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InTASC 9 Artifact Reflection

This artifact is my professional growth plan. I developed it after reflecting on my

experiences as a student teacher, feedback from my mentor and supervisor, and through

continued education about teaching. My goals are to improve my planning to have more

thorough differentiation and stronger transitions, more consistent routines and expectations for

work and behavior, and more intentional and effective direct instruction. This artifact

demonstrates mastery of this standard because it shows my commitment to bettering myself as

an educator. Further, it displays my ability to use evidence in the form of observation,

evaluation, or self- reflection to inform my areas of growth. Identifying that differentiation is a

needed area of growth proves my mastery of the standard because it will help me meet the needs

of all learners. This artifact will help me positively impact student learning because it will help

me become a more effective educator. By following this plan and repeating the steps that helped

me develop it, I will continually and consistently learn and grow, adding new skills and

strategies to my toolkit as a teacher. This artifact demonstrates reflecting because it was a

primary way that I developed my growth plan. Through reflecting on my own experiences I was

able to identify what I need to work on.

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