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Assalamualaikum wr. wb

Good Moorning

Ladies and gentelmen, the honorable juries, and my beloved friends.Fist, Let s say thanks to
ALLAH swt. who has given blessing to us, so we can meet togethet in this place. Seconly. Shalawat for
Islam and greetings remain poured to the prophet of Muhammad saw. who was been fighting for Islam
and suiding us on the path of ALLAH almigty. Let me introduce my self. My name is Sagala, Rizki
Amalia Kartika from SMA NEGERI 1 SIPIROK. Now, I would like to give my speech under the tittle of

Culture means life method which grow up on the society area which heir by generations to generations,
We all know, we have a thousand legacy of culture which has a hight precius of art anf an ancestal
mesterpiece such as music, Leanguage, Traditional dance , and Cuisine. Along with the development of
time, a passion for preserving culture is fading. Why ? because of the advancemant of science and
tecnology, the impact of globalization, Lacit of awareness, and there is no love for own nation.

Now, That many teenagers are affected by globalization. For example, the teenegers when setting out of
bed just lootingfor handphone, for loot notiication from twitter, facebook, instagram, and its true right ?

Now, Indonesian teenagers love modern music and they forgot indonesia Traditional music, one by one
and step by step.

Foreign Culture almost change all about Indonesians life style too, fromm 3F. Food , Fun, and Fashion

From food , many kinds of food outside, a Little get rid of the native foods area with modern food like
spaghetti and burgers. Also follow the trend of the clothes. It is like wore tight clothes, hotplants, and
semi finished clothes. It is very not worth for our nation that upholds modesty. It is iropnic, right ?

But it is a fact. All of us as the next generation of this nation, Looks little not care oat all. But why it
happened ? So, as the young generation, we must play role and take a part to perpetuate it.

Int his globalization are, west culture is easy to enter Indonesia, even grow and keep growing very fast. Its
look little we feel more confident if we try to imitate the west culture. Another case is our culture
confession by Malaysia. They claimed our culture as their for example little reog Ponorogo, Pendet dance,
Batik, Rasa sayang Song, and many more. This is can be a motivation to us as young generation to more
care about Indonesias culture. We cant just blame them who had stole our culture.

We must save our culture, where do we have to start ? of course we should start from our own selves. If
its not us who love our cultures then who else whould ? we must feel proud in showing our self- esteems
throught our culture. Start from our selves, our family, and our surroundlings.

Culture cant be produce as that easy, moreover in hurry, There are many effort to perpetuate Indonesias
culture, but that efforts arent maximum yet. Besides creativity, promotion factor has a big role too.
Promote it into International level with an interesting and unique ideas. So , Indonesias culture has an
international confession anf difficult to duflicated. Dont ever bored to make a creativity and save
Indonesia Culture

I wish it can open our eyes adn rise our spirits to begin loveing own cultures. I am proud of my
ancestorsheritages. I love my mother land heritages. I love INDONESIA.

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