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Cassandra Jordan

Dr. Nicholes

English 90

27 February 2018

Library Services as a Linguistic Landscape


According to Landry Bourhis (1997), linguistic landscape is defined as the visibility and salience of

languages on public and commercial signs in a given territory or region.


The method used was walking through all levels of the library and taking pictures of welcoming and

helpful features of the library. I used pictures that most people would use or see as beneficial features

of the library, and places that many people would visit when they are here. The floors of the library each

included places to ask for help and places to study.



After looking at each floor of the library and all the help available, it is obvious as to what the library

values. For example, the very first thing you see when you enter the library is a giant “help desk” in the

middle of the room. This shows that help is always available and that they’re not afraid to offer it to

Figure 1. Library help desk.

Figure 4. Library research assistance.

Figure 2. Printing stations.

Figure 5. A quiet study place.

Figure 3. Study stations.

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