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Imię i Nazwisko : Risya Maryam Alhaq / 239792

Planowanie Przestrzenne, projektowanie urbanistyczne i architektoniczne powinny

odpowiadać wyłacznie na biezące potrzeby mieszkanców i użytkowników. Czy zgadasz się z
tym stwiiedzeniem?

Talking about planning ( in any scale ) always lead us to involve users in it, as described in
urban design is about making connections between people (in this case are users and
places, movement and urban form and nature (Urban Design – Wikipedia). For smaller scale
like in architectural design process, users should have more engagement in the design in
more detail as it relates to user experience space. The term users denotes those who
actually use the building in their everyday activities (User experiences design – Wikipedia).
Involving users in the design process does not necessarily give better architecture, but
neither does working with users automatically lead the enfeeblement of architects.

Architecture , as part of the design field, seems to have more functional perpectives
towards the user needs. The users can be seen as a resource which can be included early on
in design process, and also seen as an expert of they own experiences. But how far users
can be involved in the development of design? an interest is also put on understanding
differences in attitudes between architect when it comes to user involvement. In
architectural projects how users can be involved depends on the scale of the project, for
one family housing, users should be deeper involved but for bigger scale project like
apartment users can be involved as an universal resource. It will show below on the
diagram process in scale architectural projects to involved users on it.

In context spatial or urban planning

Diagram 1 – User involvement diagram


For this scale project (architectural project), users to be involved in design process is
necessary, but the architects or planner should make a boundary how far the users can be
involved. The social dimension of architecture encourage architects constantly to try new
methods to involve users in the design activity so that the resultant architectural design
might attain a more appropriate an effective deisgn.
Imię i Nazwisko : Risya Maryam Alhaq / 239792

In urban design or spatial planning project, the involving users can have different
interpretation than in architectural project, in macro scale such as urban or spatial
planning, user can be define as an universal subject to be taken into consideration in
strategic urban planning. Users are to make the planning in user participation but still the
professional planner’s role in the design process is crucial. For this scale planning how far
can be users involved in design process be accommodated in user participatory design – is
an approach to design attempting to actively involve all stakeholder in the design process
to help ensure the result mets their needs and is usable. Participatory design here is
focused on processes and procedures of design and is not a design style. Considering users
or urban citizens in participation design platform may yield unforeseen benefits, especially
in sectors targeting more conscious and aware users, as they may be able to more
accurately describe their needs, which can be then developed into concepts by experts.

Involving users in planning process is necessary and give the value for the result of the
design by participation design process. The participaton process itself have stages process
to reach good final input for concept design and in the participation process users/citizens
should be guided by experts. Public participation processes here include information
exchange, public consultation, engagement, shared decisions, and shared jurisdiction. The
processes here are not separated by definitive boundaries, they flow into and build upon
each other (Participatory Design – Wikipedia). Today participatory in architecture, city
planning, etc is a worldwide concept and it has no strict rules of approach, it has only guide
line that can be adapted to the context of every project and according to Alejandro Aravena,
in the redesign of the city in Chile 2010, after an 8.8 SR earthquake and tsunami,
“participatory design is not a hippie, romantic, let’s all dream together about the future of
the city kind of thing. It is actually not even, with the families, trying to find the right
answer. It is mainly to identify with precission what is the right question”. The
participatory processes here to understand the context of the situation and start asking
people, “what kind of city do you want?” (TEDGlobal, 2014-youtube channel).

Conclusion about how far users can be involved in design processes is necessary needed in
every scale of design with different methods that appropriate with the context of the
projects. Involving users along the process of design can bring information that was not
expected in the beginning, information that without the intervention of users can be a
failure through process in design planning.

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