliminat-
fact, though its mechanisms were not yet understood, ing aortic baroreceptor input (141, 142).
massage was used in primitive medicine to induce There are, however, major limitations in the use of
unconsciousness. Carotid sinus massage (performed nerve blockade or section to determine tonic restraint
by vigorously stroking one carotid sinus) is still used by arterial baroreceptors. 1 ) These procedures inter-
as a clinical tool for stimulating carotid baroreceptors rupt chemoreceptor (72) as well as baroreceptor influ-
and terminating supraventricular tachycardias and an- ences. 2) It is difficult to assess completeness of the
ginal attacks and for the diagnosis of carotid sinus blockade of baroreceptor input. 3) Local anesthesia
syndrome (201). However, the usefulness of this ma- may block cardiopulmonary vagal afferents as well as
neuver in studying reflex cardiovascular control is aortic and carotid baroreceptor afferents. 4 ) Most
limited. The baroreceptor stimulation induced by the importantly the procedure entails risk and major, al-
massage is extremely strong, is not precise or repro- beit transient, side effects (e.g., disphagia, disphonia,
ducible, and bears little relation to the physiological bilateral laryngeal palsy). Thus nerve blockade or
stimulation of the baroreceptors. section does not appear justified in physiological stud-
ies except under well-controlled surgical conditions.
Electrical Stimulation of Carotid Sinus Nerves
Electrical stimulation of human carotid sinus nerves Occlusion of Common Carotid Arteries
was first performed in 1958 by Carlsten et al. (63). Occlusion of the common carotid arteries inhibits
Shortly thereafter the development of implantable carotid baroreceptors and provides information on
and radiofrequency-operated stimulators made it pos- tonic baroreceptor restraint. This method is a major
sible to activate the sinus nerves in conscious subjects tool for assessing carotid baroreceptor function in
(39,243). This method enjoyed some popularity in the anesthetized and conscious animals (170). Its use in
treatment of supraventricular tachycardias (48), hy- humans has been reported by Roddie and Shepherd
pertension (38, 50, 289, 308, 324), and angina pectoris (273), who were able to train subjects to compress
(45,47,125,276);however, it is no longer used clinically their own carotid arteries against the cervical column,
because repeated stimulation becomes unpleasant and thus producing a marked fall in pulsatile and mean
less effective (45, 91). carotid arterial pressure. Carotid sinus hypotension
Although electrical stimulation of the carotid sinus triggered a significant rise in systemic arterial pres-
nerves has advantages over carotid sinus massage (e.g., sure.
the reproducibility of the stimulus), and useful infor- There are obvious limitations to the occlusion
mation has been obtained by this method, it also has method. Unless carotid pressure above the compres-
major limitations. 1 ) It is invasive. 2) It activates the sion point is always measured the variation in the
carotid baroreflex in an artificial way because the baroreceptor stimulus provided by this maneuver is
activation occurs beyond the natural site (i.e., the not quantifiable. Thus comparisons of the reflex func-
receptors) and because all fibers are excited simulta- tion within and among subjects cannot be made easily.
neously, thus eliminating the recruitment of additional In addition carotid chemoreceptors may be stimulated
units that occurs when baroreceptors are activated by a profound drop in carotid pressure (153, 336).
physiologically. 3) The electrical stimulus involves Finally, bilateral carotid occlusion and catheterization
carotid chemoreceptor as well as baroreceptor fibers. of the carotid arteries are mainly of historic interest in
The baroreceptor activation seems to dominate regard to humans because they involve risk.
chemoreceptor influence (150,206,352);however, elec-
trical stimulation of the carotid sinus nerves augments Neck Chamber
ventilation (43), and the cardiovascular effects may
represent the sum or interaction of the opposing influ- The variable-pressure neck chamber is valuable for
ences of chemoreceptor and baroreceptor activation. studying human carotid baroreflexes. The neck cham-
ber originally consisted of a rigid-walled collar that
Section or Anesthesia of Carotid encircled the neck from the shoulders to the lower
Sinus Nerves and Vagi part of the face and the skull (109). The ends of the
collar were sealed with a rubber border. A vacuum
The tonic inhibitory influence of arterial barorecep- cleaner produced negative pressure in the chamber,
tors can be evaluated by techniques that interrupt which increased transmural pressure across the ca-
baroreceptor input. rotid sinuses, thus increasing the vascular diameter

and physiologically stimulating the carotid barorecep- not act evenly on the carotid sinuses and arteries. The
tors. Stimulus-response curves encompassing a range result could be displacement and deformation of neck
of baroreceptor activities above the tonic level were structures that are not entirely dependent on trans-
obtained with graded levels of negative pressure. mural pressure changes across the carotid sinuses.
Subsequent neck chambers differ from the original The use of neck chambers has been evaluated sys-
in several respects. One important advance is the tematically in recent years. Ludbrook et al. (204) ex-
ability to induce positive as well as negative pressures amined the possibility that positive neck pressure
within the chamber, thus producing decreases as well induces cerebral ischemia through reduction in the
as increases in carotid transmural pressure and carotid pressure gradient from the arterial to the venous side
baroreceptor activity. In other words the new neck of the head. However, venous blood from the brain
chambers allow stimulus-response curves to be col- showed no reduction in oxygen saturation during neck
lected for ranges of baroreceptor activity that are both pressure, suggesting that there had been no decrease
below and above the tonic level of baroreceptor activ- in cerebral blood flow and thus excluding the possibil-
ity. ity of cerebral ischemia (117).
There are three new types of neck chambers. Two groups of investigators studied the role of ca-
Briefly, the chamber described by Thron et al. (321) rotid chemoreceptors in responses to negative (100)
is considerably larger than the other neck chambers and positive (204) neck pressure. Inhibition of arterial
and encloses the head as well as the neck. The subject chemoreceptors produced by increasing arterial 0 2
breathes through a mouthpiece connected to atmos- pressure (Poz) above 500 mmHg did not alter re-
phere. The neck chamber described by Ludbrook et sponses to neck suction or pressure (189, 192). Thus
al. (204) is smaller and encloses only the neck. The carotid chemoreceptors may not be important in re-
induction of positive- or negative-pressure changes is sponses found with neck chambers.
made possible by a system of double rubber valves Trzebski et al. (323) have observed that negative
that prevents air leakage from the chamber. The third stimuli induced by this neck chamber were accompa-
type is a simplified neck chamber devised by Eckberg nied by transient hyperpnea possibly originating from
et al. (100) initially for neck suction but modified to stimulation of airway receptors.
also sustain positive pressure. This chamber, which Information has also been obtained on transmission
consists of a malleable lead collar that encompasses features of the externally applied stimuli to the carotid
the anterior and lateral aspects of the neck, is versatile vessels. Kober and Arndt (172) showed that positive-
and easy to use. For example, one chamber of this and negative-neck pressure changes resulted in reduc-
type can be fitted to most subjects, whereas different tion and increase, respectively, in the diameter of the
sizes of the other types of chambers are necessary to common carotid arteries, thus validating a posteriori
fit different neck shapes. Another advantage is the the premises on which the technique had been devel-
small air volume between the collar and the neck that oped. Furthermore positive- and negative-pressure
allows more rapid alterations in external pressure than changes were transmitted with a negligible delay to
those with the other chambers, easily reaching pres- the internal jugular vein, i.e., a vessel adjacent to the
sure-time differential (dP/dt) values similar to or carotid artery (94,204).Ludbrook et al. (204) observed
higher than those characterizing the pulse-pressure that the transmission of external pressures to the
waves (226). However, the neck chamber type of Eck- carotid vessels, though prompt and sustained through-
berg et al. (100) may have a potential drawback. out the stimulus, was not perfect (Fig. 1). Tissue
Because it does not completely encircle or enclose the pressure immediately outside the carotid sinus wall
neck, the rapid alterations in external pressure may was measured through a catheter inserted percuta-


04m neck chamber

FIG. 1. Simultaneous record of pressure

changes in 1 subject in neck chamber, in tissue

5 -50
adjacent to carotid sinus, in internal jugular
vein at level of carotid sinus, and in cervical
internal jugular vein esophagus. Time trace, 5-s and 1-s intervals.
Measurements in internal jugular vein were
made to validate tissue-pressuremeasurements.
[From Ludbrook et al. (204).]

neously under local anesthesia. The tissue pressures airway receptors (354), are not affected during rapid
varied in a virtually perfect linear relationship with changes in neck chamber pressure.
the externally applied pressures, but the transmission
of the external positive pressure and particularly the
Vasoactive Drugs
negative pressure to the neck tissues was incomplete.
Interestingly the reduction was similar among the For many years injection of vasopressor agents to
subjects regardless of neck shape and thickness. Lud- increase arterial blood pressure and reflexly affect the
brook et al. (204) thus concluded that there is little heart has been used for termination of paroxysmal
reason for invasively measuring tissue pressure in each supraventricular tachycardias (26). In the 1960s, how-
subject and that a sufficiently precise estimation of ever, the bradycardia caused by pressure-induced
the stimuli applied to the carotid sinus areas may be baroreceptor activation was used as a quantitative
obtained by reducing the externally applied pressures estimate of the physiological function of the arterial
for the average pressure losses observed in their sub- baroreflex. Angiotensin was the vasopressor agent
jects (i.e., 14% positive and 36% negative). Ludbrook used until the discovery of its direct action on the
et al. (204) measured pressure in the cervical esopha- heart (175) and the nervous system (290) prompted
gus in search of a noninvasive procedure even more the use of phenylephrine, which has since remained
precise for estimating neck pressure transmission. the preferred drug. The technique later included mea-
Contrary to a previous report (3211, such measurement surements of the tachycardic response to reduction in
cannot be meaningfully used because it does not re- blood pressure induced by a vasodilator agent (e.g.,
produce the pressure loss that occurs a t the carotid amyl nitrate, trinitroglycerin) to estimate the barore-
sinuses (see Fig. 1). flex during physiological deactivation as well as acti-
Stimuli applied to the carotid sinuses by neck suc- vation of the baroreceptors.
tion were found to be almost perfectly reproducible by Two methods have gained popularity in the quan-
Eckberg (96), who also found excellent reproducibility titation of the reflex heart rate responses during drug-
of the heart rate effects of the stimuli when tested in induced pressure changes. Smyth et al. (307) and
the same subjects a t an interval of 33-60 days. Mancia Bristow et al. (55) found that after an intravenous
et al. (214) found more variability in the heart rate injection of a bolus of angiotensin or phenylephrine
responses but reported satisfactory reproducibility for (usually 50-150 pg) blood pressure progressively in-
blood pressure responses. creased to a level of 20-30 mmHg above the base-line
In conclusion, the neck chamber offers many advan- level, during which time the heart (R-R) interval also
tages for studying baroreflexes in humans. 1) It allows lengthened progressively. If each systolic pressure was
selective stimulation or inhibition of carotid barore- plotted versus the R-R interval of the subsequent
ceptors. 2 ) A considerable range of baroreceptor activ- cardiac cycle, a linear relationship would result. The
ity can be studied. 3 ) Stimuli and reflex effects are slope of this relationship was an index of the sensitivity
reproducible. 4 ) Stimuli can be delivered rapidly for of the arterial baroreflex control of heart rate. A linear
study of phasically controlled and rapidly changing relationship was also found between the progressive
variables such as heart rate. 5 ) It is possible to examine reduction in systolic pressure and the shortening in R-
baroreflex control of vascular resistance and arterial R interval induced by a bolus of a vasodilator agent
pressure as well as heart rate. The latter feature is a (256).The relationships maintained an optimal linear-
major advantage compared with techniques involving ity even when systolic pressures and R-R interval were
injection of vasoactive drugs that directly alter vas- plotted for the same cardiac cycle, and this was found
cular resistance and arterial pressure. to be the best approach to adopt whenever base-line
The neck chamber also has limitations, however. 1) heart rates were greater than 75 beats/min (254).With
The technique is difficult to use: collection of the data the method described by Korner et al. (la), reflex
is time consuming, and the subjects are aware of alterations in R-R interval were assessed when blood
stimuli delivery. Influence of emotional factors must pressure alterations stabilized for 10-15 s immediately
be carefully avoided. 2) Alterations in blood pressure after the progressive increase or reduction in blood
induced by carotid baroreceptors modify the activity pressure. This method apparently addresses steady-
of the aortic baroreceptors, thus opposing the primary state heart rate changes in contrast to the technique
effects of the carotid sinus stimuli. Therefore blood of Smyth, Bristow, Sleight, and colleagues a t Oxford
pressure responses obtained with the neck chamber (55, 307), which focuses on dynamic changes in heart
may reflect not merely the effects of the carotid ba- interval during ramp changes in arterial pressure. Al-
roreceptors but also the combination or interaction of though no major discrepancies have arisen in the
two opposing baroreceptor influences. This may not results of the two techniques, some differences exist.
be a limitation when heart rate effects are studied, For example, the alteration in baroreflex sensitivity
however, since the short latency of this reflex response that occurs in hypertension may be more evident with
allows evaluation before significant blood pressure the ramp technique than with the steady-state
changes have occurred (21, 43). 3) There is no strin- method. Furthermore the steady-state method may be
gent evidence that other receptors in the neck, e.g., more sensitive than the ramp method in evaluating

the sympathetic effects on the heart because the sym- walls (30, 31, 153). According to Bergel et al. (30, 31)
pathetic effects develop more slowly than the vagal this may occur with doses of phenylephrine above 100
effects (70, 315,343). pg, which in dogs cause pronounced bradycardia with-
There are several advantages of the vasoactive drug out a concomitant increase in the diameter of the
technique. 1) The heart rate responses are neural common carotid arteries. However, this may not be an
because they are absent in denervated hearts (23,167, important influence in the use of vasoactive drugs to
193) and are reduced or abolished when the pressure study baroreflexes. In rabbits, baroreflex sensitivity to
changes are prevented (330) or the sinoaortic nerves an increase in arterial pressure was no greater when
are cut (112, 180, 244, 331). 2) The stimuli act in the achieved by phenylephrine injection than when it was
same direction on all arterial baroreceptors, as would obtained by occlusion of the descending aorta (112).
normally occur physiologically. 3) The technique is Likewise the baroreflex sensitivity to a reduction in
easy to use. 4 ) The subjects are generally unaware of arterial pressure was no greater when induced by
the stimulus, so there is little chance of emotional nitroglycerin than by occlusion of a vena cava. More-
modification of the reflex response. over in human carotid sinuses smooth muscle fibers
There are also limitations, however. The most im- are scarce and seemingly unable to induce barorecep-
portant is the inability of this technique to measure tor activation when contracted by topical application
baroreflex control of vascular resistance and blood of epinephrine or stimulation of the cervical sympa-
pressure, which makes it necessary to infer baroreflex thetic trunk (63).
control of vascular resistance and blood pressure from
heart rate changes, a procedure susceptible to error. Nonselective Techniques
Indeed baroreceptor influences have divergent effects
on different cardiovascular areas (5,166,219,248,333). Several other techniques have been employed to
Furthermore studies with the neck chamber have study arterial baroreflexes, including the Valsalva ma-
shown a limited correlation between heart rate and neuver (181, 182, 292), lower-body negative pressure
blood pressure effects of baroreceptor stimulation and (see chapter on cardiopulmonary baroreflexes by
deactivation (43, 113, 202, 205). These studies also Mark and Mancia in this Handbook), and head-up
demonstrate that baroreceptor effects on blood pres- tilting. These techniques are unquestionably useful in
sure may be independent of those on heart rate, are the study of overall reflex control of the circulation in
not diminished when heart rate is kept constant by humans. However, they perturb other reflexes, such as
pacing (43, 113) or autonomic blockade (40, log), and cardiopulmonary baroreflexes and ventilatory reflexes,
persist when heart rate effects spontaneously disap- and thus prohibit selective stimulation of arterial
pear (48, 109, 161, 214). baroreceptors.
Reflex responses obtained with vasoactive drugs
may have limited reproducibility. A study in which ARTERIAL BARORECEPTORCONTROL
several phenylephrine injections were repeated in five OFHEARTRATE
individuals a few months apart showed that average
sensitivities differed by 0.3%,9%, 1176, 21%, and 27% Vasoactive drugs have been used to study the quan-
(138). As discussed by Smyth et al. (307), limited titative control of heart rate exerted by the arterial
reproducibility may depend on spontaneous variations baroreceptors. By injecting phenylephrine and calcu-
in the central influence that modulate baroreflexes lating the data during the ramp phase of baroreceptor
(222) and may therefore be an unavoidable biological stimulation in normal subjects, Bristow et al. (54)
phenomenon. Reproducibility may also depend on the found an average lengthening in R-R interval of 13
ability to identify the precise beginning of a drug- rns/mmHg rise of systolic pressure. Similar or greater
induced change in pressure among spontaneous pres- values were found in other ramp-method studies (101,
sure variations. This may be why the ramp method 256, 307) and in calculations obtained during the
was found to be less reproducible than the steady- steady-state phase of the drug-induced baroreceptor
state method in conscious rabbits (112). stimulation (184, 214). The sensitivity of the barore-
Reflexes from the cardiopulmonary region may par- ceptor-heart rate reflex when depressor drugs caused
ticipate to a minor extent during injections of vasoac- arterial baroreceptor deactivation was also studied in
tive agents. A rise in systolic pressure activates left normal subjects. Average reductions in R-R interval
ventricular receptors, although this stimulus is much of about 3-4 ms/mmHg reduction in systolic blood
less effective than that provided by a rise in ventricular pressure were obtained with the ramp method (256),
diastolic pressure (318). Moreover during injection of whereas sensitivities of 9 ms/rnmHg or greater were
amyl nitrate central venous pressure increases (311), reported with the steady-state method (184, 214).
which may excite atrial receptors. These results show that control of heart rate exerted
A component in the arterial baroreceptor activation by arterial baroreceptors is highly effective throughout
obtained with this technique may occur because va- physiological alterations in baroreceptor activity. This
sopressor agents can stimulate the receptors through control is tonic, and therefore the baroreflex is poised
contraction of smooth muscle fibers in the arterial to either increase or decrease heart rate during spon-

taneous fluctuations in arterial pressure in humans. Goldstein et al. (133) found that the sustained tachy-
These conclusions based on studies with vasoactive cardic response to 1-to 2-min infusion of nitroglycerin
drugs relate to the arterial baroreceptor system as a or to tilting was also not completely prevented by
whole and do not provide information on the relative atropine. Bjurstedt et al. (41) showed that during
contribution of carotid and aortic baroreceptors. lower-body suction the peak tachycardia that accom-
panied reduction in arterial blood pressure was dimin-
Autonomic Mediation ished 52%by propranolol; the remaining response was
abolished by atropine. These results suggest the exist-
There is substantial agreement that the bradycardic ence of a dual rather than a single autonomic media-
response to baroreceptor stimulation in humans is tion for baroreflex-mediated tachycardia.
mediated through vagal cholinergic mechanisms. Pick- Thus both the early and the delayed depressions of
ering et al. (258) and others (101, 303, 311) demon- the sinus node that accompany increases in arterial
strated that the early lengthening of the R-R interval pressure and baroreceptor activity appear to be exclu-
that accompanied the phenylephrine-induced rise in sively mediated by an increase in the cardioinhibitory
arterial pressure was not reduced by P-adrenergic- influence of the vagus. The excitation of the sinus
blocking doses of propranolol (162) but was abolished node that accompanies baroreceptor deactivation is
by atropine. Similar observations were made for the also largely mediated by the vagus. However, an in-
early lengthening of the R-R interval that occurred in crease of sympathetic cardiac influence may contrib-
response to stimulation of the carotid baroreceptors ute to the more sustained component of baroreflex-
produced by neck suction (96,99). mediated tachycardia. This may also explain the ef-
Reflex cardiac sympathetic responses are slower fectiveness of P-adrenergic antagonists in reducing the
than parasympathetic responses (70, 315, 343), and persistent tachycardia that accompanies the hypoten-
Ripley et al. (271) found that a reduction in sympa- sion induced by treatment with vasodilators in hyper-
thetic tone participates in the sustained bradycardic tensive patients.
effect of baroreceptor stimulation. However, much
evidence indicates that the sustained component of
the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex also has a predom- Other Properties
inant vagal cholinergic mediation. The bradycardia Four properties of the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex
that occurred with a baroreceptor stimulation during have been examined: 1 ) the latency of reflex response,
a period corresponding to the steady-state of Korner 2) its relation to cardiac cycle, 3) its adaptation
et al. (184) was unimpaired by propranolol (102, 131, throughout stimulation, and 4 ) its duration after the
193) but was abolished by atropine (102,109,131,167, end of stimulation.
193, 207, 241, 291, 355). In addition atropine greatly The results on the latency of the reflex have not
attenuated bradycardia observed after 1-2 min of elec- been entirely consistent. Pickering and Davies (254)
trical stimulation of the carotid sinus nerves (43, 102). reported lengthening of the R-R interval when phen-
Furthermore atropine abolished the bradycardia in- ylephrine was given to normal subjects after an aver-
duced by baroreceptor stimulation during exercise, a
condition in which there is increased cardiac sympa- 0.6
thetic tone (102, 258). Thus failure to detect a sub-
stantial sympathetic component to baroreflex-medi- -60 mmHg. 0.58 rec 10.5
ated bradycardia cannot be attributed to low base-line
sympathetic activity. Bradycardia produced by in-
creases in arterial pressure and baroreceptor stimula- 0.4
tion in humans seems to be primarily vagal cholinergic. -n
On the other hand, information on the autonomic 0.3
mechanisms mediating the tachycardic response to ._
deactivation of arterial baroreceptors is somewhat I
conflicting. Pickering et al. (258) reported that in most
subjects the early tachycardia observed after admin-
istration of amyl nitrate was unaffected or increased 0.1
by propranolol and abolished by atropine. Similar
observations were made by others (193, 207, 236) for 0
the tachycardic response to baroreceptor deactivation
during the steady-state phase defined by Korner et al. 1.5 10 0.5 0 (P wave)
(184). These results indicated a predominant vagal Stimulus-(anticipated) P wave interval (iec)
mediation for the reflex response. However, Robinson
FIG. 2. Effects of carotid baroreceptorstimuli applied at different
et al. (272) reported that the increase in heart rate times before appearance of P wave on heart (P-P) interval. 0,
produced during infusions of nitroglycerin was reduced Response to each stimulus; 0,averages obtained at 0.2-s intervals.
by atropine but could only be abolished by combined Baroreceptor stimuli induced by neck suction of 60 mmHg for 0.58-
administration of atropine and a P-adrenergic blocker. s duration. Data from 1 subject. [From Eckberg (94).]

age of 475 ms from the beginning of the pressure rise rate influence of the reflex can extend beyond the
(i.e., from the initial baroreceptor stimulation). Eck- stimulus.
berg (94) observed a shorter latency for this response. Clearly the relationship with the cardiac cycle and
In his study a suprathreshold stimulus to the carotid the fast adaptation rate phasically enhance the reflex
baroreceptors (neck suction) applied in the most sen- ability of controlling heart rate. The prolonged dura-
sitive portion of the cardiac cycle (see Fig. 2) initiated tion of the reflex effect, however, indicates that baro-
lengthening of the R-R interval after about 200 ms. receptor influence on heart rate can undergo temporal
Borst (43) disputed the results of Eckberg because his summation and therefore may provide more prolonged
neck suctions developed so quickly that the vagi might heart rate control. In this regard a single brief electri-
be mechanicallyactivated. Borst (43) published results cal shock to the carotid sinus produces R-R interval
from -1,OOO electrical stimulations of the carotid sinus effects that last long beyond the end of the stimulus
nerves on patients with angina pectoris suggesting [Fig. 4; (44)]. Thus the duration of reflex heart rate
that the latency between the electrical stimulus and effects after stimulation does not depend on persis-
the first R-R effect is at least 440-600 ms. Despite tence of excitation at the baroreceptor level but is
these differences all reports agree that in humans the determined at central and/or cardiac sites of the reflex
influence of arterial baroreceptor stimulation on heart arc.
rate can develop rapidly and provide the ability to
modulate the sinus node on a beat-to-beat basis. In- Relationship to Base-Line R-R Interval
terestingly studies on the interval between barorecep-
tor deactivation and the initial shortening of the R-R In their studies with phenylephrine-induced baro-
interval showed a slightly longer latency (4, 256). The receptor activation, Smyth et al. (307) observed that
longer latency does not reflect a different autonomic the sensitivity of the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex,
mediation because the response is also largely deter- calculated from the ratio between lengthening in R-R
mined, particularly in its earliest phase, by the vagus. interval and increase in systolic arterial pressure, was
As suggested by observations in animals, the latency directly related to the base-line R-R interval values.
may reflect an asymmetry of integrating processes of
the reflex at a central level (165).
The remaining properties that have mainly been
loo r
elucidated by the neck chamber technique (94,96) are
summarized as follows. 1 ) When a brief stimulus is
applied to the carotid sinuses, the lengthening in R-R
interval is maximal, considering the latency through
the reflex arc, with the arrival of the efferent reflex
effect 750 ms before the P wave. For arrival times
earlier than optimal, the effect decays linearly,
whereas for arrival times later than optimal, it decays
rapidly (Fig. 2). Thus the ability of the baroreflex to
affect heart rate largely depends on the timing of reflex
impact during the cardiac event, a finding well known
in animals (176, 195). 2) When a constant stimulus of
5 s is applied to the carotid sinuses, the reflex lengthen-
ing in R-R interval reaches a peak after 1.25 s but then
-20JlllL Time (s)
declines substantially through the duration of the ~~

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
stimulus (Fig. 3). Thus this reflex has a pronounced
adaptation rate. On the other hand, when a stimulus FIG. 4. Prolongation of P-P interval evoked by electrical stimu-
lation of carotid sinus nerves for 300 ms. 0, Values during or after
is applied for a fraction of a second, its ability to stimulation; 0,control values in absence of stimulation. Stimulation
lengthen R-R interval, though declining after an initial time indicated by vertical lines immediately below ordinate. Means
early peak, persists for several seconds. Thus the heart * SE from several observations. [From Borst and Karemaker (44).]

0.5 f A B J.F.
h -50 mmHg
y = 0.5%-1.1
FIG. 3. Effects of carotid baroreceptor stimuli for 5
r = -0.98 s on P-P interval. 0, Responses to single stimuli; A,
f' < O.Oo1 averages obtained at 0.5-s intervals. Baroreceptor
= 0.2 -
L . .. stimuii induced by neck suctions of 50 mmHg. Data
d from 1 subject. [From Eckberg (%).I
0.1 - .
' 00.1
0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Stimulus to P wave interval (sec)

Subjects with longer base-line R-R intervals had level in the early expiratory period before declining
higher baroreflex sensitivity and vice versa. This direct again. Thus, in addition to being continuous, the os-
relationship could also be seen in single subjects during cillations in baroreflex sensitivity were out of phase
spontaneous or provoked alterations in base-line R-R with the inspiratory-expiratory periods (Fig. 5).
intervals. These observations were confirmed by sev- As to the mechanisms responsible for these oscilla-
eral others and are considered an established feature tions, evidence was collected against interference on
of this reflex function (95, 345). baroreflex mechanisms by lung, thoracic, and cardiac
Selection of R-R intervals rather than heart rate to afferent fibers stimulated by changes in thoracic vol-
express baroreflex sensitivity is partly responsible for ume. A thoracic expansion obtained through assisted
this direct relationship. Other factors are involved, ventilation did not depress the baroreflex sensitivity
however. It is well known that sympathetic influences (232). The inspiratory depression was not prevented
may limit the cholinergic effects on the sinus node (99, by eliminating thoracic expansion through a sudden
312). Thus, when long base-line R-R intervals reflect brief occlusion of the air tube connecting the mouth
less sympathetic influence, the lower sympathetic tone to the spirometer (323).The depression still took place
probably makes the sinus node more responsive to and reproduced an approximate inspiratory rhythm
cholinergic baroreceptor modulation and vice versa. during voluntary apnea (323). The most likely hypoth-
Furthermore greater base-line R-R intervals may be esis is that central structures involved in breathing
associated with a true increase in sensitivity of the rhythmicity interfere with the integrating mechanisms
neural portion of the baroreflex arc. In neck chamber of the baroreceptor-heart rate control. Recent data in
studies on carotid baroreceptor stimulation, Eckberg animals (227) and in humans (44, 104) suggest that
(95) showed that spontaneous increases in base-line this interference is not exerted through a powerful
R-R intervals within a subject were associated with “gating” action that blocks the baroreceptor signal
striking increases in the baroreflex sensitivity, as cal- centrally, as was previously supposed (200). Rather it
culated from R-R interval responses. However, when consists of an additive opposition between the central
base-line R-R intervals were increased through exter- and the reflex signals that may take place directly at
nally applied continuous carotid baroreceptor stimu- the level of the vagal cardioinhibitory neurons.
lation, the increase in baroreflex sensitivity with fur- In discussing respiratory and baroreflex interac-
ther baroreceptor stimulation was much less evident. tions, the effects on the baroreflex of variations in
This suggests that baroreflex sensitivity is the cause systemic Po2 and Pco2 should be considered. Reduc-
and base-line R-R intervals are the effect within their tion in systemic Po2 was not shown to consistently
direct association, which implies that changes in ba- alter the baroreflex sensitivity, although the increase
roreflex sensitivity are the primary cause of sponta- in base-line heart rate that resulted from the hypoxic
neous alterations in heart rate. condition modified the set point of the reflex (51).
Although hypoxia is a complex stimulus, this finding
Relationship to Respiratory Cycle suggested that chemoreceptor stimulation did not pro-
duce major alterations in the extent of the carotid
Another feature of the arterial baroreceptor control baroreceptor influence on the sinus node. On the other
of heart rate is the dependence of its sensitivity on the hand an increase in systemic P C Ocauses
~ a reduced
respiratory cycle, with a lesser value during inspiration sensitivity of the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex, al-
and a greater value during expiration. This phenome- though not consistently in all subjects, even when this
non is well known in animals (82, 149, 176), where it
has attracted interest as a mechanism for explaining
sinus arrhythmia. The first observation in humans was
made by Smyth et al. (307), who reported that the 0’3 r Inspiration Expiration
linear relationship between the rise in systolic blood
pressure induced by vasopressor drug injections and
the reflex lengthening in R-R interval displayed a
greater slope if the values corresponding to the inspi-
ratory phase were not included.
More recently application of brief standardized
baroreceptor stimuli through neck suctions has added
I l l I I I
considerable information. The ability of a barorecep- 01 I I
tor stimulus to reflexly increase R-R interval was 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (sec)
greatly reduced during inspiration (44, 103, 104, 323).
However, this phenomenon did not take place as a FIG. 5. Effects on P-P interval of carotid baroreceptor stimuli

brisk shift but rather as a continuous oscillation applied at 6 different times during respiratory cycle. Baroreceptor
stimuli induced by neck suction of 30 mmHg for 0.6 s. Heart interval
throughout the respiratory cycle (103).The sensitivity responses calculated by subtracting maximal effects during stimu-
was reduced most during early and midexpiration but lation from base-line values in absence of stimulation. Data are
increased in late inspiration, reaching a maximum means f SE for 6 subjects. [From Eckberg et al. (103).]

A 8


FIG. 6. A: marked depression of increase in heart (R-R) interval induced by carotid baroreceptor
stimulation during hypocapnic hyperventilation. B: lesser depression induced by hyperventilation
during isocapnia. From top: tidal volume (v); heart period (H.P.);endtidal 0 2 ; endtidal PCOZ
pressure within neck chamber (mmHg). Neck suction stimuli 1 and 4 applied before and after
hyperventilationduring resting breathing.Stimuli Band 3 applied during hypocapnic hyperventilation,
stimulus 5 during isocapnic hyperventilation with increased tidal volume, and stimulus 6 during
isocapnic hyperventilation with even more increased tidal volume. [From Tnebski et al. (3231.1

change was associated with hyperoxia to prevent ARTERIALBARORECEPTORCONTROLOF

chemoreceptor stimulation and when ventilation was ATRIOVENTRICULAR CONDUCTION
controlled (51, 52, 80). Interestingly a reduction in AND VENTRICLES
sensitivity of the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex has
recently been reported in the opposite condition, i.e., Arterial baroreceptors can exert a potent influence
during a reduction in systemic PCOZ[Fig. 6; (323)]. on atrioventricular conduction, a feature vividly ex-
Lengthening in the R-R interval obtained through a emplified by the atrioventricular blockade that is a
standardized carotid baroreceptor stimulus (neck suc- result of carotid sinus massage in some subjects (64,
tion) was drastically attenuated during hypocapnia 130, 201, 357).
induced by hyperventilation. Hyperventilation per se Only recently, however, the physiological control of
was not responsible for the attenuation, because when atrioventricular conduction exerted by the arterial
PCOZ was kept constant the alteration in the baroreflex baroreceptors was demonstrated (207).In normal sub-
response was much less evident. Thus either increases jects, His bundle potentials were recorded through
or decreases in P C Omay
~ interfere with the barorecep- right cardiac chambers and atrioventricular conduc-
tor-heart rate reflex. The site and the mechanisms of tion was evaluated in its two major components: I)
this interference remain speculative. It is also uncer- conduction through the atrioventricular node (A-H
tain whether such interference involves only the car- interval, between atrial excitation and appearance of
diac influence of the reflex or extends to its vasomotor His potential) and 2) conduction through the ventric-
and blood pressure control. Data in animals, however, ular portion of the atrioventricular conduction system
indicate potentiation rather than depression of the (H-V interval, between His potential and ventricular
sympathetic vasomotor control exerted by excitation) [Figs. 7 and 8; (285)J Stimulation of arte-
baroreceptors and cardiopulmonary receptors during rial baroreceptors by a 21-mmHg rise in mean arterial
hypercapnia (119, 219, 249, 250). pressure (phenylephrine injection), though causing a

R-R msec A-H m s e c H - V msec

11001 1001 801

I 1

60 40
I 1 1 1 I l I I 1 I I 1
FIG. 7. Effects of phenylephrine-induced in-
creases in mean arterial pressure on R-R, A-H, and PACING n = l1
H-V intervals. Means & SE from 11 subjects stud-
ied for sinus rhythm and during atrial pacing. C, R - R msec A-H m s e c H-V m s e c
control values; PHE, values during plateau in- 1100
crease in mean arterial pressure induced by phen- 1401 T
ylephrine. [From Mancia et al. (207), by permission 1201
of the American Heart Association, Inc.]

gOOi 120-

, ,
, ,
, I



40 1- 90 110


I ent when the reflex alterations in R-R interval were
prevented by atrial pacing. A similar blood pressure
rise then caused a marked and sustained lengthening
in A-H interval, and a similar blood pressure fall

A - R msec A-H msec H - V msec

H-V interval. The reflex changes in A-H interval were
1 1 1
abolished by atropine.
These results show that arterial baroreceptors phys-
iologically exert a pronounced influence on atrioven-
tricular conduction and that this influence (like the
100 80 60

- 80 60
influence on sinus node function) is tonic and largely
mediated through vagal cholinergic mechanisms. In-
terestingly, although markedly modulating the atrio-
MEAN ARTERIAL PRESSURE ( m m H g ) ventricular node, the baroreceptor influence does not
FIG. 8. Effects of trinitroglycerin-induced reductions in mean involve the ventricular portion of the atrioventricular
arterial pressure on R-R, A-H, and H-V intervals. Means & SE from conducting system [results also reported in animals
9 subjects studied for sinus rhythm (top) and during atrial pacing (261)l. Furthermore the baroreceptor influence inter-
(bottom). C, control values; TNG, values during plateau decrease in
mean arterial pressure induced by trinitroglycerin. [From Mancia
acts with the influence exerted on atrioventricular
et al. (207), by permission of the American Heart Association, Inc.] conduction by the changes in cardiac cycle, the net
effect minimizing alterations in conduction time (24,
159,194,224). This suggests that arterial baroreceptor
marked lengthening in R-R interval, did not induce a modulation of the atrioventricular node is a homeo-
lengthening in A-H and H-V intervals. Likewise deac- static mechanism that maintains a constant time re-
tivation of the arterial baroreceptors by a 17-mmHg lationship between atrial and ventricular events during
reduction in mean arterial pressure (nitroglycerin in- reflex changes in heart rate.

Absence of baroreceptor control of the ventricular sinus nerves or by occlusion of the common carotid
portion of the atrioventricular conducting pathways arteries was followed by a marked increase in pressure
leads us to briefly discuss whether arterial barorecep- (168, 273, 325). Other studies performed with neck
tors have any effect on specialized ventricular con- chambers on normal subjects confirmed and extended
ducting tissue in humans. There are reports of various these results. A reduction in carotid transmural pres-
arrhythmias following carotid sinus massage although sure of 15-20 mmHg induced a clear-cut increase in
it is difficult to ascribe them to direct neural barore- blood pressure (214, 309, 321); conversely an increase
ceptor influences (68). Furthermore it has been re- in carotid transmural pressure of 15-20 mmHg induced
ported that ventricular tachycardias and ventricular a clear-cut fall in blood pressure (32, 109, 214, 309,
premature beats disappear during a pressure rise in- 321). Physiological alterations in carotid baroreceptor
duced by phenylephrine (347, 350). Although these activity are therefore unquestionably capable of exert-
effects were ascribed to an increased vagal influence ing effective blood pressure control. In normal subjects
on the ventricles brought about by baroreceptor stim- this control is tonic, which makes this reflex function
ulation, other changes occurring with phenylephrine effective in response to both baroreceptor stimulation
injections might have been responsible. Indeed little and deactivation.
or no effect of phenylephrine injections was observed A second aspect is the latency and time course of
on ventricular premature beats after preventing the effective blood pressure control. In neck chamber stud-
bradycardia induced by the injection with atrial pacing ies, arterial pressure began to fall about 3 s after
(351). Furthermore no alterations in the rate of an baroreceptors were stimulated. If the stimulus was
idioventricular pacemaker are known to follow baro- kept constant, the fall in pressure reached a peak
receptor stimulation in subjects with a complete atrio- within 10-20 s and then rose toward (but did not
ventricular block (201). Therefore available informa- reach) control values during the steady state (32, 43,
tion does not provide definite evidence for barorecep- 214). When carotid baroreceptors were deactivated,
tor modulation of ventricular specialized fibers. the rise in pressure began after several seconds. If the
Direct effects of arterial baroreceptors on the ven- deactivation was kept constant, the pressure increased
tricles are possible because carotid sinus baroreceptor slowly to a steady state in -20-30 s (214, 321). Thus
stimulation exerts beneficial effects in patients with slowly developing effects, relatively long latencies, and
angina pectoris (47, 107, 201). However, this benefit (in the case of baroreceptor deactivation) prominence
may derive entirely from the reduction in cardiac work of the sustained over-the-peak responses were found
and 0 2 consumption that accompanies the barorecep- to characterize baroreceptor influences on blood pres-
tor-induced hypotension and bradycardia. There is no sure. This contrasts with the baroreceptor influences
evidence of an arterial baroreceptor modulation of on heart rate. These features reflect the vascular sym-
ventricular contractility in humans, although the ef- pathetic mediation of the blood pressure effects of the
fect has been observed in anesthetized (145, 298) but baroreceptors versus the vagal mediation of the heart
not in conscious animals (171, 334). rate effects. They suggest that the baroreceptor-blood
pressure reflex has a considerable inertia; this may
prevent phasic alterations in baroreflex sensitivity
CAROTID BARORECEPTORCONTROL (e.g., during respiration) from being faithfully reflected
OF BLOOD PRESSURE by alterations in blood pressure.
A third aspect is the quantitative control of blood
Information on blood pressure control exerted by pressure provided by the carotid baroreceptors, which
the arterial baroreceptors is less extensive than that could be estimated in a closed-loop condition by the
on heart rate control, because invasive methods are neck chamber technique (284), i.e., a condition in
normally required to obtain proper estimation of reflex which the reflex response reverberates on the recep-
blood pressure effects. Furthermore this information tors and modifies the initial disturbance as normally
is limited almost exclusively to the influence exerted occurs. In normal subjects Mancia et al. (214) found
by the carotid baroreceptors, because there are no that the reflex pressor effect was in a linear relation-
techniques that allow blood pressure influences of all ship with an increase in neck chamber pressure to +50
arterial baroreceptors to be evaluated in humans. Nev- or +60 mmHg and that during the sustained phase of
ertheless a number of aspects of this control have been the response the slope of the relationship, i.e., the
investigated and clarified. sensitivity or gain of the reflex function, indicated that
An important question is whether the carotid mean arterial pressure increased by an average of 0.68
baroreflex provides an effective blood pressure control mmHg/mmHg rise in tissue pressure outside the ca-
in response to physiological alterations in baroreceptor rotid sinuses. Application of correction factors for loss
stimuli. Studies performed several years ago showed of tissue-pressure transmission shows that in two pre-
that ongoing activation of the carotid baroreceptors vious studies average slopes of 0.68 and 0.72 were
exerted a clear-cut influence on blood pressure and, in obtained for the same response (309,321). These data
conscious normal subjects, abolition or drastic reduc- are strikingly similar to those of Mancia et al. (214).
tion of this activation by anesthesia of the carotid They also found that reflex hypotension was linearly

related to a reduction in neck chamber pressure to response entirely to a reduction in total peripheral
-50 or -60 mmHg; the slope of the sustained response resistance.
indicated an average reduction in mean arterial pres- No conclusion can be offered for these discrepancies.
sure of 0.44 mmHg/mmHg reduction in tissue pressure A number of factors might influence the hemodynamic
outside the carotid sinuses. Application of correction pattern as well as the magnitude of the responses to
factors for loss of tissue-pressure transmission also baroreceptor stimulation. The magnitude of the sys-
shows similarity to the average slopes obtained in temic vasodilation induced by carotid baroreceptor
previous studies whose values ranged from a minimum stimulation seems to differ as a function of age (198)
of -0.30 to a maximum of -0.50 for the same response and possibly of central blood volume (35) and the time
(32, 309, 321). Use of sinusoidal rather than steady course of the response. A decrease in cardiac output is
negative neck pressures provided a value of 0.40 (36). more likely to contribute to the early hypotensive
Interestingly this slope was reported to be reduced effect of baroreceptor stimulation (21, 43) but should
rather than increased by fitness in a comparison study be less important in a later phase when the blood
between trained and normal subjects (309). pressure reduction seems independent of cardiac phe-
In conclusion, the neck chamber studies, providing nomena.
closed-loop analysis of the carotid baroreflex, indicate The controversy regarding the hemodynamic pat-
that the reflex can buffer about two-thirds and one- tern of responses to baroreceptor stimulation does not
half of the changes in arterial pressure that reduce or extend to the effects of carotid baroreceptor deacti-
increase, respectively, the baroreceptor activity. Aor- vation, since in two studies on normal subjects a rise
tic baroreceptors may oppose the primary carotid in both cardiac output and peripheral resistance was
baroreceptor responses during prolonged interven- found to contribute to the pressor response (40, 325).
tions with neck chambers, so these findings may un- During a fall in blood pressure, an unchanged value
derestimate the carotid baroreflex control on arterial of peripheral resistance implies active withdrawal of
pressure. vasomotor tone (60). Therefore it can be concluded
that substantially all evidence indicates modulation of
resistance vessels by the carotid baroreflex and sug-
CAROTID BARORECEPTOR INFLUENCE ON gests that in most subjects this is important in deter-
mining the size of the blood pressure response to either
baroreceptor stimulation or deactivation. Atropine
does not affect this response (43, log), which indicates
There is some controversy regarding the hemody- that cholinergic sympathetic fibers do not participate
namic changes responsible for the hypotension in- in its production. Also plasma concentration of epi-
duced by carotid baroreceptor stimulation, i.e., nephrine does not change, indicating that a humoral
whether this effect is due to reduction in cardiac adrenal factor is not involved (217). Modulation of
output, total peripheral resistance, or both. During total peripheral resistance by the carotid barorecep-
electrical stimulation of the carotid sinus nerves, tors therefore depends on alterations in sympathetic
Carlsten et al. (63) observed a reduction in pulse vasoconstrictor tone.
pressure and argued that this implied a reduced car-
diac output. BevegHd and Shepherd (32) measured
cardiac output with a dye-dilution technique during ARTERIAL BARORECEPTOR CONTROL
baroreceptor stimulation induced by neck suction in OF REGIONAL CIRCULATIONS
normal subjects. Baroreceptor stimulation caused a
substantial reduction in mean arterial pressure, which Regional vascular control exerted by the arterial
was accompanied by a fall in cardiac output (although baroreceptors has been mainly investigated in skeletal
stroke volume did not change) with no significant muscle, the splanchnic area, and the skin.
reduction in total peripheral resistance. Carlsten et al. (63) originally suggested the existence
Although some reports (35) have been consistent of a pronounced baroreceptor influence over the vas-
with those of BevegHrd and Shepherd (32), other stud- cular bed of skeletal muscle. In anesthetized subjects
ies have obtained somewhat different results. Epstein blood flow through the forearm (measured by a ple-
et al. (107) observed that electrical stimulation of the thysmograph) increased during hypotension induced
carotid sinus nerves in patients with angina pectoris by electrical stimulation of the carotid sinus nerves,
reduced cardiac output by 8%, but total peripheral indicating the occurrence of a marked vasodilation.
resistance was reduced by 14% and accounted for a This suggestion has not been confirmed, however. In
greater portion of the hypotensive effect of the stim- studies on conscious normal subjects (32), during ca-
ulus. Similar observations were made in anginal pa- rotid baroreceptor stimulation by neck suction, a di-
tients by Farrehi (114). Ernsting and Parry (109) and lation of forearm blood vessels occurred only if marked
Bjurstedt et al. (40) observed no change in cardiac stimulation was applied. Even then the vasodilation
output during carotid baroreceptor stimulation in nor- was less pronounced than that reported by Carlsten et
mal subjects and therefore ascribed the hypotensive al. (63), and forearm blood flow did not increase during

the reduction in pressure. Other studies showed that A Forearm A Splanchnic

Vascular Resistance Vascular Resistonce
stimulation of the carotid baroreceptors by neck suc- ( % change) ( % change)
tion was also accompanied by little or no significant
reduction in forearm vascular resistance at a time
when other hemodynamic effects of the stimulation
were well evident (2, 5, 109). It must be emphasized
that these results could not be ascribed to the exist-
ence of a low sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone to the
forearm because little or no forearm vasodilation oc-
curred even when baroreceptor stimuli were applied
on a background of higher sympathetic vasoconstric- FIG. 10. Unloading of both cardiopulmonary and arterial baro-
tor tone (e.g., induced by exercise, lower-body suction) receptors [lower-body negative pressure (LBNP) at -40 mmHg]
(2, 25, 32, 35, 106). Furthermore forearm vasodilation increased both forearm and splanchnic vascular resistances. Simul-
could be reflexly produced by raising the legs (5).Thus taneous application of neck suction (NS), performed to minimize
decrease in carotid transmural pressure and thus the contribution
it could be legitimately suggested that the results of carotid baroreflex during LBNP, prevented most splanchnic
reflected a truly limited ability of carotid barorecep- vasoconstriction but did not significantly attenuate forearm vaso-
tors to cause major sustained vasomotor effects in constriction during LBNP. Results indicate that cardiopulmonary
skeletal muscle. receptors have major influence on forearm vessels, whereas carotid
Studies supporting this suggestion have examined baroreceptors have major influence on splanchnic vessels in hu-
mans. [Adapted from Abboud et al. (2).]
the effects of carotid baroreceptor deactivation rather
than stimulation. In the 1950s (273) an important
study showed that during occlusion of the common Different conclusions have been reached about the
carotid arteries the rise in arterial blood pressure was baroreceptor control of splanchnic circulation. John-
not accompanied by a rise in limb vascular resistance son et al. (160) showed that lower-body suction that
(Fig. 9). Other investigators (160, 361) reported that did not reduce arterial blood pressure caused only a
lower-body suction markedly increased forearm vas- moderate reduction in splanchnic blood flow [meas-
cular resistance and that only a minor further increase ured by hepatic clearance of indocyanine green (46,
could be seen when the suction became so pronounced 277)]. On the other hand a marked reduction in this
as to reduce arterial blood pressure. These observa- flow, and thus a marked increase in splanchnic vas-
tions suggest that cardiopulmonary baroreceptors cular resistance, was observed when the suction was
have a major influence and arterial baroreceptors a augmented to a degree that reduced pulse pressure
minor influence on limb vascular resistance in humans. and mean arterial pressure. Also simultaneous stimu-
lation of the carotid baroreceptors during lower-body
suction had different effects on the skeletal muscle
and splanchnic circulations (2). The marked skeletal
muscle vasoconstriction induced by lower-body suc-
tion was little affected by the carotid baroreceptor
stimulus, whereas the splanchnic vasoconstriction was
almost completely abolished (Fig. 10). Thus, although
little involved in the control of muscle resistance ves-
sels, arterial baroreceptors exert a clear-cut control
over resistance vessels in the splanchnic area. This
means that the vasomotor control of these receptors
is quantitatively nonuniform, which is opposite to the
nonuniformity displayed by the vasomotor control
exerted by the cardiopulmonary receptors.
The limited baroreceptor influence on muscle cir-
culation that appears to exist in human beings makes
us strikingly different from several other animal spe-
cies in which this circulation represents a major target
organ for the baroreflexes (166,219,247,248,270,333).
Recent findings suggest, however, that this difference
may be viewed from a different perspective. Tyden et
al. (328) observed in anesthetized subjects that a mas-
sive baroreceptor stimulus (carotid sinus massage),
though causing very little vasomotor change in various
0 1 rnin intestinal areas, increased blood flow (electromagnetic
FIG. 9. Effect of bilateral compression of common carotid artery. flow probe measurement) to the external iliac artery
Data from 1 subject. [From Roddie and Shepherd (273).] and decreased the resistance in this vascular area by

29%. This suggests that baroreceptors do not lack the lack of baroreceptor modulation of cutaneous vascular
potential for exerting pronounced effects on skeletal districts (see Fig. 9). In a subsequent study, however,
muscle circulation in humans. evidence for some baroreceptor modulation of cuta-
Skeletal muscle circulation may also be under phys- neous circulation was obtained (25). Forearm skin
iological baroreceptor control according to data on blood flow was measured by the difference in flow
sympathetic nerve traffic to skeletal muscle vessels. between an intact forearm and a forearm in which
Wallin and co-workers (83, 310, 340) observed in con- cutaneous circulation had been eliminated by epineph-
scious subjects that this traffic definitely decreased rine iontophoresis (71). During lower-body suction the
with a latency of -1 s on the ascending phase of each reduction in arterial blood pressure was accompanied
pulse-pressure wave and increased to an even greater by a reduction in skin blood flow and an increase in
extent during the descending phase (Fig. 11). Further- skin vascular resistance. Conversely during barorecep-
more application of neck suction or electrical sinus tor stimulation produced by neck suction the hypoten-
nerve stimulation induced a clear-cut reduction in sive response was accompanied by no change in skin
muscle sympathetic nerve traffic (22,341). If the stim- blood flow and a decrease in skin vascular resistance.
ulus was steady, the reduction was only transient and The cutaneous vascular response to performance of
the traffic rapidly regained the control value even lower-body suction could not be safely ascribed to
though the hypotensive response was preserved. On arterial baroreceptor deactivation because of concom-
the other hand, if the stimulus was applied in a con- itant deactivation of the cardiopulmonary receptors
tinuously changing fashion (sinusoidal neck suction (230, 278). However, the skin vascular response to
for 7.5 s), a steady reduction in muscle sympathetic neck suction was probably the result of baroreceptor
traffic was also observed (22). Thus the possibility stimulation although the participation of autoregula-
must be considered that arterial baroreceptors nor- tory phenomenon [even though poorly developed in
mally control skeletal muscle circulation, but this con- the skin (135)l and emotional stimuli could not be
trol exclusively has a highly dynamic feature with excluded.
little possibility of being used to induce more pro- Studies of baroreceptor influence on sympathetic
longed circulatory effects. Therefore it may be specu- nerve traffic to skin tissues have shown that this traffic
lated that baroreceptor control of muscle areas may was not consistently altered during the pulse-pressure
be suited to and attend predominantly to rapid and waves (at variance with the muscle nerve traffic) and
short-lasting adjustments in blood pressure, leaving that its random and irregular firing rate was not re-
the steadier adjustments to baroreceptor influences on duced even during the massive baroreceptor activation
splanchnic and other vascular areas. provided by electrical carotid sinus nerve stimuli (83,
In their investigation of the effects of common ca- 339, 341). Obviously this supports the suggestion that
rotid occlusion, Roddie and Shepherd (273) also stud- arterial baroreceptors do not have major effects on
ied the cutaneous circulation by measuring skin blood the cutaneous circulation, although it does not prove
flow from 0 2 saturation in veins draining from super- this point conclusively. As discussed by Wallin et al.
ficial hand tissues (274). They observed no alterations (341), the cutaneous fibers engaged in reflex vascular
in skin vascular resistance during baroreceptor deac- control may be a minority among tonically active
tivation induced by carotid occlusion and suggested a fibers engaged in vascular thermoregulation or sudo-

- 5 sec
FIG. 11. Bursts of muscle sympathetic efferent traffic (upper trace) during oscillations in arterial
blood pressure (lower trace). More bursts occurred during decreasing than during increasing blood
pressure values when latency for reflex sympathetic modulation (1.3 s) was taken into account. [From
Sundlof and Wallin (310).]

motor influences, which may make it difficult to detect engagement of arterial and cardiopulmonary reflexes
changes in sympathetic traffic induced by barore- (3, 124,260, 281). In contrast to observations on cuta-
flexes. neous veins, splanchnic capacitance vessels in animals
Clarifying baroreflex influences on skin blood ves- participate in the cardiovascular regulation exerted by
sels may be difficult because of the complexity of the the arterial baroreceptors (49, 57, 143, 297, 299, 300).
neural regulation of the cutaneous circulation. Acral Lack of suitable techniques has so far prevented defin-
and nonacral regions may be differently engaged by itive information on this topic in humans. However,
neural impulses, and different reactions may be seen stimulation and deactivation of the carotid barorecep-
at different levels of thermoregulatory-induced vaso- tors have produced no change in central venous pres-
constrictor tone (296). Thus further studies under sure (106,109,273). Thus there is presently no definite
controlled conditions in various regions of skin may be evidence for baroreceptor influences on the veins in
needed to decide whether and to what extent skin humans.
resistance vessels participate in arterial baroreflexes.
CONTROL OF VEINS Several studies have reported that when carotid
baroreceptor control of blood pressure is examined by
In animals, arterial baroreflexes do not exert a ma- applications of positive and negative neck pressure,
jor control of cutaneous veins (49, 58, 146, 208). De- the sustained blood pressure responses to baroreceptor
spite earlier reports (128,251,292) this also appears to deactivation are greater than the responses to baro-
be true in humans. Beveghd and Shepherd (32) stud- receptor stimulation (214, 309, 321). If the barorecep-
ied responses of a hand vein to neck suction. Veno- tor stimuli are corrected for loss of tissue-pressure
motor changes were evaluated by using the occlusion transmission (204),the sensitivity of the baroreceptor-
technique, which allows pressure within a vein to be blood pressure function appears to be -48% greater
measured under conditions in which venous volume is during baroreceptor deactivation than during barore-
constant (280). Baroreceptor stimuli even of a large ceptor activation [Fig. 13; (214)]. A number of hy-
degree (neck suction of -60 mmHg) did not reduce potheses have been proposed to explain this finding.
venous pressure. This did not depend on lack of reac- 1. Arterial baroreceptor modulation of muscle sym-
tivity of the veins to neural stimuli, because a marked pathetic traffic is greater during each pulse-pressure
increase in venous pressure was observed during a wave when blood pressure falls than when it rises (310,
deep breath, i.e., a stimulus known to reflexly affect 340); i.e., this modulation has a hysteresis that appears
venous tone (42). It did not depend on absence of to favor the reflex responses to baroreceptor deacti-
base-line venoconstrictor tone, because reflex venodi- vation rather than stimulation. Hysteresis is typically
lation was not observed even when base-line venocon- a transient phenomenon, however, which cannot ac-
striction was induced by exercise (33). Therefore the count for sustained hemodynamic differences. Fur-
results truly reflected absence of reflex venodilation thermore the sustained blood pressure influences of
during stimulation by carotid baroreceptors. the baroreceptors are largely independent of changes
Epstein et al. (108) extensively examined the arterial in muscle circulation (2,5). Therefore this hypothesis
baroreceptor influences on cutaneous veins. By ex- probably cannot explain the asymmetry of the carotid
amining venomotor tone with various techniques these baroreceptor effects on blood pressure.
investigators found that I ) stimulation of carotid 2. In normotensive subjects, aortic baroreceptors
baroreceptors by neck suction did not cause venodi- may discharge basally near their maximal level, thus
lation, 2) stimulation of all arterial baroreceptors by a more effectively buffering the depressor responses ob-
phenylephrine-induced rise in arterial pressure also tained by carotid baroreceptor stimulation than the
did not cause venodilation, and 3) arterial barorecep- pressor responses obtained by carotid baroreceptor
tor deactivation by bradykinin or nitroglycerin some- deactivation. Studies in animals, however, have never
times caused an initial brief venoconstriction. This shown the aortic baroreceptors to be nearly maximally
transient venoconstrictor response was not seen in stimulated at normal blood pressure levels. On the
anesthetized subjects, however, and it appeared to be contrary, they have shown these receptors to be barely
related to emotional stimuli involved in the experi- at threshold at normal blood pressures (252, 319, 320)
mental maneuver. Also in this study the reactivity of and to provide greater buffering effects against blood
the vein was demonstrated by the response to a deep pressure rises than falls (85,105,147).Furthermore no
breath (Fig. 12).Thus it may be concluded that arterial hint of a high tonic level of aortic baroreceptor activity
baroreceptors do not exert a modulation of the cuta- has been derived from studies in humans (141). This
neous veins within their physiologicalrange of activity. hypothesis also cannot explain the carotid baroreflex
The same conclusion has been reached in several other asymmetry.
studies that have shown absence of venomotor 3. The most likely hypothesis is therefore that the
changes in both forearm and calf during simultaneous asymmetry is inherent to the carotid baroreflex. In


beats / min m m Hg


80 -8 30 -

60 - 20 -

FIG. 12. Increase in pressure induced 40 - IO-

by phenylephrine (upper traces) and re-
duction in pressure induced by bradyki-
nin (lower traces) accompanied by
' A , 0 - 0

bradycardia and tachycardia, respec-
tively, but by no change in tone of cuta- Control Phenylephrine Control Phenylephrine Control k P
neous veins. Right panel shows reactiv- Insp i r a t ion
ity of veins by constriction after deep
inspiration. Each line, 1normal subject. beots / min mrn Hg
m m Hg

[From Epstein et al. (108),by copyright I

permission of The American Society for
Clinical Investigation.]


30 -

20 -
80 -

701 Y
60. 10-

lo :

Control Bradykinin Control Br o dy k I n'in Cont ro I Inspiration

NORMOTENSIVES ( n = 11) other words, in normal subjects the set point of this
reflex is eccentrically located toward the saturation
+ "1 1
limit of the curve relating the carotid baroreceptor
stimulus to the blood pressure effect. This should
make the baroreflex system more effective for buffer-
ing a reduction rather than an increase in blood pres-
sure. It can be speculated that this location of the set
point depends on a high basal activity of the carotid
sinus baroreceptors because of their sensitivity to pul-
satile stimuli at normal blood pressures (7, 10, 77, 92,

1 :Steady-State
185) and because of their location in a vascular wall
with reduced thickness, greater elasticity, and presum-
ably large distensibility (170, 237, 267, 268).
-60 A discussion of the normal set point of the arterial
Change in NTP (mmtig) baroreflex in humans must include a recent study by
Eckberg (98) in which negative and positive neck
FIG. 13. Changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) induced by pressures were applied to normal subjects and the
changes in neck tissue pressure (NTP) outside carotid sinuses. Data reflex changes in R-R interval were evaluated within
are means f SE of individual regression coefficients in 11 normal
subjects for sustained responses to steady neck chamber pressure 1-2 s, i.e., before any alteration in arterial blood pres-
or suction applications. [From Mancia et al. (214), by permission of sure could engage the aortic baroreceptors. The heart
the American Heart Association, Inc.] rate responses were marked with negative pressure

but slight or absent with positive pressure. Based on

these results Eckberg (98) argued that the normal set
point of the carotid baroreceptor-heart rate reflex is v)

located near the reflex threshold, i.e., in a position E

opposite to that suggested for the carotid barorecep- z-
- d
tor-blood pressure reflex. Note that in conscious ani- a
mals carotid baroreceptor deactivation by common
U a
carotid occlusion or other methods invariably induces z w
a marked rise in blood pressure and heart rate (16,73, IZ
113, 171). Carotid baroreceptor deactivation by com- 0- t
mon carotid occlusion or anesthesia of the carotid +
sinus nerves is associated with a marked rise in blood a
pressure and heart rate in anesthetized and conscious I
normal humans (59, 155, 168, 266, 273). Baroreceptor L+ 500
deactivation by a drug-induced fall in blood pressure CHANGE IN MAP CHANGE IN C T P
causes a clear-cut tachycardia in conscious normal
humans (184, 193, 214, 256, 272). These findings can (mmHg) (mmHg)
hardly be reconciled with those of Eckberg, because FIG. 14. Changes in heart interval (R-R interval) with drug-
they suggest that arterial and, more specifically, ca- induced alterations in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and with neck
chamber-induced alterations in carotid transmural pressure (CTP).
rotid baroreceptors are normally well above threshold
and accordingly have a marked tonic influence on both
Means (solid lines) SE (dashed lines) of individual regression
coefficients taken from 8 normal subjects in whom both techniques
blood pressure and heart rate. were used. Maximal heart interval responses were considered for
neck chamber, with changes in CTP calculated by subtracting
changes in MAP from changes in tissue pressure outside carotid
AORTIC BAROREFLEXES sinuses. Method described by Korner et al. (184) was used for drug
technique. Control MAP and heart interval were 101 f 5 mmHg
and 864 -+ 61 ms, respectively, for drug studies and 105 f 5 mmHg
There is no f m experimental evidence in this re- and 791 f 59 ms for neck chamber studies. [From Mancia et al.
view concerning the selective influence of aortic (214), by permission of the American Heart Association, Inc.]
baroreceptors in the human cardiovascular system,
because there are no techniques with which to study d a t e baroreceptors by direct contraction of vascular
them. It may be useful, however, to discuss some of smooth muscle (31), and the heart rate responses were
the studies that have reached inferred conclusions on also greater with nitroglycerin than with neck pres-
this control and to compare them with conclusions sure; 3) the time for the pressor and depressor drug
provided by the more easily controlled studies done stimuli to reach steady heart rate responses was less,
with experimental animals. rather than more, than the corresponding time for the
Mancia et al. (211,214) examined in normal subjects increases and decreases in carotid transmural pressure
the reflex heart rate responses induced by stimulation by the neck chamber; and 4 ) equal changes in arterial
and deactivation of the arterial baroreceptors by phen- transmural pressure are known to affect arterial
ylephrine and nitroglycerin, respectively. The results baroreceptors similarly when produced from inside
were compared with those obtained in the same sub- (drugs) or from outside (neck chamber) the vessels
jects by stimulating and deactivating the carotid ba- (8).
roreceptors with negative and positive neck pressure. The most likely explanation is that heart rate re-
With phenylephrine the baroreceptor control of heart sponses with the drug technique were greater than
rate induced a steady lengthening in R-R interval responses with the neck chamber because the stimulus
averaging 14.4 ms/mmHg increase in mean arterial to all arterial baroreceptors is similar with the drug
pressure (Fig. 14). On the other hand, with negative technique, whereas changes in neck pressure can pro-
neck pressure the sensitivity was much less, i.e., a duce opposing effects on carotid and aortic barorecep-
lengthening in R-R interval of 4.5 ms/mmHg increase tors. The difference observed could thus suggest the
in carotid transmural pressure. With nitroglycerin the existence of an aortic baroreceptor control of heart
baroreceptor control of heart rate induced a steady rate. Furthermore the magnitude of the difference
shortening in R-R interval of 9.5 ms/mmHg reduction could imply a qualitatively important control, and its
in mean arterial pressure, whereas with positive neck existence during both baroreceptor stimulation and
pressure the shortening was only 3.6 ms/mmHg re- deactivation could imply a tonic nature. Interestingly
duction in carotid transmural pressure. Among the several studies in animals have indicated that aortic
several factors that might be responsible for the baroreceptors exert a large reflex influence on heart
greater heart rate responses to the drug injection than rate (81, 132), and some have suggested that this
to the neck chamber application, the following were control may be greater than that exerted by the carotid
excluded: I ) pulse pressure did not show change with baroreceptors (151, 288, 356). Because in animals the
either technique; 2) the doses of phenylephrine nor- heart rate responses to carotid sinus stimulation are
mally used did not approach those considered to stim- smaller and are not sustained (32,43,109,214),Mancia

et al. (214) have suggested that this baroreceptor area if the carotid sinus influence is not reduced or removed
normally exerts only a modest heart rate control in (105, 139, 208, 247). The role of aortic baroreceptor
humans. However, these features may be explained by control of blood pressure in humans therefore remains
the adaptation rate of the heart rate responses (96), to be elucidated.
and several recent findings do show the ability of the
carotid baroreceptors to produce heart rate alterations
(2, 22). Therefore reflex control of this variable prob- FACTORS THAT MODIFY ARTERIAL
ably stems from both baroreceptor areas.
The only studies that can be mentioned in relation
to blood pressure control exerted by the aortic baro- Age
receptors are those of Guz et al. (141, 142). In a small Gribbin et al. [Fig. 15; (138)l obtained the first
number of anesthetized and conscious normal sub- evidence of an effect of age on the arterial baroreceptor
jects, these investigators applied electrical stimuli to control of heart rate. In this study the ramp method
the cervical vagal trunks after blocking their efferent was used to evaluate baroreceptor-heart rate sensitiv-
influence by atropine. The stimulation had clear-cut ity in response to baroreceptor stimulation by vaso-
respiratory effects but did not cause any fall in blood active drugs. Among the normal subjects baroreflex
pressure. In the same subjects the vagi were infiltrated sensitivity varied, but within the wide age range of the
with an anesthetic agent. Several observations (in- sample (19-66 yr) the sensitivity was inversely related
ability to phonate or swallow, disappearance of the to age. There was no trend in these subjects toward
cough in response to reflex ammonium inhalation, an increased base-line blood pressure with age. The
appearance of a Horner syndrome) indicated effective same inverse relationship between reflex sensitivity
blockade of vagal fibers, but there was no increase in and age occurred in a separate population of hyperten-
blood pressure. Based on these findings, Guz et al. sive subjects. Thus it may be concluded that age
suggested that aortic baroreceptors do not exert a impaired the heart rate effect of baroreceptor stimu-
tonic blood pressure control and that even their acti- lation and that this was independent of the well-known
vation may have minimal blood pressure effects. Min- influence of hypertension (55, 138).
imal cardiovascular control from reflexogenic areas This conclusion has been confirmed in studies with
with vagal afferents has also been suggested in sub- vasoactive drugs (184, 265, 302, 345), the Valsalva
human primates (129). However, the negative findings maneuver (90),tilting (245, 353), and neck chamber
of Guz et al. (141,142) cannot be easily reconciled with (198). Interestingly Korner et al. (184) used vasoactive
the evidence in humans that cardiopulmonary recep- drugs and measured baroreflex sensitivity from the
tors participate importantly in cardiovascular control. steady-state heart rate responses. During both baro-
Perhaps no responses to vagal blockade were found receptor stimulation and deactivation, baroreflex sen-
because afferent vagal fibers with pressor and depres- sitivity was less in older subjects. This reduction was
sor influences were stimulated simultaneously or be- much more marked than that reported by Gribbin et
cause the blood pressure effects of the vagal blockade al. (138). In subjects with a mean age of 43.9 yr the
were buffered by the carotid sinus baroreceptors. In sensitivity (cumulatively calculated for baroreceptor
animals in which aortic and cardiopulmonary reflex stimulation and deactivation) allowed the R-R inter-
control of circulation exists, vagal or aortic nerve val to change 21 ms/mmHg variation in mean arterial
blockade does not cause major hemodynamic effects pressure. This value was only 51% of the value ob-

- r 2.0 NORMOTENSIVE r - 0.739 p<O.OOl

Y o HYPERTENSIVE r * 0.621 p<O.OOl
* *
-:e - 8

FIG. 15. Effect of age on baroreflex sensitivity in

normotensive and hypertensive subjects. Baroreflex =~57,
sensitivity expressed (uertical line) as logarithm of
slope relating increase in R-R interval and rise in
systolic blood pressure induced by phenylephrine.
[From Gribbin et al. (138), by permission of the Amer- -
;can Heart Association, Inc.] . LL

e l 0

m I
L I I 1 1 1 1
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
ACE ( y e a r s )

served in subjects with a mean age of 23.5 yr. Similar circulation have been studied recently in 15 normal
profound effects of age on baroreflex sensitivity were subjects younger than 30 yr and in 15 normal subjects
found in subjects with moderate hypertension, older than 30 yr (198). Base-line blood pressure, car-
whereas age did not reduce the baroreflex sensitivity diac index, total peripheral resistance, body weight,
in subjects with severe hypertension much below the and other factors were matched between the two
low value already induced by the hypertension itself. groups. In the younger group neck suction induced an
In the latter group, however, aging was associated with average reduction in mean arterial pressure of 11.5
a marked reduction in the difference between the mmHg, a decrease in cardiac index, and an average
maximal bradycardia and tachycardia achieved with reduction in total peripheral-resistance index of 0.4
baroreceptor stimulation and deactivation, respec- units. In the older group the reduction in cardiac index
tively (Fig. 16). These findings indicate that age is a produced by neck suction was not significantly differ-
primary factor in determining the effectiveness of ent from that of the younger group, but decreases in
baroreceptor control of heart rate. mean arterial pressure and peripheral resistance were
Effects of age on baroreceptor control of peripheral significantly less.

= 1200- cerin injection) mean arterial

pressure from base-line value
I (large black circle) and by calcu-
Age range 32-57years
- lating heart interval during
steady-state phase of response.
Data are means f SE for several
subjects [From Korner et al.

Group1 f
Group 2


Thus the whole cardiovascular regulation exerted Epstein et al. (107) electrically stimulated the carotid
by the arterial baroreceptors apparently is progres- sinus nerves at rest and during mild exercise and
sively impaired with aging, which might at least partly observed that the absolute decreases in mean arterial
explain why blood pressure varies more in older sub- pressure and total peripheral resistance that followed
jects than in younger ones (212). the stimulus were slightly reduced or unchanged dur-
The age-dependent reduction in baroreceptor-car- ing the mild exercise. In normal subjects Bevegdrd
diovascular control conceivably might be caused by and Shepherd (32) stimulated the carotid barorecep-
stiffening of the arterial walls where the receptors are tors by neck suction. The stimuli were applied during
located (17, 134, 191). Indeed an inverse relationship three dynamic exercises that increased from mild to
between baroreflex sensitivity and age and arterial moderate intensity. The decrease in arterial pressure
compliance has been shown (264). However, heart rate and vascular resistance during baroreceptor stimula-
responses to a variety of interventions are reduced at tion was similar in the three conditions (Fig. 17).
older ages possibly because of reduced cardiac respon- Ludbrook et al. (203) stimulated and deactivated the
siveness (187). Thus nonspecific alterations in the carotid baroreceptors (using neck chambers) during
neuroeffectors may be at least partly responsible for three levels of isometric exercise. The responses to
the reduction of baroreceptor sensitivity. baroreceptor stimulation and deactivation were not
altered by exercise. It can therefore be suggested that
Exercise in humans carotid baroreceptor control of blood pres-
sure is substantially preserved during exercise of either
There are three consistent reports on the effects of a dynamic or static type. Moreover, particularly as
exercise on blood pressure control exerted by the suggested by the observations of Ludbrook et al. (203),
arterial baroreceptors. In subjects with angina pectoris this control may be reset at the higher pressure levels


+. *'
- 5 0 m m Hg

(kotr/mlnutr 1



PRESSURE I m m . n g l

(mi. / I 0 0 ml. / m I n . )


LEG E X E R C I S E : 2 7 0 kg.-m./mln. 5 4 0 hg.-m./mfn. 810 kq-m./min.
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 1 3 4 5
FIG. 17. Effects of carotid baroreceptor stimulation by neck suction on hemodynamic variables at
different levels of dynamic leg exercise in supine position. Data are means for 6 normal subjects. Note
well-preserved blood pressure reductions during baroreceptor stimulation. Heart rate reductions also
evident but with some attenuation at greatest exercise level. [From Beveglrd and Shepherd (32), by
copyright permission of The American Society for Clinical Investigation.]

that accompany exercise. The resetting and the un- heart rate to express the baroreflex response (53).
changed sensitivity of this baroreflex function might During exercise there is a progressive increase in base-
contribute to the stabilization of the elevated blood line heart rate, so that progressively smaller increases
pressure values that occur during exercise. in R-R interval are required to obtain a given heart
The results of studies on baroreceptor control of rate response. If expressed as R-R interval the re-
heart rate during exercise are less consistent. Bevegird sponses obtained by Bevegird and Shepherd (32) and
and Shepherd (32) observed that the bradycardia pro- by Robinson et al. (272) were markedly reduced during
duced by carotid baroreceptor stimulation was unal- exercise. Thus one difference in these studies relates
tered or only moderately reduced during mild or mod- to the method of calculating the baroreflex responses.
erate dynamic exercises (Fig. 17). Robinson et al. (272) This is not the only explanation, however. Tachycar-
made similar observations in studies of the brady- dias produced by infusion of isoproterenol, though
cardic effect of arterial baroreceptor stimulation by reducing the slope of the responses, did not have an
phenylephrine and the tachycardic effect of arterial effect as profound as that observed for corresponding
baroreceptor deactivation by amyl nitrate. These find- tachycardias during exercise. No matter how the re-
ings suggested that baroreceptor control of heart rate sponses were expressed, a reduction was observed at
is also largely preserved during exercise. This concept the more severe degrees of exercise, and R-R interval
has been challenged in a series of studies performed or heart rate changes were almost abolished when
by investigators in Oxford (53, 79,257, 258). Using the exercise reached a level corresponding to a base-line
ramp method for calculating baroreflex sensitivity, tachycardia of -150 beats/min. Moreover responses
they found that the slope of the relationship between were also reduced a few seconds after the beginning of
the lengthening in R-R interval and the rise in systolic exercise, before clear-cut changes in base-line heart
or mean arterial pressure (phenylephrine injection) rate had occurred (53). Thus there appears to be an
was reduced during dynamic exercise and particularly impairment of arterial baroreceptor control of heart
during isometric exercise. The reduction was directly rate, particularly with severe degrees of exercise. This
related to the severity of exercise (Fig. 18). In a few conclusion has recently been supported by Mancia et
subjects the slope relating shortening in R-R interval al. (216) and by Ludbrook et al. (203), who found this
to a decrease in blood pressure (amyl nitrate inhala- control (measured by heart rate changes) to be im-
tion) was also reduced during exercise. paired at the beginning of isometric exercise. This
The Oxford group used R-R interval rather than impairment may favor achievement of high heart rates
during exercise.
-I I I 1 I I
By what mechanisms can exercise reset the arterial
baroreflex and impair its heart rate influence while
leaving its blood pressure control relatively unaf-
fected? There is little doubt that the reduction in
sensitivity of the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex during
exercise may partly reflect interaction between vagal
and sympathetic influences at the sinus node (126,
127, 275). It is conceivable, however, that the modu-
lation of the baroreflex during exercise is also elicited
through descending hypothalamic influences. In ani-
mals hypothalamic influences may modulate barore-
flex control of heart rate without exerting much effect
on baroreflex control of blood pressure (222).

Mental Stress
, Sleight et al. (305) examined the bradycardic effect
A -
of arterial baroreceptor stimulation by phenylephrine
in three normotensive and four hypertensive subjects
L I I 1 I I
before and during stressful mental arithmetic. Baro-
so 100 150 reflex sensitivity was invariably reduced during the
test, the average value being about 55% of the sensi-
Systotic pressure, mm Hg tivity obtained during control conditions. Blood pres-
FIG. 18. Slope of linear regression (lines) between increases in sure increased slightly and heart rate increased mark-
systolic blood pressure induced by phenylephrine and resulting edly during the test. The increase in heart rate may
lengthening in pulse interval (R-R) interval. Data from several have contributed to the reduction in the reflex re-
subjects studied at rest and at progressively increasing work loads sponse, but the profound reduction suggested that
(dynamic exercise). Slopes of baroreflex control of heart interval
progressively diminish and flatten at greatest exercise levels. [From mental stress had an independent depressant effect.
Bristow et al. (53),by permission of the American Heart Association, The effects of mental stress on the baroreflex have
Inc.] recently been studied in 12 normal subjects by Lind-

blad (199). Steady neck suction of -40 mmHg was ceptor-heart rate reflex turned out not to be a gener-
applied before and during a “color-word conflict’’ that alized phenomenon: among 15 subjects an increase in
consisted of asking the subjects to rapidly single out the baroreflex sensitivity during slow-wave sleep was
relevant information from contrasting audiovisual re- found in only 4 subjects, in 6 others the sensitivity was
ports. During control, neck suction decreased blood not significantly altered during sleep, and in 5 it was
pressure and heart rate. During the test, base-line decreased. In almost all subjects, however, the asso-
blood pressure and heart rate increased as a result of ciation between base-line bradycardia and hypoten-
the stress. However, the heart rate and blood pressure sion and persistence of heart rate responses to baro-
responses to baroreceptor stimulation were similar to receptor stimulation suggested that the stimulus-re-
those obtained in the control condition. sponse curve of the reflex had been displaced during
There is much to be learned about the relationship sleep toward a lower blood pressure range, i.e., it had
between mental stresses and arterial baroreflexes. Dif- been reset in a direction opposite to the resetting that
ferences in this relationship may exist according to the occurs in hypertension (358).Baroreflexes can be reset
nature of the emotional stimulus and the particular by reductions (as well as by increases) in arterial blood
cardiovascular response. Note that in animals the pressure in animals also (279).
hypothalamic descending influences involved in regu- Smyth et al. (307) and Bristow et al. (54) have
lation of emotional cardiovascular responses impair discussed the implications of these findings. Because
arterial baroreflex control of heart rate more than they of resetting and in some subjects an increased sensi-
modulate baroreceptor control of vascular resistance tivity, the arterial baroreflexes may actively and effec-
and blood pressure (222). tively defend rather than buffer the lower heart rate
and blood pressure values induced by the neural de-
Sleep pressor influences of sleep (221). Two studies are nec-
essary to test this hypothesis. 1 ) Observations are
In the original study describing the ramp method needed on the sensitivity of the arterial baroreflex
for evaluating heart rate responses to arterial barore- during baroreceptor deactivation rather than stimu-
ceptor stimulation, Smyth et al. (307) investigated lation, because this is the baroreceptor function spe-
alterations in sensitivity of this baroreflex function cifically engaged during the fall in blood pressure
during sleep. In normotensive and hypertensive during sleep. 2) The effects of sleep on baroreflex
subjects blood pressure was measured intraarterially control of the blood pressure and vascular resistance
during a prolonged wakefulness-sleep cycle, while need to be clarified. This has never been investigated
monitoring the electroencephalographic patterns. An- in humans except in a grossly qualitative way (123,
giotensin was injected repeatedly. In nine subjects the 259). Note that carotid baroreceptor stimulation has
sensitivity of the baroreflex was greater during sleep similar hypotensive effects in sleeping and awake dogs
than during wakefulness, and in seven subjects the (332). In contrast the pressor and tachycardic effects
difference was significant. The increased baroreflex of carotid baroreceptor inhibition in cats have been
sensitivity occurred during slow-wave sleep, but it was found to be markedly reduced during sleep (16).
particularly evident during rapid-eye-movement sleep Recent studies have suggested that baroreflex sen-
(84).Indeed in two subjects this was the only condit,ion sitivity may also be related to circadian rhythms (156).
in which an increased sensitivity could be observed. In normal subjects 5-min infusions of progressively
The increase in baroreflex sensitivity was inversely increasing doses of norepinephrine were performed at
related to the hypotension caused by sleep. However, 3-h intervals during a 24-h period. The steady-state
the fall in pressure per se was not responsible for the changes in heart rate obtained during each infusion
alteration of the reflex (by displacing the drug-induced were related to the increases in blood pressure (indi-
baroreceptor stimuli toward a more sensitive portion rect measurements) to evaluate the sensitivity of the
of the stimulus-response curve), because the increased baroreceptor-heart rate reflex a t each 3-h interval. In
baroreflex sensitivity persisted when, with the subjects each subject maximal sensitivities were observed at 3
asleep, blood pressure was raised back to presleep P.M. and at 12 P.M., times during which minimal in-
values by angiotensin infusion. In some subjects the creases in blood pressure with the drug infusions were
increased baroreflex sensitivity was inversely related also observed. These findings may have a bearing on
to the bradycardia caused by sleep. In others, however, the change in sensitivity of the baroreceptor-heart
this relationship was negligible. Thus the increased rate reflex during sleep. More importantly, however,
sensitivity of the reflex during sleep could not be they suggest the possibility that baroreceptor control
explained by a simple reduction in base-line heart rate. of heart rate (and perhaps of blood pressure) under-
The variations in baroreflex sensitivity observed goes a circadian rhythm, in analogy with other he-
throughout wakefulness and sleep in one subject are modynamic variables (234, 253, 327). Incidentally this
shown in Figure 19. provides an experimental basis for the methodological
In a later study the same group reported further caution of comparing reflex function within and among
evidence on this topic (54). In a larger number of subjects by performing the studies during the same
observations the increased sensitivity of the barore- period of the day.


FIG. 19. Changes in sensitivity

of baroreceptor-heart rate reflex
during wakefulness-sleep cycle in
1 subject. Sensitivity calculated
from slope of increase in R-R in-
terval in response to systolic pres-
sure rise induced by andotensin
injections. Arrows, times of injec-
tion; 0, slopes. Diagram shows
systolic, diastolic, and sometimes
mean blood pressure (0) values.
Bottom, electroencephalogram
(EEG) patterns: greatest level,
wakefulness (W); lowest level,
rapid-eye-movement (REM)
sleep; and intermediate levels,
slow-sleep stages (I, 11, 111, IV).
[From Smyth et al. (307), by per-
mission of the American Heart
Association, Inc.]

2Joo 2~00 om om 0300 OLOO 0500 0600 0700


Anesthesia There are no data on the effects of anesthesia on

arterial baroreceptor control of vascular resistance and
Anesthesia diminishes the ability of arterial baro- blood pressure in humans. The reports that under
receptors to induce a vagally mediated bradycardia. anesthesia carotid sinus nerve stimulation or lidocaine
Bristow et al. (56) reached this conclusion about sub- infiltration causes alterations in blood pressure and
jects studied before and after induction of anesthesia. peripheral blood flows merely provide qualitative evi-
Vagolytic agents commonly used in the preanesthetic dence for a function of this reflex under this condition.
period were avoided, and the subjects were breathing In dogs electrical stimulation of the carotid sinus
spontaneously. Average reflex sensitivity (calculated nerves caused similar blood pressure reductions before
by the slope relating the lengthening in R-R interval and during anesthesia. However, the reductions were
to the increase in systolic pressure induced by phen- slower to develop and to disappear during anesthesia
ylephrine) was 9.7 ms/mmHg in the control condition. (332). Reduced pressor responses to common carotid
During anesthesia the sensitivity was reduced to 6.5 occlusion have also been observed in dogs with a
ms/mmHg. The reduction was similar when barbitu- variety of anesthetic agents (76). If these findings were
rates or nitrous oxide combined with halothane were to be confirmed in humans, they would imply a reduc-
used. The reduction was not related to changes in tion in homeostatic blood pressure regulation under
base-line blood pressure and was observed when base- anesthesia.
line heart rates were either increased (thiopental) or
decreased (nitrous oxide and halothane) by the anes- Central Blood Volume and Posture
thetic. Thus the anesthetic state per se was responsible
for the reduction in the baroreflex sensitivity presum- An aspect of arterial baroreceptor control of circu-
ably by interfering with the central integrating mech- lation that has recently emerged from animal studies
anism of the reflex (178) or with the vagal influence is its modulation by reflexes originating in cardiopul-
on the heart (137). Others have reached similar con- monary receptors with vagal afferent pathways. It has
clusions (89). been shown that normally these receptors counteract

some of the baroreceptor influence on the cardiovas- sures from 1 mmHg to 9 mmHg obtained by reducing
cular system and that this effect progressively in- or increasing venous return through moderate lower-
creases when central blood volume and cardiopulmo- body suction (-20 mmHg) or leg elevation, respec-
nary receptor activity is increased (65, 177, 208, 219, tively. With these interventions reflexes from the car-
220). diopulmonary receptors were engaged, because there
BevegHrd et al. (35, 37) have examined in normal were marked vasomotor changes in the forearm in
subjects the effects of carotid baroreceptor stimulation absence of any alteration in heart rate and systolic
by neck suction during control conditions and during blood pressure. This engagement, however, did not
a reduction in central venous pressure by 47%-68% modulate the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex because
through application of lower-body suction (-40 the bradycardic responses to baroreceptor stimulation
mmHg). The bradycardic response to baroreceptor were identical throughout. Takeshita et al. (311) there-
stimulation was not different in the two conditions. fore agreed with Beveghrd et al. (37) on the inability
On the other hand the hypotension and the reduction of the cardiopulmonary receptors to affect barorecep-
in total peripheral resistance induced by the stimula- tor-heart rate control in humans.
tion were significantly greater during the lower-body Thus the evidence suggests that in humans physio-
suction than before it. This suggested that a reduction logical alterations of cardiopulmonary baroreceptor
in the activity of the cardiopulmonary receptors (pro- activity modulate arterial baroreflex control of vascu-
duced by the fall in central venous pressure) had lar resistance but not heart rate. This interaction is
increased the circulatory influence exerted by the ar- discussed in greater detail in the chapter on cardio-
terial baroreceptors but that this increase had oc- pulmonary baroreflexes by Mark and Mancia in this
curred through the vascular component of this influ- Handbook.
ence with no effect on the cardiac component. This Interaction between these two reflexogenic areas
concept has recently been extended in studies indicat- has a special importance in humans because of the
ing that the forearm vasoconstrictor response to inhi- natural simultaneous engagement of these reflexes
bition of carotid baroreceptors (neck pressure) is aug- during orthostatic stress. In apparent agreement with
mented by mild lower-body suction (A. L. Mark, un- the findings we have mentioned, stimulation of arterial
published observations). This augmentation was baroreceptors did not cause greater changes in R-R
greater than the sum of the separate responses to neck interval in the upright than in the prone position (102,
pressure and lower-body suction. 257, 258). In the former condition, however, sympa-
Takeshita et al. (311) have examined in normal thetic influences on the sinus node increase with an
subjects the effects of physiological alterations in the increase in heart rate and possibly with a reduction of
activity of cardiopulmonary receptors on the arterial the cholinergic effects (99, 258, 311). When this factor
baroreceptor control of heart rate. In this study baro- was removed by P-adrenergic receptor blockade, R-R
receptors were stimulated either globally by phenyl- interval responses to carotid baroreceptor stimulation
ephrine injections or selectively at the carotid sinuses were found to be greater when in an upright position
(neck suction). The reflex reductions in heart rate [Fig. 20; (99)l. Because of the evidence discussed
were evaluated within a range of central venous pres- above, reduction in activity of the cardiopulmonary

A Supine 8 Stond ing

r n=8

-0 - co.00 I
FIG. 20. A: prolongation of pulse interval caused
by neck suction in 8 supine subjects before ( 0 ) and
0-6- .ooI
after (A) propranolol. B: responses of 5 standing sub-
jects before ( 0 )and after (A) propranolol. [From Eck-
2 -
berg, Abboud, and Mark (99).] a
a1 0 . 4 -

0 -
0.2 -

t t
"0 -20 -40 -60 0 -20 -40 -60
Neck Chomber Pressure, mmHg

receptors cannot be held responsible for this aug-

mented response and other mechanisms must be
RR r = 0.91
Imsecl a
Slope= 27.3

HEART RATE. Bristow et al. (55) and Gribbin et al. 1200
(138) demonstrated that baroreceptor control is al-
tered in human hypertension. In their study the
lengthening in R-R interval that accompanied the
increase in systolic blood pressure induced by phen-
ylephrine (i.e., the ramp method) was compared in
normal subjects and in subjects with essential hyper-
tension (Fig. 21). In normal subjects the lengthening
in R-R interval averaged -13 ms/mmHg rise of sys-
tolic pressure. In hypertensive subjects the lengthen-
ing was progressively reduced from mild to severe
hypertension. The observations by Bristow et al. have 1000
been confirmed and extended (264, 302, 303, 345). It
was shown that 1) lengthening in R-R interval that
followed arterial baroreceptor stimulation was reduced
in secondary as well as in primary hypertension (255);
2) reduction could be seen in subjects with borderline
hypertension, at least if their pressure was in the upper
range that defines this condition (97, 138, 164, 312,

313); and 3) shortening in R-R interval that accom-
panied baroreceptor deactivation (trinitroglycerin in-
jection) was also reduced in hypertension. Reduced R-
R interval responses to baroreceptor deactivation in 8 00
.I s *
hypertension have also been found with the steady- 1

state method. Korner et al. (184) reported these re- 110 120 130
ductions to be somewhat less marked than with the A SYSTOLIC PRESSURE
ramp method (see Fig. 16). However, Mancia et al.
(218) observed that when base-line blood pressure was r = 0.73
-40 mmHg above normal these responses were sub- Slope = 1.4
stantially reduced. It can therefore be concluded that
the sensitivity of the arterial baroreceptor control of
the sinus node is impaired in human hypertension and
that this is evident along the whole stimulus-response . ..
curve of this reflex function. In addition, since the B 170 180 190 200
elevated blood pressure in hypertensives is not accom- SYSTOLIC PRESSURE
panied by a reduction in base-line heart rate, it can be FIG. 21. Slope of linear regression (lines) between increases in
concluded that there is a resetting of the baroreflex systolic pressure (mmHg) induced by angiotensin and resulting
toward the high pressure. lengthening of R-R interval. Data from normal subject ( A ) and
Mancia et al. (218) compared in hypertensive sub- hypertensive subject ( B ) .[From Bristow et al. (55),by permission
of the American Heart Association, Inc.]
jects the heart rate changes induced by stimulation
and deactivation of all arterial baroreceptors (drug
technique) and by stimulation and deactivation of trol may stem predominantly from the carotid sinus
only carotid baroreceptors (neck chamber). A similar area. Interestingly a greater reduction of aortic than
comparison in normotensive subjects showed much carotid baroreflexes has recently been observed in
greater heart rate changes in the former condition, spontaneously hypertensive rats ( 163).
suggesting an important reflex control of heart rate by
the aortic baroreceptors (214). In hypertensive sub- ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE. There have been a few
jects, however, the heart rate changes obtained with studies on carotid baroreceptor control of blood pres-
the two techniques, in addition to being reduced, were sure in human hypertension.
almost indistinguishable. These findings suggest that Mancia et al. (218) examined in moderate and severe
in hypertension aortic baroreflexes may be markedly essential hypertension the blood pressure effects of
impaired and that any residual reflex heart rate con- increasing carotid transmural pressure to 20-25 mmHg

mmHg than in normotensive subjects. Such resetting may be

1 induced by central influences on the reflex arc (183).
5 W ,601 A simpler explanation, however, is that the progressive
stiffening of the arterial walls that occurs in this dis-
cn ease (17, 346) progressively reduces the ability of ele-
w vated pressure levels to provide an effective barore-
ceptor stimulus.
-I In the study by Mancia et al. (218) the maximal
5 120- baroreflex sensitivity in severe hypertension (obtained
a for baroreceptor stimulation) was only slightly re-
+ duced compared with the maximal baroreflex sensitiv-
a ity in normotensive subjects (obtained for barorecep-
z l tor deactivation). These investigators therefore sug-
gested that the effectiveness of arterial baroreceptor
control of blood pressure may be preserved better in
I hypertension than the effectiveness of heart rate con-
80 120 1 6 0 mmHg trol (213). Because in hypertension, as in normoten-
sion, carotid baroreceptor control of blood pressure
CAROTID TRANSMURAL P R E S S U R E largely depends on modulation of vascular resistance

FIG. 22. Carotid baroreceptor influence on blood pressure in 11

(34, 38, 213, 325), there may be less impairment of
normotensive (o),18 moderately hypertensive (o), 17 severely hy- arterial baroreceptor control of vascular resistance
pertensive (x) subjects & SE for mean arterial pressure during than of heart rate. Currently, however, no definite
control period in each group, respectively. Solid line represents conclusion can be reached on this point. In humans
mean of individual regression coefficients relating mean arterial Wagner et al. (337) and BevegHd et al. (34) found
pressure to increased and decreased carotid transmural pressure
with respect to control values; dashed lines indicate standard errors similar blood pressure responses to carotid barorecep-
of regressions. Data are shown for steady-state effects of neck tor stimulation by neck suction in normotensive and
chamber, with carotid transmural pressure calculated as difference hypertensive subjects. However, in a recent study in
between mean arterial pressure and tissue pressure outside carotid which sinusoidal rather than sustained neck suction
sinuses. Latter was calculated from variation in value of neck
chamber pressure after application of correction factors for loss of
was used, Beveghrd et al. (36) observed reduced re-
pressure transmission through neck tissues. [From Mancia et al. sponses in hypertension. Preservation of blood pres-
(218). by permission of the American Heart Association, Inc.] sure and of vascular effects elicited from isolated ca-
rotid sinuses has been observed in hypertensive rats
above the existing level and of decreasing carotid and rabbits (12, 246); in contrast the heart rate re-
transmural pressure to 20-25 mmHg below the existing sponses are impaired (11). Note that hypertrophy of
level. Baroreflex sensitivity was evaluated separately the vessel wall amplifies the changes in resistance that
in the two conditions by the coefficient of the linear occur in response to smooth muscle contraction or
relationship between carotid transmural pressure and relaxation (118), whereas cardiac hypertrophy seems
mean arterial pressure changes. As shown in Figure to be accompanied by less ability of the sinus node to
22, for reductions in carotid transmural pressure (i.e., respond to neural stimuli (101).
for baroreceptor deactivation), baroreflex sensitivity Thus differences in effects of hypertension on
for blood pressure was progressively less in moderate baroreflex control of heart rate and blood pressure
and severe hypertension than in a control group of could relate partly to differences in effects of hyper-
normotensive subjects. On the other hand, for in- tension on responsiveness of the sinus node and blood
creased carotid transmural pressure (i.e., for baro- vessels (213). Alternatively the dissociation of effects
receptor stimulation), average baroreflex sensitivity of hypertension on baroreflex control of heart rate, as
was progressively greater in modest and severe hyper- opposed to blood pressure and vascular resistance,
tension than in the normotensive subjects. Thus the may reflect differences in baroreflex control of para-
normal asymmetry of the baroreflex was abolished in sympathetic and sympathetic activity. Baroreflex con-
moderate hypertension and reversed in severe hyper- trol of heart rate primarily involves parasympathetic
tension in which the blood pressure response was mechanisms, whereas control of vascular resistance
much larger for baroreceptor stimulation than for mainly reflects sympathetic activity. Accordingly,
deactivation. These findings suggest that the set point greater impairment of baroreflex control of parasym-
of the carotid baroreceptor-blood pressure reflex is pathetic than of sympathetic activity produced by
displaced by hypertension from near saturation to hypertension could account for impairment in heart
positions closer and closer to the threshold of the rate control and preservation of vascular and blood
stimulus-response curve. In other words they suggest pressure control. This differential effect of hyperten-
the existence of a very marked resetting phenomenon sion on parasympathetic and sympathetic mechanisms
that may make the tonic blood pressure influence of has recently been observed in renal hypertensive rab-
this reflex “paradoxically” smaller in hypertensive bits (140). The dissociation of baroreflex control of

parasympathetic and sympathetic activity in hyper- study by Eckberg et al. (101) the bradycardic effect of
tension may involve central neural as well as afferent baroreceptor stimulation was equally depressed in
mechanisms. subjects with or without heart failure. Thus heart
failure and sodium and water retention are not nec-
essary or sole conditions for reduced baroreceptor-
PERTENSION. A time-honored hypothesis is that a de-
heart rate control in patients with heart disease.
rangement of arterial baroreflex function may contrib- 2. An increase in central venous pressure in cardiac
ute to the development of essential hypertension (174).
patients may stimulate cardiopulmonary receptors,
There is little evidence for or against this hypothesis and this may reduce the extent of the baroreceptor
in humans. Sleight (304) reported that bilateral dener- influence on heart rate. This possibility was recently
vation of the carotid sinus in one normotensive subject supported by Net0 et al. (242), who have shown that
was followed by development first of labile hyperten- the reduced sensitivity of the baroreceptor-heart rate
sion and then in several years by an established hy- reflex (phenylephrine injection) in subjects with heart
pertensive state. This might have been coincidental, failure was clearly improved after treatment with ni-
however, since indeed the hypertension that follows troglycerin, which increased cardiac output and re-
surgical denervation of the carotid sinuses in humans duced central venous pressure. On the other hand
has been reported to subside within hours or days (54, treatment with hydralazine, which increased cardiac
59, 155, 266, 349). These observations are not conclu- output but did not reduce central venous pressure,
sive,however, because normalization of blood pressure
had no effect on the sensitivity of the baroreflex.
might be caused by compensatory buffering from aor- However, the observation that a marked reduction in
tic or other extracarotid reflexogenic areas of cardio-
baroreflex sensitivity can occur in cardiac patients
vascular control. There is conflicting evidence as to
with no heart failure suggests that an increase in
whether complete artelial baroreceptor denervation
central venous pressure is also not a necessary or sole
produces long-lasting hypertension in animals (62, 72, mechanism. Moreover, there are data in animals show-
116, 158, 239).
ing that cardiac receptors are impaired under condi-
Although a primary role of arterial baroreflexes in tions of chronic overload (136, 359). The evidence so
causing hypertension is debatable, there can be little far available in humans does not support the view that
doubt about their participation as a secondary phe- cardiopulmonary receptors serve as an important
nomenon. The resetting of reflexes that occurs in this
modulator of the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex.
disease should actively defend and thus contribute to 3. The most important factor in the decreased
maintenance of the elevated blood pressure levels. baroreflex control of heart rate in patients with cardiac
disease may relate to the effector site of the reflex arc.
Heart Disease Destruction of intrathoracic nerve plexuses is a rec-
A number of studies have shown that heart disease ognized event with Chagas disease (223, 235). In ad-
is associated with a striking reduction in arterial dition, reduction in sympathetic cardiac effects occurs
baroreceptor control of heart rate. Armorim et al. (15) in patients with cardiac hypertrophy of varying etiol-
reported that baroreflex control of heart rate is im- ogy probably because of reduction in cardiac stores of
paired in patients with Chagas disease, and Eckberg norepinephrine and/or dysfunction in sympathetic
et al. (101) and Goldstein et al. (133) reported similar nerve terminals (66, 67, 74, 286). Vagal cardiac effect
observations in patients with a variety of other cardiac may also be involved, because early in heart disease
diseases (e.g., ischemic, rheumatic, congenital). Eck- there is less tachycardia when vagal tone is abolished
berg et al. (101) showed that with baroreceptor stim- by atropine (15,78,101,133,162).Thus impairment in
ulation produced by phenylephrine, the sensitivity of baroreflex control of heart rate may relate largely to
the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex was reduced by 77% abnormalities in neuroeffector mechanisms.
in cardiac patients. Goldstein et al. (133) reported that Is impairment of the arterial baroreceptor-heart
the tachycardic response to baroreceptor deactivation rate reflex in heart disease paralleled by impairment
caused by tilting or by nitroglycerin infusion was re- of vascular baroreceptor control? There is no evidence
duced in cardiac patients. for this in humans, but some autonomic vascular influ-
The mechanisms that produce marked impairment ences are preserved in heart disease (186, 287). In
of reflex control of heart rate have been the subject of conscious dogs with experimentally induced heart fail-
speculation, and three factors have been proposed. ure, however, the vascular (as well as cardiac) effects
1. This impairment is established at the barorecep- of common carotid occlusion are reduced (154).
tor level, because increased water content and stiffness
of the arterial walls may accompany salt and water
retention during heart failure (360). In the study by Carotid Sinus Syndrome
Goldstein et al. (133), however, the tachycardic re- In some patients, slight compression of one carotid
sponse to tilting was reduced in subjects with normal sinus for several seconds induces striking cardiovas-
cardiac pressures who belonged to functional class I cular changes. These may consist of bradycardia, a
or I1 of the American Heart Association, and in the few seconds of asystole due to sinus arrest or atrioven-

tricular blockade, and in some instances a fall in Other Pathological Conditions

systolic blood pressure greater than 50 mmHg (120,
148, 326, 342, 349). This condition reflects hypersen- Arterial baroreceptor control of circulation is re-
sitivity of the carotid baroreflex that may remain duced in all pathological conditions with damage to
asymptomatic or may be associated with episodes of one or more elements of the reflex arc (i.e., afferent
reduced cerebral perfusion and syncope. There is an fibers, centers, and efferent autonomic paths).
association between carotid sinus hypersensitivity and Damage to the efferent path explains reduced
older age, extensive atherosclerotic lesions, ischemic baroreflex effectiveness in subjects with diabetes mel-
heart disease, and digitalis intoxication (201, 240, 316, litus who have a secondary dysautonomic syndrome.
342, 348). A similar condition has also been reported It has been shown that stimulation of arterial baro-
to occur frequently in subjects with the arteritis known receptors in these subjects by a Valsalva maneuver, or
as Takayasu’s disease (282, 329). more selectively by phenylephrine, lengthens the R-R
Some considerations on the carotid sinus hypersen- interval much less than in normal subjects. Indeed, in
sitivity syndrome may be relevant to a chapter mainly patients with the classic syndrome, the response may
devoted to reflex control in physiological states. The be abolished (27, 29, 294). The shortening of the R-R
first consideration is the mechanisms. Factors such as interval that accompanies baroreceptor deactivation
anomalous cardiac responses to neural influences and is also impaired in diabetic subjects with secondary
central derangements have been studied because de- dysautonomia (110, lll), as is their reflex vascular
nervation or inactivation of the carotid sinuses is not control. Lower-body suction in these subjects induces
invariably followed by disappearance of the symptoms hypotension at lower suction levels than in normal
(201, 301, 306). The most likely explanation, however, subjects, and the forearm vasoconstriction that nor-
is that the origin of this syndrome depends on the mally accompanies this maneuver is attenuated (28).
carotid sinus baroreceptors themselves. There is no However, the peripheral reflex responses may be nor-
evidence for a true hypersensitivity of the receptors, mal when the heart rate responses are reduced. This
whereas there is circumstantial evidence for exagger- may reflect the early and pronounced vagal dysfunc-
ated stimulation by traction from rigid and deformed tion that characterizes the condition (344). Damage to
carotid and pericarotid tissues. Interestingly, in sub- the efferent portion of the reflex arc also contributes
jects with Takayasu’s disease and symptoms referable substantially to reduced baroreflex effectiveness in
to a hypersensitive carotid sinus, baroreflex sensitivity primary dysautonomias (19,157,251,335).It probably
to increased arterial blood pressure with phenyleph- also explains the reduced heart rate control of the
rine was diminished by 63% (314). Thus mechanical arterial baroreceptors found in renal failure, independ-
hyperstimulation may in fact be accompanied by a ent of the preceding or concomitant effects of hyper-
markedly reduced baroreceptor responsiveness to tension on the reflex (190, 197, 255, 322).
physiological stimuli, possibly because arterial pres- Heart rate changes induced by the Valsalva maneu-
sure is poorly transmitted through a rigid vascular ver are frequently abolished in the acute and chronic
mass to the adventitia where the receptors are located phases that follow cerebrovascular accidents (14), and
(6). Another interesting point is that, although nor- the changes are reduced in subjects with tabes dorsalis
mally episodic, the mechanical hyperstimulation of (293) and other neurological conditions (20, 294), pre-
the baroreceptors may occasionally have a pronounced sumably because of damage to afferent, efferent, or
tonic component. This is indicated by the marked and integrating structures of the baroreflex within the
even fatal hypertensive crises that may follow surgical brain. Central deafferentation of the baroreceptor sig-
denervation of a hypersensitive carotid sinus (121,266, nal has been proposed as an explanation for the hy-
348). pertension frequently observed in bulbar but not in
The remaining two considerations are on the pat- other types of poliomyelitis (18, 228).
tern and the extent of the hemodynamic influence of Selective damage to afferent baroreceptor fibers at
hypersensitive carotid sinuses. The pattern does not a central level is believed to be the cause of impairment
appear to be abnormal. For example, the marked of cardiovascular control in some dysautonomic syn-
depressor effect does not involve active vasodilation dromes, because engagement of efferent autonomic
mediated by sympathetic cholinergic fibers because it pathways by central or other afferent influences yields
survives the administration of atropine (152, 201, 342, normal cardiovascular responses (19,196).Impairment
349). The extent of the cardiovascular alterations that of the baroreceptor signal has been described in neu-
occur in this condition (despite the opposition of all ralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve (271)) and Kezdi
other baroreceptor mechanisms) may be analogous (169) found evidence that this may explain the hyper-
to the pronounced and long-lasting depressor and tension that sometimes accompanies the polyneuritic
bradycardic effects obtained by Douglas (87, 88) in form of idiopathic porphyria. In one such case anes-
rabbits with stimulation of nonmyelinated fibers in thetic blockade of the carotid sinus nerves was indeed
the aortic nerve. Perhaps mechanical activation of this followed by no increase in blood pressure and heart
fiber type plays a role in the production of this syn- rate, suggesting the absence of the normal tonic inhib-
drome. itory influence originating from this reflexogenic area.

A similar explanation has been suggested for hyper- An interesting question regarding the potentiation
tension in other diseases characterized by polyneuritis of the arterial baroreflex by P-adrenolytic drugs is the
(188,233). possibility that such potentiation may partly explain
the antihypertensive action of these drugs. Currently,
however, this possibility is not supported by experi-
MODIFICATION OF ARTERIAL mental evidence. In two studies on hypertensive pa-
BAROREFLEXES BY DRUGS tients in which effects of arterial baroreceptor stimu-
lation on R-R interval were examined (DhenvleDhrine
.& I A

injections) before and after weeks of continuous treat-

p-Adrenergic Antagonists ment with P-adrenolytic agents, no difference in the
Pickering et al. (258) observed that intravenous sensitivity of the baroreflex was found, although ar-
injection of 10 mg of propranolol in normal subjects terial blood pressure had often been reduced (302). In
was followed by an augmentation in the slope of the a third, similar study (345) the baroreceptor-heart
relationship between the lengthening of R-R interval rate reflex was more sensitive during administration
and the “ramp” blood pressure rise induced by phen- of P-blocking drugs. The increased sensitivity, how-
ylephrine. With one exception (302), this observation ever, could not be related to the hypotensive effect of
has been confirmed and extended in subsequent stud- the drug in specific patients. If the potentiation of the
ies. The increase in R-R interval after baroreceptor baroreceptor-heart rate control induced by P-blocking
stimulation is indeed much larger after intravenous drugs mainly derives from the vagal-sympathetic in-
administration of P-adrenergic receptor antagonists, teraction at the sinus node, there may be little reason
and this occurs either when the stimulus is applied to to expect that a similar potentiation would involve
all baroreceptors or to only carotid baroreceptors (94, baroreceptor vascular and blood pressure control.
99, 102, 311). The potentiation of the baroreceptor-
heart rate response is evident in the supine or standing Cardiac Glycosides
position and during exercise (99, 102). The potentia-
tion has also been observed at decreased or increased In animals the arterial baroreceptor activity within
central venous pressure (311). Finally, augmentation physiological pressure ranges increases after digitalis
of the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex after P-receptor administration (229, 263), as do hemodynamic re-
blockade is not limited to normal subjects but includes sponses to common carotid occlusion (262, 269). In
borderline hypertensive subjects despite the impair- conscious dogs the bradycardic effect of digitalis is
ment of baroreflex function that characterizes this much less evident after section of the sinoaortic nerves
disease (313). Thus it can be concluded that choliner- (231).
gic baroreceptor influences on the sinus node are In humans the indirect evidence for modification of
invariably greater after acute blockade of P-adrenergic reflex cardiovascular control by digitalis was reported
receptors and that activation of these receptors nor- by Mason and Braunwald (225). In their study, admin-
mally exerts an opposing action on the sensitivity of istration of 0.5-0.6 mg of ouabain induced constriction
the reflex control. Figure 20 shows an example of the of forearm resistance vessels in normal subjects,
increased baroreceptor effect on the sinus node after whereas the same dose induced dilation of these ves-
P-adrenergic receptor blockade. sels in subjects with heart failure. Evidence for an
The mechanisms by which such action is exerted effect of digitalis on arterial baroreflexes was provided
have not been entirely clarified. The most credible by two subsequent studies in which bradycardic re-
hypothesis is that sympathetic effects limit the extent sponses to arterial baroreceptor stimulation by phen-
of cholinergic effects on the sinus node and that this ylephrine were augmented after administration of car-
limitation occurs even at the low-normal level of sym- diac glycosides (69, 317), although in one study the
pathetic tone. There is some evidence for this type of increase was not significant (317).
sympathetic influence in animals (126, 127, 275). We A more complete analysis of the effects of digitalis
discussed earlier that this may be one of the mecha- on arterial baroreflexes has recently been made by
nisms responsible for the direct relationship that exists Ferrari et al. (115).Subjects with no heart failure were
between base-line R-R intervals and sensitivity of selected in order to examine the effects of digitalis on
baroreceptor-heart rate control and for the progres- baroreflexes in the absence of base-line changes in
sive attenuation of baroreflex control of heart rate pulse pressure (and thus in baroreceptor stimuli)
during exercise. Other explanations, however, should brought about by the inotropic actions of the drug.
not be overlooked. Activation of P-receptors may op- The results are shown in Figures 23 and 24. Arterial
pose baroreceptor-heart rate control a t a central level baroreceptor stimulation by phenylephrine caused an
(86) and may counteract this reflex on afferent as well average lengthening of 8.1 ms/mmHg increase in sys-
as on efferent sites of the reflex arc. There is evidence tolic blood pressure in the control condition. After
in animals that the firing rate of arterial baroreceptors intravenous injection of 0.8 mg of lanatoside C, the
within a given pressure range is increased after pro- lengthening averaged 11.8 ms/mmHg increase in sys-
pranolol (9, 122). tolic pressure. The augmentation in the response was

statistically significant, was observed in 16 of 18 sub- arterial pressure obtained with carotid baroreceptor
jects, and occurred to a similar extent in subjects with stimulation (neck suction) were also significantly
either high or low base-line baroreflex sensitivity. The greater after lanatoside C. There was no correlation
increase in R-R interval and the reduction in mean between the extent of the digitalis-induced potentia-
tion of the baroreflex and the base-line bradycardia
caused by the drug. Furthermore the responses to
baroreceptor stimulation were potentiated selectively.
n= 18 n= 2 0 In the same subjects, inhibition of arterial barorecep-
+msec/+mm~g -msec/-mmHg
tors caused reductions in R-R interval and increases
in pressure that were not significantly different before
1 and after digitalis. These results support several con-
clusions: 1 ) digitalis affects arterial baroreflexes in
10- humans at clinical doses; 2 ) the effect consists of a
potentiation of the heart rate and blood pressure re-
sponses to baroreceptor stimulation, which implies
potentiation of both the vagal and the sympathetic
components of the reflex; and 3 ) this phenomenon can
involve normal and impaired baroreflexes.
The potentiation of the baroreflexes induced by
digitalis may be largely explained by the action of this
drug on the baroreceptors themselves (263,283). This
control digitalis potentiation should favor the reduction in autonomic
FIG. 23. Sensitivity of baroreceptor-heart rate reflex during ar- cardiac and vascular excitation that occurs with digi-
terial baroreceptor stimulation by phenylephrine and arterial talis. However, the results of Ferrari et al. (115)suggest
baroreceptor deactivation by trinitroglycerin before and after intra- that the practical consequences of the effects of digi-
venous administration of 0.8 mg lanatoside C. Sensitivity expressed talis on arterial baroreflexesmay be difficult to predict.
by regression coefficient of relationship between changes in R-R
interval (ms) and changes in systolic arterial pressure. Data are The potentiation does not occur along the whole stim-
means f SE. [From Ferrari et al. (115), by permission of the ulus-response curve of the baroreflex but only in the
American Heart Association, Inc.] portion of the curve above the set point.

-I < 0.05

w \
(3 0

I ’\
0 \
z a 0 -
FIG. 24. Changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) 0 -2 0 -
and R-R interval (HI) induced by carotid baroreceptor
r I -100- r 1

Antihypertensive Drugs previous drugs, abolished the heart rate effects and
greatly impaired the blood pressure effects of the
In a series of studies Mancia et al. (209, 210, 215) carotid baroreflex.
examined the modification of the carotid baroreflex These results suggest that the sensitivity of the
that accompanied antihypertensive treatment with carotid baroreceptor control of circulation is not ap-
several drugs. The depressor responses to stimulation preciably altered by antihypertensive drugs adminis-
of the carotid baroreceptors and the pressor responses tered at effective doses and for relatively prolonged
to inhibition of the carotid baroreceptors (with neck periods. This does not imply absence of any effect on
chambers) were virtually identical before and after different components of the reflex arc. In animals
intravenous injection of 150 pg and 300 pg of clonidine, arterial baroreceptor activity increases after clonidine
although these doses induced a fall in base-line mean (1, 179) and prazosin (61) probably because of a re-
arterial pressure (215). The responses to carotid duction in sympathetic tone and an increased vascular
baroreceptor stimulation and deactivation were also distensibility. It has also been suggested that clonidine
unchanged by a 2-wk administration of prazosin at acts centrally on the baroreflex (144,173,179).If these
hypotensive doses (210).The responses to barorecep- effects occur in humans, however, they appear to be
tor inhibition were slightly reduced by prolonged ad- compensated by other alterations that maintain un-
ministration of hypotensive doses of methyldopa, but altered overall reflex function.
the responses to baroreceptor stimulation were unal- When baroreflex function is unaltered at a definitely
tered (209).With all three drugs there were only minor lower base-line blood pressure, resetting of the reflex
changes in the reflex effects of carotid baroreceptor toward a lower pressure range must have occurred.
manipulations on heart rate. On the other hand, ad- During antihypertensive treatment with these agents,
ministration of a ganglion-blocking agent, at doses resetting toward a lower pressure may actively defend
that reduced base-line blood pressure as much as the the antihypertensive effects of the drugs.

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