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C REAT 0 R 0 F U R BAN 0 I C T I 0 N A RY. C 0 M

Andrews McMeel
Kansas City
Urban Dictionarv "

Copyright© 2005 by Aaron Peckham. i\11 rights reserved. Printed in the United

States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner

whatsoever without written permission except in the case of reprints in the context

of reviews. For informacion, write Andrews Mc.:vfecl Publishing, an Andrews

McMcel Universal company, 4520 .Main Street, Kansas City, :Missouri 64111.

OS 06 07 08 09 RR2 10 9 8 7 6 S 4 3 2 1

lSBN-13: 978-0-7407-5143-1

£SBN-10: 0-7407-5143-3

J ,.ibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Peckham, Aaron.

Urban dictionary: fularious street slang dctined / compiled by Aaron Peckham.

p. em.

ISBN 0-7407-5143-3

1. Sociology, Urban-l7nited States-Dictionaries 2. English

lan!-,>uagc-Slang-Dictionaries. I. Title.

HT108.5.P43 2005



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A TT E NT I 0 N : S C H 0 0 LS AN0 B U S I N E S S E S

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please write to: Special Sales Department, Andrews l\kMeel Publishing,

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A dictionary of human interaction, defining

slang, pop culture, and everyday urban life.

A resource for parents trying to understand

their kids, for language learners confused by

real-world English-but most of all for your

entertainment. A from-the-streets explanation

of contemporary culture and language available

online at, in the pages

of this book, or from any nearby teenager.

sHout OUTS
Big ups to the peeps who made this project possible.

To my agent, Sheila, who keeps the biz on lock; to my editor,

r .ane, who kept my page� in check; to my profs, especially

Dr. Bensky, Dr. Turner, Dr. Battcnburg, and Prof. Stearns,

who kept me on point; to my friends who always got my

back, especially Dave, Jordan, J\tlike, Russell, Scott, Barrett,

and Anna; and most of all to the 'rents, Doug and Brenda,

whose constant encouragement, advice, and support were

clutch since dav one.


After six vears of constant submissions, Urban


Dictionary has become the first reference for everyday

lanbtuagc. Dedicated and loyal users from all over the

planet took time to write creative, entertaining definitions

from their lives. Their words have now become an

invaluable resource for the world. Props.


.. .. . .. . .. .. . . . ..... .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . ...... .. .. ... . .. .. .. . .. ... .. .. . .... . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .

O dicionário urbano sempre teve vida própria - e isso foi

sempre o ponto. Eu comecei em 1999 como um dicionário de gíria on-

line com definições enviadas pelo usuário. Desde o seu início, as pessoas escreveram mais de

um milhão de definições para 250.000 palavras, e hoje mais de dois milhões de pessoas visitam o

site todos os meses.

O que começou como um site onde apenas meus amigos do dormitório rastreavam

suas expressões de gírias regionais se transformou em um retrato em constante evolução

da linguagem falada por milhões de pessoas comuns, todos os dias. Hoje, o Urban

Dictionary ( Dicionário Urbano) não rastreia apenas a criação de novas linguagens.

Tornouse um ponto de encontro para toda a comunidade, onde as pessoas têm a chance

de explicar como usam e mudam a linguagem existente para expressar suas próprias

visões do mundo ao seu redor.

Os usuários do Urban Dictionary variam de adolescentes criativamente rebeldes que

escrevem abertamente sobre suas vidas em suas definições, entre jovens de 20 e 30 anos

com intuições singulares e divertidas sobre as definições de palavras emergentes, até

professores que querem saber por que crianças ou estudantes continuam se referindo a

eles como "hella bootsy" Para os estudantes sérios da língua inglesa de todo o mundo. O

conteúdo do Urban Dictionary tornou-se o cartão de visita irreverente de uma geração

linguística. Essas definições podem ser engraçadas para alguns e ofensivas para os outros,

mas essa é a natureza da "fera urbana."Para aqueles que não podem suportar o calor

linguístico, eu só posso dizer "cai descendo" e relaxe. Todos merecem a oportunidade de

entender e ser entendido.


No momento em que escrevo, há 250.000 palavras únicas no site, e é a

diversidade e a qualidade de opinião usadas para definir essas palavras que

tornam o Dicionário Urbano tão popular. Estas são as vozes verdadeiras,

engraçadas, irônicas, zangadas, tímidas, inteligentes, peculiares, novas e espertas

de hoje, e elas têm muito a dizer.

Das milhares de definições do Urban Dictionarv, eu escolhi as mais


engraçados, mais inteligentes e confiáveis postagens dos melhores autores do


Eu escolhi algumas dessas palavras porque elas revelam aspectos da cultura

pop ou hip-hop. E outras porque elas vivem apenas no mundo online, e

algumas só porque são hilárias. Eu não poderia inventá-las se eu tentasse.

O Urban Dictionary muda diariamente e à cada nova definição, torna-

se uma visão mais precisa, divertida e perspicaz do mundo.Então, para todos

vocês que querem ganhar algum "crédito urbano de ingles. Para o novato

analfabeto urbano que confunde skank com shatyk, e para o falante de gíria que

quer manter seu jogo.Este pode ser um bom livro para manter tudo isso


. .. . . . . . ' . . . . ' . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . .
. . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . .
. .
.. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .

; strip Doonesbury, by Garry Trudeau.

* .

. Instead of actually drawing

1. Symbol used to correct a typo
President Bush, he uses an asterisk
that was just text messaged.
in his pJace, probably to show

Joe: Well, that JJJa.f spt�pid. readers his opinion of the man.

Joe: *stupid
Stupid* and his War on Terror!

2. Something placed after a state­



ment in advertising to say that the

statement isn't true. Reproduction joke. The "1 + 1"
refers to two people having sex;
the extra "1" represents a potential

*on!J validfor45j'ear-old war tJeteram in .

baby, making a total of 3 people.

EJ Paso.
Gt[_y 1: I'm gonna get laid tonight!

3. Symbol used to bleep out cuss u 2: Whatevet; man,just remember

words or in place of a letter when

that sottJetimes 1 + 1 3. =

typing or writing. .

Hofy sh*t! 10 feet


The length of the pole that is some­


4. A nickname for President George


times needed to touch unsightly or

\'v. Bush. It comes from the comic repugnant objects and/or people.

�---- ---- --

Bubba; I wouldn't touch that girl with a .. 12

1Ofoot-pole. .
The ideal (or not ideal) age,
Fred· You're righ� Bubba. 10feet ain't a . depending on how you look at it.
big enough distance. Them cooties she 's got
I like girls,jtul don't e.xpect me to scry it
canJilmp farther than that.

out loud
.. I hate 'em too--tlf?T)t loud/y.
10 minutes ago I didn't mean to, somebocfypushed mel

Out of style. .. School d.qj'S are zvqy too looooong.
Weekendr are 11'Cf.Y too short and n ot
That hat is so 10 m i nutes ago.

enough of 'em.
Is it lunch_yet?
10 on that .
Who taped thumbtacks to "!.Y chair seat?/
Phrase used to agree strongly . Wheres the jood?
to a statement or aHr
i m what has
Do I gotta do math today?
been said. . Who cares zvho 1vaspresident in 1841?.'
He's dead,ya knmvf

Man 1: I sure do hate h angovers .

Oh, w01vf Stephanie's bending over/


Man 2: 10 on tha� brother.


. See? I would make a great 12-:Jear-o/d.

10-4 Been there, done that. Being 12 is JJ!asted


Code used by police or other 1 0 on people tvho Jllill .rpend a 1vhole_year


code-using services to mean "mes­ •


learning h01v to be 12 and 1vben the_;'
sage received," or "I understand final!J get it nght, thry tum 13 and have
your transmission."
to start 011er. Being 12 should be reseroed
for people 1vho alreacf.y kn0111 hoJJJ.
Dispatch: .)hooting at 3 rd and California. .
Patrol car: 10-4, I'm on "IJ way! .
12 rounds
. To do something for a long period
10-9 .
of time. Named for the 12 rounds

Code used by police or other

. in boxing matches.
1 0 code-using services meaning .

"repeat" or "say again." .

I 1Jle11f 12 rounds with her last night.

Can_you please 10-9your last transmis­


sion? .
It 1vas a little 10-1 (distOJtec£ broken up). . Hacker word for leet) or elite. Refers

to a skilled hacker. \X!ritten in the .

one can try to appear smarter than
language of leet speak, in which thev reallv are .

. ..

letters are replaced by symbols and .

roo: lt•enlured to the IJ?arketplctce and
numbers. .
purchased ma'!:Y comttl!lergoods.
He told me he hacked Pari.r Hilton's : Dirtr Poo, a/l_yo11 did Jl1as go to tht! damn
pho11e. He's so 1337. sto' tmd bi(J' su1n shit. That allJOII had to

.rt!)'! QNit usi11' thetn S200 JJ'Ot'(.h/

143 .

Means "I love you." One letter in 1, 24/7


four in love, and three in \'ou. Csed'

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Used

in the song "143" on Musi<.1's album as slang for something that happens

A.ijusu, . often, or constantly.


I have to go. 143. . That dude is stoned 24/7.

2-way . 24/7/365
Tc have a conversation between t\vo . 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365
people via electronic means, e.g., a days a year. Constantly, without a

cell phone, an online chat, etc. . moment's cessation.

Duri11J!, !'rl)' lunch break, !took 0111 ll1_Y Thai dt.fdt iJ horf!Y 24/1/365.'
cellphom and 2-lvq_yed 1l(Jfriend.

• 30-day trial
20-minute rule

Time limit for doing something

The rule that gives you the right . about a crush. \Xh
' ether it be a date,
to leave your place of employment . going out, or sex, if no progress is

20 minutes after vour boss leaves


made in 30 days, you have tO move
the building. on to the next one.

Dude, !J!Y bossjttsf l�fi! 20-minute rule s

i .

1 hope ??1)' 30-da_y tJial witb that }Jol sm-
in �ffed! . ior it; yearbook Jt'Ot-k.r.
$200 word .
360 flip

An educated or "big" word used in A skateboarding maneuver in which

place of a more common word so . the skater scoops the board around

with their back foot to make the . 2. To smoke weed .


board do a 360-degree spin and one


Let's go 420 .

flip. It's a key move that is easy for .


pros to do and really great to watch. .


. 3. The weed itself. Marijuana, pot.



Oi, 360jlip that 10 stair.'



Did_you hit that 420?


:I .

4-banger .



A vehicle with a 4-cylinder engine. .


1. The number of fingers on one


They're pretty much crap without


hand, or a hand slap involving the


some sort of forced induction


hand and this many fingers.
system. .

2. The police. Short for "five-o."



You can turn_)lour 120hp Integra


3. A number between 4 and 6.


4-banger into a 250hp contender with a


4. Short for "five minutes."


turbo ki�


1\licejob on the 7-E/even, man, l!ive me 51



. .

1V011' let's hit up this Dunkin' Dom1ts.



Oh, shi� the 5 are in there! 5 qf them,


40 ounces of (usually low-quality)


dang.' Better mail 5.




Yo, Jeff, did_)'ou pick up the 40.r to kick 5 by 5


back with?

1 . Loud and clear. Rating used to




report the signal strength and clarity



of a transmission. A 5 by 1 means a


strong signal is present, but what is


Information. From dialing 411 on


said cannot be understood. 1 bv 5


the phone for information. .

means it can be understood, but a

Damn, she'sfine. I'm gonna get the 411


signal is barely corning in. 5 by 5 is



on her.

ideal on both counts. Sometimes


shortened to "5 by."





Command· Co111mand to alpha2IC, do


1. National weed day. April 20.

.. )'Otl read?

, alpha2IC Command, this is alpha2IC, I


I It's 420 and I'm lakin' a 11acatiotJ day.



got)'Otl 5 by 5.

I I .

"73 de W1AW' means "talk to_you

2. Can also be used to sav one is


' .

doing well.
ag ain soon, from radio station call sign
. W'1AW"
Gu_y 1: How's it going? .

f?y 5,

Guy 2: 5

man. .



Loud bass. Police code for


5 on it .
disturbing the peace.

1. Putting some money toward the


Boom! Like an 808.


purchase of an item or items. .


Usually indicates a willingness to .


contribute. .

A fake phone number given to guys


I've got 5 on thatpizifZ·


from girls that essentially means



"screw off " or "I alreadv have a



Calling 5-minute rule on


boyfriend, phreak." Named after the



number used in the Tommy Tutone

song "Jenny." Jenny is supposed


Don't even try ti , biotch. See that chair to


o?'er there? I alreatfy got 5 on it. be a girl whose number was found

on the wall of a bathroom. After


the song came out, people nation-



wide started calling the number in


Crazy. California police code for .

hopes of talking to Jenny.
"escaped lunatic." Also the name .

Guy: H�y, what's_your digits?


o f Eddie Van Halen's home .


recording studio and the name of .

Girl 867-5309. Call me!

CJ!y.· Damn, bitch!


a Van Halen CD.


It's cra1J in here! Everyone's gone 5150.


. 881

In Mandarin Chinese, the number



8 is prounounced "ba" and the


Ham radio talk for "best regards,"


number 1 is pronounced "yi."


"talk to you later," "goodbye


Put them together and you get


for now." Originated during .

. "ba-ba-yi," which when spoken fast
the early days of radio where

sounds like the English "bye-bye."
abbreviations shortened messages

in Morse code.
Luv]11, doll. 881I



.----- -----�

8 ball ...
. On!y 10% of l(fe i.r worth liz,ing
An eighth of an ounce of cocaine ..
.. 90% qf people J.J;ho post on
or meth. ..
ur/JandictionaouotJt are co/Jiplete and
Da11m, that 8 ball ,:r alreacf.y go11e.' ...
. utet r retards.
.. 10% of tiJe. population u.res 90% qf our
9 to 5 . resources.
A job (hours don't have to be ..
. Tbere.�r 90% cham·e someone 111iiifind
9 tO 5). ....
something in this e:x:ample qfftns-ive.
I had to drop out of school andget ..

a 9 to 5. ..
.. 99 problems
.. A lot of problems, but specifically
90°/o Theory ... not girl problems. From Jay-Z's
I The nonscientific theory that the ... song "99 Problems."
,I presence or lack of a characteristic

.. Gt!J 1: Hry, man, wbat�r up JPithyou?
in a population can be divided along .
.. Guy 2: 99 problems man, 99 problems.
90% and 1 Oo/c., lines. ..
90% of people are morons; on!J• 10% of ..
p eo ple are !Porth knowing. .
. ..

o oo o o o • o I o o o o o • • o I o •o o 0 • • o o • • • • o o o o o • o o • oI o o • oo • o • I • • • •I •o • I o 0 • o o• o o o o o • • • o • • •I o o o I o •o o I o o 0 1 o o o •0 o o o •0 o • o o o o • o o o •• o o o o o • o • o • o o o o • 0 0 • o 0 0 0 o • o 0 o 0 0 o o o •• 0 0 o •0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o o•

a couple few
.. from the Fab Five, the five gay men

More than a few; several.

.. who offer fashion and lifestyle
.... advice to non-gay men on the Bravo

I sure would like a couplejeJIJ qf them


. Network series Queer Eyefor the
possUJ?ISfor dinner. .

Sh-aight Guy. I
To'!YJ don't you think those low-rsi e bell-
a fifth .

.. bottom pants and the midrif

f -baring shirt
you're 111earing arejust a little too Fab Five?
One-fifth of a liter of alcohoL Not

to be confused with 750 ml, which is


approximately a fifth of a gallon. .

a random

There are three basic amounts: a


fifth; a bottle, or seven-fifty (750 ml);


. Someone (usually of the opposite
. sex, but not always) whose number
and a handle (1750 rnl).

... you have, but whom you don't really
I drank afifth of bourbon �ry myself, but .
. know. May have met them once or

my boys and Ipolished off a bottle of .

... twice (usually while intoxicated), but
Jager and a handle of 151 together. .

. all

may have never even met them at



.. You call them when you are bored

a little too Fab Five .

. and need something to do.

Effeminate. Often used to describe .

. That gufr a random; got his number JPhen

an object or item with effeminate or

I was wasted, but don't realjy know him.

homosexual overtones. Derived .



aaand you're done · i not abandomvare because ID
Doom II s
Expression used when someone

still se!!J it, while The Incredible Machine

really needs to shut up and they just is not sol� so it's abandonlJ/are.
don't realize it.
. ..And I JJJaS like, aflells no, _foo," abc gum
and he 1vas like, '?·(·/ real?" and !was . Stands for "already been chewed"
like, ((Dat[)'Um straight, and thm he UJas gum. Typically found under desks
II . t-- ·
�"k e, "1�JSten JcwJtJ,g, I am

. ''
in school.
' .

nto: Aaandyou're done.

I don't wa11t_your abc gum!

To hurry up and get a multiple­
About to.
choice test over with because it is so .

hard that it is pointless to try to take . I'm abottsla kick_yo' ass.

it, or you don't care about the grade. I'm abousta go to sleep.
From the format of a multiple­

choice test, where students fill in the .

above snakes
lettered bubble of the correct

Alive and kicking.


Peter pulled a hardcore .rtunt, but

Suze: Hou1 did_you do on the test?
f he's Jti./1 abo11e S11tlkeJ:
Regan: Ijust abacadaba-ed it.
. absofrickinlutely
1. A reinforced expression of
Software that is no longer sold or .
supported by the original publisher

or developer, often found as free That chick is so absofrickinlute!y ama�jt{�

downloads on the Internet because !1J.1m1t tojump her bones.
it cannot be obtained elsewhere. Not
legal but often seen as ethically 2. Expression of un questionable
acceptable because the company that . doubt .
made it is no longer selling the title
A: You sure that is the man i
n the
or releasing it as freeware; therefore,
abandonware i s "keeping the game
. B: Absqfrickinlutefy!
al1ve," so to speak.

absopos recordings but with electronic beats, A;

To be certain, as in absolutely positive. . scratching, and mixing.

G'iri 1: ArP-_yo!l surf. he's goin.g to be Hey, !found the 1teJV MassiiJe Attack
there? album in the "actdjazz" section. I
thought they were trip-hop.

Girl 2: I'm ,1bs op os. .


academic chicken .
Know1ngly turning in academic The sound one makes when

work of poor quality and essentially . choking on one's own words.

daring your professor or teacher to

Ack! I didn't mean to say that. . . .

give you a bad grade. .


!just submitted the worst paper I .

have ever written. It is nothing short of
Acronvm for Ancient Chinese
academic chicken.
. J

. Secret. Confidential.

. When as.kedfor tbe jortmda, I replied

Excellent, very good.

16 ace! .
act a fool
To act like a total idiot.
acid .

. is not a good idea to act afool around


The dr ug lysergic acid diethylamide
your boss.
(LSD), a hallucinogen.

Dude, don't take the broum add. You •


act right
could htwe a bad trip.
. To put someone in check; to give
someone a beatdown .
acid jazz


A srvle of music that utilizes
• .

electronic and hip-hop techniques .

to create a somewhat sensual, act-right juice

psychedelic soundscape. It is often . An imaginary drink you give to
characterized by its use of loops and . someone who is misbehaving that
samples of original jazz and blues . makes them stop actin g up.


}'Ou gotta lay off the haterade and start afaik



sippin' on some act-rightjuice!


Acronvm for "as far as I know."

A: When will the page be back?


action .

B: Afaik in tJvo hours.



Sexual activity.



Hey,you get at!)' action last 1zigbt? ..


Acronym for "away from



actor .

. Yo, dude� F/1 be afkfor a while .


A person who commits a crime, .



especially murder. .

Girl's been sbotfour times. K.notv who's .
Party with a few intimate associates

the actor? .

. taking place after the main party,
usually in a different location but

. peripherall y related to the main



ad hoc .
. party.
Unplanned for and done because of .


extenuating cucums tances. Eddie: '.Sup, Chavevyou know where da



afterparry be?

lVe ran out of toilet paper, so 1ve had


.. Chaver Yeab, u1hen Monique be done


an ad hoc meeting to decide JJJho JJ'Ottld .

.. DJing, she have it in her lqft.
get some. .


Adult Swim
. aggressive graffiti

. Graffiti written by gang members


Place where great cartoons like The .



. that crosses out the preexisting

Fami!y G�y and Futurama and much .

. graffiti of a rival. Sometimes it can

animc hang out. Fun to watch if .


. include disrespectful taunts and
you like cartoons but don't want lots .


threats against a rival gang and/or

of the little kiddie crap that's on .
its members

these davs.
. .
• .

Some say aggressive graffiti is a precursor
Futurama andThe Family Guy made .

. to violence.

nothing on Fox, but on Adult Swim thry're .



making more money than ever.






Short for "aggravated." Crazy, wild .

ain't no thang

The line 1vas so long, and it was so hot, I

started getting total[y aggro. .
It is no big deal.

. Me: Sor�y it took me so long to return

agnosexual . your phone call
Synonymous with "bisexual." Afy boss: It ain't no thang.

Tho' call themselves agnosexuals because .

tho' think abi" makes them sound .rlect?J.

ain't no two bananas
The task at hand isn't going to be
aight .
easy to accomplish. On Super
"All right," but in a hip and ghetto Monkey Ball 2, the difficulty of

each puzzle is rated on a 1-10
. banana scale with one banana being
MY mom said, "Clean the car," and I .
the easiest and ten bananas being a

said, "Aig/Jt. " .


complete pain in the ass, and damn


near impossible.
Bill· A1J teacher 111ants aforty-page paper
1. An Internet text messaging .

for tomorrow morning and I haven't
program that exchanges communi­
started it]Cf!

cations between users in real time

. Phil.- That ain't no nvo bananas! Maybe
and allows college students to leave
should drop the clas.r.
nifty online "away" messages for

their buddies all day.

air biscuit
I used AiiVI to ask Sheila out on a date.
A fart .


2. To AIM someone is to send them a Do I smell an air biscuit?

message using the AL.\1 program.
Sheila AIMed me back to tell me no. . air guitar
The act of making a guitar-playing

motion with your hands, usually done

ain't got no
while listening to music, while under
Don't have any. Very commonly used
. the influence of alcohol, or both.
in the southern United States.
What people do when they can't play
Friend· Lend me a dollm; man. . guitar and want to look cool, but they

You: You knmv I ain't got no mon�)'. just end up looking riduculous.

Jason got so dmnk at the party last night .
that he started to air guitar along to the
.. A substance found in beer (except
music and thm baifed on the stereo. .
. American beer) and many other
. fine beverages that makes people
.. excessively happy, sad, belligerent,
atr quotes

.. or horny. It allows white men to
Little bunnv ears made with the .
I, , ' .
.. dance and ugly men to get laid
fingers that indicate that:

.. (when given to their victim).
1 . you're quoting someone else .
2. you're being sarcastic .
. You wanna get with that hottie? You're

you still think the "la-sers" line .
. gonna need to blfJ lots of alcohol!
from the first Austin Powers movie .
is funnv. .

all about

Jl1artha: Wow, it's been sixyears since I .

. An indication that one is enthusias-

have seenyou. Whatever happened toyour
.. tically in favor of something.
(air quotes) uband"? .

... 1l1ike: lou u;ant to go to the beach?

' .

.. Brae!;': l-le.l4)'eah! I am all about hitting
• .
atr ttme

. the surf!
The time a basketball player spends .
in the air while dunking the ball. .
. all balled up

He had some serious air time on that last

.. Depressed; having a lot of emotions
d11nk. .
.. knotted up inside .
.. After the breakup) Michellefelt all balled up.
airhead ..
A silly, rather unintelligent person. .

all before lunch
Most blondes have a reputationfor being .
.. A qualifying phrase intended to
I .
illustrate that someone has done a

great deal in a short time (i.e.,

I '

between the hours of 9 and 12, the
aka ...

.. shorter "half" of the workday) .
Acronym for "also known as." .

.. Sometimes used sarcastically .
. •

.A{)' name is Samm;� aka Big Sam. .

. 1'11e researched the AbrahClm case on


.. and Lexis) ordered nen; office sqft-



1 2


Jl'arefor thefront desk, sat through three : diverse or disorganized. A .

new client const>�ltations, mn to the court­

'W1> can't stqy i1

1 bttsiness if ourjinances

l d our motions, and had ?t(f oil

house andfie .
. are gonna be all otJe.r tbe map like this.
changed on the wqy back, all b�fore lunch. .

Used sarcastically: all talk

' .

Tool.- Hry, I called the office supplies place Describes someone who builds
and ordered the pem)'OJ/ askedfor.
. him- or herself up with a bunch of
Bos.r: Wou1 . . . and all before lunch. .
talk but can never back up anything
he or she savs.



all good Loser: ... and then I suifed down the vol­
It's all right; don't worry. Just chill. .. cano on a piece o/ st.'rap metal, 1vhile shoot­
i g lndicms and alligators with my_ bon' and

Kid· Waaah! W'aaah! I dt·opped tJ?.Y ire


. arrom All qf a sudden 1 saw this real.fy hot
girl stude in a tree, naked, with a pack o/
cream. .

Dad- It's all good, man, we canjus' bl!_y ..

. hungry gorillas atf er he1; so I S1JJungfrom a
_you a new one! .
. vine att(P,rabbed her, then Ijumped onto a
pas.irng helicopter. But the helicopter landed
all in capacity in Iraq and Osama bin Laden started cha.r­
To embarrass someone or to be . ing us.He shot me bttt I d�fleded the !JI.IIIet
. .

qff the piece qf scrap metal and it ricocheted


embarrassed in front of a large


group of people.

back and killed him. Then I mrried her
. across the border and all the UJay to Fram-e.

When she laughed in m)'face at the ..

. Jl1e: ShtJf up, bitch. You're all talk.
packed club, it 1vas all in capacity. .


. all that

all over it
Describes a person who thinks they
To take care of something quickJy
are the coolest, most badass person
and/or with gusto. .

in the world even though it is usually

Boss: Did)'OUfinish the prqject?

. only the opinion of that person.
Me: I'm all over it.
Look at that.fooL He thinks he's all that.



all over the map
. all that and a bag of chips
Describing a situation that is .

A superlative form of all that.

URbali !• • f " ' •("} · � · �" "'

'I Something or someone who consider to be the worst Japanese­
possesses all desired gualities, plus to-English translation in video game
unimagined or unforeseen bonuses. history. In the introduction, a Borg­
like figure named Cats says, "How
That bitch thinks she is all that and a bag
are you gentlemen!! AJl your base
qf chipJ'.
are belong to us." In 2001, this
amusing mistransladon spread
all the way virally through the Internet, bring­
Used to describe having sex without ing with it a slew of hacked photo ­

being vulgar. graphs, each shO\ving a street s ign ,

Yo, did_you go all the UJtry 1vith Tina_ye.r­

store front, package label, etc.,
hacked to read "All vour base are
terda_y? '

belong to us," or one of the other

many supremely dopey lines from
all the way live the game (such as "Somebody set us
Live, to an exceptional deg ree . up the bomb!!!" or <'\'{-'hat
Really, really cool. happen?"). When these phrases are

Man, this .rhit is all the l11Cf)' live!

used properly, the overall effect is
I both screamingly funny and some­

what chilling, reminiscent of a

all up ons B-movie. The original has been gen­
When one person is sexually attract­ eralized to <�'\11 your X are belong tO

ed to another person. us," where X is filled in tO connote a

sinister takeover of some sort.
1 was 1vearing m_r Autobot T-shirt and the
ladies were all up ons! When Joe signed upfor his nm')ob at
Yqyocjym, he. bad to sign a draconiatJ
NDA. It basi(:a/11' J'aid, ''-<111 your t·ode
- -

are belo12g to u.r. "

To drive a Subaru.

I'm thinking about a/1-/J/heeling to_your
ho11se, dude.

already .
: amen, brother
Short for "I already knew."
. Expression of emphatic agreement
Expression of agreement. .

Tool 1: I need to go to the gym ever:y dq)1

Guy: Thatfool is crazy! so 1 can get realb• dieseL Girls like that, I

Gid A lready. think.

Tool 2: Amen, brother.
- -


am I mean? .

Sarcastic interjection used after say­ amped
ing bad words or talking shit. . Fired up, stoked, ready to roll.
He's a bitch. Am I metm? . IJJJas amped for the upcoming X-Cames.

amateur hour and a half


Something crappy. Something that . Added to emphasize or exaggerate a
seems amateurly put together. . quality or characteristic.
Junior co/lege is the amateur hour of high­ She is a bitch and a ha!f!

er education. •



• and one
ambulance chaser ..

While playing basketball, you get

Derogatory description for a fouled while shooting the ball and
personal injury lawyer who still make the basket.

He takes it strong to the hole . . . (gets
specifically seeks out clients for .

tripping and slipping cases against .


. fouled and makes the layup) /11\.TD

big companies. Certainly in the U.S., .
OlV.E, BABY! Yeah!
this is because the lawyer's fee will


be a percentage of the client's .

damages award-therefore making . and shit
it profitable to find injured former . A "filler phrase" used when you

employees of big companies. . become too lazy to finish a sentence

. j
or you realize you ust don't want to
Manager: That guy who got his arm man­ •
finish the sentence.
gled up in our machine is suing. .

Executive: Whos he got? Gir!ftiend: What di dyou do last night?



Boyfriend· Oh, you kno11;, tve u;ent to the

Manager: Some ambulance dJt�ser. .


bar and .. ._you knmv, the bar and shit. animation. Anime, as defined in

Hry} how about that chick.flci kyou alwttys Europe and North America, has a
11Janted to UJatcb? Let's watth that. .
distinct art style, often featuring large
eyes, small noses, and bright colors.

Unlike Disney animated movies and

and stuff '

Saturday-morning cartoons in

Term used after something totally

Ameri ca, Japanese anime is not
random or when you run of things .
. always made for and marketed to
to say. Usually used by idiots when .
children. Some anime has complex
speaking in front of an audience. .

. storylines and characters, and some

Then JJJe can} like} go sacrifice a rubber explores mature themes, since the

lizard, and stu_ff. ·

Japanese have looser censorship

standards, allowing nudity, violence,

and mature themes in programming


and then I found

for children and teens. This some-

20 dollars
. .
Phrase often added by a nnoying .
anime is pornograph ic animation,
people to the end of a really bad .
only a relativel y small percent­
story, mocking their own story's

age of anime (called hentai) is
badness by admitting the necessity .
pornographic. Every genre is repte-
for something interes ting ro happen .
sented in anime, from drama to com-
at the end. Also used to mock such
edv to romance, fantasy to horror.

I' people. ' .

is sometimes also
Anime called
II Person 1: So in the end 1gatJe him back his . "Japanimation," but not as much.
mon�·jeces and didn't invite him up 1vhen
Jhe became an animifan 1vhen she sa111
he dropped me off. lrn't tJ1at amatJng?
. Fushigi Yuugi at a friend's
Person 2: (silence)
Person 1: And then Ifound 20 dollars! .
• •

A Flash animation c on si sting of ran­
• •

dom images often set to non-English
Anime is short for "animation." The
. music. The images can include pop
term originated in Japan to refer to
culture icons, commercjaJ products
all kinds of animation, both domestic .
(soft drinks, brand-name foods, etc.),
and foreign. ln Europe and North .

or any other image that the animator

America, it refers only to Japanese
feels like putting in the Flash.
... tvork as her boss asked her to resttbmit her

Anirnutations often also contain


.. IPS reportfor the tmpteenth time.


flashy backgrounds, lack a coherent


plot, and feature nonsensical .


messages from the animator. Usually, .


the lyrics of the song are translated


. Lacking dexterity in either hand.


into disjointed English based on how .

.... fie can't thrOJv liC'f)' JtJe/1 with either hand;


they sound. Many animutations share


. .

common themes or ima ges. Por .. he's antidextrous.



example, most animutations pic­ .


tures of the Canadian improv actor




as fan- ... The


Colin Mochrie. Also known


. . .
act of not getting any.


Last night I .rtruck out and g< ot notbin'



"Yatla," an animutation set to a )


but some antipoon.


song, feature.r pi ctures qf conmmer goods


with labels altered t o sqy "Yatta. " ..


.. anything that walks



Literally, any person or animal who


ankle biter ..

can move using legs or similar


A toddler. A child between the ages


. appendages. Generally, though, it is



of 1 and .

used as the epitome of low stan-

Yeah, sbe�r all married an' got a buncha dards in the selection of a mate .

little 'mkle biten· rtmnin' around.


.... .After night after night of stnking out, I'd


.... be bappy to get luc� with mrything tbat

.. walks.

• .

Anniversary of a divorce.



A[y parents' annit;orcery Jl'as la.rt :IJ/Onth. ... AOL


.. A very generous company that


Each of them t-efebrated Jvitb their ne111 .

... sends you a free disc in the mail


.... everv other week .


.... Hey, Matt, I like_ynur nent.AOL dri11k

• •

Being patient while eagerly antici­


. coaster. Cnufd]OU pass me one of_your

.... neu1 A 0L dinner plate. r? 1 large


pating something.

.. AOL rotmd tortilla chip.r are crtmt'�)'

11lith antitipatience to l<lat.lfJ

She .


'I ··I

apathy . apples

I suppose I should write a definition . Okay. All right.
for apathy. I just don't really care. :
CU)' 1: � 1ve. rigbt jo1· smokes and
Maybe eventually I'll get around to ·

doing a write-up for procrastination
Guy 2: She�r appleJ� mate.

instead. .

I don't give a shit ff_you need an example. ..
Figure il outjor_your own damn se!f
. Illegally acquired software
. Ihm;e a wtde seledion rif'desktop pub!irhing
An undignified Joss of control, as in
and graphit' de.rign appz on 11() mmputer.

"to go apeshit." .

[( he had lost the election, Ge' orge JJJould .
. Area 51°/o
have gone apeshit, trashing the Oval .

Area 51% is the portion of the
Office, the Wtzr Room, and the Clinton .

. United States composed of "Red
Memorial Bedroo?!'l.
States"-states that voted Republican

in the 2004 presidential election. It is

apocalypse sex so named because it represents the
Passionate but ultimately meaningless percentage of the popular vote with
which George W Bush won the

lovemaking, often with casual acquain­ .

tances, inspired by emotional bonding .
election. The name is strangely

during or after an epic disaster. . reminiscent of the code name of

the secret U.S. military facility that
Ajier afew warm beers, jes.rica and I

supposedly hides alien activity from


groped our way tiJrough the darkness and

the American public.

hu111id heat to the ruins of her burnt-out .

apartment building, zvhere, to nobotjy's .
It seems like the entire American South is
greater .rurprise tban ours, Jve ended up
qff in its OJllf1 little lvorld-Area 51%.
engaging in apot'a/ypse sex. .

. argh!

1. An exclamation of annoyance,

apple bottom
A female who has a large, round butt. .
exasperation, or other negative factor.

' apple bottom i.r looking right.


That girls is takingforfreaking-BVER.'


.. .Argh! Thir


2. The sound made by a ..
. Red.r and drinking whirk-q out �f a silt'er
stereotyp ical pirate.
. .flask. l'djust si t back there, all la id back
.. acros.r the .reat, with 17!Y amJJ around the

be .rendin '_ye

. tJw holies/ �iris in the sd;ool. The temher

Arrrggg hbb, I!JtJtry! ./!ye .

dmJ!f/ to Dat!,y}one/r locker� cqe be! ..

. <..

U!otlld tell me to p11t "(}cigarette out and



stop drinking, and Iu,oJJ!d biOIJJ rmok.e in
. .

.. h erjace a nd Jt!)� ".Make me. But she


around the way .



wouldn't make me because I JVtzjju.rt too


Nearby; local.

rea/f)j aduai!J• I JJitlJ a dork


. coollVo, no/
These are n�yfriend.r n;ho LitJe around

l2Jho watd1ed Star Trek marath o ns tmd .rtill
the wcry. .

haven't !o.rllt!J tJirgini!J. i\To,jusl kidding



again, I waJ pretty normal, but I ahvtY.


! f
arse .
used to look at the otbe1· side f
q the pi!IOJv

Australian, British, and Irish word .
and 1vi.rh that .romedqy I cot.tfd be th at tool.


for a person's rear end. .



I'm sitting on my arse.


as if
. 1. Expression meaning ''Yeah, right!

That's never going to happen."
as a friend .

. Made popular by the movie Cltteles.r.


Used to draw the "no sex/physical .



intimacy'' boundaries. Generally used .

. l-Ie told me he knomr I'm in loPe U'ith him

for people who have an agreeable .

and Iu,as like, '.J4.r if!" He�r a totallo.rer.

personality bur no sex appea l.



I kno1v Jve'tJe been dati ng a lot, but 1just

2. Expression of utter repulsion,

disgust, or annoyance .

like_yoJJ as a .

wles gf!y
mme up to me and wa.r like,

.. The .

aiPe hatJe the best pob'esterpants!" I told
as cool as the other .

him loud and dear, '>tr if?" and then
side of the pillow .

u!Cl!ked out tbe door.


About as cool as a person can .


possibly be.



I was a.r cool as the other .ride qf thepillo1JI



. Used when you can't think of an


back in high school. Imed fo .ril in the back .


appropriate title for an e-mail, paper,


of the clas.r in t'!)' leather 1-!arley-DatJidron


Jacket and .rungla.rses, .rmoking tJ�)' Marlboro

. etc. The a, s, d, and f keys are all in a


row on American keyboards.
t r.:'

1,1 .
I 1vasn '!feeling very treatitie and I didtt'l Joe JJJtt.f leanit�g batk too_fiJr tvhen he c'tlme
I II .

care about 1ny grade} so Ijust called my

.. qfl that mil and ended up doing a httge
term paper ''a.rcff" and handed it itt. ..

.. grind.
.. .
. ..
Asiaphile ..
. ass out
.. .
A white, Western person with a .
... To be out of luck; left without
pathological, often sexual obsession .
.. something.

with Asians and Asian culture.


.{/_you get to the dinner tablejive mnutes


Asiapbiles mqy exjmiena los.r of interest ..


. .. latey(}u'/1 be ass out. 'fl:Jose kids are l1ungry!

in W /estem f(j'e, postcolonial angst) and in .


the wor.rt haz•e .rexualfantasies qf ..

.. ass rash
exotit· interracial love. .

A fictitious condition afflicting a
.. hot-tempered person. Used to
asl .
. explain their meanness.
Acronym for age, sex, location.

.. .
.. l!Ptttd; out.for Km . . be's got an ra.rh

Used in computer chat as a c.1uestion


to gain bask personal information. .. and si gonna be hard to get along U-'ith todqy.


Usually frowned upon as an imper-

, I

sonal and annoying introduction. .


. 1 . A complimentary statement
1ticole: as!? .
of one's posterior. Synonym for
jlatJJingo: 15/j/cm1ada. U? ..

nic·ole: 20/j/england.
. bootvlicious.

jlmningo: .ro what time si it ove1· there? ..
G'ee, pants make Jn)l rear end look

nicole: i/r 3 tl.tll. cmd I mn't sleep.


2. A derogatory description for
. ..
ass grind ..
.. someone who excels at being an ass-
A skateboarcling term for a category ..

hole. Svnonvm
. for colossus assholus.
of bailing that involves the skater

. '

il1[y e:x: tJJaJ' so a.rstastic he leji. me destitute.

sliding quickly across a surface on his .

buttocks. This usually results from a ..
poor landing from a ramp, lip, or rail, . .

, ..

ate up
or due to the skateboard s biting on ..
.. Obsessive or eccentric. Consumed

an irregularity on the street surface. ..


. bv irrational behavior.


' I
That dude si ale up. Every timeyou men-
differences in sound quality.
tion Set;en of Nine he mumbles to himself ...

Those monitors sound mudq

in Klingon and goes to hs
. Audiophile y
i room tofantasize ...
. •

as hell

about women who hang out JJith Borg.r.

fY/hat? flmv canyou te/4

. Regularguy:

. good sir? I hear nothing wro ng!


ATM space •

• Audiophile: 'Cuz I'm an audiophile.

The perso nal space that's allowable •

while waiting in line at an ATM.
. Aunt Flow

This space changes as you move Euphemism for menstruation;

through the line. In most of the

.. checking into the "red roof inn."

queue, the space is as close as a foot .


. Aunt Flow i.r n

i town tht:r week. No Jex
or less, but when you are the next
.. foryot-t.

person in line and the person in ....


front of you is usjng the ATM, it ..

changes tO as much as 6 feet to give .
. autopilot
When you do somet!Ung wi thout

that person some privacy.


reaJjzing what you're doing. Usually

Some people don't under.rtand that u;hm_you
results in making a mistake.
i )'OU
get up to the machine, the person behnd .•



needr to give pr per ATM spaa.
o . Dude, are_you on autopilot or something?

. I knott')'Ot/re bar hopping to .find a
h ookup but that's 1jrone's balij mama!

attention whore .
. Watch JJihaty ou're doing.
Label given to any person who

(ei ther negative or

craves attention .
positive) to such an extent that they
.... awesome
will do anything to receive it. .
... Cool, hip, exciting.
That mot;ie u;as atl'esome!
Put)'Our shirt doum. Yot/re such an atten- ...
tion IPhore! ..


audiophile .
. The quality o f bein g awesom e.

One who listens to the stereo, .

. G'ir(you don't uttder.rtand, be was so Jine1
rather than the music. An audiophile
. and nOJvhe si so mine. I can't belietJe the
only uses high-end audio equipm ent ...
awe.romeness of it.
and can detect very minor

-, .,

- ..
I ,

AWOL : ay yo trip
Acronym for «absent without . Phrase used to get someone's
leave." Started as a military term . attention, like "check this out."
but now refers to anyone who is . Sometimes shortened to "ay yo."
suspiciously missing. ..
. Ayyo trip, look at this.
Mike JPas A WOL at the crm!pany
meeting this morning. I think he�r home •

JVatching thegame. .

awww factor
A measure of warm, fuzzv reactions

to a person, product, or event. ..

Wt've got to raise t/Je aJJIJVJVfactmji;r thi.r .
human-interest article in the newspaper. .



•••••• • 0 • •• ••• • •• • •• •• •• • •• •• •• • •• ••• 0 •• • • • • • •• • •• •• • •• •• • •• •• •• • •• •• • • •• •• • •• •• •0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 •• •• •• •• •• • •• • • •• • •• •• •• • • •••••• ••• 0 •• • • • •• •• •• •• ••

b school .. ba da bing, ba da boom
1. Business school. \X'here students .. Phrase used to describe something
obtain MBAs. . as happening easily, quickly, and
.. smoothly. Famous users include
I 'Vent to b .rchool so I could get ct

world-renowned children's idol Bart


high-payingjob 1vith a dot-com, cash out ..


. Simpson.

nry stock at age thirtJ'-fi1Je, and retire to


Palm Beach. OhJ yeah. ... You'r·e in and out-ba da bing) ba da boom.

2. Bride school. The School for ..


. babe
Etiquette and Wisdom is where ...
. 1. Term of endearment.
Korean gals go to learn how to be ..

submissive, never give orders to the . 1-I �'JJ babe, I you.

husband, and not walk around in



strapless mules that clack and ..

2. Term for a good-looking girl,

disturb their elders. sometimes describes guys .

Part oftheprenuptial agreemmt was that ..
.. All the gtQ�s think Melanie is a babe.

Karen attend b school and learn to bake .



pies, make sweaters, and gracefui!J opm ...


.. baby
and deiiTJer a cold one while looking ..
.. 1. Term of endearment .
demure and se:><)'. .

. l¥7hen my girlfriend .rtarted callit1g my be.rt

,.. . .�

..(. .:S•
lo '

I I friend "baby�" I knew it JJJriS ovet:

: Oh, her? She (/in'! nothing to me nout, girL
: Shejust my bai!J /llama. So, can Iget_)'our
2. Exclamation often used during .
... nu m bed
sexual intercourse.


Oh, baby! 1-es! .

back in the day
Referring to the past. Often recalled
3. The direct consequence of sexual .
as a better time than the present.


I remember those good times we used to have

1-!0JJ/ could some thn g as good as sex have back in the dq;) banging out at id'on's.

!Jttzde this baby1? .


backdoor man
.I .

baby bear .
The man your wife is seeing on the
Expression used when something is side. He usually comes to the back
. •

"just right." Not too hot or too door co keep any other housewives
cold, too big or too small, ere. From . from seeing him.
the story "Goldilocks and the Three

JimN!Y, the pool bOJ�


is m_y backdoor man.


Gt�,y 1:
.Areyou hung1_-y?

. backend
Guy 2: iVauJ, man . I'm baby bear. .
. .

1. Bootv.

That backend is aJcmta.rtli: sight.

baby daddy


Short for "baby's daddy." The father .

2. The part of a software product
of your child/children, whom you
.. that the user does not interact with .
did not marry and with whom you

are not currently invohred. •

r.r�'ve i.wlated thatproblem in the backend.

l-Ie isn't my bqyfriend, he:r II�)' ba�y dadcfy. .
background props
Placing oneself in the background of
baby mama

another person's picture (could be a
Short for "babv's mama." The mother
stranger or a friend), usually striking


of your child/children, whom you

some strange pose or making some
did not marry and with whom you .

. other gesture, unbeknownst to the


are not currently involved. .

.. subjects or the photographer.


Sometim es shortened ro BGPs. this is the area where guests are

not allowed, tucked away behind
Who is that gt-!Y getting his BCP.r in all tif •

nondescript doors and curtains. In

my pictures?
reality, these areas are usually guite
ugly, dis�:,lUsting, and very unkempt.
backne This is also where you see many a
Acne on the back. cast member doing what they nor­
mally are not allowed to do onstage:
The chick 1vho J·it.r itlfront of me in n�y
eat, drink, smoke, use the restroom,
class has he!!Cl backtJe.
talk on their cell phones, talk about
their personal lives, be unfriendly.
I need to go hack.rtagejor a minute to
Term for a fashion style popular in
cms1ver "(} phom.
the mid to late '90s where people
involved in hip-hop wore large
backpacks. Originated by graffiti backwash
writers, who kept all their cans and Drinking something and spitting it
nozzles in the packs, the style back out into the cup or bottle.
caught on guick with the suburban­
Eiv,)'OU hackJJ!tl.rhed that. l'tn not gonna
ites and rock kids who didn't want
drink that!
to stray too far from their style but
still wanted to have a hip-hop tlava.
People use it now as a derogatory backyard
term for nerd-rappers, hippy­ The posterior portion of the human
hoppers, and other fringe hip-hop body; bum, butt, ass.
followers, referencing the fact that
Tbat man ha.r c1 huge hac�yarcl,· his tt�ilor
most of the listeners are suburban­
mu.rt be tich!
ites buying or co-opting into a
certain stvle.

Every time I go to their concert it's nothing
Derogatory term for police officers,
but baclepacken-. .

cops, p1gs.

Undermver t1Jicer: You ,got crack?

Street hustler: Cra1:k?! Sme/Lr like bacon
Place you go to take care of person­
up in here.
al business. In Disney theme parks,
r baconify : badical
I To add bacon to otherwise . The conjunction of bad and radical,
I baconless foods. giving an '80s feel of extreme
Bacon�jj' that burgerfor me, Cletus. .
II I A1an, that Web .rite U'as baclical to the
I extreme.
I bad
1. Opposite of good. .
jeremiah: Hry, it was preii:J bad the way
_you beat up my mother. . Something that is not posi6ve.

. Typically refers to a situation or the

2. Opposite of bad. .. actions of one or more people.

. 1-!atJe_you beard about the badness in

Methuselah: I beat up his mother! It JJ-'aJ' bad!
3. When preceded by "my," a way of
taking responsibility for something . badong
you did wrong. Bad and wrong at the same time.
. From a line in the Steve Oedekerk
Jeremiah: My bad, Mom, I didn't know . movie Kung Pom· Enter the r"'i.rt.
he'd beat_you up. .
ro, man, the combination qf that girl's
' ) 4. Possessing the qualitjes of .rkirt and Ug�s JJJa.r totally hadong.
Methuselah is such a bad. badonkadonk
. An extremelv curvaceous female

behind. Women who possess

bad business . this feature usually have a small

!. 1. Any sort of moraUy ambiguous

waist that violently explodes into a
I act1v1ty.
. round and jwcy posterior. Other
1 think Billgot into some bad business .
characteristics are moderately wide
with Wentfy and her man last night. hips and a large amount of booty
2. Anything unpleasant.
. ller badonkadonk made a brotha pop
That mole on her back is bad
.. mad 2vheelie.r.


IIi.. '
bag .. 2. To ditch or pull out of something.
To crack jokes by insulting someone
. I'm gotma have to batf 011 that mission]
or their mother. Some call it .
.. said UJe 1J'ould do.
"jone-ing." If you go back and forth
in a competition of insults, it's
3. To fall, especially in a painful,
called "dozens," as in "playing the
, embarrassing, public way.
dozens' ' or "d'Jrty dozens. .

1 wct.r in the t·q(deria 111t

ih Ill)' lundJ trq_y
Oh, you 11/etnna bag? Yo mottlfna so )at,
when 1 tripped and bailed infront of
shes on both sides �( the fami(y! .
: etJeryone.

bag on that .
bake out
Interjection of displeasure at some­
.. Smoking marijuana in a closed area.
thing or someone, especially withre­
. '
gard to work or a duty of some kind. Let's go ba ke out_your mom r car.'

Dude 1: The teacher cu.rigned homework .


again todqy. : bake sale

Vude 2: Bag on that! : A marijuana smoke session.
Dude 1: F0' shizzle '�Y niztfe.
I gotta stop having those bake sales b�jore
tJJork. I near/y ate IJ!Y report.
bagging your own .

· baleedat
When you shoot the basketball,
Believe that. Expression of
rebound your own missed shot, and .
agreement or approval.
score after one or multiple rebounds.
Plcrya: 1 was up in »� roottl 111ith thi.r girl
Willis needs to either letzrn 1Jo11! to shoot or
: cmd .rhe ,gm'e me Jl'hat 1 wanted
learn ho1v to bc�g his own groceries. .

Frimd· Baleedat�

bail .
. ball
1. To leave. Short for "bail out." .
To play basketball. Used only if you
Synonym for "bounce." .
have some skill and play in an urban
Yo, I'm bailing on this Jtmtha. This par!J . area.
is shit. ·
I ball 1vith 11'!Y G's all defY·

2. 7
,,,, ,, , , , . ., .. .

ball buster ball players who made it out of the


1. A woman (also affectionately called streets co make millions in the pros,


a bitch) who challenges the virility but now describes any thug who is
and dominance of a man by utilizing living large.

verbal abuse or by controlling social .

Et.1an�r a bailer noJI/ 111ith hi.rjob dOJvrt­
situations usuallv controlled bv men.
towrt and a neu; Bent;
' '

ThcJI ball buster �l a ho didn't let me h{we

a Jvord in edgewise. She tore ffD' ass up one
bailer stat

side and don111 the other.

Used to describe something worthy
of a baller.
2. A woman who is so bitchin' and
intelligent that most men fear open­ . Blake: Yeah, I ate Chipotle three times

ing their mouth in her presence, this week.

much Jess making a sexual advance. . Da11id· Ah, !hell's bailer stat, man.

Woowee! Look at that ba/1-bu.rtin' hott�y!


1. Courage or bravery.
ball in hand

In various types of pocket billiards .

l-Ie didn't ban the balls tojump ojf a
(pool), ''ball in hand" refers to a three-story platform into the 1JJater.
player's right to place the cue ball .

anywhere on the table. Getting "ball 2. Something yelled to shock people.

in hand" means that the opposing
The b'!)' .raid to h.r
i grandmother, Balls!"

player (the offending player) commit­

and she passed out.
ted a foul, such as a table scratch.
"Bali in hand," heyelled, putting the me 3. Used to describe something that
ball on the table qfter his opponentfouled you dislike.

This math te.rl iJ balk

1 . .A person who plays basketball well.
' '
. balls out
Kobe Bryant . . . mm; that kid�r a bailer. An extreme effort. To try extremely
2. A person who finds success and
I decided to .rlack off and get a B i n the
wealth. Originally used to describe


class, but Ross UJent balls out and got a I told my n1ije not to go car shopping
100 percent . without me, lmt she didn't listen. So tbe
salesman bamb oozled her into bu.J'ing a
car she doesn't need and tan't afford.
balls to the wall .

Originally a military term for push-

ing maximum g force in a jet fighter, . bang
as in pushing the ball of a throttle 1. An interjection meaning
: "to

as high as it will go (virtually touch- happen suddenly."


ing the wall of the dashboard). Fast;
: I wa.r walking drmm the .rtre et ;v ith my
hectic; pushed to the limits. .
lacfy and, bang, this g1!Y ran �y and

we bit the road, balls to the Jva/1, andgot grabbed ber purse.
there in half the time .

2. To have sex with .


ballsy .
Yeah, I hanged her.
Intense, manly, brave, amazing .

That bang a left/right

Didyou see Jim tell qfl the boss? .

was ballsy! . Used while giving driving directions.

. Substitute "bang" for turn and then
say the direction you want to go.
Bambi .
One who is ineffectual because they Rgi ht:' See that light ahead? Bang a �ft there.
are paralyzed with fear or anxiety at .
a time of crisis or danger. Refers to

. bang on
the tendencv of a deer to freeze and
Exactly right. Also "spot on."
stare at an oncoming car, resulting
in death and disaster. Jatle�r prediction �ffourth-quarter
earnings tvas hang on.

The presidentjust .wt there reading .

My Pet Goat, a total Bambi, and the .

terrorists tripled the amount of time th�y .

had to attack Amerita. 1. Describing people: sexy or
.. .
. attractive.

bamboozled . 1Vate: Did_you check out dat ho'z dump.r?

To be tricked or swindled by another. E· Po' .rheezy Ain't they bangin )'o ?
. . ,

2. Describing things: great, � batmer farm.r under his breath.

wonderful, awesome, sweet, nice, .

dope, phat, tight. .

Jlrfan, that car is bangin'! .

1. A lot of.
. That woman had btzre c
ats .
bank .

1. A substantial amount of money. 2. Very.


Man, !,got .rome .rerious bank in my u;a/let� .
I 11'tlS bare tired.
2. The condition of being rich. . 3. An exclamation of disbelief.

Of course thatfool drive.r that B1l1W­ •

Friend 1: I hatJe t1 new car!
he�r banked. Friend 2: Bare.'

II .
3. To fight.


I banked some sucket· and took his wallet. Something that or someone who

. makes you so sick you feel like

. barfing.
bank tank

When a small person goes to That meatloaf i.f so baifaroni!


collect something of value (such as ..

withdrawing a lot of money from .
.. barge
the bank), they select a large family
1. To show up unexpectedly.

member or friend to go with them

to deter theft or harassment.
. IV'e straight barged h.ri house but he
wasn't home.
Yo' mama is a bank tank-ahahahahtt! .

2. To go someplace with a group

banner farm . of people.

A Web site that consists of little .
l� should all bm;ge thatpctr()' .
more than pay-per-view banner ads. •


Ned WtlS Coogling and two qf the .
. basic training
link.r fed to u;ebsites with no i'!fomwtion, .
An ordeal enlisted persons entering
just banner adverts. fie ti10Je .

the military must endure, which is

the systematic deconstruction of : bbiaf
simple ci'l.rilian ways to an animalistic, Acronym for "be back in a few."
. B

aggressive, killer lifestyle. Most often used in Internet chatting.


. . . .


If I had knmvn 111hat basic training was bbiaf Going to the can.
reai!J like I 1Pould have netJer, e1;er, et1er
joined the Afn!Y· .

basket case
One who cannot deal with stress.
John: }]ti_Yl man, are u busy?
Sam is a basket cme because of that bitt-h Bob: Yeah, but I'll hbl.

bass ackwards A male who is in some way
The art and science of hurtling identified with hip-hop culture
blindly in the wrong direction with (as in break dancing,
no sense of the impending doom rapping/emceeing, graffiti, etc.).
about to be inflicted on one's sorry
Sea11 is sm:h a b-bq)'· All he does is .rpit
ass. Usually applied to procedures,
processes, or theories based on
faulty logic, or faulty personnel.
Once again, mark.eting 1vants the poor
Acronym for "big beautiful woman."
engineer.r to build .romethit�g th at ;z,ill sell
An empowering alternative and
but doesn't hatJe a due 1vhat that ({some­
politically correct description for the
thing" could be. Bass ackJPard.r a.r u.ruaf.
plus-size woman, as opposed to the
derogatory term "fat."
The women at tbi.rfar
. hion dub hatJe too
Acronym for "be back in a bit."
manyissues; I heard the women at the
Most often used in Internet
BBWdub.1 are much cooler.
chatting. Sometimes shortened to
"biab," for "back in a bit."
I'll bhiab; g2g take the K!Jjor a 1J)a/k.
Acronym for "birth control glasses,"
the glasses issued to new recruits in



. '
'I I
the military, so called because no girl
obtained from vehicles that have

would want to have sex with men just come from the place for which
wearing those ugly, ugly glasses. you want a bear report.

l�u� neu'fy .rbatJed head and BCC:f. I'll Tntcker 1: Breaker 1-9, Ecz.rtbound.
nez1er IJm;e .rex Jvit/:1 ne�v ruruit:r. Trucker 2: 104, this i.r Eastbound
Trucker 1: ll01v about a bear report?
Trucker 2: }'(m're looking,good all the 111£!Y
beam me up
to Guitar Tmw.
Exclamatory ending to a controver­
T rt e er 1: 4-10, trmkerfriend
sial statement, intended to express
frustration. Popularized by flamboy­
ant Ohio senator James Traficant. beard
Any opposite-sex escort taken to an
I haw beenfighting the political machitte
event to give a homosexual person
.rince the dq]! I arrit,ed in CotJgre.r.r and ll'ill
the appearance of being out on a date
do so 'til the dtf.Y I die. . . . Bean1 me up.
with a person of the opposite sex.

lla(f qf the JJJomen on the red carpet a/

the moPie premiere JJJere not real date.� but
The club drug Ecstasy.
I wa.rfu/1 q/ beam last night at the raJJe..

bear hug Extremely ugly; probably derived
To grab someone and hug 'em real from "beat with the ugly stick."
tight, with both arms solidly holding
jl;fan, I tb01Jght she'd btwe. some bot
the person immobile.
friends, but, boy, JJJere th�y beat!
The rugi?J plq_yer grabbed the nerd in a
tight bear hug 1vhife his teammateJ· beat the
beat box
shit outta him.
1. To use one's mouth to create rap
or techno-like sound. Often used as
bear report an accompaniment to freestyling or
Trucker speak for a report of the flowing. Beat boxing is used in the
location of state troopers (called urban hip-hop scene.
smokey bears, or just bears)
To get the little campers tv go to .rleep,
patrolling the road ahead, usually
I. - �·

..:'· L..

- J
.. ---------------------------------------------------

Erik and Manuel beat boxed 1vhileJacob beat up

btuted o ut with mad rhymes. Wrong or unfair.

Clubber 1: Man, Igot screwed at the c!Hb

2. A drum machine.
on somejake beans.
Chede out thiJ sweet old-schoo/808 beat box. Clubber 2: That'J· beat up, man.

3. A boom box.
Yo, B! Turn t hat beat box down. I'm Pounding bass frequencies at regular
tr)'in' to pour onefor my homie.r. or irreguJar intervals in a piece of

music. Often timed to changes in



dance motions or light-show action.

beat down
C alculated frequency is expressed as
1. To physically rough up or .
beats per minute.
convincingly administer authority

over another person or t hing.


The pounding heats moved him to dance.


I had to throw a heat down on that pu nk


as.r. l-Ie's hurtin' bad. beau

Beautiful; also used for lover and
2. To verbally and publicly berate bovfriend.

into submission.
1W.e and "!Y beau Jvent out last night and
Mt: Smith beat down that dude who came had afabulous time!
up on his pot·cb askingjor money. we
heard him)'elling at the guy all the J11t1)' up
the block.
To have sex with someone.

3. T he exercise of legitimate There's no doubt he'll bed her tonight.

authority, rules, or known customs

a person or persons in a

that leaves .


bed arrest
poor position and often disappoint .

Staying in bed for an extended


ed; disappointing and unexpected


a .

. period of time, only getting up to

result to an attempted action.


get food or go to the bathroom .



girlfrie nd some roses, but 1 got

I bought l1'1)1

. l'lle been on the la.rtfeu)

bt1d arrest

beat domn ll'hen she thren' them in the .

dqys 1Jtith this amaz ing hottie


trash can. .



I • • 1 1 �.,, , ,


I met at a dttb last Jveekend/ .. Used mostly by fraternities and


other lame people trying to get



I really quickly.


bedroom eyes

That sensual, seductive glance you . GI·!Y: Come on, do a beer bong Jvith me.


use when vou are in the mood for .

I'll teachyo11.

J .

something romantic and sexual. .


Me: 1\lo, l'tn too afraid. Girls shouldn't

do that.


�f::l'hen I saw JJ�Y girlfor thefirst time in a

skimpy nightgown, 1ve gave each other bed


room rye.r cmdp1·oceeded to make some Iovin'. beer goggles




Phenomenon in which one's




consumption of alcohol makes

beef ..


physically unattractive persons


A grudge.

appear beautiful; summed up by the



50 Cent had beef JJ;ith Game 2vhen he phrase "there are no ugly women at

thought Game was being disloyal. Their . closing time."



beej:r deaded now though. .


IV'hen I took her to beci she looked like

Halle Berry. But 1.vhen I 1voke up, she

beer looked like Keith Richards/ I must've had


The reason we get up in the �y beer goggles on.





morning and pass out at night. .


. beer league

Beer .ro good! .


.. An amateur baseball or slow-pitch


.. softball league . Man y of the players

beer belly .

.. tend to be overweight and/or of


A huge gut obtained from drinkjng


below average physical condition,


massive quantities of beer.


probably because they consume




Look at all the old gt!)S 1vith their beer .


massive quantities of beer.

bellies hanging out of their tie-dye shirts


After Commissioner Bud Selig contracted


and leatherjatkets. .


the New York Yankees, Rivera, Jeter, A-

Roci and the rest of the team couldn'tfind

beer bong '

ar!J other team that could rifford to take on

Funnel and tube used to consume their salarie.r, so thry ended up having to

plcry in the beer league.


large amounts of beer at one time. .


-- --
-------------------- ------------------------------------..

beer pong ·

beer taxi
A drinking game in which players Imaginary mode of transport

attempt to throw ping-pong balls .
associated with heavy drinking,
across a table into an opponent's when the drinker has no recollection

half-filled cups of beer. Players are .

of how thev arrived back at their

required to drink the beer from any preferred destination.


of their cups into which the .

I JJ'as so ulterb• trormred last night I

opponent throws a ball. The first .

. haven't got a clue hou.1 Igot home....

player to hit all their opponent's
lW.t-tsf ha!Je been the beer taxi.
cups wins. The loser is reguired to .

drink whatever beer is left on the



beer thirty

table in the opponent's cups. For •

sanitary reasons, a cup of water is Time of day (usually late afternoon


kept at either end of the table to .

to early evening) at which drinking a
wash the balls off after each throw, beer becomes necessarv.


but if

you've ever played you know

Hry, looks like it's beer tbirry. Better grab
it doesn't really help. Table size,

• me a cold one.
number of players/cups, and house .

rules concerning bounces, misses, .

and crossovers vary depending on . beermuffs


the college/fraternity/drinking club An invisible article of clothing that


involved. .
prevents you from getting cold and
. appears when you've had a lot of
After that 20-otmceJack a11d Coke and
beer. It's a figure of speech, really,
fivegames of beer pong, I1va.r difinite!J .

and the point is just that if you're


feeling a buzz. Rock on, apartment 306. .

drunk enough that you don't feel

the least bit cold no matter where

beer shits .
you are, you're sporting some

When you seriously need to take a serious beermuffs.


dump the day after you drink a ton

. TFhen Nate JIJas abo11t to leat.Je the pari)'
of beer. .

it dmmed on bim that he lived two miles
Man, I ha�;e mad beer shits . . . I need to mvay. And it Jvas 3 a.m. And he had no

find a crapper .right now! Oh, shit, there car. And he 1vas 11.1earing shorts and a T­
tt goes.I

Jhirt. And it JtJa.r January. And he fit•cd


in the notthern part of Ala.rka. And



Yo, Dave, can)'a bend that comerfor me,


Hw1dred-dollar bills.
bee's knees
It's all about tha benjamins!

Tbose new threads are the bee's knees.

A combination consisting of 50%
befriendster Benjamin Geza Affleck and 50%
To ask someone or accept someone Jennifer Ly nn Lopez, referred to as
as your "friendster" on the Web site a single entity: Bennifer. A..lso known as Bennifer Lofleck, or
Bennifer Affpez.
We need tofind a sqy boy with nice hair
and bifriendster him. I got sucked into watching that Bennifer

be front
To confront or annoy. bent
1. Crooked or dishonest.
Stop disJin' on m] momma; don't
bifront me. ./}fan, don't Jvorry 'bout tbat pf&· be's bent.

2. Way too high.

belly cleavage
Skin visible between a woman's shirt I wa.r .rooo bent last nigh" I woke up

and pants. Obviously a fashion don't still .rtoned

for men.

Befb, cleavage, although often seX)� is not Bermuda triangle

appropriatefor ajob inten,iem Two cars parked diagonally on
either side of another car to form a
triangle shape with the curb, thus
bend a corner
making it difficult for the middle car
To provide transportation for; to
to leave. Or to park cars in such a
drive by and pick up.

We thmtght it 1vottfd befunny if made bust a t'ap in_your sii!J-a.rsface!

. .

a Bermuda triangle around him in the .


�" ·e� ·,
parking lot.

best be
I cotddn't leave the movies until 9 p.m. . 1. You had better be.
because nvo people decided to Bermuda Albert: I am a rocker. 1 rock out.
triangle me n
i the parking lot. Ben: Best be.

2. You had better do that.

Dead. From the Weekend at Bernie's Alben: I intend to give_youfim dol/m-.s.
movies, where a couple of idiots Ben: Best be.
drag their dead boss all over the
place and convince people he's alive. 3. Expression of satisfaction.

. Sometimes shortened to simply

Guy 1: Oh,yeah! Thisparry isoff the chain!

Guy 2: Shut up, man. It's bernie, and I'm .

gonna be ghost.

1 u;in at Scrabble! Best!

Cousin 1: So I hear_your dog Fred's been .

cirding the drain late!J. Did he bt(J the bestest

farmyet? The best of the best.
Cousin 2: Yeah, dmvg, he�r bernie.
The bestest food is pizza.

bet that
A cop car, because the red light on
Affirmative expression, such as
top looks like a berry on top of ice
"good deal" or "that's cool."

cream. .
Lt1ike: You 1vant to get something to eat?
I got nazied 1vith a speeding ticket i!J
Jones: Bet that.
a bert)l.

Greek for "still doesn't work."
Short for "it would be best." To do .
. Software undergoes beta testing
something that needs to be done, lest
shortly before it's released.
you face unfavorable consequences.
We're releasing version 0.8, our latest beta.
Yo! You best back out' tJ'.}}ace b'fo' I
+ , ••
.. '
. .. .

between the sheets : b-i

"in bed." Part of a game . Short for "business," and more

where you take any common sen­ specifically your personal business.
tence or title and add "between the
Sheila: lf?'bat are)'OH doin'?
popular juvenile activity

sheets." A .

Tt!}ttat/.' H�)� Stt:!_Y Otll rf ll(J b-i.

for which the possibilities are encUess.


The Passion of Christ .. . between



the sheets!


. Someone, often a bobo (bourgeois


The Return of the King ... between . bohemian) or a limous.ine liberal,


the sheets! . who haunts both coasts and ignores

. what's in between.

He Jlla.r so bicoa.rtal he'd never heard of

. Omaha except in adsfor mail-order steak.

Acronym for "big friggin' deal." .

lvfatt: Look! There's President Bush! .

Sarah: BFD! •

To fall hard.


When mnning on lPoodu,ard, �·erbeek

Acronym for "best friends forever." hiffed pret(:y bad.


KIT!!! S tq cool and don1t skip schoo/.11
y .

Sincerefy, Britn�y. P.S.: BFFI .

big brother
. Vague reference to the leader of any

covert conspiracy; named for an
operational body that monitored the

Acronym for "best friends for life."

activity of all the citizens in George
After having a.friendshipfor 40 yearr, Mao' . Orwell's novel 1984. Later, the name
and Sharon consider each other BFFLs. for a stupid reality TV show.

Shbhb ... big brother might be 1vatching

b-girl . and listening.

A female who is in some wav identi- ,

fled with hip-hop culrure. .

big girl's blouse

I never knell' Emma 1va.r a b-girl until I . A wuss,sissy, or coward.


last night:

saw her break dancing at the club

Kate Winslet told David Letterman about
the cold water th�y had to shoot in Jvhi/e
doing Titanic, and how that biggirl's
big time
blouse Leonardo DiCaprio whined and
Much more than usual; to the max.
moamd about the water being too cold
That sucked big time!

big guy
An informal and usuallv frien dlv,
' -
big timer
complimentary greeting for a man Someone with lots of cars, clothes,
or boy. Can be used with a sarcastic and/or money; similar to a bailer
tone, implying .it's time to take him or player.
down a notch.
Ever since homey hit the lotto, he's more qj'
(friendly) Hey there, b{�glf)r,_you and me a big timer than Snoop and Dre combined
gonna drink some beers or what?

(sarcastic) H�y, biggt(YJ watch 1vhat big up

you're doing. "Up" signifies elevation. Therefore,
the term "big up" literally means to
elevate highly or to a superlative
big help
Somebody who either isn't helpful,
1. An expression of support or
or somebodv who can onlv be trust-
, .

ed to help you with that one menial

task that would save you about 20 Big up on that e.:x:cel/ent peiformance.
minutes of walking around.
Invariably spoken with a slight hesi­ 2 . A n expression o f remembrance.

tation before the term.

I want to big up etJCt)'One IVho has shoum
]ohmon JJ'as a, 11h, big help todqy as he me support over· the.years.
told me 1vhen the light stopped blinking on
the router.
big up yourself
To give yourself praise or props; to
big pimpin' make some noise for yourself, give
Describes a heterosexual man's abilitv yourself a congratulatory handshake

to maintain sexual relationships with or a pat on the back or whatever.

multiple simultaneous girlfriends.
. :-· : i

-------------- ----
-- -------- ------

-- � ..


Nice Jvork, Horace. Big upyourself'

A modifier used to indicate an

excess of something.
big-boned .

A nice way of saying one is .fat, built 1 ate bil{f!,B cookie.r.

in an odd way, or a giant.
That dude tct.lks.fiiggin' binge.

Bul(y: }'Ou'refat.'
Kid· Nuh-uh, .lvfomm] said I'mjust .
big-boned . 1. A woman with unsavory character
traits, often a negative or belligerent
bills .
attitude (i.e., a pain in the ass or a
Dollars; specifically 1 00-dollar bills. moody bitch) .

l.oatJ mefive bills, playa. }o, MJJJg, that,girl ain't nothin' but a biotch.

2. A man whose abilities/character/

A pretty, dumb, and usually vain and
egotistic female.

Afelotf.yfrom Josie and the Pussycats is

such a bimbo!
Yo, dau;g, Jd?)•you acting like such a biotch?

bing 3. A nonoffensive colloquialism

Onomatopoeia used to indicate a used to refer to a girl or a woman

correct answer or course of action. with whom the speaker is associat­

Used to express unequivocal ed ..A.lso: beyatch, biyatch, bevotch,



approval. .
biyotch, biznatch, blevatch, bitch.

Just a littlefarther ... that's it! Bing! That's "!Y biotch.


bing bing bipartisan

One United States dollar. Political term wherein members of
the Democratic and the Republican
i'V!cm, these rims m.rt me 3,500 bi11g bings.
parties agree on a particular piece of
legislation. Also see "mythology."

This legislation needs bipartisan suppot1 in I heard hom�·'s got he�j; so I'm packing a

ord er to pass. .. l'llz,ote.for)'OUr piece-qf biscuit to tbe club tonight.


shit pork barrel legislation that 1 don't :

belietJe in, ff)oN'lll'Ote against]OUr :

bit the shit
moral.r and support tl(J tax-wastit�g spe-
. Died, expired.
cial-interest initiatiN.
. Doctor: Wbat bappened to the patient in
room 216?
J\lurse: He bit the shit last night

1. An individual who is stupid,


foolish, careless, idiotic, moronic,

or just plain dumb. . bitch

1. To whine excessivelv.
YoN are Stli;h a friggin' bird

Stop bitching, Todd!
2. A profane hand gesture

accomplished by raising only 2. The seat in the middle of a

the middle finger. Called either two-seater car meant for two
"the- bird" or "the birdie." passengers or less. Or the seat in the
middle of the back seat when there

That mutha just}lipped me the bird!

are a lot of passengers in the car.
C.ap h.ts ass.I .

I call not bitch!
3. Used to express dissatisfaction. .

3. Modern-day servant; a person

You Jl'tznt me to 111hat?! Bird! .

: who performs (usually degrading)

tasks for another.
bird legs
Bring !t!J'friend and me .rome tJodka,
Legs that are so thin they resemble .

legs on birds. Usually refers to
female legs. .
4. Hardship.
My girlfrie-nd is skinny and has bird legs. .
lvfe: I stubbed m y toe real bad, sat on
. some gum, attd got a massit'f. paper cut
biscuit from afilefolder. 1'171 hat,ing , like, the
A gun. Used in Outkast's song "Red . lt'OTSi dcry CJJer.
Velvet." MichaelJackson: Well, ain't tbat a bitch!



un.l2a�r ·· · I
·· ''
' "' ' .

bitch ass }'Oufailed the exam? That bites .

I Derogatory term used to describe

an underachieving, undereducated 2. To sting.
loser. Synonym for "punk" or
"punk ass."
: Salt.from potato chips realfy bites !fyotJ
hm;e a paper cut.
Your bitch ass is tired, yo--stop trippin'. .
3. To rip off another person's style,

especially with respect to music or

fashion. From early hip-hop culture.
Insane with anger.
w,zy don'tyou come up Jvith_yotlr 011/11
lVhenJoan's bqyfriend didn't come home
. sound instead qf btling eziel)' track that
for hvo dqys, she JJJent totaf!y bitchcakeJ.
hits it big in the clubs?

bite it
Any person whose face looks just
. To die, become bernie, kick the
like the face of your standard bitch.
bucket, buy the farm. Short for
Also used to refer tO someone
"bite the dust."
whose face will not stop bitching or
is perpetually bitchy. He thought he couldjti!Jl) that gorge on
his skateboan:l, bttt the JJ-ind Jvas Jvorking
Hop1vi l is such a bikhface/ But Dark
against him and he bit it.
Hades s
i worse,· he's such a big bitcNace.

bite one's head off

To overreact to something trivial
To relegate someone to a
another person does.
subservient post; to make
someone your bitch. Person 1: E-x:cuse me, where is the
iWan, I broke Tof!J''s PhyStation, but I
Person 2: What are]OU, la::o'? W0-' don't
don't have the monry to payfor it. NoJJ!
youjust lookfor it_yourse!f instead if
he's bitchified me/ .

asking some random person 1vhere it is?

People likeyou are the reason A meri ca is
bite knoum as the laziest rountry in the world!
1. To be bad or unfortunate. . Person 1: Geev u1hatr.your problem? You
Synonym for "blow'' or "suck." didn't bm;e to bite tJJ)' head off!
bizzounce .
· black out

To leave. Slight variation of To become mentally and physically

. .
"bounce." .

impaired after reaching a blood alco­

hol level of .20, which causes you to

I gotta bizzounce. Peace out.

act in an uncontrollable manner.


Unfortunately, the blackout keeps


bka •

you from recalling the events that
Acronym for ''better known as." .
occurred while acting so recklessly
and almost always guarantees awak­

Marshall J\1athers, bka Eminem.


. ening to wounds you d o not remem­

. ber getting or next to a person you

black-flag do not remember sleeping with.

1. To put a permanent stop to

I'm sorry, 1vhat i.r_your name again? I
something that has already been .

blacked out .

red-flagged. Derived from the


practice of waving the black and red



l gs together at the end of a racing blacklight Barbie

practice session. .
A woman who appears much pretti­
er in the blacklight at a party or club


It� snowing too hard to continue on, so


. than she reallv is .

we've black-flagged this trip and are 011

our 1Vf91 home. Seeing JPhitnrJ)' in the daylight, I realized


.rhe 1vas a total black/ight Barbie.


2. To be punished. Derived from .

the use of the black flag to indicate .


. bladdered
a penalty in racing.
. Drunk, as in with a full bladder .

PrettJ' sure that gu_y s gonna /!P black­ Tanked, hammered, stocious.

flaggedforpunching out that JvindoJJI. •

. I JJJas n
i thepubyesterda)'jrom 12p.m. to

12 a.m. By the time I left I ll'as b/addered
black hat


A hacker who uses his abilities for


malicious purposes. Opposite of

To gain entrance to a restricted area


"white hat."

. or club, or some material good,


He's de.ftnitefy a black hat. He:r on through confidence, trickery, or


Microsoft's most-u;anted list. .

cheekin ess .
.. l
· .._,
·· "'i

-- ------- ....
.. ..

I blagged "!Y wqy into the VIP area. : bleakend

. The nvo days at the end of the
I blagged somefree CDs off the label. .
week when work traditionally ceases
. and drinking traditionatly increases.


Gt!Y 1: Yo11 1vanna grab afiJI' drink.r this
Interjection used at the end of a .
sentence when no one is talking,

. Guy 2: What eLrr. is the bleakendfor?
or when a person has notrung else '

to say.



So then I told jose that Immafind those

Cleavage of the buttocks, often

midgets if its tbe last thing I do . . atzd


occurring with females who wear


blah ...
low-rise jeans.


. With thesejeans, I'd be .rhou1in' some

blast ..
sen·ous bleavage.
1. Interjection expressing disap­ .
pointment or anger. If a truly bad .

thing happens, a "double-blast, is ;. bleeder

in order. A left-wing )jberal. Comes from the
expression "bleeding heart liberal."
Iju.rt ran out of ail m_y beerfor the .

weekend. That gt!J ha.rn't a conservative hone in his

Blast! .


. body· he's a total bleeder.


Ijust contracted herpes. Double-blast! .


2. To vomit. Usuallv a result of bleep


drinking too much in one sitting. . A substitute for a profane word.


Dude, you're so JJiasted. Youjust blasted What the bl eep ? rou need to .rhut the
all Ot-'er the hood of that Cadtjy. .
bleep up before I bleeping bleepyour bleep
qff the face of the bleeping planet.

blaze .

The act of packing a bowl of . bleh

marijuana and setting fire to it with State of mind usually caused by

the intent of inhaling the smoke. . boredom or a mildly annoying
. situation that doesn't cause any

Yo,you 1Vant /0 go blaze this?

heavv emotional reaction.


: 2. To sport such highly extravagant,
After Ijlunked_yet anoti;er test 1?J a huge
lack of stucfying, Ijustfelt bleb. . gaudy jewelry.
. Damn, Johnf!)'J JOU sure be bling­
. .

blicka blingin' tonight!

A firearm, a gun.

Ipulled tll)l bficka on him JJiben he started block buster

.. A large piece of graffiti done in

talking about til] momma.


block lettering, usually lacking style.

blind I did a block buster on_your ugly grand-
In love. JtJtJ .r garage.

Dawg's blindfor that girl.

block party
. A party that takes over a whole block.
bling .

Flashy or gaudy jewelry. Named for . HAHAI That block pm1y on Ll1ain

.. .Street 111as the shit! .{/ on!J the cops

the sound it makes when worn or .
the imaginary sound produced by hadn't come.
the light reflected off of it. .

Look at the bling hm�ging around his . blockaway

neck-he's a ballet: Someone who only looks good
from a block away, but when thev
. .

. get close you realize it was all an

bling bling
illusion. A variation on the ever-
1. Expensive, often flashy jewelry
. popular term "butter face."
sported mostly by African-American :

hip-hop artists and middle-class That gtY ! is a blot·kaJ�q.J'. That's aface

Caucasian adolescents. The real big, . on!J' his tnotttma could love.

shiny stuff, along the lines of the

crown jewels. Does not include the :
stuff most of us can afford.

1. Short for "weblog." A meander­
Flashier than bling.
ing, blatantly uninteresting online

That bling bling on herfinger doesn't allo111 diary that gives the author the illu­
her to lift her hand abot'e her head. .
sion that people are interested in

. their stupid, pathetic life. Consists


of such riveting entries as : blogosphere

"homework sucks" and "I slept The sum total of all interactive
until noon today." . weblog communication. It can also

refer to a particular web community

June 5 blog mhy: So, like, this morning
that allows for opinionated com-

Jm'!.)' called and wanted to knou' if I

mentary on news stones .

cot1/d come OJJer, and Matt called, and

Brian asked me to go to the n1all with Daib,kos.t"'Jll is a mc!for liberal outlet in
him. So I went to the mall and met up the tJast blogosphere.
JIJith some nJm·e of ''D'friends and some
gf!ys .rtat1ed hittin._g on ttle and thf!.Y were, .
lik..e, so bot, too . . .
The expression of deep inner hatred

of the world and everything in it via

2. To post to a weblog.
a blog, message board, or other
Did you read what A1iche/le blogged . "fake Internet bullshit." Inherently
yesterdqy? Like af!)'One cares. pathetic yet somehow deeply thera­
peutic in a purely superficial way.

blog class And so today ?'!_)' boss reprimanded ttle,


Ivliddle-class and upper-middle-class "!Y brother told me I'm not im;ited to the

people who make ample usc of Jveddi n g, and '11)' friend Carrie backed out
blogs to discuss personal. opinions, . on the plans to go to Tahoe!Argh! A&
often of a sociopolitical nature. blograge is strong today.
Also known as "blogging class."

Yo) clear!J the 2004 election will come . blood from a stone
doum to the blog class decision, if th�)' get . An unlikely event requiring much

qjf their ass and leave their comp11ters long effort.

enough to 1Jote.
Trying to get_yotl to jind ajob is like
tl)'ing to get blood from a stone.

Short for "weblogger." Someone .
who keeps a weblog, or diary, on the
Intoxicated with liquot.
}{ad too ma'!)' vodkas and got blootered
Adam is one of those bloggers JJJho 1JJrites
pretty quickb.
e:x:clusivefy on Paris Hilton.
blow :
and respected, usually within a small
1. Cocaine in powder form. amount of time.

Hey, dopeman,)'OU got some blowfor sale? .

Quentin Tarantino Jvorked in a video

rentaljoint before he made Reservoir


2. To smoke weed.
Dogs and bleJv up.
I can't wait to blou1 that b�g-ass blunt.

When Less Than Jake made their album
Pezcore, they bleJP up pret(yfast.
3. To leave. .

Aigh" I'm 'bout to blow. .

2. To extremely forcefully expulse
feces or vomit.

blow chunks .
I sprinted to the bathroom and hard!J had

To v omit. sat down u.Jhen I blew up.

I drank so much I thought I was going to


3. To receive many calls on a

blow chunks.
portable messaging device in a short

. amount of time.
blow my buzz .

Damn, that girl:r been blowin' up_your cell

When you're drunk, high, or totally

e11er sinceyou broke her of

j a piece!
messed up on something and you

just want to chill out and someone


tries to get all serious or emotional .

on you, ruining your night. .
A telephone.

I was having a great night until I ran into .

f't,e got Arnie on the bloli'Cfi and he wants
!11)' ex-gir(fricnd and her ne1v bOJftiend. .

to know ff he can come over.


That reai!J bleu; "'J' buzz. •

blue screen of death

blow trees .
. The screen you see when your com­
To smoke fine marijuana. .
puter completely dies. Microsoft's

most successful program.


No shwagfor us, G, we blowin' trees tonight.

At JWi. croJoft we are running out of

monry, so 1ve will no1v cbat-ge_you for the

blow up .

blue screm of death.

1. To become famous, successful,

¢ "/


blue state Bob's your uncle

.A U.S. state in which the majority of British slang for "all will be well" or
residents vote Democrat. Opposite "simple as that."
of "red state."
.!fyolll!,O and a.rk}or thejob and he remem­
In the blue state.r, the bobos /ik.e lioJJ'ard ber.r_)lour 11ame, then Bob�r)!Ot-lr uncle.
Dean, but he'// never carry the red .rtate.r.

blunt Describes something extremely '80s,
A cigar that has been hollowed and like anything t1uorcscent,
refilled with marijuana. scrunchies, leg warmers, etc.

I sat out.ride all dt!YJ .rippin' 011 m_y 40 and Did_you see that top that chick was
smokin' blunts. wearin.g? It u;as totalfy bodacious.

bmoc bogart
Acronym for "big man on campus." To keep something all for oneself,
A highly respected person, or thus depriving anyone else of
someone in a position of authority. having any. A slang term derived
from the last name of famous actor
G'otta check with the bmoc before you
Humphrey Bogart because he often
make that mo11e.
kept a cigarette in the corner of his
mouth, seemingly never actually
b.o. drawing on it o.r smoking it. Often
Acronvm for "bodv odor." used with weed or joints but can be
• •

applied to anything.
Yo, you .rtink like b.o., dttde! Take a
sbomer. Don't bogart that blunt, man, pass that
oz1er here!

bo selecta
Literally means "good DJ." Used to hoi
salute a DJ i n a club. 1. In the lesbian communitv,
young transgendered/androgynous/
Bo selecta! Ke.� )'a ba.rtard! Proper bo} I
masculine person who is biologically
tell thee!
female and presents themselves in a
J bovish
l' a boidvke·
., '

------- ---� �-� �------.

also identifies as "gcnderqueer." bollocks

A highly flexible term commonly
J doe.w 'tfee/like sIhejit.r tbe mold q/ a'?y
used by the English.
one gender. s;he presents hirse.(f in a
1. Something rubbish.
young, bqyi.rb manner, and hir appeamnce
is quite androgynou.rIma.rculim. J!he :r a That .Mel Gibson mo1Jie JJta.r a load qf'
boi. bollocks.

2. In the gay community, a young 2. A falsehood or series of lies.

gay man.
. Thai 1Of!)l Blair is talking bollocks.
J is a.Young, »Jasmline gt!)' male ])1/.lo pres­ .

ent:r!l in a bqyi.rh manner. He:r a hoi. .

3. \X-'hen preceded by "the":
something great .

3. An alternate spelling of boy often

That curry Jvas the bollock.r!
used by young teenage boys.
.A{y teenage brother and hisfriends often 4. The best possible.
Tf!/er to tbemse/11e.r as ".rkater bois."
Your uJife i.r the dog's bollockJ when it

come.r to cooking!

boil down
To come down to in the end, when 5. Testicles.
all the bullshit surrounding the is!iue

Then she kitked him 1i1 the bollock.r.


is removed. ..
Whenyou boil it doum, "�Y paper tac r k
. s
i 6. Exclamation used when making a
simpfy bigger tban.Yours. I Jilin. .. error .

boink .

A word that your parents use tO


describe sex to you, even when you
1. When preceded by "the": cool,
are an adult.
awesome, the shit.
Mom: Oh nry lord, Jenn!fer! You're .
Ldr see il again.
. .

.MatJ, that's the bomb.

.You're not boinking him, are)'OU?
Jennifer: Yes, Mom, he�r my hu.rband
2. Fast graffiti piece, using more than
two colors and aU of the artist's
signature letters. Not much detail, 3. Short for trombone (in informal



just enough to look good and get speech).

I .


away before anyone sees the artist. ..


Mate, canyou hold "!Y bone while I go

That bomb is the tightest shit out. and get some lubejor the slide?


3. To create such graffiti. .


bone out

I bomb like Vietnatn. .

To leave .


Stlrah's ne11J dig.r are pimp, but the party's


bomb ass

boringy so I'm about to bone 011!•


Extremely good or cool, almost at a



godly level.
. bone up

That's a bomb ass album. You should bl!)l it. ...

Study. Learn about.


I'm gonna go bone up on my hi.rtoryfacts.

bomb diggity

Totally the awesomest. .



A111 man, Rachel s

i b�yond the bomb Stupid, slow, stubborn person.


? boneheadr on the road real!J ;vork

.. me up!

bomb. com

Awesome or cool to a high degree.


Street term for the game of dominoes.


Dude, that rocking par!J last night wa.r .ro .!

We played bonesjor bfJne� and I J1lon lots


of t-hedda.





1. A smokable item , such as a joint



or cigarette.

A device made of clay, ceramic,



.. plastic tubing or PVC, gJass, a


Pass that bone domn this 11'CfY· .

.. two-liter soda bottle, or any other

.. item that can be filled with water in

2. Money, usually in dollars. .

order to smoke fine and tasty nugs



Can you Jpot me a.fiJ1v bones?


. of marijuana.


H� /Panna come over and hit the bong ? : boobage

: Cleavage. Refers to volume of
. breasts.
bong rips
A noun that refers to the action of .
She lacked the pr·oper boobagefor that dress.

smoking from a bong. So named for .

the sound that air makes when it
. booger
bubbles through the bong water. .
An accumulation of human mucus
Dude, don't take bong rips while I'm 011 removed from the nasal cavity.
the phone wti h m)' parents; the_y might .

Teacher: Timm]l lPbat did_youjust thro111

hear)'OU. .
at Susan?.'

. Tit!ll'l'�y: A11� gee, .Mr.r. Lemonbottom, it

boo that JJJa.r onfy a booger.
Interjection used to show
disapproval in a condescending .
. book
fashion, often signaled by a roll of .
1. A tool barely used by American

the eyes or a sour expression. .

society today because it is not

She IJianted to go to that mot1ie?! Boo that! . "cool" to .read.


. It's a .rhame, realfy; once upon a time in
boob .. America a book 11/as a predous t'Ommodity.
1. A woman's breast.
2. An object used as a coaster, as a
Her boobs are ridiculous!J large.
booster seat for small children, or to
increase the stability of poorly built

2. A stupid person; a rural oaf.



Pat's a boob for getting all the questions

' eJt: Where do_you /l'aJJt 111e to put "D'
11/rong on his math test.

. Host Ob, just set it on top qf that book.


boob job
Plastic surgery done to enhance the

. book it
look of a woman's breasts.
. To travel at high speed or hurry the
I think shefeels more cof?ftdent about . hell up.

hem!f since she had her boobjob. .

. rt7hett I Sail/ the cops, TiHI and J


··· : : • · · · · · " "''

picked up o11r sta.rh and booked it. 2. To leave in a hurrv.



. Is he ready? CtnorJ tben, lei's boost .

book smart

Being able to succeed scholastically, .

. boosted
but not necessarilv in the real world.
1. A vehicle that has some type of

Ji1re, shes book smart, hut she cczn't even forced induction.

cook instant potatoes! .


Did_you see Jimno<r boosted car?



boom . 2. A vehicle that comes stock from


1. To hustle. . the factory with a turbo and has

been upgraded so that it is fast as a
That man's out there booming on the block. .

. biznitch .

2. Adjective used to describe a pret­ Dude, did)IOU .ree bm1' boosted that Supra
ty girl.
Yo, gt!J,

that giri is boom! .

3. A word used by ricers/tuners to

describe how cool something is.


boomshakalaka .

l'vfan,_your new house is boosted off its mtl.
An onomatopoeic "in your face."

The sow1.d of a slam-dunk in basket­
4. Excited.
ball-the "boom" being the dunk
and the "shakalaka" the rattling No .rd:Jool tomorrol/1·-l'm so boosted!


of the backboard.

Pippen wer to Grant ... he sbakes and

bakes . . . to the basket . . . •

To vomit.
1 straight drank too

much tequila, and


noJJ' I bave to boot/

boost .

1. To steal.


I took.ed out 1J!Y windmt' th e other day and .


Bad or wretched.
. dude trying to boost 1J1): ride, ro I
Jatv thir

. Tbctt hi.rto�y a.r.rignment is bccka bootry)

shot him in the }cu-e.

booty . heel.r and .rmacked hetjitce.
1. Pirate treasure, plunder, or other ..
ill-gotten gains. .. 2. Term used by Beyonce Knowles
in the song "Bootylicious" to mean
Captain Yellmvheard: Sh(lre the boo(ft ..
. curvaceous or voluptuous, especially
mates! .
. in the derriere (i.e., booty) .
2. Butt, ass, specifically the female ... She is so boorylicious the whole block
postenor. .. couldn't help but check otlt her backside..
Ike Tt-tmer: Shake dat boo!)� JJ!oman! I ..
... 3. Fine.
said shake it! <slap> ...
.. D-d-damn, that is one boo(J!/iciotJs sista!
3. Sex. ..
4. Sexually attractive in a way that
Captain 'rellmvbeard- Share the boory, ..
• ' '

. causes males ages 18-25 to stare at

t11ates! .
... the bootv cheeks.
.. '

4. Crap. . riob; coconuts, Batman! CatJpoman is .ro
. .
... bOO!JfIClOU.f.I

vanilla he: W'hat does it mean that "!Y .

career wa.r "boo(y''? I've tlever heard that ...
one. ...
... 1. Interjection used by a winner
to make a loser feel bad, equivalent
booty call .
... to "Oh veah! In 'vour face! There
A call for sex. ... '

... we go!"
I JJ-•as mad horny, so Igcwe "�Y bqyfriend a ...
... l-Ie 1von the ,game of Afonopob� kno,ked
booty call. ...
.. over the board, and St'f'eamed "Boq)'ah!"
.. at all the losers.
bootylicious ..
1. Term used by rappers Dr. Dre 2. Gang terminology for the sound
and Snoop Dogg to mean lackluster, . that a shotgun blast makes.
laughable, or just simply terrible. ...
.. l pulled the trigger and, boqyah, be wa.r
Didyou .ree that booty/iciou.r mox1e tlwt . dead.
chick made in the club? She must have .
been up, because .rhe tripped on her . 3. Interjection used to express


excitement and satisfaction, equiva­ :

Aight, this .rhit is whack, J'JtJa bizounce.

lent to "totallv sweet!"


' .

2. To have an e-mail message

Person 1: J.just baked a whole batch ql .

returned because the intended
recipient's mailbox is full or the
Person 2: Boqyah!
message could not be deJivered.

l've been trying to hityott up using the

addre.rs_you gatJe me, but the e-mails keep


Lacking excitement; feeling miser­ .


ably stagnant. .
There is nothing to do. l'm real/y bored, .
bounce like an ounce
.rifting here cracked out making mtries on .

To leave.

urbandictionary. com. ..

}0, I'm gonna bounce like an ounce, G.
1. To ruin a chance at; to botch, fail, . bouncebackability
mess up. Ability to turn things around
unexpectedly or make a comeback.
I completelY borked It(} interviem .

Commonly used in sports.


2. To be irreversibly damaged.
Tbe boxer looked dead and buried, but JJ.iifh
great bouncebackabi/ity came back to JJJin.
il:(y sound card ir borked.
About to. Also "abousta" and
Incredibly awesome, miraculous, .

great. .

I'm bou.rta leat'e.

Dude, did_yott see that chick? She's boss!

bounce .
A fight .
1. To leave with haste. The letters
"iz" are often added after the "b" to Spike and Rampage are havin' a bout and

make the term even more ghettofied. .

thry're both .ro beat up it's hard to tell


Dude, the D:r are here, we need to bounce! .

bout it styles of genuine rock bands.
Generally better or more "all

Bqy bands have an average she!f life of

about" whatever is being compared.
Them hoe.r ran'/front; th�' knou'j-Lo:r
ctss si mo' bout it!
Short for "boys in blue," the five-o,
bowl the fifty, cops, pigs, etc.
The part of a marijuana (weed,
pot, ganja, etc.) pipe in which the
boys in blue
marijuana is placed (packed) to be
Police, the five-o, the fifty, cops, pigs
smoked. It may have a little hole
or just "boys."
(carb) on the side of it, which you
cover while you hold the pipe and Be foe, we got bqys comin' at six.
smoke the marijuana. (Translatoi n: Be etl.!)) the cop.r are rigbt
behind us.)
I JJ)anna smok.e a bowl right nmv sooo bad!

A clown; a very annoying silly
Laid off from a job, since they give
you a box to put all your stuff in.
i traffic!

Some bozojust cut me o/.l

I can't be/iet,eJohn 21YJS boxed)'eJterdqy.
Thisjob Jvtfl suck JJJithout him around.
. Handcuffs.
boy band
An (often musical) group of males Danmfive-o got me 11i bracelets.

in their late teens to mid twenties

who concentrate on fashion, image,
and popular culture and attract an
A term of affection used between
audience of around 10- to 16-vear-
males with fraternal bonds; brother,

olds (male and female). Term for

groups like Hanson, Good .

Charlotte, Busted, and most so­ Brah,_you'd better stop picking)'our nose
called rock bands whose lyrics and infront qj' Mr. Neidhart.
style defy the opposing macho, adult Brah.r don't shake ... brahs gotta hug!
.. :.


brain fart Afy bread stad� s lookin' farge. Time to


A total lack of recognition. A silly CtJ.rh out.

mistake. Can be stress related.

1 had a total brainJart 111hen she askedjo1· break

D number. 1. Short for "brcakbeat." A style of

dance music that uses looped beats

to form a continuous rhvthm.
brain is in sideways
Comes in many styles, including
Term used to describe one who .
old school, nu skool, funky, and
can't think straight, usually because .


one is in love. .

There:r tt .rick break.r, hip-bop, and

Ever sim-e I met Big Tito, Ifeel like tt(J
drum and ba.r.rpar(y tbi.r weekend 1ve
brain is in .ridewc!y.r.
.rhould go to.

Brazilian . 2. A surf spot.

A waxing in which the pubic hair is
}'ou should .rmf some Australian break.r
completely removed. Uma depilação em que
!f_yott J)lant to lfl afl)' good at the sport.
o pêlo pubiano é completamente removido.


A& girlfriend got a Brazilian.

: A hip way of dancing that often

brb includes spinning on the floor,
Acronym for "be right back." . sometimes on vour head.
r .

J'J/ b b. I have to go get dolled 1¢. l'ma gonnct hrntk dance my IVq)' to the

bread .

Currency, money, lizard skins, .

break edge

greenbacks. To start doing drugs or skanking

bread from .
. again after you have been "straight
H�y, I think Jve beer
<get some "!.Y ,rents to
edge" or "sXe."
bi!J the par(-y thJ:r
111eekmd. .

1-l.l'ualf y I'm more JXe thanyour Jingle

aunt 1vill e1;er be.
bread stack
56 A stack of money.
break out

. and can't take something anymore.



1. To flee, like from a fight. .. Same as heartbreak lane.


Break out.' The tearber iJ wmiflg.' He and his gir(fi·iendju.rl broke up. She

.. .

. .
looks as !f .rhejust,got bad::
. from
. break-
2. To disperse a group in aU din�c­ . .
doJ.J 1'1 lane
/ .


tions in order tO confuse authorities. ..



. breeder

!fold tbe dn�g.r, break oul!

.. Offensive term for a person who
. breeds with members of the
break the bank

opposite sex and is often of low



To make a shitload of monev. .

class and intelligence. Their only



lrr'ben.foe depo ritt:d
. 700 Gs into hi.r . rcw ­

.. purpose in Life s e ems to be breeding
ings aa-ounl al ona, he broke the bank .. others like them, and they're quite

prolific at it. Sometimes a synonym


. for trailer trash, homophobe.
break the seal .


The point at which you tlrst piss .

.. Ugh.' W'hat's !hal .rmell? l.r thi.r a breeder
after you have been drinking your .. bar? It reeks rl CK One in here.

favorite alcoholic beverage. After



that you will have ro piss a lot more .

. breezy

. The word "breezy" •
is a combination

Damn, dude, 1 .rbouldn't ha�:e broken the ..

of two words that describe a

sea� because non· 1 han to piss me�y teu .. woman who is casv. The word

. •

11/tn!JteJ. "broad" (slang for ''a woman'') is


combined with the word "easy," ere-


ating the derogarory word "breezy."



break yourself ..

To submit or vield to someone else. .. Don't wor�-,y ]Ot/re not her bai!J dadr_ly;

Jhe probab!J• doem't knmv 2viJo the dadqy


The armed robber told the lacf;'J "Break ..
. is. She ain't nttttin' but a bree?J.
yourse!J!" so she gave him herptme. ...

. brew
breakdown lane
.. 1. Beer.
The state you arc in when a relation­ ..
ship ends or when you break down •
. Ccm_you paSJ me a mid lmm'?


::>. "7
I" .
---------------------------------- -------- -------------------------- -------

2. Tea. comeback to someone who is being

challenged, or offered as a direct
Would_you like to tome in for a hot bmv?
challenge to another. Similar to
"Show me what you got"; "Do
"B .
brewski your worst ;
nng your s h.It" ;
Beer. "Go for it�"

i'm <gonna go grctb afew cold brewski.r out Ra.rketba/1 player 1: I'm gmma .dam cbmk
of tl1efridge. _yo' punk aJJ.
Basketballpltf)'er 2: Aight, hriltcg it; bitt:h.
Ldr see u;hai]Ott got!
1. The basic unit of measure for
most drugs. Tt's the way they're bro
packaged after they're first Close friend, bud, pal, comrade.
processed or made. Then the brick
He's mr bro. 1 l1'akh /1is bade, and he
is divided up and sold in smaller

wcttcheJ mine. U.Wre like bmther�_ya

amounts. A brick is either a pound
or kilogram, depending on whether
you're going by American or metric
measurements. broke down
Ugly, beat, busted, tore up.
I get "()! dope .rtra{P,ht qfl a brick-pure,
Sometimes shortened to ''broke."
dean, and 1-l!ltampered JJJith.
Bob: IFbat JMII1J to be the probletJJ here,
2. A basketball shot that hits the mi.r.r?
backboard and bounces off. Ugjy <�irl Otl the .ride qf tbe road· Looks
like "!.Y ca/r broke down. Can_you help
She shoots the hall and-au;, itr a brit·k! ,.
;ne out(
!Job: That's not t!Je onh' thi1�g thalr hroke
brill dow11. Later:
Short for brilliant. Cool.

That JlJas bloocfy brill' Let's see it agai11. bros before hoes
The law stating that buds always
come before significant others.
bring it
Interjection used as a "manly" Ilo: Let's ,go bou;/ing later.

Dude: I he go in' out skeet shootin' 1vit' · b.s.
mah bros tonight. You knmv how it is­ .
. 1. Acronvm '
for "bullshit."
bros before hoes. 2. Acronym for "beer shits."

You: Let me use the can, l'tJe ,got serious

broughten . b.s.!
Short for "that's alreadv been
Your grandrna: Shut up, that's total /J.s.

brought up." We have already .

An_ywqy, I need to pee like a racehorse, so

said (or know) everything worth . you'll have to wait.

saying about this subject.

Variant: brought.


Girl 1: Did anyone see the Jvomen's gold­ The reverse side of a phonograph
medal soccer game? W{nt:; what a game. . record, especially a single.
Girl 2: Broughten. We 1vere talking about
How II'/a'!) songs areyou planning to
that beforeyou came in. .
rec'()rd? Will all of them go 011 the album
. or 1vi/f some be used as b-sides?

bru .

Friend. Form of address equivalent .

to "dude." Variant of "bro." .

. Shot.

Cmon, bru, l{fe is meaningleJS, so I'm •

Yo, man, J'OU got bucked pretty had,

boozing it up at NatJi's. .

. holme.r.

brush your shoulders off .

. bucket
1. Gesture you make when you feel .

Old car in bad shape. Short for

like "it ain't no thing."

"rust bucket."


I got actionfromJour dijjerent gidr this .


. When 1 was sixteen and got my license, I

Jveekend. <brushes shoulders ojj> .
. drove "Spar�" a but"ket 11.1ith over

350,000 miles on it. The ladies were all

2. Also used to mean " tryin g to
up ons.

forget " or "forgotten."

Yo, Ijust broke up with ''!.Y girlfriend last .

. bucket o' cluck
night. < brt.tshes shoulder.r off> .
Huge bucket of chicken bought at a

.. restaurant.

------ -----��-

,., ,. l • • ) "'lt\1� .

Let's go '"�mb a butket o' dutk at KFC bug off

Interjection meaning "go away."
Bluntly asking to be left alone.
bud .
1. Friend, pal, chum. Shortened Bug ffj; loser!
from "buddv." J

Karen and I ha11e lmm budr since : bugger

elementary J't·hool. Technically means ''to sodomize,"
. but most people use the word in a
2. The dried and cured, unpollinated variety of situations, often without
t1owering portion of the marijuana realizing the true meaning. Often
plant that contains the highest . considered more acceptable than
concentration of THC. dropping the f-bomb (as long as
you're not in the presence of
Let's smoke tt little o/ thiJ killer bud
anyone old enough to remember
bejore thejtti:;{ concett.
the actual meaning).
1. \Xihen something goes wrong.
BtJgger! I got n�y 11ose t'at�ght in the toaster
Of poor quality.
Did_yott see that girlAaron hooked up
with? Damn} .rhe was but{�et. . 2. When something surprises or

. impresses you, as in "Well, I'll be

1. To remove graffiti or any kind of Bu._P,ger-me!
paintings or advertisements.
3. When vou can't be bothered
They bujJed 011er m_y mm'al! J

doing something.
Damn, Ijust put those.flierJ 11p a1td thry
Bugger that!
alreacf y got buj
j ed

. 4. To refer to a person in a deroga-

2. Very strong or having defined
. torv manner.
muscles. Used mostly for guys. .

That bugger .rtole ''(Y f-lo/den!

Look at that-he's ptmtpin' 200 pounds! .
DaJttn) he:r btijj: .
5. To refer to a friend or someone

you feel sorry for. .
.. a
'J • '

I .argc, well built, highly muscular,



- J

I decided to let the bugger Cf!Jr!J' it. �


· '

great presence, huge.

. ., �



6. To mess up. ..

lie is so built. He mttst l�ft Jl!e�g/Jts.


I must't;e bt�ggered !hat qttestion.


.. bulimiate

7. To tell someone to go away,

. 1. To throw up.

get lost. ..
. That .rc1usage at !Jmch made me JI!(JntJCI

Bugger off! .. bulimia/e.

2. A person who pukes a lot.
buggin' ..
Freaking out, going postal.
.. Quitpuking, ]Oil bulimia tel
J.1l an, he san; his <gir!ri
f md Jvith another ..
.. bull scare
gu_y and noJJ/ he:r totafb, buggin'. ...
... A very strong bluff .

buggy ... f!e�rju.rtfrontin'. Ain't nothin' hut a
Used to describe an item, typically a .. bull.rcare.

computer program, with numerous ..
errors that may prevent or hinder it
.. bullet time

from working. .

. A highly sophisticated slow-motion


The program cmshe.r JJ!henez,er I clo.1e it; it .. special effect technique used to show


must be bt�egy. ...

a bullet in flight. The action is slowed
. down to show the bullet as it passes


. through the air. The bullet emits

build on sand .

. tracer rings to show its path. This

To provide with an unstable

technique was pioneered and made


foundation. ..
.. popular in the science-fiction film

Hewing onb' bought high-risk stocks, I . The iVIatrix. This technique has since
had an itmeslmenl portfolio tbttt Jl'as built ... been used in many movies and video
. •

on sancl . games, including Max Payne, Metal


Gear Solid 2, and Charlie�r Angels.


.. Bullet time kit·ks ass!

'". . .
bum ·

(usually in a group) with the reckless

To get something from someone else ·

abandon and fervor of one who has

for free. Also used to mean "borrow," . nothing to lose.
but with the understanding that . The children bum-ru.rhed the home-baked
repayment might not happen. .
cookies when Mom brot�ght them out.
}fry, can I bum a smoke qffyou? .

.. bung up
bumper check To mess up while doing something.
When a lowrider hops so high the .. Can also mean to have an accident.
bumper hits the pavement.
Tommy tried tofix his car, but hejust
I impressed a carfull of hotties I?J bu?tper . lmnged it up!
check ni g back at that last stoplight.
bumpin, . Nonsense, utter rubbish, bullshit .
Music when played at a high volume.
Video games cause tJiolence? That�r all
Yo, dude, that neu' stereo {)'Stem rf_your.r . btmk.
is bump in'! ..
bunny hop
bumpin, out the frame To pull your bike into the air so that
Something really phat, like a car neither wheel is touching the
with a system so loud that the car is ground. Used during mountain
bumping out of its frame. biking to avoid obstacles in the trail
and similarly (with care) by road
Yo, that new Common song is so bot, it's .
bumpin' out the frame.
I 1va.r right behind Je.rse when be bunn]­
bopped a .rnak.e. Utifotttmate!y.for the
.rnake I didn't have enough time to avoid it.
Speakers, subs, woofers. .
�ley, you glf_ys! Check out mah butrps. .
. A more politically correct word used
bum-rush . in place of "ass." Mandated by Mr .
Attacking someone or something Garrison in the South Park movie.

Ifyou mess 1vith that bounce"' I reckon .

... behind the gym during r

)'Otl'llgetyoHr bum; kicked. ..



Kobe Bryant has .rigned a $50 million burn out



deal 1vitb the Lo.r Angeles Lake!J �l tbe .. 1. To smoke marijuana or any other

National Basketball Bunsociation. drug used with tire; to get high.




What the hell?! That hum-holeju.rt cut . Stoner 1: Ata

f n, gonna burn out

are 111e



me .

Stoner 2: I don't knou;, it isn't 420.
. .




2. To leave or go to another place .
To disrespect or diss someone; to .

make fun of someone. Used a lot in .

.. /ley, dmvg, let's burn oM.
the ever-popular TV show That '70.r .

Show. 3. To disappear from common




knowledge very quickly.


Gabe: ]-ley, Tom, I heardyour girlfriend



tow.r a trailer. . It's better to burn out than it tofade



To11:: What?.' .
. mvqy.

Eric: Oh, damn, T/ You got burned! .




burning daylight


burn book

\Vasting time. Literally, losing

A book full of mean information ..

valuable daylight hours (of which


on people. lf found, can get its .. there never seem to be enough).


owner(s) in trouble-like in the .

.. Cmon.' Get tbe lead out/ 11Wr·e bu rnin g
movie Mean Girls. .
.. dqylight here/
Gir/ 1: !-ley! Did_you .ree that gt!} I got ...


with last 11.ight? l-Ie UJa.r .rooofine! .

.. burnout
Girl 2: No J.JJay! 1Je 1va.r in someone's burn .
.. 1. Smoking the tires of one's car;
book and it said hi.r equipment JJJaJ tiny.' ...
... either to heat up the tires for added


stickiness or to impress the MILFs


burn one down


at the DQ in your swanky suburb.




To smoke a joim. .

I did .ruL-h a .rmo�y burnout in the

Joey, BobiJ
? , and little Timmy Sttl out the .. Calaxie, I complele!y lo.rt sight of that

kickba/t game ,md burned one down
. ricer sitting behit!(/ me!

(:,0 ,:>
2. A slmv, often apathetic and laz y ; business class
person. The guy you used to see .
Describes a person, especially
stoned and tripping in high school .. female, who dates people for their
every day, and 10 y ears later he's .. money, is stuck up and expensive to

his par en ts basement
si t ting in ' date, can't t1y coach, and is high
playing Final fantasy every day. mamtenance.
burn out./riend· "D11de, !'til too . .5/qy mvqyfmm ht:t; J!Je'.r /11-tsines.r drm.
.rtoned to J110rk. A1om, amyou make me
a sandu•ich?" .
business end
.. The section of a tool/ device
bus driver .
. lUrecdy responsible for producing
Figuratively, anyone who " you .
the desired effect of that
to school" by teaching you a lesson tool/device. Gcnerallv used in the

or showing you the proper way to context of a threat.

do something.
.. }· otJ don't J1JU171tn be 011 the e11d of
.Ajter I made .retJen tonsetl.ttil'e lbt·ee­ !JI)'
- }!.,a/,
-· SOil

pointer.r cmd dunk.r in h 32 time.1

.!/e� "Call me the bu.r driJ;eJ; bmuw: .
. business provocative
Ijust took.yo' m.r to .rchoo!!" ..
Attire intended ro provoke sexual
. arousal o.r attention in the workplace.

. Sara:f t't(f/lf skirt is rather business


.A statement made by George \X�

. prot ocatil e.
; '

Bush that makes little or no sense .

and/or violates basic rules of gram­ .

mar. bust a
C sed to direct an action that is
''For C?lezy.fatal.rhooting, there 1J.If!t'l!
. implied by the accompanying word .
m1{1f/J!Y th ree nonfatal .rhootings. And, .

Followed b,· a noun or a handful of
folks, thi.r i.r tmacceptable in Amerim.. It's

workable verbs. Sometimes im plies

jf.lst unacceptable. And we're ,going to do ..
. the need for haste; however, this is
.romething about it."
not alw ays true, as it can be us ed
; e r�: Bu.rh in a Mc�r 200 1
-Ge' o1g
. simply to com ple te a slang phrase .
.rpeech announci.n,g the "Operation ..

Sttje JVeighborhoodr'' plan . Bus/ a rig!Jt here on Nint/.J Street.


Bust a t!lotJe on the danafloor. That httsla is 35_year.r nld and stili lit,ing

u-ith his mothn:


811st a .feel. 011 that hottie. .

2. Poseur, wannabe; one who fronts.

bust a cap '

-wbatta bt�.rta!
Bitch f�)' to perpel rat ee-
To shoot a gun. .
Shut up /?�fore I bu.rt a mp in)'Otlr a.r.r! .
1. Unattractive.

bust ass .
]Jvould nwer date him; he wa.r Jtmif!,bt
1. To fart. .

. h11sted.

Ijust busted ass and it smells real bacl. '

2. Lame.


2. If used with a possessive: to work

}o) that party /1!aJ /msted, so U'f hotmced.


You better be busting_your ass if_you want 3. Boring.

to finish thejob on sthed;de.
Tbat tt/Ol'ie 111as so bHsted Ifell asleep .

bust out '

butt billboard
1. To do something extraordinarily .
Blatant advertising on the rump of
sick, cool, or excellent. .

That dude rea!!J busts out on his

skateboard. .
. Sh1! Jl'as standi11g there in the mall, in
; plain vim,, weari n,_� a lmtt billboard that
2. To pull something out, such as a .

.J {(\T t)

saw ; ia.f(Y·

verbal call or a physical action. .


He's 1msting J1J!eet no/lieflifH .

. butt dial
dqys. .

To accidentall\' call someone when

your phone is in your pocket.


busta ..

She beard me call her a bitch 'caJIJe 'I!Y

1. Someone with the abilitv but not .

phone butt dialed her.


the desire to work; someone who .


depends on others to get by. .


butt hurt .. completely change its outcome.



Easily offended, taking something .


f A man trat;e/ed back in time and stepped


too personally. .

.. 011 a bug. Thanks t o the butteif!y efftct,



Jen'!Y tne.r to hide her loJt' se!iesteem �)' .. the Jvorld 21/as entit-ebf diferen t JJJhen

bein..P, coc/9� but when Joe tells her she's ... he got back.
ugjy, Jemry gets butt hmi. .




. The international phrase for a large



Person with refined skills at a amount of anything being


particular task, like playing basket- . described.


ball. Goes with the phrase "I'm on a


��' boss dttmped a buttload qf JVOJk


roll!" ..

meaning doing something so

... on my deskfor me tofinish. Ater that

well that there is no stopping you. .

. I quit.

Later taken to the next level by


saying "I must be butter, 'cause I'm ..

button man

on a roll!" because butter is what .



most people put on rolls. FinaJly .. A low-ranking member of an

shortened to "butter.'' .
. organized crime syndicate.

Ajter draining afourth straight three- .

The don 's terrif07J' is patrolled by
p ointer heyelled, "! tJJtt.rt he butte0 'cause


hu11dredr of armed button men.

I'm on a rolf!" Then some other gz!Y ..

replied, "Um, uh ....Jeah) whatever.'·'



. buzz

. 1. Anything that creates excitement



butterface .
.. or stimulus.

Someone with a hell of a nice bodv ..


. .Joootin,gpeople in vice C'iry is "D'

but an ugly face. ... late.rt buzt:

Jbe looked real good from far a211ay . . .


but up close I realized she 1va.r a hutterface. ... 2. The feeling experienced by some-
. one in a stimulated state.
butterfly effect .. That's nothing compared to the huzz Iget


Theory that everything matters, .. from speed.



so if you change even the ...

smallest of life's details, you ... 3. Gossip.


·----- •

So whals the butx about Michael : buzzworthy

Jackson's new balry? : \Xlorthy of attention. Should be able
to be heard or known by everyone.

buzzkill .

That's a great song--totalb' buzi.!vortf?y.

Something that spoils or ruins an

otherwise enjoyable event, especially


when in relation to ruining a drunk­ .

Acronym for "bring your own
en or drug-induced high.
beer," indicating a party where
We U'ere having a great time at the party alcohol is not provided by the host.
tmtilJim puked all over the.floor. That

W'anna come over Saturdqy? We're having

was a major buz�i/1.
a BYOB party.

____________, ___, ...
..__ .

oo o ' o o o o ' o ' o ' o ' I ' ' o ' o ' ' o ' • ' • • • • ' o I o ' ' o o o ' o 0 0 0 00 0 , 0 , , , 0 , 0 O 0 0 o 0 0 o , o o I o 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • •• • ' • • • • • • • • • • • •

cabin fever 2. Nfonev.

. -

A type of hysteria brought on by ...

.. That kid is gettin' his cakefor 1vorkin'
spending too much time indoors.

aff those hour.r.

Directly descended from long-haul

journeys where you are stuck in

... 3. To throw game to a girl, or try

cramped conditions for too damn

to b
aet a number.
long. ...
.. Look at]erry ft]ing to cake Lisa, and he
I'm getting cabinfever-timt: to get a life· ...
.. still ain't gettin' the number.


cadbury ..
.. cakin'
Any individual who cannot hold ..
. Well off; living the good life .
their liquor (i.e., gets drunk on a .
.. Describes a person who has a good
glass and a half).

.. job, a flashy car, and attractive pea-
l'o11 stupid cadbut:y! A glasJ and a half ... ple flocking to them in admiration
and_youpassed out! . of the way in which they cake. If
vou are an intern working for

... -

.. peanuts and/or bubble gum, you


cake ...
.. are most definitely not cakin'. Also
1. Easy. ...
.... Cakin' McBakin'.
This i.r cake,_yo. ...
. Taptick: !'m an intern.
---- --

Bill Gates: fm Bill Gates. I oum)'OU. jason: Dude, I heard she's a native
Taprick Wmv. You're cakin like Cakin'
. Californian-a Cal&,irl.
McBakin '. :
Bill Cates: Than� I do have the bestjob ..
call hell
in the i and ttl)' succ ess qffords me
JJ!ord, .
.. The time from when someone was
everything I want.
supposed to call until the point you:
.. 1. get over it and realize you've been

California stop .. blown off, or 2. actually get the

The act of slowing down but not phone call.
fully stopping while driving. Applies .
I'm in call hell. 1]'/er said he 'd calf
mostly to right-hand turns at stop
. Mondt!J and it's nou.1 Wednesda_y.
. .
stgns. .

Sarah got a ticket.for making a California .

.. call it
stop when turning right at the inter.rection. .
.. 1. To call it a day, or end the current
. task.
Californication .. R&,ht, I'm going to call it. That's enou._R,h
T:1e spread and influence of .
. for me.
Western culture, especially that of
California, across the world. The ..
2. Medical staff term to state that an
combination of the words ..
.. individual has passed away.
"California" and "fornication" hints ..
at the sleaziness of the process. ..
I'm callin' i� it's 1900. Let's get the stiff
. ID'd and tagged.
Californication is the mm1ber-one reason
for the t"orruption ofEastem religion. ..
.. call me sometime
.. A term that young Americans use as
.. a goodbye phrase that the speaker
Of or pertaining to a girl who lives ..
.. doesn't mean and the listener never
in California. Generally tan, pretty, .
intends to do.
and a surfer, but sometimes just a .
beach bunny. Generally considered Ex-gir!friend· It U-'aS great seeing_you.
the prettiest girls in the U.S. . Hf!Y, call me someti!lel !
Ex-bqyfriend· 'leah, sure. You too.
lVeil Whoa, check her ot4t. Tan, bot . . .
an� dude, she surfs. ..

.-.. . ...


call someone who cares site is up I think I'll become a camgirL F/1

Polite version of "call someone who


be rakin' in the loot.

gives a shit." .


Teacher: Your homework is late again, .


Most often used to describe



Doug: Call someone 1vho cares. .

effeminately gay men, but one can


. be camp without being gay.


Examples: Elton John and Jack

call waiting face-off .

from the TV show Will & Grace.


When you are on the phone with a


friend and another friend calls you. .

He�r catnpier than a rou' qf tents, and
Your two friends enter a call waiting Cher si his camp icon.
face-off. You must choose which .
friend is more important. .

I can't believe I lost a callwaitingface-ojf Overacted or exaggerated (usually
1J!ith my girlfriend's sister. . on purpose); kitschy.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is

camel toe .
so camPJ� and it has a big cultjol/01ving.
Crotch cleavage (especially on a
woman) that is visible through tight
1. To give up on or desist from an
Did_you see that girl in spandex? She had acttvity.
serious camel toe going on.
Can the tickling, kidr, b�fore someone
starts to cry.


camgirl '

A girl with an online journal and 2. To fire (an employee).


website (usually badly designed) who


I thought the boss UJas going to gitJe me a



broadcasts her image over d1e Internet

' raise, lmt instead I got canned
in exchange for wishlist items from

strange, anonymous men. Usually


3. Buttocks; keister; butt; rump;


shows less skin than a camwhore and


• gluteus maximus.
is almost always underage.



She had a can on her /ik.e the queen rif

Ijmt bought a JJJebcam, and once nry 111eb- '

4. Jail; rhe slammer; hoosegow; Dt!.yam! 7bat biotch si 11a rtp
. dawg.

calaboose; graybar motel; the jug. Canceled!

I got oulta tbe etm last Jl!et!k and)'f..fterdc(-y

Igot lmsf(<d ap,ain. candy
1. Euphemism for sex.

5. Barhroon1.
I-i�y. JJJant some candy?
I'll be right back. I need to go to thf can. I

. -

2. Something (usually flashy, like a

6. Complete and on reserve, as of lure) used to get sex.

a film.
e_ want some canqy?
The nenvork hasftt.•e episodes itt the t·an,
so JPe11 still be able to see the shoJlJfor a 3. Drugs, particularly cocaine, crack,

wbiie even though it bas been canceled. or ecstasv. •

H�y, want J·omc cancjy?

can of whoopass
Figure of speech meaning "act of
candy shop
violence," generally employed as
"open up a can of whoopass," mean­
ing to cause large amounts of pain.

{l I don'tget ti!J JJltf

! , I'm goilzg to open
up a ran qf niJoopas.r.
Damn! So ma"!)' hot girlr up in tbe clttb.
Thisplace s
i a canqy shop tonight.

can of worms
A tricky situation that requires much
effort to resolve.
1\ pair of legs that have no defined

11-{y gir!frimd caught me kissin,g another end of the calf area as well as no

JJ!omcm, so I think I opened ttp a can ql defined beginning of the ankle area.

JJJOrJJtJ 011 that Otlf. Does not only refer to fatty legs, but
simply all shapeless legs.

canceled Pere
f ttface, per:J(?ct boqy, smart andfum!Y
One who is too ugly to even date;
c. -
... but, damn ... I t-an't handle them
usuaHy refers to a woman. cankles.
• -, "t
' '

cans Captain Obvious

Headphones. A very slow-witted individual,
usually one who states the most
I recmt!y bought ct set of Kou tczn� and

obvious thing.
lh�· are more than adequate.

can't be arsed
To be seriousl v
disinclined to get off one's arse, car hole
unwilling ro do something. Garage, parking space, or other place
to deposit one's car. Often used by
1just can't be ar:red I'm too tired and
Homer on the TV show The Jimpsons.
there�r notbi;�� i11 itfor me.
I'I'll ,going to .�o pt.Zrk in the car !Jole.

1. The tip of any bullet. The tip card
of a bullet is just a «cap" put over To check people's IDs as they enter
the shell. The term can also be used a restricted (usually overage) area,
for a shotgun cartridge, but the like in a club or casino.
buckshot in a shotgun shell does
1 can't believe that security guard carded
not technically cap over the car­
me rl/lmz fu,tzs coming in!
tridge like a bullet does to its shell.

I'm gonna bust a cap in_your t�ss!

The proper technique for snow­
2. To shoot a person with a
boarding. Involves descending in a
relatively straight path by transition-
If I e11er become a pt'rsonal-i1!}ury lat�)•er, ing fwm toeside to heelsidc in a
then cap me in t!Je bead. guick and fluid manner.

Yeflingjrom the chairlift Look at

3. T o make fun of someone, such as
SnoJJjlake; thatJool �'em 't can;e to saJJe h1:r
by cracking jokes about them.
lff e. All be ccm do is thejalli11g le�f!
Stop mppin' on me! Y'all areforeva
lllakin'fun of me.
1. To check out in advance. UsuaUy
used in reference to a place you plan .

... Usualfy I don't care about these things,


to burglarize or commit an act of ... but casual .rex was 2vay underdressed at
mischief at. ..
the. rmp,tion on Friday


Lelr go case tbe so we knoll' the

easie.rt and quietest 11Jtl)' to break in. . .

casual undertime


Getting paid for forty hours for the



2. 24-pack of beer. week when vou have worked fewer


than fortv hours for the week. It is




Can_yo11 pick up a case on the JJ'C!_)' back?


. best when casual undertime is

.. .

.. .

achieved by legitimate means, such




as leaving early for the 4th of July


Quite intoxicated by drugs or . holiday with your boss's permission.



I u;ork tcWJal tmdertm i e during the IJ.!ork-



I Jvas so msed last nigbt I wuld11't drive . J.veek bifore a three-dq_y weekend; I usuai!J
home. .. can leatlejour hours earfy Of/ rridfi:Y and

still be paidfor them.



cash cow ...

Something whose sole purpose is •


to bring in money, and usually loads . A person, usually male and generally
of it. .. thought to be cool.



1 hatJen't sm1 him in a JVhile. That eat's


The speed traps set up �)' the cops arejust


another cash cow to jill city hall's coffers. . gettit�gfat .




cash in hand . catch feelings

Undeclared income that is not taxed ..
To fall in love with someone at

or put through a bank. . an inappropriate time or mistake



a repeated hookup for a serious


The JPhite-tla1l man only takes cash in ..

. relationship.

hand. •



. I broke it ojfJi/hen .rbe caughtfeelings and


ct.rked ttli' to Jtop booking up ll'ith her
casual sex .

i ds .

. .frm
Sex that wears trousers and a nice­


looking polo shirt to work and parties. .


catch hell She UJOuld snap berjinj!,ers and I J1'0Nid


To get caught and get in trouble for . jump--danm, J·he got me c'tll�gh t up .

doing something wrong. .

_Nf>, bqy s
i ,l{Onncl t-akb beffllOJJJ he dom1 '-i!,OI . cell phone culture
cau,ght JPith some X 0
Term used to describe the neurotic
0 tlx ation with the cell phone in many
countries. lt describes being uncon­
catch the vapors 0

scio attached to you r cell

To get smoked or s chooled by

phone-for example, habitually


playing with it or holding it .


You gonna be catching the vapors in)'OUr .

The U�tited 5ttTtes is pla,gued I!J' ceffpbone

rci ed-out piece qf Jhit JJ!hile I smoke_you in

cttlltm! and latte t·u/bm�. !'JJJ 111ovin�� to a

my iV!azda RX-7. .

tbird-world fOU!Ifly.

catch you on the flip side .

century club
See vou la ter. Talk to vou soo n . .

A leg e nd a ry club you become a

0 0 .

I'll catchyou on the_flip sde

i . m ember of by drin ki ng 100 beer

shots in 100 minute s This club


doesn't have meetings or anything,

catch-22 .

you just use it to impress frat


A paradoxical, nearly impossible-to­


buddies, hoes, or practically anyone

solve p roblem in which a require ­

who admires feats of great alcohol

ment cannot be met until a p rereq­

uisite is met; however the prerequi ­

Ifyo11 can tjoin the centmy club fll'ice in


site cannot be obtained until the '

original re quirement is met. 0

om 1tigbt,)'ot/re a pathetit l�g/)fJveight.

So I need a kry to opm thi.r door, bttt t!Je


kry is behind that same door? Damn, this 0


is one big catch-22. 1. Outdated dance where each person


lines up back to front and moves
around pe1iodically yelling "cha-cha­
caught up

cha at designated intervals� some-


Getting so involved with


a person
how still. u sed at mediocre dances

that one becomes oblivious to the


reality of the situation. I l011e the t:ha-cha.


2. Vagina. .

. Aunry Beef Just 1vent and readfour chap-
. ters if Pride and Prejuclice, pretry good
I love the cha-cha. .
stuff. Was $2 short if bt!)'ing it. Will go


back tomorrouJ. Ma.J'be I shouldjust sit in


the bookshop and read aje1v chapters eat·h
lunchtime and sm1e myself $9.90.

Little flap of paper created when you


punch out your selection on a voting

. Toof You are a dir(J ' chapter stealer.

ballot. Made famous by the state of .


Florida in the 2000 U.S. presidential

charge it to the game

election. If you don't punch it out ..
Something caused by fate that can't

properly it becomes pregnant, hang-


be altered. Similar to a party foul.
ing, or dimpled, or even aU three!

. Ij'ailed that test today. Oh Jve/4 charge it


Those damn chads delayed the election

. .

to the game.
forer;er! .



chalk it up

. Something you drink right after
To attribute, credit, or sum up .

. taking a shot or swig of hard

. alcohol. Usually juice, pop, or beer.



All thepeople with diarrhea chalked it up .

Yo11 gotta use a cham· 1vhen drinkin'


to eating at Taco BelL


.. Everclear!





Come on. After the sound Michael .

. Chewing tobacco. Copenhagen,



Jackson makes when he says "come


. .

. Grizzly, Skoal, Redman.
on." Also said by J\.fichael Jackass on .

. .

the British TV show Bo'Sefecta! I need some chaJJ'for thejam Cotta hatJe

. .

. a Iipper in.
We're going to be late for the BBQ! .


Cha 'mon! ..

.. check 'em

1. A casual term for goodbye to
chapter stealer

Someone who reads a book/


magazine at the bookstore but does . Jorge: Seeya later, Redmundo.



not buy the book. . Redmundo: Chetk 'emf


I .


2. A rude term for goodbye when

: I'mpiled h(�h in the chedda.
used in certain contexts. .

Teacher: rPe/1, children, it:r the last dt1J' qf .

scbool. ... .
An interjection used throughout the
Kid· Check 'em,_)'OU cms!)' old hag! .
day by people in the U.K. to raise
their glasses and confirm mutual
preference for the pub. Has come to
check minus .

mean many things: "okay," "cool,"
Mark you get when your effort isn't
"thanks," "goodbye," etc. Also used
quite good enough.
throughout the day by Americans
Cartman recei1led a check minus 011 his .
and Anglo-Canadians to indicate
mathpaper. they've been to England or wish

they could go there.

check out . !Viles: Cheer.r mate, h01v areyou?

Eyeing another's body, especially the .
jimt'!)': Cheers, brilliant, thank.s a lot.
chest, crotch, and butt regions.
.t�iles: Cheer.r then, speak tomorrow.
Usually done discreetly and often

with sexual interest. .

. cheese

The gU)' at the park checked out the bot .

. Money. In the welfare program,
girl a.r she )}}a/ked b)' · .
people got free money and
. government cheese.

checking the meter .

I lost nryjob.I need tofind sonmvhere
Euphemism used to temporarily new to get my
_ chees.
excuse oneself from a social
gathering-presumably to see
how much time is left on the .

Someone who says things or
(nonexistent) parking meter­ .
behaves in a silly, goofy, or corny
in order to do drugs.
way repeatedly.

l'/1 b e right hack; I gotta check the meter. .

Llrfelvin is acting like a total cheeseba/1.

chedda .
Short for "cheddar." Cash money,
. Wallin' around with a huge smile on
scrilla. .


your face-like when someone is :. chick
taking a picture and they tell you to 1. A girl. The term is not necessarily

"Say cheese!" .

derogatory, but many women find it

offensive because of its flippant

J ' he:r so

That d�tde's cheesin'! !¥'Onder .

happy. .

Those chicks 1vant me.

cherry •

. 2. The female sex as a whole.

1. Red-hot ash at the end of a

e1garette. ChickJ are COI!fusing. I don't get them!

&ock the chen]' o/J that cig b�foreyou .
chick flick

thr01v it in the brush. .

.. A movie characteristically geared

2. Wben the bowl of marijuana . toward women. Must include: love
stays lit. scenes, kissing, something sad, a
happy ending, Flipper.

Its cherry,just hit it andpass. •

. Laura: !-ley, wanna wcdth Bridget
3. When something is nice, looks new. .
Jones's Diary 2Z'ith me?
Danny: That chickflick?.' iVo 11'CD'·

That car's �-hen]. .


1. A dangerous game in which two cars

To annoy or bother someone all

drive directlv at each other and the Erst
the time.
. '


to swerve out of the way is the "chick-

I don't knou/ if I like this brother no .
en." Also when two cars are driving
.. toward a cliff or ledge and the first one
more 'cause he be che1J!ing on me about .
that mo1tey I ou'e him. to jump out of the car is the chicken .

Let:f pfq;, cbickm.

chew your food .
Slow down. •

2. An attractive woman with thighs


and breasts Qike a real chicken).


He 111as talking shit and goin' qf/ and no

one could understand him, so 1 told him . That thicken wa.r workin' her ass i11 tbe

"Yo! Cheu;_)'ourfood." dub last nigbt


chicken scratch · 2. To relax.
Incredibly messy handwriting that is
Ytm need to chill h�fore]OU pop a t'ein or
nearly impossible to read. Usually
the only person who can read i t is
the person who wrote it, and some­ .

3. To stop doing something.

times not even they can read it. It
looks like the footprints and {[_you don't chiii1Pith that annqyin.g shit
scratches chickens leave in the dirt. I'll beatyour ass doum.

Dude, 11-'hat the hell d

id)'Oil write here?! I

4. Cool, great. An adjective used to

can't read this damn chicken scratch! .

show approval.

That kid is mad chill.

1. To smoke weed, as in passing the .

peace pipe around, Native American


chill pill
style. .
What vou need to take to relax or

calm down .

rlleston Park is the place to go hang out .

and chief sometimes. lPhoa, it'sjttst a game. Don't get so

. 11pset-take a t'hill pill.
2. Word used to acknowledge .

someone's presence.
S'up, chief? Heard_you threu' up .

To relax and chill out at the same

etJer:yJPhere at the party last night. time. Having' a pimpin' day. Also

"chillaxin' ."
3. A name you call someone if you .

. Dude, )11st chi/lax. Just because it's

forget their real name.
notyour birthday doesn't mean that
Yo, chief; thi�fitJ• chief, chiefy nuts, you won't hat'e fim in the monkey
chie.ftnator. . jamboree. I'm out like a decent

!Jttrricane. Schlater.

chill .

1. To hang out. . chill in da cut

To stay at home.
I'm)11st gonna chill with tn_yfriend.r at the .

mall today. .
iltfike: Yo, cu!{, Jl'hatyou doin' tonight?
I think I'm goin' to be cbitlin' in ..
Tony: . ting in his carpeople come after him
da cut, dawg! .. 1vith hoses andfire extinguishers. He's
. •
a disgusting chimney.

chi11in' like a villain .

1. To relax in such an overtly .

chin up
leisurelv manner that one mimics .. Originated from the motion of slid-

the actions of a criminal who is so ..
. ing the back of your hand up your
removed from society because of .
. throat and doing a nice little flick at

his clandestine deeds that he has no

the end of the whole motion.
choice but to surrender and retreat ..
Basically means «screw you."
into a state of absolute serenity. ..
il1an: Hq, baby, wanna come ovet· 111)'
I'm so chil!in' like a villain; l'mjust i/Jin'. ..
house and bang?
.. Woman: Chin up!
2. To rest like one has no care in .
. .
the world. ..
. chin-check
I'm chi/lin' like a villain that has no Specifically, to punch someone


chi!':n (children). . in the chin, but can also refer to

. violence in general.

3. To unwind and relax as though a .

Show rep
s ect or get chin-checked!
major burden has been lifted. .
!justfinished JJJ)' term paper and no1v I'm ..

. chintzy
chi/lin' like a tnllain. ..
1. Cheap.
.. Don't be chintrJ�-Pc:YfoJ�)'Otlr OJVtJ beer!
chime in ..
To arrive. To rock up to meet your ..
.. 2. Low quality.
friends, like at a club or whatevah.
This is a thinf':ry bike. lt�r alreatfy falling
I'll t·hime in at 10. }!lake sure)'Otl're there. ..
.. apart!
chimney ..
Someone who smokes like a fiend, ..
.. 1. To emit a short squeal from
generally cigarettes or weed. .
the tires when launching a car or

Matt smokes so much that J1'hen he's sit- .

. changing gears.
- r.;t
•. •

u a�r
t i OO�o . •U o

}o, bro, 1)t1sl chirped tbitd gear in "!)' .
. choice
CitJiC. Excellent or of the best quality.

Dttde, _your ne1v .rneaket:r are choice!
2. To call somebody on the phone, .

usually when you want a booty call

or just to chill with them. . choose your own

Yo, l'm 'botd to chi1p I"IJ)' slideqff, soH. F/1


. A response to a question when you

hoi/a atyott.
. don't reaUv want to be the one to
. '

. make the decision. Named after the

3. To puke, vomit, throw up. .
series of books where vou literally
' '

J1fet r a lo1�� night qf drit�.king l,gotta chitp . · ch oose vour own advennue.

so 1 don'tfeel all bJm.f!, O?Jer the next dqx

Pn:f01! 1: Jbou/.d 111e go to the mall and
bt!Y S75 JIJJl!Cltet:r1 or help the homele.r.r?
Chi-town Person 2: 1 don't knOJJJ. Chooseyo1tr own
Nickname for Chicago. Used m ostly . adt1entm-e..
bv South Side resjdents and famous
people from the city, giving props to .

d1eir hometown.
1. The art of trying to get someone
Dautg, 1 JJJmt to C!Ji-toum ctnd rode the to go OLtt with you or give you their
!;! into the. iVmth Jide.. . digits.

lvfan, thz:r kid was Jitl!y trying to chop me
chixploitation . ight aiJ(1!10J11 111e're dea/;ng.
la.Jt n
The exploitation of beautiful .

women (chix), commonly used as .

2. A r ep etitive sound/word in a rap

a selling point of othe.J:"Vvise awful song, common among Southern rap.

movies, such as Charlie:r Angel.r 2: Often added with "screw," it makes

Full 'lbrottle. Similar to bla xplo i ta ­ for a unic1ue variety of music.
tion, the exploitation of black . Yo, D) iVl.ithael [(/(,tts thopped that
people in films like 8/acultl. .
. beat up!
Sure, the chi:x.ploitation.fl.ick didn't have a
plot, hut that t�pskilt shot of Cameron . 3. In the wor ld of hip-hop, to lose
Diaz en.rureJ tha t tJideo .rales u;ifl be excel­ embarrassingly in a battle situation.
Dat1tt1) homie, did_yott see AfCLgnillfjiamt . rest of the world, reclaiming the
get d;opped i11 thall�fC battle a__gainJI parts, even if you can prove rhey are
Jicktastic? vours, is verv difficult.
' .

lli.r tom;ertible Bili!lf7 325 zws stolen i11

the (!ar(y bom-s of' the moming a11d si

chop and screw

\X1hen a song is screwed, that means . jJrobab!J• ifl a cbop .rhop I?Y nom
it's slowed down a bit. "Chopping" .
is when vou have the record on one

turntable and the same record on
A Thompson submachine gun.
another turntable but delayed one
beat, then you cross-fade between !land me tbat chopper. Pm goilz� to shoot
the two for a beat to double up a attyone who gets in the wa_)'.
half-second part. Usually you
"chop" on the fourth beat to
. chops
double up the first beat of the next
. 1. Long sideburns reaching down to
measure. DJs often use the
the jawline.
"fl anger» 1CCt
c fC on one ot• the .

records to make the "chops" swoop. . .[/I were realb· tool, I'd ha?Je me some
witked bus�)! thops.
DJ Screw or�� inated /be. chopped cmd
.flTCUJet/ .r(y/e.
2. A trumpet player's embouchure.

_4/ 1/irt has industrial-strength t·hops.

chop shop .
A garage that specializes in buying
. 3. Technical ability on the guitar.
hot (recently stolen) cars and
disassembling them to sell the parts joh11 Petnmi ha.r mttcb better tbop s them

individuallv, where thev are virtually-

• J •
Paul Gilbert, dum/Jan.
untraceable. Many parts will find .
themselves in west Africa, where
thev are then sold across the
1. Food.

Internet with the claim that thev

were taken from wrecks. Since the Got t7t{Y d10w? 1lty stomad1 si dgi eJtirz� itse(l
laws regarding reporting wrecks in
this part of the world are somewhat 2. 1\ny one of the three meals a day,
obscure, and uncooperative with the or anv snack in between meals.

------- ------ ·------�

, . , ' . , ,, . , �. ,. .

Often used as a means of telling

: Keep chattiri' at me and I'll place my
time (relative to one of the three . t-hrome toyour dome and nickyour
meals a day). . mobile phone!
Private: If�)� Sar;ge, what time s
i it? .
Sergeant It's about a ha!lhour till dinner . chron
chouJ. .
Short for "chronic."
1. Something severe or extreme.
3. The third most important thing Either severely cool or severelv bad.
• •

to a grunt. .
That was a cbron 360flip_youjust did.
After the good private cleaned his 111eapon
and t-hanged his socks, he scored some chOJv. . 2. High-quality weed. See "chronic"

. for further detail .


4. Acronym for "cheaper hash or .

l'r1e been smoking chron pretry "chron"
weed." Mainly refers to a lesser .
. lately .
grade of high-quality marijuana .
but is sometimes confused with
3. Someone who smokes a lot of
commercial or (even worse) dirt .

weed, or the process of smoking

weed or swag hash. .
Man.. this chmt' could be the bomb if .
Keen to gofor a chron?
Dr. G'reenthumb knew how to grmv it .

pmper!J, bu t i/s still a good high.
. chronic
Good weed, grown under good
Christmas-casual .
conditions to produce a lot of
A formal yet comfortable style of
. THC. Often covered with a distinc-
dress, as for a Christmas party or when .

. tive layer of THC crystals. Decent

you're going to meet the parents. .
. chronic will smell good, but high­
Attirefor the reunion is Chri.rtmas-casua� . end chronic will smell much
so a nice sweater and dresspants would be stronger to the point that it begins
suitable. . to smeU like dookie. Good chron
may also be recognized by red hairs,
. but don't be deceived because some
weed will have red hairs and barely
A handgun.

even be dank (a step below chronic)

while some may have no red hairs That hose is bttsted u;e sbou/djust

but blaze you out of your mind.

- '
chunk it.

I was about to .park a bowl �l sot11e Whenyou're done unth tbe twine, chunk

dookie-smelling chronic� right, and as soon .

it over here.
as that lightergot close I could .ree some

mad crystals shinn i g back at me. I wa_r

chunk the deuce
feeling that shit the second I inhaled .

: 1. To literally throw up the peace

sign, meaning "later."
chuck .
He chunked the deuce to hsi bf!J'S (IS he
1. To contribute, as in money for a
- leji the house.
group ttem.

Keen to dJUck some cashfor this kilo of .

2. Spoken term used to mean
weed? .
"leave" or say "I'm outtie." Also
"throw the deuce," or "deuces."

2. To dispose of something .

. I had to dJUnk the deuce earfy to that

unwanted. .

lame-ass party /a.rt 11ight.

I don't need this at!ymore. I'm gonna

chuck it.
church key
Instrument used to open beer cans.
chunder .
Conrad Birdie: }ou got a church k�,
Vomit; gencraJly chunky in nature.
f-Ie hurled n
i my car and !lOW there�r a Mr. M0/ee: IPe've got a church, but it:r
lake of chtmder ni the backseat. unlocked
Conrad Birdie: A cat/ opener, fll£1tl! Man,
you'rejron1 11owhere like.
chunk it
1. To vomit or "blow chunks." .

Ifyou're gonna chunk t�i please have the .

The distance it takes to walk while

common decency not to do it inside the car.
smoking one cigarette.

2. Southern speak for "chuck it," I'm not goiflg into t01vn; that:r t1vo
discard it, toss it. cigarettes mvq} afi(/I onfy have otJe

cigtlrette l�ft-
-- --
---- ..

cigaweed : clap back

i\ joint. i\ rolled marijuana cigarette. .
To return fire.

Pa.r.r me the dgawe.ed and let's hatJe toke) '

fl .romeone shoots atyott, __you dap bade

ii at thf(J,

circle the drain . classic

To gradually die (literally or .. A term used to note that something
figuratively). . was pure, genuine, and worth
remembering. Something that will
When Dan .rtarted telli1�g the girl at tllfJ .
. never sJjp your mind due to its pure
bar that he litJed in tt barn JJJtth three
. humor.
.rheep) IJ1JO horses) ttnd hir parent.� ht:r
t'hatm!.r q/ beating it up thctt �tight .rtarted .foe let out a 23-sewnd}art: It wa.r dauid
cirding tbe drain.

' clean out one's closet

clam .
. To put an end to the old way of
1. Mouth. . living and start a new life void of all
2. .A dollar. . the secrets and lies from the old life

3. Derogatory term for a . and filled with mental strength .


Sciemologist. Short for "clamhead." .

I U!?Jfiended him 011 LiveJournal and
I told her to shut her dam bercmse I dot/t removed hi.r numberfrom 111] t-ellphone.
have enottgh dams to be a dcltll. !'nt cleaning out 11�y doset.

clambake . click
The act of smoking marijuana in an . To examine, check out .
enclosed space, especially when the .
. Clitk the dubJ on that .l::-'.rta!ctde!
space is small and cramped.
All six qf us had a clttmbake and .
Jflloked thatjf1t(Y in Jt�Y bathroom with the
A sports term usually used to
door close� and J1Jhen we came otlt our qes .
describe a one-sided beating in
111ere allgla.rry and bloodshot. ..

basketball in which one player gives

. another player such a thrashing on
the court that they
look like thev are '



giving the losing opponent a 4. To regard act or object.


"clinic" in how to play basketball. .
You clock in ' that bot AMC?
Joe piCl)'ed Tom on e on one and it 1vam't
c !
pret()'- Joe gave Tom such a clinic, be didn 't .

. close it out
hear the end qf itfor 1veek.r qftem;ard .

. To shut up; to scop talking or

.. m aki ng noise.
clink .
.. You better close it out!
Jail. Also "cooler," "iron city," .
"lockdowo," "tank," ''big house."

close talker
Spending a?!J time in the dink has .

. One who leaves litde space in
to .ruck. •

face-to-face chatter.

Stqy aJJJtf>'from him. lie ,hnvs garlic and
. he's a real talker!
1. The magazine that goes in a .


close the deal

I busted dou;n the door and emptei d an


The act of meeting someone and

entire dip into thatfool He died eight

engaging in sexual intercourse
time.r bejore he hit the ground. •

within the same night.


2. To kill someone. I met ber at the par()' and before I kne1v it

. I 1vas closing the deal in the coatroom.

Jimmy got dipped 'cause he talked.
. clown
clock .
1. To laugh, make fun of, or find joy
1. A gauge, such as a speedometer.
in a person or event. .Almost always
These neJJJ 340 km/h Atl1G' docks rule! . used in a derogatory or degrading
. fashion .
2. To gauge, to estimate, to time.
Ash/ee SifJ'Ipson got doiJJned wben she
Cop clocked m e at 340 in 1J!J AMG1 . did a "live" pe-ifortllance on Saturday

Night Live mtd t
i u,a.r di.rcouered she
3. The act of hitting a person. 1vas lip-9mcbing to t1 tape.

Try to steal tl(Y .4ll1G and I'll dotkyou. .

- - ....

2. A fool or jester; someone you Jqy 1vas grinding to J·trobu n

i the man i

laugh at or "down" at. hall,- Bess was reapp6,ing the bocfy glitter

she'd rubbed off on everyone else; and Biff

fla ha, Lormzojust dropped his sack in
.. was game!J slamming Grey Goose 2vith
front of a narc. What a clmm!
DJ It 1va.r another 11ight clubbing.
clownshoe 2. When women go out tO dance in
A stupid person; a dolt. circles and men go out to hunt
The 1/J{)rld isfull qf donmshoes. Youjttst
have to deal. .. 1-!�y, let's go out dubbing tonight.

3. Something done to seals.

club pump ..
The act or result of lifting weights i g tonight.
1-Iv� let:r go out dubbn
or exercising (push-ups, pull-ups, .

etc.) right before going out to a .

bar or club with the intent of
1. Great, essential, and potent rolled
engorging your muscles with blood, .
.. into a single word. Used to describe
or producing a pump in order to . .
an actton.
temporarily make them larger to
impress the opposite sex. Pulling that move onJenna 1vas dutch.

I got my club pump on bqore I went out. .

. 2. Ability to perform under

. In the lastfew seconds of a close game,
1. Participating, in<lividually or with
. onb' a plqyer 1vith clutch can lead the team
a group, in the more active aspects of
to victOI)'·
urban nightlife. Term encompasses .

both dancing and nondancing

participation, sexualized and nonsex­
. c-note

ualizcd, and usually refers to large, .

One hundred-dollar bill. "C"
perception- or mood-altering venues. signifies the quantity of 100 in
Suggests the use of drugs or alcohol. Roman numerals, and "note"
signifies "federal reserve note."
I was mock n i g on .rome random hottie and
1vi.rhing thefdplqy at!ything Calderone; . Cot changefor a c-note?

co-chillin' : 1 fry, pass me thai toke.
When you're just chillin' and
someone 0ike a co-captain) is with
. cold I
vou. lvluch better than jus t chillin' . c . .
1. H eartless; having no emotions.

because there arc two of vou.

. He lau,ghed ctl the crippled 1!/Citl JdJofell
}tt.rl co-thillin ' JJJtb Sknila, nol,�i�.-·in' a damJl. .

donm-that'J· c·old.
coed 2. Plain, obviously, flat out,
A female college student, especially straight up.

one who is young and nubile. Root

YO, 1 Jl'czlked ttp to that gi1J and cold

of the word is "coeducational," a .

. pNtzdJed hi!JI in theface.
moniker applied to 20th-century
universities that educated both men .
and women. . cold chillin'
. Angry but still lounging, keeping it
Warm ll'l'ather at the Unit;er.rity of .
in check.
Colorado meant coedJ n;ere JJ!alki11g
arounJ in .duJI1.r and sunning the!t!JeltJeJ Bitcb got !JJe heated la.rt nigbt, but nOll'
tl string bikini.r. /'m cold chiiii1� '. . .



coffee swings cold lampin'

i\.food swings you get from drinking . Lavin' tow, chillin' in the crib no t

too much coffee. doing much of y

an thing, like the
. cool temperature of a light in a
Igot tbe tqjfee m1n s g rffier dn'nkin' tl .


. lamp that has not been used in

whole pot r!}· coffee.!
some time. Also just "lampin'."

coke .

111e do.
1. Capitalized: a short term for the

popular soft drink Coca-Cola.

. college

Hry) pr�s.r ttlf. tbat Coke.

1 . A magical place where it is

rumored that learning takes place,
2. Uncapitalized: a short term for .

although those who enter it often

the illegal drug cocaine. •

. describe i t differently afterward as a


8 '7


come at

beautiful land where beer flows in

amber currents next to a golden . To attack .


pasture, where virgins lie naked


. Y!u/t.1e been ta/kit1 ' /raJh too long, fe.l/a.

with gentle smiles upon their calm, .
Come at me!
inviting faces; but more precisely, a .
Shangri-la rite of passage into ..
aduJthood that involves rampant . come correct
consumption of alcoholic . 1 . To come out rightly. To speak or
beverages, flagrant and promiscuous approach someone with respect, and
sexual behavior, and a general and . not with undeniable ignorance .
fundamental disregard for any form ..
. Ibat bitcl1 better come �·orrect ne:x:t time
of responsibilitv bv its habitants.
' '
.. sbe J1Ja17na hang oui 1J!ith me!
2. The place where you enter .
exorbitant amounts of debt tO ..
. 2. To do something the right way
"learn" things you will never apply ..
.. the first time to avoid being bitched
to your actual occupation. Basically, ..
. by another.
an expensive four-year waiting .
period for a paper called "degree." .. 1 JJJould ttdtJsei _ you to come correct before
. ]ON start throuJiJ{g outfacts that are rea!fr
I Jvill OIJJe Wellr Far,go 11'!.)'./ir.rtborn so I .
.. jizlse
can pqy o/ JIt(}' mllege.

.. come out of the closet
combobulate .. 1. To exit a small storage space that
To organize or pull together.
. generally holds clothes and other

Opposite of discombobulate. . Jtems.

I realb' need to combobulate Jt�Y desk. Lf

2. To admit the fact that one is

i.r better 110/t' that ! am mmbobulatetl.

. sexually attracted to members o f
their own gender.
comb-over .
.. #yan t'tlme out of the closet Jwaring his
A thorough looking-over (from the .
mw/r pink dre.rsju.rt as hi.r parents

"fine-tooth comb" expression).

UJa./ked thro;�g/1 the dom: At that point be
Gi11e t
i one last comb-01;er b�jt1re_you throu1 rettlized he m�gbt a.r lnl!ju.rt t'OJl'll' rmt q/

i out. •

the do.ret;

-- -- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- -- - - - --
-- --
-- ---- -- -- --
-- ---- -- �
-- .

come out'cha pockets compunicate



To pay someone to do something .
.. To chat with someone i n the same
. . . .

(e.g., a job, favor) . .

.. room v1a an mstant mcssagmg
.. service instead of speaking to them
Gt�y 1: I-l�y, man! Can)'Ott help me lltOl!e .

. out loud, in person .

thi.r lJICCkettd? .
Gtt_y 2: Okt!Y· bttt_)'oN11 hcwe to COllie
.. Et1en though th�y are .riltitJ.R, right next to
out'cba potkets .
. each otber, Jesse tmdJustin conpu11icate

.. JJ'hm th�y heme to tell each other somethi1{f5·


come up big ..
.. computer sctence


To come through i n the clutch,


succeed, come out ahead. .. The study o f making porn more

. readily available, to make i t easier
Also "come up huge." Opposite of

"come up short." and faster to download, and to
make what you're looking for easier
Sbaq cttt!te up big on /hat bad�1vard ...•

to find .
all�y-oop dtmk and thrm said, "Don't .


Jake theju11k on a naS(J' dUJtk. "



. condomonium

come up off of .
. Trouble finding a condom .

To give up an item, often personal .

It ums wndomoniut/1 JJ-'ben 1 looked in tt�y

. .

tn nature. .

. u;a/letfor proledion


1 had to wme up qjf q/ m_y wallet or I



JliOttld hm•e been mpped I!Y those <gt(ys! .





To socialize.
comptarded .. l.f/'e JWre dtinkin' and com�er.r,7.lit!'

A compound of "computer" and .


all n�ht
{ long.

"retarded." Describes someone with




limited computer knowledge,




especially someone whose age or .

cook bricks

industrv should indicate extensive ..


To prepare freebase cocaine.



computer skills. .
La.rt night Horatefound three,gf.(.YS
Karrry doe.rn't ef.len knOJJJ bou/ to .rmd . cookitt' brick.\ donmstair.r. lle mlled the

itt�tWS to otherpeople oz1er the net; .rhe�r ..

fiPe- Q but the J',tifJ were gone b�fore Ihe

completefy comptarded. .
.. po' arritJec/.
.' " ·::;
------- ------ -------�-�

cooking with gas : re.leased into the air via sweat glands
\Xlorking very efficiently; an when in the proximity of young

elaboration on "cooking." ·

boys. Forms of protection include

sprays, suits, and name-calling.
Onte I am doneprocra.rtinalin,g, 1'/l be
cooking u;ith gas. no! .Here WllleJ Suzy-quide, gt!)•.r,
. . . .
mto fmr cmtt-cootte .fti!IJ.I

The best way to say something is . coozy
neat-o, awesome, or swell. The word Insulated holder for keeping drinks
"cool" is very relaxed, never goes (typically beer or soda) cool. Also
. . � ,,
out of style, and people will never COOZIC.

laugh at you for using it.

Glenn J1Jcts a .ferioHs i\lASCARfaJJ, and
1-lome.rtar R111mer i.r cooL he etten bad a tattered COO?)' 111ith Dcde
Eamhardt}1: 1 number 011 it to prm;e t; i

cool beans
Ver y favorable or pleasing. Great. cop
Ver v nice. 1 . To get, receive, purchase, or have.

Cheah: ll�)'J mm1, look at this tar made }'o, J'm to cop a drink. IVtmt one?
out qf JJ/eed!
Cbot{�: Oh, cool beatu, matt! 2. To steal, take without permission.

I 12'en! to the dealership and copped me a

coolio . pimped-out Suburban.
Cool, but typically used as a
one-word response and not part of
cop a feel
a sentence.
To feel a woman's breasts or
Quaqy: H�y. lnde, rju.rt !?ought more . buttocks, usually when she is not
RA.iV!for ??1)' ,·ompt�ter! expecting it. Often followed by a
lnde: Cooiio! .
slap i n the face.

. SuJfltl 7JJaJ looking so great that Igot


. behind her in fine and copped afee4 and

Highly contagious viral bacteria that .rbe immediatefy turned arourtd attd
breed inside young females and are .flapped me.
cop It sweet . cornrows
• 0


To give up or give in to 0
A hairstyle that braids the hair to
. 0

. the scalp in a series of rows, looking


something or someone. To accept



like a farmer's field in symmetry.

an unfavorable situation. Based on .

0 0

:VIade popular by many basketball


the name of an Australian TV sho\-v:


Has also been extended lw some players and actors.



southern Sydney, Australia, cultures



0 Thr:y umzpped tt(.Y wrnrows so tight I htwe
to "cop it sweet on the back foot.' '


a beadtn·be.


Thry JJJere. f1]'in,g to arre.rl him and be ..


kept re.l"i.rting until hisfriendr told him to

.. cosplay

ju.rt cop it sweet. .



0 Literally "costume play." Dressing

0 up and pretending to be a fictional

copp er character (usually a sci-fi, comic




A policeman. book, or anime character).



The t·opper 1.11as so stttpid thtlf Ijt�.rl Then are cmimi co.rplqy totmmtion.r



doubled back on him andprot:eeded to . around the 1vorld.



drit!t home.




. cotton slut


i\ man or woman who would do
Short for hardcorc. Cool, to the just about anything for a T-shirt.



extreme. 0


. l'm a cotto11 .dNt- f'm going to this etJent


}our look if core. I like that: ..

just th�y're (!fleri11g a T-.rhirt.





cornball . couch it


Cheesy, corny, or of an othetwise To be banished from vour main bed to





over-the-top, feel-good nature. d1e living room/lounge couch by your




Describes virtually any inspirational spouse or your roommate for either



quote that makes you shudder. punitive or hooking-up reasons.




witb_yr)f.(r lrattJ/J]

The patriotic music in political ads is so .

0 Since_you cheated 011 me

.recretar:y, JJJ&Y dotJ'tyou cout·b it; youjerk!




lfllan, n�y roommate �r ,gir!fiiend i.r ir1 lol1m


and he made !lie couch itfor the JJJeekend.



9 1

couch surfrng aroma. Usually performed on a

1. To stay on acquaintances' couches "foreign throne» to be polite and not

when traveling, rather than in a : stink up the host's crapper too much.

hotel. A cheap form of lodging


Igave a courtesy)lush at the Stniths'

used mainly by college students or
pczrry I didn't IVtltll to kill the
recent college grads.
nextperson to liSe the bathroom.

I'm hittit1' up NYC thi.r Jl'eekend and tt�y .

bqyfrom collegejust got ajob and aplace

itt Manhattan, so 1'111 couch sutjin'.
Another form of cocaine: two parts
cocaine to one part baking soda, with
2. What someone who can't afford .

a little water, heated gently until a

rent on their own and/or can't find
precipitate forms. Also "crack rock."
roommates quick enough does
when they are "between places." . In my 11eighborhoodyoN ether
i slang crad

rock orgot a JJlickedjump shot.

Joejust broke up with hi.r girl and
doesn't hatJe aplace_yet, so he's couch
surfin' here 'til then. .

cracked out
A physical and/or mental state of

extreme exhaustion, generally coupled

couching distance .

with any form of substance abuse

The distance one can reach without .
(ganja, beer, or crac� of course).
leaving the couch or sofa.
I stqyed up all night cracked out on
Thatjob s
i toofar; it's certainlY not within
Ritalin and caffeine pills.
couching di.rtance.


courtesy fart
1. One who cracks illegally into
A fart that is verv audible but leaves
another's computer or network.

absolutely no smell.
i massitJe cot�rleSJ'fart. We
Jon let loose ths Crackers got into ''!Y computer, deleted "�Y
didn't even have to clear the room! e-mai4 changed my passwords, and replaced

all 11ry pom withfamify t1acation pictures.

courtesy flush
2. A racist term used against
A flush in the middle of the toilet­ .

s.itting process in order to reduce the


I heard that cracker's making moonsbine

.. f or the night.

i bathtub. ..

i .

. Is it okay !f I crash here?

. 3. T o show
. up somewher e uninvited
Sensational, exc ellent, or cool .
.. or unexpec ted ly.

1bat wa.r a cratking pool .rhot! .
Those p,t!JS crashed the par(y at my girl-

.. friend's house, but they brought booze and


. dope, so U'e let them .rtqy.


To attempt to learn large am ounts



of inform ation in a shor t period of .

time, especially for a test in high Cool ; ver y nice. Synonym for "off

school or c olleg e. .

• the hook ."


. Those are sotne crazy .rhoes. JV'here can I


C'rammingjor tests is efective

f tha11


stttc!Jingfar in advance, but also less time get a pair?


. .



.. crew
crap shoot

. Companions; peer g roup.


Something that i s random, .

.. What's the crell' up to tonight?
not based on skill. Refer s to the .
. .


dice-rolling g ame craps.



.. crib
The stotk market i.r a crapshoot. .
. Hom e, domicile, or dwelling .


._ your crib si phat, yo!

.. Dang, dude .

craptacular .. (Translation: }our house i.r very pleasing


Spec tacularly cr appy.

.. to the �ye; coJtlemporary.flait; yet struc-
.. _
.. .

lour home !JtOtJies are craptaculm; Chris. .. tural!J sound. Mct.Y I hat;e a look around,
fi(J good n1an?)




. cromulent

1 . To sleep.
.. Spurious, not at all legitimate.
Dude, I'm going to go cra.rh. Seeyou later.

Sound s legitimate but isn't . Assumes

.. c ommon knowledge of the TV

2. To stav at someone el se's house


_ , ....,
;J .::J
------ ------- ------ �

show Tl.1e Simp.rott.r. crunk

: 1 . A stare of high energy, as

1 e.�. Pr�jes.ror Smith, citations are .

pe!fec/j)! cromulmt (chuckle).

described by rapper Lil Jon and the
; East Side Boyz. Southern word for
. getting rowdy, out of control,
crotch rocket .
having ti.m, parrying, going crazy.
Sport bike. Often derogatory.

1-f/e. about to get crunk up in this piece!
I'd rat/Jer oum a Ilarley them a crotch ..
rocket. .
2. Getting a little crazy, a little
.. drunk.

l'm plannil�f!, on gettin' mmk tonight.



Acronym for "can't remember shit."


! look /Jackjust a month a;go artd CRI . crunk juice

• Red Bull energy drink mixed with


. Hennessy cognac. Made famous

crucial ..
.. by the rappers of the A-Town,
Far beyond amazing.
especially Lil Jon and the East


AJJ� rbit, bro . . . that dtmk


. J1.!(l.f crucial! Side Bovz. '

. •

. A. t the parry, JJ()' bqy got loaded on that

cruisin' . mmkjuice. lie drank .ro t?ltlcb be thre11!

l . Parading one's vehicle on city •

/.Jimse(/ ott/ thefrotJt doorfor bad behcwior.

streets with or without a destination,


sometimes accompanied by
excessively loud music, headrest­

. 1 . A burning desire to be with

mounted LCD monitors, or both. .
.. someone you find very attractive
. the hotties ?Panted to jttmp i11 the •
and extremely special.

hackseai 1Phen JJ!e JJJen/ cruisin ' ir1 tbe



... He has a huge crttsb 011 her.

.JagHar J(!S. ..
. 2. To defeat in a competition,
2. State of unproductivity. Also
usually by a large margin .



Tht1 RamJ crtt.rhed the Fakons 4 5-17.
J/ at's 11p ?

Selh: H�y, Adam,


Adam: lVothin'. Ju.rt cru.rin'. .


i •


cubicle farm Picture Show for the 1,500th til'ne?

Monotonous office environment

characterized by white-collar slaves

curb serve

wasting their lives in pseudo-offices .:c �

To sell drugs on the block.
with four-foot walls while slowlv J .
morphing into zombies. I had to curb .ren1e to make endr meet.

After three hours in the t'ubicle farm, I

couldjee/ ''?Y braitt turning i11to a tmls�y . cut of rotten puddingftke mctterial. Having a lot of muscle tone; ripped.

Bubba might UJeig}; 350 pounds and bend1

cuh .
600 poundr hut that gz!J i.rjlab�y. I'm

Short for "cousin" or "cuz." A tryin.� to be like L.L. Tbat p/f!_ya is mt:
friend or homie. Commonly used

among Southern gangster/ghetto cut and paste
individuals. . To plagiari7.e from the Internet in
. order to earn an easy grade.
Yo, 1Jihat's ttp, mh?

. I cut and pa.rted my e.r.rcfy, and 110Jl) I'm

screJved 'cause 'lt�Y teacher JJJants to submtt

cult movie/cult fum
it to a contest.
A movie that has a significant, often
independent (spread by word of .

mouth) following. Frequently cult

cut ass
movies depict controversial or dis­ . To make fun of someone or
tasteful people, activities, or philoso­ something. To diss something.

phies. Examples include 1-larold and


Kimber!J's a-tttin' asJ on Tot!y, .rqyin'

Maude, The Rock:Y florror Picture .Sh01v, .
he be eatin ' mczd much and he's a/ready
Qu een of Hemts, and many others.
Before VHS and DVD, art-film
houses would frequently show these

films vear after vear. Even after

• •
. cut 'n' shut
home video, manv theaters make . A car composed of two halves from

annual events of certain films. other cars welded in the center and

repainted, often to sell to others.
You're sud; a freak IV'�y are)'Ott going to

Usually structurally unsound after

dr·es.r up andgo see The Rocky Horror
the process and dangerous to use .
) ' doeJ cut 'n' shtJ/s. La.rt
il{)• mate Toi!Jl'( .
week be JJJelded a Ford Focus and a Rm:er . Person w ho has a serious problem
400 togethe1: He made afellJ bob selling it . and cuts themselves with sharp

to some old lad

y. : instruments when they can't handle

;. the emotional pain they arc feeli ng.

: They think the physi cal pain lets out
cut one ..
the emotional pai n too. ,

To fart. To

expel flatulence. •

J.lYhen shepzuhed t�p her sleet,e.r and I sau.t
En•JJJJJIJJ!JJIJJJJI'! lt7hat:r that smell? Who ..

. all the scan· OtJ her am1.1� !jigNml she
cut one?.'
. mu.rt httPe been a mller:
cut sling load ..

.. cyberdump
To take a dump. from the com­ ..
Getting dumped by yom b oyfriend

man d air assault soldiers' order to

or girlfri end over the Internet, via
the helicopter crew chief to drop
e-mail or, even worse, instant

cargo load carried underneath




.. m essenger. A s te p worse than b ei ng

the ch oppe r.
tel ed umped (over the phone) .


D1Jde! I'll be back in 10 to 1.5 minute.r­ .

!'t:e <�ot to go ctt! sling load something

W7hat a kick i11 the tJU!.r. lloJJJ lou1 can
fierce. ..
you get?


cut up ..
To engage in sexual activity.
of text in which

• Interchange
S�y, halle_you and that broad Sadie ott an unsuspecting newbic describes

up_yet? .
imaginary ac tions of sexual
intercourse to another user of the

. Internet who cl aim s to be a young,

cuts .

good-looking woman, yet always is a
The evil eye; menacing look given
fat and hairv old man who smells.
to someone.
. AJso
n "cvber."

Yo,.you .ree that graHf!Y Ot'er !here? Shejt�sl
. So..J!Of..l realb� like her; buM 1 ltwe_you fJJJO
J!,al.lf!)IOU CU/J. .

• • • •• •0 • •• • • • • • •• •• • 0 • • • •• •• • • • •• •• • • • •• •• • • • • • •• • •• • • •• • 0 • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •0 •• • •• •• •0 • • • •• • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • •

da cheese : damn skippy

Something that smells really bad. i\n assertion, usually used with
. J

''yes" or "ya" to emphasize some
l tulence t:r da cheese. .
. point made.

. Person A: Dirfja see thatfight on the

. comer? 17:Jat chick got beat. That:r hrutz
t l.
1. The matted wool on a sheep's

Person B: }a damn skipp_y that .rhit u;as

tai l, but typically used to refer to .

people who don't have a neat, tidy,
or culru red appearance. It can also .


refer to a person who tends to be

quite informal. It is not necessarily a .

A person who "flakes out" and
derogatory term. ditches their friends, usually for an

insufficient reason .

1'171 a bit of a dag todq_}'-1'111 JlleatitJg ..

my trackie-dak.r.
I think 7)/r:r medr to j!,et a bottle qf
. Ilead & Shoulders 'cat.m he�r been
2. Expression of surprise or

dandndf lateb'·
amazement. .
Dag! 1 gotjiredfrom Demps�r's. . dank
. Sticky, hairy, stinky, and h ighly
. .
. potent manJuana.

------ --------� --- -�

Itook h110 bit.1 �� t!Jat dm1k and 1va.r

marly transcendent. Friend. U suallv informal and often

dap I heard_)'ou're sofat)'Oil have your OJJ117

The knocking of fists together as a zip code! 1\Jo, Santa, )'011 knOUI
greeting, or form of respect. _you're my dawg.
He gave me a dap u;hen JJJe greeted
dawn patrol
The act of getting up extremely
early-sometimes before sunrise-
A person who mysteriously decides
. . . to go surfing. The term can also be
not to participate 1n an event.
used outside of surfing tO refer to
They can o nly manage to provide
getting a very early start to the day.
justification in the form of such
responses as "I don't feel like it" or Eo� Vcm1o, and I are .rurjing, a daum
"I can't be bothered.'' Darkouts are patrol ses.rion at Rincon tomorr01v morning.
often a result of the subject harbor­
ing agendas that they fear would
induce ridicule.
A drug dealer.
Tom's darked Otf.t on u.r again! He's
!fronted an 8 ballfrom dis d-boy

ditched 11s to go with his gidfi'iend to see

the Corr.r. IPhat a bummer.'

Completely and honestly serious. To
A pointless waste of time detined
be truthful and not lie. A truncation
by massive usage of co ogne
l and/
of the phr ase " dead ass serious ."

or perfume, awk-ward sweaty

hand-holding, and feelings of Guy 1: Yo, swear I saJv George W. Bush
puppy love that usually dissolve jump thatfencefor a corndog.
in a few weeks (or less). Gu_y 2: What? LVtlh-uh,)'ou're !Jing.
Gt!)' 1: l'v'o, for real! I'm dead-ass.
Girl 1: UWre dating, and, lzke, he, like, is
picking 111e up in 10 minutes/
Girl 2: Ul'rm1, you, like, smel� rea!J! , like, dead nuts on
.rtrong! Very accurate. With i n 99% accuracy.

If/hen I hit him l.J.'ith a snonJbal/, 1 tJJade : debo

sure m_y aifll 1vas dead nuts on.


To steal something.


I'm 'bout to debo all thctt bq/rjnvei�J!-



dead presidents

U.S. currency; called so because,

decency timeline

with the exception of the $1 coin,


T he amount of time knowing or


$10 bill, and $100 bill, portraits of .

' dating someone that passes before

deceased U.S. presidents appear on 0

it is considered "decent" o.r
the obverse side. 0

appropriate to do certain things



I spmt some mad deadpresidents on my 0

with said person.
t,irllcut n{ght!

Kissing .romeone on clfirst da.te ll'Ould be

t:onst'dered within tbe decnt�] timeline,
deaded whereas hatJing sex on theJir.rt dale ma_y

not be, �)' some.


Blown off; rejected; deliberately


singled out; abandoned for reasons 0

unknown. 0

I hate the JJ,'C!_Y It�)' best people straight

1. To punch someone very hard,
deaded me last n�ght. 0
0 knocking them to the ground in
some cases-hence "deck."

deal Johnn)' detke.d Tim, fJnd befel

l to the


To accept the way things are. 0

It doesn't seem like .4.vril is goin.g to quit •

2. Hipster lingo for "cool."
making JJJusic, so Pmj�tst g{)'ing to bat1e to 0

deal. T!Jat shirt is deck.



Death Star 0

deck change
A building that electronic signals .. Wrapping a to\vel around oneself to
change (typically into or out of a

(e.g., cell phone signals) cannot 0

penetrate. bathing suit) in a public setting.


I tried to call my girl, but 1 1vas in the J<;yle was in the mi ddle �f burritid deck


Death Star. ,·hange whm he JJlfJS pantsed. 1-lilaripy



------ ------ ·-- ----- �

decks : quickly or mumble it so people

"Wheels of steel," turntables, record don't realize you're trying to catch
players. Belt Driven or Direct Drive. . them.
Technics SL-1200 is acclaimed by

0 You: Did Dee call last night?

DJs everywhere as the industry 0

Victin;: Who?
standard. 0

You: Deez mttz!
Those Numark battle decks arefiJI.' 0

You: Doyou like tapes or CDs?
Victim: CDs.

You: C (S'ee) deez nutz!


To throw away, get rid of. Originally 0

Officer: Si1j]OU can't park there .

referred to death at sea, with the .


Me: 1Vah, it's coo� I talked to D

"six" referring to a grave, as in six

Officer: D u1ho?
feet under, and the "deep" referring

iWe: Deeeez nuuuut:{./


to the ocean.



Deep-six that old couch. It's been on the



porch long enough that animals are living 0

1. Short for ''definitely."


in it. 0

Gtl)' 1: You drinking tonight, bro?

Gt!J 2: I d�( am, bro. 1'11e got to get over

deez nutz

this hangover.
A joke that originated from the
song "Deeez Nuuuts" on Dr. Dre's

2. Archaic word used to describe a

original album, The Chronic. Since 0

person, thing, or event that is cool.


then, catching people with "deez


nutz" has become one of America's .

Yo, mab piz:?:!es, I got da hookup at this

favorite pastimes. The object of the 0

def neJIJ club. It's supposed ta be off da
game is to trick your friend into hizil

making a sexual joke. It works like a 0


knock-knock joke: Ask someone a 0


question, and when they respond



with "What?" "Who?" "Huh?" or 0

anything starting with one of the i'tJe got that skateboarding move
five ''W's," you're free to get that 0
dialed in.
person with "deeeeez nuuuuutz!" 0

You may need to say the question


... diet whoopass

dibs .
can of whoopass requiring less
.. A

The right to something. A claim of


.. energy and only three calories per




. serving. \X'hat you open up when
I have dibs on that girl over there!
. you're too weak to open up a regular
can of whoopass on someone .

dice ...

He/4 fm tire d--!onfygot diet Jvhoopas.r /�ft.


A combination of «dope" and


«nice," thus exceptionally good. ..



Kendall Gill is prei!J' dice. 1. To create holes in the grou




2. To understand .

dick around . 3. The infliction of

. 4. Where you live.
To mess around; a term used


when someone's doing something gotta dig

.. Cmonyou bad mama jamas, I


unproductive. .

.. me a hole. You dig? So pull some weight,

. else you all get digs. After this we can head

Stop dicking around! Get back to work! .


. back to my digs for chills, holmes.





dictionary attack

5. To like, appreciate, and
A hacking attempt in which the
.. understand. The word "dig" doesn't

attacker tries to log in with your


only mean "1 understand" but also



user name and a password. Each that «I'm a very special person who

time the attacker tries he uses a

. understands in a special sort of
different word in the dictionary. hip.
wav"-in other words, you're



A{}• passu,ord was "pa.r.rJvord," so our .


I dig that Pac CD
cotporate. infrastructure Jell to a dictionary




An individual lacking intelligence,


diesel ..

people skills, compassion, and a

Awesome or strong, as in physical

.. human soul. A dough head.
power. .
. My boss, Pete1j is a dillhole. Et,en other

Did.JOU see that guy knock out his . diilholes look at him and Sf!Y, "What a


opponent in thefirst round? He's diesel. . dillho/e!"



iC! 1
dime : Gi�y 1: Iju.rl got a neu' .rllfjboard.
1. A very attractive person, a : Ct(J 2: Dinkum?
perfect 10. .
Gil)' 1: ]a, JJiant me to .rboJJ' it to you?

Damn, dttt short.)' be a dime.




2. $10 worth of any drug; short for Acronym for "double income,


"dime bag" or "clime sack." The . no sex." Refers to two married,

amount varies depending on the working individuals who do not

substance, the quality, and the dealer. engage in sexual intercourse .

i lyou Iemme j!,et a dime, bro?

/'!Jo, 111l .
Person 1: Don't .Sai!J and Ger1J'


heme kids?
Per.ron 2: JVtJ) they both work n
i the
dime bag/sack

ciry 80-plm hot{rs a u;eek. Tbr:fre the
In the drug trade, a reference to

textbook example�� Dll\IS'.

either a small amount of pot or very .


small baggies (about 1 em by 1 em)

that a rock of crvstaBine substance dip set

(like crack cocaine or crystal meth) .. To leave a place as soon as possible
can fit in. Either one is worth . to avoid tro uble .

approximately $10. .

Yo, let's outta here-the cops are


fell back into acti11e addiction

I . COiliZJ/g•

after 1 saJII the dime sack and chose

to .rmoke it: •


Low-grade marijuana.


Damn, I thou ght I 11'CIJ getti11g cbronic,
Totally cool, sick, ill. Describes •

. bttt all!<got if a bag qf dirt.

somethin g really good.



His ne1v subu,oofen are dimensional! .

Th�y're bumpin' ott! thefra111ef

A friend .

Yo, tbat's mah drri y right there.

dinkum .

Really, truly, honestly. Same as "fair .


disco nap 4. Gangsta
slang for a minor, trivial
Slee ping when you got something insult, which ne ed not even be
goid later on that you need to get intentional, yet is nonetheless
readv for.
grounds for homicide. - .
. ' '

. 't=; �;. ... .


. ... . _

I JJJaJ tlbouf to go to tht! c/;,b, bttt I needed �:-·· � "'.

.. . .

. ''<
.. _ ,.

a disro nap to.feel r�fresbed.

dish ·

A superftcially dumb Va1Jey chick,

1. Something very cool, good, . with no common sense w hatsoever.
sweet. Usually white, rich, and pretty. Often
.. uses words such as "like," "oh mv
1 JPmt to that neu; c/.ub last night and it

gosh," "oh my goodness," "that is,

so dish, 1 loved it. I� shouldgo again
. like, so not cool at all," and "dude."
Heather is .ruch a dit:( I heard ,rhe was at
2. Big news (bigger than a scoop). a par()' and broke her arm Jt1hile drinking
Cl beet�
YoN slept JJJitlJ hoJ)J maJ?y people last .
night? CiJJJme tbe dish, Jista!J.' .

A bitchv woman who must have her
diss .

. way exactl.v, or no wav at all. Often

A\. )so
[ , "elis." . -

rude and belittles people, believes

1. To disrespect, make fun of.
that everyone is beneath her, and
He. no-shoJJJed again. lie can't dis.r me thinks that she is so much more
like that! . loved than she re allv is. Selfish,

spoiled, and overly dramatic.

2. To fail to obev.
Celine Dion demands mintjlat,ored

Don't diJS me ll'hen l tell_you to do toothpides in her dressi1�� mot!/ ct.t eve�y
something) boy. .
peiformance. Wbat a diva./

3. To not be impressed by some one .

or something.
Acrony m for "down low." Secret.
You don't like"-
! } car? Areyou di.r.ritlj!,
me, ma11? .

' l -'
r • - .:·
---- -----� - ------,�

,girlr hack last night, didn'tya? : in the big hotm, and still had to do the
Gt!Y 2: Yeah, but keep it on the Dl.,_yo.

rest qf his time when he l[,Ot 01-11. It lJJas

getting to be a habit.

do dirt
To engage in gangsta activity, or kill .

for a gang. .
Stationary, or kept in one place.

When the OGs tell_you to do dirt,you .
better be down. . il1an, !'ttl docked this 1/'eekmd. MJ·
parentsjound some ..)( in ''lJ' room .

do one's song .

To keep saying something untrue or dodgy

annoying, or something that's been 1. Of questionable legality> like a
said manv times. -
. scam .

H e did nada but doin' his old sot� J'!Jiuggling ganja out of lvfmdocitw could
"] didJT 't rip �ff )'0 ride..''' get .rome tal/ dollars, !mt it'..r a dor{gy .ream.
The cop.r prolb' bust peoplefor tbat all the
. time.
do the math
To give someone your telephone .
2. Of questionable moral or
number, or to ask someone for their .


. structural integrity.
telephone number. .

Ehhh, I dunno, that piece iJ pretty dodg)'.

Ho,yotl be ine. Do the math for me. .
f . it's (!./} rns(J, hasn't bem used in a.fe11J
. decades. It migbt fall apart.

do time .

1. To serve a prison sentence. ..

. dog it
2. To serve a hitch in the militarv, .
especially if drafted.

To give something a half-assed


. attempt.
3. To get grounded. .

Joejust gave 1tp dming the run; he 111a.r

After spending most of hi.r teenyears
. dqggin' it the last 100J'ardJ.
doing time.for the 'rent.r, the kid couldn't .


n;ait, so he did time.for Uncle .5'tzm as soon .

a.r he cou l d. That got old, .ro he .rplit btjore .

his time ma.r t�p, <f,Of caught, did .rome time .. Feet.

It feeLr so good to let m_y doj!,S out qf ''!Y . good happens, such as making a
shoes. three-pointer in basketball , or
. talking about money.

d'oh Bilb1 hit a three and shotded,

: :·a
· ·�· i; .


II .I"
"Douas . '
A Gen X interjection conveying an .
." ., :_ .. .. ,

overall feeling of frustration. Used
. : :

to express a feeling one has afrer
. done and done
realizing they have been tricked, .
. A phrase used when one has
misled, scammed, swindled, etc. .
finished something that was so

Made famous bv the animated

involved that it was as though one

sitcom character Homer Simpson
had done it twice.
on the TV show 17Je 5t.mpsons. .

. Finalb� finals are otJer and it's time to hit

D'oh!JNsf as I wets about to lean, ''!Y .
up Cabo for .rpri1tf!, break. Done and
bos.r handed me a hugejob that has to b£! ..

done I?; tomorrom

done deal
dote .
. Over, finished, no more; another
Welfare or other assistance, often
.. way of saying "consider it done» or
from the government. " ,
good to go.

Since the compa1!J he workedfor 111ent out

.. Stephanie .raid that it's nouJ a done deal
qf business and h£! did not quit or get
between her and Rob--after tbeir 15th
.firecl, he n;as el��ible to go on the dole.
I don't hatll! ai!Y mon�y until dole day. ..
done up
1. In adult culture: dressing well, as
A general term for money-not just .

. tO attend a formal function.

one dollar.
Hi.r JJJ[fe really got done upfor the
we re p,onna do over some bank and get us
.. compm!J' dinner.
<C . .

.rome dollar.

2. In youth culture, dressing in a

dollas .
manner that is comparable to that
Interjection used when something . of a prostitute .

. ,-, ,..
f t- .::J

I still need to get done up before I go out : Don't get push with me; I'm notpaying
tonight. The g!fYs are gonna be all up on this. .
_you Cit!)' more.

3. In bad shape. Messed up or injured.
. doob
Bailer 1: Yo1you plq;•itr' ball tomorr01v? . A nicely rolled package of weed; a
Bailer 2: Nah, man1 I broke "D' leg . join t a doobie. Also "dube."

playin' today. I'm done up. .

Let's hide out batk and smoke this doob

while the fami!J's out.
donor machine .


We've got a t'ictim coming in to ambulam:e . Marijuana, weed, gear, grass, skunk,
bay 2 who tvas riding a donor machine. . wacky backy, stuff.

Let's go smoke some doobage.

don't do me .

Don't mess 'vith me.


You tryin' to call me out? Bitch, don't do me! .
. Losing your job for something you
wrote i n your online blog, journal,

website, etc .
don't even trip
1. D on't act like you don't understand . Didyou hear Mary <�otftred.J'esterd'!,Jifor
. writing about her boss in her blog? Yeah,
Girl, don't even trip. That man is not .

. she got dooced

going to call you. .

2. Don't think for a minute that it's . dope
going to happen. . 1. Marijuana. Often used by
people who do not do drugs.
No1you can't use my credit card Don't .

even trip. .
Don't you be .rmokin' dope!

2. Heroin. Often used by people

don't get push with me
. who do marijuana .
Don't bother arguing, it won't .
change anyth ing , since my decision . I smoke the 1,reen, but I don't do dope.

is final. .

3. Cool, good. stupid, and/or has no common sense.

Man, that car is dope! .

:You can be a total dork at times. I don't
. know JJJ/!)' I hang, out with_you.

4. To take drugs to improve one's .


athletic performance.

China dopes up its players to enhance their Used to add emphasis to the ending

performance in the O!Jmpics. of a phrase. Usually spoken with a

=: slight pause prior to it, and with a

: deeper voice than normal.
dork .

1. An individual who is keenlv inter- Let'J· ,go get somejood-Pm hm�gry

ested in and good at mathematics, .

science, and technology, and applies .

mathematical and scientific princi­ .

ples to everyday occurrences, while .
. An unsuccessful Internet company.
being lovable and very personable, .

He made a lot of money while he JJ'orked
often having many friends due to
there, but that dot-gone ruined his stock

wittiness, and often loves video .

portfolio and hi.r retirement plans.

games. Not to be confused with .

"nerd," "geek," or "dweeb."



Dork: IVou;, that light bulb that's.flicker­

A jump made of two ramps set
ing in a seemingly randomfashion is actu­

. some distance apart. One ramp is

al/)' occurring as suth due to a capacitance
sloped up and the other down. Used
buill up on one side of the tungstenJila­
by freestyle athletes in many sports

mmt until it disdJarges, sending elet·trical •

flou' through the tungsten, musing photonic Snou:flake hit the double but didn't have

emission throt{�h heated excitation, 1vhit·h enough ,rpeed going into it, so he nailed tbe


then dissipates a.r)OJ/ getfarther from the


. of th e transition. Oucb .

light bull� accordinP,
, to inverse square lau1. .

Gir�friend 1Pho is also a ckJrk Yim're . double sweet

ri,ght, you dork. Shut up and kiss tne. .
More than just sweet. Double the

You're so cute. amount of enjoyment.


I'm J!,Oil�g to the PeadJe.r umcert this week-


2. Someone who ts a loser, clumsv, .


end, and the titket.r 1JJerefree. Double su,eet!

I • I I ' ' ' ' I ' I• •

double-break language in George Orwell's novel
The act of taking a coffee break .
twice the length it's supposed to be.
That bus was doubleplus speeqful. I got
Commonly done by slackers or
. here n
i ha(f the time.
stupid people.


il{y boss is out qf town, so I plan to dou­ .

ble-break all 1t1eek.
. A form o f language (most often in

politics and business) used to hide

double-dare .
the true intention o f the speaker by
The first counter of a dare. Can deliberately "ambiguating" the
only be countered by a triple-dog­ meaning of words. Doublespeak
dare. . words and phrases often have signif-
icant emotive attachments Oike "axis
A: I dareyou to dance with 1Voreen.
of evil") or normally mean the
B: Oh,yeah? I double-dare_you to dance
complete opposite of how they are

lVith Ermalinda. .

being used (like using "conserva­

tion" in the name of a bill designed

double-dip .

• to open up national parks for oil


To dip something into a sauce, take extraction) .

a bite, and then re-dip the half-eaten
The "Shock andAwe" plan irfilii qf
item in the sauce. Favorite behavior
doublespeak. Hon' can that many people
of crude diners.
be gullible enough to support it?
Sign at stalL· 00 NOT .



HCJ� telez1ision: Don't tell me what to bi!J.
To hold and/or consume two drinks .
. I'll spend my dough as I please.
at once. .

I was double-jisting beer at thefrat .


last night. .
. \"V"e ed, marijuana, ganja, pot, herb.

. Dude, let's pick up some dotga andget


lifted before we go.

Very or more. From the Newspeak

10 8

down : Interjection used when one sudden-

1 . To be with it or in the know; to : ly realizes something that should

be knowledgeable about something, : have been immediately obvious or

or to give respect/recognition to : when one does something stupid.

something. Similar to "duh."

Ob,_yeah . . . J'tJJ doJPf1 JPitb Jl'hatJ'O .
Dqyl You hat1e to turn the cottJputer on
b�fore)'OU can use it.

talking. .


2. To be keen for something. .



Are)'Oil down to get afeed? To follow the car in front of you •

. extremely closely at high speeds.
3. To be friends with someone or to .


Damn, thisguy is drcifting me.

spend time with them.
.. he 111ant to get up on ''!Y ass?

I'mpretry down tvith her. .

. drag ass
4. To be n
i agreement with someone .

. A lazy and/or slow person.

or something. .
That dude s
i a drag It takes him all

G'ir/ 1: "Wanna gofor a skate?

dq_y to do a simple thing.

Gir/ 2: 'leah, I'm donm.



drag king
down ass bitch

. A female who dresses like a male,

A girl who sticks up for her man •

sometimes to entertain others.
whenever he needs her. Popularized •


by Ja Rule in the song "Down Ass . Sarah pnformed as a drag king in the
Bitch." •

local /Ja!j under the name Alexander.
L"fy girlpulled a gat ott the po's last night . ..

. . for rea4· she's a down ass bitch. •

drag queen

A male who dresses like a female,

sometimes to entertain others.

down pat .

Well perfected. .
In his neJP leather mini and boot� he

looked better as a drag queen than he did as

You gotta have_yoJtr kiclejlips down pat.

. an insurance salesman with a suit and a tie.


doy .

1 09
drama :
. in an oversteer condition.
Unnecessarily making a big deal .

. Takt<�mi was seen speeding on Interstate
over something. .

.. 81 i
in hs 1986 Tqy,ota Corolla, dri

Jenf!.y: I hate that gir/1 Fm gonna kid?,. her . along the man_y cumes in the road .He�r
ass.I .. l?,Oin,g to die doing that somedt!J'·
Tqylor: Dag, fmn_y
_ , all she did Jl.IOS look at
yo11. L�0'YOJ( f,Otla be so drm11a? .
. drink the Kool-Aid
To embrace a particular philosophy

dress to impress .
or perspective, often one that is a
To wear dressy clothes to a dub­ little offbeat or just plain crazy. A
something sexier than Sunday reference to the 1978 Jonestown

clothes, and no sneakers, jerseys, .

Massacre, a cult mass-suicide in
hats, jeans, or sweatpants. Jonestown, Guyana, when Jim Jones

convinced hundreds of his followers
Radio announcer: Tonight at Club
to drink Kooi-Aid laced with poison.
tjagged Edge, so, ladies
PLatinum we go
. Alice: Hf)� ddyou bearJoe si tvorking on

andfe!Las, that means dress to impress.

. the 1Vader campaif,n?

Bob: Yeah, be realfy dmnk the Ko oi-Aid

drift .

. on that one.

1 . To separate or not keep in touch ..

with someone.

. "Don't drink the Kool-Aid" has
We drifted bad! !wish 1ve couldget back
come to mean, "Don't trust any
to the II'�Y 111e JJJere before. .

group you find to be a little on the

kooky side," or "Whatever they tell
2. An insulting way to tell someone .

. you, don't believe it too strongly."

to leave.
Chris: I'm thinking about attending a


PETA rai!J.

Tool.· Hry, can I bum a smoke? .

Plqya: No. .
Donna: Whateveryou do, don't drink the
TooL' What about three lines? .
Piqya: Are you deqf? Drift. .
. drinking bone
3. To cause a vehicle to exceed .
. The imaginary bone in the body
its tires' limits of adhesion, .
that alcoholics blame for making
exhibiting a lateral slip, resulting ..

1 1 0
- (

them drink all the time. From the � drive-by

Tracy Byrd song "Drinkin' Bone." .
1 . A shooting performed by a gang

member in a slowly moving motor

MJ drinking bone takes hold about once a .
. vehicle that then speeds away from
month. Last time Igot sojammered I ate
the scene.
a slug. .

Yo, roll up here, � lgonna do tl drive-b)•
on ths
i muthah.
drive .

A general greeting/acknowledgment
. 2. To suss something out, to com-
to a public bus company employee .

plete a "recce," or reconnaissance.


when entering or exiting the vehicle.


I did a drive-by of the party and f!!Y ex's

Cheers, Dn't;e! Running a little late todCfY1 .

• car was there, so I dcctded to split.
eh? .


drive by Braille

. 1 . To knock someone over, usually
"Botts dots" are raised plastic

associated with the first hit in a


reflectors placed on white and .


yellow road stripes. Driving over



them makes a noise that keeps you I'm gonna drop that kid if he don't
in the lane. «Driving by Braille," or . back off
"Braille driving," is when someone

is so drunk they navigate by the .

2. To spend (generally a lot of)
sound and vibration alone. money; to buy something.

George W Bush was so drunk JJJhen he .

Nigga1 I dropped 500 Gs on these rocks.
1vas pulled over, he must have been driving
I?J Braille. .
. 3. To release an album .

. iVefb, dropped two albums at once this
drive it like you stole it .
week and thr; both at the top of the cha1ts.
Drive fast; drive as if you stole the .

car and the police are after you. . 4. An expensive convertible car.
Short for "drop top."
f)'otl are not here in ten minutes, I'm .
leat,ing without;·ou. So put the pedal to the Wejust got back from the Bentley

metal and drive it like you stole it.

. dealership) bro. You seen the neJJJ drop?

drop a dime · drop science

To snitch on someone, often to save To educate (or "school") someone
your own ass. Comes from the old or show off what you know, usualJy

cost for a pay phone call, cents. tn rap.

Jolm gotpopped, so be dropped a di))Je on .

}o' rl!ymes are 12'eak. Sit bmk and U-'atch

f1is .rupplier and the Ds let bitt/ go. 111e drop science OJJ_yo' as.r.

drop bombs drop the needle

To spit flawless and unbreakable To play a vinyl record.
flows/lvrics on the mike.

lf;6> dropped the medle cmd rocked out to

W'hm B-Rabbit dropped bomb.r on all Led Zeppelin.
the brothas in thefreesryle battle in the
moJ;ie 8 lvlile, he showed them that he . drought
could .rpitjlmm.r.
\"Vhen a certain drug is in limited
supply or unavailable i n your city or
drop it like it's hot .
'hood. Prices arc much higher.
1 . For women: to dance by dropping .

Damn! ljuJtpaid $250for an Ot111ce!


the butt to the floor and getting


I!7e in a drought here.

freakv. '

She JJ!a.i droppin' it /ike it JJJas hot on the

. drunk shame
danceflo' todq)l.

To humiliate an om-of-control

. drunkard. The victim must be a
2. In basketball: to drop shots
person who has passed out drunk
through the hoop.
with their shoes still on. This person
Dmvg, he 1vas droj;pi11' it like it 1JltJJ hot .
is fair game for many types of
in tha game toda)'l "shaming," such as being written on

. with permanent markers, being

3. In rap music: to drop good duct-taped, and having a bunch of
lines/bars/rhymes. stuff piled on top of them.
Common practice in colleges
/�1)'0, get__y 've�:re gom
. , and. J
urop t!' tl
/"k.e J.!.f
throughout America.
Joe 1vokf! upju.rt in tiJtiefor his bigjob
1 1 2

inteminr with a rc�git"-f!, headat"be and the i\llatJ, that necklace i.rn 'I bling bling,

taste of alcohol lingerin,g itl hsi mottth. dry ice.

.AJ he came to, be realized he held bem a
Pictim of .rome miotts drunk shaming.
. drylab
.Hej(ittnd bim.reff tmder a pile qf all �f
To make up scientific data,
his dothes, hi.1 Tv; !JiJ wtJtpNter, bsi . especially in a science class lab.
bike, about 100 beer bottle.r, ami his llJ!O
cats. lie managed to ,�et the Sha pi r e .
Dry·labhi11g JJ'ill not be tolerated in tbi.r
drawing.r riff hiJ)cu!!, but be missed the course!
b�g draJ.Jittl,f!, qf a naked man on the .

back of hi.r neck. Un{ortunate!J) the

= Ds
intertJieJ.ver didn 't�
. 1. Short for D. A. (district attorney,
deputy district attorney, or their staff).
drunk-dial .

D� been gitJing me heal 'came I.rlat�
To make an annoying, unwarranted
phone call after having too many
alcoholic drinks.
2. Short for DTs, or detectives.
After be l�ji tbe ban, he drttnk-dialed me Put that mon�y aJ1!q.y-the D.r iJ watching.
.flw times!

i\cronvm for "define the relation-
1. Stupid, boring.

ship." When two people discuss

Insttl!or: }(/ momma ir sofat that ll'hm their mutual understanding of a
she sat on the rainbow Skittles popped o!ft! romantic relationship (casual dating,
In.rNite.e: Tbat wcts dry! Like]o ' 1-tpper lip. .
serious boyfriend, etc.).

Friend 1: llalle.J'Otl DlR'ed_yet?

2. When drugs become hard to get .
Friend 2: I durmo what we are. 1gues.r 121e
hold of in a specific area.

<�otta do a little DTR'in.J?, tonight.

Hr .ro dJ.J! here, I'm ab.wlute!y gt�ggn
i ,g_jor
a .plif/
r .

1 . Abbreviation for the letter "W"


dry ice
I dtiPe a V dub.
Fake jewelry.

2. Twentv
dollars. ·

stoners, surfers, and skaters) use to

.. address each other. It can mean:

That CDpl£!yer costs tJVO dubs.
1 . A man.

3. Twenty
dollars ' worth of That dude Oller there si looking at me
anything, especially narcotics. .


Lemme get a dub; Igotta get high.

. 2. A friend.

4. Plural: twenty-inch rims on tires. . }fey, dude! Long time, no .reef

Igot ''f.Y Escalade rollin ' on dubs.
3. An exclamation.
5. The art of making a remix, . Dude! lf/�y didyotl do that?
especially a reggae song, in which
the lyrics are all or partially removed
and the focus is placed on the drum
. Plural of "dude," but unlike the sin-
track and the bass. Generally used as .

gular version, may refer to a group


a name for any remix to any song.

of guys and girls.
Lee "Stratchn Perry si the ma.rter of the

traditional reggae dub, especia!fy hsi work ..

. dudette
with Sir Robert Nesta }.1ctrley.
Anv female, or a female friend.

That dudette ir so hot.
duckets .
Legal tender. Dinero. Cash money.
dump on
}�o, I knon' Igot the duckets here

To say bad things about.


.romeu;here. Bling!
I thought tJJe tJJere brahs, hut he said_you
kept dumpin' on me.
duck's nuts
An expression of extreme adoration.


dumps like a truck

Man, this beer is the duck�r nuts.
A large booty. From dump truck: a

vehicle with a large area for hauling
dude things. It's just the woman-car
A word that Americans (particularly metaphor with another twist. Similar

1 1 4
------- ·

to "junk in the trunk," or :. dusted

"badonkadonk." . 1 . To have bashed or beaten

someone .
That girlgot du11tps like a truck,_yo.' .

. lie U.'a.r bein11, smart, J'o 1 stepped up and

. dusted him.
Dumpster diving .
Looking for treasure in someone else's
2. To get hurt badly.
trash--either literally or figuratively. .

1 tried a kicJ:jli.p nosegrind on the


In the world of information technol­ ..

ogy, Dumpster diving is a technique . h(/ndrail and got d11sted hctrdcore.
used to etrieve information that .

could be used to carry out an attack .. 3. To catch someone doing

on a computer network. Dumpster • something they shouldn't do.
diving isn't limited to searching

.. The mps dusted me)or being high lvhik
through the trash for obvious treas­

ures like access codes or passwords .



written down on stickv notes.

' •

Seemingly innocent information like • dutch

1 . Splitting the

a phone list, calendar, or organiza­ •

expense, often of a
be used to assist an

tional chart can date.


attacker using social engineering tech­ .
. lfi're ._e,oin,g dutch to the ttlol!ie.r trmi,ght.
niques to gain access to the network. ...
We 11Jtn/ Dumpster di1,in!!, andfound his .
2. A joint, or a blunt.
Social Set·urity number, phone bills, and .

. !'majini.rhyou b�jore ljini.rh the dutch!

lor;e notesfrom hs i girlfriend. }fe�rpre!()' .
much OJI!ned. .

dutch oven

To fart under the covers and then


own or some­

pull them over your
An expression showing that some­ .

. one else's head.


thing someone said is obvious.


Similar ro "cloy" or "duh." Chri.rfainted mhen 1gaz'e hm

i a dutd

Liz· Ka!J' d�jinite!y likes Brad •

Jamie: We/4 dur.' She Jent him three loJJe

letters! .

1 I 5
dweeb : dOOd
An awkward, ineffectual person; ·

The word "dude," in 1337 Sp34k.


specifically connotes physical .

inadequacy. A dorky or nerdy per­ i

H�y dOOd, U'haf.r up? Want to race paper

: airplanu in the park?

son. .


Tbat dude 1vith the pocketprotector i.r such .

a d1veeb. Let's go beat on him.



dyke .

A lesbian. Often considered .



derogatory by non-lesbians, it has .


been reclaimed and has a good .


connotation when used by lesbians •


themselves. It is a popular breeder .

misconception that all dykes are .




1-/mv dareyou think l'r11 .rtraight! I'm a


r!Jke, you idiot.'


1 16
• •• • 00 I I 0o • o •' • I • ' • 'o o • • • ' • • • ' • ' • '• •• • I o '' ' ' • o• ' ' • •' • • • • • o • '' o I o0 o ' o' • •I • • • o I ' ' ' 'o • • • o '' • 0 • •• •o ' • • o• oo •• o• ' •• •• oo + ' o • + • 0• '' ' •• ' • '• • ' o 00 o• o• o' " • o• ' • ' oo o o o o o o • o o o•

ear candy Possibly from the 1975 movie The



Good music. •
Roc� Horror Picture Sh01v, when the

cast had an Easter egg hunt but


I need to pick up that brand new CD and

most of the eggs went unfound.
get me some ear cancfy. .

They can be seen throughout the

film i n various locations (such as

ear goggles .

under Dr. Frank-N-Furter's throne) .
Large earphones. .
Theframed picture of julia Robert.r inside

Eargoggles have better response than .

the character's home Jl'rl.f an Easter egg
those cheap bud earphones. inrerled by the directat: ..

ear worm .

easy peasy

Song that is stuck i n your head. .

The first half of a r.hyming phrase
with several alternate second halves,
I have an ear worm. I keep hearing the

all of which connote an activitv or a
Jeopardy! tune over and otJer and OtJer.


result that is, respectively, simple to

perform or achieve.
Easter egg
A.r a red-stater, condemn books andjilms

A hidden item or a mistake caught .


utithout hat;ing read or .reett them{ IV0'

by close watchers of a movie, televi­
that's CCI!J peasy lemon .rqueezy!

sion show, or other visual media. •

I "! 7
eat crow large amounts of money have fallen.
When you make a mistake and are .

George Bu.rh logged on to eBqy and bought


forced to acknowledge it humbly.


H. (.17, Bu h actionjigure

a George

. r
. .

He claimed he was the greatest cook in the



world, but when set1eral people od .

. 2. The yard sale of the Internet.


poisoningjro111 hisfood, be hc1d to eat .

1 JJJtlJ trolling around eBr!Y tod�J� and I



f ound two old .A.lvfD laptops, a bootleg


Blue Qyster Cult Cl), some RonJe-renry


eat tt DVDs, and some lil•er

. tock" all for u11det
$60 total. I bet 1J?,Bt scm»ed on the

To fall completely on your face or 0


suffer a similar physical accident. Jhipping.


Also "eat shit."



Afan, I 111a.r runnin'from the cops last 0

night, tripped on a stick, and completefy


. Short for "e-mail address."

ate it


1 tried to e-mail_you a link, butyour e-


. isn't zvorkin.g.

Something that doesn't make you .

. edumacation
throw up to think about eating it.
Education received at a crappy
Often confused with "edible," 0


school, or a lack of education
which refers to somthing that's

physically possible to ear. Just .

because something is edible does .

I received fi'(Y edtlflltlCtltion at TVillit.r
not mean it is eatable. .

1 ligh .St.·hool.

W7hile grass is not edible, it is etJtab!e to .

.rome people. f1oJJ.IetJefj cafeteriafood, while Edward 40-hands
a/u;qys edible, is (ifite J uneatable. A drinking game in which partici­
pants tape a 40-ounce bottle of malt

. liquor to each hand and can't pee

eBay until thev've finished both.

1. A large hole i n the


Internet, .

0 Friend: 1 dare you to do Ed1vard

mosdy lined with collector plates 0

40-bandr with rtmight vodka in each 40.


Star �r.r figurines, into which


u'ay, dude.

}'ou: iVo
1 1 a
e-famous e-gret
When one becomes famous on the A message of regret sent by

(got e:f"amous when a photo of me licking Betry remembered to send an e-gret to

a frozen stop sign got out. Sam's secretary t·oncerning the Jl1arch 15
committee meeting .rhe couldn't attend

ego fart
Flatulence forced from one's bodv eh •

in a pompous, self-satisfying i\n interjection Canadians use to �


manner, without regard to the ensure the other person is following

cons.ideration of others. along with the conversation. Not
often used between Canadians
AlthougJ.1 hisfriends quickfy rolled doJPn
themselves but used excessively
the car wiNd01v.r, Shane 1vas so full of
when visiting the U.S.A. and talking; he took a b{�, proud wbijf of
to U.S. citizens.
hir .rmel(y ego fart.
Torontonian: Where)'OU from, eh?
New York stater: North TonazJJanda,
egu search
1Ve1v York.
To search for one's own name
Torontonian: Eh,you're like 10 ntile.r
online. Also called "ego surfing"
from the bordetj eh?
and "Googling."

She 1vas mackin' on me until she t·aught

me Googling our names together. Then she
A change in a person's online
told me, "I don't like bl!JS 121ho hqfta ego
identity. Also called an "i-haircut."
search; that's tired. "
Stet)e360: Dude, you're using a ne1v font
• tolor.
Jane2004: Yeah, I got an a-haircut.
The logic used to justify one's
actions for personal gain; the art of
being self-centered. either and or both
A way to express indifference, a
It UJctS his egonomic.r that caused him to
lack of caring.
die a tonefy man, 1vbile the geek became a
millionaire. Tom: l-It!YJ jiJtt, doyou 1mnt some ice
i i kick in tile tlut.r?
cream or a swj Yrm're so smatt; JJJbclf, e!etJenteen?
Jim: Bither and or both. .
3. Term used to describe a preteen .
elbow Joh n likes them_yo;azg. 1'o11 .rhot�ld hcwe
A pound of marijuana (mary jane, mm this elmmteen-year-old he brought to
pot). the par!J'ye.r/erdt�Y·

Dude, catch t h is btttt.: Th e cat on 52nd



Street sellr elbmv.fjor a song. .


An imaginary number used when

one has lost count of something and
elbow-bending .

needs to verbally state a quantity.

Drinking. From the arm motion
that one must make in order to I rang tf1e doorbell elePenty-setJen times!
bring the bottle to the mouth. .
IP'here were)lou?

What up, jiJJ11'":.Y? Let's go elb01v-bending

with good of' Jack Daniels. elimidate
To get rid of a disappointing date

after you realize she's ugly, fat, a


total bitch, or vour cousin. After the


A lying contest between two or

. '

TV show

. Warner Bros. realitv

more very rich and powerful people. . •

. elimtDATE.
Turn on CSB4.N to 11.1atch t!Je election .
. Unfottttrlate!y, I'm going to batJe to
results. .
elimidate_yo11, Salf.y. 1'111 .rm�y. Uncle Bob
doem't JJ!cmt u.r to go out anymore. The
eleventeen .famify gme pool i.r alreac(y .rh(ll/oJJ! enough.
1. Term used to convev uncertaintv
J '

and ambiguity. ..
I mn't remember uJ/1m I learned Jo ride a Electronic love. The e-mail
bike. 1 !!Just hat'f been about elet'mfeert or so. equivalent of a love letter. This
. can be just text or anything sent
2. Term used to convev sarcasm, as
electronically, such as pictures or
when making fun of someone's age .

e-cards expressing love.
or the number of tries it took to
f-Ie .rent me .rome e-/m;e ort our anniver.rary .

accomplish something.

1 20
e-mail with coalition forces during
Once an efficient and fast method Operation Iraqi freedom .

of communication and message .

Ijust scm' a hideous story from a British

transferring, now a \vay of harassing
Internet users with spam, credit
card/insurance offers porn links,

and "Increase your penis size by 5
inches" advertisements. Genre of soft-core punk music that

integrates unenthusiastic melodramat­

Despite using ajunk e-mail.filtering
ic 17-vear-olds who don't smile and
program) I still htwe to delete }O�plm

high-pitched, overwrought lyrics and

messages a dqy. E-mail .rucks.
guitar riffs with tight wool swe aters,
tighter jeans, itchy scarfs (even in the

e-mail crossing summer), ripped Chucks with favorite

A phenomenon that occurs when band's signature, black square-rimmed

vou send an e-mail to someone at
. glasses, and ebony greasy, unwashed
the same time they e-mail you. Each . hair that is required to cover at least
of vou then answers the other's
three-fifths of the face at an angle.
e-mail and you go out of sync, .

::mff/ .mijf: "Tbe Demise qftbe Siberian

creating two separate strands of
Traintracks of Our Rus(y .Forgotten
conversation that occasionallv cover

Unblemi.rhed Ltme" soundr like it JJJou/d
the same ground.
make a great en;o band ntttJie. :: co,::
jenqen: Tbere�r a good bandplqying

tonij!,ht. interested?
emo glasses
Rob 121: Pm up for some naked
Thick, black-rimmed glasses morose
JvithyotJ later.
emo kids tend to wear.
jen2jen: Didyou get IJI)' last e-mail?
Rob121: Oh, are t/.J�y{ emo glaHes are .ro hoi:

jen2jm: Naked what?

Rob121: I think UJe've got an e-mail .
emo hair
Hair stvle that covers the face,

usually swept at an angle.

/ldatJJ Lazzara and Tom DeLonge hatJe
Short for "embedded journalist." A
Je:q emo bair.
journali st embedded (i.e., deployed)
· ·' .


--------�- ------ �

emocentric ends
A combination o f "emo" and .1\·fonev. \'Vbat we all live and die for.

"egocentric." Having the feeling that

Can you hook me up uJith ajob? 1'mjuJI
nobody else is suffering quite as
ltying to hold some endr.
as 'vou arc.

Oh yo u poor thing. You got a B on_your


paper. You're realy
/ sujjering. Stop being .

Engineering nerd. Mainly computer

so emocen!Tit·.
engineers or electrical engineers, but
can be applied across the board i f

emottcon the individual is nerdy enough.

A simple text depiction of what
Enginerd: Jl�y, hcwe_yott Jecn the neJJ' op­
one's face would look like if an
arnp I gotfor my headphone ttmplifier? it
online conversation were taking
ha.r an amai.h&. h{gh cutqflfrequenry.
place i n person.
Frimd o/ mginerd· You are .ruth an mginetd.
I'm happy!.) I'm unhappy!:( You're
sii!J! :P .
. Bad Japanese-to-English translation .
endo Often a word-for-word, literal trans­
Short for "end over end. " To crash­ lation that sounds verv
land anv wheeled vehicle on the front

native English speakers. Most com­ I

half of its wheeled chassis, \vith the . mon in old video games and anime,
rear half still in the air. Typically used or Japanese animation. The word
in reference to the two-wheeled vari­ . "Engrish " comes from the fact that
ety (like a bike) while completing an the Japanese lant,ruagc does not have
airborne stunt or trick, and the rider distinct "J : ' and "R" sounds.
lands front wheel first '\vith enough .
force that they Hip over the handlebars.
From Toap/.m/1' <�mtJe Zero fl':7itW I
All your are belong to u.r.
Dermott: See this f!,t!.Y coming 'round bend (Tran.datio n: Your ba.res are all under our �
Conttor: .t1ye. !1e'll hit that ramp toofast
. control.)
A winner is)'OU. (Translation: }'Ou win.)
and endo it. .. .Somebotjy .ret up Jt.r the bomb.
Dermott: I-lope they don't run wer the
(Translation: .Someone ha.rplaad a bomb I
poor lad! on our .rhipij
ese .. (U!/ith back of handplaced to the
A term used to refer to anv I
forehead, head tilted .rlight!y back) I mtl

American of Hispanic descent. .

ni .rut·h a state qf e:x:hausta
i , 1 can bare.!J
Ese = S.A. = Spanish American. .

conceive if mntitwing "!Y qe. .

_ .

lf/hat up, rou 11/0il�J, holme.r . . .


OU!f !IIC .

external brain . ' .. E:

. .

A device one uses to record

evilticulate .
important data such as addresses
To twiddle all one's fingers together .. and phone numbers. Typically a
in the fashion of !vir. Burns on the .
PDA, but can be as simple as a
TV show The Simp.runs. .

notepad and pen.

After hatching my d(miouJ plot, I e/Jiltci u ­


Hold on a .rn-ond, let me put that in lt!Y
lated while p on d erin g the .finer detaiLr.

external brain.



.. extra cheese
A person who constantlv I
.. �W the goodies. Bling, cash money,
exaggerates everything they say and .

. the best drugs, comp tickets, verbal

do, almost like it's their profession.

praise, TLC, and all a'that!

Lee's tlfull-time exaggemtirmi.rt. Ltt.rt


I ccm't befie?Je .rhe dumped me even though


night ot cr a beer be
• had a
told me he

I<�at·e her all the extra!
thremm;e Jl'ith his gir!fiiend and Paris .

Hilton-and I know he doe.rn t heme a .

gir!friend! . eye candy
.. Something purely aesthetically pleas­
ing. Can be a person, a film, a sunset,
excardon me

a flower, or anything else you can see.

A mishmash of "pardon me" and

excuse me."
. iVicole is oozing 111ith hotne.r.� and she�r
total �ye canc!J to every man.
Excardon me, I thought these 1vere the .
gent.r' toilets. .

eye sex

The act of two people staring at


. each other in such a lustful way they

The state of being dramatically

might as well be doing it.


'J • � • '

.. ' .. ....�
You Jo had �ye Je:x: 1vith him! It's as good ez
as cheating on_your bqyfriend . Informal goodbye.

Paul: l'o, Peter, gotta bounce, ez.

eye tracks
Peter: Ez.
Imaginary tracks left by the eyes
when a person reads something.
Manv science-fiction fans wear
glasses to keep from getting eye Electronic magazine or fanzine; a
tracks on their fanzines, magazines, "publication" whose primary
and books. medium is electronic, generally
presented over the Internet.

Sor�)'--lhis book is no longer mint; I got .

11ry eye tracks all Ot'C?" it. Ipublish an e-�ne once a week 011 strange
ne1n storu
i fronJ Germat!)' and Flordi a.


�------� �--

' 0 00 0 0 0 I 0 ' 0 ' ' 0 0 00 o " o o • • • I • •• •o o o o oo o o o o o , o o 0 0 , 0 .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. -. .. .. . . . -. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . • •• •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• •• •0•

faboo interesting tmd engaging , but 1 .ra11! him in


Fabulous. Also "fabu." Return of the Jedi and he has a total


It 11-'0tdd be totafh,faboo !f we got tickets ·

facefor radio.
to the concert! .

face plant
A serious fall in which you land on

your face. It appears as if vou're
Short for "in your face." •

trying to do an impression of a
Interjection commonly used after a .
plant with your face as its roots.
person has been insulted, disgraced,
or humiliated. Last night at Sigma Chi !was so
111aJted that I slipped, bounced off the
Last night Igot pulled ot;er for

Glf)' 1:
ramp, and did a miousface plant onto
the ground beloUJ.

Gt!)' 2: .Face! I toldyou _yott'd get busted ,

someday. -

face time

Direct personal interaction. Time

face for radio, a

spent talking with a client in person

A polite and indirect way of saying
as opposed to via e-mail, IM, or
' . cellular phone.

)abba the fluttr radio talk JhOlP ir


This dient is i111portant, JO in rteld �f . {



------ �--��

e-mailing him theproposal, go 011 over and .

. faded '



Stoned, drunk, all-around

gel someface time. .
. �

messed up .
. •

fade .
: er that phat
Edwin .rure JJJa.rj{tded cfl

1. A negative term used to describe .

. blunt. !


an attempt to disgrace or get rid of .


something or someone. .
.. fag

}'ou can'tfade me. .


1. A cigarette.


Could 1 bum ajag q!])ou?

2. Gang members originally meant .


"murder" when thev talked about .

2. A derogatory term for a

fading someone. If you fade a gang ..


. homosexual. '

member you are decreasing the

number of members in his gang and .
Dude, ju.rt shut etp,youfag.'

effectively "fading " his color. Today .

. •

the term "fade" is more flexible, .

fag hag
sometimes simply meaning
. Female who enjoys the company of

«disgrace." .
. I
. homosexual males.
Brotha's <got mad cap.r raini11' doJ;;n, but
. Gr' ace i
s Will:rfag hag on the sitcom Will
thoJefools can't jade 111e. .
& Grace.
.. .
. '

fade to black .

. fag-tag
1. To exit. .
. '

To amass a big group of gays,
The cro1vd will .rti/1 /mJe hit11 11Jhen hej(tdu ..
. lesbians, and their friends and take '


to blade. over a traditionally straight venue . •

Ge' t reacjyfor a big night out; we're goit1g
2. To die, especially by suicide. Used .
tofag-ta,g the Superdub to night.
by the band Metallica in the song .


"Fade to Black." .
. \
fair doos
.Some dqy.r lfeel so bad, !just !Pant to .fade .

Fair enough. That's acceptable. I

to black. .
don't care.
Bob: No, 11Jhatl meant 1vas that I think
.. . ..----------------------------------�
0 · �
� ·-�·
�-- --------------------�

your mu111 is a nice person. fake the funk

Jim: Oh, right. Fair doo.r! To assume a false ethos in an
attempt to win respect from a
certain influential party. Opposite
of "keeping it real."
"Not" or "don't. " The insertion of
"fake" in a sentence reverses the I strongjy .ru.rpect be�r a wbite bqyfak in '
meaning of the sentence. Can be thejunk. Ain't no wqy he gmv up in
used like "not" is used in the movie South Cmtral.
Wlzyne�r rf/orld.

Ifake remember that. (I don't mber

re me fake-bake
that.) To tan at a tanning salon or
otherwise get artificially tan.
Yeah, tha/r a good idea . . . fake. (That:r
not a good idea.) JIB. jt{ ke-baked to look ,good.for the
HaLrtead Street parade.

fake the deal

1. To pretend something is true or fall back
put on a front to hide the real facts. Chill out, relax, stop trippin'.

Some belieJ;e the grJ1Jernrm1

1 t lied about Fall back mith th at cu.rsin'. .N[y grandma's
NASA�r trip.r to tbe moon, and th�y have in t be other room.
theories about bow i\D4SA faked the dectl.

fall on the grenade

2. To try to dupe someone into buy­
The noble act of being a wingman.
ing or accepting something through
A group of male buddies are at a
dishonesty or questionable ethics.
bar flirting w.ith a group of hotties.
I thought that 2004 Jlummer JJI(l.f a sletd All of a sud den the hotties' ugJy
at li1,000, but 111hen they told me that the girlfriend comes out of the ladies'
radio, .rtceri ng JJ.Ibee� Jeats, cxhmrst, frame, room. That's the grenade! It's the
and engine JJJere sold .reparate{y and co.rt a solemn dutv of one of the men to
total of S10,000, I realized th�y had fall on the grenade and hook up
real!Jjaked the deal. with that beastwoman so his friends
can hook up with the hotties.

It's P eter�r turn to fall on the grenade. I

\ ',

----------------------------------------------� --.. ------

think Jt'C should all bl!)' him a pity game, etc.) abo u t the characters and

round first. world in that series, usually without

the original creator's permission.

Plural: "fa.nfics."
Short for "familv.'' A word used to
.. �y the ?Jery nature of fanjic, tJ;ere're a lot
of reai!J terriblefic.r out there. But it�r

describe your people or any group

you can trust or consider family. great u;henyou fmd a good one.'
i\llyjam wuz mad deep up in the dub the
other dt!Y· fangirl
. A breed of human female who is
obsessed with either a fictional
family jewels .

character or an actor. Fangirls tend


Testicles; balls; nuts. . .

to congregate at arume conventions


If he tries tlr!ything, kick 'im it1 the and on fan blogs. Have been known
jami(yjewels. to emit high-pitched sounds, as well

. as glomp, grope, and tackle when

.. encountering their particular obses­
fanboy .

sions. Often claim that "I'm reallv

A breed of hwnan male who is J

gonna marry him cuz we R ment 2

obsessed with either a fictional .

b!!!!!!!11111 !!!!!!@#$347903458134!
character or an actor. Often follows
. @!@!" Also uses excessive amounts
various elements of gcek culture (e.g. ,
of punctuation.
sci-fi, comics, Star �l?ars, video games,
anime, hobbits, Magic: the Gathern
i g, . HughJackman: 'el/o. •

etc.) and lets his passion override FangirL- Squeeeeee.l (lmmediatejy attaches
social graces..Also see "fangirl." . to jackman�r leg.)

Jackman: Secttri(y!
AI the mall I almost got mou,ed ()t'er
�)' some Dragon Ball Zjcmbqy on hir
. 1. An idiot
. .

fanfie Shut the hell up, youfantl)'!
Short for "fanfiction." A story
wtitten by a fan of a particular art 2. British term for messing around
(movie, book, TV show, video or assing around .

.... �- -------------------------
�--�- -

Stop Jam?_ying around and get back to . A six-inchfart cannon attached to a


one-inch tailpipe? Don't tel/me.


work. ..

seen The Fast and the Furious at




. least ona1, right?

When a character or celebritv does .


' .

something shocking or exciting just


. farting terms
to stand out or to please their fans.

. A milestone in a new relationship

Usually seen in reference to



when both parties feel at ease when

Japanese pop culture, and often of a .
breaking wind in front of each
sexual nature. .

. other.
Some ep isode s qf the anitne Ranma 1/2

You've bem J1Jith that birdfor a lo ng time


onfarting, temuyet?

. andyou're not etJe12

Do_you hatJe to <.�o to the batbroom evn:_y


time you med to rasp?


Often a low-budget or amateur




publication devoted to the fan



fashion roadkill


appreciation of a particular celebrity


. An item of clothing that is tacky,


or musical act.


cheap, and just plain wrong.

My cousin 111akes an EMsfonzine that


is she JJ!earni g? The color si crap




she hands out at record swaps.

a11d it:r three .rizes too small. It'sfashion

far out .

Expression of disbelief or surprise.


fat as a tick


Your Ji !-timejobiJ beer taster? That's Bloated and obese. Derived from the



iar oM.' state of a tick (parasitic insect) after



. it has gorged itself on a host mam-


. mal's blood. Not complimentary.
fart cannon

Christ! Ali that beer_yot/tJe been guz�ing


A disproportionately l.arge muffler


or exhaust pipe, mounted on late!J has 1nadeyou fat as a tick!



an automobile with a small



displacement engine. Named for the


.. fat cat

flatulence-like sound the vehicle's
Smug, selfish, and greedy business-

exhaust makes.

,. ..



lit I, T \ f-'•
'•J'� '

man/woman who exploits their DC was droppinfbllmbs all ovet;)'O,

position for their own pe rso na l gain until his g randma heard him and washed
at the cost of others. his moutb out.

Tho.refat cat.1 at city hall don't realize the

2. A euphemism for the word
needfor Feng Shtti das.res at the.funir>r

f r iend" when used in the breakup

high letJei. .All thq want are their kick­

conversation. Usually onl'v used bv

backsfor commercial bu ilding permits.
· the dumpee.

. Her: I think we shouldjust befriends , Jim.

. Him: lf/I!Y)'OH droppin' thefbomb on tm?
A la.rge joint.
That's t·o/d.
Yo, c;, light up afatty.

fauxhawk 1. Alternative to the f-bomb. Used
Like a mohawk, but instead of not just by do-gooders who want to
shaving the sides of your head, you avoid the foulest four-letter word
ju st glue up the middle part in the but also by those who flnd it
style of a mohawk. humorous.

Ladies 11.1ant me bet·ause I got afauxhau,k. Who the.feck are)'OU kidding?

2. A mess.
A temporary relationship to relieve illfy bair's ajeck. l'l�just wear a hat.
emptiness caused by the lack of a
real relationship. Also used to
describe relationships with
Inappropriate touch; Grope.
no commitment. Not a very
responsible idea. Janet dejlect(!dJustin �rfie! with her solar
areola medallion.
I don't tru.rt her, man. It looks like a
fatlxlationsbip to me.
feel it
To like or enjoy something.
1. 1\ euphemism for the f-word. You heard that neJv Gang Starr JOI�g? I'm
(Also known as "effinheimer.") Jeelin' itfo .rho.

I ·-::
� '
OiW.G', that's sofetch!

feel it hard
When you have just finished insult­ .

ing or angering someone with some­

thing you said. Can be attached to

1. To crave something or someone

the end of the insult in order to tell . when it is unavailable. Also "feen."
them to "take it hard," adding more

strength and power to the insult. J'mfiendin'jor a cig right nom

The gap in_you1· teeth is so bi� I don't .

2. One who craves a certam
knou; 111hether to smile back or kick a.field 1
substance, usually a drug. Various
goal! Feel it hard! .

. types of fiends include the t\veaker,

the crack fiend, the pothead, the

fell off the truck · cokehead, etc.

Stolen goods. Articles whose origin .

. The Dopium Tribe? 1 heard d�y bejus'
is not strictly legal. .

sum localjiendr 1vho nm aroun' smokin'

Also "fell off the back of a lorry"
dat Golden Poppy all dcry.
in the U.K.
Cotta deal on a nice telfy. Fell off the
back �l a truck.
Rich, as in filthy rich.

You kno1JJ I stay.ftlt�y like Bill Gates.

femullet .

The female version of the mullet.

Commonly paired with cancer-s pot­ fine

ted skin, way too much blue eye­ Good-looking or hot.

shadow, Hooter's shirts, and farm

Juan is.fim.

That tras�) ' latjfs femuflet looks like she


got hit with her husband�r sheep. rheating
1. An informant.
2. Followed by "out": quit, give up,
.. let down.

fetch .
3. Followed by "on": inform against.

Cool, awesome, or good. From the

You're such ajink-1 can't belieJJe_you
movie Mean Girls, where one of the .

jinked out I?Yfinking on me!

popular girls was trying to coin it.
II .,..t

finna · fish market
1. The state of being about to do A gathering with an overabundance

something. .
of females in attendance.
2. One who always says they are .
Opposite of a sausage fest, a party
going to do something.

with too manv males.

You knOJl' whatyoufinna do, )inna? You This parry is a totalfish The 011/y
.finna get out-nom' g'f)' here isgay. l'm going home.

first base .
To kiss, make out, French kiss. 1. To fill a vehicle with marijuana
smoke by closing all the windows
I rmb' got tofirst base last night. .

and doors and shutting off all air

vents while smoking inside the

fish vehicle. Can be extremely dangerous

1 . A woman. Used primarily by gay

while driving, and may cause
men, either in a positive or deroga­ .
asphyxiation if one stays in a
tory way, depending on the context.

fishbowl too long.

Ugb! IV!!)� are there so maf!yfish in the Hoi/a, we gonna go_fishbouJ/ the Tahoe.

cbtb tonight? .


2 . Feminine. Mostly used by gay . 2. The inside of a fishbowled

men to compliment feminine­ .
looking drag queens or transgender

I�ook at thatfishbOJv4 dmvg. I 111anna get,

women who appear too convincing

in 011 some of that.

to be able to tell thev're not


biologically female.

Hry, girt, look at_you! You're

. Newspaper, or any type of
tonight! .

publication on newsprint .

3. A new inmate at a prison. .
So lfire open tbeJtshJvrapyesterdt!J, and

JJJbat do I see? The Paris Hilton skin
The lights Jvent out and the Jvho!ejail
flick's.for sale . . . n01v on DvV!
started to chant ((Fish, .fish, fish, " at the
.fi.rh th�yjust brought in.

1 32
-- --
-- --
-- ·

fit · five-0
1 . British slang for "hot" or "fine." Slang for police officers and/or a

warning that police are approaching.
Dude, that girl is)it.' I'm gonna get her
Derived from the television show
number. .

Hau,aii FiN-O. Also "pig," "piglet."

2. Clothes. Short for "outfit." .

Look out, man,fit)e-0!
.,,.,.. . .' I
. I.

. F :·
. is off the hook! Where'dyou get

; ·

that dress? .
Defines a claim to or ownership of

. a certain item. Originally used to

fit as
define such a claim for five minutes
Stunning in appearance. Hot. Fine.
but is now commonly interchanged
Thatgirl as. She can hm1e af!J bloke with the word "d.ibs."
she wants.
Fives Otl that .reat!

fit wicked .

five-second rule
Pnttv cool.
.. .
The rule by which one determines
Dat shmv wasfit nJicked, itmit? whether food is safe after faiJing on

the floor. If one is able to retrieve

said item within five seconds, it is


not dirty and is safe to eat. Note: In

Short for "well-outfitted." Describes
fraternity houses, this rule is the 1 .5-
someone who dresses well and has

second rule. Rule is invalid in rest-

good fashion sense.

Chri.r came up to tba club.fitte d.'
Person 1: Oh no, "1)' chicken wingje/1 on
five-fmger discount Person 2: 5 . . . 4 . . . 3. . . 2. . .
Stealing. Person 1: Got it!
Person 2: 5-second rule. It'syour.r, dude.
G"ir/ 1: How much was that? .

Girl 2: .Dunno. Igot itfor afi11c-jinger .

discount. fix
1. Temporary satisfaction of a
craving or addiction .



. .. :•

----- -.

Man, I real(y need to get afix. I'm � flaming

shaking. Overtly homosexual.

Adrian, you're JJJearingyour mom's

2. To kick one's ass, typically as
i so }laming, man.
lingerie. That s

revenge for something they did. .


SoJohnny broke)'Oiir u indoJPs, eh? W'f'/1

1 .
. flash
fix him good then.
Showy, ostentatious.

He think heflash a.r a rat tJJith a gold
flake .
To decide not to go at the last .

second; to ditch or bail out. Often .

followed by the word "out." . flat
1. Apartment.
It's been an ho111· since we IPere stJjJposed to
meet. I bet sheflaked on me. Wanna come /Jack to "')'.flat?

%u said we were gonna see the motJie!


. 2. Describes someone who is dull

Don't chat{geyour mnd
i andflake ott!!
and boring.

. Stop being soflat; come to the par!y!

flame '

To unleash a tirade. '

. flat Ieaver
jon Steulartflamed the gtfys on Crossfire .
A friend who doesn't show up or
for neglecting their duties asjournalist.r.
.. come through for another friend .

He told me he u'as comn._ 111ith us and

i �
flame war .
. thenflaked out. He's such aflat leatJer.
On the Internet, a heated argument .
between two individuals in which
they post personal attacks on each flat tire
other instead of debating the topic . Stepping on the back of someone's
at hand. . shoe to make it come off or make
them trip.
I can't come to JJ/Ork today because I'm .
busy having aflame war over 1vhich band . IVhen IgatJe him a.flat tire everyone
i bettet:
s . laughed

1 34
-- --
� -

flava l
I' lprobabb,flick this business degree

Sty1e. From <<£1avor. , .
b�fore second semester.

Whats]O'.flaz,a? .
. 2. Proceeded by "the": the
brush-off The pink slip. Notice
flex .
that something
is over.
To make a statement, clearly express .
.. f
.' ..
' •

- •

Il,alle 111)' work the .flick.

yourself, or threaten verbally, more .

<. :y
·. ' I
You should.givcyo11r 1JJOJJJall the.flick.
' .... .

. _ . . .

than physically. .

: I
Oh, you rvannaflex? Okay, step .

outside-l'll sh01v_you 1vhat's up! JVo? .

Photot,>iaphs. Often used in graffiti

Thats 1vhclt I thought.
Did]OU getflicks of that train_you
flex nuts . I
. painted last ni,_�ht? .

To dominate an individual or group ..

of people. .
. flip
}aso,1 tried to flex nuts and got heat down. .
. To cruise around in a car.

lvle and Tri Jl,iere.flippin', !ookin'for

some leg.
Someone who essentially eats just
vegetables (as well as fish, eggs,
and milk) but is okay with eating . flip a bitch
meat occasionallv as a matter of
• .
To make an illegal U-turn, usually

convenience; a lenient vegetarian. .

in the middle of a street or over
a double line. Often results in
Rather than offend bis hosts, he ate .

.. passengers' freaking out.

a good-sizedportion of tbe spaghetti .

Carbonara thf)' offered rather thmz making .

Justflip a bitch here. There's no ,·ops around
a meal out qf sa/at� bread, and dessert.
W� go hungry? Hes aflexitarian.
flip mode
An unexpected reversal.
flick .

He thou,gbt 1 7Jia.f coming with rock UJhen l
1. To get rid of, drop, or .
. wmtflip mode and umd ali on him.
discontinue ::;omething.
. .... .

.' ·-

-- �..

flip off : floss

Giving the middle finger. 1 . To show off. To flaunt expensive

merchandise such as iced-out
Igot reai!J 1t1ad at Jtez•e cmd.flipped
Rollies, .Ja!:.ruars on triple golds,
him off! .
gem-encrusted pimp goblets, huge
amounts of dank hydro, etc.
flipside 2. To stick dental f loss between
Tomorrow. . your teeth.

Late!J G. Catch y
ou on theflipside. . rou better quityo'}lossin, before I lm.rt
)'OU so hard in the teeth_you'll beflos.rin'
wti h a tou; rope.
To thoroughly beat and/or mutilate
someone or something; this general­ flow
ly leaves the recipient on the ground .. 1. A rapper's ability to rhyme to
. .
m pam. phat beats in a skillful man ner.
Jon, _you best thn/ doum right notJJ befo ' I .
. lv!J'jlOJvs are hot. Iput the hurt on
floor_yo' ass. .
;dJack-ass jl;[Cs.

2. Money. Short for "cash tlow."

floor juice .

The invisible laver of scum found

I be mad blinp,'n 'cause I gots muchflow.
on all floors and items that have .
come in contact w ith a floor. Often .
contains multiple germs, diseases, .
To beat someone severelv or to kill

and other infectious organisms.
. them .
To lick one's shoeJ is to taste thefloor .
. }ou b etter IJiatch)'OHr mouth Ot]OU gonna
juice, imlit. .

. get.flushed

floor sweepin's ..
. fly
Detritus, debris, worthless junk.
Back to the drawi�{!, boar� bucko. }'our
He JVa.r dri1;in' .rome J!y-as.r car he jttst
first drqft u;asfloor SJJieepin �r. dropp ed 50 Gs 011.

1 36
f ly the bird for first-generation immigrants,
Extending the middle finger in a especially Asian immigrants, but

show o f disapproval. sometimes applied to all, even i f

they did not come by boat.
Somejackho/e. cut me iff in traffic ths
i .
morning) so I rolled dou;n the ll'indouJ and
Is thatJob trying to eatfe/1-0 u1ith
fleJJJ him the bird. .
. chopsticks?
� \ ..
. �. . .

. . .. .
,_;, F
- .

�� "· ··· - "

. fobby ·'I
fo' rizzle .

. ' '

For real. That is correct, my good sir. Term used to describe fashion, '

accessories, and other products (e.g.,

That shizzle be rfl the hiz{jejo' rizife.
Hello Kitty and Sanrio products)

from Eastern Asia. Originally from

fo' shizzle, my nizzle : fob, or "fresh off the boat," but has I
Affirmative .response. A bastardiza­ . lost a lot of its negative connotation . I
tion of "fo' sheezy, mah neezy,"
which is a bastardization of

Thatfoblry notebook is sooo cute! Get me l
. some morejohi?J' gifts ll'henyou go back to
"for sur e mah nigga," which is a
. .
bastardization of "I concur .
with you wholeheartedly, my ..
African-American brother." .
Variant of the f-bomb. Best served
Kid 1: 1fs late. Pm heading back to the ..
. for moments of surprise or utter You .rtayin '?
Kid 2: r( J' shizzle, ?J!)' niz�e.
I don 'tfokkin' b 'liet'e it, man . . . .'

fo' sho' .

For sure. Ye�. Okav. •

foo' •

A contracted version of "fool." Made

Damon: Are_you J?,Oing to the Kid Rock
famous bv !v[r. T on the TV show The
concert tonight; .Mike? '

. A-Team. Possibly due to the extended

Mike: Like, .fo' sho' I am!
. contact with cheap substitute gold, he

could no longer tell the difference

fob .
between the people he met. In order
Short for "fresh off the boat." to save himself the humiliation of

Usually derogatory. Most often used .

asking who he was talking to, he
---- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
---------- �..
fJ I I I \J f < •' I� V

simply referred to anyone and every­ . Yo' girl s
i preggers ll'ith triplets?! For
one as "foo"' or "sucka." ·
. ?I
.ffrtOHS .

You cra?Jfoo'! .

2. Exclamation/statement .issuing
food coma .

For .rerio11.r, that cl.1ick JJ;ants mel

The feeling of listlessness, border­

ing on sleep, that one feels after .


3. Expression of agreement.
eating a large meal, often caused by
a rush of blood to the stomach and . Jake: That teacher si dumb.
intestines during food digestion. . Dan: For serious, man.

Man, JJ;e ate the 1vholepu pu platter and

. foreploy

fiOUJ I'm slippit{g into afood coma.


Misrepresenting oneself for the sole


. purpose of getting laid.

One who appreciates good cuisine, The tJJhole evenn i g wasforeplay; theje1k
or just eats too damn much. onjy 12Ja11.ted to hit it.

bigjoodie; I like ItaliatJfood,

I'tn a
i foo� foodfood . . . four on the floor

Indicates that a car has a four-speed
transmission where the shifter is
«on the floor" rather than on the
Variation of "fool."
steering column .

Hry, foolio, let's go catch a movie tonight.

That old Camaro had cl 454 UJith four ott
. thejloot:
for real

Expression of agreement.
four to the floor
Kit(y: Cr)'stal is a real bitch. Especially common in techno, an
Kim"'!.y: For real. unaccented 4/4 time pattern in
which each beat is marked with a

. heavy kick drum. This is desperately

for serious
boring at normal volume but at club

1 . Expression of doubt/surprise,
levels takes over your entire body.
asking for confirmation.

1 38
.... -- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- ----- -, ----

Ufle 1vere drit.·ing 'r·ound toJVJ1 in his Cnrsa1 freak show

plqyingfour to thefloor G'er!Jian house A person who is always putting on a

muszc .
great variety of freaky displays.

rou J1!ere dandng on the bar la.rt night,

fourth wall freak shom
The thin line that exists between a I I
story and reality. Wben a character
in a story tells the reader in some 'I
For males: not wearing undenvear.
way that they know that they are a
character in a story, it is called l'mfreeballin' right nom
"breaking the fourth wall."

Character 1: The screem11riter is ajackass free base

1vho can't 1vrite me proper(y To inhale drugs by cooking them,

(Crashing noise) often in a metal spoon with a flame

Character 2: Well, there goes thefourth underneath. One holds a flame
Jval/. under the spoon and collects the
fumes from the crushed pms in an
empty bottle, then inhales the fumes
. by taking a hit off the bottle.
To kill an enemy in a single-person
shooter computer game. Ske!t'�y Alexfreebases epileptic dmg.r with
. my spoon.
Dude . . . t'!_J'.frag co1mtjust bit 250. .

Yeah, man! Unreal ToJJrnament rules!

. freedom frie s
New word for "French fries."
freak . An expression made up by ubercon-
1 . To make out or have sexual .

servatives to eradicate any mention
Intercourse. '
of France in the U.S.

She likes to freak on a regular basis.

!f Congress is stupid mougb to tttrn
Frenchfries into freedomfrie.r, it is stupid
2. To dance as if simulating sex.
enough to make tnm!formation.r:

Freaking i.rn't allou�ed at .rome dances Turk�y = independence bird

arrymore becauJe it ofend.r
l the chaperones. Pekn
i g dt�tk = democracy duck
Gttinea pig = freedJJmpig

. :
.. "
IE · · · · · · ·� ·

Hamburgers = liber('y meat freestyle

World = .America 1 . In music (usually rap and techno):
lnspectiom = u;ar where everything is made up as you
StatesmmZJhip = Jl'ar go along. In rap, people make up
Diplomary = rvar . lyrics as they go along; in techno,
Peace = Ji/(Zr the DJ mprovises
i beats and mixes
songs on the spot.

freeper l.rit here spittin' Jnird on tht'J teen-geared

Right-wing political activist. So urban dictionmyI
called because it is the nickname of . Hopin' the votes of "D' definition hit high
the denizens of the ultra-right-wing . notes like a canm:YI
website Similar .So don't'OUr skill and become sc
to "ditto-head." Also spelled . cmd senileI
: And as long tiS it ain'tpreW!itten ilr
kickin' afreestyle.
Bill thinks that clf!J One who opposes '

President Bush should he throJJ/11 n

i jail. .
2. In sports (especially extreme
He's a total F
reeper. ·

sports): where someone improvises

a stunt or series of stunts.

. I'd like to .ree more �( thosefrees!J'Ie mot•es.
1 . A more adventurous and
challeng1ng for m of mountain
biking involving jumps, drops, . freestyle loafing
berms, etc. A sport in which the only goaJ is to
sit around in the most comfortable
Hry, G
a�you sickfreeride1jyou Jt'anna
.. position possible. Well complement­
gofrceride some? . ed by smoking weed .
2. In snowboarding, riding down a . After Jvork, I'm gonna go home and do
mountain with all types of terrain . somefreestyle kJafing. It's gonna be tight.
(trees, dropoffs, etc.) but not doing
tricks like jumps, rails, and other .
things, which are part of freestyling. ..
Cocaine .
I JJ ant a snoJPboardforfreeriding.

. Stet•e got hm i se!f out qf a sticky situation

. !(;• telling the cop that hsi bag of .freeze U'as

actuaf!y a bag of}lour he 12-w bringing to Anonymous (AA) and, therefore

hisgrandma to help her bake some cookies. : (usually) , a recovering alcoholic.
Derived from the name of Bill
. \Xlilson, one of the founding
frequent flier .
I' I
members of AA.
Anyone who repeatedly does
something. Takes its meaning from . 1 111as at an airport and JJJa.r tempted to
bead to one of the bars, so imtead I had

the context in which it is used, such .

as individuals who repeatedly call . "BiLl W" paged tr.r a code to haz1e .rome-
9 1 1 for minor issues or mental .
onefrom the program comefor a ''meeting"
patients who frequently get JJJith me.

admitted to the psychiatric ward. .


Betry k11ows her 1vay around thefloor . friend with benefits
i afrequentflier
because she s . • A friend with whom vou mav J '
occasionally "hook up" or make
. out without commitment.
fresh •

Acceptable and highly approved. •

Friend· I heardyou made o11t withjosh . . .
doyou like him? Areyou going out?
Lets go to Darrell's Shop-th�y got

Because I thoughtyo11 1
P e
fresher ret·ords there. •

. You: iVope. IPe'rcjustfriends with bene-

.fits, is all. flWre not together or t111]fbing.
freshman 20

The 20 pounds a freshman generally

. friend-flirt
gains the first year away from home .
To flirt with a friend as if vou
at college, where no one watches

. are just being funny, when in fact

over their eating habits. Used to be .
you are hot for this person.
the "freshman 15," but people just
Commonly used to break out of
keep getting fatter.

the "just-friends" relationship.
Sheila came homefrom scbool n�ith the •
I'mfriend-Jlirting with Jessica 01.1er llvL
fre.rhman 20 shou;ing in the u:qy her
but I don't think she thinks it:rfor real.

friend of Bill W. •

. To act !.ike vou are someone you're

A member o f Alcoholics . J •

not. specifically, to think and

. "
. -----�
,; ' .
. ,.
' .
'"""' ,
' ..
l ... •-; ' .. .

. I I , I I I I j ,, o \

act like you are a badass when you frumpy

are not. To fake something, often by Showing a lack of concern for
acting in an opposite fashion. appearance. Often characterized by
sweatpants, frizzy hair, grandma
Don't befronlin' like_you don't knou'
panties, and a pasty complexion.
111h at the hell is goin' on!
I don't Pt!J')'OU to dress allfrt1111PJ'- iVOJJJ
lf,O put on some heels and do something
with that hair.
1. A freshman who onlv has '

upperclassman friends. Has a

pos111vc connotation. FUD
Acronym for «fear, uncertainty, and
De1;on si a.froshmore. He:r too cool)or the
doubt." Also known as scare tactics,
rest of us.
either accomplished by threat or by
making the opponent doubt his
2. A sophomore who is still treated
standpoint. Used not only in
like a freshman. Has a negative
. lawsuits but also in politics and
military propaganda.
Joe �:r afroshmore. What a loser.
Tht! companfr FUD-spreading mused
mat!)! .rupportm· to abandon their caus�
frottage exceptfor thefelll 1vho could .ree through its
To induce sexual pleasure by scaremongering propaganda.
applying one's body to another's.
The process is especially popular at
music concerts and nightclubs. Also

Hey, bal?y, that iceJ'Ou got si fu,gazi! I

] u,enl to the club last night and JI.Jas 011Ct'-
hope)'Ott didn'tpqy m11chfor that.
1Jlhelmed f?y all thefrotta,ge.

Combination of "funny" and "ugly"
Wearing lots of diamonds (ice) .
or "fucking" and "ugly."
Jacob tbeje1Nder keeps ''!Y arms so frozen.
She:r so jug!y no one 1vill date her.
fularious he doesn't, because then I'll look like an
Combination of "funny" and "hilar­ tdiot.

ious" or "fucking" and "hilarious."

Thatjoke tvasftrlarioNs! fully sick

Great. Of high quality.

full of shit Gi9: Check out ll�Y fulb' sick ride!

1 . Totally unfounded, not credible, Chick: Fui!J sick!

or ridiculous . . . usuallv refers to


something somebody just said.

fun police
Etic: .
. . So I told the Olsen twins I Person or group of people who

wasn't in the mood, because, you knouJ, make others stop having fun for

I can do bette1: Then a couple minutes whatever reason, usually out of •

jealousy or spite, but sometimes I

later I ran into the Hilton ssters
i and
scored a threesome. It Jva.r.Jtnt like in tbe because said fun is against the law.

z;ideo, dude, I su;ear. Also, another name for one's wife,

Stan: LVIan, _you're so full of shit, your e_)'f.S instructor, parent(s), or the legitimate

are b;·ouw. authorities. Also "fun assassin."

We Jt'ere havingfim hNrling dog shit over

full on the house into the yard across the street

Holding nothing back. Intense. with 171)

' ' homemade trebuchet when the

Relentless. efjingfun police made us stop.

1Vo way, mate, that u;as so fiJI/ on it's

doing n�J' head in! fundamental
Radical or awesome.

full-court press Did)'OU see those dttbs? They're

To aggressively put the moves on, fttndamental!

or to hit on, someone. To not give

up on trymg to get someone to go
funk button
out with you. Named after the play
Metaphorical button that, when
in basketball.
pressed, releases a euphoric

Couldyou see f
i Jl1ike likes me? I don't feeling when one is engaged in a

want to put thefi,tfl-courtpress on him f

i pleasurable activity.

I can't take af!.y more; Fve busted my fuzzbuster

fimk button. A radar detector.

I laugh at the pigJ hiding out on the .ride of


funky cold medina the highJJJt!)' IIOJJl that I got "!Yfuzzbmtel:

A drink that drives ladies crazy and Better stick to Dunkin' Domtfs.

makes them want the man who buys

it for them. After the title of a

fuzzy math
1980s song by rapper Tone-Loc. .

A poorly thought-out solution.

Bartendefj hou' abotd afun� cold medina
Gt!} 1: I bet we canjump the gap if we're
for the lad_y?
goin' at lea.rt 10 mph.

: G�y 2: That:rji,zzy·aJJ math.

Synonym for police, detectives, FBI,




and any other organi zation that .

holds authority.

H�)� man, JJJatch_yourse!f. Thejitzz are

rigl7t around the corner.

.... . .. .. . . . .... ... . .. ... . . .. -- --- · - · ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ····· .... . . . ... .. . .. ... . ... .. - . . .. . .. . .. .. .

G Dude1 yott got gaffled a/ the dub u;hen)'OU

1 . A gangster. .
spmt $50 to get in and I spent $20.

Uncle Sam gaffles me etJC?Y time 1 have to


Thatj· ct real G. Don1tpiss him o/l .


pay my taxes.


2. A thousand dollars.


Let me borrow a G. .
. An interjection denoting frustratton

and/or excitement.

3. A term of endearment.

Gcth! I scored only 95 on n:J' fast science


What up1 G? .

exam. Thry'll net1er let me back into the


science dub again.

Texting abbreviation for "got to •


Volume or amplification .

g2g. Boss;iut came in. .

lPe need more gain!




To be taken advantage of, tricked,

1 . Something you play, usually a
bamboozled, swindled. .

competitive activity.

·uH JBJT I • •t
' o IJ q " " •

"Drinking cbeckers" is a shit(] drinkitz� Guy 1: }ou want to go to the ball game,
game. "Beirut" is better. game at the caJino, shoot some game, then
1wrk game on .rome UJ(iJtJen?
2. To play a game. Gu' y 2: h:tJ l!,tt?tle.

I u1ent gaming in Vegas and lo.rt all nry

1nalth to a Jfot machine. game over
1 . When somethi ng doesn't go your
3. Skill or ability in any game. wav.

Shaq lost to Aaron Carter in one-on-one? Youfound out tbat)lOUr ho iJprf{_f!,nant?

Damn, thatj(Jol nm.rt hm:e no game at all. Game over.

4. An animal that is hunted. 2. When a girl is not attractive.

Yo' honor, I didn't mean to shoot that IVo wqy, dNde, that,girl i.f game O?Jet�
tm1tha in that gang tJJar: . . I thought .

he was game,_)'Ot-t know, like a deer or

game recogntze game

some shit.
An esoteric catchphrase of the
urban male pimp, playa, rapper,
5. Short for "game over!"
or wannabe that carries the
Three-pointer at the buzzer ... and its weighty implication that only
good/ That's game! someone who has their game tight
can have the appropriate respect
6. A measure of smoothness with and admiration for someone else's
the opposite sex. doubtlessly tight game.

You couldn't etJen "'get .rome from Line-em- -

Gt'!)! 1: It JJiaJ tight hOJV]OU plt!Jed
up Liz? You m11st hm•e no game. Shaniqua and Latisha off em·h other like
that . ..plq_ya, playa/
7. Lines or moves used to get the Gi.!J 2: Came recognize game, l1omie, you
opposite sex into bed. knmv how Irk.

I broke out the old ''rou must befrom

Tennes.ree ''game on her and it tvorked like game tight
a thm'tll. To be well informed, have your pri­
orities in order, and make ends meet.
8. Willing to do something. To be at the cop of your game.

·� /' ;::,
·f· ·-
..----------------------------------------------- �---w----.�

I hope It()' lm�f)'er got his J!,ame t{�bt. I which the driver holds the wheel
don't want to go tojail with his left hand while leaning to
his right toward the passenger seat,
usually bobbing his head or bumpin'
with the beat. It's a pretty badass
A person who is either a member of
wav to drive. This move works
or heavily affiliated with a local gang.

best in a Chevy Caprice or any

I ain't cruisirt' till tomorrow--mad,�ang­ pimp-style car with a three-person
bangers out ton{�ht. front seat. .

.. ..,:�···

. . . . ,Wt
: .
• •

�· !�i� I


•• ! t

S'aJJttJ!Y was gangsta l.eanin' so hard

gangbusters _yesterdtfY that hi.r bead wm partial(y 0111 1

1 . Energetic or intense. the passen,_�er n;indoJJJ. lVhat a pimp. 1.

Check out tt(Y gat�gbuster.r neJiJ CD
gangsta style
2. Preceded by "like": a lot, to the The style of doing things with a
extreme. sense of professionalism, style, and

a little violence.
It's rai,;ing like gangb1Jster.r.
1 haJ;e to pee iP'{�Sta s(yle.

Tight, ill, cool. ganJa

Marijuana, pot, cannabis, weed.

Gir/ 1: 1 got that bq_y bt!)li11' me clothes,
cars, a11dje
J JJe/z. At 4:20 etJerybocfy'J· burnin' gaf!ja.
Girl 2: Dalr gangsta.

gangsta grip 1 . To steal in a surreptitious or
To hold an object sideways. Often underhanded manner.
associated with firearms.
People alwqy.r gank "!Y damn lighters!
I got "D' cap to the back and m_y AK47
in a gang.rta grip. 2. To gang up on and frag an
opponent in an online game.

gangsta lean The Blood Brotherhood ganked that gi!Y

A common driving position in hardcore!
------ �

' . . .
.' ' ' . . .\ ,. '

3. To do a character assassination. · gat

1. Gangsta firearm. Short for
P Didc)f l ain't got no street cred sinte
. ''Gatling.''
j.Lo ganked him in Vibe. .

Just get that gat out of It() j(ue and
. eJJerything Jvi/1. bejakf..
Person who gazes stupidly or in .
2. To shoot someone with a gun .
openmouthed surprise or wonder. ...
An idiot. ...
Yo, I be gat/in')'O' as.r if_you don't .rhttt
up 'bout m ah momma.
Traffic JJJciJ backed up because of all the
gape1'S tr:ying to 21ieJ1! the accident. .
Slang for a shotgun. Comes from
garage-sale .. the caliber of the shotgun, which is
In skiing, to wipe out big time. .

. measured by gauge.
Usually classi fied by the .
1 blasted hi111 1vith 17(J gauge!
uncontrolled Hailing and loss of
poles and skis. .

Tbe .rkier JJ)ho thought he 1/Jas bot
.. gay
shit garage-saled b{g time in the middle of Term often used to describe
the traiL something stupid or unfortunate.
Originating among homophobes
and quite often used by teenage
males in an attempt to buff up their
"Garments," clothing.
. "masculinity."
I need to bt!Y .rome neu· gamlz. .
Mafl, .reat.r are ,gt!)'· 1 can't etJetl .ree
gas (up)
To fill another's head with false .
. gay buffer
notions, or having one's head filled .
When vou sit down somewhere
with false notions. .

(usually in a movie theater) and

She was all gassed up, so
!JJhen .rhe purposely leave an extra seat
wam'/tJoted prom qtJeeJJ she IJ)as .ralf.Y. .
between you and a person of the

. same sex so as not to appear gay.




Dude, leave me a gay bujjer! 'rou're so Didyot1 knowJ�ff can trmk our h ike's
and elewtion gain JJJith his

close to me 111e're practimi!J' making otd. di.rtante, route,

. ne111 CPS unit? He is such a gearhead.


gay dar



The ability/gift of being able to


detect homosexuality in other people. . Previously a four-letter word, now a


. six-tigure salary.

Whoa! Look at that glf.Y· .At!J gqydar is


going trary.'

.. Bill Gate.1 is a geek,yet he is the riche.rt

. man in the world.


g'day, mate

geek out

An Australian greeting between



males. .
. To engage in a conversation of a

highly technical nature, typically

G'day, mate, hopinta me V8 an ell tel/ya


I '

with other members of the party


aaaall about Oz

you are with, completely (and

. usually inadvertently) alienating

others in the process.


Drug of choice. Varies according to .

IPe 11/ere having a great t'onJJenation about



IIOJv bad IJ/"ind01v.r JJ!a.r, ;vhen
Bill .rtar·ted geeking out about assembler

Bring some gear with_you Jvhen_y(Jtt come


oz;er. . code on a PDP-10.



gearhead geeked


1 . Someone who is totally into cars . Stimulated or energized; stirred up,

and is very knowledgeable about fired up.


how to modify and fix them. .


Dude, I am so geeked about US Yot�th



ha.r a seatbelt

Eric i r sttch a
. gear!Je(ld he .

Socarl.r national championsbip.r.

buckle}or a belt budek. .




2. ..

Someone who collects the latest,



A female geek.
coolest, most efficient, and techno-

.. He and biJ girlfrimd geek out ali ihe time


logically advanced gadgets for their



She's a

sport, interest, or hobby. about Linux. geek.rtress.


. .
,; !
.. '
. -

Tot a lly relaxed. Not caring.
2. To have sex.
Susa11: fif!)� Ton') a, 11-'hal areyou doing?
Tonya: !'111 ge/lit1'. . I /m;e this nJttsic. I JJJanna J?,el bu:ry-'

geocaching get fitted

A great game 'i.vhere people h.idc Short for "get outtittcd." To get
boxes (or caches) of goodies all dressed or change clothes .

over the world and register the

l'm gonna go home, lake a shoJilCfj and
geographic coordinates on the
Internet. Using a GPS unit, others
arc then able to go hunting for these

boxes, take or leave items for o thers , get hot

and/or transfer a Travel Bug to .
Get to work, get busy.
another location.
Ylm gU)'J' h(J1Jen't started the prqjetl_)'et?
r lmiHed the U.tedding, bttl 1 did ratk Better get hot, biotd;es/
up ten more geocachi1��jinds!

get involved
get a room To be part of the noble sport of
Derisive or humorous comment dri n kjn g .

said to couples engaged in heavy­ .

Come 011, male, d:r been •I insert number
duty public displays of affection
les.r tban ten berej hour.r since_you kicked
(PDAs), such as swapping spit in the
it home-get irwolved!
middle of a party. Usually indicates
dis comfort or jealousy on the part of
the speaker. The impljcacion is you .
get it
should get a motel room because To achieve intimacv with someone-

you're prac ti cally doing it here. after minimal effort.


Get a room/ l�e're tr)'ing to JJJatch the fl�y, Jimmie, did)'OU get it last night at
ga!!le here. the club?

get it on
get busy

1 . Get something started.

1 . To dance. .

I got ti�Y popcom, I got ''?.Y ccmcfy, I got "IJ' get on my level

bai?J; Jet's lP this moz,ie 011. .

To compete with or get on the same
page as me.
2. Euphemism for having sex, .
The pla:yer dunked the basketball and
popularized by Marvin Gaye in his
Hreamed, "Get on tl(J /etJe/JO
classic song "Lcr's Get It On." .

I think ti�Y roo·mmate:r getting it on

get on the good foot
1vith hir
. gir(fnend. fie lift a sm·k on the

Southernism: to begin a task pronto.

doorknob, .ro !'11e bem sexiled .

To get moving, get crackin'.

· -I 12'as
Fd better get on the goodfoot-
get it twisted .
. strppoml to be at J1Jork an hour ago!
To take something the wrong way

or twist what someone has said.

get one's swerve on
Don't get this tJvisted, dang, but J.Vikki,
To drink alcohol in order to get
she's "!Y gir� .ro_ymt be.rt batk qff.

I gots to get ''?.Y swen;e on tonight!

get me

Term meaning, "I acknowledge

wh at you sru'd"
. get out
Term used sarcastically to mean
lvfe: Goin'for a .rnout.
rou: Get me! I need a break too.
Gel out.' 1 dtdn't kn01v a chidemhead

was a crankster.
get off
1. To orgasm.
get paid
Excuse me, bttt I need to get ofj

. Obtaining cash through other


than commonly respectable means,

2. To enjoy tremendously. Typically

such as by pawning items, selling

followed bv "on"
stolen items, or illegal activity.

Lottis real/y gets o/J on adding definitions Generally not in reference to


to urbandictionary.cotn. .
gainful employment.

Punk 1: lo, Ijacked this tm· .rtereo. from

-- ----- ----------------------------- �..

a lfytmdai last rt{�ht. · get stupid

Punk 2: Straight up! lFhakha gon do To have a good time. More
wit it? . specifically, to become drug- or
Punk 1: lPhatcha think? I'm gonna alcohoJ-jmoxicated.
pauw it tmd gel paid. . 1bey did nothing lmtget stupid dJtring
their Christmas ZJacation.
get right
To get high on some badass sativa
get the plates
(marijuana). To get in the proper
. "Get the plates" is a phrase used to
imply that someone or something
We should get r{ght and then plqy .ro me .. has just been "served," or shown
. .
mustc. up. Commonly used in high schools
with manv variations such as "Start

handing the plates out" and "Get the

get served
plates 'cause you just got served."
To be completely owned or shown
up by someone. . Whoa, get the plate.r ' that waJ
embarraJ.ring. Jle ._f!,ut .rertJed.
Ray: Check this .rhot out. AfM�JI! (bricks it) .
DarryL· l've seen_you put up .ro ma'!y .
bricks todqy thatfor a JJJllzie 1 couldn't tell get with
ij)rm 111ere trying to plqy basketball or .
To engage in sexual acts with .
undertaking a mq.jor co n.rtmdion project. Usually refers to two people who
Totty: Oooooh,_yott)14sl go t .!'erJJed! are not dating or have just started
Rqy: No, I didn't, 1 just <got un!ucky , . darjng.
Tot�y: Ye.ah,youju.rt got .remed more tban .
JVikki got 1vith Brendt at the skatium
tbe daify spedal at a diner.
and then fu;o days later he asked her out.

get silly
get with the program
To drink, to get wasted.
Get your act together, get with it,
Hey, g')! 'S, l Jtole tl 12-pmk rf Natty .
get a clue.
fr oflJ tt!} dad'sfridge. Wanna get sil{ll
lf?ea/zpq.y.r .rpot_you gt!)'S two p oint at
tonight? .
.. game star t anc/.you still e21e1J' timP.
. Get Uli/b theprogram alrea(fy!

get your [verb] on '
night qftcr bejacked that tar.
Can be used as a substitute phrase I
' I
for performing or completing a I
ghetto blaster

. .

certam acuon. '

1. A small stereo, sometimes con-
I'm tire� so I'm /!,Onna get "?Y .rit on. raining a tape deck or CD player

Yo, Ro.rco! I got thejttice, time to c{!,et our '

and normally somewhat lacking in
drink on. ' sound quality and appearance.

Let's roll to thaparlt!Y, man. (got tha � --:!l

get your finger out ghetto blaster and JOJtte 40.r.
Hurry up. Most often said to
slackers. Implies that the person 2. Any broken-down or distorted I
has their finger in their bum or is stereo. 'I
' I
sitting on their thumbs.
Mem, thctt ghetto blaster is Jvbmk.
Ifyou don't getyourfinger ou/ andji11ish

thi.rjob the bos.r lJJi/1 befurious.


ghetto fabulous

Referring to the style of nouveau


gg riche people who have grown up in

Abbreviation for "good going" or ghetto or urban areas with a combi-


"good game." nation of bad taste, an urban aes-


thetic, and a desire to wear one's

After the race, the hare relut M
· ntfy gm1e tbe .

wealth. Basically, high-priced but


tortoise prop.r a11d .raid 'gg."


tacky clothing and accessories.


People with million-dollar homes decked


ghetto .

out all in black, gold, and black glas.r-



Unappealing, run-down, nasty. .


ghettofabulottS, man.
Opposite of "pimp." .


Man, datz gbetto. Let's bounce. .


ghetto level

How ghetto, gangsta, hard, and/or


ghetto bird

urban you happen to be. Ghetto


10 1,

A police helicopter. .
levels are between and with
10 being most gangsta and 1 being
At lea.rt !JIJO gbetlo birdr were
least gangsta.
chasing Lorenzo doum the 1-10 last '

. .. .


1 u

A man JJJho lived in the ghetto, slatJg Damn, dawg! When the cops .rhmved up

rocks, and 1vorked his JJ'�Y out on!J to be : he got gho.rt realjast.
brought do11m I?J old beef has a ghetto .


le11el ql 10. .
Your pizza p,uy has a ghetto !et;el ql 3.
Acronym for "garbage in, garbage

Office JJJanager: l heard Microsoft ��r COlli·
Acronym for "gotta have it." Used
ing out with another update.
as a modifier, as in "GHI culture,"
Techie: ljft! GIGO.
or "in GHI mode."

1¥-P. live itJ a CHI-obsessed .rociety JJ!here •

impulse b19ing ir the norm, especially 1vith
� The combination of "gigantic" and
tl.1e ctdt1ent of Internet commerce.

· "enormous."

: He's on!J.fivefoot three, but he drit;es

ghost •
around in tl1is ginormous car.
1. To steal something. Possibly .

named for the ghost Boo from the

game Mario Kart 64, who would .
girly man
steal your item \.vhen activated. .
1. Male who is weak, pathetic, soft,
and conseguently possesses no
I'm a ghost that Ferrari/ .
upper body strength. After the
"Hans and Franz" skits on the TV
2. To hold smoke in your lungs for
show Saturdq;· 1Vigbt Live.
so long that nothing comes out .

rf little gir(y men.


when you exhale. . }ou arejmt a bunch

l hit thatjoint bard and gho.rted that Jhit.
2. Democratic state legislator in

California. lnsuJt hurled bv movie
3. To put to death, deprive of life, . •

actor and California Governor


kill, murder, put an end to, extin­ .

Arnold Schwarzenegger in a speech.
guish, cause death or extinction. :
.'tJe got aproblem with the law, tell it


Riddick just ghosted hvol


to the girfy men in Sacramento!

4. Preceded by "get": to get out of ..

somewhere fast.

� ' � -
· w ------------ - -

gtve 1t up

: the saliva to shoot out, usually at an


A request for praise that can be impressive distance.


issued either by the receiving party

Yuck! Ericjust gleeked all over "!Yjood!

or a third party. '



Give it "P for fl?.Y man

DJ Mike!


To hug with enthusiasm. To pretty


give lip
! :

much tackle someone in greeting.

. ··a· · .. . 'J


To lip off, contradict, or argue with When used online, often surround- '· .


. '


.... ...

someone. ed by "action stars"-asterisks



denoting an action.
Stop gilltng .
me lip!
. I

G'irl./1.: 8* WelcoiJJe back! lVe

*Gio�t�ps .

mi.r.red_you! Hmz; lt'as_your t'amlion?

glass . Girl B: *Ciomps A back* I mis.red_you


Slang term for high-purity metham­

tool iV[y t;acation n'aJ great!
phetamine. According to the U.S. .
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEi\), .
it refers to any product with 85 ..

go career
percent or higher purity. In real . 1. To make a career out of a
street usage refers to any product . temporary job. To become a lifer.
with a clear, crystalline appearance.
. I didr!'t think I'd like sit
t inf!,
_ at a de.rk all
Yo, G, you holding ai!J' glau? dt!)' infront qf a co!Jipttte?j but after this,


!IJJightjust go career.
.. 2. To voluntarilv extend one's
Acronym for "gay, lesbian, bisexual, .

' military tour of duty into long-term

transsexual." .

GLBT people deseme to hm1e the riJ?,ht t o '

The m-geant decided to apply to OC.f

and pos.rib!J go caree1:

gleek .

go commando
To build up saliva in the salivary
To dress without underpants or
glands using some stimulus, like sour
a bra but be otherwise normally
food or yawning, and then pressing .
. attired.
the tongue upon the glands, causing

; t::, c:,
.. ..... -
--------, --------�--��-

... . . , . , ,


I'm afraid 1 can't io1Jler fli.J trouse-rs, Your · or "good job."

1-lonor; as I hm;e gone CO!Timando !Odt!J'· .
You 11/(Jn the Jpeiling bee JJiith "D•co­
phant"? Go)'OU

go gold .

A term used to describe when a .


piece of

software (or music) is com­

Acronym for "greatest of all time."
pleted and written to a master disk
Tight, the best.
(such as a CD-R or a DVD-R) ready
to be shipped off for manufacturing. . shoes are G'. 0./l. T

Aet·ording to Todd, the compuler game

Doom 3 111ent gold on Ju!y 14th, 2004. gobshite
Loudmouthed person who talks a
lot but says nothing of any value;
go green
shite comes out of their gob.
To succumb to violent rage. Similar .

to "hulk out" or "go aggro." .

Shut it,_you little gobshite!

l'Jan, I hate it when people steal R!J
parking .rpot.' It make.r me go green! go-code
An order issued, often bet\:veen

armed personnel, that basically

go hard .

means "go!"
To be tight or quite remarkable.
Okqy, be reacfy. I'm gonna gitJC the go-code.
That shirt go hard with them shoes.

God squad
go JUlce
• •

Derisive name given to various

Coffee. Term usually used in
religious organizations that aggres­

the morning. "Go-go juice" is


sively and proactively campaign for
appropriate as well.
new members to spread their faith .
I need some gojuice to gel through the .
.. Don't atJSJJier the door. Tbe Cod squad i.r
out there.

go you
going down
Interjection meaning "way to go" .
A statement used to express that

you will destroy, bring down, beat . people will try to pass off items made

up, or otherwise eliminate someone

. with this material as being real gold .

or something. .
. 1.JlosJ "(}gold on a roll 1 bought itfo r
Ma11 1: Your momn1a i.r an ugjy hoi . $16, but it looks real.

Man 2 (just bifore he punches Jvfan 1):


Dude, you're g oi ng doJJmi



.. Complete, good to go, all right!
gotng out .


Once 11-'e get thiJ test.finishec4 well be golden.

A relationship in which a person .

becomes so romantically entwined

with another person that, in the

golds I

course of several months, the male .

Gold teeth. A gold grill. From II

companion often loses all ability or rapper Master P's song "Where U


desire to reason. .
. From?"


Sarah and I have been going outforJour

. Flava Flew and Rakim were among the

whole rnonths. I hcJ1Jen't made a decision in firs t rappers to rock golds.

three monthJ. Last Jnek I had the urge to


hm;e an opi nion but n�y J()ul mate t·ame n
, i ..
gone pear-shaped
and we talked about it until thefeeling ...
British slang for events taking an
went aJJ;qy. .
. unexpected turn for the worse.


. I 111as hoping th is would be a gmttpa�

gold digger .
. but it's all gone pear� shaped now thai the
A person who goes out with you fo'

. polit-e have t11rned up.
yo money. .

I k ne1v .rhe was lou� but 1 didn't knou) Jhe .

. goober
was a goid d igger. The other night .rhe


Term of endearment for a kind-
traded ber phone numberfor .wme stock
. hearted, rather oblivious goofbaJI.
options. ..


"ThatJo hn s
i such a goober," saidJane as


John 11ector-danced hisjuniorprom an1 qy.


gold on a roll

Fake gold or something that is a .


cheap kind of metal like steel or tin .

that is only plated v.-ith gold. Some .
Content .


Mom: Do_)'Otl want so111ejuice? which mocked National Public


Kid· Nab , I'm good. . Radio. The two would repeat the

phrase "good times" at certain

. intervals. Now a phrase used by


good looking out

. many when or reflecting
To let someone know you are
on a fun, exciting, unique, or crazy
thankful for their watching out

moment in the past or present .


for you or helping you out with .

som ething. Frimd 1: Reme/llber those endless summer


dc.ry.r we had Jvhm Jl'e JPere_)'ounger?

GJ!y 1: up, son? Seenyo' e.>..· at da .

Friend 2: } eah, good timeJ.

dub.Just nom .

Gu)' 2: Good lookin' out, JJJboadie. Let's

bit a dijferent place, fo' sho'. .

good to go

good Lord lVC're good to go. Lock and load.


An expression of surprise or .

astonishment. Originally British, it .



now has a slightly sarcastic or ironic

A person acting in a stupid manner.

He got drunk and burt!f trying to


Butler: Excuse me, but 1Yfadame appears .

climb a tree. IVhat a goqf!

to have beet/ SJJJept out to sea 0' a tidal

Jpm·e. .

Duke: Good Lor� Jeeves, that�r .

goof juice
appalling. �14 tell the maid to rell!Ot.Je

Alcohol. Usually cheap wine .

oneplctt'e setlingfrom the dining table.

: has to have a
Todd on(y fm' glasses of goq/

juice to get the mme eJJ'ect as drinking a
good times . case of beet:
Phrase popularized by a Satttrdt!J .

Night Live sketch in which Ana .


Gasteyer (who played «Margaret o J . Combination of
. "goofy" and
McCuUen') and l\ofolly Shannon .

(who played "Teri Rialto") acted as .

the two monotone hosts of a radio That glfY i.r suth a gorftard; be put bis

cooking show, "Delicious Dish," .

undmvear on 011er his pants .

i his Coogle hcmd strong!

Google Damn, s
A popular Internet search engine, or
to use the Google search engine. .
/-lang on, I'll m ff 1 tafl G'oogle it cmd .. The ability to quickly answer any
get an an.r11'er. given question using lnternet
resources, e speci ally the Google
search engi ne.
Google bomb .

.. . . t

. .

1. A collaborative effort among lv[y Coogle/u is strong this morning. l've . G ..

. /·!_·� --:::... . ·

I'll take a long

, '

webpage authors to exploit a weak­ . .ra1.1ed .ro much time I think

. •

ness in the Google search engine and
. lund;.
. I

make the address of another web­

page appear at the top of the search . Googlewhack
results list when a particular ph rase is .
When you type a search term into
typed into the search engine.
the Googlc search engine and only
2. To conspire with other webpage .

get one result.

authors to create a Google bomb by
agreeing on the search phrase and .
Tfound a new Googlewhack todqy-
. . .
VlCOffi Site. . smooJhed acidhet�dr!

The mostfmnous G'oo,gle bomb t'atl be trig­ •

gered f?y searchingfor "miserablefailure. " goon

As qf 8/1/051 the White House biogra­ . A person with poor social skills and
p� of George W Bush ll'a.r still a/ top r1'
the list. Some t"Ounter.rtnkes have been
a limited abilitv to interact with

other people. Someone you would

made onJimtl�)' Carter�r bio and lv!id;ael . rather not have to spend any length
Moorel_s 1vebsite.

of time with.

Are the goon.r comng

i to thepub ton�gbt?
Google hand 1f J01 i'l'tl out.


The measure of one's ability to .

idly locate information on the
. goose
Internet using Google.
. To grab someone's butt cheeks
!just askedJim about a rare breed of . and squeeze. Most often done in a
Guinean hancma slug. f-Ie had some . playful manner between friends.
linksfor me itt a coupLe qj' minutn. .

He me .ro hard it me!


goose egg Mike andJenn down the street have a


Zero. To be left with nothing. The new car, andgood career.r-thry realb•
way the number is shaped is similar bm;e got their s}Jl
i together.
to a goose's egg.

fyed a tennis match and JJ/aS
I understand.
goose-egged I lost 6-{), 6-{), 6-0.
Caller: Do_you understand Ji'hat I a111

Receit;er: Yeah, gotcha.
A general term for trail mix.
Acronym for "good old raisins
and peanuts." gotsta
A Vanilla Ice-style way of saying
!-fry, pass the gorp! I'm .rtan;ing OtJer here!
"must" or "have to."

Igotsta get me some qf those crisf!J' Air

got next
Force Ones.
Phrase used to procure the right to
play a game once the current player
has departed. Most often used in govern ator
arcades. Can be used in conjunction A machine sent back in rime to
with placing your quarter next to terminate Gray Davis and become

the coin slot. governor o f California.

}'()!,(: Sweet, it's a Mr. Pac-iltfan macbine. Arnold Schu;ar{_enegger is . ..

G"uj1 in line: H�y, Igot next. the governator.

got your back government sneeze

An expression used to assure Mistake made by the government.
someone that you are watching
iVixon's W'atergate .rcandal i.r a
out for them.
1JJell-knowfl got,ernmmt .rneeze.
Don't trip, .ron. 1got_your bClck.

got your shit together Military acronym for "get off
To be successful, organized, mature. your ass."

1 60


Hry,you'tJe been sitting on the couch all .


afternoon. GOY4! Marijuana. Pot.


Lemme smok.e .rome grasJ�

.. I
grab a wheel .
.. I
To draft off of. To ride behind ..
. gravy I
someone and let them break the .
. A state of complacency or
wind resistance for vou. Often used .

. happiness. Stable goodness.

by cyclers. ..
.. lt�r allJ!,ral!J'· Life s
i x.ood.
Dude, f
i )'ot/re huJting, grab a JPheel .
before u;e hit this hill.
gray market �

Halfway between the white market

grab ass


. (completely legal) and black market
An informal game in which the .
.. (completely illegal). The gray market


paruc1pants attempt to grab the .


sells products that are legal to own


posteriors of one another. Usuallv '

. but can be used illegally or are illegal

associated with horseplay. ..

to use altogether.
I'm up here in the condo tr: ing to call ..
y 1n I/1 · po/.'1ce radar detectors are grt!)'

. � . .

. ..

these little bastard teenagers itJfor lunch, .

market item.r because it .r
i legal to oJvn one

hut thry're down on the beachplq_yi11g .

. but ille,gal to at'fualfy use it.
grabass JJJith each other. ..


: graybar hotel
granny panties
Jail; hoosegow; the can; the jug; the
Underwear that is big and ugly.
. calaboose; the slammer. A school l
Grant!Y panties won't get_you an_y action. of crime where you can get free
· medical care from quacks, work out,
watch TV, and sleep a lot. Also
"graybar motel."
Earthy, hippieish.
I kited some t-hecks, so they sent me on a
That chick doem't .rhatJe her armpits; she's

three-month tJacation at the grqJ'bar hotel.

bella granola. .

A person involved in a fraternitY

! ( ·
• 1

or soronty system. .Mcifia mle. JVothing exciting.

Did)IOU rush? Yeah I'm Greek now.

2. Dance move that involves


.. rubbingone's crotch or butt against

green . someone dse's crotch or butt.

1 . Inexperienced. ..
Yo, mcm, IJIC JJJas doin' the grind otJt there,
You're- so notgreen. }ott knon' exactfy and she can real!y Jhake dat ass of hers.
whatyou re doing.'

. 3. To sell drugs. Comes from what
2. Marijuana. Weed. you do to cocaine to prepare it for
usc, but has been bastardized to

The.five-o busted me with some green.


. mean drug dealing in general.

3. Money.
. [ need a Iff� I knOJJJ so!Jleone 1vho's

. g1indin' tonig/;t.
iV!an, l 1vi.rh I could buy that .rhirt, but .
I'm outta green. ..

4. To perform a skateboarding move
in which a part of the skateboard is
grills . slid off a rail or edge.
Removable gold or platinum teeth
That rail's om qf the be.rt f orgrinding

that go over the top of your real


teeth. Also "golds" or "fronts."
. 5. To work or trv hard to '

l'm.from tha Dirry South. Best helietJe_you accomplish something.

gonna see a gold griU. JJ.Jbenyou look in my
Yo, qfter 1got.firedfrom Mick.ry D's, I

mouth/ .
was out thfm straightgrindin Jookin'for

. ',

1 . The same old stuff vou do every . •
- -

day. .
1. An abundant amount of somet
Bob: What up, dmvg?
. Yo! Igot a grip of cash today. Let's go
john Gottz:· You kn01v, the same oldgrind .
. spend it.
Put a couple hit..r on people, organized
some drug deals. Set up a coup d'etat of a . There:r no ne(!d to bJ?y more beer; I ha11e a

third-u;or/d country that's nou' under .
,grip at home .

1 62


2. An undefined unit of time,

.. . Your GF will not letyou come 011erfor a •

usually to express a long period as beer?/?! Dude, grow a set/
opposed to a short period. .

What up, man? I bm,en't seen)IOUfor a . grub

grip. 1 . Food.

You hungry? Let's get .rome grub.
Disgusting, dirty, or just plain unap-

2. Descriptor for delightfully tasty

.. . G. . . .
pealing. Possibly the Americanized food.
pronunciation o f the British "grot­ .
This pizzct si friggin' grul� dude.
ty," which means "of poor quality." .

Those are the grodiest restroom.r in the state! . 3. To eat. To masticate and digest

.. food to please the hunger that

dwells within.

Drunk or tired. Hq, Sam, ui/Jere dayou n;amta gr��b?

Ifelt so ,�rogg)l after ten hours of bard
UJOrk. grunge
A form of rock d1at began in Seattle
in the late '80s and early '90s.

. Although derived from punk, grunge
A young woman, often underage, .

is slightly more refined and melodic
who seeks to achieve status by
. (though not much), and is character­
having sex rock musicians,
ized by rough, heavy guitar riffs and
roadies, security, and other

a generally dirty, muddy sound .
band-related guys.
For newbies, grunge can be
She /liaS a groupiefor lVirvana, but she thought of as "anti-pop." While
nevergot past the roadies.
. pop is very concerned with its
image, grunge really doesn't give a

shit and is very anti-commercial and
grow a set .
anti-mainstream. This attitude is

A request for someone to grow a
often mistaken for arrogance, which
set of testicles, to stiffen up their
is why many people don't like Pearl

spine, to get tough, to stand up for .
Jam, and Eddie Vedder in particular.
themselves, etc.

i G :3
------ -- ----.
--� .-

Grunge was also characterized by 1 0-plus miles mvay and she 11eeded to be

torn, faded jeans, ratty T-shirts, flan­ . there in 30 minutes. It um a Gr.;BJ.

nel shirts, and long, unkempt hair. .
Many people feel that Kurt
Cobain, the front man and lead .
1. Shorthand for "got to go."
singer of Nirvana, was the
" spokesman for Generation X." Shoot, it's almost midnght-
i g{�-

Cobain's masterpiece "Smells Like .

Teen Spirit" was hailed by many at . 2. Shorthand for "good to go. "

the time as perfectly describing


Gir/ 1: Stry, I'm heading out. You coming?

Generation X's feelings toward the
. Girl 2: Yeah-gtg.
world . "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is
the most popular grunge song of all .

time, and it catapulted Nirvana's . guff


pop ularity through the stratosphere . To break wind, let it rip, fart.
and put grunge on the map. .
.. Phewwwwf Canyou smell that? Ijust
Cobain became the symbol for
grunge because of the popularity of .
"Smells Like Teen Spirit," and so .
when he committed suicide in 1994, guh
many felt that grunge died with him. .
An exclamation of disgust,
repulsion, or sickness.
J\1yjtworite grunge bands are Nirvana, .
Pear/Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Guh! W/0' didyou send me to that
and Stone Temple Pilots. . JPebsite?.l Gouge "!)' ryes out now!

GSBI guitarded
Acronym for "good-sounding bad .
Having little to no musical skill on
idea." An idea that sounds exciting the guitar.
or plausible but upon further .
He can't ez1en make an Em chord; he
thought or execution is revealed .
must be gt1itarded.
to be astoundingly dumb and/or .

Cat decided to ride her bike to school as
1. Rough and rugged; unpolished
exercise, disregardin<.f!, thefact it was
and hardcore.

1 64
-- ....

That hotel 111e laid up in was so gui!J. No . gun show
.. '

. I·
Tv, no tmveis, just a bed and a iightbulb.

The showing off of one's biceps.


Plays off of the slang term for



2. Something from the streets. .



Gutter and/or gangsta. Similar to .


Bii!J: Haveyou got_your ticketsyet?
"hood" ("I'm so hood") or "street" .
Sarah: To what?

. .,
("I'm so street"). .

To the gun sho;v! (pulls back his




I'm so damn guly

j. .
right s/m;e, flexing hs
i muscles, andpoints


witb his left hand)




Someone with little or no coordina- .




tion or common sense and who .

The bicep muscles. Could also

lacks any talent or potential to do

.. refer to the whole arm, but this is I'

anything but mess everything up. ..

. normally not the case. Also spelled I'

I can't be.iiet;e]OUjust destroyed all life on



Eartb. All I askedyou to do 1vasflush .

. Check out those guns of G'erma11 giant


Markus Rt;bl.

the toilet: You're such a gum!?)'!





Someone who excels at something. •



A metaphor that translates the



power and effectiveness of the

1 I



weapon into a compliment.



That basketballplayer is a gun. .


•••••o • • oo o oo o I o• • o' ''•' • ' •'• ••
o 'oo " o •• •0 o •o oo 'I • 0• o0 • '• 'I • •••o oo" • o' • 0 •• ' • o oo •o o•••• • • • • o 'o oo oo oo • " •• ••••••o•o oo ••• •• • • • •' • • ' o • o o o • • o o ' o o o • o • • " o o o 0o o 0 o


abilitv; most so-called "black hat"


1. To program a computer in a .
. hackers rely on brute force tech-
clever, virtuosic, and wizardly niques or exploit known weaknesses

manner. Ordinary computer jockeys . and the incompetence of system

merely write programs; hacking is .
. administrators.
the domain of digital poets.
Some script kiddie h11cked into the JJJeb
Hacking is a subtle and arguably
seriJer and trashed the dtttabase.
mystical art, equal parts wit and
technical ability, that is rarely ..
3. To jury-rig or improvise something
appreciated by nonhackers.
inelegant but effective, usually as a

I st�yed up allnght hacking, and JJJhen I .. temporary solution to a problem.
y looked out the windou;, it u;as 8 a.m.

I didfl't bm;e time to do thing.fproperb� so


Iju.rt hacked together J·omething that

2. To break in to computer systems .
with malicious intent. This sense of .
the term is the one that is most .
. 4. A clever or elegant technical
commonly heard in the media, .
accomplishment, especially one with
although sense 1 is much more
. a playful or prankish bent. A clever
faithful to its original meaning. .

. .

routme 1n a computer program,

Contrary to popular misconception,
especially one that uses tools for
this sort of hacking rarely requires
purposes other than those for which
cleverness or exceptional technical
----- ·

they were intended, might be consid­ : becomes a cracker when he starts

ered a hack. Students at technical destroying data or causing trouble.

universities, such as .MIT, are famous .
. I am a computer hacket; not a cr(lcker. I I
for performing elaborate hacks, such .

ttse mypo1Jiersforgood
as disassembling the dean's car and
then reassembling it inside his house, .
or turning a 14-story builcling into hair band
a giant Tetris game by placing . A group of men in a rock band,
computer-controlled lighting panels . each with an obscenely large mane
in its windows. . that is typically wavy and always past q.

. .
H •!

the shoulders. The men in the band


. ' •

A computerized bartender that


(most formed in or around 1980) •

i your drinks and

automatically mxes .
.. bang their heads so their hair flies I',I
debitsyour account? JVou' that's a hack. .

all over. In addition, it is customary l

to wear either extremely tight pants

5. A temporary, jury-rigged solution, ..
or similarly tight stonewashed cutoff
especially in the fields of computer ..
jeans when part of a hair band.
programming and engineering: the
tech.J:Lical equivalent of chew-ing gum .

Dej Leppar4 Spinal Tap, Poison, and

and duct tape. Short for "hack job." . nvisted Sister JVere superior bair bands in
. the '80s.
This mbroutine s
ijust a hack; I'm going ..
to go back andput some real code in later. .
. hairy eyeball
6. A cheap, mediocre, or second-rate . When someone looks you up and
practitioner, especially in the fields . down in a judgmental way.
of jou rnalism and literature; a
. I ran into tn)' bo_yfriend's ex-gir(friend
charlatan or incompetent.
at the parry and she gatJe me the hairy
That two-bitpulp J11rited Ah, he's nothi11g

but a hatk. .
hacker . 1 . To act tough but back down
One who enjoys or is proficient when confronted. A person who
at using a computer and may does this is called a "half-stepper."
occasionally circumvent security .
. If a person gi1Jes_you tbefinger u·hile out
measures out of curiosity, but .

.\ <::)
,... ��­
----�--- ·· ------- -·------�

J '' '
• I o 1 I 1 •• , <,

driving, and thrm when_you stop at the : hamster-wheel brain

I{P,hts they pretend lbf!y can't see_you and \\!hen .vour brain runs around some

act like nothing is happening, thefr{' issue over and over again and won't
balj-steppi1tg. . stop, just like a hamster running in
.its exercise wheel. It keeps running,
2. To not do a complete job. but doesn't get anywhere.
To bullshit. Opposite of "come
. I'm hm1ing such hamster-111heel brain

about whether to take thisjob offtr.
He JJJas ha stppin bow be treat.r his '
i l.. She de.remes better.
. Contt:ol in a relationship.

hammer down
Ramone has hand itt his relatiomJJip.
Trucker-speak for hurry up, give it .
. l atn•er he rqys.
That girl does JtJ
more gas. To put the pedal the

met.aJ. .
. hand sandwich
lVC're late, so hammer doum.
\\!hen vou have aJI of the
. -

ingredients for a sandwich

hammer lane .. except bread, so you just eat the
A trucker term referring to the components out of your hand.
passing lane on the highway. The
!just look a gicmt bitfrom the bong and
fast lane.
got the mmzchies, but the bread JPas mokj)',
Move. into the hammer lam so ll't' can get so I had to eczt a hand sandJVich.
past theseJour-IPhee!ers. .

hammer pants 1 . One's online name. Often, a
A style of pegged baggy pants, with hacker will usc a handle and be
a huge billowing crotch that goes . referred to by this handle by all his
down below the knees. associates to help lessen the chances
of getting caught. Often also a
Canyou believe people actuaf!y IPore . .
pr1vacy measure.
hammerpants in tbe '90s? What the hell ..
was Cen X thinkn
i g? .
k[y handle. r are Shi'!}i) Ctyo-man, and

. Saihef!Jitt. B�ttyou can &'a!! me Bob.

2. A half-gallon of liquor. It gets its .: Hey, you Jllaftna hang out orjust chill?

name from the little handle that's


always on half-gallons.
.. hangover
. The body ache
Grab the handle and lers get trunk! experienced after
heavy drn
i king. Commonly accompa­
3. A new steady hookup. .
nied by vomiting, shaking, headache,
short-term amnesia, and diarrhea.
Guy 1: Ir that Doulr neJJJ hand/£'? ..
GUJ' 2: Yeah, her name i.r)e.n. I got drunk watching the game last night.
.. i{y bangover was so bad that I aJvoke this .�
. momin,g witb puke all over ll()' .rhirt and H .

. no idea h01v I got home.

In streetball, dribbling ability. How

well vou can dribble the basketball




and perform tricks determines your

hanclles. .

Short for "happenings." What's
• .

go1ng on.
That pltryer. Jt�st shook 'em JJ!it' his cratJ
handles/ .. Hep brother, u;hat'.r the haps on the

. craps? Who:r Jvinning?

.. hard

Attempt to get past a moment when

a difficult explanation is required. 1. Extremely good, really nice,

His project was late and all he co11ld ojfet .
was some hand-waiting. That nf.lJJ !]scaiade is so hard/

2. Tough, mostly because of poverty


. and surviving (or not) public


Chill. Short for "hang out." .

schools or a bad family life.

Fmjust gmma hanj!, at Lolita'spl.ace todqy. . Something often said of poor,
. urban American youth. Marked by

resourcefulness, pragmatism, and

hang out

coldness. Also "hardcore."

To chill with friends. Sometimes
used as code in front of one's . Yeab1 Dariu.r i.r so hard Hi.r dad beat bim
parents to mean "get messed up." and his 1\tfom had to »'ork triple shift.r.

hardcore : Dt-tde} cczn_you turn off The Mantel
1. Awesome. Severe. At the top of : Williams Show? It's totaf!y har.rhing my

one's game. · meliou.�


He is the most hardcore biker I have ever

seen. . harvester
. An automatic website scanner that
2. Tough. Diehard. Having no fear of . searches Internet sites for e-mail
the consequences of one's actions. . addresses. The reason spammcrs
know your e-mail address.
That skateboarder 1ve.ars no helmet or .

pads-he ir so hardcore.

I set a trap for the harvesters f?y putting

bundred.r of bogu.r e-mail addruses on !If)'

hard up


Broke. Not having enough money. .

Between a rock and a hard place. A


difficult situation. .
A former lesbian who is now in a
. heterosexual relationship.
I was hard upfor cash after t'!_)! ttip to .

Vegas. . A1ona s
i a basbicm. She tHed to date
. chick.r} but notJJ she 111ants to date men.

hard-drive manifest destiny .

An excuse for downloading stuff hash


(such as songs or movies) from the .

Hashish, an extract from the resin
Internet because you have the space

of marijuana plants. This resin is


and/or you were meant tO. .

usually many times more potent
than the plant material acquired
A{y mom looked at me inquisitive!J and
from such plants.
asked, uw�)' do)'OU need a neu; bard .

drive?'} I replied, "Hard-drive manifest Coach gets mad at me when I smoke bis
" .
desti'!Y· hash.

harsh one's mellow hash brownies

To interfere with someone's drug


Brownies baked with marijuana with


buzz, or to bother someone who is the intention of getting high.

either stoned or just relaxing. .
. Suburban mom 1: You IPant .rome of these

------- ·

bash br-OJvnies? •
. haJvker's booth in DC
Suburban mom 2: Yeah, 1 need to l',Ct stoned
. .
head change
. The point at which one feels a
A person who feels anger or jeal- .
. change in his or her behavior and

ousy toward someone who has sue- ..

equilibrium from the effects of a
ceeded in something they have .
. drug.
worked hard for. The hater speaks .
.. iVah, he's a heal!}Jveight; be can blaze
badly and/or takes negative actions .
.. I
. mad and not etJen get a head change.
in an attempt to create problems for ..
the successful person. . •


heads are gonna roll

T-Eo dropped a dime on B{g l'vfikejust
Used by higher-ups in a company to
because Big Mike Jl!as makin' some

. sound like a threat to a person's
change! T-Bo a hate1�1 .
.. employment. Anyone who actually

. .
. uses this phrase is insecure and
. r

probably incapable of firing anyone.
The act or process of hating on .
Those IPS reports still aren't done. Heads
someone/something. .
are going to roll at the 2 P.M. meeting.
Stop the bateration because it 1vili getyotl ..


A warm feeling in one's heart .



have kittens ..
. A feeling of awe, astonishment,
To be excited or surprised. •
. surprise, or admiration.
Tr�yoNgot meflou'ers? Fm .rimpfy hav- .
The 1v�y J/Zcki T/alerie sings gives me a
ing kittens! .
.. major heart-on/

hawk .
. heat
To sell something aggressively, like .. A firearm. Most often a gun.
the street vendors who sell their ..

Bob: I've bad about mougb ofyou gti)'S.

stuff on a blanket on the sidewalk .
.. (puils out a pisto�
or from a booth or table. .
.. Jberman: Wboa! Big Bob'spacking heat!
I bought a South Park T-shir-tfrom a .
. Take it ea-!)'J Bob.
. '! 't

- --
- ------------�- .....

heatbag : some gr(J started heaving and a space l

A person who attracts attention opened Hp. f
from the authorities. Contrast with v

"heatscore," which is a place that . a


attracts attention. . v
. 1. Really good .

Don't be so lotid,you heatbag. The cops .

. Tl1at tune i.r heat:;' .

JJltl! hear us. . 1

. (
. 2. Carrying a gun or other type of
. 1
heater . firearm.
1. A fastball in baseball. In the .
Don't mess with him; he came hea�'Y·
major leagues, the heater generally .

travels to the batter at speeds of 95 1

mph or more. heavy in the game (



Phrase used to describe a prime­ I
The pitcher struck him out with a heater.
time playa. t

2. A gun, usually a handgun. .
Pharre/1 i.r hem!Y in the gam11--he's
e .ro

He bla.rted his heater out the JJJindon) at ..


thefool.r on the corner. .



A sensation one feels when they


heatscore •

enter a scary situation with

A place or activity that draws the

. unknown consequences.

attention of police or other


authorities. .
. The kids all got the hee.bie-jeebies a.r they
. entered the old haunted mansion on a
Dn'ving a car JJJithout plates is .
. HaiiOJNen dare.



In professional wrestling, a "bad"


1. When referring to a place: .

uncomfortably busy. .
2. Vomiting, or being within .
Stone Cold Steve Austin turned heel tifter
seconds of doing so. . joiningforces with Mr. 1l1.cil1ahon.

The damw floor IIJtlJ' heatJing, but .

, --------- ,
·- .. -

heh ; hell,yeah

A half laugh used when you don't . Expression of either great joy or

wanna make someone feel bad agreement.

about somed-llng they said that
A.nnoum:er: want to see Stone Cold
wasn't funny. Can be used to great .
open a can qf lJJhoopass, gimtne. a ''hell,
effect in electronic communication.
. yeah"!

Person A: A man walk.r n

i to tl bar. .
Respome: Heil,_yeah!
Ouch! •


Person B: heh

bella "<
' .

,.- �I'
. '

1. Very, totally. . -
f'l .
. ·

Heisman 2. Lots of. Short for "a hell of a lot


1. In American football, when an of."

offensive player pushes a defensive .
Gig 1: That party Jvas bella sketch.
player away with one arm in order
What was with all those skanky-ass g
to flee and/or incapacitate the . . -

. G'uj1 2: There Jvas bella weed, tho!
defensive player, emulating the pose .

on the Heisman Trophy.

W01t1 did;·ou see Rir.:·k:J Williams .

Extreme. A large amount .


Heisman that linebacker? .


You missed one hellfi

f ed party at

2. A direct and impersonal rejection .

T-Bone's last night.

of a sexual overture, pass, or .


She gave him the Reisman JJlhen he smiled .

. Very. Extremely.
at her Ot/er hi.r martini.

You got a helluva lot qf hottie.r in the carl

3. A skillful dodging of an •

impending and usually negative .

. .

engagement or mteract:J.on. Very. Extremely. Totally.


I Heismcmned "�Y bossyesterdqy lJJhen .

That concert was bellza cool.'
he approached me about those TPS


coversheets and reports. .


. Marijuana .
1 I
. . � ....
.. ,
------ -- -- - -- --------------- ----------
-- ------
-- �...

Kent s
i smokin' the herb again. smoking a moderate amount of
marijuana. The stage just before
getting stoned.
herbal refreshment
Weed, pot, chronic, kill, KB, Dude, I barefy smoked tlf!J· I'm on!J' high.
marijuana, dope. When you say this
instead, it's more subtle and adds
some much-needed varietv to vour .
high and dry
. \X'hat one is when they smoke a
' .

pathetic stoner life.

. significant amount of marijuana but
Et1Ct)'011e meet at ftJ
! house at exactfy .
do not drink alcoholic beverages.
4:20 l�M. on the 20th dqy' of April. .
Cop: So ... you 1vere SIJltnJing all OtJer the
Drinks are on the house and so is the
road H011' much ha11e_yott had to drink
herbal refreshment.
. Pat: 1Vothing, sir. It'sjust hard to hold
hexa .
the wheel JJJhile you're lightingyo11r bowl.
Very. Totally. Word substituted for 1 don't drink. I'm high and dry.
"hella." Also "hecka."

That's hexa cool. high five

Symbol of celebration when some­
thing good is said/done. The causes
for the call of "high five" can vary
Short for "homegirl."
from anything as small as fll1ding
That's "!J' HG, ri•ette. something cool on the floor to
something as big as saving the world

from almost certain destruction.

A form of love bite. A bruise raised Dude, look at what Ijust.fotmd on the
on the body of a sexual partner by .

.floot'--an 11neaten cookie! Highftt1e!

very hard kissing, biting, or sucking. .

You've got a hickey on your neck. Who .

high five for friendship

yo11 been with, yo11 little tart? .
. A posh way of breaking up with
one's significant other, or a way to
let someone know that you don't
high .

want to be involved. Involves giving

The state of mind achieved bv .

them a high five and inquiring


'I 7/'1
"High five for friendship?" Brad s
i so vain, he's had a nosejob,
Botox, and liposuction, and those awesome
At�� Idon't knou, if this is working out.
pees of his arejust himplants.
How about a higb.fitJe forfriend.rhip?

2. Penile implants.

high on life :I
He jinalfy gave in rmd anSJ.t.tered one of I
Living life to its fullest. I
those e-mails that sells himplants that .I'I
'leah, I'm high on life. would help him please the ladies. Ii


high roller hip


Rich guy who has a nice car, .

. Cooler than cool, the pinnacle of

nice clothes, and buys everything .

what is "it." Beyond all trends and

he likes. .

. conventional coolness.

Yo, that guy 1vith that Benz ir a high ... Stf:!)' awayfrom the ta c� t'eiPet-rope
lv!TVfrat-boy clubs on the beach. Check I

out this party doumtoum instead; it's gonna


be hip. ·�
Requiring a lot of attention.
Emotionally needy or prone to hip-hop
over-dramatizing. The expression of the relationship
between urban youth and their
Although he Jvas a nice bqy, his louJ

environment. Hip-hop is the art of

se!f-esteem made him high-maintenance.
the streets and consists of four kev J

elements: break dancing, emceeing,

himbo graffiti, and turntablism.
The male version of a bimbo,
Hip-hop is my life.
whore, or slut.

He's such a b;mbo that he'd sleep JZJith

hippie Christmas
anything that has, or had, a pulse.
The morning after hippies have

made tie-dyed T-shirts, candles, or

prayer tlags.
1. Pectoral implants for men.
Our neighbors utere sharing another hippie

, .�

Christmas on their drivetvtry 1vitb hl'enty of

Totry was t'ery upset when hefound out

their c/ose.rtfriends, unwrapping tie-d_)'ed ·

his mother and uncle had attemp te d to

T-shirts and prtD'erflags to dry n
i the sun. ..

orchestrate a hit 011 him .



hippiecrite hit back

A fake hippie who complains about To return a favor.

every polluting object known to . me borrow some ends. I'll hityou

man but uses the same products
back 011 the 1st, It)
! brotha.
that they complain about.

Hippiecrite: Ob, those aJJful cars! (one .

. hit fo' it
Jnek later) Hry, lj11St bought a :
Usually used immediately prior to a
Suburban! Clmk it out-it has a VB!
a challenge to throw the first
. fight,
: punch.
hissy fit ..

Wben Pookie san1 Ray-Ray in tbe

An unreasonable emotional
. hallway he told him to hitfo' t
i if he JJ'a.r
so seriou.r about their di.rpute..
Just becattse !forgot)'OUr birthdqy, there's .

no reason to throw a bis�

. hit it
1. Can be used bv either sex in

hit ..

. reference to anything you desire

1. Ugly. Similar to ''beat" (e.g., a beautiful woman, a

He acted like he'd get some good-lookin' .. handsome man, a nice car, etc.).
tvomen to come to the pm-ry, but all the

Person 1: Did_you see that girl/g!f.y/car?

chicks he broNght /Ver£! hit! . Per..ron 2: Yeah, I'd hit it.'


2. The inhalation of marijuana . 2. More specifically, vernacular


smoke. .

commonly used by males to mean


"I would like to have sexual

I'll take a hit off that joint.
relations with that person.»

3. To kill somebody as part of a .

Wo11� .rhe's .rtacked! I'd hit it!
financed murder contract; such a ..

contract. . 3. To acquire a desired item before

supplie s run out. To take advantage · hit the books
of a beneficial situation. To study really hard, avoiding other '

. distractions.
Gir4 thatfried chicken is good. }ou better
. tl.I
. I ha1.1en't studiedfor today! te.rl]el. Time
to hit the books! I


hit me back
A way to ask for a reply. . hit the sheets
To go to bed/have sex with :: I

Gt!J 1: }'o, punk, hit me back 1vit'_yo'


. .. .
someone. ' ·. l
-. �

. . Ll·

digits, fr/ shiz:de. '

. -'
. -
: .1
GUJ' 2: Okc�y. . I cott!dn't be!iet•e holt' hot he 1va.r. IPe hit

' the .rheets that night.
hit me up
1. To connect someone with . hit up
something they desire. 1. To contact someone.

You got a bag_you can hit tile up with? You should hit up 1 0111!1�)' to see �� he


stole_your Buddha.

2. To demand something. .
2. To go somewhere.
Hit me up Jvit/1 that shit. '

Ldr hit up this drum and ba.u pary

3. To call someone. tonight.

Hit me up later tonight.

3. To connect someone with
something they desire .

hit the block '

You got a bag]OU mn bit me up 111itb?
To send men to surround a block .

with dozens of cars and fire .

4. To graffiti.
weapons all over the block. Most

often done in Mafia and gang wars. You, we headin' out tonight to hit up the
Hymie Weiss! gang hit the block 111here '

AI Capone wa.r dining JJ/ith afriend, but

no one was hurt. '
. A prostitute. Short for "whore,"

, r ,
! I .

which can sound like "ho," ence 100 hobo power, its effects J

depending on how you pronounce would surely be fatal.


it. Som e times equated with the term

I S71Jear � pulled that Yokozuna
"slut," bur hoes get paid for what
on Jt�yface, 1 almost p�tked. }lis tmtst 1
they do.
be abottt 4 5 hobo po111eJ:
Look at that ho. She made about $500

the other dCfy.

hold it down
1. To maintain in a state of
ho card coolness/smoothness.
Cal ling someonc>s bluff. 1
Person 1: l'ma hit that party tonight.
I th 1
· al/enged him but he didn't do nothin', Person 2: Aight; hold it dmm.
so Ipu//ed his ho card.
2. To take care of or do something.
hobag Person 1: Yo, money! Areyou seein' that '

A slutty person. shorry? t

Person 2: Nmv, dmPgl )/ou can hold it

That girl 1va.r an iiber-hobag. J

hobo power
hold up
A measure of the degree of offens e .
\Xlait a minute. Postpone plans .
of an odor. One would have t o .
reach the stench of 1 0 hobos in Hold up! Let me grab some munchies
order to gain a m easure men t of 10 /?�fore 1ve get goin'. '

hobo power (or HP). 8-10 hobo

power may describe the exhaust
hold your horses
fumes from the bus that just pulled
Wait. Don't be impatient.
out in front of you. A good broc­


coli fart might reach 25 hobo power. Whoa, ho/d.your horses there, big gJ(y.
At 50 hobo power there is projec tile WC're not ieaving_yet. J

vom itn g. 100 hobo power has never
been documented in nature. It is '
theoretical at this point in science, (
Possessing drugs that are available
much like absolute zero. It is widelv ' for saJe. J
assumed that if one were to experi-

. -
f'111 holdiltg ! 1t'anna gi11e me a call . bolla back
sometime. After farewells have been made, you
say this to the other person if you
want them to stay in touch.
The drug spot. A house or G�y 1: ro, dmvg. peace.

apartment where drugs arc bought Gu_y 2: Aight, man. Hoi/a back.
and sold.

Tow me to the hole .ro I tan get a bag. .

Gangster slang. What you would call
a good friend, a stranger, or even
hole in the lip


mockery against an adversary. Also

National leading cause of a bever­ ,,

"homes" or "homey."
age running out of the mouth and .

down your shirt due to poor aim lou got a problem JJ'ith it, holme.r?
(the mouth of your can was tilted to

your nose) or poor control (tilted


home skillet
the coffee cup too far back).
. Friend.

Dude,you spilled coffee all d01vn thepont

Word up, t�y home .rkillet.
ofyour shirt. }ou have a hole in_your lip .

or something?
home slice
Good friend or buddy. Someone
holla .. who seems like a little slice of
1. A way for a brotha to say he
. home.
wants to get in your pants.
!fey, wha.rsup, home .rlice?
� nq bqy r,ight here U/anna bolla atcha. .

2. A pimp-ass way of saying homeboy

wnat up?" A good friend or a person from
your gang.
Hoi/a! be doin'?
David�r JJ!Y homebqy.
3. May be used to end a .

1 gotta go. Holltt. .
A person in charge of some group

' .

or of some function, usually a male. That mob boss got arrestedfor running
He quickfy got promoted to be the head
marketing honcho in that dot-t·om startup.

honey shot
During sporting events, when the
cameraman zooms in on the pretty
girl in the stands, usually when she's
bending over showing cleavage. hoochie
A female who appears trashy, often
Voice if co ntro l room super1Jisor:
- Camera
wearing inappropriately tight
three! The chick in rOJJJ 18, sedion F!
clothing (with or without pudge
.Quick, zoom in t�gbt/ Ah, that:r it! That's
overtlowing the waistband); eye­
Mr hon�y sh ot. for tonight!
brows shaved and penciled back on
in dramatic fashion; heavy makeup
honey wagon v.-1th dark lipstick; and large, gaudy,
A tanker truck used to suck up the costume-grade jewelry. Frequently
waste matter from portable toilets accompanied by multiple children
and other sources. from different fathers.

The hrmry wagon arrived to clean up the Damn, ddyou .ree E.rtela�r sister at the
u;ashroom a rea s. sidesh01v last night? Sportin ' a came/toe
through berjeans, cornrou1s-you knoJJ'
she's a stra��bt-ttp boocbie.
Phonetic spelling of the military
acronym HUA, "heard, understood, hood
acknowledged." An affirmative or 1. Short for "neighborhood."
pleased response.
I need to up out ''�Y hood.
Sergeant: Y'cdl reacfyfor c/mv?
Ptit'ate(s): 1-looah, sergeant! 2. The ghetto. A particularly rough
area of a city.

hooch Some foolr got capped last n{P,ht n

. i the
1. Moonshine or bootleg alcohol. hoodfor /ookit1' at some(me the Jl.!ron.,�

·. .

: !;
I .

3. Someone who is street-smart and .
. 2. Young troublemakers who wear

from the ghetto. .

hooded sweatshirts and/or large
... 'I
... puffy jackets, baseball caps, and
Brian i.r hood; be goOumped last night i?J' .
.. shiny pants and may sport chains .
tfi.JO dudes, but JVhen it over he 1vaiked ...

... Often seen loitering in front of
awqy witb their UJa/Jets and his. ...
. drug stores and on stoops and

fences, harassing passersby .

.. I
hood slide

. I
Little TimJI)
J ' ran itzto a gr01p q/

I '

An alternative to walking/running ..

.. 1 rolled himfor
hood.r the other night� 1lq

around a vehicle, in which a running .
. r·
.. i'
. ·.

etmything he owned-shoes, socks, and


.. H. ;
' . .•

. .
jump is taken onto the hood of a


rmdem;ear i11duded.
. .




vehicle (preferably yours), landing .

body first, and letting yourself slide

. 'l
.. hood-rich 'I

across the hood to the other side of �-

. 1



the veh icle, where you land on your . Burberry gear and a Benzo, but no


feet. Made easier by a good wax job. cheddar.


Not recomended on full-size vans, ..

. j\.fy homeyfrom tbe projed.r 2vith the Benz
Hyundais, or basically any cheap car ..
on 22 spimzer.r i.r hood-rich.


that caves easily.



Didyou see thczt hood slide Bo Dukejust

did on The Dukes of Hazzard? ]u,ish

. The chorus of a song.
I could be that cool. .

l'o, I /mJe the hook on this .rong .

hoodie .
A sweatshirt with a hood on the .. hook up
back. Usually has a large pocket on ... 1. To make something happen. To
th e stomach. . connect people with the goods or


services thev want .

I own so many hoodies !'tJe lost count. .. '


. About the goodsjor the par(y-t!f)' J

. riend who 1110rks the .rtreetJ said be could
hoodlum ..


. book it up.
1. A criminal.


Check that crew of hoodlums ot;er there. ... 2. Goods or services received as a
Thrive all done timefor something or other. ...
... favor .

I 8 l
Jerry gave me the hook-up 1vith those ; hooptie
backstage passe.r. .
An old piece of crap car. Features
include a peeling do-it-yourself tint


3. To make out with someone.


job; chain links around the license
plate; plastic hubcaps; driver's entry

Sandra and I hooked up la.rt night and .

. on the passenger side; windows that
I noticed that her Adan/r apple 1va.r ..
. don't roll down; and an overlv
kinda big. .

. aggressive aftermarket spoiler.

4. To have sex with someone. .
HF(y man,_you hm1e the phattest hooptie in
Hooking ttp with Derritk last night 1vas .
the biggc.rt mistake qf ff(.Y life. .
5. Informal agreement between •

Jail. Prison .
people to meet up later.


Iain't got timefor thepiggies or the hoosegow.

f,P� don't we each do what JJJC need to do .

11011J; we'll hook up later.



. To steal something small, usually

hooker boots

. from another person, rather than

Tall leather or pleather boots with . from a store.
large heels. T hey generally extend at .

arotmdjbrjh·e minukr and some­


. I turned
least to, but often above, the knee.
. one horked fi(Y Pep.rifrom thefridge at
Fake hooker boots are often .

. JJJork.
constructed with high-heeled shoes ..
and matching tube socks. .

All of the girl.r at sd.wol UJear hooker bootJ.
. In a bad situation; screwed .
I bougbt a car on eBcry, but it won't .rtart
hooligan .

and I can't contact the seller. ]think Igot

Young, foolish person who gallivants
and roams the streets causing trou­ .
ble. Same as a punk or hoodlwn. .

i'Ou little hooligam .rtqy oj}' nry lcmm and .

A Southern colloguial term for a

out �l "Ql neighborhood! .


}Jot damn! 1 tho�Jgbt those /czxatit;e.r

You betta' get that grass mowed, hoss.

0 would neTJer work!


1. Attractive.

hot sex
Good or cool.
Man, that girl si hot. 1'ou think she'd go .
out 1vith me? . Dude, that JteJZ! far is hot sex!

2. Stolen.

hot shit
. 'I· ·



fve got some hotphones at the moment if Banging, off the chain, cool.
H .

you want to b1�y one cheap.

1�, those jeans are hot shit!

3. A phone that might be tapped.


fm getting a neuJ number tomorrolll. Thi.r 0

A vehicle or room tilled with

one is getting wq)" too hot! 0

marijuana smoke; to till a vehicle or


room with said smoke.

4. Suspicious situation or improper

place for conducting .illegal business. We smoked a blunt in the 5500 and it

IPaJ hotboxed injil;e minutes.


The police might be nearby, or the 0

neighbors might call them if they


saw anything suss going down.


This t·hop spot is red hot! Let's roiL 0

Nickname of Atlanta, Georgia.

"Hot" refers to both weather and

social climate.
hot and bothered
Sexually aroused to the point where We drot;e to .Hotlanta to party la. rt

you are unable to think clearlv. J


I got the mad .f!ou) that makes all the 0

ladies get hot and bothered

A very attractive person.

hot damn

John and Ruth are hvo mqjor botties at


Expression of pleasure or excite­ our .rchooL

ment. As opposed to "cold damn," 0

which isn't quite as expressive.



house Clark and Lex are .rtaring into each


1. Anywhere you are right now, other:r �yeJ again! flo }��y!

usually used to announce one's .

. .

. I AISO ''hlZZOUSe.
" .

: huck

GitJe it up! Give it up! DJ Screw is in the . To jump in freeride mountain biking.
1Ie hutked a 20�joot drop o/f the tmil.

2. A type of electronic-based music, .

similar to trance or rave. huff

To inhale chemical fumes, such as
tV'hat kind qf mttJic do 1 like? I like
nitrous oxide or non-water-soluble
hotue. .
ether, in order to become intoxicated.

That moron likes to !Jtffl paint thinneJ:

Nickname of rap artist Jay-Z. He is .

also referred to as '1-Hova," as he hulk out

considers himself to be the messiah . To become enraged; to lose one's
of hip-hop music. . temper, clothing, and power of
coherent speech before embarking
Iju.rl t<Jpped that mJJJ Hm; CD! .
on a spree of violence and wanton
destruction. After the comic book

how many beans make five •

character The Incredible Hulk, who
A British expression meaning "one

turned from a geek to a thundering

knows one's stuff" or referring to

green mass of unstoppable fury.
one who's good at mathematical
It ali happened .rofast ... the Broncos

nm in t/1eirjijih toutbdmm and hejt-tsl


lie's a cle!Jer bloke-he knm1's hmv mat!Y .

bulked out. I hope he�r going to PrD'.for a

beans make jive. nm' TV And the 111indoJJJ.


HoYay hulled out
Short for "homoeroticism yay!" Raggedy. Stomped. Ugly as hell. Beat-
Homoerotic subtext (and obvious down. Tore up from the tloor up.
text) in film, books, television
T'bat car is hu/.ied out. Areyou .rure i/r
shows, or movies.
hump Has absolutely nothing to do with

To grind one's crotch in a nuclear submarine warfare or
press-and-release pattern against a Commies.
particular object or surface.

My dog keep.r bumping my leg.

heard.fiwn him .rince. I:'
hump day I I
hurt I
I: I

The middle of a workweek (usually !

Ugly, extremely unattractive,

Wednesday); used in the context of

climbing a proverbial hill to get
through a tough week. Your .ichool is hm1! Th�y need to tear it
down atld start all over.
Afet r bump dqy, the u;ork .reem.r to go .
fastet: .

Someone who is skilled at turning
hung up
a profit.
Stuck on someone. .

That bust/a J\rfaster P turns a profit in

Man, Alexa's got it going on-l'm realfy

tJN.t�y different

hung up!

hunny . To screw people over for profit .
Woman usc1allv' seen in the
company of rappers, pimps, or 1/o.rt SSOO t odt!.Y getting hustled on a
gang members. Usually implies that .fixed J',ame.
said woman is attractive, but results .

may varv.
' .

Sir Mix-A-Lot dejini tefy UJould've Stupid, sil ly, drunk, high, and just
dedicated aBa� y Cot Backn to hi.r hum!Y· generally
'· .
out of hand.

W·e got I!Jpf(}� in da pctrking lot after the

hunt for green October dub out!
A search for marijuana, usually .

involving making phone calls and



asking random people on the street. .


.� � .
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · - · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · ·

I ain't trippin'
Interjection meaning "No shit!" Acronym for "I am not a lawyer."
"I swear to God!" or "I'm not Often used on the Internet.
IAlVAL, but it seet11s to me that the lctw-
GUJ' 1: Son, _you are straight trippin' if suit UJaS doomed tofail.
you think you're gonna hit that.
Guy 2: I ain't trippin'! Ulatch me 1vork

my magic, fool!
1. Diamonds.
I keep m_y girlfriend flooded with ice.
I and I
Used in the Rastafarian culture in
2. To shoot and kill someone.
place of "you and me" to show that
all peo ple are equal under Jah. --1-y, yo! Homebqyjust got iced!

Yourparents are coming to see I and l

iced up
Wearing diamonds from your dome
I rule you
to your kicks.
I win. I beat you. I'm better than
you. I own you. Jay-Z's ail iced up, babf

I rule you at .rt11ff ail the lime, baby.

�----- II'

ice-grill your calendar because that person is


I •

A particularly dirty look; a mean, �

a loser. If something better comes
hard, cold, or otherwise uncaring along you can erase it .

facial ex pression. To give someone I

. Sure, I'd love to watch slide.rfrom_your trip
such a look. . I, :'
to the Gr
' and Gu� yon- l'llpenc lyou in.
. i


I'll tell you that shit for
idiot box free
Television (negative connotation). .

. \Xt'hen something is so obvious

to one person that he would not

Hm!!J. I can't )i11d a'!)' mlut ml el.e' rttsfor
even charge someone for that
us to attend tonight. I gue.r.r JJJe'/1ju.rt hcwe .

. information.
to watch the idiot bo:x:.
Tom: U7fJal do yotJ think qf Tit�/r matn?
. _
A1utbar: She�r a propa slag-I'lltell you
that Jhitf rfree!
Variation of "idiot." o

Don't be an itjjit; quit lickit1g that for zm .

I'm allergic to bullshit
. Just another way to say that you
. don't believe what someone savs . •

idk . GJ!y 1: Idid that hot girl/as/ night!

Shorthand form for "I don't k now." .

. G'uy 2: *sneezes* Oh, sorry, dude) I'm
Person 1: rvhat do you wantto do todqy? .
. allrgic
e to bul!rbil.
Per .ron 2: idk-you pick . ..

. I'm friends with that

ill . I'm okay with that. Also often used
Dope, cool, tight, raw, phat. . in the negative, as in «I'm so not
friends with that" to express distaste
.YO, that beat mas so ill!
. for the sub}ect. Similar to being
. "down with that."
I'll pencil you


When somebody wants to schedule

: Str!)' home and smoke a blunt U'itbyou
: instead qf going to sth
· ool? I'm hefla good
something with you, but you don't
: frei nds 1vitb that.
want to use a pen to finalize it in •

• f'•-. '7

I'm over it · in like

1. The expression of a loss of inter­ The stage of infatuation where one
est in something or someone. is enchanted by another but not yet
"in love."
I thot�ght that Bud Light was great be er
1vhen I started drinking, but n0111 I'm .

She is so amazinri am completelY in

over it. like 1vitb her!

2. The indication that a negative .

in the cut
event no longer bothers someone.
Secluded or hard to find.
I .ruferedfor
.f days after she broke up with .
GJ!y 1: Tr�ir par�y JJ.Jas off the hook!
me, but fZOJV I'm 011er it. .
G'u)• 2: Reai!J, Jvhere was it? I couldn't
Jind theplace.
I'ma Gqy 1: It�r back in the cut, on Bent
short for "I'm going to." Street.

I'ma get my as.r out of here beof re she

starts .rcreaming. .

in the zone
Expression used to describe a state
of consciousness where actual skills
imbo . match the perceived performance
Imbecile. A person stupider than a
requirements perfectly. Being "in
moron but not as stupid as an idiot. .
the zone" implies increased focus
Rachel? Don't 11'0rty about her-she�r a and attention, which allow for high­
real imho. er levels of performance.
Good C'harlotte get.r in the zone I!J' warnl­

ing up b�fore a shom

Acronym for "in my opinion."

This gatne sucks, I.M0. in there like swimwear

A sure thing; a lock; goal attainment
is assured; prospects are brilliant. AJI
in bed together
over it; about to take care of with
In business together.
gusto. From the tendency of thongs
Okc!J, you can go tell}ack that Jve're batk and other tight-fitting swimwear to
in bed together. I'm Stlre he'll be 1/Ct)' happy. become wedged where the sun

i 1:
. IiI
never shines. "In there like I



swimwear" is "in like Flynn" for a Totally. Extremely. Short for


new millennium. Can you name a "infinitely."

single Errol Flynn movie? But

t�f lame,

That attempt at humor JJ.Jas

everyone knows (and loves) Sisqo's


"Thong Song."


. J I

Makefriends with herfriends and_you'/1 be .




in there like switmvem: .



. Tattoos. . . '

i k.

Okqy, let me seeyour

in die '

Short for "independent." .


. • •

Commonly associated with bands



who are not signed to a major label, . Contraction of "isn't it," "isn't


but can also refer to indie movies. .

he/she," "aren't they," and "isn't


Mu.ric l?y The Streets i.r atl example qf .

indie music. In America is a good indie .

. 1-l�y dere�r some pigs in dat cop car over
movte. .
there, n
i nit?

'o, oo ' .,
a/ Hijl neu.1 ttlr, mmt.
Raj: The Matrix i.r to'aiY

! cool!

indie rock .

. iVi.rha: lnnit!
A genre of music and the cult




following of a younger generation .


that strives to be different from pop


music followers. Indie rock is often .

An interceptor is a person who tries

"underground," not known to (and sometimes succeeds) to steal a



popular audiences because of girl (or guy) from up under you


independent record labels. The while you're trying to run game.


musical style combines British punk, They'll come in trying to talk for
rock and roll, and heavy metal. themselves while you're trying to

handle your business, or they may

Thank God mostpeople haven't distYJtJered '

. try to do it when you turn your back.
indie rock. When tb�y do, it will be .


ruined. . lwa.r trying to bolla tlt)enniftr, bt-tf


Craig, of' punk ct.r.r, UJa.f trying to inter-




,·ept me. And he's supposed to be nry bqy!


. .

.. .



Internet .

.. your alchohol consumption has
reached the level where vou are

A vast array of pornography and

. '

advertisements. .. ambitiously telling a story but


. can't seem to get the words exactly
1 took the initiative n
i creating t/Je
... righ t. This is a happy state of

internet. .

drunkenness, not to be confused

.. with the ugly states of "shitfaced"

Internet anytime minutes

or "blackout."


Wnat office workers use when they .

!was so intoxitNifated I told him about



are being the "most productive" at


thir great "trap I look to the Crammed


their jobs.

yon. J1


II ]:roy looked at the clock and said,



''T¥el4 bqys, I have two hour.r l�ji. to do

Irish breakfast

absoluteb' nothing.' lbe Web don't su�f .

. A pint of the black stuff, to start


t4se up .rome q/ lr
.!f.1 It's time /o

.. the day right.

lntemet a�rytime minutes to look busy."' .

Seamus: 1 can't think straight btjore l't'e


had "!Y Irish bre.ak:fcJJI.


Kieran: rou can't think straight ajier it!
Alleged losses from people


downloading or sharing product .



over the Internet. IRL



Abbreviation for "in real life."


Metallica U'as Inter-robbed I?J 1\lapster


Often used in Internet chat rooms.



. Reese Witherspoon does not litJe in


. Alabama IRL.



A sarcastk term for the Internet.




Often used in the context of parody .


regarding an inexperienced, .
Term often used to replace "shit."
unskilled, or incoherent user. . Derived from the process of editing



the vocals of rap-songs by reversing


1-1�)', guy.� I'm using the IntenJJeb.'


the curse words so said song can be
.. played on radio or television .


That's some dope ish.

That point in the evening when .

T 90

itch .

Ooooh,]eah! !just umn that race! It's my

birthday! It's H�Y birthday!

Cloth seats in a car. Used in the song .


"Get Your Roll On" by Big Tymers.


ji11tfl!.Y is cheap. . it's not you, it's me

He refused to .rpend an

extra $50 fO outfit his 11e1V f-'errari UJith .
. It's you. Oh yes, it's very definitely

leather scats. He /!,OI itch and '�'e're alwq


. you .


stratching. . Glt.Jl: lVhat hm;e I done? W0' are_you



fem;it�g me?
it's all good . c:tr.:L Jts' not_you, tfs me.

Despite any possible doubt, .


everything's cool. . ,t

on li

Oh,_you .rlept 111ith ?J�Y girl? lt�r allgoo� ..

What you say when the
homey! . battle/showdown is about to begin, !..
. ,



or when you want to fight someone.
. �

' Jj
it's all gravy Hr on, mother trucker!


It's all tight; it's all good; everything .


is cool.
it's on the right



Gangsta 1: Damn,_you .rpilled_yo' 40 on .

. Road-rage expression yelled when

someone is going slow and you want


yo' Timbs! .


Gangs/a 2: It's allgraf!y! Chi/4 Jon!


. to go faster. Meant to inform them

that the gas pedal is on the right, so
that they may feel free to use it at any

it's all love

Every'"thing's fine and understood.

time. Use this expression only if you
are quite certain that their gas pedal

It's all good. .

. is acmally on the right.


.No, I undet:rtand 110m lt :r all !otiC, girl! .


. Yo, dump tmck/cement m1>..·er/old lacf

y in



. the Buitk-it's on the right!

it's my birthday .


An expression of delight, accompa­ .

. •

. - -

nied by dancing around. Basically .

.. An infix used to sanitize foul words.
saying that the person in question is .

. You can sav "shizzit" on the radio,


great, skilled, lucky, etc. Usually said ..

. '

. but not "shit." It is inserted into any

in a kind of singsong way. .

word immediately after a · -izzle

syllable-initial consonant (1 ), or in A suffix used to replace the end of
monosvllabic vowel-initial words, at
words to make them rhyme.
the beginning of the word (2). This Commonly used by rapper Snoop
intlx contributes no meaning to the Dogg. Best when preceded by a
word but is a part of a series of consonant sound.
hip-hop word games, starting with

fo' shizz/e/for mre
-iz- and developing to include -izz .

and -izzle, which truncate the
remaining part of the word.

Iput throw ups on almost et•ery train in


the stati on that sctid "I'm th e Jhizzit. '' .

0 0 0 o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o • o • o • o o o • • o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o I o o o o o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o • o • • • • • • • • o o • o • o o o 0 ••.• . • .... • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . .. . .
• • •• • ''


J : Yesterday 1jacked a pack of gumfrom

1 . A jump shot in basketball. . the mall.

Diggity damn!jul io si short and can't dribble .
for shit, but thatfool sure can stroke theJ j ack in
. To gain entry; to connect, as to a com­
2. A joint of marijuana. ..
puter network. To enter or connect by

Roll thatJ up, CU'{: . deceptive or unscrupulous means,

. especially with malicious intent.
. He tried tojack in and take down their
jabroni ..
groupfrom the inside after he heard what
Loser. Dumbass.
.. tbC)' were Stf:yin,l!, about bim behn
i d hs
i back.
Hry, you.frcakin'jabroni! Whats the .
matter withyou?
jack shit
. Absolutely nothing. Can be short-
jack . ened to just "jack."
To hijack or steal. Commonly refers
.. Your u;ife: Hi, honry . . . mJ� you're home
to robbery, theft, misuse, seizure,
late. .What did)'OU do todqy?
You: Jack shit.
Yo, Igot up to go to the bathroom and
$omejerkjadeed my seat.

jack squat Jag


1. Nothing, zero, zilch, nada, shit all, jack . A jagoff. A jerk. Someone who is
shit. Can be shortened to just "jack." .
goofy, worthless, and weak.
I came out of that dealzvithjack .rquat. G'et thatjag outta here/ 1 1von 't hatJe him
me.uing ttp tt(J night.
2. Possibly a short, fat man.

Here comes th atjerk, Jack .)quat. . jagbag

.. A jerk. Variant of "jagoff" or "jag."

jack with !1va.r drit;in' d01vn the road J11hen this

To mess with. . jagba_g cut me off.

The used car .ralesmanjacked Jvith the


ignorant teenager. jagoff

A jerk. Used by Joe Pesci in the film
.. Ca.rino.
A stupid person who has no That lazyjagoffjust stole rny toastfrom
common sense. .
tbe brea�fast table.

People like Tony Blair J1'ho condemn liS to

war are totaljackasses. . jailbait
1. An underage girl. Named for the
. punishment for statutory rape.
jacked .

Well-muscled, iron-bound, pumped. . Tbe rule Jvithjaifbait i.r that 16 111ilf.get


_you 20.
That 111eight lifter sure isjacked. Too bad

he's on ster(Jids. .
2. A juvenile delinquent or repeat
. offender, from their taste for getting
jacked up into trouble, their constant trips to
Messed up. Screwed up. prison, and the fate of the silly
. bastards when they get there.
That'sj acked up, man. I can't belietJeyo11r
gir!friend is cheating onyou. Jake got sent upfor dealing crack to
. st·hoolkids again? Man, that dumba.r.r
I got in a wreck last night. A{y car got
jailbait thmstbucket must like prisonfood
totai!Jjack.ed up. .
. andfree orangejumpsuits.
..-- ----
----- - --

jakes 5

ing in Bullwinlde-style art and as

Cops, narcs, FBI, or other 5
much story as possible crammed into
authorities who can arrest suspects. a half-hour. Generally replaced with
· I

the word "anime" since the 1990s. !
Yo, keep an fYC outfor theJakes Joreyou
have to do time. H oshi is a JJ.!e/1-knoum

Kyojin no
Japanimation title i!1Japan .


So intoxicated that you pull out your

.. II
tie through your zipper and piss in Thing. Item. Object.
your pants. ..
Yo, hand me thatjanm right there.
Tryce got sojammered at Blake's that he
hooked up 111ith a mailbox. . •

. Awesome; used by the Street Sharks

on their cartoon show and action

Very busy, with lots of people figures.

I didjmJ!Some. on that test.

On opening day, the theater wcu.fammin'. .


janky .

A less offensive version of "Jesus,"

Of inferior quality; held in low .
often used in place of saying the
social regard; old and dilapidated; Lamb of God's name in vain. Used

refers almost exclusively to inani­ .
by Homer Simpson on the TV show
mate material objects, not to people. . The Si�tpsons.

We tried to pick up on these girls IJ!aiting Help! SatJe me, Jeebtts!



for the bu� but I was drir;ing m_y sister's .

Jank;y 1989 Ceo Metro, so wejust got .

jeet jet?
ckJJmed in.rtead.
In Pittsburghese, a smashed-up
version of ''Did you eat yet?"
. Joe: Jeetjet?
Japanese animated cartoons made in
Tourist- U'/hat? Sqy that sl01t'er.
the 1980s or earlier. Usually television


series made on small budgets result- .


jet You aight? Everythingjiggy over here?
To leave a place guickly.

• •

Ldsjet before we miss the train.

1. To irritate or annoy someone.

To maneuver a bicycle, skateboard,
snowboard, or skis in a trickv '

manner on top of and around a rhetoric.

strucrure such as a stump, rocks,
Don't give me thatjitJe. I'm smarter tban

I stairs, railings, rooftops, etc. To

play around, show off, jump, flip,
and hop.
Let's go;ib on the steps til the librat].
Just kidding.

I wasJl k 1vhen I saidyou look like a

1Phafe in_your photo.
Incoherent or unintelligible speech;
has its origins from the word
"gibberish"; to speak incoherently. jo' mama
Your mom. Yo' mama.
I don't understand quantum methanics.
It aff sounds likejibber-jabber to me. Yo, dee;v tel�jo' mama to move herfat
ass so there's roomfor ''9' bike inyour
• • three-car garage.
1. Preceded by "get": to have sex or
mess around with someone. jock
1. To engage in flirtatious behavior
I,�otjiggy with her last night.
with another; to crush on someone;
to hit on someone.
2. As an interjection: ''sweet!" or
"tiiiii.ight!" Brandon, constant!J laughi!lg, smiling,
lightjy touchi11g, and general!; talking t¢
Gator boots JJJith a pimped-out G'ucci
a stom1, 1vasjocking Amanda.

2. To attempt to imitate someone's

3. Aight. All is well.

style, especially in music. Derived
. used as a verb Gonesing) or a noun
from the term "being on someone's .
(a jones).
jock" (as in jock strap).
: She's beenjonesin' him for months.
I see)'OU wearing all that blue FUBU
. He's got a majorjonesfor her.
Don'tjock my sryle, get)'Otlr mvnl

• •

To joke.
1. When preceded by "the": jail.

. Man, cbi/1! I wa.rjustjoshin' 1vij_ya.

Isyour honry doing time in thejoint right
now? .


2. A rolled marijuana cigarette. A marijuana joint.

Pass thatjoint over here. I'll take a bit. That's w�yyou take ajota to a hote� because
it's illegal and the cops will seeyou elmJJhere.
3. A place. Can be anyplace-doesn't
have to be jail or a crack house. .


Delonte: .1Jyo, let�r hit up dat science Breasts.


mtiSeum tomorrou�
. Look at those.fugs.
}ames: He/� J e ah dmvg,
' , thatjoint is rff
da hee?Jfo' shee:rJ. .
De/onte: Yeab, thatjoint sho' iJ better
• •

than thejoint. 1. Respect and credibility on the

street. Also called "sauce."


I can't be seen ulith them-thry don't hatJe

To make fun of somebody or •
. ;utce.

2. Steroids.
I knowyou ain't tryna)one.'
. I .rhot up 1vith somejuice todcry.

Jones .
A state in which one experiences . 3. The percent a bookie takes from
strong desire or attraction. Same as one's winnings.
"fancy," "crush on," "want." Can be .
k[y bookie takes 5 percentjuice .
4. A.n intrinsically rewarding aspect My Bem1)' seemed totalb·

neu' bqyfriend
of something or of life in general. . norma/until hejrmlj>ed the couch and
started rubbing J-piry broum mustard 011
There'J· nojuice leftfor me in ,{J,etting stoned .
. his boryf at lt� y famib' reunion.
jump the gun
Jump .

. To do something prematurely.
Dangerously good, ill, hot, bangin', .
off the chain, etc. . I th in k Ij ut�lj> e d the gun 011 calling her
. "bitch.'' She won't talk to me af!}more.
Dag1)'01 Etmt1aleigh is omjumpp!qya,
I guess it tJJas too ear!J.
jo' real. ..

... jump the shark
jump off
The beginning of the end; the
1. A casual sexual partner or girltriend. .. point when things go downhill. Often
Cassandra is Ije's mainjump qff. used in reference to TV shows because
it comes from a Hapf!Y Days episode
2. Anything new or hot, especially a .. in which Fonzie overcomes his fear of
party or a material item.
.. sharks by jumping over a tank of
sharks on a mororcvcle. That was the
Ism�' Kill Billlast nigh� an� damn, it ..
clear turning point in the series .
Jvas thejump o/J! .
. .Arty gir!friend and l)ut pe d tbe shark a
. motJtb ago tvhen 111e got into an argument
jump on it ..
.. ot;erpainting tbe li t i ng roomyellom

To do something immediately.
That class is almostfull. Jump 011 it! ..
junk in the trunk
.. A big butt; a little more than
jump the couch . "badonkadonk" but less extreme
A defining moment when you know
.. than "having an SUV in the pants."
someone has gone off the deep end.
. I don)t mind a 1z•on;an with a iittle meal
Inspiredby Tom Cruise's behavior on .
on her bones1 (J lttlejunk in her trunk.
The Oprah Wi!([rry Jhou' when he . i
annoW1ced his love for Katie Holmes.


.... . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .

K keg I


1. A short version of "okay" (used .

A small barrel containing up to 30

mostly online). gallons of alcohol.

. •''

the park, K? Man, that keg Jve dmvned last night JVas a

Let's go :o




2. Slang name for an AK-47.




Pull that K out, hom�y kegerator



A refrigerator modified to contain



keg and to dispense beer. A quality

keep it real

home improvement for the weekend


To not be fake. Be yourself.



I'm keeping it real.



I have a kegerator in the garage.


keep on the down low





keep quiet about something. To



A common party activity in which



not divulge information to people


people hold the drinker's feet



who should not know it. Also "keep


while the person's hands hold on to


on the hush."

the keg. A fourth person holds the



tap in the drinker's mouth until they


Keep this shit on the doum lon;for now.


give the signal to stop, and everyone


' -� -�

else counts. The object of this kick it

activi ty is to chug beer from the k eg 1. To get your game on. To try to

upside down for as long as possible. get with a p ers on.

Colin P01nll lv!r. Presiden� I strong/)' I wa.r trying to kick it 111ith that girl.
suggestyou look at the.refiles reporting a

pos.rible imminent terrorist threat or1 2. To chill, hang out.

American soil.
Let�- kick it sometime.
W· Uh,just a seconti I'm in the middle o/
some important business. Alltight1 Ditk,
get n�y leftfoot ... Laura1 get m] rigbt kick it up a notch
foot, andJenna.]OU get the tap. I'm ,gonna .
To make things more intense, excit­
suck this bal!J dry/ WoouJee! . ing, or interesting. Trademark
Janet Rmo (open.r the door) (in a lou;, . phrase of chef Emeril Lagasse.
be/louting tJoice): Did someboc!J' scry
Guest: Dude this parry sucks.'

"kegstands"? Let me at it!

. Host: Let's kick it up a notch! (brings out
sttipep rs and beer)
Your butt. \Xlhat you need to get up
kick off
off of.
. To start a tight .
Get off_your damn keister and get in the
When I called them 1vankers thry kick.ed qlf

kick rocks
J ust perfect. Describes something that
would make you a whole lot happier.

A Big lWac would be kry right no111.

You said what?! Kick rocks before I

key up stomp_yo' punk as.r!
Expression of affirmation or agree­
kick to the curb
Chase: Yo, Mikry,_you gonna go smoke? To break up with someone in a
Mike: K�y up. negauve manner.

.. - --


After she cheated on ll1ike, she got kicked


EJJf.!l a 10 sack of that kill is enottgh to I


to the curb. . pass around and get]OUfaded.


. .I

kickin' .. kill clouds

Offensively pungent; emitting . To shoot your gun in the air.
smelly and disgusting odor.
Fake gangsters don't shoot straight to take
Take a breath mint; your breath i.r kickin'. bo�y shotS; they point it up in the s� a?td

kill clouds.

kickin' rad .

Cool. Very good. Favorable. More kill it

than ''radical." .. 1. To do something very well.

That wij'e beater is kickin' md! ... john JPas killin' it all dqy long in the · · -;
� . , . �.

. ..
' '
' �'" ·

. . .. �
' K ·
. . .



. ·.

'· ·
. .·.


Sneakers. Running shoes.
2. To do your own thing, in a sort j
of funny or offbeat way.
Fo' shee:o� JJJah nee:v'l You gots some
. Max is killin' it in his oJ;emlls.
f! kicks/
Verv cool. .·



Dude, that 1vave was k!ff! Check ON! tl!J'

That la.rer light show JJJas kilfe,�'
kijf board.

killographic '
Containing graphic violent
content. Term coined bv d1e
1. To fmish something, usually food •

. National Institute on Media and

or drink.
the Familv to describe media,

Hey, tan I kill that .randwich? . specifically video games, that


make use of "graphic depiction

2. Marijuana that is very physically

of brutal violence."
dense and extremely potent. .
The Nationalln.rtitute on Media tmd the

;:, IJ 1
Fami!J• sqys tbe game i\!Ianhtmt is : Amanda: You're a dork.
igo raphic. ·

jason: /(jss my grits.


kinky . KIT
Weird or cool, usually with respect Acronym for "keep in touch.''
to sexual preferences.
It's bem great getting to kn01vyou better
Jared· We had kin}g sex on the patio last . thisyear! Stay cool! .KIT!
f.9an: Reai!J? Whats a patio?

. Correspondence received while
kip incarcerated.
1. A bed.
MY cuz sent me a kite . . . told me to hold
After working that double shift, 111e were .

it dmvn 1vhile I'm doin' my bid
all readyfor the kip. .

knife around

2. To sleep. Sometimes followed by .

To not do anything of particular
"down," as in "bed down." Used in .

significance. Can range from


Beautiful South's song "From .

running miscellaneous errands

Under the Covers."
around town, to doing household

You take the be� and I'll kip doulf1 on .
chores, to freestyle loafing.
the soja.
Jess: H�y, tuhat are_)'OII up to?
Ben: Ob, just knijin' around
kipe/kype .

To steal, pilfer, or swipe something of .

small value, like a candy bar or some .
A complete moron. Synonym for
other conunonly shoplifted item.
. "tool."
Jesse kiped some Pabstfrom the store .
Dude, _you're such afriggin' knob/
1vhile we distracted the clerk. .

knock off

kiss my grits

1. An item that looks exactly like an
A saying that means something like
original product but lacks the

"kiss my ass."

expensive designer label, which is : Sometimes, when drunkenly talking I

replaced with a fake one. Usually a woman and resting your arm

costs half the price with half the

on her table, the table will get
style appeal.
knocked over.

I htJte those CoadJ knock-qff purse.r JJJith Greg JJ'ent to talk to that chick. Look at I


the little "Cs" on them in.rtead qf little .

him ot;er there, knockin' .
over tables

"Cs. '' .


knuck if you buck


2. To end the day's ork ; to clock


A phrase used to express the intent
of violence, literally translated as

3. To steal. .
"knuckle up if you're buck wild." As

I k11ocked qff 1vork, mate, and seen some .

. popularized by Crime Mob in the
bastard knocked qf
j me car stereo. .

song "I<nuck if You Buck."

Rowcfy clubgoer # 1: }oujust stepped on
knock over .
nry Timbs!
To hold up or rob. . Row4y clubgoer #2: Willi, JJihatcha gonna
do 'bout it?! Knuck ifyou buck!
In Nnv Orlean� er,ery u;e.ek someone .

to knock over a Pope_;•e.'s C'hicken store.

knuckle up
Expression of encouragement
knock up .

your courage,

meaning ''muster
1. In North America: to get .

intestinal fortitude, and love for the

American way in preparation for a


Anumda got knocked up because she and challenge of epic proportions!"

Jimmy didn't use p ro tection. .
llttered many times during battle

against the electromechanical foe by
2. In Great Britain: to wake .
one of the dudes in the movie The
someone up. . Matrix: Revolutions.

Bii!J� go and knock up)'OUr .rleepyhead Here the] tome, /Jqys . . kmtckle up!


brother. .

knockin' over tables . A dunce. A dummy. A very
To hit on women while intoxicated. . smbborn person or animal.
. r
: .. .l
. ••

I told him h01v to do i� but he would not

listen, the knucklehead!
informal expression of politeness
after one has done something for
Kodak's Law
When you most need a camera, you
will inevitably not have one.

iVerd: (just uploaded that paper_yo11
asked me to 7JJrite. It took me aboutjour
J.Whett the aliens finally arriz1e, you t"C/11 be
days. I hope_yot�'/1 like it.
. - -

sure that Kodak's Law JJli/1 keep_yoN from

I.indsry: kthxi?Je.
being able to pro11e it happened

Someone posing very hard as a
surfer or skateboarder. Someone
who goes to every surfing or
skateboarding event to hang
out, compile pictures, start
conversations, and generally be seen
with real surfers or skateboarders.

Dude, didyo11 .ree that kook trying to

drop in on me the other dqy?

0 0 oo o0 o o o o • • o o o o o 0 0 oo 0 0 ° • o • • • o • o o ' ' oo o o o 0 o o o o • o o oo • o • o o o o o I • o o • I o o o I o o • • • •• o o o o o oo o o • 6 o oo oo o o o o o . . • • o o oo oo o . , , • ,

La La Land ·

Abercrombie what a lahelwhore.
Los Angeles. .

La La LAnd is no p lace to be cJt night. .

lace the track
To add lyrics to an instrumental


1. Studio for recording music. .

The wqy Boomer laced the /r(Jck,)•ou'd

think he 1vas straightfrom Compton.

Dawg, thetr/re some great b'rics. Let's .

take 'em back to the lab.



2. One's home base, like a household. .

1. One drug mixed into another,

often without the consumer's


Let's take. it to the lah so I can media

t te.

knowledge .

1', that JJleed I smoked last night 1Jias


label whore

laced with tocaine.
Someone who only wears brand­
name clothes, with the name of the
2. Something nice or done-up right.
brand usually placed somewhere for .

Someone who is very put together,

all to see. A walking advertisement .
has their game on tight, looks good,
for a clothing store or brand. .

wears nice clothes and jewelry, has a

Look at that spaz wearing aft nice C.'U, money, fancy bling bling, etc.

. . t" . -

.. .
• •• ; J
! ' !. I• • • •J · ' " '

Afy college professor asked us,uw� do land clam

people alwqys want to make more monry A mass of phlegm expelled from
in theirjobs?" ftiy mtswer to his question: the esophagus onto a surface such
('To stay laced, dumbass!" What an idiot! as asphalt or concrete. It is the only
nonshelled mollusk known to man.

laced up While ht1cking outside Lincoln Center,

1. Ready for a fight. Char/e.rfathered a land clam on 65th
You best get laced up, sucka!

2. Beat or knocked out in a fight. land yacht

A very large luxury car.
He got laced up on BroadJJ'Cf.Y �ry somefool
he didn't even ktzo1v. . My Lincoln Toum Car is not a boat, it's t1
Easygoing. Going with the flow. large time

Gets along with most people and .

1. A lot of fun.
usually causes no problems. Fine
. We met Airman Smith at the squadron
with whatever.
banquet, and a large time was had by aiL

1'\t[)' professor is so laid-back that no


matter how badb' I bomb the test I'll still Very big event of much size.
pass the class.
The concert next Saturda.J' is going to be tl
large time.

A person who acts incredibly stupid.


last month
just come 1vith m. Don't be a lame-of A fad that's no longer cool or
interesting. As the Internet makes
life faster, fads don't last as long as
lampin' .

they did before. Fad seasons are

Chillin'. Marinatin'. Short for "cold
. trending closer to one month.
Trucker hats are so fast month.

I'mjust lampin', takin' it easy.

. .......
.. . �- ......,.---

. .
late . That l}rl was so ho� everyone 1vas trymg

. to fqy rap on her.
To proclaim that one is vacating the
remises. Short for "later," as in .
AJ so "I ates."

"see you later.

" .

fll seeyotJ at the ciNb. Late, man. . An easv score, in a sexual sense.

He saw Bet!)' across the room and he


lava lamp knnv ii was going to be


c1 lq;wp .
A person who is very attractive but .
verv unintelligent. Named after the

league skimmer
novelty light fixture that is fun to

. A person who goes out with people


look at but not that bright. .


who are way out of their league.
Yot/re actuai!J fonsiderittg going out 1vith

Look at Har�J' going out with)en. He's



Alicia? She tnq)' be pretry and all, but .

a league skimmer.
she's a total lava lamp.

lean back
lawn job .

A type of dance you do in which

Deep ruts left across someone's .
you shrug your shoulders to the
lawn by a car backing up into the
. beat of the song and progressively
yard and then peeling out; to leave .
lean back. Popularized by Terror
such ruts.
,ea n Back.. ,
Squad's song "l
Check out all this that's under fl!.Y

Oooh, I love this song.foaturing Fat Joe!
fenderfrom fawn-:Jobbing that guy'syard .
.. Let me get !!1)' dmzce on 1vhile I lean back.
last night. .




lax .

Elite. Often used to describe some­


A total lack of stress. Short for


one with good computer skiUs.

Dude, 1just hacked microsoft. com. I'm
Ahh ... this i.r lax ...

lay rap
left coast
To hit on, flirt, or throw out pickup
A slightly derogatory word for
lines to a member of the opposite sex. .
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' •• r '

America's west coast, used bv -

: let's go there
Republicans to refer to the primarily .. I'm more than willing to engage you

Democratic California, Oregon, and . on this topic.
. Although Fm a little !lncomfortable 1vith
Ami& mu.rtfeel t'ery alone on the left .
this subjec� he/� let's go there/
coast. .


less than three


. California prison code for the most

Love. Refers to the common serious criminal offenses. Maximum

"<3," which looks like a


text-icon . securitv: cells, fenced or walled


heart when rotated counterclock- perimeters, electronic security,

wtse. armed officers inside and out. Used


by rappers Snoop Dogg and 50

Cood�ye, my than three.
Cent, among others.

Fm level4, so !walk theyard with lifers.
let's be friends .

In a dating relationship, this is where

level up

one of the parties involved means


one or more of the following: To achieve a higher level of


"I don't want to date you anymore." .

consciousness, usually through
"I am interested in dating someone . drugs or alcohol. To reach the first

else." .
heavy daze of the day.
"I am already dating someone else, .

B�fore going d01vntown to hit the bars, ll!e
and I need to lose your sorry ass." .

leveled up uith some shot.r.

I real!y likeyou and all that c-rap, but let's
befriends. .


1. One ounce of marijuana.

let's blow this Popsicle
I knen; she could smoke a quarter in an
stand .

hour but not a lid!
J\ pretty lame way to say "Let's get .

out of here." .

2. A man's toupee or really bad haircut.
This place is bt:rnie. Ldr blo1v this

Nice /.id, bu dtfy. That hairpe
i ce doesn't
Popsicle stand!
quite work.
lifer : 2. One who can't handle their

One who has remained at a location . alcohol/weed.

for an extended amount of time
. Look at that lightweight, puking after 17vo
so as to be considered a permanent
.. cups!
resident. Often has no hope or .

desire to leave their current .



1.Means "said" or "spoke" when
Dennis haJ been a helperforjit; eyears.
. preceded by "am," "are," "is,"
He is deflnitefy a lifer:
'\vas," "were."

I'm like, "Gag me 1vith a .rporm," and

"Oh my God!"
she:r like,
1. To take that which is not vours. .

Gank, steal, boost, heist. .

. 2. For some teenagers, a word
. . . ..
lfyouleave your doors unlocke�yo' shit's spoken in between each word in a -
·' .. .
·L . • �
sentence. ..
gon' get ftfted. '
.. �
.- .

. Yeab, like, I think, like, 'iV �yttc is, like,

2. To fit a vehicle with hvdraulics. .
sooooooo, like, (()OI and, like, dreatt�Y·

Also "juiced." .

Thatfooljust got his Caprit-e lifted.
. like it ain't no thing
Something done easily.
. I date three gJ!)'S a/ once like it aitt'l no
High; under the influence. .
School's out! Cmon, le t:r go get ljie d!

like it was my job
light up Engaging in an activity repeatedly
To smoke. and/or skillfully enough that it's as
. if you were getting paid to do so.
Fifteen-minute break, man. Time to light up. .
. Particularly applies to nonwork-
. related activities .
lightweight .
I drink like it 121a.r myjob. iVot to mention

1. So-so, kind of, a little bit. .

. on tbejob.
That party wa.r ligh!JPe�ght t�ght. •

. -, n ....
-·------- -------q

like like · liquid
More than liking as a friend, and a . Money, cash flow, scrilla.
step above a crush, and a step below .
. Yo, dau!f,, my liquid.flt'na beflmvin' lik."J:
love. .
Ula/a right nom
1 do no/like like Daz·i� Ijust like him.
. liquid bread
like whoa Could refer to any beer, but particular­
To the extreme. ly apt for heavy, full-bodied beers like
. Guinness, which can be very filling.
Pm stucfying like 11Jboafor this midterm
tomorrow. I don't need lunch; Ijust had some liquid
. bread

link up
To call someone. liquid courage
Any alcoholic beverage that turns a
Yo, link me up tonight. . person mean, brave, or excited. An
instant burst of courage (and often
linkophile . stupidity) comes from drinking it.
A person having an ardent interest
.. Before I stomp thi.r dude's aJ·.r, Pma need
in and enthusiasm for Internet sites, .
. .fome liquid courage.
or "links."
Brad adds so maf!y URLs to his blog, .
. lit
he's a total /inkophile. .
. So intoxicated that aU a person can

. do is smile, so they look lit up bke a

lip service . light.
To just say something but not
. 1 !e's .ro lit he can't e11en talk.
actually do it. To pretend that you .
believe a certain thing but not .
practice that belief.
.. literary masturbation
. The acr of using unnecessaril y
The company pcrys lip semice to equal
. elaborate speech to convey a simple
rights bu t has on/y one 1voman workingfor .
. point, or speaking in a tone that
them, and she's underpaid. .
. would make you seem like a
. pompous dipshit.

[ recettlfy attended the qJ.teue at thejood .
Matt: Billjell ofj the and injured


product facility, at 1J'hid1 1 purchased a his peltJis in si:x: dffferent places.


delidousbr decadettt lasagna joe: /mao!



and a bottle qf Spumante.





live .

. To laze around and not have a care


Jwnping, full of people, exciting. .

in the world.


A happening event that is very .

Loqfing doe.r the bocfy good

enjoyable and has an intense vibe.



Yo, Angel�r Jt'as live last Tue.rda_y. .

loan shark



. Term for a person, usually a member

live in of organized crime, who offers



To live in a fraternity or sorority .


loans without background checks,


house. . collateral, etc., but charges insanely


high interest and has henchmen who


I lotJe living in. l/atJing all the girls .

will hurt or even kill those who do

around all the time is greatfor "!Y gossip

not repay the loan within a set time.



John got beat to shit I!J Loan Shark


Tino:r henchmenjar not pqying on time.

If john doesn't pq_y Tino back i?J' ne:x:t
Spanish for "cocaine." Often spelled
" JJJeek, thq 11-'ill kill him.
yayo" because of the pronunciation. .

Igotta go get some 1/e/lojor tonight. .

. loc
Man, we all got so /Jelled up last night! .
1. Crazy. Short for the Spanish "loco."

1l1an, you k11ow Jl1ike- Tis a foC"-aSJ
. i fops in.front q/ I

mutha. lie shot, like, s:x:




The state of being high on cocaine. .

the police station.


lAst night I got so 1/el/.ed up, Ifelt lik.e a god! .



Lock or locks of hair, like Jheri-


curls, but always pronounced with




the long "o" as in "go."

Acro nym for "laughing my ass off."
Check out the loc.r on thatplq_ya.

Used online.

: 1

3. High on drugs. : Comes from the saying "took
Let:r get loc'ed out on the balco ny. .
Gir/ 1: I was getting changed and 111a.r
completely nude when some gt!)' W(llked in
lockdown .
. on me.
1. Grounded. Can also be shortened
. Girl 2: Did he look adt•antage qfyou?
to "lock."
. Gir/1: }'es, he .rtared at me, didn't sq_y
I t'tltt't come ou t Fm on lotk{do1P1t}.
, a�ytbing the whole time and wouldn't .rtop
. et,en after l cotJered up!
2. A controlling relationship.

}'o, check it! Sista got ljrese on mad .

lockdoum again this 1veekmd. Bt·otha .
A state of goofiness usually

Jt'on't be able to hang. . occurring after a long night of

partying or any other activity that
. provokes sleep deprivation.
lol .
Computer slang for "laughing out I'm so /oopy Ijust cat1't stop laughing.'

Jackie: Omigod! fie i.rju.rt .ro Ct4te I JPant loose rap


to take a bite oN/ of him. . Telling lies or using corny pickup

Brittmry: loll lines to impress a girl or guy to get
their number, get them to fall for
you, or get sex.
loogie .

A large slimy glob of spit mixed . Charlie: Yo1 1d1atr up, shorrrrt;� wbere
)'OUr bqyfriend at? I Sali')'OU afross the

with nose snot. Cooks in restaurants


are notorious for making secret .


room and, um . . l1va.r 1Vottdering if I

could get)'Ottr digits, cuvou look good .

loogie deposits on patrons' food. .



. You knou? 1 got a 2006 Cadillacfresh 011

I'll take a cheeseburger with french}ties, .

. 20-incb rim.r, Iget mad dough} and 1'11

hold tbe kogie. ..
showeryou JVith all the diamondsyou
look advantage Ellen: Drop the loose rap1 big boy.' You
To stare at something ym.1 should
had me at hello!

naturally look quickly away from.

loosey : lowdown
Single cigarette. .
The truth. The skinny, or full
disclosure of the situation


I smoked a loo.r�y.

}o, .rlim, gimme the l0111doum on the pig
situation on my tutf



1. Poorly executed; sloppy.

Frequently used with job, as in "lop

job." ChiUed out, relaxed, quiet, lazy,

Look at 1vhat a lopjob !hat 11.1eb dez;eloper .

did on his 1vebpage. Judging �y hom drunk I am no�



tomonmv Jvi/1 be pretf:.y /ow:fi. .
2. A person who does a job
carelessly; a stupid or lazy person;


a person whose time and energy are

. .

Hidden, or on the downlow, so no

misdirected. . . .
L .
one knows. .

That ne1v intern:r report 1vas so full of


I 1va.r chi/lin' utif the cmv and shorty Jvas
error.r I had bim write it again, that lop.

. lookin' good, but I a/read] gotttl shorty, so
let'sjust make it /mv-k�y.

low rider
• •

A (usually customized) truck or


low-pro po

utility with lowered springs from .

Short for "low-proflle police."


hydraulic pumps to give it a real

Undercover officers.

pimpin' look. .

Those lo11'-pro po's swear Jl'e t'an'l spot

That low rider is off da' hook and

them in Crmvn �"lcs witb no plate.r attd


slammed to tha ground!


low talker

One whose volume of conversation is
The most potent hallucinogen
so low that you can barely hear them.
known to the public. In a chaotic
I think I'm engaged to a l01v talke� but I . environment such as a party, it can
can't tell bet·cmsc 1vhen I proposed sheju.rt lead to a "bad trip," where the
.giggled and mumbled to herse!f person under the int1uence gets

2 1 :.:r
frightened and depressed. Also : lylab
known as "acid."

Acronym for "love you like a bro."
Only co be used in a nonqueer


Wow, that 1vas .rome potent LSD I /Jias .

fashion .
trippin' for tJPo dqys. .

A.ryo, holmes, I'm out. fylab.


lunch money .


Describing the period of •


adolescence when kids get beaten .

Acronym for "love you like a sister."
up by bullies for their lunch money. W/ay to tag anything said to a close
Used to describe anything done female friend so that one can say
. -

poorly or not worth your time. "I love you" without fear of being
.. thought gay.
Dude, that was a lunch money party
. i
last night. . I h ave to go, but I'll seeyou atpractce 011

.. SaturdtfY· !Jlas.'
lurk .

1. On an online message board, to

browse the board often but never
post anything.

Thctt guy is alwqys lurking, but he ..


never po.rts.

2. To listen in on a conference call
without announcing oneself. .

Ron got mad at Donfor lurking on tl1e .

production calL

.. . .
.. . .. .. . . .. ..
. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .

rna }'o, his ccLr has punpin' mad bass.

Girl. Shorty.

Whaddup, ma? Can I get]O' number? mad axes

Good hip-hop emceeing skills.

mack daddy }'0, didyou see that t·at? }fe was throwing
A pimpalicous man who gets mad axes, son! II

anything he wants (e.g., sex, money,

clothing, cars, etc.).
mad ski11 s
Dawg! Did)'OU see that pimpalicous mack
dadtjy? fie's da man!
Good skills. Usually used when
people do something cool in a
' I
sport or a video game. '

mack on I've got 1t1ad skills, biotch!

To flirt with or attempt to seduce
I caught David macking on my wife. To stare fixedly at someone in a
hostile manner.

mad Thatgt!} 1Pas mad-dogging me ajier I got

Extremely, very, a large quantity. bi.r girlfriend's numhet:
Also "madd."
.::::. ; �_.
.... ..

Faith No More's "Epic." Spinoffs

A person's number-one girl or guy, like Korn soon began to take over
as opposed to the other partners the market with detuned and
they may have.

Yeah, man, 1 t:an't let my mainjind out

about her it�r going to be a lot rif
trouble �� she does!

• •

To keep your composure even in

the most adverse and drunken
simple chugging riffs, and by taking

focus off of lead guitars.
Dude, I need to maintain or l1Pon't make
it to t!Je next bm: The neuJ in FlameJ album will deftnite!J
be malkore.

makeout sess
A session where people (usually malt
teens) make out. Shorr for "malt liquor," a cheap,
sweet, slightly strong beer. Often
Mallory and 1 had a makeo1-1t qfter
found in 40-ounce bottles.
band todq;'.
I dr
... ,go ,get .rome malt and cbill.

A modern form of music-int1u­ malware
enced by but wholly separate from Short for "malicious software."
heavy metal-that incorporates rap, A cousin of adwarc and spyware
funk, simplified song structures, and that usuallv downloads and installs

subject matter geared toward the itself on your PC without your

teens and youth of America, who permission. It often takes the form
spend far too much time at malls. of programs called "porn dialers"
Topics often include alienation, that dial expensive or long distance
parental abuse, and "the pain numbers.
inside." Early examples include
Stupid !'Nalware!
Anthrax's "l'm the Man" as well as


Spanish slang for "baby" or "sexy." 12, and_yot/re. using his language. You't'e

Often short for "mamacita" or got a man cm.rh.


-� mami, tu tan t-a!iente. (Oh, girl,_you man purse

so sexy.) An over-the-shoulder bag used by
urban males. A common accessorv '

found on metrosexuals .

Person or thing that is considered Tad carries his papers to JJJork in his
by many to be very sexy and/or man purse.

You peepi11' at that /1ot mammtzjamma? man boobs

Extra fat on a man's pees that looks
like breasts. Contrary to popular
Man, the
belief, not all man boobs are caused
An unseen political force that
' '


by fat. Some men are naturally born M

watches and oppresses everyday
with higher amounts of estrogen
people. Synonymous with "Big
than others and once they rut puberty
Brother," as referenced in George
start grO\.ving actual breast tissue.
Orwell's novel 1984.
Ll{yfriend 1l1ark has aJttazing man boobs,
It�just the Man tr:ying to hold me down!
but he�r not fa.t.

man crush
man up
When a man has a crush on another
1. Brave it. Be daring.
man without sexual attraction.
A form of hero worship, or the Jake: 1-I�y, man, .fini.rh thiJ bowl.
desire to either be or emulate the Ben: iVo, dude, I'm baked as it is. I.
other man. .Jake: CoJt1e on, man up.

Josh: Hey, Ted. I heard_you spent the

2. In basketball: get your man.
night OtJer at Da/Je�.
Ted· Yeah, tve plqyed Tivister and Your g"fY is ct .rhooter cmd he�r lJJide open czt
Scrabble, watcbed movies, and spent all the three�point line. This is zvhen you man
night talking, bizifitch. up-plqy tight d�fetJJe.

2 i '7

manky attack from others, like a sitting


Unclean. duck. Calling someone this implies

that you intend to murder them or
Youjust did a crap and dd
i n't wa.rh_your .

do them harm in some way, or that

hands-eU�)IOtt're mank;y! .

you suspect someone else will, and

that they deserve what's coming to
manscape them. Used in Tupac's song "Hit
To remove excess body hair on a 'Em Up" to refer to Biggie Smalls
man via waxing, shaving, plucking, and Junior Mafia.

or other method. Common metro­

WhoetJer keyed m_y car is one mark-a.u
sexual activity. . bitch!
When he took ojf ht:r .rhirt, it looked like
he 1va.r .rti/1 wearing a s1ve ater. I think a .
Little manscaping s
i in order. .
1. To engage in sexual foreplay or

. heavy petting.
manual .
. Afteryou left the party, I ended up 111a.rh·
To ride a bike with the front wheel
ing Jilith that chickfrom m_y chemistry
off the ground. This term is also .
used in other sports with similar
2. To travel at excessive speeds in a

That g"!)' bas mad .rki/.ls; he can manual motor vehicle and/or use a lifted
down the street.r o/ San rrancisco at 50 mph! vehicle or four-wheel drive to rra-
verse over obstacles.
marinate Man, last night 1 was out in the car
To sit on the couch and not accom­ mashin' like no other.
plish anything. To loaf

I 11Jcu gonna go to dass but 1 got high and mash note

decided to marinate instead. . A love letter, particularly a hot and
steamy one.

mark-ass bitch 1lefelt waves o/jeaiOU-!J' 1vhen };e di rcoJJ·


The worst type of bitch, one who is ered the mash notes to his 1vijefrom an old
a "mark," which means that he/she .
Jl.ame J1Jritten 20)lear.r a,go, before they
is a target and is very vulnerable to were married.

mashed .
G"!Y 2: Not much. Just ma.Yin' t�nd

Seriously drunk or high on drugs. re!.zxm
, .


fn1 mashed off my


_ jcu-e. .
. McDonald's symptoms

Various symptoms of McDonald's

master of one's domain .

overload. Signs that your state of

The ability t o go long periods .

health is not good Can include:

of time without sexual self­ . McStomachAche, McHeadache,



gratification. .
McHeartburn, McCirrhosis,

. McTwitch, .McDeprcssion .

He is master of hi..i domain; he wn gofor



.. at a tm
i e. •

.. mean

. So hot, sexy, and tight it defies


. description and bog gles the mind .


1. A friend or companion. ..


. That Esml£tde i.r one hadass ride. I /m;e
i is my mate Eddie. .

the rims-thq make that shit look mean.

2. A

sexual partner.

This i s m_y mate Eddie. ..

. To give someo ne a not-so-nice look .
regJi ier fotal!y

.. Dude, tbat broad a/ the

max out ...

mean-mugged)'Oujor bt!}'ing those girl

To take something to

the extreme, ..

.. pants.
sometimes causing overload or fail ­

ure due to reaching the highest pos­



sible limit. .

The real, flesh-and-blood world. As

We smoked this bltmt last night; and 1

opposed to "cyberspace."
maxed the hell out 011 Doritos, man.

. I

.. Intel a gmt!gid online, and l'mj!JinJ!, to
Sitj I can't doPE. today 'muse !'TJe .
.. idaho to see ber in meat.rpace.

..Y ed out my ankle. .


tnaxin' and relaxin' .

Banging out. .

(;19' 1: If/hat up, homt:y?

. Hf!)'! ThfJt new .ron.� i.r /Jieary!

I ;7
.. , , , ,, . , ..,,.. ,

meh :
cacophonous wall of sound and
An interjection used to imply accelerated tempo achieved through
indifference toward a subject; "a distorted electric guitars playing
verbal shrug." Mysteriously popular fast-paced riffs, with the driving
among teens. Synonymous with drumbeat often utilizing hypersonjc
"bleh," "dah," and "mih.'' Usually ·

double bass rhythms and cmphasiz-

pronounced without eye contact or ing the continuous pumping action.
body movement. . The bass guitar is often playing sim­
. ilar to the guitar, but more with the
I<;yla: You 1mnna go to the mall?
drums, so as to add to the overall
Jam: Meh, I hat'e. nothing to dofor the .
heaviness and depth. It can manifest
rest of the dtf_y ...
in manv different forms, and the

. spectrum of intensity is usually

mental intercourse

. guite varied, from slow and heavy

The act of engaging in intel.ligent melodk grooves to complex and
and interesting conversation. Topics . precise blinding rhythms, odd time

range from sex to nerdy subjects. changes, and sheer brutality. Vocals
often deal with dark subject matter,
I er:Jqyed our mental todqy
anger, and aggression in the form of
Perhap.r we can do it again tomorr01v?
screaming, though melodic, smooth
vocals are also accepted. Solos are

mere also an integral part of metal music.

Short for "mercenary," a professjonal . Usually scales and arpeggios are
soldier hired for service in a foreign . played with some changes often in
army. Used by urban geeks to describe eighth, 16th, or 32nd notes, if
the culprit in a fantasy ambush. 1\lso only a few guick licks. Metal is
refers to anyone who serves or works progressive and dynamic, and
merely for monetary gain; a mugger. usually provokes feelings that are

therapeutic to the listener. Metal is

La.rt night 111hen I wa.r U'alking home Jonn
rock music that has evolved.
dropped dol1m out f!f a tree and tried to
mere me 1l'ith .rome shurikem like he's a ome kicka.r.r 111etal.'

Dude, this Slayer .r

i .r
friggin' ghetto nir!)a! .

metal An abbreviation for methampheta­
A type of music characterized by its mine, a drug that stimulates the

• .... 1::1" • Jl:lO....

central nervous system by causing · military precision

: Perfect aim. Very professionally and
it to release more dopamine, a
neurotransmitter that gives someone calmly done.
a feeling of satisfaction. .
lie picked apart his opponent/ argt�tllf.tlt
Meth is a dangerou.r drug and should 11ot .

))lith militmy precision.

be used �y af!yom.

metric shitload
Male version of a bimbo. Made
A metric shitload is roughly 2.287
: fam ous by an episode of the sitcom
American measurement shitloads.

I've got a metric shitload of Sltfff to get

At): girffrimd left mefor that tt1imbo IJJho
done this JJJeekend. . drit;es the ice cream trtJtk.


metro sexual
mind bullets
Modern enlightened, sort of
. The ability to cause damage to
Renaissance man. Secure and
someone or something using just

confident, capable and cool, typical­
one's mind.
ly well educated and stylish. .

Heterosexual with a twist, not gay . In thcttpidure, she look.r like .rhe�r trying
by any means, but he probably has a to kill you 1vith mind bullets.
few gay friends and can easily be
mistaken for gay by rednecks and
. mindshare
jock types. The only straight guy in a ·

Corporate speak for the estimated

fabric store or antique shop
value of a product, artwork, or serv­
who is not being dragged there by a .
. ice as determined by its presence-
woman. Often shortened to
" or lack thereof-in the minds of
metro." 1-
. the product's target audience.
Dan manicures hi.r nail.r J JJlears designer .
He�r not im·esting much advertising and
.ruits) 011ms a lot of shoes) and takes an
promotion monry in his enterprisej .rince he

hour to do his hai1j but hej· not gefy--hc�

i.r a poj)tllar writer and de.rigfler, hi.r name
alone ha.r mind.rhare tJalue, bec-ame people
. tend tojlr)ck to bi.r JJ�e!Jsite.r and pry
attention to hi,- blog.r and editorials.
mint : of something.
Nice. Cool.
Dave: Ctm I hm;e some qf. .yourpiz ft? bt;
. i, t hat shit i.r mint. GimJJie some. . Jv1att:· Siwe, but don't mob on it or
. an_ything. 2.
mtss me

Lose mv mm1ber; don't call me;

• . mockumentary
leave me alone. . i\ fictional film in the srvle of a


documentary. A mock documentary.


Yot/L'e cheated on me; now mis.r !lie. . E

The mockumentaf)' This Is Spinal Tap tc

. document.r the.fictionaf btmd Spinal Tap .

Miss Thang .. u

A person who thinks they are, like,

. mOJO

so totally better than, like, you know,

evervone else. A charm or a spell. Often refers to

.. n
sex appeal or talent. SJ
1\&' sir
. teTj little 1\fi.r.r Thatzg, ts getting on .
m)' nerl)(!S. She's sudJ a brat! I can get an_y girl if (just tt bit qf the .A
old mqjo. Ji

ffilX .
1. When a DJ plays sound from two mom battle n

sources together, whether those .. Similar to a freestyle battle, except A

sources arc turntables or CD players .
where a select portion of a sentence E

using a mixer. Often DJs will adjust .

is integrated with the phrase "your p
the tempo of the two sound sources . mom" and repeats back and forth
.. (_
so they are exactly the same and between two "your mom-ers" until
flow together well rhythmically. .!<
. one runs out of variations before
the other. (_

f JJJa.r mixing pretty JVefl


Sc·ott: Tbat mot;ie was dumb.

2. A D)'s set or spiel.
Drew: Your mom i.r dumb. r
Scott: You arejtmenile and ugfy. 1
Mqyhe Uf thro111 that heat into "fY mix.
DreJJ!: Your mom isjutJetlife and ugjy. d
. c

. money

To take more than your fair share d

1. Cool, sweet, banging. .

Girlfriend, that diamond ring_your boo ..

After Reagan die� the ensuing



mournograp�y was obscene .


bought jot)'Ou is so !tiOtJ�·! .



2. A friend or acquaintance. ..


What up, money? .
Idiotic and useless human being.

. they aren't very


Suggests evolved


because they breathe through their


moon on a stick


mouths. An affinity for sexually

Everything. Expression of the wish

crude humor generally accompanies .

to have it all. .

.Nfy bqY.friend's sm·h a mouth-breather that
Would.yo u like af!ytbing The moon

he can't JJJafk and clmv gum at the same


on a stick perhaps?

But I lo11e him mryway.


. time.


mos' def ... moxte


. •


Short for "most definitely." .

Sass, courage, spunk, determination,

, .


Andre: Want a tig, man? attitude.


Jimmy: Mo.r' d�f!


Thal��irl's got moxie. !like her.





. mp3

A typical greeting among goths.


... A format (MPEG) used in digital


Equivalent to "morning" but the .

. compression of music that makes


preferred usage is during ni ght time


entertainment industrv executives



Coma: Mourning!

shit a brick because it makes it easier

Keop.r: Goth day.' .

for people to get music without
Coma: Ifeel miserable. .

. paying for it by easily trading it on


the Internet.

mournography Chetk out m)' tt�p3 collection. I heard it



T h e oversensationalizing and . gave the president of EMf an aneurysm.


drama tizi ng of tragic events (such .



as the deaths of politicians or .

. mug

celebrities), often to a titillating

1. To stare, gaze, gawk, loo k

degree, especially when employed in .



journalistic practice.

.) ..,l

• -)
'·' '

ro, that chick JllaJ straight muggitt'_you. : Don't talk to me like_ya know me,ya
Go tcilk to her. muppet.
. .

2. To stare at someone in a menac­ . Murphy's Law

ing or threatening way. The law that says anything that can

go wrong, will go wrong.
That eat's muggin g. I think he wants to
jight. 1von the lotto, but !lost the lotto

ticket� Murpi!J's Law, man .

3. An idiot. .


That mug JJJent and got ca"'-ght mugging .

somejogger. At least be looks good in his .

. 1. To dance by stretching out your
mugshots. .. arm, then flexing your biceps with

one arm, then flexing the other.

.. Seen in the Usher ''Yeah!" video
mullet .
. and in many hip-hop clubs.
Any haircut that is significantly
longer in the back than the front or Look at that baller in the trucker hat.


sides. .
. He's doin' the muscle!

lie decided that a mullet 1va.r too much .

2. Someone paid or in service to
work to take t-are '!£ so he got it cut short. .
protect and/or do the physical
hardships of another.

munchies .
joe�r got a hired muscle outside his bar.
The desire to consume copious .

amounts of carbohydrates and fats

after inhaling the byproduct of
.. my bad
combusting the hemp plant. .
A flippant apology. A way of saying

"I did something bad, and I recog­

Iate chocolate ice cream on a blueberry
nize that I c:lid something bad, but
bageL I must have had some hardcore
there is nothing that can be done for

munchies. .
it now, and there is really no reason
. to apologize for that error, so let's
muppet just assume that I won't do it again,
A person who is ignorant and gen­
.. get over it, and move on with our
'I erally has no idea about anything.
lives." Can be shortened to "mv b."
. '


Erica: You just spilledyour beer on my � my boy

term paper! A close guy friend, or a guy you
Sarah: i\fy bad. You knou� _you can print .
reallv like. A homev.
' '

another one.
John Keny rvas 'I?)' boy. I can't befietJe
. G'. W ir going to be presidentforfour
more years.

,. 2 ,­
.1:4 - .:;:,
.. . .. . . . ...
. . . . .. . . . ..
. . .. ... . . . ... . . .. .. . .. . . . . ..
. .. . . . ... . . . ..
. .. . . . . . ...
. . . .. .. . . .
.. . ....... .. .. . . .. . ..
. .. .. . .. ..

nOOb/noob . lltft it 1vorks great!


It's nagware,
A newbie An inexperienced,
. .
tgnorant, or unskilled person.
nab mean?
Especially used in computer games.
Know what I mean?
Also "newb." .

That shorry is bangin', nah mean?


Ha hal That nOOb got pwned .

naff .
Mocking term for a man enga n g gi
Not very good, but not bad enough
in feminine activities or otherwise
to warrant a passionate dismissal. .

. compromising his masculinitv. '

The White Horse, mate, nab, i6 nqJj -

Co?t;e on, iVancy, )'Ott'r.,e been getting reat!J'
)'014 1vanna get)'Otme!f down to the King'.J· ·

for an hour. We're. fate.for the game.

Arms-full of totry on a Fridqy night.

na gware
Unkempt or messy. Often refers
Software released as freeware

to hair.

or shareware that nags the user

into purchasing, supporting, or .
. That rasfatllan has some nappy
upgrading on a regular basis. dreadlocks.

' HTA1L-to-XYZt.

Try do12mloading
..�-------------------- ------------------

nar narsty
Short for "gnarly." . Combination of "gnarly" and
"nasty." Something nasty that's
Didyotl catch that nar epi.rode of .
. actually kind of cool or strange .
Barnev? J
.. Also spelled "gnarsty."
That gal OtJer there JJ.tith the 5 o'clock
.rhadow sure is nanty.
1. Short for "narcotics officer." A
member of law enforcement who


enforces drug laws.


Don't pul�your .rtash out arotmd Jake. .
I think he:r em tmdercoz1er narc. Oh, man, that test question was nasry
. hard. But the party JJie had ajier the fest
2. A person who is not a member of JJ.•as nasi)• awe.rome.
law enforcement but turns you in to .
police for doing or dealing drugs.
. near beer
Ronnie i.r such a 11arc. He told the cop.r I Nonalcoholic beer.

was smokingpot in the bathroom. . N I�
JVear beer is the worst �( both Jt'odds: all
the shitry taste rg· beer, and none qf the jim!
3. A person who turns you in to any .
. .
' "

. '

type of authority figure (parents, .

teachers, boss) for something you
near-birth experience
did wrong. . When birth control fails but no
. pregnancy results .
A{J1 little brother the narc told about .

the pornos under "D' bed. When the condom broke last month I had
a near-birth e:x:perience.
4. The act of turning someone in ..

to law enforcement or authority •

. An interjection typically used to
Don't narc on rne, tllan. I'll giveyou a . taunt, ridicule, or boast.
couple budr if.J'OU keep]OUr mouth shut. ..

. lVo thanks fO)IOU, but f u;a_r able to score

. the last tickets to the shoJJ' tonight, and
. .You're not going Jvitb me, so neener!

"' 2
_.::.. ·• I

neg .. new money

Abbreviation for "negative." Someone who is rich but does not
come from a wealthy background.
G'ir/1: You going to the parry?
The opposite of Paris Hilton.
Girl 2: iVeg. I have to work.
She zvas tleJJ' mon�y qfter discoz,ering lht•
t.•cdue of her blender on Antiques
A person who is intensely interested

in a particular hobby or topic. A .

geek with self-confidence. One new school
whose IQ exceeds his weight. . Contemporary. Opposite of "old
Rich is qttite a computer mrd. .

. Alicia K�ys, Amerie, and J.Vivea are neJJJ

. schooL
To meet important contacts and .

opportunities at bars, clubs, and big . New York minute

events. . Very fast. From the general belief
that everything in New York moves
I 111as out all night, networking at the p arty.
faster than it does in the rest of the
never have I ever .

l'l.l get thZ:rjob done in a Neu' }'Ork

J� game (that can involve drinking) in
. minute.

which people go around in a circle

saying things they have never done. .

Everyone starts with all 10 fingers up .

and puts a finger down if they have Ivfindless information about an
done that thing, and the first person entertainer or show that is portrayed
\.Vith no fingers remaining wins (or .
as news.
loses, depending how you look at it).
Anchorman: In our top story', Cotjy
If it's played as a drinking game,
everyone who has done the thing the

Jvas tJOted off the island this JJ!eek in a

. stunning upset during laJt night's episode
person says must drink.
. of Survivor.
have l ever, the g19s

fb, the end of never


thought the girlr we-re a bunch offreaks. .

Thurgood: What up? You gonna
next shit

nickel-and-dime me todqy as usual?



Anything that is completely fresh .

Samson: Aigbt, dmvg, $ 15.

and new, and kicks the status

Tburgood· Sheeit, all I got is this $14.


quo's ass. .

I'll get_you the 11 later


. .

His !yric.r art brilliant, and the beats are


Samson: JVo can do. I need it all upfront.


some next .rhit entire!J.


Thurgood· klan, w�"}')'OU gotta go and
nickel-and-dimf me lik,e. that?


ntce ups

A way of throwing props to some- .




one, saying thank you, or showing .

Refers to any pistol whose barrel's

respect. Similar to "big ups." .

girth is nine millimeters.

Hey, Gr� nice ups for hooking me up .

I was packing my nine for protection.

u1ith that Ice Cube seven-inch. It bump.r.



ntne ntne




. Close to but not quite perfect .


Mainly British slang. Refers to 99 percent.


1. A police station, jail, or prison. .



I had a real nine nine day today at /Vork.



I spent fast night in the cellr at the nick.




lf th�y com)icf me, I could do. fh·e.years at

ninja skills


WandsJvorth nitk.
Ability to do something without

being detected or suspected.
2. To steaL To pinch, tax, half-inch, .
"Ninja" refers to stealth and not

lift, knock off.


.. being seen; "skills" refers to being



Tbe band�r clothes look like the.J' tvere

unusually good at it, or being a


local Oxfam's reject pile.


nickedfrom the
. natural at something.


Stroup: H�y, wbo just slapped me?



Taylor: I go t mad ni'!}a skills!

nickel-and-dime .

1. To provide people with smaU .



bags of marijuana. .

. nip slip
2. To be extremely cheap with

When a braless female's nipple
someone or demand everv last

accidentally slips out from under


dollar. .
. �:.
, , , , • • • • r. . . .... .

a loose-fitting garment. 2. Really cool. A person, place,

or thing that is unequivocally,


I-!old up, pause it there. Yup, total nip .


quintessentially spectacular.

slip on Tara Reid!

: Dude,)'Ofl may be plafinu/JI in Quake,

: but I am nitr·o at sniping i11 Atmria/r

nip tuck
: Ama'·
Plastic surgery.

That bas to be a nip tuck-those brea.rt.r .

no, I won't make out

111ere huge/
.. with you
. A phrase that one person says to
Nipplegate .

another loudly and in public to

The scandal during the 2004 . attempt to embarrass that person.
Superbowl hal ftime show in which .
Usuall y sarcastic and sometimes said
Janet Jackson "accidentally" to a complete stranger who wants to
exposed her entire right breast. ask something simple. Used in the
Nipplegate provoked a media.f-..cnzy. . movie Bii!J' MadiJott.

. GirL- Ext·use me, do_yott hazte cJ pen I


.. could borron1?
nipply . Guy: No, ] u1011't make out tvithyou!
Cold (which makes your nippl es .

stiffen). .
no big
It's reai!J nipp!J today. .

Short for "no big deal."


nitro .. Katie: Oops, I'm so .rorry I stepped on

. )'OUr toe!
1. Short for "nitrous oxide," a
Maria: J-I�y, no big.
gaseous compound used in car .

engines to ma ke more oxygen .

av ailable during combustion, thus . no deals
allowing the car to inject more fuel, . No way; I do not accept the
which ma kes the engine faster and

.. charges.
more powerf ul.
1\fo deaLr on the Ctlr!J'· It .rmell.r likt! as.r.

He punched his nitro too much and too ..

ear!J, and his engine exploded. .

�----- -----�---

no dice : no wukkas
No luck. Plans fell through. Not Abbreviation of "no wuckin' fur-
going to happen. . ries," which is a less vu lga r deriva-
tive of "no fuckin' worries."
No dice on tonight. Everyone has to work. .
Rob: Can't make it out tonight-no
. mon�y!
no diggity . Mick: Ah, no umkkm, mate-I'll lend
No doubt; for sure. .
you a Jcore.
Guy 1: That girl knmn ho111 to 11'ork it!
Guy 2: No digg,i(y! . •

. noogte
. A painful sensation caused by the
no doubt .

rubbing of knuckles, fist, or hand to

Interj ection of agreement. . one's head, generally causing hair
displacement and mild cursing.
Muffy: That was a rifreshing and im1gor­
ating game of sqHash. .
Oh man, JVational Noogie Week s i com­
Buffy: No doubt. ing up! I'd better run so Sarah doesn 't
. catch me in the middle of. her Htad noogie
spree. Othenvise mass destruction of m)'
no homo
hairfollicles and/or scalp will occur!
Interjection used to show that you

aren't gay after saying something .

that sounded gay. . nookie
A term for any kind of sexual
Hey, man, pass the nuts. 1\lo homo. .
. actiVIty.
I cornered himni m_y room and nailed him .
.. You're notgettin�P, arry nookei ton�ht!
with a board. No homo. .
. nopers
no love I
. No. Opposite of yeppe rs," or
To "get no love" is to receive no

. "yes. "

respect, recognition, kudos, or

empathy from a crowd or audience. .
Saleskid· Would_yott like to purchase the

extended JJ'arranf.)plan?
Shaquifle O'Neal gets no love when he
Me: The answer would be nopers. Sounds
travels utith the LA Lakers to Orlando. .
. like a ripoff to me.


f'") ....,
'"-· -·'

nose candy

of saying "no."

Cocaine used for snorting.

Bqy: I lot;e that movie. Don'tyou?

I had three lines of nose camfy. .


GirL- Not so much.


not bitch .

Phrase used to reserve anv seat in a


. Nothing, zero.
' .

vehicle except the "bitch seat" in



. Lend us some mon�)J mate. I ain't been
the middle. The first person to call ..

. paidyet, so I've got nouJ/

"not bitch" gets the passenger seat;



people after that get distributed .

around the car.


. Acronym for "no strings attached."
Person 1: Hey, there's Aaron�r car.


Person 2: Not bitch! In the classifteds: Young blonde athletic



NI/-.1 fun Jllith equai!J t·ute

.. cutie seeks


not even



Expression of disagreement. .


fie said he JJJasfrom Wcmganui and I JJJas .

. Acronym for "not safe for work."

like "not even"! ..

. Used to describe Internet content

.. generally inappropriate for the
not in my book

typical workplace. Opposite of



Not true, according to my morals,
.. SFW, "safe for work."
principles, and beliefs. ..
. I'd shoJJ
Jyou the piesfrom the part;� but

tmfortunateb, the_)"re al!JVS'FlP.


Cop: Oh man, tvhat a hard dCl)' of .

i been. A bigfatJ

busting dmg dealer.r t's ..


would reai!J hit the spot right now. Can I .

.. nublet
borrow some papers? .
.. A person who is new who acts like
· square ass: Isu't .rmok ing mariJuana
}out .

.. they are not new at something. A


. . . um . . . illegal? .

. newbie, newb, nOOb, noob, nube,


Cop: 1\lot n
i nq book. .
. novice, amateur, rookie.

Stop being .rttch a nublet and listen to thf


not so much .
. com1e.rsation beforejumping in.

Polite or watered-down wav '
- -



nugs ! NutraSweet daddy


Good quality, hydroponically grown An older male with enough money


weed in nugget form. . to coax a girl into staying with him,


but not enough to ensure the girl is

Do)'OU know where I can score some
.. pretty. Can't afford enough sugar to
be a sugar daddy.
The 1Vutra5i1Jeef dadcfy picked up hs i
number one .. "participant button" bridefrom the
discount strip club cifter she got off work.

Gotsta look after nt1mber one. .

nuts and a half
number-four year

. Something very extraordinary,
A vear whose number is divisible bv . mind-blowing, interesting, extreme,
' .

four in which most events that and often death-defying.



operate on a four-year cycle take

Hejumped off the tmvn·? Hes nuts and
place, such as leap year, summer


. a half, fo' Jho.

Olympics, and the United States ..
presidential election.
Y2K JJ/as one hectic number-fouryear.
nummers ..
Tasty, enjoyable. .

A1 & ilrf's i\1/n
i .ri are mmttners. So .ri
their tube.

' • • ' ' • • 'o ' • ' '• •• o ' ' 'o • o '• o• o 'o ' ' ' ' • ' • • I • • • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • " • o o o ' o o oo ' ' o " o ' • I • • o • ' • • o o • o o • o •• ' • o o o • oo • o • • • • • t oo Io

oc . through normal means.
Short for "out of control." Crazy,
Amisb people live off the grid.
extreme, frantic, or wild.

Man, thatpartf was OCuntil thepolice came.


off the heezy

. Cool, hip, trendy. Bastardization of

OD .
"off the hook." Also spelled "off

Short for "overdose." Past the limit. the heezie."


Over the top.

Yo, thatparry rvas o/.1 the het-?J. we need
That was OD when thepolice arrested .
. to do that again sometime.
off the hinges
o'dark hundred

Awesome. Unbelievably good. Wild .
The hours before the sun comes up. Cousin to "off the hook" and "off
A play on military time. . the chain."

Oh shit, Igotta 1vake up at o'dark hun- .

Oh man, that party 1vas off the hinges!
dred tomorrmv morning. •

off the hook

off the grid .
Describes something so cool and in
Unrecorded. Untraceable . demand that it's busy all the time,


like a phone that's always occupied. . situations where passengers do

Out of control. not wish to be thrown around the


interior of the vehicle. Situations
Man, that cat Jvasfighting six people and .

that warrant the usage of the "oh­
he beat them all. It was ojf the hook-JOt!
shit handle" include hard braking ,

should hatJe seen it.' •

abrupt cornering, skidding, careen­
ing off a bridge .


off the island il1e: }.1ike, J'm going to 14ke the 25 JJ.tph
Out of line. Unpopular. Antisocial .

turn at 55. Bettergrab the oh-shit handle!


After the reality TV show Jurvit10!� . ivfike: !'z.te been holding the oh-sbit handle
where you get voted off the island
since_you .rtarted tbe car!
because no one likes you.
Sadiefmgot "!)' birthdqy last u;eek, even

after 1 reminded herfi�'e times. She is so

1 . Someone who has been tricked
off the sland.
. or duped.

lvlan, that okey-doke 1va.r eaS)' pn:y.


. JVe got his money and his carj1'0JtJ him

Acronym for "original gangster." .
1vithout him even realizing.
Yo, dude, JJiheeLr on_your bike czre OG.

2. A trick.

oh, snap .

Thf!J' pl�ed a11 oleq doke on_you, Shad.
Interjection conveying unp leasant

surprise. Popularized by Tracy .

• okies
Morgan on the TV show .Saturda_y
Okay. Expression of agreement or
Night Litte. .



GirL- Did)IOU hear? The due datefor our .

. NanC)': JJ1eet_you in tmvn todq_y.

i tryprojects got !JIImped up to todqyl
chef!Js .

. Trina: Okie.r.
Guy: Oh, snap/



old school
oh-shit handle Anything that is from an earlier era
The handle in most vehicles located
.. and looked upon with high regard

in the interior of the vehicle above

or respect. Can be used to refer to
the door. Used in extreme driving

� :�·
'· < ! • •• , ,.. .. , , ,

music, clothing, language, or

on blast
anything really. .. To embarrass someone or make
someone look stupid.
.N.[y far si so old school it 111easures time

lJJith a sundial. . I heard)'OU toldJa_y he had bad breath n

. front qf the 11'hole class. You reai!J p1ft
him on blaJt.
ollie .

To jump over something with a .
skateboard. Usually accomplished . on blocks
by pushing on the tail of the board . Messed up. Busted. Taken from the
and jumping up with the board practice of leaving a car that has
stuck to your feet. Any such jump. been stripped on concrete block!'�.
Yo, dude, I straight ollied a 10-stair . l told_you not to let anyone in-nou.J In)'

without breaking m_y legs! . whole root!l's up on blockJ!


OMG on chill
Acronym for "oh my God." . Having a relaxed state of mind. In
chill mode.
OlvfG,]OU will netlergue.r.r what happened .


last night! .
Caller: IVhat's good, my nii:(/e?
Answerer: Ah,.JOU know m�. I am on
chi/� as a/u;Cfys.
The fear of everything.

on crack
Timm.J 111as diagnosed Jllith
a set,ere case of
Describes someone whose actions
omniphobia. He can't even leave the house
are so stupid or messed up that one
without being heavib' medicated 1vith .

. would suspect cocaine use.

antianxie(y drugs.

Man, _you're on crack! You 1vi/.l net'erget
11'ith that chick.
on and poppin' .
Refers to something (such as a party)

. Dude, Mr. K's on crack! Shegave me a C-!
that's going to be fun and crazy, or .

something that's certain to happen.

on deck
This party is going to be on andpoppin'! A n old shipping term fo r those who

·----- -----

Jl'eed outta the car


were supposed to be on guard or . Cops! .Man, thrmP that

doing duties. Later used in baseball .
andget on point.
to refer to the player batting next. .

Now applies to anyone who's next.


on the B
Let'sget this line movin', people. Who's on

. \X'hack, lame, or othef\vise secondary

deck? to something that is better. Refers to



the B-side o f a music single, which is

not as good as the A-side.
on everything .

Very serious. You swear on . Ghostbusters tvas hot, Jtbi!e
everything important in your life. .
Ghostbusters II Jl'as totalb' on the B.
one mo'

On er1erything, if he sqys
thang about my momma, l'ma kill . on the boss
that bqy. In all seriousness. For real.
Ot1 tha boss, IJNm, Igot that neJt'
on tee

. Escalade!
Delayed or postponed. .

We're gonnaput thepl.tmsfor the ne1v


on the bus
place on ice for a little tPhile. Barhopping without a plan, in search
of somethillg (or someone) better.

. Most often used derogatively, as this

on jump .
lcind of night rarely turns out well.
Crazy. Crunk. .

I Was getti11g onjtmtp at thatpart;' .

W(?'11e alreatf
y been to tu1o bars. If)'Ol/re
going to he on the bus all night, then I'm
last night. .

. going home.

on lock .


on the cheap
Figured out. Under control. .

Done inexpensively or on a tight

That bqy's got the ...�ame on lock.

. budget.


Wben 1ve Jllent on t'acation in Europt!
on point afeJv years ago, we did it 011 the cheap,

Up to par. Ready to perform at . t ying ni hostels and biking around

ll/earing o11r backpacks.


Optimum level. .
on the creep : on the real
1. Cheating on one's significant Expression of agreement.
other. .
jack That girl's borfy J
i nice.
2. On top of a creepy person. .
Joe: That's on the reaL
i UJije
Don suspected hs 1vas 011 the creep
JJ!ith that crai)' old bm11 1vho lived under
the bridge. His suspicio11s JPereproven
on the tip
On top of the situation. Doing well.
correct Jz,hen he came home ear!Jfroth .

. Excellent.
JJlork one dqy tofind the hobo's shopping
cattparked outside and hs
i nJife in bed on .
Man, that JPa.r great. You're on the tip.
the creep.

on your s1x

on the fly Directly behind you. From the

As quickly as possible. . military designation of location
. where 12:00 is directly in front of
I need that chicken dish on thefb•/ '

you, 3:00 is to your right, 9:00 is to

. vour left, etc.

on the low .

. Hang on, 1ve've ,got flpoJapanese Zerot?.f

To keep something a secret. Also,
on OJir si.x! I'll try to shake them!
"on the downlow." .
i hiding Mac- 1Os in hs
He s i garage.
Thafs on the ImP, so don't go telling
Goodbve. Shortened form of the
everyom. '

Rastafarian concept of "one love."


I'm out. One.


on the other side

1. Homosexual.
2. Very drunk, almost to the point one ttme


of being torn down.


.. The police. So called because you

can only look one time at them,
J'id· Aye, mon, didyotJ see Betty making .
. since doing a double take might
Otlt wi·th thatgirl la.rt night? She must he .

attract attention. Used in Sir Mix-A-

on the other side.
. Lot's song "One Time's Got No
PhiL- Nab, man, i6 not anything like .
that. She wasjust on the other side. .

..-- --
-- --
----------� ..
---- ------

Oh, snap.' Here comes one time, Jimmy. : I need to get off the phone. I'm about to
Hideyour 111eed. walk onstage.

one-cheek bench sneak .

The easing out of flatulence gently, Really ugly. If "ugly" is defined as
usually when sitting down, so as not . "being hit with an ugly stick,"
to attract undue attention. .
"oogly" is "being beaten with an

ugly log."
I was on a date1 so I had to pull the

one-cheek bench sneak. Damn! Yo' girl's oogj)'l

ones and twos oregano

A set of turntables. A spice commonly sold as fake

Yo, he's off the heezy on dem ones and

twos, son. . That 111anksta sold me a kilo of oregano
. the other week. 1\lou; he's !Jin' in chalk.

onion booty
Booty that looks so good it makes a otaku -·� ·
L <-.
.,. .,�
-7 '
. . ·

· ·

. .1

grown man want to cry.

1. An extremely negative Japanese '""..." e... . '
... . . ;;
· :,.�

� ••


. term referring to a shut-in or
Damn1 man1 that girl's got onion booty. .

. someone with no social life. It also

. implies that the person's entire
onstage life is molded around fictional
In Disney theme parks it is any area characters (usually anime and
to which guests have access. Cast manga characters).
members must be on their best .
. Go� that kid is such an otaku. He JJJon't
behavior onstage and must display
lemJe the basement unless t's
i to bu_y new
good show (certain standards set .
Dragon Ball fanstlbs.
forth to them by the company).
Certain�:,rs not allowed onstage: .

2. In America, the term has been
eating, drinking, smoking, talking on .
embraced by anime fans, who use
the phone, talking about one's
the word as a positive term for
personal life, using guest restrooms, .
. fanboy/girl.
being unfriendly.

. .

I, like, so totai!J love Sailor Moon! seems to be angry. Related to


Serena rawks! I am, like, the ultimate . menstruation and PMS.
Sailor Moon otaku/ .

Damn, A!yssa s
i always in oveiflow


Okay. .

Otay. F/1 be right over. . When someone wears too much
perfume, cologne, or body spray to
the point where it doesn't smell
out like the vapors
. good anymore.
Leaving a place relatively quickJy.
That kid 111ears way too much colognt!-
IPhen Louie's beer shits started acting up .
he's overstmched.
in the middle of math class, he realized

he'd better be out like the 11apors to save

himselffrom the biggest emharra.rsment own
of his life. . Also "pwn."
1 . To kick someone's ass. To have

total and undeniable dominance of


out of order .
. a person, g.roup of people, or
Crazy. So off the hook and out of
. situation so as to make them/it
control it should be broken.
. akin to one's bitch.

Damn! we raised the roof of dat house


I wtll ownyou, nen,bie.

last night. That party was out of order. .

2. To make a fool of. To confound
outta hand .

or prove wrong. To embarrass
Out-of-control crazy. Exceptionally someone.

cool. .
. I 01Jmedyou in Counter-Strike. You were
That parry lilas outta hand. The DJ 1vas . owned at the par(:yyesterday.
dope and there were hellafine girls there!
3. To rule over .

overflow mode .
Enemy planes OtJmed the skies.
Used to describe the actions of a

short-tempered female who always



ox : oxygen thief
A sharp blade or knife. . Someone so completely lazy or use­
.. less that their only effect on this
I'm gonna cut that Joo' 1vitb mab ox.
. earth is to use up oxygen that could
. otherwise have been consumed bv -

. someone who doesn't deserve a

. solid kick in the arse.

. I Jvork with an o�gen thi�f She brings a

pillow and blanket to lJiork and sleeps
.. through night .rhift.

.. .. ·c··
• JI .


....-. . ... .
· .
• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • •• - • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • •

pack heat ro, b!Jatch, cyph that palmetto!




To carry a concealed firearm for .



protection, or to carry out violence .



Don't tome to Brick Ciry, unlessyo'

. 1. Short for "underpants." British
packing heal. .

Fzm been wandering around myflat ail d,?)'



pack up .


in onf
y my pants.
1 . To put marijuana into a bong. .


. I

2. To pull down someone's pants,
Ccmyou pack me up a cone, dude?



trousers, or skirt. Short for


"depants." .Also "debag."
2. To go for a chronic smoki ng



session with friends. .

. While I was talking to some girls t!(J so-

. cal/ed.friend came up behind me and
Let's go home andpack up. .
pantsed me.


palmetto 3. To inflict a crushing defeat on



A marijuana cigarette in which cigar .




paper is filled with cannibis, rolled, .


Our team gotpantsed again.


and smoked. Popular in urban,

. .

mner-citv areas.


. 4. To crush someone with criticism.


£.., '' 2
.-------------------------------------------·- -
•• · --� -------·

Don't make sii!J' cormnmt.r in an Internet : to be where you want to be on

disCIISSion group or_you U.Ji// be public!y ..


pantsed •

G'ee, boss, I'm tJe�)' .rort:J that I'm 10
minute.r fate, but I was in a long line. o/

S. Rubbish. \Xiorthlcss. Nonsense.

cars stuck behind Ibis parade maker.

British slang. .

Your opinion is pants. l'vo om UJants to .
. party favor
hear it. .
A girl who sleeps with a lot guys she
. .
. meets at parttes.
paper doll
.. Thatparry.fcworJenn!fer .rlept 11'itb two

A female who is only interested in

. gtf}s at the same time t�Jier she hadjust
. met them at a parfy.
She on!J roll 1vit him cause of his phat ..

ride . . . pure paper doll!

. party foul

1 . An action that goes against the

paper stack

feel of the party or bar atmosphere .


Monev. .
Going to a costume party ltlitb 110
I'm out qf control now that Igot ff'.J '
. costume what apctrtJ'foul. . . .. ' .

paper stack. ' �� � ·

, ,,
'.. '.. ... p
' 'I
' .

2. To spill an alcoholic drink.


papers .. Shit, )'OU got that all over me! PartyfouL
Short for "rolling papers," thin
sheets used to roll joints, generally
of marijuana. .

Acronym for "public display of

Mike, we need to get high! I got the dime .
. affection." Applies to couples who
sack, now 1vhere the paper.r at? . French-kiss and touch each other in
.. front of friends and family.

parade maker . I 11Jant to brettk up, Jeff I can't band/.e it

A driver and/or car that goes con­ ' af!.ymore I don't do PD./1 and I'm not
sistently under the speed limit, as into this aJ_yotl are.
causing a backup of many cars, a ..
lot o f frustration, and the inability ..

•• j /t ,"')
..�. ···�· •• .,1


. . . . . .. ) . ,,, ,__ �

peace easy : peel out

A lovely combination of "peace . To leave. To tap out.

!P�y mustyou peel out now? StqJ' longer.

out" and "rake it easy" for ali those
too lazy or too busy to say both.
Double the meaning, half the time.
G�y 1: Errights, man. Igotta botmce to A derogatory term used to denote
da.r.r ultra quick-sty/e. someone who is annoying. Short for
Gi-!J 2: Eh, no prob. Peace eaty. . "penis."

Joe tJIJPtf)!J .more.r and keeps me up. He s

. .

peace out . a peen.

1. Goodbye. ...
Yeah, .reeyou. Pem·e out. peep
. Short for "people." Often used to
2. To leave or retire. . refer to your regular group of
friends, your crew.
Yo, Igotta peace out. I'm tired.
f-low mt��rypeep.r will be there?
3. To kill. ..
I Ijuslpeau:d out that spider 111itl.1 my shoe.
peep game
. 1nterjection meaning "check it out"
• or "lemme tell you something."
peace ptpe
Any pipe used to smoke marijuana. . Peep game, thir i.r how we gonna do thi.r.
Pass that peace pipe 011er here. I need
mtother toke. peep this
Check this out

peach fuzz
Yo, peep this. Mara
i look.rfine in !ht�r
Very short, soft hair on the face.

I don't need to shaveyet-irsjttsta little .

peach .fuzz. . pen15
Exclusive club for those in sixth and
seventh grade. Only requirement to
enter is to have the dub's name writ-


cen on one's body pare, such as an ·
Dude,your newpink bair is total/y phal.
arm or hand. (Actually, a way to write .
"penis " on things and trick people.
Johnny, jo in the pen15 dub! /llis_ytJ need . Tricking people so you can steal
to do is let me 1vrite pen15 On]OUr arnt. . their personal information; usually
. done over the Internet.
perma-fry Tbis is a c/ez,er phi.rhing attempt bJ' a cou­
Refers to the ability of drugs to per­ ple of hooligans. l'm gladyou didn't gi1;e
manently affect the user, even after tbem.your pas.rJJJord.
the user stops talcing or doing them.
Gir/1: I don't think lt'eedperma�frie.r peo­ ..
phone it in
ple, but cocaine JJJill change someomfor l!fe· To perf orm an act in a perfunctory,
Girl 2: I think_you got it wron<.f!,. !-lave . noncommittal manner, as if it didn't
you seen the stoner.r 111ho hang out at the matter.
car wash? They'll neverjimction atfu/1
. She sang the national anthem, but she was
mental capaci!J. . jtJSt phoni11g it in asfar as 1 could tell.
perp .

. phreaking
. .
Short for "perpetrator." One who is . . �l.
. A form of hacking, as applied to P ,. I

suspected of committing an act. •

l., I,
telephone networks. Phone phreaks
The perp exited the vehicle and made a . exploit weaknesses in the phone
furtive gesture as �f to grab a rveapon, . system to make long-distance calls
whereupon I blew him awq_y. .
for free, tap into others' calls, take
control of lines, get free phone
services, and the like.
Scared. Afraid. Short for "petrified." . Iphreaked the PBX with '11)' blue box.
He 1vas mad petro when I was about to .

fight him. He almost ran ttwqy. pies or shens

. A demand made on Internet forums
to post images of a currently
phat .
discussed topic. A lack of images is
Acronym for "pretty hot and tempt-
tantamount to a lack of proof;
mg. " Cool.

Awesome. Great. .
_.,;: -:.:. :)

hence the consequence is "shens," .

. Thispiece .rhoots nice and on/y cosh· $50.

or "shenanigans." Roughly translat-


ed, it means "show images of said .
2. Anything used for the smoking

topic or I will consider your claim to .. of various drugs, most commonly

be false." .

. marijuana, most commonly a pipe.

Cantankerous: I'll be spending the .
. Dude, nice_pim! Let:r smoke.

111eekend with tl()l gir(friend. .



C!Jde17: is she hot? 3. A graffiti mural.


Wildfir3: I don't think she et;en exists. ..

. Yo, 1 threw up a hot piece doum near
Pies m· shem! .

. Second and Main.

pid . 4. A place.
Short for "stupid." Also "'pid." .
. Dude, l'ma bounce out this piece b�j(m
That Prince Han_y Jva.r so 'pid prancing .
. dmma goes doum.

around in a 1\!azi uniform. .



.. 5. Short "piece of shit."

pidittle .
.. Dude, look at/bat mr; 1vhat an ul/.
! Y

A car that drives with only one .

piece .

working headlight, or the game you ..


play when you see one. ·when you .. •

. ptg
spot a pidittle, you must punch .

. 1. Derogatory term for a police
the ceiling of your car and yell .


. officer .

"pidittle!" The first person to do so .



gets one point. Seven points add ..


So then Ian started talking shit to tbe pzg.r,

one year to your sex life. .. and th�y arre.rted hm
i .

Girl: Dude,]ON totaffy rem inlo that tree .



. 2. Derogatory term for a capitalist.
and totaledyour t'ar. .

G'tfy: We/4 I might have seen it if 1ve




. When the ret1olution cwm the pi,f!,s are
going to f!.et it.

hadn't been p/qyi11g piditt/e for the la.rt

.re-ven hour.r. .



ptg sty

ptece .. A cop hang-out, like a doughnut



1. A gun, knife, or other weapon. shop or the police station. -

You must be an idiot trying to rob a pig : pimp tight
sty like Dunkin' Do11uts. 1-Iave fun up '

Ridiculously ill, the sweetest thing
north, bitch. ever.

Ay, did_you see dat Escalade on 24.r 1vit

dat crazy paintjob boundn' thru da hood?
1. To make something look more That shit was pimp tight!

flashy and showy. Usually applied to .

cars and homes. '

pimped out
Blake realty pimped out that Escalade '
Having excessive embellishments or
with those spinners, tinted windom� and ornaments, particularly of the flashy
2,000-watt sy.rtem. '
kind, like feathers in fedoras, black
canes with silver handles, multicol-
2. To advertise (generally, in an ored mismatched shoes, and color­
enthusiastic sense) or to call .
ful crushed-velvet suits. Preferablv J

attention in order tO bring acclaim all of the above worn at once.

to something; to promote.
By the amount of bling bling he JJJas

Afrim_l of mine created a collage of .flashing, we knew he 1vas pimped out.

Angelinafolie's tattoos, and I pimped it on
my website so people could see her work. .

1. To attract a member of the

ptmp JUtce
• •

opposite sex.
Anything that makes the opposite
Rid.�Y i.r pimpin' 111ith dem hoes.
sex want you. Includes money,
clothes, cars, and status.
. 2. An object of great appeal.
See that shorty? She tvants H(J! pimpjuice.
Thatjaguar is pimpin'.
Pimp the system
To get more out of a job than one
. A female pimp .
1s supposed to get.

Afegan JJJi/J sell_your a.r.r on the mmer

}on: Where'd]ou cop that grip?
'cause .rhe� tha pimpstress.
Larry: Ifigured out hou1 to pimp the rystem,
G. Took it out the register on tl'{Y break!



ping me .

. 2. Interjection meaning "get lost"
To send a signal or make brief . or "go away." •

contact. Often, to call or message •


You'd better pi ss qff outta here before the

someone. Originally, i n naval war­ .

cops arril;e.
fare, one ship sent a sound, or .
pmg, to measure the direction and

3. To get someone mad.

delay in the "echo" of that sound
off of another body (usually a You've gone afld pissed oj] the IRS? }011
submarine).More recently from . it1 sum shit noll'.
computer networking, when one .

computer sends a quick, pointless .

. piss with the seat down

query to another to find out i f it is
To mistakenly commit a foolish act

still online and see how long the .

under the influence of alcohol

response takes.

. which you will have to sort out

)ulqyne: Can we go to the movie afterward.
I'm SOt'!)� J11leetheart, I shouldn't hat'e
Tr�y: I don't kno111. .. . Pin,_� me around .

.dept withyour sister, but I ll'as drttnk. I


I ig
eight and u;e'JI see h011/ things are gon .
tvith the .reat

lf,NeSS I realjy pissed douJft .

I pirate juice • •

ptsstng contest
I Poisonous liquid, called pirate juice

Literally, a competition in which two

because of the skull and crossbones
or more people, usually (but not
drawn on the bottle. .

. exclusively) male, urinate with the

Dude, d
drink the piratejuice? .
intention of producing the stream
Ca//911! with the greatest distance. More
often used figuratively to refer to a

meaningless though nonetheless

piss off .

entertaining act in which people tr y


1. Sarcastic response meaning "yeah, .


. to outdo one another in any way.


right" or "whatever."
. The comJersctfion betJJ/cen t he tu•o men IJ!ttJ
Geo rge: 'feah, I dropped 20 hits of
. f a pirsing t"Ontest. Both u;ere ltyi;��
me rey
Euta!} la.rt night.
lo impress the aftracti?Je JJJoman Jtrmditlf!,
Jim: Piu �if! You'd be dead n01v ffyou'd .

nearf?y JJ!ith their 111it and inte/Jigmce.

done that. .

pitch a bitch · play
To throw a fit. . 1. To cheat on or use someone.

She pitt·hed a bitch when sh e cau ght hilll .

. i'vf_yjriend told me you JJJere at tbe mail
cheating! . pltyin otJ me Jvitb .rome skeez.
! '

2. Hella game from the opposite or
pitching wedge .
. same sex.
Someone who only looks good
from far away. I had much plt!l"P in tbe dub 'cuz I was
. mad blingin'.
Dude, I sa1v her the other dqy. rou don't

know. She's a pitching wedg e.


play hooky
. To be absent without leave. Truant .
pity party .
A party you throw for yourself after .. A/.1John does t:rplqy hoof?y_ from st}Jooi

somethi ng bad has happened to you. and stqy home and do drugs.
After Dom!JI broke up n;itb me I threw
ntyse!f a /itt/.e pi!)' par()' JJJith some 110dka. play it off
. To do something embarrassing in

.. front of other people and then act

pixel pusher .-
like vou meant to do it. . p '

One who moves pixels on the

• ' •

screen to make graphics. Any kind . 1 leaned Ol-d of tbe cczr to IJit.lVe at Sam,
of computer graphics designer who . but Sam JJJas not there, so I plqyed it qff
makes things look prett y. l\ graphi cs . �y stitking n:Y handr ott top of the car.
jockev of sorts.


Rodnry is the resident pixel pusher here played out


who 1vil/,n al yo11r graphic.r and make . Used too much. Worn out. Old. I
your idea.r look pret(y.
.. Damn, that Ci11ic s
i so plq)'ed ottf­

everybot!Jgot it.
plastic .

A credit card. .
I borrowed 11�y dad's plastic and bought an Someone who uses som eone else
flin-rafi carrier on eBay.
for sex or other favors, usually by

. '


charming the victim until they fall in ; plead the second

love with them. Can be shortened to : To whip out a gun. Similar to "plead
"playa." the fifth" (remain silent), except this
refers to the Second Amendment tO

Lamar's such tz plt!ya. I .reen him with

: the U.S. Constitution (right to bear
l'Jikki last night but I knmv he�r wit)J
Ambefj and Latasha thinks she�r hi.r girl . arms).

1-Ie:r pla_;,in' them all. . When ''�Y P 0. 1vas .rweatin' me about

. wl(y ll!Y JPhiz te.rt turned up positi.INJ
for c-oke) hemin, and .repen varei ties of
player hater .

Derogatory term for a person who

.. elephant tranquilizefj 1 had no choice but
to plead the .recond and put his nttrc ass
openly criticizes a playa or attempts .
. in his place.
to sabotage a playa's game. Playa .
haters hate only because they're .
jealous-they wish they could be as . plumbing
successful, or that they could be The reproductive system (gender
with d1e playa. Can be shortened to
. neutral).
"playa hater." . She JIJ(Jnt to tbe ob-gyn to have her
I wa.r trying to talk to thi.r gir4 but she plumbing checked out.
tPho�r a .
u;a.r htznging out 'JJJith this dude
total pla_;•a hater. Everythin.g !.raid, he
tried to turn it around to make me an
Acronym for the lifestyle concept
.. of "peace, love, unity; and respect''
. Popular in the rave community, it's
playette . a loosely defined dogma of
A girl player. Plays the same games . camaraderie among all humanity.
that guys play but plays them better. ..
We as a communiry need to obsertJe
She doesn't have to have sex with .

guys to get them co be with her; . PLUR in our evnyday lives; the reason
. u;e lm•e the people around u.r is because
basically she plays guys like video
1ve all love the ttluJit) and 111e should
games. . JO

try to reach beyond that and embrace our

Brittan_y alwqys has more than one man. .. fellow man.
She�r a total pl�yette, and .rhe afu,qys gets ..
what she 1vants. ..

..----- -
----- -----

po' ; polar
1. Short for "poor." .
Bevond cool. Colder than


Yo' mama so po' she ccm't cif!ord the uor." .

Thatjmket is so polat� Shannon!
. nnlere 'd. you get it?
. - .


2. Short for ''police." Also "po po."


Watch your back. Po' on)'Our si-x

: :. .
British slang for a homosexual.

pocket rockets .
. I'm starling to think that g19 is a poqf
.His porn collection is entirefy homoerotic.

A pair of aces in your hand in a .


game of Texas Hold 'Em poker. .



In the movie Rounders, Tedqy KGB was .

poor man's

dealt pocket rockets, with 1vhich he took .

A knockoff of inferior quality, or
do wn Mike L11tDermolt. . something similar to something else
. but not as good .

podestrian •

Jared wa.r horrified JJ;hen he remembered

A person who wears the iconk white going home 1va.rted lt'ith aJessica Albt1

look-alike, then JJJoke up the next morning


standard iPod earbuds in their ears. .


. naked next to the poor mmlr Ro.rie

I sa1v three podestrian.fju.rt waitin,g.for a .

. O'Donnell.
bus. Th�fre eveo'where! .
pop a cap

. To discharge a firearm, usually a

One who looks and acts like a

nerd but does not possess the .


supernatural intelligence of a nerd. . Fool, ff. you do11't .rmtm, I JJ!i/1 pop a mp
. .
Stop p�ying Dungeon.r and Dragom,
znyou r ass .

poindexter. .

pop a seat
Sit down.
pokey .
Slang for "jail" or "prison." .

ll�y,you! Pop a setll!

I almost took a trip down to pohy town


last night!

�----- - --- ..

You: tlr!l. ... pot
Me: g2gpos try/ Marijuana.
You: k lata buhhye
Let's smoke .rotmpot.







A person who attempts to blend .


Vodka. After the common



into a specific social group. Also

.. substance used in making vodka.
"poseur." .
Letr go drink somepotatoe.r.
Justin is aposer goth.

He come.r to .rcbool ...


i all black, but he doesn't even kn01v .
Edgar Allan Poe .r
i . .. pothead

A person who smokes a lot of


. . .
. man Juana .
posse out .
Expression used when your crew
. Damn, look at that pothead. Hi.r ryes

almost shut.

peaces out. are


Yo, po.rre out. Late1: .

. pound
... To consume large amounts of
post ..
. alcohol in a limited amount of time .
To stay where you are. To hang out. .

.Also, "post up. , ,

.. l"o, let's pound these bre1vs before going in.

Hey, Rob, Jimju s t going to post here ...

pour one for my homies


tonight. .

To pour liquid (usually an alcoholic

beverage) on the ground as a sign of



. reverence for friends or relatives who

Crazy or insane; irrational. Came

.. have passed away. In many cases, a
into use after a number of .
.. 40-ounce bottle of liquor is used.
workplace shootings by disgruntled ...

Yo, man, Ijust heard Mista Rogaz died,

U.S. post office workers. .

. da;vg. l'mapou r onefor "!Y homie.r.

Tina tore up her bomeJJJork,yel!ed at her .


mom, and slctp

p ed her little brother! She:r .

, gonepostal!
. power hour


�� An hour in which you drink 60 beer

i. ? :-s 3
.. -� .

'\;;"" .



shots, one per minute. A lightweight .

. classic jewelry. Partial to mono-
alternative to the Century Club. .
. grammed and engraved items.
• .


Preppies may not always match

CtfJ' 1: Last night ;vas reai!J lame. I Jvent .
. exactly, but they arc always well put
otJer to Dee�r hotm 111e did tl couplepower


together. They are confident and

hotff:r, then I drove home. .
unafraid to express their own styles
Guy 2: Dee who? .
C"!J' 1: Deez nutz!
. and be daring in their fashions.


Les 1vhispered to Ijler that Lindr looked



.. very preppy 1vti h her pink popped
pregame ..
. Pulitzer, urble-kntt cardigan> and pead..r.
To drink before going to a party. .



� real!y need to pregame tonight b�fore .



.. press
1ve go out. .
. To try to scare someone.

We wasgetting 011 the bus and she faille


preggers .

up to me trying to press me.


Pregnant. Also "preggo." .


I sho;-t/dn't haz1e slept around. .
press the flesh
I gotpreggers. .

. To shake hands; to meet and greet.



The politicians 111ere t'ery tired cifte.r a /.rmg



preppy .

... dq;' on the campaign lrai4 kissing bab;e.r


.. mui pressing theflesh with their conslilueJJIJ.

Spcci fically, one who goes to a .

preparatory or "prep" school (typi­ .



cally on the east coast), or a school


with the intent of preparing its



press up
students for college (often Ivy .. Trying to impress o.r court the
League and in New England). .
. opposite sex with smooth talk and

Generally, one who exhibits similar ..


Jonathan tried to press up on Tina Jvhilf'
characteristics. Often wears Polo, .

Lilly, Brooks Brothers, Lacoste, .



she n1as 1vatti11gjor her ride home.


L.L.Bean, ribbon belts, prints (e.g., .


embroidered animals, palm trees, ..

etc.), sweaters tied around the neck, ..
. prevert
. .

A softcore pervert. Someone who is


collar popped, hair ribbons or rib- .



bon headbands, pearls, and other .

. in the early stages of perversion .


254 �
• •

He was drawing naked women on hiJ ..

school honmvork, the little preverl. .
. What yo u re probably do i ng right

... now.
primary digits . I meant to do my.paper but JJ'ent procra.r-

The p ho ne number a person . tiJtatit�� at urbandit'tional)'.tol'tl imtead.



expects f ri end s and family to usc. ..

profanity loophole

I need to make sure_yrm halle ll!J primt�ry .

.. An exploitation of the limited

digits. .


. ability o f software to prevent


. profane content from getting


pro status .


. through to users.

Carr·ying something out with




perfection. Of high quality. ... Ll{y mom: lV'hat are ail these e-mails.for
.. prOn about?
I hit that shitpro status. ..
.. ivfe: Oh,just a profanity loophole.

pro-ho ..
. professional student
A girl who has mastered the
.. Person who receives multiple
game. " ..


. degrees and keeps taking courses

Not to be confused with a slut or a .

. . instead of holding a p ro fe ssio n

whore. Female ve rsi on of " pim p " .

the degrees earned. Can


related to

libf?y�r got mad game. Those hater.i are .

.. be a c omp liment or an insult.
justjealous 'cuz .rhe's a pro-ho. .

1-lry, Ja ckJJJon't_you get a realjob and




quit being a prqjeJSional.rtudent?



problem solver

A gun. .


I'll bting "'!Y problettl .ro!?Jer, .. To show off. To be seen by all at


never knou.1 u'hen .rhit might ,�et livr.


... vour best.




1 juJtproftlin' al da dub wit' my

.. I vas

probs niggas and hoc.r.

Short for "problems." .

Ron: Can I t'Ome al01�g? ..



Tia: No .Prob.r. . Short for "proper recognition."

,., :: c,
.t:.. -" ··-



I had to give him propsfor sleeping 1vitb give. Itt some circles, you touid reai!J• ,get

that .rmokin' hot girl, �·�messa er;en .

. up ifyou .rcrew tip the rotation.
thougb sbe 's 111.J ,gir(fn'end .
prostitot .
1. To succe ssfull y attract a person to

A young gi rl (1 0-16) who dresses such an extent that vou would be

slutry and tries to b e a pros titu te . able to snog or perhaps have sex

but does not act actually perform . with them if you so desired.
pros tituti onal acti vi ties .

. I'P'ith the help qf'l!J' luc�y Yj'ronts 1

That girl is such a prostitot! s/1ouldpull. tonight.
Ipui/.ed thi.r hot chid?, !.aJt night.
prosumer .

Of a quality often acceptable to . 2. To "have pull" is to be attractive.

both professional and co nsume r
That hot chide has some mad pu/.1,
users. Especially refers to electronic

eqwpment. .


!1vanted something nicer than tt $500 . 3. I n Ultimate Frisbee the throw,

con.rumcr t-amcordet; bNt I coNldn't a.fford that starts play at the start of the
a $50,000 professional camcorder, .ro I game or a fter a goal has be en
bought a $2,000 prosumer caf/tc"Order. . scored. Also, to make such a throw.
. That was a nice pulL
Oktl)) tvho's gonna pttll?
To be excited or pumped up about
s om ething. .


. pull the trigger

I'm JO pqched about the par(y! .
To force oneself to p uke by stj ck i ng
a finger down the throat. Used more

puff puff give in th e drinking sense than in the

To take two distinct drags off of a bulimic sense.
joi nt and give it to the next person . When llle got to the 150th minute q/ /J']·
in the rotation. Acceptable smoking . ing tojoin the Bicentennial Cbtk I rect!­
protocol. Also "puff puff pass." ized I might hat;e to pu/.1 the trigger !fl
tvanted to stq_y in the game.

Don't bogart that tNiip, !llctn.



putnP around them, but that is not true.


1. A pwnp-action shotgun. .

The Cla.rh wa.r a punk band that helped

Igot a pump in the trunk, cuz! rreate the punk JCene.


. .

2. To sell drugs. . 2. To rip someone off, trick

someone, or tease someone.
fm alwqys pumpin ' t7'ack, cuz! .

1 hemJ that b�y gon ' g

punkin ' that guy.
pumped .

All Hred up. Ready to kick ass.


Exhilarated. . purple haze

Extremely potent marijuana,
Man, I'm foe/in' pumped about the rai!J! .
. specifically marijuana buds that
. have a purple hue to them. Also
punch drunk .

. accompanied by a fragrant, usually

A term derived from boxing where fruity smell and mad perma-grin.
a boxer gets hit by his opponent so Also just "purple."
many ..imes that his disorientation is
. Yo, _you gotta come ot,er and .rmoke, b�y!
similar to being drunk.
. I got the purple haze!
I stopped the sparring match 1vhen I .raw •

that he u;a.r punch drunk.

p .
purse out
. For males: to not do something
punk .

because of a girly reason, to

1. Lifestyle that involves thinking . wuss out.
what you like, doing what you like,
Tim wa.r going to go to tbe bar JJJith us

doing it when you like, and not

tonight, b11t he out he had
caring about very much at all. Punk .

to get up ett.r(y tomorrrmJ.

music has a lot of subgenres,
including pop-punk, and tends to be .

very fast, sometimes repetitive (the .

push up on

shit bands, anyway), and the lyrics An attempt by a male to get into a
are often very offensive. People woman's pants.

often mistakenly think that punks

'St!p pltl):a-mitJd il lpush up onyour
.·. want to kill themselves or everyone
old hon�y'(

·- 5 �·

- • I

• • . • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

put tn pnnt .

To kill. To put someone in the


. quack

obituaries. . To talk rubbish or drive a point


home unnecessarily.

Step up qff me, bq)/ or I'llputyou i11 •



print. Stop quackn i J\To om 111ant.r to

i g about t!

.. hear yof.l.

putty exam



quarter to eight

An exam the teacher makes so .



difficult that the entire class fails. He ..

.. A Bi\.1\XT 745i sedan.

can then "rescu1pt" the class to give ..



You see nry boy kickin' it in the neiV
the kids he likes the higher grades


. quartn· to eight?
and the kids he dislikes the lower .


grades, according to a beU curve.


quarter-life crisis

I better start kissing tp after thatpuf!J .

Refers to the numerous personal




. crises brought on by entering adult-



hood and being expected to become



a responsible, productive member

1 . An intentional misspelling of the .


. of society. Characterized by first


word "own," with a similar meaning: gray hairs/wrinkles, excessive drink-



to dominate an opponent. . ing, hanging out with people who



Especially used in online games. .

. are younger in order to feel younger

. again only to end up looking creepy,

He otai!J'
t gotp1vned 0' the other team.

extreme fear of all of these things .



What a noob. .

Also a "mid-youth crisis."




Won; pqying back these stf.ldetJf loam i.r


2. To be great or ingenious.

real)' a bitch. 7'h�y are not helping 11�y

This strategy pums! !

. i one bit . Time to p111


quarter-life cn'ss

. . . .

on m_y tie andgo sit in my cube andplqy





. solitaire-! 111etzn, 1110rk.






A drinking game in which players try




to bounce quarters off the table and

�------ ----- ------ --

into a short cup (either empty or quote unquote
filled with beer). If the quarter goes . Synonymous with "supposedly,"
in, everyone else must take a drink. . "presumably." Used in conversation

to indicate that quotes should be
It would take about 50 games of quarters .

. placed around the following word or
bifore I'd e.t.1en consider taki11, her home. .

phrase. For example: quote unquote
work = "work."
queerbait .
I quote unquote 11/0rk on rndf9S.
Derogatory term for a man who
attracts gay men or a man who
claims to be straight but acts gay. .

Guy 1: Dude, Ryanjust said that gti)' •


over there was hot! .

Guy 2: Oh my God! I knmt' it! He� such .

a queerbait. .



·- -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

rack : rail
Breasts. .

1 . A line of any power drug, includ­

ing cocaine, crystal meth, special K,
She has a nice rack. .

. and crushed-up prescription pills,

among others.
Blow that phat rai4 man.
Short for "radicaL" Popularized by .

the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles .

2.To ride in, drive, or pilot a vehicle
and still primarily used by people on .

in a fast and precise manner down a

the west coast who find words like •

twisty road. To go fast or haul ass.
"cool " "awesome," and "tight" to
, .

be tired and overused; "rad" is .

. !tPas railing doum Highwqy 1 until that
generally considered to be a much .
highwqy patrolman caught me.

higher praise. •

Those are some rad shoes. .


Parent or parents; the people who

raised you.
radcore .

Totall y awesome. •
I am having Thanksgiving dinner Jvith the

i thisyear.
Hob' crap! That's so radcore to thefulfy .

full on hardcore max e::x.·treme. •

..-- --
---- --
-- ----- -------�

ralph : raunchy
To throw up. To lurch.

Sexually exciting and/or explicit.


Watching theprofessonal
i eater on The
.. That Jvas a very raunci?J' IIJOtJie.

Daily Show tonight made me want to

A large, almost always underground
random party that includes excessive

1. Completely haphazard. Out of .

drinking, many sexual activities, loud
context. Having nothing to do .
electronic music, a lot of lighting
effects (strobes, lasers), and often

with what you are currently doing or .

talking about. .

fog machines. There is no definite

form of dancing and no dress code,
GirL· So tvhat do )'OU UJant to do toda)'?
but most ravers wear jelly bracelets,
Gu_y: I can burn through m)' ears.
necklaces, and sticks that glow.
GirL- Dude, that 1vas random!
Person 1: Dude, I went to this rave, and I

2. Someone you don't know but .
lost hearing in my left earj 'cuz dem music
either hang out with or hook up is all loud!
with one time. Person 2: Dude, that's so pro!

Person 1: Whaaaaaaa?

Who was that random I hooked up with


last night? Did anyone get her name? .

. real the deal
The opposite of "fake the deal." To
rank .

be honest and not put up a front.

Horrible, disgusting, sick.
na!fy decided to

0 real the deal and

Arhh, mate,)'OJJr socks are rank.'
co'!ftssed to Jimmy hn· boobs n1ere fctke,
bt.ff the pensi she'd been hidin.gfrom him

rate very reaL



To think something is sick, cool,

good, or hot.
red state
I rea!/y rate that new girl at 1vork. . A state that has recently gone
Republican and is shown on the
political maps as red; opposite of

"blue state."
. ,
. ... 1
You'll never carry a red state with a .. regulate
pro-gun control candidate. .
.. To lay down the law. To begin
.. controlling shit, often by physical
.. force or restraint.
red-flag .


To stop or be stopped. Derived .

If he pul/.r that shit agan,
i I'm gonna

from the racing flag that is used .


hat'e to regulttte that mutha.


to stop a race because of unsafe .

conditions. .
. rellies
We're redflagged at thisgas station because .
. Relatives.
it�r snmving too hardfor us to go on. ...

.. I had to put up Jllith the missus's rei/its


.. ali JJJeekend, mate.
. .


red-light district .

A place where prostitution is .






. "Boner'' spelled back-ward. A less

Guy 1: Hey, hat.'eyou ever 11isited .

derogatory way to call someone a
Kabukicho_. Japan; Patpong, Thailand; .
. boner.


Wanchai, Hong Kong; and Sunset .

.. justin Z:r a total renob todt!J'·
Boulet;arti Holb,wood, California? I sure ..

didfor the last couple of_years, and all .



JJJere awesome!


Gu_y 2: Wei/ . . all of the places_you've


Security guards, usually unarmed,

visited are red-light districts, so I'm sure .

. who are hired by companies and

_yotl did have a realgood time. .


. rented out to agencies for things

. such as concerts or school security.


reefer .
. 1l{Y school sji,lf/
i q( rent-a-cop.r, armed

Marijuana. Weed, bud, kill, grass, .. 111ith nothing tougher than their cellpho11es.
.. . . I/
trees, smoke, cheeba. Refers to anv ..
. a e, zt am t.

form: joint, bowl, pl ant, or sack. .



All these damn kids care about anymore .

. ' rents
is drinking their booze and smoking the .
. Parents or caretakers.
. The 'rents are home thsi JlJeeken� so the

. parry can't be her·e.


.------ -------- · - ··-

rep .
. Shaquille O'Neal rc-upped his ront

1. To represent. ..

I be repping Brick C'iry. .. revolving door

.. Any company that has a high



2. Reputation. .
turnover rate, meaning employees
.. are quitting almost as fast as others

Thatfool has a bad rep. .


. are hired.
Damn, tbis place is becoming a revolving

respect .

door. Wf.'t;e gone through four guys in that


Interjection used to indicate your .


i quarter. . .
position ths .

admiration or respect for someone. .

Jeff: I drank a 1vhole case qf beer last night.


. rewind
Todd· Respect.' ..
In the drum and bass scene, the
. DJ's practice of replaying a record

retrosexual .

that has been enthusiastically

A retrosexual is the opposite of a . received by the audience. Spectators

metrc sexual. He is a man who .
"call for a rewind" by holding

spends as little time and money as

... cigarette lighters in the air; if there

possible on his appearance. . is enough demand, the DJ will spin


. the record backward and play it

Normai!J a t!eryfastidiotts JJJomm�, lv!ary ...
.. from the beginning.

was shocked to realize she 1vas overcome I?J .


hsi raw retrosexual appeal .

The crowd loved that track so much that I
.. had to do three rewinds.


re-up .


Sign up again. People in the armed .

.. riced-out
services who are coming to the end .
A car used for street racing that has

of their term of enlistment need to .


been modified with many parts


decide if they vrill sign for another . imported from Japan.


term-in other words, if they will .


Lingling bas the most kick-ass riced-out
re-sign up or "re-up." Recently .


crept into the mainstream meaning .

anything extended or renegotiated, •



like a contract or term of office. .


r,, ;':

..:: . .·' ..
1! 1 · • · •l ' .\ 1> �

ricockulous · ridonkulous
Something (an idea, person, object, . Completely absurd and laughable.
etc ) that is beyond ridiculous.
. Term populari zed by the fictional

character Seth Cohen on the
The ci!JJOttnt of readit{g t'!} proftssor.r .

ass{gned tbt:r quarter si tia;cku!oPJ.r!

show 77Je O. C

1 . Sif,>nificantly more absurd than


. ridiculous; without possibility of


ride on dubs .
. serious consideration .

That was the funniest movie !'t:e seen. It

To drive a car with 20-inch or larger .

rims Also "roll on dubs.''


J/.faS consstentb•
i ndonkulous. Absoluteb'

He:r so pimp 'n riding on hsi neu' dub.r. ' btlarious!

2. Fitted to excite absolute ridicule;

ride the edge
. intentionally crazy and silly;
To be ahead in a certain skill or .

completely absurd and laughable.

profession, to be on the cutting .
edge and take all the risks of being . I can t bdier;e
' t
s tried to steal a
the first and leading the others. . polit·e car. That's ridonkulous!
A recent graduate ni qttantum .

p�y.rics, Amalia no111 tides the edge of right and proper


nanotechnology. Completely, utterly totally.


I'm scrctJJed, right attdpropet:

ride the girl bike .

To lose amazingly badly. To suck .
right on
hard at any activity. .

. Yeah, whatever.
the girl bike 11.1ben .
Per.ron 1: Wcmna ,go to Denny:r?
Cullen um tiding
Aaron plqyed hi!!l 011 the PS2.
. Person 2: Ri�bt on.

. righteous
Short for "ridiculous" but means
. The best pos sible.
extraordinary or remarkable. .

Oh man, thal lasappa tvas righteous.'
Look at t/.1ose tig o/' btties.
i ' Her boq
y is
t d'
. c.I .

�---- ----·------�
__ __
__ __
__ ..
_. ,. ..
. �
- ..
.. ..

2. To use software to turn songs on


A motorcycle with no rear suspension,

a CD into mp3s ready for download.

or a frame for such a motorcvcle. '
Afike ripped the Jvbole Ludacris CD and
He had to be hardcore to ride that rigid .
put it on Kazaa bejorc it came out n
i stores.
all the u'qy from iVeJJ York to L�-4.
3. To bad-mouth, dis, or burn

someone or something.

The visible part of a car wheel. Often .

.Stop ripping me tJbout Hl)' new haircut.
highly customized by people who .

want to show off their car-like jew­ .

rip a fart
elry for a car. Can be various colors, .

. To expel gaseous materials from

but are usually gold or sil ver. Some .
one's anus.
have special spinners that spin even
when the car is not moving. Many i\l.[y roommate had to rip afart, so Igot
people want nice rims and wiU go to .
the hell out o/ there.
great len gths to acquire them, even .
stealing them, car acking
j people to .
get the.m, or killing people over them. .
1 . Having an unusual amount of

Man, check o11t pimped-out rim.r! bodv muscle.

. are t/1e sicke.rt ritm !'t•e ever seen/ •

Damn, she� 1ipped She c·o11fd cmsh me!

ringtone DJ .
2. Intoxicated.
An annoying person who shuffles .

!just smoked 14joints and drank 67

through all their ringtones incessantly.
beers. 1 am ripped!
Jordan: /1ye, ringtone Dj 1 don't wanna .

hearyour tones. Stop showing �fj;)IOU turd. •

Ringtone D]' Do.You like this one?
. Amphetamines.
jordcm: A rrrn·rrrggpgg! .
He is speeding off them rippers.
, .
np .

1 . To inhale a hit of marijuana. road snot

. The oil and rubber that rises to the
Can 1 hallll a rip f
ri f that doobie? surface on roads when the firs t rain

-- d

of the year comes. It makes the .


roads slippery as hell.


. 1 . To use. To make do with, usuaUv •

to great effect.
Wei� it's 1\Jor;ember 1 and thefirst rain of


the_year hit the roads of Los Angeles. .


You don't need to make up the guest bed;


Fresh road mot rose to the suiface and .

we can rock the cottch.

caused 100 accidents today. .



. 2. Streetball term for a basketball.

road warrior

The ;vay .foe handled that rock it made the.



A traveling businessperson who
. whole crowd stand still

spends much of their time on the


road, often driving between meet- 3. A for m of cocaine.


. . .

or presentations.
Yo, !'tt/a bu_y a rock. You zvant at!)tbing?


Sahda's a .rerious road JJiarriot: She's



12)000 miles on her cmjust



rock it


i g to gi11epresentations. .


Interjection meaning "okay!"



Johmry: Let's go Jee a movie. I
Stank(y: Rock it/


Acronym for "right of admission .

reserved." Typically seen on ..

rock on

clubbing/rave tickets, it means that



if you're a drunk/tripping fool, the . A phrase rockers use to greet each



bouncers will kick your ass out. ..


.. other, say goodbye, or just say when

something is cool.


This i.r an alcohol- and drugJree event.


Ra4R. lAte?� dude. Rock on!



robosexual .
rock out

Someone whose primary sexual .

. To be compelled by the total

orientation is toward robots. .


arse-kickingness of a song (mainly
Inspired by Bender from the TV

rock and metal) to go ballistic. This




show Futurama. can include air-gu1taring, showing


the horns, and generally making an
A robosexualperson i.r like!J to have ajob


ass out of vourself.


that im;o/ves computers. .

. '

-- ---·
- --------- · � �---- ------


Dude, be's rocking out to some hardcore . melting a Tootsie Roll and sticking a

ff/etal. .. pill into it.


Shi� that roll was nice.

rock up .

2. To take a hit of Ecstasv.


To arrive. ..



I rocked up at about 1 1 p. m., uJhen the .. Cmon, roii 1Pith me.



par!J zpasjust getting crunk. .



3. To jump and/or rob a helpless or

. 0

. unsuspectmg person .
roffle ..

To roll on the floor laughing. From .0 You betterput those Benjamins aJVq]' 'fore
the Internet chat acronym ROFL ... _you get rolled up in thsi muf!,.
. ...


(roll on floor laughing).


It was sofi.mny 1 rojfledfor about 10 .

roll call
minutes/ ... When a person gives shout-outs to

.. different people from their crew and


.. hood.



Acronym for «rolling on floor

.. Roil call! l1Va1ma give a !Jig shout-out to
tll)l cre1v, to myjobforgiving me a raise.,

laughing my ass off." Indicates more .

laughter than "ROFL." ... and to Hennessyfor keeping it crunk.

The chicken crossed tbe road to get to the .

roll deep

other side? ROFLlw..AO/ .

.. Going somewhere with a large
. amount of people. Also "roll thick."
roid rage •

Unwarranted rage resulting from ... We rollin' 20 deep in da club.

intense steriod use; juice-raging.

Iget roid ragefrom sticking too ma'!_y .. roll out

needles in my ass. ...


To leave.

U'i'e got what 1ve 1vanted, so lets roll out.

roll ...
1. Ecstasy. From the fact that people .
roll up
used to sneak Ecstasy into clubs by .
.. 1. To have sex.

. /.: 0 /
.... ... -·


2. To arrive. .
. hope to score tvith a woman.

3. To smoke weed. .



j)tfe and ''!Y girl rolled up last night after .



me and tl(J creJJ/ rolled up at her place .

.. To have sex.
and tve all rolled ttp andgot high. .

. Ifya U'alma root,just ask!


rolled .
. •

rotate some tlres
Busted by the police or other
To go for a drive with some friends
authority, usually for minor .
and try to pick up chicks .
incidents like noise violations at

parties or small amounts o f drugs. .

I .et's go rotate some tires, man!

lf/e got rolled at the park for smoking .


our weed that Jvejust rolled .


round file

The trash can, where you throw use-



. less documents.
rollin' .


On a roll. When everything is

Wife: H7hat didyou do with the bill?
going smoothly and perfectly and .
. Ht-1sband: I put it in the roundfile.
you feel invincible. ..

Tapped some girl ! met at the c!t.tb last .

. rubber band


night, 1voke 11p this morning, and she 1vas .

. Tire with a narrow sidewall. Usually

still looking hot. Boss called and gat'e. me .

for large rims. As wheels get bigger,

a promotion and raise. Then I won 200 .

. the tires on them have to get smaller

bones at the casino. I'd Stf:Y I'm rollin'. to still fit in the wheel well. Usuallv •


used in reference to tires on 20-inch

. and larger wheel sizes.
roofies .

Street name for the common .


. That bO)']im i.r riding on some mbber bcmd.r.


date-rape drug Rohypnol. Has an .


incapacitating effect similar to but .


. ruca
• stronger, faster-acting, and more .

,J .
Spanish term for girlfriend, home-
durable than alcohol. Also «rufies." .

girl, or wifey.

I The sick bastard slipped her some .


I asked her to be ''!Y mea and she gave t!lf


roqfies. It's the onb wqy he could et;er ..


. the "let'sjust befriends" speech.
- -
---- ..
------ - �
-· ---
--- � ..

run digits : rush

To place a phone call. . 1. To hurrv. •


R.Hn "!Y digits JJJhenyott get done U1ith .

You ain 'tfrom Rtmia, so uJ/zyyo11 rushin'?

your ruca. .

2. To check out different fraternities

or sororities and decide which one
run the table .
you want to pledge.

To keep winning a game so that you .

stay on the table and opponents keep .. .R)w; 1vas Jl'asted off hsi ass duringfrat

coming like lambs to the slaughter. rush, .ro Jl'e breatha(yzed him and it 1vas

?ff the charts!

].AJt night Simon and I ran the beirut .



table andgroupes
i were e)'eing us like kids .


. 3. The early part of a high,

in a cancfy store.

. especially a cocaine high.




G!fJ' 1: 1l1an, that rushfrom those
run up .


1. To suddenly approach someone.

. pills 1vas intense.

.. G!f.y 2: No, it 1vasn't. Shut up.

I ran .t.p on Emi11em in Detroit andgot .
i autograph. . 4. Mr. Limbaugh .
.. We u1erejammn'
i to Rush Lmbaugh
i n
2. To ambulate quickly across an .


.. the car and a cop ptt!led 11.r over.

inclined surface. .

After I increased the incline on the •

5. Short for "Russian."

treadmi/4 I realfy had to nm up. .

That gi!J's either a Polack or a Rush.

3. To accumulate. .

You'd better rush so 1ve can go to thefrat

rush party on time and snort toke andget
You took)'OUrgirl to U"/enc!

a rush while listening to Rush or Rush
onejlear annit;ersary? Dang, man, better .

Limbattgh, you Rt�.rh.

not run up too m11ch mone.;' on the ol' .


credit card bills. .

rust bucket
lfyou run up too big a debt to that loan


An ancient car or ship, covered in rust.
shark, he'llprobabfy run up onyou. !f I .

wereyou, Pd nm up into the hi!Lr and not


. Look at that nut budeet! I'm sNrprised

-cc· f:ome backfor· a while. Cracka. .
the thing holds together.
E� .


• ' ' ' '• o o • • • o 0 ' '• ' I • '• • o • • '• • ' o ' • o• '• ' ' ' " • ' ' o • " ' • 'o • o o o • o • • " ' • •• '' • • o • • • • • • ' • ' •• • • ' ' • •' ' •• o • • o • • ' o 'o o ' ' ' ••

sack up � sailing with the Captain


To gather up one's courage for a To drink large quantities of Captain


daunting task. .

Morgan's rum, usually with a group

and, hopefully, to the point of

Davie/; I'd like to ask Jane out, but . . .

C'hns: Oh, sack up and ask her, 11Ji/l)'ou? .

That girl I hooked up with was so fitgjy

that I had to go sailing with the Captain
sack-tap •

. bifore I could take her bome.

A trick played on a fellow athlete
where the open hand smacks the .

target's testicles with the knuckles in . salted over

a sharp, wrist-flicking motion. Similar to "screwed over" but in a

more disdainful respect.
Dude, I sack-tapped Brandon, and

no11) he has the whole t11am trying to .

She said she'd call me batk in a mimtte,
b11t after three hours I realized I'd been

sack-tap me.

salted ovet:

safe .

Cool, good, nice, sweet. . salty

Unusually grumpy or cross. In a bad
Dude, those neJv shoes are safe as hell .

. mood. Unfriendly or hostile. '



Aaron is salry tonight; he isn't getting 1\1y mom JPas sauced after thatparty.

along Jllith atryone. ..

sammich Hot, with a little attitude, but not
A sandwich, with connotations of .

too much .
extra goodness. For example, if you ..
. She's a saucy little number, isn't she?
pour gravy on a roast beef sandwich, .
you then have a roast beef sammich. .

sausage fest
Subu;ay sells sandu)icbes, I'd rathergo
. \X!hen the number of males
hot!le and make a sammich.
overwhelmingly exceeds the amount
of females present.
i partJ is a total .ra/JsageJest! Let's
1 . A person whose character has a .
. call Sarah and have her bting some of her
spiritually debilitating effect on .

. girlfriends over.
others Typically an unhappy person

who perenially moans to others but .
can also be someone who exhibits savage

annoying behavior. . Bad-ass. Cool. Violent.

Mike drones on and on about con.rpirao' . That's a savage drinkyoujust made.

theories-lPhat a sap! . Thanks, bro.

2. A fool; someone who is prone to .
. saw the elephant
being taken advantage of. .

Saw the main attraction (like in the

i is the third timejoe bought vanshing
i . circus) and can now go home.
cream Otl the Internet; 1Phat a sap!
iV!aria, this museum sucks. We sau; the
. elephant. Let's book .
sauce .

Very good. Amazing.

The TV sbon1 Friends is sauce. .. 1 . To obtain something from some­
one with no promise of repayment.

sauced Don't invite Rob to tbeparry; be 'IIjust


Drunk, plastered, hammered, trashed. .
. scab drinks qlf eveo!One.
2. ·j I

2. A person who frequently obtains

: one hangs out with.
goods/money from others in such a Examples of common scenes: indie,
manner. Also "tightarse." . emo, punk, straight edge, etc.

Tbat,g"!)' is such a scab! Don't let him Man, I can't heLietJe_you're a RepubLican!
knou1you gotpaid todqy. .
. It's .ro agaimtyour scene!


scam . scenic route


To make out with or have sexual The long way, or sometimes the
relations with someone you are not wrong way.
in a relationship with. .

We were supposed to turn on 13th Street to


Me and that real!; bot cbick from the bar . get to the Capto�
i but Iguess 1ve can take
Sl'ammed last night . . . it ll'as pretry great. the scenic route . . . through Vir;gina.

scan school
To observe, peruse, check out. . To do well, so that you are, in effect,

teaching others or teaching them a

W01vl Scan that bot babe over there! .

. lesson.

Igot st·hooled fry that big gt(J whiLe p!qying

scandalous .

Bad. Raunchv. Out of control.


That guy's scandalous; he. stoLe his 011111 .

school of hard knocks
mama's TV

You can Learn more common sensefrom

scatter .

the .rchool of hard knocks than)'OU can
Someone who is messy or .

from most atl)' univer.riry.

disorganized. .


Oh, Look at Cbristine she's such a scatter! .

1 . Weak or impotent cannabis or
scene .

dirt weed.
A term often used to define the .

Tom rifuses to bUJ' or smoke st:h1vag

type of music one listens to, the .

JJJeed-he onfy like.r kind bud.


clothes one wears, and the group

------ ·------ :� - •
' ...
�·- .. !f' W=taf!Jo«1.
1> _.._•• -------·

2. Something of exceptionally poor Yo, she i.f scoping_you, tmm.

or low quality that is generally

looked down upon.
The peoplejok ed that Tom has a schwag 1. To get, receive, purchase, s teal, or

car, but little do th�y knorv he i.r planning

on b�ying a 1Wt' Audi ne:x:t 1veek.

Yo, I'm about to score a qf' bee1; JlJant
Interjec tion used by males when 2. To succeed in seducing someone
thev see a beaucifuJ woman.

sex ually.
Onomatopoeia describing the sound
Did you score
_ JJ.tit/1 Tina last night?
of a sword being unsheathed.
Phallic connotation.
Womvee, look at her! Jchwing!
To create musical noise by moving a
piece of vinyl back and fo rth in a

sc1�nce rhythmic fashion under a needle on

In h ip hop culture: knowledge or
- a phonographic turntable.

He scratches at hisfriend Mike�r dub

street smarts.

That nigga 1vas tight; he dropped science d01vn ott 9th and BroadJVf!)'.
on the mic.

scooped up An obscure subgenre of emo . 0

• •

r: In

In a relationship. Taken. (short fot "emotional hardcore'') best s - -., _

· ·

characterized by the intense use of

Jon: Look at Tof!.ya o1;er there; .rhe's
screaming. \X'hile all e mo bands must
lookin '.fine.
scream at least once to be officially -

Bob0r: Don't bother. She got scooped up

"emo," screamo bands must be
just fast Jt'eek.
screaming the majority of the time.
Examples include: Joshua Fit for
scope Battle, Envy, and Bucket Full of Teeth.
To look at someone, think about how
I'm too qfraid to go in the pit <if a screamo
fit they are, and think about being
with them. To check someone out.
. - ... ..;
�.., l ,,;,
screen shopping : scut
Shopping on the Internet without Short for "scutwork," the work of a
intending to purchase anything. useless person. Used frequently in
Window shopping on the Internet. .
teaching hospitals by junior residents
and medical students to describe
I'm .rcreen .rhopping on eBCI)'·
mindless and thankless errands, such
as chasing down radiology reports,
screw the pooch .
drawing blood, and staying on hold
To make a major mistake. with the health department-
anything that is heavy on the senrice
. n, I real!y .rcm;,ed tbe pooch lvhen
lv1a I
and light on the education.
tcdked to 11'1)' bo.r.r 1vhile I 1va.r drunk last
. I don't knoll.' if I'll sumitJe grand rotmd.r
todqy. I JJiaS up all nig)!l rt.tnning scut.
Money. scuzbucket
A scumbag.
Yo, .rhe:r got mad .rcrilla. We're gonna rock
tbe mall later. That glf)' s
i a complete scuzbucket.


script kiddie seafood problems

An inexperienced computer user Crabs.
who uses premade tools (scripts)
That bf(Y is scratching .ro hard down there,
to take control of computers on
I think be bas seafood problems.
the Internet. Script kiddies don't
understand or respect the tools
they use. Used in a derogatory way, seal the deal

similar to ''newbie." .

To reach the point where it is a

. virtual certainty that a given thing

!Je:r not a hacker. .He:rju.rt a script
will happen. Often used in a sexual
. sense.
Thejirstjit;e drink.r that Ron /;ought t/;e
giti at tbe bar d�finiteb' improt,ed his
An inferior person.
chances, but the rocifies be slipped itJ tbe
Come here, scrub! Take_your beating! .
sixth drink realfy Jeczled the deal.

search engine .
. see that girl ail up on me? lt'.r se!fjirst

Shamelessly endorses other webs ites tonight. Sorry, plqya.


by letting people add their sites to a .


great big list of sites.

. sell popcorn


I searched "ancient Egyptian remains" on .

. To stand by and do nothing to

the search engine and got 14,000 results,

.. change events.
main!J con.risting qf pornograpi?J'. .
. l1vas getti1tg tbe crap kicked out of me,

and"')' budd)' .Mike JVaJjust standing



seat check
around .reili1tg popcom.

Interjection announcing that you are



reserv ing your spot when you have ..

to get up and get something. .
. One who betrays a cause for per-
I'm gonna get a beer. Seat check. .. sonal advancement. Anyone who
. sacrifices artistic integrity in an
. effort to become more successful or

popular (generally in m usic) ; s ome

. -


one who forgets their roots.


A{y seeds are with their mom now.
. 16 the American dream to be a sellout.


seen .


Expression of agreement. ..
To make a fool of someone.


Gtf): Smoke this smsi and_you'll get .

.. Oh, shit, he served them su,kas in that
lifted-nojoke. Don't check it with no .
.. rap battle.
lightweight stiff/ Seen?
GirL· True, true. Yeah, man. Seen. .



1. Crowd. Gang Unit .
. .

The rule you use to get out of the
. l.rtqy holdin' it down for ''�Y set.

"bros before hoes" rule. Only to be



used when there is more than an 80 .

. 2. Surfer slang for several big waves
percent chance of you getting laid. ..
. breaking one after anot her


I know our rule is bro.r befo' hoes, but_you .

. Q;•! There's sets comin '! Go, go, go!

/ =>
r.: l--, t:,.


sex up :
A{y neJJJ roomnJafe, Amber, is a total
To embellish or exaggerate. . .re:xpot.

T"of!y Blair lt'a.f aceti. red �f sexn

i g up .

report.r of 1ve.apons �lmass destruction .

Acronym for "safe for work." Used

in Iraq. .


to describe Internet content that
could be viewed in the presence of
sex without the X .
. your boss and colleagues (as
Dull, lifeless, boring, unexciting . opposed to NSF\v, "not safe for
lovemaking, as in non-X-rated sex.
A dqy u'ithout sun.rhine si like sex .

. 1l{y boss chet·ks ri''.J brow.rer histo':y, so onfy
utithout the X

. .rhou' me_yourpat1Jpit-.r !l they're SFW

sexcellent .

. shady
So amazing and exceptional that it's
. Suspicious; can also be an activity
comparable to sex. Does not neces­ ..
bordering on criminal.
sarily refer to a sexual experience. .


. Thclf shcufy g'!)' ot;er there is .reriou.r!J
Theil 1va.r some sexcellent parallel parking. .

. creeping me out.
}'Ou 1vi/l pass your dril!er�r test ez•en if th�y .

blindjold you. .

To screw someone over.
sexile .


To banish a roommate from the

I got shafted on an eBqy transaction­


room/dorm/apartment for the th�)' netJer sent my stuff

purpose of engaging in intimate .
relations with one's significant
. shag
other/sex partner. ..
. 1. To have sexual intercourse .
Man, Fm sexiledfor the whole night. Can .

I 1vould realfy like to shag Samantha .
1 crasb at yoNr place?





2. A form of rough pipe tobacco.



.. I'm going doJJ'n to the .rhtp for sotlle sha,g.

An attractive young woman who is
usually horny and promiscuous. ..

shake : angles to your nose and forehead,
1. The cruddy end bits of a large ·

and weaving your head from side to

bag of weed. : side, as if you were a shark in the
· murky depths.
I bought a dime and got some extra shake. .

I stopped sharking tl minute to get chips

2. The last girls to leave the bar at and drinks.
closing time.

"Wegot SO desperate JJJC JliCfll troffingjor ..

shake out.ride the college bar at 3 A.M. .

. Good or sleek.

. Yo, that JJ.'aS a sharp throu� man!

Cops raiding yo' house, person, or
car illegally to find drugs, cash
Blend of "shit" and "fart." A small,
money, or guns.
unintended defecation that occurs
The cops busted a shakedown onJimm_y's when one relaxes to fart.
weed house.
l.fharted at the parry la.rt night and JVetJI
home pronto to change m_y clothes.
shank .

1. A homemade knife. .

.. shattered
I heard he got hit u.tti h a rus(y shank. . Drunk.

fan Jt'aS so .rhattered he had to t'tl!l hi.r

2. To stab someone with a home­ .

mum to pitk him up at 3 A.M.

made knife. .
fohn got shanked and it took /u1enry
stitches to close him up.

An exclamation used to express a
negative feeling, such as disappoint-

shark ment or mild annovance.

To engage in overt attempts at
Shazbot, I mi.rsed again!
Procuring a partner of the opposite
se:x. You can accuse someone of
�;harking by putting your upright, sheeple
� �traight hand up to and at right .
People who are unable to think for
- . �· : -· ,
. -,.
..: . •
. ' .
themselves. Followers. Lemmings. .
. ing, wonderful, great, remarkable .


Gir/1: Hry,

All the teens were weating bell-bottoms .

. uJhat dO)'OU think qf 1t(J
because thC)' were .rheeple.
.. new car?

. Girl 2: Shinv.




A female. .

1. Short for "romantic relationship";


She was a spunkg sheila.


popularized in fanfiction circles.


. I see a ship detJelopin,g between llermione
shibby .

Granger and Ron Weasl�y.


Great. Really good. Cool.



. .


This beer i.r so shibl?y! 2. To endorse a romantic relationship.

. .


.. I .rhip Ron and 1-Iermione.



shields up ..
To cover your face wjth the collar of ..

shit, dawg
your T-shirt in order to avoid the ...

.. Interjection meaning "oh my

smell of flatulence. .
.. goodness!"

G'eeiJ ]it!l!l'IJ'· That smells atomic-. Shield.r ..

. Shit, dawg, that i.r the biggest house 1 er•er
1-tp, etJe?)'One. ..
.. seen!
shine ...
. shit hit the fan
1. Jewelry. Bling. .
. An idiomatic expression used to
. .

Best giiJe up_yo' .rhine, plq)la. .. .

convey that something disastrous
... has occurred.
2. To insult someone in front of .
. I told this gt!)' a/ tl(J school h01v his
other people. ...
. girlfriend Jt'aJ a good lqy, then the .rhil bit
Damn, that giri11.1aJ .rhining on_yo' a.r.r . theji:m.
and_you didn't sa_y nothin' to hit her bmk. .


.. . shitballs
shiny . Expletive conveying great

Cool, nifty, awesome, pretty, amaz- . frustration or fright .



--- �----�� ---� �------�MY--�

As Dan was smoking ct.fat marijuana

joint he saw hisfather enter the house and
Fear rif STD.r got JJim .rhook like a leaf
exclaimed, "Oh, shitbalis!"

To have sex.
The greatest, in a certain category
or uruversallv. Phenomenal, biotch!
f-act s, _your girl alreaqy thinks_yott 1vant
Also "shiznat." to _rhoop U1ith me, so let�r get it on.

Dmtm, Tony! Your neu.1 ride is the shif?:?tit!

Lemme borrou; it to d1ive by j\tf.ya s.
. -
shoot the shit
To chat idly about things that
neither person involved in the con­
versarjon will be likely to remember.
Interjection used when doing
or having done something joJm: We shot the .rhitJor a J1Jhi/e.
extraordinary. Equivalent to "ta-da!" .fe.f] Oh_yeah? What'dyou talk about?
or "voila!" john: I don't remember.

ShiiXam! Your gold 11/tdch i.r no1v in ''!.Y

pocket. shorty
Also "shawty" in the American
South. Can be shortened to "shawt"
shoman ce
or "shawtdawg."
A "show romance" that develops
1. Affectionate term for a girlfriend,
between reality-show contestants or
attractive female, or concubine.
participants, especially one that ends
as soon as the show is over. Often a lPhat up, sl!or(J ? You
' lookin' straight/
ploy to gain more camera time. Whatryour number?

I thought /\lick and Amy .rhared a real

2. A girl on the side, separate from

romante on The Apprentice, but their

your main piece or boo.
1fllmedia te breakup proves it wct.rjust a
showmance. I had to be cartju! 'cause I 111as out Jvith
Jhorty tznd I didn't 1vant to get caught.
��cared, afraid, hesitant. Used in 3. A younger friend, sibling, or
.,. offspring.

.�., C:
r.. ''j� �

I •• I I • •I 1 .-. f J •
an interest in either gender. They re '
.. sike
. .

just not openly sexual. Usually it's


. Interjection meaning « false ! " or

just because they're incredibly shy. "just kidding!" Also "psych."



I wonder !fAm!J ltke.r m!yboqy. 1 wt'l .

}·(/mamma look like Dumbo on jpeed-

tell because hr/r . rt�ch a r

. �yse"\ t�a/.1
. ·




. silent but deadly
Interesting, cool, new.

. A creeper, a floating air biscuit. A


fan that cannot be heard but can


That rcwe. JJ!a.f sick. }{m .rhoNida been .

.. sure as hell be smelled. Don't ever
there. ..
.. recognize this type of fart out loud,
.. lest you fall into the wle of
"sick day" it dealt it.

• "\Xihoever smelt "


When a person working at an office Sometimes referred to bv the


takes a day off because they are .
.. acronvm "SBD."

"sick." Usually they participate in an .

.. Dtf!U111, SOJJ1eone dom let l oose a silent but
activity that is nowhere near their .
. deadfy.


daily work-related tasks. ..


f't;e been doing a lot r!f 11-'0rk latefy. 1 gottct .
.. silly juice
take a "side dqf' next 11.1eek. .
.. Alcohol. Drinking enough silly juice


. will cause you to get silly, and drink-
sign scramblers

.. ing even more wiJI usually cause you


A group of enthusiasts who .

. to go home with a weather-beaten

rearrange the plastic letters found skank.

. .

on signs outside of businesses and


.. Dude, I don't t.mdr:r.ftemdyotl


. at all! .Are
schools alike, often forming ·vulgar .


. _you on .rome .rilb'.Juice?
phrases. .

Those pe.rfe:y .rign scramblers hit "D' .rign .


again. Th'!)' cbanged itfrom


.. Bling made of silver. Could be rims,




silver chains, etc.


FEE to LOC:/lL .SLUT !S BR!l'v'CIXG ..


PORN--$5 FCfi. .
. You tr:yit�g tojack lllah sift.,enJJare? 1'11

. kill you!

2 (:'J ,
• 1-.J '


:. skaters skate in halfpipes. Street

A female friend who is more than skaters skate stairs and ledges and
one's best friend. such.

}ou are more than thczt---:you're my szr: ta. . I'm a rea/skater. I do itfor the right

reasons-not to get girls or cash .



A six-pack of beer. .
Creepy, sneaky, sketchy, or nasty,

To start the morning qfl right, l drmmed a .

. . especially when applied to wannabe
pick-up artists.
. Some real!J .rkmy guy tried to pick me up
skank .
last night.
1. To dance to ska music by kicking .
your legs and moving your arms.

. skeezy
A{yfriends and ltvent to a .rka roncert .

A combination of "sketchy" (dubi­

and we were tota/fy skankin'! .
. ous) and "sleazy" (dirty or vulgar) .

2. A young female (or sometimes a .

That middle-aged man hanging out.ride the
male) with poor hygienic habits who high school parking lot was majorfy

wears very little clothing and is .rkee:ry.
probably sexually "easy."


J'he, /ikA never bathe.r or takes showers!

And she'll hatJe sex with a'!}' guy who Uncertain or potentially bad, like a
walks I?J! J'he's such a skank! party that is to happen in the future
but there are rumors of the cops
already knowing about it.
skater .
Person who considers skateboarding J don t wamta go !f itr gonna be sketch.

a way of life. Often erroneously .


classified as ''punks" who like to

cause trouble, possibly because .
Disgusting or very strange.
street skating sometimes causes
damage co property. There are vert ..
That girl with the green hair cmd booger..r

skaters and street skaters. Vert all 011er herface is uber-.rketcf!J.


�--- --- ·---- ·-- -----...-

skid mark : skunk

Poo-poo stain in the seat of one's . To beat badly, as in a race or sport.

underpants. .
. The Cou;boyJ got skunked lclSt n ight:
I don't 1vipe; f'1;e learned to live with the
skid mark.
skunk weed
Either a crossbreed of marijuana
skillets varieties (like sativa or indica) or just
Closest friends. . strong-smelling pot. Sativa is the
more traditionally smoked outdoor-
Yo, !just be chtl!in' wit JJ)( ' skJI/et.r in my ctib. .
grown vari.cty that occurs naturally
in places like Colombia, Mexico,
skills ..
Thailand, and Africa; indica is a

Proficiency in a field of sports or shorter, bushier variety found in

everyday life. "\Xlhen one is very . Afghanistan.
good at what they do. .
. Th.ri .rkunk is some eiJil shit. Where can I
Yo, Tracy McGratjy ba.r tight ba!lin' .rki/Lr. . ,get some?

skin me . slag
Interjection meaning "give me some 1. An individual who cares not for

skin" or "give me a high five." relationships beyond the realm of

. the sexual. These people sleep with
Skin mel many partners, not caring about
. anything save for the moment of

skinny .

The scoop. The details.

. She slept1vitb John, Rick, Tom, t�nd
What�r th e skim?y onyour mo111 ? l.r .rhe Peter, and thrtt 1Pa.f before breakf: ast. She:r
sinf!,le? . such tJ .rlflg.
2. Rubbish that is not worth the
skrilla time or effort of paying attention to
Money. Especially U.S. paper curren­ .
. it, but nonetheless draws one in.
cy. Sometimes shortened to "skrill."
. Used to describe unpleasent
. . .
Shit, et;en 1vith thisjob, I need mo' skrli la. . Sl tuatlOnS.


Lost_yourjob, huh? Damn, ntan, that's
some cold hard slag.
3. Physical trash, often scrap metals.
Slanguage s
i still used on CB in .rome places.
Don'tforget to get the slag off theyard
The ciry is threatening to jim u.r!
When a website becomes virtuallv •

slam unreachable because too manv •

1. To verbally insult, dis(respect), or people are trying to access it. The

burn someone. term was born at the Slashdot nerd
news service (, where
we .rhould slam him 'bout hatJing no
users post comments and links to
sites they recommend.

2. To mainline or inject drugs. I tan't load the page; the site must be
I got tbe crysta4 you bring the rigs, and
let�r .rlamj I'm reacf.y to party tonight.
To be really good.
Prison. Jail. The pen. The can. Dude, that mw Nevermore album slq;r.r!

Zat:h 1vent to the slammerfor robbin' a

bank. sleep debt
Something you accumulate
whenever you don't sleep an
adequate amount on a given night.
The ever-evolving bastardization
of the written and spoken language If sleep debt 1vas dollars, yo' mama }l)OJtld
as a result of social and cultural be a rith bitch.
idolization of celebrities.

Au;, snap, son. Check out thefine-ass sho­ sleep drunk

tee rockin' all dat ice. (Translation: flello, So tired your inhibitions and
"D' good sir. Take a gm1der at the beauti­ thought processes are lowered due
fu/Jvoman JJ'earing the expensit;ejeu1el.r.) to lack of sleep. Very similar to
being drunk.
Ipulled an all-nighter last night and sling


had to rtm strczight to class. I stumbled in To sell drugs. Also "slang."


so sleep drunk that noJJJ 1'm zvorried



I slang a 20 rock the other dqy.


zvhat fliNt)' bat.'e .raid aloud during ..






sloppy seconds


1. What you get when you kiss, date,

or have sex with someone right after


An eighth of an ounce of marijua-

someone else clid. When you take

na. Derived from the fact that a slice


someone's leftovers.

is an eighth of a pizza.


.. When thefraterniry entered the bar the
!'ttl s1vinging .rlicesfor 50 bills.
brothers U-'ere allo1ved to pick datesfint,

. 1vhiie the pledges got slopJ!y second1·.



A friend. A homey, home slice, or ..

. 2. Any decrease in the quality of

pal. .

available goods or people. \'V'har>s

left after the best choices are gone.


Me and m;! slicey n'ent to the pizza.foint


They were giving awayfree stufj; butJem!J


last night and held the cashier up. .


.. got therefirst, so l got her sloppy secondJ.


Perfect in manner; sharp, attentive,
. slore

having perfect answers for virtually .

Cross between "slut" and "whore."
all questions, and, of course, large .
A woman who incliscriminately

amounts of gel in the hair. . shares a bed with anyone who


shows interest, often without


That's u;/!J! th�y call me slick.


protection and/or discretion.

Thry're .raying that chick JJJho


Person 1:


Jued him 1.11as aim 1vith other gt!)JS that


A person you mess around with ..


. night.
outside of a relationship but are not .

2: What a .rlore.


serious about.


Nab, JOn1 .rhe ain't my girl-she'sjtut a



slow your roll



.. 1. Slow down. Be calm.




.. . '., ,_
. ., .
. .


SJoJP_your ro14 homry! Pm tryin' to relax instantly hate a person.
up in this IIJI.Itha.
l-Ie's so rtn
. a rm. J' I 1Pant to punch him in
' theface.
2. Slow down your game. Stop

coming on so strong to a female.

Yotid better .r/ow_your roll,_junior plqyer. .
. To insult and/or punk someone,
You'llju.rt get shut douw going like that.
usually embarrassing them in the


proces s .

slug bug
it1iguel .rma.rhed onJame.r in class todq;:.
A game where you slug someone '

lVe 111ere. cratkin' up.

and yell "slug bug" when you see a .

Volkswagen Beetle. .

Sl·ug bug! 1Vo back.rie.rl
. 1. To discipline through extreme
physical exercise or activity; often
slut done by a drill sergeant during basic
A derogatory term for a sexually '
promiscuous person (usually female)

' DS. McCart�)' smoked the JJJhole platoon
or a woman who wears skimpy or
because 011e soldier's canteen was notfull of
tasteless clothing.
That .rlut has .rlept u;ith n;ery man in
this room/ 2. To blow someone awav in '

. competition To soundly defeat


som eone

Drugs in general, but often 1\{y PowerBook smokedyour G4 in
specifically refers to heroin. . pe1formance benchmarks!


CtQ' 1: Dude,,get ojfyour ass andget ajob.

3. To light up a cigarette or similar
G'uy 2: Can t. Pm addicted to smade.

instrument, sometimes packed with

' drugs, then stick it in your mouth
smarmy and inhale.
H avin g a smug atti tude , often '
4. The gray debris that results from
accompanied by a squinty look and ..
burning something.
a superior smile that makes you 5. To kill, generally with a gun.

. ?............


The g"!} was smoking some smokes, 1vhich . snap
was too much .rmoke next to the !\-'0 .
Interjection used to express a

SMOKJNG' sign, .ro I pullecl out "I)' gun and .

feeling of excitement, surprise, dis-
smoked him. appointment, or extreme satisfaction,

depending on the context .
. Alrernat1ve
to "aw, d amn," "aw, shit."
smokey bear .
Trucker-speak for a state trooper/ . Oh, snap, the engine�r onjire.'
highway patrolman. Mostly short­

. Check out thejelfy shakin' on ber as she

ened to just "smokey" or "bear."
. drops it to tbe. floor. Snap/
J11y dad 1l'aJ the. first trucker to e11er .

l1vas like "snap" Ulhen I saw them rolling

oz;ertake em Ohio .rmok�y bear on the .
. tbi.r JVC!:J'·
highwqy without getting a tit-ket; be�r a .

lit;ing !egtmd among tmcken


1 . Money.

Acronym for "short message 1'0, you got some snapsfor the mot;ie?
service," a text-messaging service on
mobile phones. Used in verb form: . 2. Skills.
to send a text message over a
Damn! 1-lomry got all the snaps on the mic.
mobile phone. .

3. Praise for a job well done.

I spent my ojjice hours Sfv!Sing et'eo one in

my address book. .

Snapsfor reeling in_your man.'

. snarf
Acronym for "situation normal all .

When one is eating or drinking and

fucked up." Used to describe a less

. is provoked by something funny

than desirable scenario when .

that causes them tO laugh and expel


everything seems to have gone .

food or drink out of nasal passages
wrong. Common military phrase.
or mouth.
A.rhlee Simpson:r bane/ had a major snafu .

Dude, I 1va.r eating

lunch at school and
last night on Saturday Night Live JJ;hetJ .

thi.r cbick .wid something hilariou.r and I
th�y .rtarted plqying the 1#rong .ro�g and .
f snmfed .randJHth all ot;er the place.
. rhe t·cmceled the pe1formance.
:.z 8 '7

snark : snow job
Combination of "snide" and
. An effort to deceive, overwhelm,
" remark .' ' S arcastic comment(s). or persua de with insincere talk,
especially flattery.
fiis cotmmntary Jvas r!{e 111ith snark. .
The entire pre.rentation JJ'as a Co!!tplete
!-fer mttrky
- remarks had half
. the room .
. snou•job.
on the .Jloor lmtghing and the. other ba(f
reacfy to walk out.
"Your boundless ineptitude is a.1toundingy .
1. To kill,

. assassinate, destroy ,
she J!Mrk..tjy declared .
A lot qf people get mugged and .muffed
sntpe .

.. here.
To bid on an eBav auction minutes
J ..
before it ends, hoping that others .

2. Films in which participants


will not be able to place a h igher bid ..

. . are actually murdered, killed, or
10 t 1me. ..
.. mutilated on camera.
Damn/ 1 thought I lPOfl that item, but .
• The police raided hi.r houJe andfotmd a
somehocf.y sniped it!

smiffjilm r!f a gu)' /!,CititJg fottured with a

razor blade.
snog .
To passionately kiss. . 3. Very fine tobacco used for
.. snortmg.
The 111orld melts awqy into a clutter qf .
noise am/ .rhad0111 1vhen we're .rno' £?,ging. . The .rign of a tme gentleman s
i that he
doe.r not .rneeze 111hen he take.r his sm�Jl
snot rocket
W'hen you plug one nostril with . so
your finger and blow out of the . Acronym for "significant other. "
other nostril with everything you One's romantic partner.
have, s ending a snot projectile out .

. lvfy SO tan'tjoin u.r .for drinks /atet:

of the nose. •

Without tisstet , tzff I cot.tld do to clear "!Y ..
nose 111a.r to bl01v a snot rocket.
Word used to make a point or

� --

emphasize a statement. Often ... soft crust
used on television shows like Friendr, . Not cool, no fun, boring, loserish
.. .


then quickly adopted by females and .. Opposite of "hardcore."



gay men. .
... JJI(Jt.t!cl

That bitch is sqft crust, man! JVho


You're so not going there. et;er wanna hang out tvith a loser like


I'm so not interested. ..


. solid
so over ...

... 1. Interjection of approval,
Finished. Completely done. Kaput.
... confirmation, or congratulations.
I am so overpeople 1vho call mashed ..
Me: W7heres the beer?
potatoes "smashed potatoes. " ...

. Joe: Igot 10 40s.


. }Vfe: Solid.

so yesterday .
Something that was once popular, .
2. A favor done for someone.

until it went uber-mainstream, and .

Do me a solid and hand me that hammer.


has now become passe. ...

Grunge is soyesterda] Get ol'er it.



some else

.. Shortened form of "someone else,"


SOB .... "somewhere else," or "something


.. else," depending on the context of


Acronym for "son of a bitch."



A jerk or a bad person. the conversation .


Get back here, you SOB! .

. iVfan, this par)'
t real(
y bloJIJs. Lets go
some else.

SoCo y don't like that chick. !like

Dude, I reai!


Short for ''Southern Comfort" .. some else.
. '



.l\laU1 man, I don't n;ant to go play pool




GirL- Whats up? .

tonight. Let's do some

Crq: Nothin'. Just drinkin' on some .


So Co. .


Informal interjection used to refer



--------------------------------------� ..

to a man (whether it's a close friend : you were floating in the zero gravity
or someone you don't know) when of space without a care in your

you're in a conversation with him. mind and nothing to do.


�ssup, son? . Sh t
i , sJnetback, Jve'tJe beet� spacin' g'.r all
. dq)' todqy. . . . iVothing can bet�! this.

son of a .

Exclamation of surprise or pain. spaghetti code

Short for "son of a bitch." In computer programming,
code that flagrantly violates the

Dad· Sqys here_youfailed the 12th grade. .

. principles of structured, procedural
Kid· Son if a!
programming, is almost impossible

to debug and maintain, and rarely
SOP . works well. Suggests the tangled and
Acronym for "standard operating ..
arbitrary nature of the program.
}ou ;pant me to work on thisfreaking
Pee in the cup, soldier! It's SOP/ .
spaghetti code? Please. tell meyou're
. ktdding.

soup to nuts
Start to finish. . spam
1. \X-'hen capitalized: extremely

Rii�JI.· Didyou 1JJatch the State of the

cheap American canned meat.
Union address last night?
lvfandy: Soup to m.fts. . tl7ho wants some Spam in a can?!
Y.:ry, more Spam!
soymanella .

Food poisoning acquired by eating 2. \X'hen not capitalized: unsolicited

contaminated fake meat. . mail/e-mail sent out in mass
quantities. Usually not even
l 2vaspuking ali night. l bet it was tbat .

addressed by name to the person

nasty-ass six-month-old S'!Jmaneila-inftst­
who receives it. Short for «stupid,
ed tofurkey.
. pointless, annoying message."

Damn it; more spam!
spacin' g's .

To willingly waste time, as though

,.��---- �· - --

3. In gaming, refers to either : L.ook at thatparanoidpale-faced bloke

throwing grenades indiscriminately, talking bo!locks who looks like he's been
many at a time, or any overused I

m;;akefor !JJ.IO weeks! He must be on .rpeed.

gun/combo/move/tactic. I

�)I to spam the room budtjy. You throui


speed date

An organized social event to facili­


enough 'nades that time ? I

tate meeting new people, usually for


heterosexuals wishing to meet new

. potential partners. Equal numbers

A mixture of English and Spanish

. of both sexes pay to spend about
used in an attempt to show one's .
. three minutes talking to each mem­
diverse nature and willingness to .
.ber of the oppposite sex. At the end
adapt to local customs and language I

. of the evening everyone marks on a

(or lack thereof). The sentence .

card who they would like to date

usually starts in Spanish but
. again and who they wouldn't. The
deteriorates into English with a
. organizers then swap contact infor-
Spanish accent.
mation between matches.
Que pasa) me hottl�)'? i'vles amigo.r and me
I went on a speed date and met Katrina.
are gonna kick thefrijoles out of.joN if .

Our .rpeed relation.rbp:r alreatjy OlJf!r:

jou don shutcho taco hole. Comprende? .

speculate to accumulate
. Vomit.
Variation of "spend money to make
money," though open to different . He spewed all over thefloor. l'Vasty!
contexts. A phrase used by potential
profiteers to remind prospective ..
. spiff
investors that returns can onlv come
' . 1. Followed by "up": to dress up,
from good investment.
especially stylishly.

We invested n
i some drinksfor the ladies ..
You're all spifftd up todCIJ'·
at the bar; tmder the rule of speculate to
accumulate. .

. 2. Similar to "niftv" or "cool." Also


"spifftastic" or "muy spiffendo."

. 11m 1Jl011 the t'01tte.rt? Spiff!
29 1£r

, ., , , , , , ,� · ·····.

spike spmners
. •

To add alcohol to something. . Tire rims with additional rims that

spin freely even after the car stops.
OMG! Sotneone spiked the punch/ .

Look at dem spn

i ners on that nice n'de.

To take a bad fall while attempting a . spit
great feat. To speak. Usually used in reference
. to hip-hop, rap, or poetry.
Dude-man, I tota!jy .rpil/.ed 1vhile
t pting the 900.
at em . Let me spit thi.r ri?Jmefor_y'all.

sptn sptt game

• •

1. Public relations term meaning to . To flirt with or mack on somebody,

slightly alter facts to shape a more but usually not very seriously.
desirable version of a story.
I think I'llgo out and spitgame at some
we put a different spin on 0111' massit.Je lqy­ . ladies tonight1 but Pm not lookn
i g to take

offt; 111e called ti a corporate restnlcturing."

" a'!Y hotJJe.

2. What a DJ does to records.
Dj Feist-E spins better than any other. . A marijuana joint. Specifically, a
. cone-shaped joint that is somewhat
. large and impressively rolled.
spin doctor .
1 . Public relations expert who .
1/Jatparry tvas Jl'ack 'til nry dog bmted
ensures that the public understands . out afo�ty .rplifl!
things from a certain perspective. .

We think that the spin doctors at the .

local TV station helped the mayor win Combination of "spaz" and "loser."
the election.
. Dane si such a sploser that he u11ites
i pretend
himself pretend /ettersfrom hs
2. A DJ or MC at a club or event.
The Club Boom anniversao' party spin
doctor 1vas mvesomel .

��-----. -�� ��---d---� ··------·

spoonensm You: Dad, I'm an All-.American pitcher

A word or phrase created by : at U of Texas.

swapping the initial letters (or first .
consonant sounds) of two words or
. spot on
syllables to get a new word or phrase. .
Well done, perfect, right on, bang on.
"peas attd t'tlrrot/' and "k�ys andparrots" .
Thefood in England might not always be
"tea bags" and "bee tags"
so good, but the breJl' in the pubs is spot
"trail mix" and "mail tricksn
on ez,ery time.
asave the 1vhales" and "wave the sails" .

spork To use a car with a nitrous oxide
A cross between a spoon and a fork.
injection system in a drag race.
The god of silverware. .
Makes it go faster.
Use sparks instead offorks and spoons. .
. That 'Vette waspullin' on me, but l
You'll end up saving table space. .
i and won lry a length.
sprayed hm

spring fever
Combination of "spam" and "porn." .

A subtle, nonoffensive way of
What fills most e-mail in-boxes.
suggesting that someone is horny.
Matt anxiousfy checked his Hotmail . jeev Bo� quit staring at thosegirls. Yott
inboxfor relet/ant e-mazlf
rom his honey, .
must hatJe apretry bad case �� springfover.
but alas, it 1vasfilled to the brim 1vith .

unncessary sporn. · .·...

�:-: . a
-:. . ..


. '
. .

Very attracted to a person, with an

sport .
obsession often mistaken for love.
The name vou call someone to

I knmv 111e've onfy been talkingfor two


make them feel like a total loser.

Often used bv fathers to refer to

their sons. Also "champ" or "chief." .

hours, butyou'vegot me sprung.
Dad· H�)� sport, tvhaddaya Stfy_your old .
. spun
man teaches_you to thro1J' the of' hall
. Under the influence of metham-
around todtf_y? .. phetamine. Also "spun up."

.' .

uRlla�r(0 I0 ! 0 0 I ,._, • 0 • >

Lqy qff statrcase wtt

• •

WOw! You Look real/y spun.

the speed

A program stealthily installed onto
your computer that tracks what
websites you visit. Often bundled
you're going downstairs to leave.

with freeware.
Afy rker Ann had taken to calling 111e
I clicked on the linkfor 'Jree mont[/' and
"iVfarkus, '' which I hate. I told her I
in an tizstant I uJas z�ftcted 111ith spyn;are
hated i� and her response u;as, "16 a term
that changed tt(J homepage and bookmark.r.
qf aj]ection. '·' I t!lttftered somethin,g like,
"Jf/el" it's not. " If/hat I should have satd
square was, " Ok�� to cement t.h.ts ',{/',_
a;,1ectz.onate '

A tobacco cigaretce. relationship, I'll callyou An(n)us."

You got a spare square I can bum if.fyou?

1. Nasty.
A girl, or guy, who is not one's WI!JiJ!Otl JPit tbat sta11k ho? You can do
girlfriend but often has sexual better/
relations with that person anyway.
2. Brutish emphasis; typically used in
Nah, man. She's not 17(] gir4 she'sjust a
the phrase "put some stank on it."
Canyou do it again? An' this time put
some sttJnk on it!
1. A male-only social gathering.
starter marnage

I can't U'ait to go to Padtfy's stag.

Exclusively refers to a couple's
initial marriage, probably at age
2. A man who attends a social
24 or less, involving partners with
gathering without his partner.
little income and assets. Subseguent
Padcffr going stag to the JJ!er/din,g in marriages are usually to partners
IVewcastk higher up d1e socioeconomic scale.

�----- - · --

All she got was an '84 5'ubaru and some �

crummy dishes. J.VojeJPels, no real estate, 1. To leave, usually at someone's
nothing realJ
! to split; it 1vas a claJSic request or as part of a threat.
starter marriage.
You'd best get to steppin'.


. 2. Rush, bring drama or violence to.

Violence, trouble.
Don't step to me or_you'll get 1JJhacked
Those muthas be startin' some static!

step it up
stealth bomber Take things up a notch.
Someone who breaks wind silently,
Bqy,_you need to step it up, get big.
then moves out of the room before
anyone nottces.
step off
What the . . . ? Oh It�} God, doyou smell .
.. Back off. Used as a threat.
that? W'"hos the .rtealth bomber?!
You'd best step off!

1. Any form of transport with a step out
metal surface that can be used as a . 1. To go out for a night of fun

canvas by a graffiti artist. (clubbing, pubbing, or whatever

. suits your fancy) with friends or a
Man, l painted some steel last night. .
. girlfriend/boyfriend.
. "

2. A handgun. We'r·e stepping out tonight. It's gonna get . '

S ·.
lou carryin' steel?

2. Followed by "on": to cheat on

steez one's significant other.
Style with ease. A person's unique
. Gir4 don't get loud about thi.r, but I'm
style. How an individual carries
stepping out on my man this u;eekend u•ith
that hottie I met at the club.
You know 1 don't get d01vn like that. You
know 11�y steez

{ .. . . . .. . . .. .. .

step your game up stoner

To improve your skills or talents. . Someone who smokes a lot of weed

or considers marijuana a lifestyle.

}'Ou gotta step_your game up to make it in .

th e rep biz. ..
. Just because I enjqy a nice Jp!f
i f e1;ery
afternoon, "�Yfriends call me a stoner.


Highly potent marijuana. . stoner's Graceland
Another name for \Xiendv's. The
That is somefine stick-id9'-ick.y d<(ja, .

late hours, stoner-friendly food, and

. 99-cent value menu are the main
. reasons. Dave Thomas is to stoners
stitch up .

. what Elvis is to your grandma .
A setup, a trick. If someone stitches .
. Wet�t{J<r ettplqyee: I-fow ma;' I help)'Otl
you up, then they're playing you for .
. tonight, sir?
a fool. It's often used when framing .
Johnny Potsmoker: Just give me the
someone for a crime. .

420 meal. You know the drill.


I don't believe it, Dm;e/ I was at home all ..

night, I SUJeari I'm being stitched up! .
• stop short
To brake suddenly in order to cop
stoked .. a feel while "restraining" your
ReaJiy happy or excited.

passenger from being thrown



forward. Popularized by the sitcom

When Bilfy got a shin_y new bikefor

. Seinfeld.
Christmas, he 1vas stoked

. Vince slammed on the brakes and stopped

.. short, opening tm opportuni!Jfor him to
stone fox .
. cop afee!
One who is so awesome that not .
only are they foxy, they are also .
solid. The most perfect compliment straight
for any lady. . Okay with how things are going.
You can get a'!Y 1.1/0JJJtzn to go out 1JJith GI!J' 1: You 111ant a piece?
)'ON I?J JJJhispering "}'Ou're a stone fox" •


in her car.

straight edge to make something respectable out
Punk lifestyle that involves keeping of his life has street cred because he

a clear mind and a dean body, .

knows firsthand what it takes to be
refusing to use drugs, drink, smoke, . successful in this tough world .
or have promiscuous sex. A phrase
She has 111ad street cred because she's been

from a Minor Threat song glorifying

in the slammer.
the lifestvle. Abbreviated as "sXe."
• .

I am proud to be set apartfro m the crowt4


street meat
based on my l�festy/e choices. I am clean, I
1. Any variety of meat sold by
am coherent, I am straight edge.

a street vendor. This includes
hot dogs, sausages, kebab, steak
strapped sandwiches, etc.
1. Low on a particular resource.
. Ldr pick up some street meat.
I'm stmpped.for booty. .

. 2. A streetwalking prostitute .
2. Equipped with something, usually
. Let's pick up some street meat.

Don't mess with me. I'm strapped. .

street pharmacist

Drug dealer .
. Cal.- Yo,you heardJqy started s/angin'
Of or pertaining to the urban .

. crack?
"street" culture, undergound,
Luis: He gon' get shot�)' the hood's

based around the core of hip-hop, I

S i

street pharmacist .

skateboarding, BrvfX, etc.

Yo, that dude wasffy and dre.rsed so street! .

street sweeper
.A 12-round revolver-style shotgun
. I
street cred designed for destruction, or a


Grassroots credibility earned number of shotguns converted to

through major accomplishments in 10-plus round capacity.

the face of adversity. For example, .
Ldr see hmv tbiJ bulietprocif glass stands
a playa who has a rough childhood

. up to 11()' street sJJieeper.

and tough upbringing but managed .


streetball Jo: and DJ
1'/Ju hear MC BangBang's

Basketball played outdoors on a . Kil/alot's new tracks about them rob/7ing a
blacktop and with fewer rules (no . liqtior store?
blood, no foul). D:, themfools ain't nothing btl! stu­

I'll beatyou in streetba/1 t111J' dc!)IJ ho!lJ�y! i .. dio ,gangsters.

got $100 on it! No refs and no crying.


.. sturma
strewth . A person who drives around town
i n nice cars, on dubz, showing off
Interjection of affirmation meaning .
their ice and bling.
"It's the truth."

.. I'm the numba-one stunna up in thi�

Strewth, that was a hard dqy. Toss me a
Foster's, mate! .. be�yatch, an' don'tforget it, ho.'
strong . stunt
. To floss or to show off.
Having a lot of people in the same .
place at the same time; very crowded. You can stunt ifyotl JVa1t.!, butyour ass'//
Shamiqua: Damn! Tonight the place is .. get rolled on.
packed. .. •

Latisha: I know. it must be 700 strong! .. stunters

. A community of riders who enjoy
. performing stunts or extremely
Strong Island
What people from Long Island, . dangerous tricks on their lightweight
.. sportbikes or motorcycles, often on
New York, proudly call their place .
of residence. . public roads or highways.
. Sometimes shortened to "sruntas."
Yeah, you kn01v where JPefrom-Strong ..
island! . Look at those .rtunters, pulling u;hee!ies on

the 40 1. . . . These idiots are the rea.ron I
have to pay $31000 ayear to insure one

studio gangster motorryc/e .

An insult that refers to somebody

who raps about gang lifestyle in

.. stupid
hip-hop but has never lived it. Also
Can be used just like "mad'' or
refers to being a wannabe gangster.

"bella" amplify positive words. That team last night realJ

! sucked ThCJ'
just plain sucked. f't,e. seen teams suck
Dude, that hot dog 2J.Jas stupid good! And

b�fore, but th�y nm-e the suckiest bum·ha

yourl!;om s
i mad stupid hot,yo! .
sucks that ez1er .rucked.


styles .
suck ass
In street basketball, the keen ability to
... To be of such inferior quality as to
control the ball via various dribbling ..
boggle the mind .

moves and tricks. Akin to "skills."


.. .
. I

This is an mvesome son g! It's too bad the
See that boy dribble? He ba.r mad styles!

. station sucks ass to the max!


stylin' ..

. suck wind
Looking good; usually reserved for
. 1. To be left in the dust, as in a race
people or clothing.



or other competition.
Fd look sty/in' in thatjacket! .

hill on the cross-country

. That Last
. left me sucking wind as Ju;atched

sub ... eveo·botfy pas.r me .

Abbreviation for "subwoofer," a



type of loudspeaker that plays bass.

. 2. To suck or to lose really badly.

Worse than "to suck."

Damn, bow mat�y subsyou ,�ot in that


car? I heard it hi'O block.r au_�qy. .
. This traffic suck.r Jvind.


.. A negative dismissal in the
suburbia .
tradition of "go to hell."

The white ghetto. The bane of .


urban existence and just plain evil. •

. Oh_yeab? Wei� tell them to go suck wind.
city, butyou know
Youjust s�truive in the



you're alille. iVlove to suburbia andyou

. sucka

ju.rt exist. .
. A person with poor lyrical ability.

A non-originator or innovator of


. hip-hop, utilizing the same old
suck .
.. gangsta cliches. Opposite of

To be really, really crappy. "Sucks" is .
.. ''dope MC."
sometimes written as "sux."
., . ) ::;
� :.: ..

I • ' I I I o o o� • • , ,

This sutka MC wishes he could keep up : Wow, dude, she gaveyou herpes? S11cks to
JPith me. . be)'OU . . • .

suckage sugar baby


1. Total state of sucking. The worst. A woman who provides

companionship and/or sexual
Giant robots crushed the casinos and
relations for a wealthy, older man in
mooshed the brothels and startedfires that •

exchange for expensive gifts and/or

burned things and left ruin and suckage
money; a "gold digger."
!f)'Otl're a rich man andJ'Our JJ!oman
2. The amount that something does pqys attention to)'OU on!J when she JJJaflt.r

suck. your credit card, you're bein' p layed by a


sugar balry!
Whenyoufirst encounter Diablo, you
tru!J te.rtyour degree of suck age at D1. .

sugar daddy

A man (often an older man) who

suckin' diesel
provides money or other favors in

Expression meaning things are going

exchange for sexual relations.
exceptionally well. Sometimes used
when a bad situation gains hope. . All she n1ants is a sugar dadcfy.

I thought nry computer 1vas broken, but '

Ginafixed it I!J plugging it in. 1Vou1 we're . sugar momma

suckin' diesel! '
A woman (often an older woman)
who provides money or other

favors in exchange for a sexual
sucks to be you .


A phrase that expresses mild


sympathy for the plight of another I got that new spot'fs carfrom my JUgar
while implying greater relief that momma.
those circumstances have befallen

someone other than the speaker.

suicide doors
The American equivalent of the
Suicide doors refer to car doors that
German "schadenfreude," which
open in the opposite of the regular
denotes actual pleasure in the
direction-hinges are at the back,
suffering of another.

------ ------���--TT

and the front of the door opens. surfie

Manv cars before WWII had those A person who is identified by the

and now it is a popular conversion fact that they surf.

on tuned trucks. Suicide doors are

I'm a .rurfie girl at heart, so I hit the beaches
considered far more dangerous than
as much as possible Jvhenl'm not working.
normal doors because of the possi­
blity of opening during movement.

I am thinking o/ converting ''!Y tmck to (( . . ,'

Short for "suspect" or susp1c1ous.
suicide doors so I can take stuf
f in and
1. Someone suspicious or unlikable.
out easter.

He:r a suss. I don't tmst him.

Slang for a businessman or any
2. Suspicious or out of place,
authority figure (e.g., manager, boss,
like you might attract unwanted
supervisor) who normally wears a suit.
attention at a bad time, like when

t ha1;e been riding my

Those suis _ ass all dqy.

summer school
A nickname for a person (usually a
girl) who exhibits no class (hence,
Yeah, he sussed me with that money• he
summer school).
JVas supposed to POJ' me hack.
Whateveryou sqy, summer school.
4. Watch closely, surveil; sometimes

fo llowe d by "out.,
A contraction of "what 's up?"

Jack: He.J', s'up? 5. To know something well. To plan

JilL· .lVot much. ahead. Also often followed by "out."

super fly
Awesome, great, cool, hot.
6. Filthy, disgusting, or revolting.

Damn girl, you superfly.


_, !'J
. I

7. A filthy, disgusting or revolting :
jessica Simpson si so au,esome. Isw eat her.
Those s11ssesjust got out ofjail. sweet
Great. Cool. Awesome. Can be used
alone as an interjection.
Acronym for "stuff we all get." Oh, man, that concert was so sweet!
Freebies, giveaway stuff, usually
. Hry, I}Nsf got the last tci kets to the
cheap and intended for promotional .
. concert. S'1veet!
purposes. Sometimes spelled
"schwag" or "shwag." ..
sweet as
I1vent to the convention and pick.ed up all ..
As great as anything one can
kinds qf s1vag. .
think of.
Ipicked up some great SJPag at the concert .
That bitch 1vas sweet as.
last night.


To have open promiscuity with a
Extremely cool. Dope. Kickass. .
select group of partners who
Man, that C(lf is .ro swank. . "swing" each other.
ff.yot-1 don't swing, don't ring!
sweat .
1. To like or adore. .
. swizzle
]: That gl!y is so hot. . Snoop Doggified version of
A: You s1veat him so h(lrd! . "sweet."
That's a swiz:de rizzlc.
2. To copy or imitate. .

I painted "I] room p111ple. The girl down .

the hall came in and sad
i she painted her
. Extremely muscular or buff.
room pt�rple too. .MJ response: "Yeah, _you .
sweat me. " . Craig.· Yo, Ray-Ray, have_yotl seen Try
latefy? He's been hittin' the weights, hasn't
3. To idolize. he? He:r szvole, dmvg.

------�----------------------�-- 1t________ __

o • o o o • oo o o o o • • o o o o o o I o • o o o o • • o o o o • oo o • o o o o o o o • • o o o • o 0 • • o • 0 0 o o 0 o o o o o oo o oo o o ' o o o 0 o ' 0 o o o o o o o o o • o • • • • • 00 0 0 o 0 0 oo 0 o o o o o o o o 0 o ' 0 ' ' ' ' ' 0 ' ' o • • • o • 0 • • • 0 • • 0

tab tag
Single dose of LSD on paper ·

To create graffiti. Usually implies

squares. Also known as a "blotter." vandalism with spray paint, but can
: be any graffiti.
I took JetleJT tabs last night and I'm .rtill .

. Get ttp, man, we1re going tagging tonight.

table muscle . take it to the bank

A huge belly. . Verify jt and find it to be true.
A way to say, "What was said is
You .ree Bronco Def's table muscle? 1 bet
. the absolute truth and can be
he weigh 350 and could stay at the br�fftt
ven'fite d"

all day longl


. Momtt Everest .ri the tallest geographical

. point on this plane� and )'OU can take
tadow .
. that to the bank.
Combination of "tada" and "wow."
Amazjngly great or awesome.

. take names
Dayam! Did)'OU see the ne1v Rolling .
To take control. Usually used in
Stones cotJer JJJith Britney Spears on ti ? She
reference to military actions.
was tadowl
Marines: Kick ass and take names!

. ''J 'j. '
--�. I, o
take off

uncalled-for, or rude, often with

To initiate a fight. To throw the first the intent of instigating a strong
punch. (possibly negative) reaction.

If that bitch keeps talk ing shit, yo11 better .. jeff Ted, _you .ruck so much that
take off 011 h is ass. David Omk s i hat1ing a tough time

Ted· Don't talk shit to me, plq]a. Keep


take out the trash .

. talking and I'lL deckyou.
To date someone who someone else
tossed out like the trash. .. 2. To make empty threats.
I dumped Susanna last month and noJJJ

Tom: fm gonna breakyour kHeecaps opm


Ber!}i is with her. That garbage man is .

and makeyott drink thefluid


alwqys taking out tl!J trash. .


Drake: Yeah, right. You'rejust talking


take the L .

Short for "take the loss." Frequently

talk to the hand
used to describe flunking a test, .

A saying used to ignore and disre­

being dumped, being stood up,

. gard a comment or an insult when

being beaten up or robbed, or losing

you can't think of a way to counter

one's money in the stock market,
.. it. \vben this phrase is used, it is
gambling, or through exploitative .
customary to raise your hand, palm
business schemes. .
.. facing out, and place it almost
! reaffy took the L on that history exam. .
tOuching your adversary's face. This
can make even the most civil person
raging mad. Another variation is
take to school
"talk to the hand 'cause the face
To beat someone in a competition, .

don't give a damn."

prove someone wrong, or otherwise

. .Misty: �ylee,you a nas!J, ugjy, stupid­


show them how it's done.

.F;ylee: Talk to the hand (raises hand to
���Quentin,you beat him 5-0,you
. it1isty'sface)
realfy took him to school.

talk shit .. tanked
. Intoxicated with alcohoL
1. To say something untruthful, .

!was tappe d after 1vorking that

He got tanked at the party 011 Saturdtry 12-hour

and spent all dqy Sunda.J' praying to the .

.rh t
if .
porcelain god.

. 2. Broke.


Btqing all those shots at tbe bar leji me


A widespread disease: No matter tapped hy last calL

how tan you are, you never think .
you are tan enough. .
.. target practice
Leigh A nne: il-felis.ra, su;eetie, I think . Placing a flushable object in a toilet

you't;e had enough sun todqy. Oike a small piece of toilet paper),

Melissa: �No, no, I must get a tan. then urinating on it. Usually done
Leigh Anne: You't;e been at the beadJ all •

bv males.

dqy. I thinkyou are !anorexic. .

I'm bored and sober. So I'm doing target
. practice in tbe bathroom.
To gain access to something, usually

tasty beverage

sexual relations v.1th a female. An .

A drink that contains alcohol.
"untapped resource" is someone who
Ldr hit

hasn't been with anyone yet, or some­ up Ril�/rjf1r a ta.r(y beverage.

one with a lot of potential whom not

many people rate or notice. ... tat

That ne1v girl in my tutorial is an Short for "tattoo."
untapped resource. EtJf:T)'OJle tbink.r she:r a
. Check out n!)' neu; tat.

nerd ... but !just know it can be tapped!


tap out .. technical difficulties
. Signs of intoxication, including
To get out; to peel out; to leave .
slurred speech and wobbly
I need to tap Of.l! in 10 minutes. ...
. Sor�y I couldn't shou1 up toyour gig}

mate. I Jtta.r bam'ng a je1v tecbnical

tapped d[fjit-ultie.r.


1. Exhausted. Tired.

.:3 0 5

techno The only worse way to break up is

A type of electronic music typically tO be cyberdumped via e-mail or

. .
characterized by a medimn tO very mstant messenger.
fast tempo, synthesized instruments,

Ijust got teledl.i!Jiped; h0111 much IJ!

heavy bass, and sometimes exotic
. could it be? Oh)'eah, well at least I didn't
and strange instruments, drums, and ..
get ryberdu·mped. That'd be too harsh.
sound effects. Sometimes mixed

with other genres such as jazz, rock,

hip-hop, and various ethnic genres telly
to create different results. Variations Television.
of techno include: acid, rave, synth,

Jllalfh the soccer game


I need to go on r1.ry
gabba/gabber, goa, trance, trip-hop,
newflatscrem telfy.
house, jungle, industrial, old-skool .

techno, ambient, hardcore, nu NRG,

speedcore, deathcore, experimental, Texas tea
club, punkcore, space funk, electro, . Crude oil.
ghetto tech, euro, new-skoal rap, .

Th�y .rtruck the ol' 1exas tea . . . fucl�y

booty house, acid jazz, garage, etc. . Jumbitches motJi!1' on to Dallas.


Ijust do1JJnloaded .rome tiziiiiight acid .

te,·hno track.r off the net/

. Texas two-step
. W'hen you are driving and want to
technosexual change lanes, but there is someone
A dandyish narcissist in love with not . in the other lane, you quickly jerk
only himself, but also his urban .
the wheel into that lane but stay in
lifestyle and gadgets; a straight man . your lane. This panics the driver,
who is in touch with his feminine and as they hit the brakes you get

side and has an extreme fondness for the room you need to safely move
electronics such as cell phones, PDAs, into that lane.
computers, software, and the '\veb.
. This car 1vill not let me otJer; time to do
You'd never beliet;e it to kok at bi111, but . th e Texas IJJ!o-.rtep.
he's a tecbnosexual1 .


teledump To send an SMS message from one
Being dumped over the telephone. . person tO another via mobile phone.

--------� ·-· --

Haveyou textedjames about tonight? ..... that's hot

..... Interjection of approval. Often used

text talk ..... on Tbe Simple Life reality series by

..... Paris Hilton in her monotone voice
A language used in SMS messages
.... when referring to almost anything.
to make them easier, and quicker, to
write. Also "txt tlk" or "thumbtext." ... Parsi : lVhere areyoufrom?
JV!e: Columbia.
A: i (L)d it but evry1 startd .rqyin tht i
cut mase!f n etJrythng JPen it woz ma jalt!!
..... Pari.r: That� hot.
.ro i aint nomor! but it woz wkd!! ... Paris: IV'hat color is_your .rhirt?
B: SatJe the text talk for cellphones. Wr#e Me: Green.
me a rea/letter. . Pari : Tha6 hot.

thang ..... that's how we do
. A substitute for the phrase "yeah,
.... man, that's how we do (or say)
Hit that tbang.' .
... things" or "that's how we act
.. 'round here, brotha." Can also
that guy mean "that's a good girl/boy" or
The person everyone Loves to hate "that's mah girl/boy/hoi." Also
and never wants to become. The ..... "that's how I roll."

guy who makes an ass of himself

.... Yeah, man) that's ho111 1n do.
and embarrasses everyone who ....
knows him.
that's my word
I was dn'vn
i g n
i heat()l trqffit· and got
�--- � - - · . I

.. �·,
Interjection used to reinforce a . .
'!1 . . l l

stuck itl the middle of the inlersectionju.rt .

. statement. t''·-"t..�:·T
' J...


. ..

i {.

a.r the light turned red. Because �f me,

no one could get �y. Sudden!;• I becaf!le .....
Person 1: Ew, stay azvq_yftom that one-

"tbat g�)'. " she's a skank .
..... Person 2: No .rhit?
..... Person 1: Thalr my word!
that's butt ..
Short for "that's butt ugly." Na$ty.
..... that's what Pm
Anquan: Yo, _you see that girl OtJcl there? talking about
ShaJtlan: Naw, man, that's butt. .. Statement of agreement. Used even

- � I


the wtf'e l�ji. mefor the mailman.


if you've never talked about and "f.Y

subject before. Doc That's the breaks.

Dude #1: Look at that chick!

. the falling leaf
D14de #2: Thctt's Jz•hall'm talkin' about!
. Basic snowboarding move. When
. someone is first learning and is
the block is hot .
. scared to attempt carving, they go
Statement meaning the police are on . . all the way down the slope on their
the block. .
. heelside by first heading downhill
The blo ck .r
i hot! Better runfor t"'tJe!: . with their dominant foot, and then
their other foot, imitating the

. motion of a falling leaf.

the bomb
Really cool. . Sarah was tired rffalling on her a .r.r et!CI'}
time she tried to carve, so shejust did the
Einstein is the bomb!
. falling leaf all the wcq down the slope.
the bomb diggity .
the fear
The greatest thing ever.
A state of intense, drug-induced
Yotl might hear thefollo211ing in Phil/y: paranota.
The Phi/lies are the bomb diggiry. lnfact,
Where's my knife? ... The fear�r got me
thi.r cheese.rteak is the bomb diggi!J.
. bad, man.

the breaks .
the jacket
Bad luck, a damn shame, or an .
. The fuzz. The five-0. The poJice.
unfortunate occurrence.
. I'm tired of thejacket taking til)' sta.rb.
Doc: tP'hat up, tlmvg.
1 'imny
! : Nothing much. I lost a quarter
under the JJ'a.rhing machine a couple . the kid
minutes ago. . A way to refer to yourself in the
. third person. Often used by G-Unit
Doc: Tha6 the breaks.
(A Z11eek later) members 50 Cent and Uovd Banks.

Doc: What up, da�P,·

. Bag /acfy: Paper or plastic?
TimtJI)'.' Didn't)IOU hear? I lo.rt nryjob .
U7cmksta: AaaaJvtVWtvpleev bitch ! You
- --
- -- --
-- �

-. Your party wa.r gettin thick 'ttl thejive-0


knou1 what the kid be all about. Da



paper, bo! Now wrap dem grocerie.r up .

showed up. Eve�ybodJ' rolled out tben.

11m know hotv I roiL


good, bai?J•.

Bag l.a4y: Here)'OU go, sir. .

2. Having a nice butt, nice legs, not

W'cJnk.rta: And tPhile_yo' at i� throu• in .

skinny, with m at on your bones .

thir here 50-pmk qfjimtrl:)' hats, '


Thickness is the shit.


i all night, bai?J'.'

know the kid be hittin' t .

Damn, that girl is thick,_yo!


Yeah, beee-otch! .

Bag lady: Thank_)'011for shopping. J-IatJe -.



a nice dry.

W'cJnksta: Peace! The kid be out.' (/eat1e.� .

Fancy clothes.

Bag lady: What um up 1vith that dumb ..


- 1-Iry, don't touch the tbread1.
tJJhite kid? .


thrift score


the red button


Finding something of value in


Nuclear burron. -

cheap store or yard sale. Does not



the Internet.

Duri•zg the Cold War there tvas mud

Jfear .

apply to

about JJJbether or not we'd rea!!J hcwe to .


Check thiJ thr!fl .rt·ore: leopttrd print


use the red button. -


- platform shoes)or $5!


the shit .

T h e best. Without "the," it has the


To engage in a fistfight



opposite meaning. "My teacher is


shit" bad teacher. "M v te acher is Are_you talking to me? You wmma

' .

th e shit" the greatest teacher. throu.1? Let's thrOJv!



Man, tbs
i weed is the shit! I tcm barely -


fte/ q0'feet! -

throw 'bows

To dance, as in the

Man, tbis umd is shit. It taste.r like


Hospitality" video



when rapper Ludacris holds up



his fists and looks like he's punching

thick .
the sky, throwing up his elbows
1 . Crowded. Full of people, usu ally

(hence "'bows").

at a party or club.

� . � ......
.�i ..,;
•• ·

ht tip that nm' club on Frid£!Y· I was the writer's full name. An unfilled

l� :
thr01vin' 'bow.r the 111hole night! throw up (outline only) is a

.. «hol.low." A filled throw up is

usually a "crack-fill" (quick back
throw down
and forth strokes with a fill color) .

1 . To do a DJ set or mix.
Also called a <'throwie" or "thrmv."
I threu' down a se/ la.rt night at ths
i parry
}ou knoJIJ that kid who thrmv.r up 1\IE?
and rocked the spot.
. What do th�y 1/)rite?

2. To fight. .

Some bqys JJJere all up n
i ourfaces, so we
Old-school or retro person or thing.

had ta thro111 down ta represmt.

Tbat Lat't)' l!Jtrdjet"Sf)' s
i a thrmJJbade..
3. To have a large party.
He tbmv down bardcore last U'eekend. throwed
1 . Magnificent. Pleasing to the eye.

throw salt . The club wa.r throJJJcd tonight. lou

To purposely try to foul up shou/da been there.
someone's mack game and keep
them from getting sex. .
2. Intoxicated or high .

W�y areyou tbroJJ!tltg .ralt in 1r�y ga111e? I . He was too thr01ved to notice his dran,et:r
oughta punchyour lights out. .

JJJere around his ankles.


Out of stvle.
throw under the bus J

To reveal information damaging to It JVas .ro embarras.ring to see her JJ!car

another's character, as to a boss or those thron,ed-ass shoes.
girl friend.

Yo, Ben, thanksfor throwing me under the thug

bus 1vith that remark about girLr. . 1 . A person, usually a man, who has
taken to a life of violent crime.
. Usually raised in a hostile, deprived
throw up .

. environment. They differ from

A quick graffiti bomb. Usually not

. gangsters i n the respect that they are

-- --
-- --
-- --
---,� - · --------.0--�---.

not into organized crime. /\ thug : 3. Buff, fit, good-looking.

could graduate into a gangster
If/hen he wore his Amlani .ruit he looked

and may work for one, while still

. tick.
doing spontaneous muggings or .

dealing. When in gangs they can be .

proprietary about their turf. . tig ol' bitties

A spoonerism for "big ol' titties,"

You see that thug 07JCr there selling rocks? .

meaning large breasts. Often used as


the slurring language of


code, or
2. To act like a thug. .

a drunk, while in the presence of a

Tupac admts
i to thuggin' Jince elementary buxom woman.

st-hool. .

Yar! Let us drink to the queer old dean


. *hie* and let�r 'ave somma thJJtJ'J tig of'

thugged out .
Appearing to be a member of urban
ghetto culture through affected .
attitudes, mannerisms, language,
. tight

1. Close (when referring to a friend) .
or dress.
Ah, man, you are looking especial
. We been tight since middle school.
thugged out todqy with them suede pleats .
2. Cool, stylin' (when referring to an

and that b01v/er bat. •

object) .

The chromed-out rims on his new car

tick .
are tight.
1 . Bloodsucking parasite who takes
over your life, bleeds you dry, and is .

hard to get rid of.

tighten it up T I'
. .

To get one's shit together.

I spent the better part of the morning in
d01vntonm's Third Circuit Comt having a .
After he broke bis sobriety and drank,
i up.
tick removed. . Anij totdJolm to tighten t

2. To get some playing time in a

.. timin'
sports game.
• A cooler way to say "happenin'."

i garbczge.
That dude s He gets no tick.

t ' '?.1
J ttmtn ' ·
. .

..,, 1.
._, 1

tin third ear on lli.J ass.


A badge carried by law enforcement . Tex: DcnmJ, dmvg, TMI!

officials. ..

Qffi,·er F0."<.· had to turn in his tin and

1veapon back at the station. ..

Incredibly awesome. Alternative to

saying "it's the bomb."

Dude, thi.r .rong s

i the TiVT

ups .
Short for "tipsy." Slightly drunk. .

IPe all had a good drunken time do1vn at .. to the dome

the bar.r, and Susie got especial!;' tips. . To the head. Often used in
reference to taking a large quantity
of intoxicant in a short time so
tired . that it goes straight "to the head,"
Boring. Old. Overused.
.. or to refer to taking a blow/bullet
That song iJ tired. Change CD.r. .

to the head.

Dude! Didyou)14.rl .ree that?Johnjust

tits took ct ha!foum-e to the dome! fle'll be
Good, tight, cool, awesome. lutky !l he doun'tpau out cold.


Yo, Ijustpicked up that ne1v ga!Jie­ ..



shit i.r tits!


1. Guns.

�Pe gonna ride ttp with tha toast andju.rt
.. bu.rt slugs.


1 . Acronym for Three Nlile Island,

a nuclear power plant near .

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that 2. Destroyed, terminated, ceased

leaked radiation in 1979 but is still functioning, ended abruptedly by
operational. external forces.
2. Acronym for "roo much
. y car tl.'af toast ajier I hit that waiL
information." ..

Tex: So hou/r thatjob at 1il11going? .


Biify Bob: Pretty good, at least .rim·e that .


Extremely intoxicated by alcohol or

accident wqy back, 1JJhicb made me grow a

other drugs.

3 1 2
, --
. ----
--- ------ --- ·--------�

�f,;e f!.Ot kitked out o/ home. eamoll'lics
• • . Someone who can't think for
'c,tlt.rf 111e nwrld abl't!)'S .rho11: t�p toasted themselves.
a11cl eat all the mokies.
Kip: Dude, I need a ride to thepar(y.
Riro: A.1k N�pole.rm. / l(<r a tool.
toe up •

W'asted bevond belief bv an
. toolish
illegal suhstance of some sort or
. Out of character and/or done to
by alcohol. Also "tore up." .
. suck up tO another.
}'o) man, fiJI )!,mma ,go to that par(y .
Ted, 1/ Ji'tt.l �/_you to pick Hp tbe
�bl am/,get JO toe up_yrm )JJ(Jll 't
. ho.u:r laundr:_y {�fler be tJiade]ON nwk tbe
recognize me/
/l l(?eke11d.
toke .
tool box
To i nh ale marijuana smoke. .
i\ mega tool; a boy who thinks
} laud lbtZtpnw: pipe on:r bere. I m�ed girls worship him when they really
rmotber toke. .
want to vomit on his shoes. Also

. "tool kit."

told iV!atl i.f Jtoljtl.fl a loof.-.-be\· tbe whole

Put in one's place, whether in .
box r!f toolr, ct (.'O!JJplete tool box.
the form of a humiliating insult,
beating, or other form of defeat. .
. toppin some Gs
Ob,_you came tiJ bere all arrogtmf, but Making some money. Working.

_you 1,.01 !old.'
Dan:g, 1 ,�otla top .rome C:r lomorrom . .


.. •'
r.·:. ••.
1'.· :/T
I"' '
· I
. . ,

�- '
' •

. ·• I I
. 1

. .,, ' \ . .

1. Someone who tri es too hard. .
tore down l.
. Extrcmclv drunk. \\lasted, smashed,
A poser.

or plastered.
People n1Jo JPerJr b�ge logos on t
heir sbirtJ
. ]�,ur .ri.i'ter: H�J� ba�y, ll'mma ,get it on?
are took .
Nick· 1Vo. I dmnk too lltlfCb. Can'lyou
.fee? I'm puki1�g bud
2. An idiot who doesn't realize .
. Your .rZ:rter: 1 don't mine! a little pztke.
they're being used by other people.
.. '\
,_";; \) .


11m know where tofind me, bg i b�y. F/1 be : 3. To rob.

Tbat store needr to be toud;ed.
l\litk: Inyour dream.1� bo. 1 mqy be lore

doum, but that doesn't d.1ange the.fcut tbt.t!

_you're strat�P,ht tore up. tow
. To give someone the boot. To
dump one's significant other.
tore up
Ex tremelyugly, busted, broke down, . If he doe.m't call me I?.Y hidqy, he's
and haggard. "Straight tore up" is . i g 1011-'ed.
the superlative form.

AJ Kelfyfe!! out ql the ugfy tree and hit . toy

succe.rsiJ;e brancbe.r on the JVC!Y doum, she A graffiti artist's term for a novice.
JJJen.tfrom nothing to 1mite home about to More experienced graft]ti artists will
ug!y to broke doum to bu.rted to straight often write ''toy" next to the rag nr
tore up! graf of the novice.
. That lf!J' threJP up .rome .rhitry tcz,f!, ovn·
to tty IJ!)' graf
1 . An attractive or sexy person.
Usually refers to

sometimes used for men.

women ,
T�S reports
Poin.dess busyw'Ork assigned to you
i u;as a good bit ?l a tot(y.
Riff thoughtJm bv vour boss. Prom the movie
� �
. .

2. To be unsteadv on one's feet,.

Sure l'J/ make the criffie and rearcbi!Jf all

usually as a result of intoxication. .

. r!f the compan_/rfilesfrom tbe last ten

Ajier.five pint.r Bzil was JJery Iotty. _yem:r so that th�y are organized �y act'O!.f/11
rmmbe1· imtead of' the cf.l.rtomer:r la.rt

name, e1.•en though Jl'e don't real{y use tboJe

fi!e.r anymort>. And I'llget those TP.S
1 . To kill.
reports to)IOUfirst tbing.

2. To beat. .
The blurry lines you see as things
loNc/.1 him up. . move around after consumption of

3 1 4

--------------- -"· --- --- --� - --


too much alcohol and/or too much really are at something.

Our voll
ryball team beat the other team

Oh, man, I'm .ro me.ued up I'm seeing . /Jadfy., th�y got treated'

tracers. .

trade junk Marijuana, THC, shwag, or nugs

To have casual sex. . (kind bud).


I ir111ited myfriend ot;er to watch 111011ies . .

Them trees got me higher than a mutha

and tradejunk.


trends hi an
tranny . Any female engaging in same-sex

1. Transvestite or transsexual. interaction for the purpose of

obtaining attention or popularity.
Jon is a tranny. Check out his gir!J clothes.
. She is such a trmdrbian.

2. i\ vehicle's transmission.
Pt>�li that tramry .ro 111e can overhaul it: trick out
. 1. In the car tuning scene: to modify

3. In snowboarding, the transition . a vehicle with as many types of

betv�een the table and the landing aftermarket parts as are supported

bv that certain vehicle.

• ,

Jump. ,


. As soon (JS Iget m

.Some idiot skier hit me on the tramry. y settlement check, I'm
. l)' ride.
gomw !rid�. out Il
· '
..'- T

transcriptrix . 2. Heavilv accessorized with · '

A kinky-sounding name for the


. premium or above-average
woman who records meeting minutes. .
. modifications.

The association r11as getting cl little stodgy,

.ro thisyear instead of electing a secretary,
..41 ber coronation, the Oueen 111as all

trickRd out ifl brotade, ermine, and the

changed the 11ame to transcriptrix. .

. crownjewels.

i\1ike tricked out hi.r new apartment tJ.tith


treat .

a .rweet .rurround-.wund s
. .

To show someone how terrible •

trifling Portishead, Mami;e Allack, D) Shadow,
Lazy, pathetic, worthless. Go/dfrapp, Lamb, Morcheeba, Smith &
lv!igh!J, Alpha, f!iork, Earthling,
Man, you didn't take a sho11'er after being
Hooverphoni� l'rfono, Smoke Ciry, and
111ith thatgirl?! Youjust trijlin'!
Zero 7 are afm; exemplary trip-hop groups.

trip . trip out

1. To act whack; to overreact or to
To lose your mind on drugs.
lose yo' cool.
That acid made me trip out bad.
Yo, homey, don't trip. !Ve'lfget dem hitthes
next time.
triple-dog dare
2. A single complete experience of The ultimate dare one can issue to
using acid (LSD) or any other pow­ another. You cannot back down
erful hallucinogenic drug. . from a triple-dog dare; the dare
must be implemented or carried our.
That trip was craij last night. I'm net;er .

taking the brown .rtujj' again. I triple-dog dareyou to put_your tongue rm

thatfrozen light post.
3. Something crazy, chaotic, or cool.

Wcm1 that ride si a real trip! trippy

· Crazy or weird.

trip-hop ·

1fell oJJthe roof Yeah, ti waspretty trippy.

A blend of electronica and down­
tempo hip-hop, urban and ethereal,
street and ambience. Thought­
A piece of software to gain access
provoking, sensual, and deep.
to a computing system while the
Often features string section
owner isn't aware of its existence.
and/or brass section. Can be either
Often introduced in a system
instrumental or with female vocals .

hidden in an appealing-looking free

O cca sionally with rap. Trancy and
package or game. Works on the
smooth. Often jazzy. Sometimes
same principle as the Trojan horse
features turntablism/scratching.
Odysseus used to conquer Troy in
It's head-nodding music and chill­
Homer's iliad
out musiC.

3 1 6
GI!J 1: Iplanted a Trojan in her .rystem­ : Jerry'.rparents pqyfor everything and he
I even have access to her webcam non'.' doesn't do shit. He's such a tru.rtfimd baf?y.

G'UJ' 2: You realyf .rhouldget a qe, dude.' .

troll Acronym for "tough shit."
One who posts a deliberately .
. it1an 1: Dude, 1jus/ /Jroke 11�)' leg. I wn't
provocative message to a .
make it.
newsgroup or message board with
Man 2: TS.
the intention of causing maximum .
disruption and argument. .

. tubular
Oh no, not another troll making radst
Used mostly in the '80s, or by peo­
and homophobitposts . . .
ple mocking the '80s to describe
. something awesome or excellent.

trucker cap . That's totalfy tubular, dudett·e-

e-lll'!)' to go!
A $40 hat worn bv sorostitutes


because "white trash is soooo cool

this year!" .
l-1 special type of

joint made famous

Oh my God, Christy! lou have to see this . by the Dutch that looks like a
great trucker hat Igot a/ American Bag/e .
. regular joint with a tulip-shaped
yesterdtfY! lt'.r soooooo much like a real
sack of marijuana on the end of it .

trucker hat, onfy Ipaid $40for it/ Aren't .

. It looks like a tulip with a long stem
1 cool?! .
hanging from your mouth .

Gt[)' 1: Ho1v much 111eed 1ve got lift?


true that G�y 2: Quite a bit. D�jinitefy enou._P.,h for

Interjection of agreement. Means
a #tlip.

Guy 1: lvfan, that .rho1v last night 1va.r the

tunnel runner
bomb. An individual who runs through a
Guy 2: 7 rue that. city's underground tunnels with the
intent of exploration, tagging, or

trust-fund baby escape, often while dodging security

One who lives off their parents. patrols or trains.


The police have been arresting atry tunnel · tweek

runners th�y catch trespassni g in the sub- To be under the influence of
1/Jf!Y system. . methamphetamine. Also "tweak."
1\1an, Igot all ttueaked two dt!JS ago and
turf .
I'm Jtiil aJvake.
To trip and fall on the ground.

i 11'as running around outride of the bar tweeker

and I turfed-scratched up "!Y armpretry . A methamphetamine user. Can
good. be recognized by their extreme

. paranoia and flagrant dishonesty.

turkey drop !
f_you let those damned ttz,eeker.r come to

This happens when a dating couple .

_yourparty, don't e."Ped to hatJeyo11r .rtereo
try the long-distance relationship in the morning.
thing when they go off to college in .

September. Typically, when


. tweenager
Thanksgiving rolls around and
. A person who has entered the
everyone goes home for the holiday,
"in between" years of 1 0 to 12.
someone gets dumped. Hence the .

These children display common
"turkey drop." .

traits, interests, and developing

I hope Bob and I make t
i pa.rt the psychologies separate from those in
tur� drop. . younger, and older, age brackets .

. Commonly abbreviated to "n.veen."

. Usually in relation to consumption

turntablist .
. and marketing.
One who uses turntables in the
spirit of an instrument; whereas . Those ilt/ary-Kate andAshlty' clotbing
ordinary DJs simply stand there and products are spetjfi.cai!J' /Jlarketed to
play two records, a turntablist . tweenagers.

scratches and manipulates his vinyl,

and supplements it with breakbeats
. twig and two berries
and samples.
The male genitalia, collectively.
D) Premier, Alchemi.rt, and Eric Barrer .

Foul! Yo1-1 hit me in the !Jvig and two


are all true t1trntablists.


. berrie.r.

3 1 8
twist off : twitterp ated
To consume alcoholic beverages, Compl ete and i mmediate infatuation
but usually beer. The term comes .
,1;-jth someone or something that

from twist-off beer bottles. Used in occurs with the onset of spring;
c ou nt ry singe r Trac y By rd s song .. giddy excitement rooted i n the

"Dnn . k.-m Bone.

" .
physical. From the Walt Disney
movie Bambi.

Sarti is sta·h an alcoholic that he bas to

wake r.p every t"Ottple of hour.r during the .A.rk iYlarie about her tJB11' ttrtl()' b�y .

night to t1vt�rt off because be sktr!s to get .

.SI:1e:r so t7J•itterpated she t'fzn hare(y tc1lk.
too tJmcb blood in lu:r alcohol stream. .


. two-comma kid
twist up your fmgers A kid whose parents arc very

To display a gang sign or be in a

rich (two commas i mplyi ng a seven-

gang. .
figure income or net worth).
Little]obnny ttSBd to plt?J soccer and go to }'0, Cam is a total tJvo-comma kid . . .
Bqy Scotti meetin gs, but nmv he IJvistJ "P J110uldn't be af!)lllelh re withottl his dad.


biJjingers and .rlangs crack rock on the

corner. .
1. The amount of marijuana that

twisted .
can be bought for $20.

1. Very drunk.
l:lejust .rold me a t1110tJtp!
Yo, JJ/e got 11Pisted b�fore tve 1vent to dczt
party! 2. A $20 bill.

lthreu' doJJ!n a IJ/.101/Jp.


2. Mixed up, confused.


DrmJt get it tJvisted. Ju.rt 'mz she slept .

JJJitb tbe wboie block don't mean sbe�r a

ho--she�rju.rtfriendfy. .

3. Crazy, wild.

That gJ!] is into some t1visted sbit. fie

111anted me to te
i him up. .

l , -

._. I ":. ..:.

· · · · · · · . . . . . .. . . . .. · · · · · · · · · · - - · � · - - · · - · · · - - · · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .

uber : deserve the second sv l lable.


When used before a word, magnifies .

Rn� didyou see her? Jhe was an ug.'

that word. Indicates the ultimate,



above all, best, top. Also



I'm ttber-tm �jtt.fed Can_ytJN explain 1i


- u{•
To make verv lv.
ju.rt one more time? . b'

The rompm�y rea/.b' ugfijied tbeir .rhoeJ
thir .rea.wn.
d rinkin..g

Acronvm for "unidentifled

. .

injury." Random bruises, aches, and . unco


pains one picks up when one .

1. Short for "uncoordinated."
but can't remember cxactlv


You're loo um·o to pic!)' .roccet:


how they happened.


i\'[y bO)jriend· !'ttl pret(y .iure 1 broke a


2. Being otherwise clumsy in any

.fingerplt[)'itzf!, cardr last nigbt. respect.

Me: ff7hatever. Sounds more /ik.e a UD!.

. You're .ro tmco,_you can't etJeJl heat Tetris.

ug .


Short for "ugly." Reserved a

Art, opinion, or organization that

person who is so ugly they don't .


exists outside of mainstream society Dm;e P: Hl()� dir{_you see thatgirl back
or culture. Also known as "independ­ · there?
ent" or sometimes "counterculture." _.-4 Dizzje: The one 1vitb a 1nuJtache?

Dm.�e P· 1 thottj!,ht it JJ/aS a shadon', lml

Gf! f pr�Jerred the wulergrotmd IJtttsit

Jhe looked pretiJ' good.
mm in ber arec1 to the bland stujf tbat .

.,4 Dizzk· Unholla-that bitch u1aJ

plc:yed on most mdio statiom.

. c

unflushable .
. units
The girlfriend or boyfriend who
Short for "parental unit." Your
simply will not be dumped.

lJnable to get rid of.

God, the units ariJ cramping

!!!.)' Jl)'le.
Beth is maddeninglY ttf!fl.uJbable; I broke .


up 11'ith her again last night and zve still .


ended up at herpLace.

unleash the fury
To be particularly violent. To open
a can of whoopass. To attack
ungood .
. animalistically.
Surfer term for "bad." i\lso used in
George Orwell's novel 1984. He IJJa.f like a/.1 in ''?Jfate, untill,got to a

. po int 1 bad to ;m/eaJh thejtt�y.

Dude, that Tiltpeout was totai!J ungood.

up against it
. In trouble. Used in a situation
To be effectively anonymous on the .

in which the deck is stacked


Internet because a Google search

agamst you.
for vour name returns an over-

whelming number of results about W.-f're rt!cd!y !1/J against it 110JJ··f .
" ,. '

someone else with the same name.

. u

H o ney, let's tzame himjames Smith so bdl •

up in my Kool-Aid
be tmgoogletJble zvhen he gran'S up. Someone\ personal business. Used

in the deepest parts of the hood .

unholla Yott best be .rteppin' qjj! W/&yyou all up

Interjection of disappointment or in 11�)! Kooi�Aid?

. ·' ··'· I

up north j\!{y V(ij! 11pstatejinai

!J got up out thejoint.

In jail (mostly used in hip-hop music).

Dmv: I'm gonna tak.e these drugs up .

. urban exploration

north and smuggle them into Canada. .
Going places you're not supposed

Btlljirst I gotta stop at Drmkin' DonutJ·. .

to go in a city. Often the act o f


I'm madjonningfor one of those. .

urban exploration is illegal, as
Jason: Damn right_yott gonna be headit�g . trespassing is usually necessary.
up north, cracka. Dunki11' Domtt.r is a However, the majority of urban
pij. sty.
Them po-pos gonna arrestyo' explorers do not vandalize
white as.r. property. One of the cardinal rules
of urban exploration is "take only
photographs, leave only footprints."
up on dat .

. Also known as "urban adventure»

Knowledgeable. To know some­
and "UE."
thing or have current informacion. .
Mostly used to brag or tell someone .
There's an abandonedfactory. Are)'Ott
they don't know something. . upfor .wme ttrban exploration?
l been seein'_your girlfor month.r noJJJ,)'OII
ju/ 1vam't up on dat. .

To look something up on
upchuck . '

To throw up. Dude,_yott don't know what "1337"

means? Urbanup!
I Hfxhuckerl my lunch.

. urch

To throw up, be sick, vomit.
In prison.

That gtf} at t he party JJJaS urchin'

lgot Jenf uprit;er.

Jail. The same thing as "up north" .

or "upriver." Comes from New

York, where thugs get sent to the
penitentiary upstate of the cit)' · .

. . . . . . . ........ .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ...... . . . .
..................... . .
. ....... . ............. ..
. ............. . . .. . ........... . .... ... . . . . . . ..

: pro-
va va voom without ever actually being
The feeling you get when you're duced. All hype but no substance.
filled with inspiration or full of .
f'm going to upgrade1 but the

exc; tement and energy. .

manufacturer's promised upgrade i.r

She got her va va tiOOm back zJJhen she
. six_years late-it's total vaponJiare.
realized that she had not missed the

deadline for the contest. .

Virginity.All virgins have a "V-card"
until thev "cash it in" for sex.

value add
A business euphemism for ''the rea­

Gty� 1.'}ason spmt the ttight at some
son I'd like you to think I'm useful." .
girl's place.
il{y llalue add on this prcject is to le1Je.mge

G19 2: Did he cc1sh in his Vcard?
best-known-methods (BJ(Ll1s) tofocus 011 .

strategies leveraging core competencies .

mo11ingjonJJard synergistical!J to achieve
. A Volkswagen product.
our mutual business oijectives.
That V-D11b is slatm11ed.

vaporware .

Usually software, but can be any­ veg out


thing that is promoted and marketed . To be an (often stoned) couch potato.

., ? ...:'\

· �
Ijt�sl vegged ot�t on Ftiday night.' · vibe
A distinctive emotional atmos­
phere sensed intuitively.
verbal diarrhea
When someone is just talking so It gatJe me a nostalgic 1/ibe.
much shit it's like it spews from

their mouth in a disgusting and

uncontrollable wav.
Bad-ass. Cool. Savage.

Jejf has so much verbal diarrhea that


That's a tliolent drinkyoujust made.
he's going to get his ass kicked.

Thank.r, .

vest .


A bulletproof vest. Most typically .

Short for "viral marketing." An


a Kevlar vest worn by police

online marketing strategy that
officers. Term popularized by

encourages people to pass on a

rapper 50 Cent, who wears one all .
marketing message. Often amusing
the time.

and low-budget, a good Internet
Playa's got .rome enemies, so he's /Jeen .
viral campaign (like "Terry Tate:
sporfT.n . }
a vest. •
. Office Linebacker") will get surfers

fonvarding the ad to all of their



friends, who e-mail it to more


. friends, and so on, gving the
A gang veteran who has seen many

company great word of mouth .


street wars. Also a veteran of the .

drug game.
Flf/]): Check out thir hilarious 'lli' ral
from 1-[yurtdai.'

He's a 11et. Been running drugs for ages.



A harmful computer program that
To imbue with lasting vigor. .

spreads itself to other computers
slumping; therefore,

Revenues are once contracted, somewhat like its

tJJe tmfSt Viagrate our sale.rforce. .
biological counterpart.

. Ijust installed Windou1s Vista, and

before I cotlld even update I got a virus.

-- --
------ ------------------------
· · -----------
.. ....

vom V-plates
So disgustingly repulsive it makes A label given to a person who has
you want to vomit. : not experienced sexual intercourse;
a ·virgin. Derived from L-plates,
Thefood in the dining hall loni,P,ht i.r t'Otll.' . square white signs with red letter
. "Ls" on them that are displayed on
vomit comet the back and front of a vehicle
1. Multi-engine jet plane capable of driven by a person who is learning
sustaining dives long enough to . to drive in the U.K. L-plates are
simulate weightlessness; primarily removed from the vehicle once the
used for astronaut training and films person is a qualified driver.
like Apol.lo 13. .
. john lost his V -plates at the party last
I didn't realize myflight to JFK u1as 011 . night.
the vomit comet until the captain im;ifed us
to unbuckle our seatbelts andfloatfreefy .
about the cabin.
with a little vomit;
. A burp laced
usually occurs when you've had
2. The late-night bus you have to . one too many and it has become
take home after the subway stops
.. difficult to distinguish between
running. So named because all the ..
. the two.
patrons on it are drunks from the •


bar, and alcohol-induced vomiting I made it through the tvhole night udtbout
. .
ts a common occurrence. •
1Jomiting) not including vurps, qf

I hate taking the vomit comet home. You

meet the drunkest 11'eirdos on it. .

Acronym for "visible panty line." ·� - ·� ·-
- ·.!
.,.._•.... ,. v

!· '
{\ ..

B�fore thong underwear became ail the .
rage, VPLs 1vere t·onsidered the ultimate
in tmdergarment .rexiness.

.. ,._. ·:<�'·


• • •• • • • • • • • •• •• ••• •• • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
0 • 0
• • • 0 •• •• • • • • • ••• •• • • •• •• • • • • • •• • • • • •
• • • • •• •• • • • • 0 • • • • ••• •• •

wa gwan :

imm ediately smoking the

Interjection meaning "What's up?"
"prepacked" bong that is sitting
or "How's it going?" ready to smoke on your bedside
: table. Can be used to describe any
Yo, ma gu1an, Starr?
: simation where someone smokes

with in one hour of waking up .

wack .

I'm becomin' abit chronic these dqys, like


Not coo1, sorry, sad, pathetic; also

JPake and bake eve1)1 dcry and shit.


Hes wack as hell'


walk of shame
\X'hen a woman leaves the home of
a man (quite possibly one she met
waffle-crapper .

. the night bef ore) in the early morn­

A chick so hot that you wouldn't .

. ing hours-hair sticking out in all

care if she walked up and crapped
directions, make up half gone, \\lith

on your waffle. In fact, you would .

her undies in a pocket or her purse.

probably wel com e it.

After a night of parrying and excessive


She's no Jtlaflle-crapper, but I'd hit it.

drinking, Cheryl woke 'P God-kno1PS-

1v/Jere with an unknown man beside her.

wake and bake

In afit of regre" she gathen1d her belong-


Waking up and, while in bed ,


ings as quick{v cmd quietb as possible rmd

creptfrom the mans boJJJ(! to do the Mzfk Polite way of saying "wanker" if
�l Jhame. there are old people, ladies, or chil­
dren present.

To call someone on a cell phone · .5or�y, Gra11dma!
while doing errands. Considered the

lowest form of telephone commu-

. . wank
l. British slang for masturbation.
I 1vas ,gotma kill that bitch JPhen .rbe did a
There UJas a gt(J in the park havit{� a
. UJank in the bNshes.

wambulance 2. A discussion without purpose

A fictional ambulance or rescue or substance that often involves pre­
squad for someone who cries or tension and bullshit.
whines, most often without provo­
. Then the entire conversatio11 d�generated
cation. A way to insult someone
into complete wank.
who often cries for no apparent rea­
son; a crvbabv, a brat, or someone
- .

suffering from hypochondria. .

A British term for one who
KJ.d· Ll7tlaa, u;aaa, I want a mokie,

masturbates. Commonly used as

Jlitlaaa, Jvcuwa, JJ!aaaa.'
a general insult.
il1om: Did .rwteone m/1 the wambulance?
]bat nw1ker cut me off in trqffic!

wang chung .

Going out and having fun, in a wanksta

vague, undefined kind of way (since A contraction of "wanker" and

no one ever reallv knew what

"gangsta" used pejoratively to label
«Everybody Wang Chung Tonight" .
those who purport themselves to be
meant in the band Wang Chung's gangsras but who are simply posing
song). as such.

Let�r go ,gel a couple of 40s and wang I Jaw Baz wearing all bi.r MiJzg resterdC!,y

dmng doum I?Y the river. and bi.r mo.rt thNggin' gear, threateninp, to
d11[ people up. fie realb· iJ" a total :. B: I don't knmt� 1tfr. Presidmt. l-et's<�o
tt'ank.rta. . to war to .find out.
.. .4: retlt' IJaaJ/1! Hot di,egicjy, I'm gom1a
sh o ot lll f JOI!Je Pems.

wannabe .

B: Pertn1iam, sit:
t\ faker, a poser. trying

. �"t lPI.Ja!et'eJ: Get the t/Jikes Jvan'Jied,
too hard to fir in w ith a specific
crowd. They usuaiJy chang e the way

they act, dress, and/or talk, but


. war tn
. •

people see past that.

Opposite of "peace out.'' Said when
Gang.rter J1Jtlllfltlhes art tOt(gh and barr(,
leaving people you don't like.
but Jvhen iti a dmif,erous Jihtation th�y .

I'm oulta

.fJis.r tbemseA•es and run hortJe. That'J it, here/ lt0r i11!

wapanese wardrobe malfunction
A derogatory cerm used to describe An accidental or supposedly
anvone \vho is a fanatical follower of accidental failure of clothing to
. <.,.

Japanese culture. Often finds the . cover parts of the body imended to
Japanese culture to be sup erior to be covered. Made famous by Jus t i n

any other culture and takes great Timberlake during a Super Bowl
pride in �hO\'ving off a new word or halftime show when he tore off

new words learned from anime or Janet Jackson's clothes.


manga he/she has translated. The

term "wapanese" is often misapplied
... Hit tbejitJe-secnnd reJVn i d bulton! Hn·
. name ttin't ba�y, it'sjctnet, and things
to any person \.vho watches anime, or
jt.t.r! ,got na.r(:y. Shejust IJad a J/Jardrobe

Japanese cartoons.
. ma/t !mdio11.1
Wapmwe mumh on i!Jiported Pod�)' a11d .

if Po,·ari

JJ'asb it doum JJ!itb a bottle



. To store nm-yer-drunk beer or

other alcohol on the side durjng
war a drinking game, as opposed to
A way of teaching dumb-ass .. actually drinking it.
Americans about geography. .
. After Grilled
. J110J1 tht! beimt
Pem tl1!)'11Jq)'?

A: Sqy, 1vhere the hell i.r . tournament, bis tropqy JJJaJ taken aJJ'try
- - ·-;;..;:_ -. - <-

when Bobl!y pointed out tbat be had . waste
Ularebo1aed eno ugh beer tofeed afamib•
To beat someone u p in a fight or
qf j()/Jrfor a we.e.k. : decisively win a contest against

. another person/team .

warez .
ChtHk is going to JWJsle Timl7 7J' ajier

Computer software illegally sdJool todqy.

distributed over the Internet
without the publisheis consent. .
. waste your flavor
Jon: HolJ.' could_you afford that exprmsi1w To cramp your style or disrespect
s�ji.111are? . someone, making the person look
AI- I can't. It:r ll'arez. .
like a little bitch, or anything less

than a pimp .

Warhol moment KemY! : . . . and then lwasjockin' all the

The 15 minutes of fame that, if Jfy bitches and deez hoes were all up on my
Andy Warhol is to be believed, we nuts and I was like "Whicb one of you
are al.l entitled to have. .
i gonna get on the old Ken-meister
ladies s
Express?" Hell!/=?_; _)leah!
If/hen lvla(y JJ!aS selected to appear on Big

Steve: Shut up, man, _you're all ta lk.
Brother, she kmw this utaJ her U:&rh ol
... Ke.m�y: Sheeeeeiiit, man, w�y .you abvap
. go tta btl JJ'a.rtin' tt!} jlatJa? Beeeotch, I

. oug hta blast gats onyo' ass!

warm up .
• .

To start it up. To get something
go mg.

To kill or m urder .

Chrsi . Let:r go!


Warm it up, .

Yo, /elf wax that muthtl.

wash out .
wax idiotic
To lose traction, usual.lywhile .
. To talk about things . w ..

that are boring,

going around a turn. Used in many .
mundane, or annoying.
contexts, including cycling and
I bad to sit tlm·e Jd1ile tbry JVa.">Ced idiotic
aboHt Britn�y Spear:r and Hila1)' Duff
Snrm;jlake Jmshed around tbat !tzst
hai�y turn and plon,ed into a tree. .

"·' &.,..
-> <:'�'
weak sauce .
"Roll, roll, roll ajoint I hJJist it at the �

end I take a pu.ff, thatj· etJOHgh I pass it"


Weak. Insignificant; calling one .

. 1

"weak sauce" compares said

to a friend"

individual to the "mild" sauce at .

Taco Bell-attempting to be like the

. .


other hot sauces, but not living up


. Term used to describe large s



to expectations. .

shipments of drugs, usually illegal.

Damn, thatfool at the,gym was weak sauce. .


There:r a pretry good an101mt of UJe�ght


JJJczitin,g to be picked up doum I?)' the dock.



weapons grade

Better than the rest. Of higher 1\

westside b


. The west coast, where the real Gs

Usualfy 1tJY U'eed connection is okq;:, bttt .

are from, especially Los Angeles
. .

last time, that shit 1napons grade.



He/4 yecth) I'm jtut bcm gi n on the

- .
. -

tPestside right nonJ. l'l/ hit)'tl batk .


wear dark blue


To be a member of the

Crips gang. .
wet-paint syndrome
Snoop Dogg claims to u;ear dark blue. lJ rge that possesses people to do

the secret little things they do when

they think others aren't looking or


when their curiosity is aroused by a �

The act of

grabbing a person's

sign that is posted telling them not '

underpants and lifting them high

to do so mething. Inspired by the t<

above their head while that person

. corridor you walk down for twenty a
is still wearing them.

. years without touching the walls, s.

That last U.Jedgie reai!J' damaged me. I'm

unti.l one day you smeU fresh paint

. '



tellin g Dad! .
and the corridor has been roped off

I 1£

with signs that say DON T TOUCH-
. I

An ovcn.vhdmi ng urge




comes over vou to touch the wall. J
Marijuana, pot, dope, grass, Mary ..
. '

I �
chronic, hash, reefer, ganja. Dat•e:f Jl'et-paint ydrome wmpelkd him to

. feed the zoo monk�ys r�ght in ji"ont of the

}'{},_you knmv the song about JJJeed? It goes .

DO NOT FEhD ll!E /-1Nli'rL ·1LJ JtgtJ •

-- -------------- - - --------------------�u.

whack .

. Bob: lV'hat1 good?

1. To kill. To Me: I'm coo4 man.

assassinate. .



You 1vant 1H! shotfid whack that barking dog? .



. wheels

2. Appalling. Unconventional. Also Bodybuilder jargon for legs.



spelled "wack." .
Ytm got some big-ass U'heels, mate. Yo11

lo, thafr JJ'hack. I don't want none of that.

.. must squat 200 kg, right?!





what it do? wheels fell off the wagon



Interjection meaning 'What's . A phrase used to indicate that



happening?" or "How are you?" .

something suddenly went very

wrong, like when a romantic or



Bob: Hey, what it do?

sexual relationship takes a bad turn .
Joe: Chi/lin'.


Iler incessant screwing around on him
made the JJJheelsfall off the wagon, and he
what the shit? .

dumped her.
Alternative to "what the hell?"

Did hejust do what l think he did?


wheels of steel

lf/hat the shit?


Record turntables, often specifically



(but not necessarily) Technics




SL1200 series turntables, noted for


A noncommittal, nonchalant answer .

their steel platters.

to practically any question, usually


. This is DJ Hyper manning the wheels o/

accompanied by a shrug of the

steel tonight.


Sarah: Do_you want to go out with me

. whilin,

Too harsh in manner, tone, or . � - - -

ll1argaret: Whateves.
. '

behavior. W N

:_ ·t
. · •


She be whilin' and she don't understa11d
what's good?

f? no one likes her.


Another way of saying "How are


you?" or "What's happening?" .



,_ .,; l

whip : whoop it up
1. Someone who has their 1. To have a good time; to partici-

significant other under their . pate in a wild and exciting event.

Jonno couldn't tnake it-he's out JPith .

his uthip! .


. 2. Interjection of agreement or
2. An expensive, stylish automobile acceptance. Also used as a form of
or motorcycle. . acceptance.

.. 1: Do_you want

A{), dad let me drive the JJJhip so I can GI!J a beer?

tak.e rt:J' girl out tonight. .
. GUJ' 2: Yeah, g1f)l, whoop it up.

whipped . whoop whoop
Completely controlled by a A warning of approaching police cars.

significant other, but usually refers .

. Whoop, JIJhoop! Go, man, go-clear out!
to a guy being completely controlled
by his woman.

Damn!Joe ir lJthipped! .

.. Punishment via beating.

Am I gonna have to open a 2,000-year­
white hat .
old can of Chinese whoopass on_you?/
A computer expert, usually a former
hacker, who now uses his or her ..
skills for legitimate causes. .
whyle out
Also spelled "wile out." Sometimes
That gtf.y 111ho wrote the OMGORZ 11irus?
shortened to whylejwilc.
He's a white hat no� u;orkJfor Sun .

1. To act the fool; go crazy.


1l1an, JlJhen Tisha ound out he. was

. cheatn
i ', she was w�lin' out!
whoadie .
A friend, particularly someone
2. To overreact.
from the same area of the citv •

as you. . It wasn't that bad; she wasjust JJt�ylin'


for attention.
Wa.r.rt¢, u;hoadie? You got that neu; CD?
·��--- ---- ---·-----�� =·=a�

wicked ; caught him in bed Jl'ith another ho.


1. Great. Cool. .
2. Adjective used to intensify any .

adjective that follows it. .

A pejorative term for a Caucasian
That wicked cool car is u;icked fast, but it:r kid who mimics the language, dress,

owned I?J that 1vic.ked old gJ.!y, 111ho drives and mannerisms of black ghetto

it 1vicked siOJJ1 which /Jlakes me wicked . kids.

sad 'cause I'm wicked broke and I got to .

. Wigger: Yo, bizife, _you best step off mah

walk a Jl'icked long way 1vhen it's wicked .

hot out.
.. Suburban white girl Didn't_you get that

. do-rag at .Hot Topic? And w�y areyou

wife beater .

1vearing a FUBU shirt?
Form-fitting white ribbed tank . Wlgger: Yeah1 ���ell ... you kno121 that's

top worn by men; looks good on how we do....


well-built fellas, pathetic on skinny .


fellas, and disgusting on fat .



be'!r-bellied fellas.
Someone who goes along with their


Brad Pitt looks damn good in a wffe beater. . friend on a date so that when their

friend picks up the hot girl the


wingman gets stuck with her ugly


wtg .
• .

. friend. A very noble job, and guys

To worrv or be frustrated.
usually switch off wingmen at
- .

Kev's wiggin' about the ga/Jle this weekend. . different clubs.

Aight, man, I'll be JJJingman this time and
wig out .

fall on the grenade, hut)'OU o1ve me big
To throw a huge fit. time .


Whe11 Ko calledJohnr!J' a bitch, .Johnf!J' .

completefy 1vigged out. . wiped •


Short for "wiped out"; really

exhausted, to the point of not being
wig sp lit .
. able to move or function.
To get shot or hit hard in the head. .

. I spent too long at that parry last n{ght­

Darren got hi.r wig split I?J' his ho after she
man1 am 1 111iped.

,, ,)
":.t -:';!
"'a' -�
wired word is born

Jittery, like after you drink too


Bastardization of "word is bond,"


much coffee, or otherwise hyper


or "my word is my bond." Has


and excited.

become common use, and is even a


Run-D.M.C. song title. Has come


I .rat in the Waffle HouseJarfour hours


to mean "the truth is manifest."

and l�ft the place completelY 1vired. .

Yo, 1vord is born, the got•e.rnment keeps


. .

screwmg u.r.


A lightweight, a coward, a big girl's


word life

blouse. Worse than a wuss.


Interjection meaning "I swear to


!f your mate is too .rt:ared to do .


you on my life what I tell you is


something dangerous, like doing that big .


true." It was used by rappers in the


surfboardjump, stqy out late 'cause he


early '90s to mean "I promise."


has to be homefor his bird gir!friend, or


l'ma .rendyou cryin' toyo' mama after I


talk to a girl in a bar, thenyou shouldn't .


hang out with Stich a 1/ .

me.r.ryolf JfjJ! Word life!



word work it


Interjection of agreement; To show people how attractive and


sometimes also used as a greeting. talented you are.


Also "word up."


She's u1orkin' ilj dude!


Chris: Yo, you goin' to that rocks .


tonight? .



Barrett: Word. .

Getting beaten very, very badly in a


competition of skill.

word is bond .

. Ifyo11 111ent one-on-one ;vith LeBron_you
A way of stating that your word is

� wottid get worked.


beyond reproach. Often used by




working girl

M;• word is bond.


Euphemism for a prostitute .


Often preferred by the sex workers




-- --- ---.��--------� · _
- -
-- --- -
. _
· ··
···· �· ._ _

I don't lik.e being called a 1vhore or a : WWJD

Stands for "What would Jesus do?"

prostitute. I'm a 1110rking girl. .

' Often printed on cheap bracelets or
along the length of lanyards.
wrecked .

Articles with "WWJD?" are worn

Extremely ugly, beat, busted, broke

by Christians to promote and/or


down, or tore up.


reflect the idea that in times of


conflict or moral dilemma, one


When Tony ,·ealized thegid he mel over .

the lntemet looked nothing like the Cirufy

should speculate (based on the

teachings and behaviors described in


0-aufordpicture she'd smt him and was

!J total(y wrecked, he realized he had
actuai .
the Gospels) what Jesus would
probably have done in the given

no cboice but to tell her he had a bad


of the beer shits and sneak out the situation.


bathroom lJlindo111. .

I¥�D? We>/4 jot· .rtarters, heprobab/y
. wouldn'tptfrchase and wear tackjyjetvelry.


The universal interrogative. Used to



abbreviate "\'V'hat the fuck?" When



used with an exclamation point .

instead of a question mark, it .


becomes an exclamation of
amazement, confusion, disbelief, etc. .

Both forms are often accentuated

with "mate" or preceded by "dude."



,...� ...� , ...

:: :1 �

.. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . ... . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .
. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. .

X · ya heard?
The drug Ecstasy. .

Interjection mea ning "You know

Thq 1vent to a rave but didn't do at!)' X .
what I'm saying?"

I'm the greates� most CllPeJomestper.ron

XYZ uJ/;o ever lit;ed. Yc1 heard?

An abbreviation for "examine vour


zi pper ." Used when somcone's fly is .

· ya smell me?
down. .

Variation of "Ya feel me?" which is

Hi!YJ <guy ulith the p111ple .ratin llnder­ . a derivative of ''You know what I

IJJear-XYZ/ .

am saying?" which is short for "Do

you understand what I am trying to


o o o o 0 0 • o 0 0 ° o 0 • 0 o • o • o • • • 0 o • o • o " 0 o ' o o o o o o • o o o " o •I • • o • I " o •o " • • I o • o •



fmju.rt tryin' to coJJte up in da ,game.


ra smell me?

. yada yada yada

Conversation glosser-over, simi lar to

"blah, blah, blah."



Yeah. I met this lmi!J?er, J»e ll'ent OH! to


dinner, I had the lobster bisque, we J1Jetll

b(.tck to ''!Y place, _yada]ada_yada, 1 net;er . Prison. Refers to prison yards in

beczrdjiw11 him again. correctional facili ties.


I JJ)(JJ a fyrica!geniu.r JJ/hen Ipetformed on

yak tbe_yard 1-1p north.

1 . To vomit.

H�y, IJ�tm, lJ!,Oitayak. .

. yard sale
. 1. The evidence o r remains o f a

2. Cognac. Used by hjp-hop/rap catastrophic accide n t o r wipeo ut, in

artists. which the victim's belongings are

. scattered o r spread o u t across a
J'JJJjtt.rt .rippin']ak. .
large area (resembling a traditional
yard sale).

y'all'd .
The U-1-laul trailer jiJhtCliled into the
''Yo u all would," to a redneck.
i g mn·i, then the median .rtrip JtlaJ

ffall'd round up the111 therep{gsfor me,

I a_yard sale.

1 mko11 I'dgiJ,!e_you a quarter.

2. To fall while skiing o r snow-
boarding and leave a trail o f gear
Yank behind.
1 . A term used br the British to

describe all Americans. . That twoplanker i.r bat1ing ayard sale
down there.
The Yankjt1.rt a.rked ltJC �l London u;aJ
near England
y education in the .

States! yellow fever

A mental disease that afflicts

2. i\ term used bv American wapanese, fanboys/fangirls, and

Southerners to de scribe Americans otaku. Symptoms include:

from non-Southern States. .

a) A sexual obsession toward females
of Asian descent.
John Bqy: He ca/led_yott tt Yank.. Bil!r
b) i\n o bsession toward Asian media
Bob! � . : .' l
and entertainment, primarily anime, .

b Bob: Nobotfy calls me a }�znk! I'm .
y , l.
hentai, manga, and other Japanese
. .- .
.• ' F

gomw .rboot the lim�y bmtard! .

I I 1 I / o o I 0 '• ' 0 -.

c) A sudden urge to imitate anything : A/len: Kmrt tued to be dating Brad,

from Asia, for instance, learning . but nOJJ' he�r dating Liz.
Japanese and eating sushi just for the .
. Derek: Sounds like he:r another
sheer sake of trying to be ''Asian." . yutrosexttal.
d) Thinking that one knows more .

about Japan than the Japanese them­
. yo
selves, despite never setting foot in .
1 . \X'hen followed by an apostrophe
that country or even reacling about it.

. (yo'): Short for "you" or your." "


An Asian-Ametican girl 1vas harassed f?J• .

How's)'01 momma?
.rome p.rycho wiJo had a bad �fyellow .


ortunatefy, she had a can ql pepper
. 2. An informal address or title to
sprc!Y in and did not he.ritate to
. one whose name is not known; can
use it on him.
b e used as an interrogative address.

To punish someone who does .
. 3. A declarative or imperative
something stupid.
exclamation, whether alone ur
Shirl�)' got caught smoking in the girls' . within a sentence.
loo.r, and theprinctpaiyellow-carded her
Yo.' IV'!Jat tbe hell doyou think.J!ON are
sorry ass. .

doing?.' YO, jNst do_yourjob.'

yes man .

yo' momma
Someone who always agrees with


. The answer to any question, when

authoritv and does what he's told.
the correct answer isn't known.

I've JJJorked here longe1; butJim gotpro­ .
. TeadJ er: PleaJ'e tell f.IS who the.first
moted because he:r a brou,n-nosngye
i .r man. ..
. president of tbe USA u.m?
. Kid· 1'0' momma.


A formerly homosexual person

(usually male; for females "hasbian" . yogasm
is preferred) who is currently in a . An orgasm achieved during yoga,
relati onship with a member of the . since certain yoga positions can be

oppos1te sex. .
extremely physical and get the mus-

-- ---·----�----�

speaker. Similar to "That's how 1


des going and the blood flowing.

. roll" and "That's how I do."
1 had a mqjoryogasm todqy after class. I
wi.rh I couldgo eve�! day. . . . . G1: You got tPtb
i dem 22s on_yo' ride,
man? That's gangs/a.
G2: Act lki eyou ktJOn.; man. }·(m know
yo ink! bmv I do.
An exclamation that, when uttered
in conjunction with taking an
object, immediately transfers owner­ you know it
ship from the original owner to the Interjection of agreement.

person using the word regardless of

Brad· That's a massive splijfyoujust
previous property rights.

Though I chetished my automobile, I had . Kris: You knott' t


to a new one when "�Y .recond .

i came upfrom behind ttJe and
polite!J exclaimed, ''yoink!" while lttking
Describes an article of clothing that
H(J car ke.p.
is too small

.. I f!Ju.rt havegaimd tenpoundr-these

you and your mama!
pant.r are he/fayoung!
Used to intensifv an insult.

Shut ttp! Ylm andyour mama!

your face!
Short for "In your face!"
you dig? . Interjection used to gloat over
. someone else's misfortune.
Shortened form of "Can you dig
it?" meaning "Do you understand?"
. Yourface! Sucks to beyou!

The thick's not a tnan) so stop calling her

"man, " you dig?! . your hotness
Formal title given to a male or
you know how I do female who is sexy, well-dressed,

Interjection used to acknowledge and has much charisma. . .. .


.. ... y
- '
' ; -

someone's approvaL Also used to

(to a lady entering the club) Woo, t11ake l

express that a present state or action . .. - .

wqy.for.your hotness} t-otfling through!

is so oft-repeated it is as habit to the
. , ··. ; q
,_I '•'•' ._,.

your mom : yuppie food stamps

An abstract concept loosely . The ubiquitous $20 bills spewed out
affiliated with notions of the : of ATMs every-where. Often used
intended audience's maternal figure. when trying to split the bill after a
Normally expressed as an intended . meal.
slight on said maternal figure. Often
We owe $8 each, but all anybocfy's got are
serves as indication of the end of a
. jwppiefood .rtamps.
X· That s
i 011e veryfatfamt animaL .
. Y2K bug
Y.· You're afatfarm animaL . Short for "Year 2000 bug."
X· I'll .rholJJ_you afatj{m!l animal. .
1 . A software bug caused by the use
Y· Your mom i.r afatfarm animaL
.. of two-digit numbers to represent
the 20th-century year. When the
your move date became 2000, some software
W'h enever you deliver a witty .
. thought ir was actually 1900.
remark to someone and completely .
. 1 have tofix the Y2K bug in thsi old
burn them, you say "Your move, .
sir/ma'am" to rub it in, suggesting
they can't top that. ...
. 2. A bunch of bullcrap made up by
}our mama is so stupi� wl;en she threw a .. paranoid doom-saying wackos and
rock at the ,?,t·otmd, she missed! Your move, ... the computer-ignorant media.
dude. .
. When the Y2K bug hits, planes are going

. to be dropping out �f the .rA�)I!

yum ..
Expression of app.roval. ..
That a.r.r looks good. ' .

---- --
---- --
----�� ��..

• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••• •••• •••••• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

zero day .
· zero tolerance
The clistribution or release of 1 .l\ "get tough" polky of
. making
digital meclia (such as software, no exceptions to the law, born as a

video, or music) before it is sold in .

. response to a general sense of

stores or before it hits the street. .

uneven application of rules and
Zero-day releases may be pirated or punishments. To react to something

stolen and may break the law, but with absolute prejudice and without

not all zero-day releases are . considering mitigating circum-

obtained illegally. .
. stances.

I oum a zero-dqy copy '!f the next version .

I don't t'are ifyou've gotglaucoma) we
of t'Pindows-two_year..r before its ojjicial . h(JVe a zero-to/erant'f! pofiqy to drugs,
release date. including 1!/ariJuana.

. we will reat"t to sexi.rm and raci.r'l'l'l 111itb

zero hour . zero tolerance.
When a countdown is scheduled to
end. Alternatively, a deadline. 2. An excuse for people of limited
intelligence not to have to think
It's zero hour and "(} dis.rertation i.r due.
I hope no one actf.iaf/)' reads tbm thngs.
i We hatJC a zero-tolerance pofi�J' on tardi­
ness, .ro et;en though_you 1vere robbed at
i on_)'our tvq:y to u;ork)you're}ired

� t
zme zipper-spark

An independent publication (usually . To dry-hump while clothed.

mass-produced by photocopying .
Oh ma11, john 11.1anted to zipper-spark
and in some cases, scanned, put on
1vith Susie so bad behind the bleachers at
the Internet, or copied via fax). Can .

tbejtmior high sdJool.

be on any range of topics and is
usually a labor of love for the

producers, rather than a way to . zonk

make money. A means of telling . To crash into a deep sleep after
one's story, sharing thoughts, being extremely tired or inebriated.
and/or artwork/comics/doodles Often followed by "out."
with all who read it.
-1i r Igot homefrotJJ the strip club,
- f e
Hm;e_you seenJared's fJCJJ) zine? He did a I zOflked out on the coNch.
realfy cool interoie1v tvith the mailman.

zing! .

An interjection commonly .

used after making a witty joke at


someone else's expense while they


are present.

Person 1: Your room smells like ass.

Person 2: That:r becauseyou're it1 t.
i Zing!

Phoro: Hope Harris Photography

/1 ·,

..,...-i_ aron Peckham was a computer science student when he

launched Urban Dictionary, a parody of with a twist:

users wrote the definitions. Soon Urban Dictionary garnered hits­

and new definitions-from around the world. Its millions of

visitors and authors made Urban Dictionarv into the world's


dictionary, with more than 1.3 million definitions describing current

events, pop culture, and the newest slang.

Urban Dictionary has become a handy reference for media

consumers and creators alike. Rush Limbaugh cited Urban

Dictionary to define "jackball"; MSNBC used Urban Dictionary

to help explain the "man crush"; and a UK judge used Urban

Dictionary to translate rap lyrics in <l court case.

ln his spare time Aaron rides his bike, juggles, listens to

L(J7Jdine, and keeps on top of pop culture by reading new

Urban Dictionary definitions. He loves the power of technology

to spread humor and understanding. He lives in San Luis

Obispo, California.

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