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Vertigo is a dizziness that is felt extraordinary. A person suffering from vertigo

feels around as if spinning. This is due to a balance disorder that is centered in the
labyrinth area or runny snail in the ear area. Body balance is controlled by the cerebellum,
which is informed about the body position and balance organs in the middle ear and eyes.
Vertigo usually arises from middle and inner ear disturbances, or visual disturbances.

2. Signs of vertigo include:

a. Dizziness due to frequent coughing (laryngeal vertigo)
b. Feel as if you will fall at the beginning of waking up (vertigo nocturna)
c. Dizziness due to eye pain (ocularis vertigo)
d. Dizziness and feel as if the surroundings are circling (vertigo notatoria)
e. Feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit
f. Unable to stand up and sometimes fall because the body is not balanced
g. Some types of drugs, such as quinine, streptomycin, and salicates, which cause
chronic inflammation of the inner ear.

Normal Ear Vertigo

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