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User Behavior Adopt Utilizing FinTech Services on

Online Transportation in Indonesia

(Scale Validation and Developed Instrument)
Erick Fernando Surjandy Ernawaty
Information Systems Department, Information Systems Audit Program, Information Systems Department,
School of Information Systems Information Systems Department, School of Information Systems
Bina Nusantara University School of Information Systems Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 Jakarta, Indonesia 11480

A. Raharto Condrobimo Dina Fitria Murad Leonie Madeleine Tirtamulia

Information Systems Department, Information Systems Department, Information Systems Audit Program,
School of Information Systems BINUS Online Learning Information Systems Department,
Bina Nusantara University Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, School of Information Systems
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 Indonesia 11480 Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia 11480

Pascal Listyo
Giovanka Savina Information System Audit Program,
Information Systems Department, Information Systems Department,
School of Information Systems School of Information Systems
Bina Nusantara University Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 Jakarta, Indonesia 11480

Abstract—The Aim this study is to explore the views of opportunities in all organizations that implement it so as to have
consumer intentions in using FinTech services in online transport. an enormous and improved impact on all factors without
this study focuses only on the process testing phase of the research exception in global business activities that exist in different parts
instrument to be used at the next stage of the survey phase. of the world. [2], [3]. One way to improve innovation by
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is used as the foundation of following the development of technology one of them claim the
conceptual model theory and research instrument developed. use of internet technology in the company. This use can provide
Models and instruments were then validated by a pilot study an improvement in the company's business performance on
method involving 133 communities as respondents who had been market demand [4].
declared valid. analysis of survey data obtained through Smart
PLS version 3 applications. This analysis is used to ensure the Online transportation is one of the latest service innovations
reliability and validity of the instruments that have been in m-commerce. This service can be done on individual
developed. The results of this study indicate that the variable transportation to customers can book a vehicle ride (car,
Attitude toward use with 3 instruments, Perceived Useful variable motorcycle, etc .) through the mobile application and the driver
with 5 instruments, Perceived Ease of Use variables with 5 can respond to orders through the application [5]. Thus there is
instruments, Intention to use variables with 6 instruments that a transaction between the customer and the driver whose
stated reliability with values above 0.5 and validity with values payment can be made with cash and financial technology
above 0.7. the instrument has been eligible to collect data from the (FinTech) provided [6], [7].
actual survey in this study.
FinTech's payment service provided by the company will
Keywords— fintech, online transportation, adoption change indirectly to encourage Consumers are slowly moving
technology, TAM towards changing their payment methods from traditional ways
to non-contact devices due to the emergence of digital payment
I. INTRODUCTION technology especially in terms of payments for online transport
services [5], [8].
In this century, developments that occur on the internet make
technology used in all aspects of activities or activities of human The term FinTech can be defined as a form of financial
life. [1]. The rapid and fantastic development has made various technology from a company that combines financial services

978-1-5386-5821-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 3-5 September 2018, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
2018 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Page 114
with innovative modern technology based on the internet and behavior of people known as Perceive Usefulness and Perceived
product-oriented applications [9]–[11]. In general, FinTechs Ease of Use.
services include companies that only provide technology for
financial services. FinTech services generally provide more
user-friendly, efficient, transparent, and automated services than Perceived H1
traditional forms of service.[9] Usefull
To increase the number of users who participate in the use of
FinTech, then the authors are interested to see the user's Attitude Intention
H3 to use
perception of the use of FinTech in online transportation in toward use H6
Indonesia. The preparation of this research begins by discussing
the concepts, theories of the research literature that already exist Perceived
Ease of H4
and in accordance with the topic. Thus this research will begin H5
by making a literature review, a methodology consisting of Use
problem-solving research, to discuss how the development of
the model and perform instrument validation in the research, the
final activity will do the discussion obtained from the analysis Fig. 2. Research Model Development
so that it can get the results of research with the desired
conclusion. In the TAM model developed by Davis revealed that there
are several factors to see how big the user perception in
II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY considering the adoption of technology. The first factor,
In this research, the methodology will be conducted in perceived benefits defined as the perceptions of people using
several stages in developing the instrument for Information technology will bring benefits to them. The second factor by
System research. The stages include developing a research using technology, its performance will increase. The third factor
model, defining the relationship between the variables in the is the perception of people using technology will require less
research model, defining the operational definition of each effort. Another factor in influencing the perceptions of ease and
variable used in the research model and the last one being the benefit also affect the attitude of a person and attitude itself
development of the use of indicators to measure each variable in affects one's intention to adopt a technology. Thus can be
the research model up to the stage of validating the instruments developed some hypothesis of this research as follows
B. Development of Hypotheses
The next process is done describes the relationship between
Develop a
the variables in this study. In this study, there are three
model independent variables, variable "perceived usefulness" and
Instrument "perceived ease of use" and attitude toward to see intent to use
Develop development and FinTech on online transport.
indicators Validation
of Hypotheses • H1: Perceived Usefulness positively influence Attitude
towards using the FinTech in online transportation
operational • H2: Perceived Usefulness positively influence the
definition intention of using the FinTech in online transportation
• H3: Perceived Ease of Use positively influence Perceive
Fig. 1. Research Stage Usefulness uses the FinTech in online transportation.
• H4: Perceived Ease of Use positively influences the
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Attitude towards of FinTech in online transportation

A. Research Model Development • H5: Perceived Ease of Use positively influences the
intention of FinTech in online transportation
The model used in this study uses a TAM model developed
by Davis. TAM is the most popular theory and widely used to • H6: Attitude towards using FinTech has a positive effect
understand people's behavior in adopting the technology. on the intention of using them
Theory Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a model of
human technology acceptance developed to evaluate and C. Development variable
identify what elements affect human behavior in accepting a Development of the instrument used in this study is the result
technology [12]. TAM model adopted from the TRA model is a of the adoption of several constructs that have been used in
theory of action based on a premise that one's reactions and previous research. Constructs and indicators are modified to
perceptions of things will determine the person's attitude and make the instrument in accordance with the current research
behavior [13]. TAM has two main variables in understanding the context. This study will examine the relationship of four
constructs namely Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use,

978-1-5386-5821-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 3-5 September 2018, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
2018 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Page 115
Attitude and intention to use. Constructs and instruments will be AT3 I only use services that adopt FinTech
clearly defined based on the reference source of each construct. services [14]
Can be seen in tables 1 and 2 AT4
I like the idea of using the FinTech service [16]
I want to invest using FinTech services [16]
TABLE I. DEFINITION OF VARIABLES IN RESEARCH AT6 I hope there is a FinTech-based service for
lending / owed transactions [16]
Variable Definition References AT7 I want the FinTech service to allow E-
Money transfers to others with a certain
Perceived The trust of a person is using a [12],[14], nominal amount to my liking [16]
Usefulness particular system will improve [15] IU1 I want to use the services provided by the
performance. FinTech service [14]
IU2 I want to use the FinTech service to connect
Perceived Consumer Confidence that the [14] ,[15] information [14]
Ease of Use use of the FinTech Service is IU3 I continue to increase the frequency of use
of FinTech's services in Economic Sharing
easy and does not require too Transportation [14]
much effort to learn Intentio IU4 I believe in the future frequency of use of
n to use FinTech services in my Economic Sharing
Attitude The level of consumer [14] ,[15] Transportation will continue to increase [16]
towards evaluations of the use of the IU5 I do Top Up / Refill FinTech on Economic
FinTech Service Sharing Transportation service [16]
IU6 I often use or use promo provided by
Intention to Subjective assessment of the [14] ,[15] Economic Sharing Transportation service [16]
use consumer about the possible IU7 I will use the FinTech service no matter
what [16]
willingness to use the FinTech
Services in the future D. Evaluation of instruments
The stages in the evaluation of the instrument are more a
TABLE II. VARIABLE AND INDICATORS series of statistical assessments. The purpose of this stage states
Variab Item Referenc
that the research instruments established in this study are in
le Indicators es accordance with established standards in conducting
PU1 I think using FinTech service can make quantitative research. In quantitative research, testing the
understanding more efficient [14] validity and reliability of research instruments is a very
PU2 I think using the FinTech service will not important process undertaken. In conducting the evaluation of
be limited by time and location restrictions, the stage instrument performed, the instruments are distributed
which really helped me [14]
PU3 I think using the FinTech service can make
to the respondents. Data collection for this study was collected
Perceiv life more comfortable [14] through an online survey. Instruments are designed using the
ed PU4 I think I can get information quickly using Google Form application. The spread of the questionnaire online
Usefuln FinTech service [14] in Indonesia was conducted for two months. In the data
ess PU5 By using the FinTech service, I am aware collection period, there are 150 participants who participated in
of the enormous technological the questionnaire, from 150 participants filled there were 133
developments [16]
participants who declared valid. So 28 questionnaire is used as
PU6 FinTech service helps me learn to operate
Smartphone [16] research data and analyzed further. Assessment of the
PU7 The FinTech service provided helps me to instrument is the most important process and must be performed
live more economically [16] before the evaluation of the hypothesis. this step aims to the
PE1 Downloading the FinTech service recipients of the instruments constructed or established in this
application program from the internet is study to have a good standard of quantitative research.
easy [14]
PE2 Completing the transaction using FinTech
service is easy [14] A. Reliability Test
PE3 Using the FinTech service without reading Reliability is a reliable degree of the instrument, which
Perceiv the guide is easy [14] describes an instrument providing consistent results when given
ed Ease PE4 Studying the FinTech service is easy
of Use without spending too much time. [14] to various respondents. Testing the reliability level required an
PE5 Transact using FinTech services more evaluation of the value of composite reliability, Cronbach's
effectively than using cash [16] alpha and AVE value (Average Variance Extracted) from each
PE6 I feel calm despite not bringing in cash variable of each research instrument. The value must be above
because of the FinTech service [16] 0.7 in order to be said the good level of reliability of the variable
PE7 I feel secure about the use of FinTech and the suggested Ave value of Barclay et al [17], Ave value
services [16]
AT1 I think it is very easy to find information
must be higher than 0.5 indicating that the set of items of
Attitud using FinTech service anytime and insufficient convergence in measuring the construction of
e anywhere [14] concerns. In Table 3 the variables in this study are above 0.7.
towards AT2 I think using the FinTech service is a great This illustrates that the variable meets the criteria. In the table
idea [14] below can be found that all CR values of each variable are above
0.8 this illustrates that all variables have met the criteria and

978-1-5386-5821-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 3-5 September 2018, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
2018 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Page 116
meet the element of reliability. However, the ave value of the PU4 0.773
Attitude towards variable is less than 0.5 then there will be to the PU5 0.705
worries of the construction PU6 0.595
PU7 0.604
AVE values can be increased by dropping items that have
the lowest value of loading in each construct. Attempt to
Cronbach's Composite
construct AT6 value constructs (0.529) found the lowest value
Alpha Reliability among the others. After dropping the AT6 item, AVE value is
AT 0.823 0.866 0.487 still under 0.5, AT3 (0.629), AT7 (0.686). With the intention of
IU 0.895 0.918 0.617 use, construct found IU7 (0.633) is the lowest rated value then
PE 0.845 0.882 0.519 dropped. With this process, the AVE value is still unacceptable,
PU 0.844 0.882 0.520 so in the construct will look for the lowest item, found PE5
(0,694), PE6 (0,679), PU6 (0,595), and PU7 (0,604). After
B. Validity Test several Items are dropped that do not meet the criteria of validity
Test validity on the instrument is a criterion of a and reliability are adequate. The resulting instrument is shown
measurement instrument that aims to produce valid data. the in table 6.
validity test can be performed with an evaluation of "construct
validity". Assessment is done on "construct validity" aims to
Table 6. Cross Loading Factors
evaluate the extent to which tests measure theoretical constructs.
This validity test can be done by confirmatory factor analysis,
where to check the convergence validity and discriminant AT1 0.799 0.621 0.673 0.673
validity. The first step is to ensure that it meets the convergence AT2 0.883 0.674 0.751 0.732
validity standard, when if the loading factor for each indicator in AT4 0.905 0.728 0.747 0.731
the construct is above 0.6 [18]–[20]. Factors that have values
IU1 0.719 0.839 0.669 0.608
below 0.6, it can be concluded that the indicator does not qualify
as an item in this research variable, then this indicator is then IU2 0.648 0.798 0.630 0.550
downgraded and cannot be used in subsequent testing. The next IU3 0.663 0.857 0.628 0.596
step is to retest as an assertion of convergent validity. Testing IU4 0.627 0.831 0.583 0.582
can be seen in table 5. The lowest indicator value of each
IU5 0.587 0.786 0.539 0.554
constructor indicator is 0.6 so that all indicators can be said to
meet the criteria specified. The next step is to make sure that IU6 0.561 0.775 0.496 0.460
each indicator is part of the variable by evaluating the value of PE2 0.657 0.646 0.753 0.693
the cross-loading factor. PE4 0.568 0.497 0.729 0.593
PE5 0.638 0.483 0.766 0.649
PE6 0.616 0.508 0.745 0.550
AT1 0.758 PE7 0.685 0.608 0.790 0.651
AT2 0.774 PU1 0.640 0.499 0.660 0.819
AT3 0.629 PU2 0.595 0.481 0.631 0.791
AT4 0.853
PU3 0.768 0.635 0.729 0.838
AT5 0.599
AT6 0.529 PU4 0.655 0.561 0.594 0.764
AT7 0.686 PU5 0.560 0.510 0.647 0.711
IU1 0.826
IU2 0.809 The final result of the instrument consists of 4 constructs and
IU3 0.847 there are 19 indicators that can be seen in table 5
IU4 0.817
IU5 0.775

IU7 0.633 Number of

PE1 0.646 Construc Indicator
PE2 0.791
AT 3 AT1, 2, 3
PE3 0.709
PE4 0.768 IU 6 IU1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PE5 0.694 PE 5 PE2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PE6 0.679 PU 5 PU1, 2, 3, 4, 5
PE7 0.743
PU1 0.801
PU2 0.751
PU3 0.787

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2018 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Page 117
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2018 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Page 118

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