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 Bullying is when someone is repeatedly picked on or treated

unfairly by another person or group of people. It usually involves

emotional or physical harm and may happen in school, in youth

Types of Bullying

 Physical
 Verbal
 Cyber
Who Frequently gets bullied.

 Students that do well.

 Students that come from a lower income.
 Students that look different.
 Students that are intelligent, creative and determined.
 Students who have few or no friends.
 Students of different race, class or gender.
 Students that are well off.

To be honest anyone could be targeted for bullying.

Five Myths of Bullying
 Most bullying now happens online
 Bullies are bullies and victims are victims.
 Bullying ends when you grow up.
 Bullying is a major cause of suicide.
 We can end bullying.

Five Strategies to Prevent Bullying

 Recognize and Respond,
 Create Dialogue.
 Encourage Bystanders to Become "Upstanders".
 Foster Safety and Inclusion.
 Educate Your Community.
As a Teacher, Paraprofessional, or even an Adult, we should always step in and put and end to bullying.
At least when we see it or know about it. Bullying will never go away. Their will be those that will
always bully. The least we as adults can do is step up to the plate and act against it. Show other
bystanders that is not alright to belittle others or push them around. We need to set examples and that
starts with home. We need to let our children know that it is unacceptable and will never be, no matter
the circumstances.

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