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Usability Report: Google Maps and MapQuest

1. Executive Summary

I started this study on October 2, 2018 around 7pm at home in East Stroudsburg, PA. It
took a little over 13 minutes to complete the 3 tasks for each website. My purpose was
to compare the similarities/differences of the websites when performing different driving
direction tasks, to see what I liked about them or what issues I found when using both
websites. Overall, I found Google Maps to be more effective than MapQuest. MapQuest
has too many ads that I feel slow the process down. Google Maps has no ads, fewer clicks
and has a cleaner look.


Task 1 - Home to ESU 1 minute to get the final route onscreen 21 clicks with clicking
(2 min./18 sec. for all with details/issues talked aloud) details of each route.
Task 2 - ESU to Happy 1 minute and 7 seconds to get the final route onscreen 19 clicks with clicking
Valley-Goose Bay with 2 (1 min./38 sec.for all with details/issues talked aloud) details of each route.
stops added
Task 3 - Walking route ESU 34 seconds to get the final route onscreen 12 clicks with clicking
to Yetter Park (50 seconds for all with details/ issues talked aloud) details of each route.

Task 1 - Home to ESU 1 minute and 23 seconds to get the final route onscreen) 15 clicks with clicking
(3 min./2 sec. for all with details/issues talked aloud) details of each route.
Task 2 - ESU to Happy 2 minute and 5 seconds to get the final route onscreen 20 clicks with clicking
Valley-Goose Bay with 2 (2 min./50 sec. for all with details/issues talked aloud) details of each route.
stops added
Task 3 - Walking route ESU 1 minute and 42 second to get the final route onscreen 10 clicks with clicking
to Yetter Park (2 min./3 sec. for all with details/ issues talked aloud) details of each route.

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Purpose of the Study .................................................................................................................................. 1
3. Participants ................................................................................................................................................. 2
4. Method ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
5. Findings and Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 3
6. Discussion ................................................................................................................................................... 3
7. Appendix A .............................................................................................................................................. 4-4

2. Purpose of the Study

Google Maps is a web-based service created by Google, it gives their users detailed
information/directions about different modes of transportion. If provided different aerial vies,
not just road maps. MapQuest is an online mapping solutions service owned by Verizone, it uses
interactive maps and driving directions through the internet.
The purpose of this study was to compare both websites and see how efficient and effective they
are when navigating through simple and complex driving instructions. Both website have pros and
cons. They both did their job, but I found Google Maps was faster, more efficient and not

3. Participants

The sole participant was contacted by e-mail. Patricia Robinson is a 48-year-old female, has
advanced experience using personal computers as well as the Internet. She currently works as a
recruiter for Cohen’s Fashion Optical located in New York City. She works 2 days in the office and
3 days in her home office. Her degree is Business Management and Accounting.

4. Method

First thing I did was read the instructions over a couple of times, got familiar with the routes so I
was prepared when recording the steps to the 3 tasks. I organized all my materials and set up the
area I would be doing this project. I had a computer with 2 monitors, I used one of the monitors
as a stopwatch and the other one was used to navigate through the websites. I used my phone as
a voice recorder and later it converted it to text for me. I chose to start each task with Google
Maps first. I started each task recording with saying what task I was doing and which website I
was using. Then I proceeded to talk aloud each step I had to do for each task. Task 1 – starting
point was entered then destination, next was to reverse directions. I did this for both websites
and found that MapQuest was slower, had to use more clicks to get results and lots of ads and
popups than Google Maps. Task 2 – starting point to destination, then had to add a
stop/destination and sort it so it was in the correct order, then the last step was to add an ending
stop/destination. MapQuest was the more difficult with this task again. Slower to get results,
cursor kept searching, took a while but finally found the destination, still very distracting and busy
website, too many advertisments. Task 3 – starting point to destination, but using walking mode
of transporation. Google Maps had no issues, quick, found location in 34 seconds with no
problems. MapQuest could not locate Yetter Park, had to use the address from Google Maps to
use for MapQuest, then was able to find. MapQuest, again took a long time to locate destination,
but was able produce the walking map.

I was the only person involved in this project. I used my computer with 2 monitors, 1 for a
stopwatch, the other to navigate, my phone was my recording device. My Network connection
speed is 100mps, my browser verson is Internet Explorer 11. The type of computer is a Dell
precision 3620 with an operating sytem - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1245 v5 @3.5GHz 3.5 GHz

5. Findings and Recommendations


Observations  Lots of Ads relating to travel, insurance, phone, car  No ads
rentals and hotels.  Easy to navigate
 When adding stops the search takes longer for  Quick navigation when adding stops
results.  When looking for a location, it brought up a
picture and information

Interpretations  Very Busy, too much going on  Simple

 Distractive  Drop downs are quick
 Drop downs slow  Cannot tell the site is Google Maps
 Slow with searching

Recommendations  Less ads  More creativity with website

 Make navigating quicker, less lagging time  Put Google Maps on website

6. Discussion

Both websites are effective when searching for driving instructions and both have
features that make the process easy. I found Google Maps to be more efficient than
MapQuest. Google Maps website flowed easier, not as busy and fewer steps, information
seemed to pop more. MapQuest had some lag time as well as could not locate 2
destinations. I enjoyed the simplicity and quickness of Google Maps. I found MapQuest
to overwhelming with all the advertisements, at times it took me a while to focus on the
driving instructions because of how much was going on with MapQuest. Even though
there a fewer clicks with MapQuest, I still found there was too much going on and made
the process feel longer. Google Maps does have more clicks, but they are swift, effective
and no lagging time. MapQuest can remove the advertisements which may help in the
lagging time and quickness. Google Maps could use a litte creativity with the website, but
not where it effects ease of navigating the website.

Appendix A

TASK 1 GOOGLE MAPS (2 minutes/18 seconds for all with details of experience)

I typed Google Maps and it popped up my location already on the map. A Search Google Maps box
appeared along with a notification that asked if I want to arrive on time with notifications, I clicked No
Thanks. I typed ESU in the search box and ESU profile/facts along with map/photos of ESU came up, I clicked
on Directions and typed in my home address and 3 routes on left side popped up and map on the right with
3 routes highlighted, 2 were car routes and 1 was a bus route. The current route is highlighted in blue and
the other two are gray. Clicking on each routes details gives you step-by-step directions, how long, how
many miles, the fastest route and the map route highlights blue. It also shows you if there are any delays
through different colors on the map. There are many icons on the top of the website where you can view
directions from all different modes of transportation, such as walking, bus, bicycling and of course driving.
The next step was to reverse directions, the reverse button is in between the 2 addresses, was very easy to
find and to use. Did the same steps as far as clicking on each routes details.
TASK 1 MAPQUEST (3 minutes/2 seconds for all with details of experience)

I started the first task for MapQuest, when I opened up the website it gave me a map of the US and a
message popped up asking if I will allow MapQuest to know my location, once I allowed, it zoomed right to
my location. There was a box under Enter your Destination that I entered ESU and clicked Need Directions,
this just brought up ESU, when I clicked on Get Directions a message popped up saying do you want to clear
your search and the map, clicking yes started the search over, so I clicked Yes and typed in my home address
to ESU then clicked Get Directions, I got a little frustrated with all the ads. The highlighted car route popped
up on the map and I was able to choose between 3 different routes. I had to click on each route to see the
highlighted route on the map as well as how long, how many miles, the cost for fuel and traffic conditions.
Once I chose the best route for me, I clicked View Route Directions, and that gave step by step detailed
directions. MapQuest only offers the driving and walking modes of transporation icons. My next step was
to reverse my directions, I had to use the back button to go from View Route Directions back to reverse the
directions. Just like Google Maps, the reverse buton is in between the 2 addresses. I clicked it and the same
process as above happened but with only 1 route, clicked on View Route Directions and step-by-step
diretions as well as details of the route.

TASK 2 GOOGLE MAPS (1 minutes/38 seconds for all with details of experience)

Started the 2nd task with Google Maps. In the Search Google Maps box, I typed Happy Valley-Goose Bay
and it popped up on the dropdown, I clicked it, and a picture with details about Happy Valley as well as a
map, details like time, temperature, photos and quick facts about Happy Valley appeared. I clicked on
Directions and typed in ESU in the starting point and 3 routes popped up, 2 were car routes and 1 was a
plane route. Highlighted map route is on the right, clicked on the details on the current route and it included
route has tolls, includes a ferry, crossing country borders and different time zone, as well as how long and
how many miles, and step-by-step directions. The 2nd route showed the same thing, and the 3rd route was
the plane route which gave you information on how long the flight, the cost of the flight and if you had to
connect flights. You had to click the arrow back to go from each route detail to the next, which was a litle
annoying but it was very quick and easy. I then had to add stop/destination, which was Trois-Rivieres,
Quebec and a highlighted map poppped, I have to sort/move so that Trois-Rivieres is after ESU, this was
simple and easy to locate. Clicking on details gives step-by-step directions and how long and how many
miles. Then last step is to add a final destination point to Stephenville , Newfoundland & Labrador. 1 Route
popped up with same information as Happy Valley and Trois-Rivieres, clicking on the details gave me step-
by-step directions.

TASK 2 MAPQUEST (3 minutes/50 seconds for all with details of experience)

Second task using MapQuest, I clicked on Need Directions and typed in the starting location which is ESU,
a dropdown popped up and I clicked on 200 Prospect. Then I typed in where I am going, which was Happy
Valley-Goose Bay, also popped up and I clicked on Happy Valley-Goose Bay New Zealand & Labrador,
Canada. I clicked on Get Directions, this took a while, finally a highlighted route popped up on the map as
well as details of each route showing how much fuel, how many hours and how many miles . There are lots
of ads all over the website, very distracting. I clicked View Route Directions and it gave me step-by-step
detail directions. To add a stop, I clicked the back button and clicked on Add Stop, where are you going
popped up and I typed in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, which came up on the drop down. Have to use the sort
button, which was very easy to navigate and move Trois-Rivieres, Quebec after ESU and before Happy
Valley. Clicked Get Directions, a highlighted map route popped up with all the route details, clicked View
Route Directions and step-by-step directions came up. I clicked the back button to add another stop which
was Stephenville, Newfoundland & Labrador, got an error message to try again, tried 5 more times and kept
getting same error. I reordered the locations and the only time I did not get an error was when Stephenville,
NL, CA was after ESU. Was very frustrated and only observation I made was MapQuest only has driving and
walking icons, and since you have to use a ferry, MapQuest does not have that capability to complete this
step. This task took longer than I thought it would. Searching took longer than the previous task, even after
putting in first stop. Lots of ads could be slowing the searching down as well.

TASK 3 GOOGLE MAPS (50 seconds for all with details of experience)

Task 3 with Google Maps, walking from ESU to Yetter Park. In the Search Google Maps box I typed in Yetter
Park and it popped up on the dropdown menu, I clicked it and a picture, map and details about Yetter Park
appeared. I clicked on Directions and typed in ESU, on top of the website there are different modes of
transportation icons, I clicked on the person walking and a highlighted Dotted map popped up along with 3
routes, showing how long and how many miles. I clicked on each route details and the map changed and
step-by-step directions were provided. It took about 34 seconds for map to pop up.

TASK 3 MAPQUEST (2 minutes/3 seconds for all with details of experience)

Task 3 with MapQuest, I first clicked Need Directions, then on the top of the screen there is a car and
person icon, I clicked on the person icon box, then typed in ESU in the Where are you starting box and typed
in Yetter Part in Where are you going then clicked Get Directions, but MapQuest cannot locate Yetter Park,
nothing comes, up, so I had to use google and search for Yetter Park address, found the street it was on,
but when I typed it in MapQuest still did not recognize it, a list of locations in close proximity appeared and
I clicked on the first one. a highlighted map route pops up, there are 2 routes, when I clicked View Route
Directions, it gave me step-by-step walking directions, had to use the back button to view the 2 nd route.
This was the most frustrating task of all with Mapquest. Very busy with advertisement not only on travel,
but on appliances, footwear and Home Depot. At times I had to close my eyes because there was just too
much to absorb with Mapquest. You have a small window to see the information you were looking for
through all the ads that pop up all over the website, every area is covered with advertisments. Google Maps
is the complete opposite.

All three tasks for Mapquest were more frustrating than Google Maps, even though Google Maps had more
clicks, the clicks were easily located and quick. Google Maps was clean, little plain, but very manageable
and easy to navigate. Lots of Ads popped up with MapQuest, mostly to do with travel, hotels, car rentals
and insurance. Google Maps did not have any ad pop ups, easier to filter information, whereas on
MapQuest it was very busy, I understand advertisement is key, but it was a little frustrating navigating
through. I enjoyed working with Google Maps.

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