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Some questions and answers of The Merchant of Venice

1. Which of the general characteristics of a “romance” during the Elizabethan period that can be applied to this play?
The play was composed of various romantic stories from Italian and Oriental sources. Thus, there are general
characteristics of a “romance” that can be applied to the play. Namely, theprincess, the king or noble man who helps the
worthy youth, the ogre, anda dreamy land where all the good characters go inthe happy ending.
According to Ludowyk, Portia is the princess, the prize for which all heroes contend. Her actions also prove to be common
ingredients in Elizabethan romances. Namely, her heroic rescue of her beloved’s friend, the ring she gives to her husband
and the oath related to it. What is more, she even compares her situation to that of Greek heroine Hesione in
Than young Alcides when he did redeem
The virgin tribute paid by howling Troy
To the sea monster. I stand for sacrifice (III.ii.55)
Her ring and the oath she demands from Bassanio further depict her as a princess. However, she is also considered as a
divine being, a saint by Morocco and a goddess by Bassanio. Her role in the trial resembles that of angel God sent to save
Issac as he was about to be killed.
Antonio is the royal merchant, as the Duke describes him (IV.ii.29), a wealthy man of prominent position whose generosity
reaches a peak when he gives all he has for his friend. He is pretty much like a king of true Christian virtue whose
generosity contrasts with Shylock’s miserliness. As in many romances, he is linked to Bassanio, another romantic
character. This poor extravagant youth who may look as a fortune hunter, but who proves himself worthy of a princess
when he chooses right.
Furthermore, it is evident that the ogre in the play is Shylock. As Ludowyk states, Romance works in with contrasting
forces and characters, thus Shylock is the black to Antonio’s white. A devil that opposes the good man is a classical
religious fable and Antonio refers to the Jew as a fiend in “the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose” (I.3.95). The main
reason for Shylock’s portrayal as the evil creature is that he is a Jew and Europe considered them as hateful infidels.
Despite this,Ludowyk notes that it is not his religion what is central to the play, but his vengefulness and lack of mercy.
Belmont is the golden land where there is pleasure and happiness. It is the place where the princess resides and the place
where the “good” characters go at the end, to live happily.
These are aspects of fairy tales that Ludowyk mentions, however, he and other authors agree that the play touches on
deeper social and moral issues than the simple tales that conform it. For Granville Barker, the characters were
constructed in such a way that they are real, human though their stories are fabulous.

2. What is the structure of the play built upon? How do the different parts in this structure merge together to make a
The structure of the play is built upon a set of trials and tests whichare based on moral criteria. The choice often depends
on a matter of what is more important appearance orreality.The choice between virtue and show in the three caskets plot
and between mercy and justice in the trial, are some examples.
The different parts in the structure merge together by means of this succession of tests and the relationships among the
At the opening there is the bond plot is connected to the casket’s plot by means of a test that requires Antonio to risk his
life in the hands of his enemy for Bassanio, who is to be tested in the casket plot to win Portia. Nerissa will test Portia as
regards her faithfulness to her oath to her father in the exposition of the casket plot. Then, again Antonio is tested, but this
time by Shylock not only as to the acceptance of the fantastic bond, as Ludowyk notes, but also as to the acceptance of
friendship offered by the very man he detested, which is what Goddard notes of this part of the play.
The casket test follows with the suitors trying their luck at the lottery, while Launcelot’s humorously tests his father and
Jessica robs and leaves hers. She herself is tried by her lover as he states in “and true she is, as she hath proved herself”
( Thus the elopement plot is connected to the other plots.
In IV scene i comes the great trial scene, where mercy or, according to Goddard, the substance of justice is proven to be
superior to its word and how men can fall in ruin by trusting more on the surface or the word of justice more than its
essence. After the success of this scene there is a the test of the husbands by means of the rings they have given away, and
this time the merchant proves himself by giving his life and soul for his friend and the play ends. All the plots are thus
connected by a succession of tests.

3. Account for the parallelism that exists between the content of the caskets and the characters of Antonio, Shylock and
Portia (Goddard)
There is, according to Goddard a parallelism between the content of the caskets and the characters of Portia, Antonio and
Shylock, and even Bassanio. In fact, he views Portia and Bassanio as the golden casket, Antonio as the silver, and Shylock
as the lead casket.
In the case of Antonio, he is equated with the silver casket since he got as much as he deserved, wealth and a suicidal
melancholy. He is successful in his trade, yet he was made for greater things than this and thus he is weary of his situation
and feels hatred towards the man that represents the error of his life, Shylock. The Jew dedicates his life to usury and
what is usury, says Goddard, but getting more money than that invested, and thus it is very alike trade which is based on
the same principle. This similarity, this reflection of one’s flaws on the stranger is what makes Antonio hate Shylock,
though he does not notice it. He even uses a word that will give him away when he tries to mark the difference between his
and Shylock’s profession
This was a venture, sir, that Jacob served for;
A thing not in his power to bring to pass,
But sway'd and fashion'd by the hand of heaven.
Was this inserted to make interest good?
Or is your gold and silver ewes and rams (I.ii.83)
He states that it is unnatural for metal to reproduce as animals do, yet he uses the word Ventures, the same word he uses
to refer to his argosies, which do multiply and bring him profit as Shylock’s money, and thus his trade is quite similar to
usury. Despite this, Goddard considers that Antonio is not a hypocrite, just blind and cannot see the real thing that is
troubling him.
Shylock, on the other hand, is compared to the leaden casket with the spiritual gold within. Goddard argues that there are
many Shylocks living in the same character and that the gold within is his humane, kindly and loving aspects which cannot
come out because of the constant insults and abuses he suffers. His daughter robbed and deserted him taking also the
token of love from his dead wife only to give it away as if it was a trifle. His offer to lend money gratis to Antonio seems to
have been a supreme effort of the loving Shylock to come to surface. In fact, Goddard suggests that the Jew tried in this
way to actually establish a relationship with Antonio and that the “merry bond” he mentions is just an afterthought, not a
real trap. His intention to catch the merchant “on the hip” may relate to having him not killed but rather placed in the
position Antonio does not want to stand. That is, as friends. There are some instances in which this is seen. For example,
just before he actually decides to take his bond, Shylock laments Antonio’s losses since he will not be repaid: “There I have
another bad match” (III.i.35). Had he had in mind from the beginning to take the merchant’s flesh, the news would have
cheered him up.
What is more, it is Tubal the one that serves to confuse and drive him into despair by alternating news from Antonio and
Jessica to the point that he wants revenge. Even his responses, like “in Genoa?” show that he is wholly preoccupied by his
daughter still while he receives the news of the merchant.
Now Shakespeare, says Goddard, made an effort to show Shylock’s potentialities for good. His vices are perverted virtues,
his tyranny is a vitiated love of family and home and his outward servility a depraved patience. He is shown to have more
Christian spirit than his Christian enemies. He offers the other cheek to the one who kicked him and tried to make a friend
out of him. Whereas the ones who wanted him to show mercy, the very Christians who had regarded him more of a devil
because he had refused to show mercy, punish him and take revenge. Antonio cuts his heart by taking his profession and
his religion. By taking this man’s religion, which comes with the community where he shelters and the profession he has
been exercising for many years, he cuts him from society and his loved ones.
Portia and is the Golden casket in that she is the fair gold that glistens on the outside, yet she is something quite different
on the inside. She looks fair and seems impartial, yet she does judge her suitors by their appearance
Let all of his complexion choose me so (II.vii.83)
Moreover, Goddard writes that the casket in which she is locked prompts the suitor to give and hazard all he had, yet
there is nothing to indicate that she had ever sacrificed what she had. The modesty she shows to Bassanio in wishing to
befairer and more wealthy are, to Goddard, the simple desires of a fresh lover. Even when she plots to save Antonio, she is
more concerned with the part that she will play and how she will deceive others with her appearance, what is this if not the
same thing the golden casket does. Even Bassanio mentions it : “the world is still deceived by ornament” (III.ii. 73).
Moreover, she showed the appearance of the merciful angel that comes to save Antonio in the nick of time, yet she does not
show mercy to Shylock when the tables turn and he is the one under judgement. Despite all this, Goddard also mentions
that there is spiritual gold beneath the “gold” of her superficial life. Her speech about mercy is an example of this. What is
more, Bassanio, the other golden casket is proven to deserve Portia and to have a spiritual depth we do not notice at the
trial of the caskets. At the trial he proves to be worthy of Portia when he states that he would sacrifice all he had to save
his friend.
Account for the parallelism that exists between the content of the caskets and the characters of Antonio,
Shylock and Portia (Goddard)
There is, according to Goddard a parallelism between the content of the caskets and the characters of Portia,
Antonio and Shylock, and even Bassanio. In fact, he views Portia and Bassanio as the golden casket,
Antonio as the silver, and Shylock as the lead casket.
In the case of Antonio, he is equated with the silver casket since he got as much as he deserved, wealth and a
suicidal melancholy. He is successful in his trade, yet he was made for greater things than this and thus he is
weary of his situation and feels hatred towards the man that represents the error of his life, Shylock. The Jew
dedicates his life to usury and what is usury, says Goddard, but getting more money than that invested, and
thus it is very alike trade which is based on the same principle. This similarity, this reflection of one’s flaws
on the stranger is what makes Antonio hate Shylock, though he does not notice it. He even uses a word that
will give him away when he tries to mark the difference between his and Shylock’s profession
This was a venture, sir, that Jacob served for;
A thing not in his power to bring to pass,
But sway'd and fashion'd by the hand of heaven.
Was this inserted to make interest good?
Or is your gold and silver ewes and rams (I.ii.83)
He states that it is unnatural for metal to reproduce as animals do, yet he uses the word Ventures, the same
word he uses to refer to his argosies, which do multiply and bring him profit as Shylock’s money, and thus
his trade is quite similar to usury. Despite this, Goddard considers that Antonio is not a hypocrite, just blind
and cannot see the real thing that is troubling him.
Shylock, on the other hand, is compared to the leaden casket with the spiritual gold within. Goddard argues
that there are many Shylocks living in the same character and that the gold within is his humane, kindly and
loving aspects which cannot come out because of the constant insults and abuses he suffers. His daughter
robbed and deserted him taking also the token of love from his dead wife only to give it away as if it was a
trifle. His offer to lend money gratis to Antonio seems to have been a supreme effort of the loving Shylock
to come to surface. In fact, Goddard suggests that the Jew tried in this way to actually establish a
relationship with Antonio and that the “merry bond” he mentions is just an afterthought, not a real trap. His
intention to catch the merchant “on the hip” may relate to having him not killed but rather placed in the
position Antonio does not want to stand. That is, as friends. There are some instances in which this is seen.
For example, just before he actually decides to take his bond, Shylock laments Antonio’s losses since he will
not be repaid: “There I have another bad match” (III.i.35). Had he had in mind from the beginning to take
the merchant’s flesh, the news would have cheered him up.
What is more, it is Tubal the one that serves to confuse and drive him into despair by alternating news from
Antonio and Jessica to the point that he wants revenge. Even his responses, like “in Genoa?” show that he is
wholly preoccupied by his daughter still while he receives the news of the merchant.
Now Shakespeare, says Goddard, made an effort to show Shylock’s potentialities for good. His vices are
perverted virtues, his tyranny is a vitiated love of family and home and his outward servility a depraved
patience. He is shown to have more Christian spirit than his Christian enemies. He offers the other cheek to
the one who kicked him and tried to make a friend out of him. Whereas the ones who wanted him to show
mercy, the very Christians who had regarded him more of a devil because he had refused to show mercy,
punish him and take revenge. Antonio cuts his heart by taking his profession and his religion. By taking this
man’s religion, which comes with the community where he shelters and the profession he has been
exercising for many years, he cuts him from society and his loved ones.
Portia and is the Golden casket in that she is the fair gold that glistens on the outside, yet she is something
quite different on the inside. She looks fair and seems impartial, yet she does judge her suitors by their
Let all of his complexion choose me so (II.vii.83)
Moreover, Goddard writes that the casket in which she is locked prompts the suitor to give and hazard all he
had, yet there is nothing to indicate that she had ever sacrificed what she had. The modesty she shows to
Bassanio in wishing to befairer and more wealthy are, to Goddard, the simple desires of a fresh lover. Even
when she plots to save Antonio, she is more concerned with the part that she will play and how she will
deceive others with her appearance, what is this if not the same thing the golden casket does. Even Bassanio
mentions it : “the world is still deceived by ornament” (III.ii. 73). Moreover, she showed the appearance of
the merciful angel that comes to save Antonio in the nick of time, yet she does not show mercy to Shylock
when the tables turn and he is the one under judgement. Despite all this, Goddard also mentions that there is
spiritual gold beneath the “gold” of her superficial life. Her speech about mercy is an example of this. What
is more, Bassanio, the other golden casket is proven to deserve Portia and to have a spiritual depth we do not
notice at the trial of the caskets. At the trial he proves to be worthy of Portia when he states that he would
sacrifice all he had to save his friend.

4. How does the reference to Laban's story serve to unleash Antonio's flaw? (Harold Goddard)

According to Goddard, the Jew uses the Laban’s story to depict the resemblance in his and the merchant’s
vocation. However instead of seeing this resemblance, Antonio sees in it an attempt to justify usury. This
vague attempt angers him since he cannot see that what he hates in Shylock he catches his own reflection
and what he dislikes in himself. His flaw is not only that he hates the Jew for being a usurer and an outsider,
but the fact that he does not recognize why.
Furthermore, his hatred towards Shylock is most noticeable in the fact that he, the most noble among
merchants, despises the Jew and outdoes even the crude Gratiano. It is strange that he does not express his
hatred in a rational way, but with kicks and spits and that he does not deny this

I am as like to call thee so again,

To spit on thee again, to spurn thee too (I. iii. 123)

His hatred and constant abuse of the Jew worked against him since Shylock is, as Goddard says, the leaden
casket. That is, he is capable of mercy and love, and had he been shown kindness on the part of Antonio,
perhaps his actions would have been different and he would not have seek vengeance.

Antonio does not see that beneath the appearance of respectful vocation, his is just the same as Shylock’s
profession, and that they are both alike in another respect also, they are both isolated, alone. Shylock is
abandoned by his daughter and is forced to become a Christian, thus is also isolated from his community.
Antonio does not have a wife and loses Bassanio, at the end of the play he stands alone among the happy

5. Explain the metaphors behind Shylock's reasons for having Antonio's pound of flesh. (Harold Goddard)

When shylock gives his reasons for having Antonio’s flesh, he uses a number of metaphors, which Goddard
regards as metaphors for psychological issues such as complexes, compulsions and urges. He believes that
Shakespeare used this imagery so as to show these deep psychological problems.
The animals are thus symbols of deeper feelings that disturb the one who suffers them. They are the feelings
that the person cannot express. It might be the case that the rat stands for the Christians who infested his
house and corrupted it by taking his daughter. He is the one who loathes a gaping pig for it represents heresy
in Jewish tradition. The cat is often associated with dreams and false images, but also with superstition and
black arts. The bagpipe is associated with mournful occasions and the fact that a man would urinate at its
sound might suggest fear of death. Thus, all these are fears within the psyche of a person that he cannot help
or explain. In this way, Shylock states he cannot explain his wish for the pound of flesh more than as
founded on hate and loathing whose cause he cannot verbalize, even though he admits this urge shames him.
Again the theme of the play of appearance versus reality or the surface versus the content can be seen here.
Shylock is the casket and in his interior he hides forces that are elemental, not human. Elemental, because
they are not about the result of the particular sufferings of this character, but of the injustice suffered by his
ancestors. The man is no longer a man and he is described by Gratziano as having the soul of a Wolf (this
may be a reference to Lopez,-the physician whom seems to have inspired Shakespeare’s Shylock- since
lupus means wolf in Latin)

6. Where, according to Granville Barker, does Shylock's offence lie? (Granville Barker)

According to Granville barker Shylock’s offence lies in his deep scorn for compassion. He rejects showing
mercy for Antonio despite the young judge’s and the Duke’s appeal to mercy.
He even answers to the Duke as an equal with his “what judgment shall I fear doing no wrong?” (IV.i. 124).
He is so against the idea of forgiving even after the famous appeal for mercy of the young judge that Barker
states that he degenerates from avenger to butcher when he further tells the rest that he will not show mercy
and will have his bond.
Shylock clings to legality to fulfill his purpose and he does have the law on his side. As it is mentioned by
himself, if he were not given what he wanted, the law would have no value. , If you
deny me, fie upon your law!
There is no force in the decrees of Venice. (IV.i. 102)
and also by the young doctor
It must not be; there is no power in Venice
Can alter a decree established:
'Twill be recorded for a precedent,
And many an error by the same example
Will rush into the state: it cannot be. (IV.i.214)
However, this trust on the word of the law-on its surface, according to Goddard- will prove his doom. He
does not take into account the substance of law and he is trapped in the same game he started. His insistence
on the wording of the bond and his cruelty towards Antonio is seen when he refuses to bring a surgeon in
order to heal the merchant’s wound since it was not written in the bond. Portia urges him to be charitable at
least to the point of assuring his victim will not die there, yet he refuses to do it
It is not so expressed, but what of that?
'Twere good you do so much for charity.
I cannot find it. 'Tis not in the bond (IV.i.250)
Yet, he is further punished by means of the same law he so defended and is condemned for trying to kill a
Christian. Thus, in this punishment that is like a backfire of his own hatred, reliance only on the surface of
the law and lack of mercy, he ends up suffering the same villainy he has just taught the Christians. This turn
of events was expected and enjoyed by Elizabethan audiences and is thus how Shakespeare rounds out the

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