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1.1 Background

This type of diet is influenced by the background of the individual or the

community embraced the belief that certain. Although human beings are
omnivores, a group of people usually have a preference or prohibition against
certain types of food. Hence the word "diet" can not be generalized as "do not
eat". The need for nourishment is a basic necessity for human survival. Nutrition
is also a must have requirement for the fulfillment of nutritional completeness
perfectly for a person in complete nutritional needs.

But sometimes the need for nutrients is obstructed while disruption of the
digestive system. The disorder primarily disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. If
someone is experiencing gastrointestinal disorders, then there should be
rehabilitation measures, one way to do that is with a healthy diet.

1.2 Problem

Here is the problem about the diet of the digestive tract:

1. What is the definition diet?

2. What are the factors that influence a person's diet?

3. How healthy diet?

1.3 The purpose of writing paper

The purpose of the discussion about the diet of the gastrointestinal tract are as
follows :

1. Explain the definition diet.

2. Describe the factors that affect a person's diet.

3. Describe a healthy diet.



2.1 Definition Diet

Different in mentions in several countries, in Indonesian, the word diet is more

often directed to call an attempt to lose weight or adjust the intake of certain
nutrients. This article will discuss the diet in the second sense.

In pekembangannya, diet in the context regulate nutritional intake for humans

is divided into several types, namely:

1. Lose weight (mass) An example of a model or actress who want to

maintain the appearance.

2. Increase the weight (mass) An example for the sportsman or athlete who
wants to increase muscle mass.

3. Abstinence Against Certain eg food for diabetics (low in carbohydrates

and sugars).

Definition of diet in an effort to regulate the intake of a balanced nutrition for

the body is the real context for a Healthy Diet.

2.2 Factors Someone Doing Diet

There are several reasons a person on a diet, the following are the factors
that affect a person's diet :

1. High Fat Content

If a person's fat content is high, we need a diet program to lose weight that does
not happen obesity. Fat is a nutrient that would be stored in the skin as energy
reserves, if the fat is buried a lot, there could be an increase in lean body mass,
metabolic processes will tend to be heavier done by the body.

2. Personal Desires

Diet sometimes has a goal of personal time to raise or lower the body to fit the
normal range BMI (Body Mass Index). Their desires to go on a diet is usually
done by a model or an artist to keep in shape.

3. Blood Pressure

If the blood pressure is too high (hypertension), there should be taboos on certain
foods so that the pressure back to normal.

4. Eating

Diet is also influenced by diet, if someone has a pattern of disordered eating, the
person will seek re-adjust his diet by way of diet.

5. Disorders Diseases

A person affected by such disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, and

others will go on a diet to maintain nutritional intake so as not to aggravate the

2.3 Healthy Diet

Nutritional intake someone very influential on tubuhnya.Berdasarkan masssa

research conducted on the population of the United States, there are 60.5% of the
population aged adults have the condition of excess weight (based on 2005 data).

Based on these data, some experts believe that:

1. habits and
2. diet

Holds a more dominant factor in influencing a person's weight when dibandngkan

internal factors (genetics / heredity).

Two external factors that are very dominant:

1. physical activity and

2. nutrition.

A person can easily lose weight without taking drugs fat burners and the like
just by doing a Healthy Diet, that is by increasing the activity and reduce the
intake of food / drink (calories) to the body. This is the key to understanding that
you need to understand before you make a Healthy Diet Program (if you are
overweight and do a healthy diet program penurunuan weight).

So the notion that diet is doomed to fail because of heredity or other internal
factors, you should throw away. And you begin introspection, whether :

1. you are overeating / drinking, hours of chaotic eating, etc. (Be honest with
2. You rarely indulge. Activity here is not a sport, but "move" more than

1. Physical activity

For physical activity, people need a certain amount of energy. If the

energy provided by food is not enough, then the energy obtained from the
breakdown of fats in the body. The following are examples of physical activity as
well as calories burned per hour (in kcal / h) required each perform these

Activities 50 kg (kcal / h) 70 kg (kcal / h)

Cycling 10 km / h 165 240
Cycling 20 km / h 270 410
Running 9 km / h 440 660
Running 16 km / h 850 1280
Swim 23 m / min 185 275
Walk 3 km / h 160 240

2. Nutrient intake

Weight loss can be derived easily by limiting the intake of nutrients.

Multiplier factor for the energy that is generally accepted by many people is as
follows :

1. 1 gram of carbohydrates produces 4 kcal,
2. 4 kcal 1 gram protein, and
3. 1 gram of fat 9 kcal.

By adding value to your calorie requirement peraktivitas BMR, one can easily
predict the results of her diet :

If calories in> calories out, then the rest of the calories will be stored in the

If calories in <calories out, then the savings in calories (fat) will be used to
cover the energy deficit.

Calories are calories that enter from food / beverage while calories out is the
need calories for BMR plus calories per activity. For example a person weighing
70 kg, has great energy needed for Basal Metabolism range of 1,450 kcal. In one
day, he did aktvitas following :

1. Walking (normal) with a speed of 3 km / h with a total time of 3.5 hours

(480 kcal).
2. He also swam (normal) with a speed of 23 m / min (alternating pools at
normal speed) total time of 1 hour (275 kcal).

That day, she ate healthy foods as follows (number of calories listed on the
menu is forecast in general. The condition is actually very dependent on the
amount of food and processing method, for example, the sandwich will have a
lower calorie when the bread is replaced with whole grain bread, or full cream
milk is replaced with skim milk) :

A. Breakfast, 7:00 (Total 650 kcal) :

1. Sandwich content of meat, mayonnaise, cheese (500 kcal)
2. Full Cream Milk (150 kcal)

B. Lunch, 12:00 (Total 550 kcal) :

1. Rice (200 kcal)
2. Soto Betawi (200 kcal)

3. Orange juice without sugar (50 kcal)

C. Dinner, 19:00 (Total 1 530 kcal) :

1. Pizza (680 kcal)
2. French fries (800 kcal)
3. Apples (50 kcal)

From the menu at the top, obtained the total energy consumed by 2730 kcal.
Basal Metabolism of rate and amount of activity, the result for the person's energy
needs by 2565 kcal. Although he has been in sports (swimming) is not worth the
energy expenditure of energy intake. As a result :

A. Calories entry> Calories out

The remaining energy (165 kcal, from 2730 kcal - 2565 kcal) will be stored in
the body and one form of energy is fat buildup. This makes the Obesity easily
occur. Because consciously / no air -kkal residual energy will be stored in a daily,
monthly, yearly and even where you do not realize. Suddenly you feel fat! Is it too
late? The good news is - No! , You included of the millions of people who are
obese than high-calorie foods and lack of nutrients. A healthy diet with Herbalife
can restore your weight to the ideal figure. Certainly needs a process and not a
sleight of hand.

3. Healthy Diet Herbalife

World Health Organization (WHO) recommends every individual to have

energy and a healthy weight and balanced. How to lose weight is to multiply the
recommended activity (exercise), reduce calorie intake (to reduce food portions
but preserving its nutritional value). Some symptoms that may accompany the
wrong way to diet include fainting, dizziness, weakness, and malnutrition.

In the previous example, the excess number of 165 kcal was able to reduce
caloric intake by increasing the activity (eg, running for 1 hour) or replace
breakfast or dinner with other foods that lower calorie (replace menu sarapanya by

simply eating foods with 200 calories in at breakfast or dinner can maintain or
even lose weight).

Nowadays, quite a lot of diet food products are sold freely on the
Indonesian market with controlled calories and nutrients. Types of food
recommended to accompany the diet is wheat, beans, almonds, apples, spinach,
blueberries, broccoli, salmon, potatoes, milk and soy. Setting calorie intake can be
done by following these programs. Independently setting calorie intake can also
be done by looking at the nutrition information listed on the packaging, in
accordance with the provisions of BPOM.

Herbalife as a diet food is a Healthy Diet Program with a high content of

nutrients, low in fat and low in calories. With a healthy diet and a healthy diet
program that's right, you definitely Langsing.Kegagalan in the diet with Herbalife
for Customers who do not follow the Manual properly. Use the method that has
been shown by your Herbalife diet consultant.

A.Trouble So Fat People

Healthy Diet Healthy Liking slim is reasonable. Because you are obese
would have suffered so delish Not Fat People :

1. CHAPTER Difficult because the size is too small toilet

2. It's hard to sit in the car / public transport
3. It's hard to find size pants, shirts, skirts and shirts
4. Most obese people must have experienced during sleep SNORING
5. And hundreds of other reasons of course you yourself know.

B.Ideal Body Weight

There are so many benefits of maintaining a healthy weight throughout your life.

1. In plain. ideal weight surely make you look much more attractive.
2. But it is also essential, ideal body weight reduces your risk of disease,
yes, excess weight is easier to 'invite' a variety of diseases such as

respiratory disorders, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure,
diabetes, stroke, and hormonal disorders.

Determining ideal (and of course healthy) whether or not your body, not enough
just to stand in front of a mirror.

C.Motivation to Lose Weight

Everyone wants an ideal body shape, especially for women. However, to

meet that need, it is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Need motivation
and a strong will to make it happen.

Here are a number of motivations that you can make the handle to keep
the desire to lose weight :

1. Increase Body Fitness

If you want to live longer and enjoy a better quality of life, you need to maintain
physical fitness. Do not forget, the ideal weight also helps lower the risk level of
certain diseases such as diabetes, heart disease or cancer.

2. Clothes Durable

Unsightly appearance will make you more confident. Can reuse your old clothes
can be a motivation to lose weight. Although the motivation is not the sole reason,
but imagine the delight can reuse old clothes will give you more motivation.

3. Enak Seen

You certainly want to always look good and pleasing to the eye. The reason is
often a strong motivation for some people. However, you need to set realistic
goals. For example, if you want weight as when in their 20s, be prepared to be
disappointed. Because the sense of disappointment is you will be able to
demoralize and you will be tempted not to pursue weight loss programs. No need
to rush to reach your ideal weight. Appreciate the slightest changes that you

4. Convenient with Yourself

Losing weight can make you feel better in many respects. Of course, physically
you will feel fresh and fit. Physical changes this will bring satisfaction. Mentally,
you will feel better because you are the center of investing in terms of improving
the quality of life you will reap the benefits in the future. Proportional weight will
also make you feel good about yourself.

5. Reduce the Risk of Certain Diseases

Being overweight can affect your overall health. Cholesterol levels and blood
pressure typically increases for those who are overweight. In addition to
increasing the risk of diabetes or cancer, being overweight can also lead to heart
attack or stroke. If you want to reduce this risk, losing weight can be a solution.

6. Pressure from Outside

The pressure to lose weight usually comes from family, friends, doctors or
colleagues. But remember, weight loss program that you do is to achieve the
target you want to achieve, not because of coercion from others. You alone can
achieve this target and you, too, will feel the benefit.



3.1 Conclusion

Diet is an attempt to lose weight or adjust the intake of nutrients. There are
three classifications of diet, that diet for :

1. Lose Weight

2. Increase Weight

3. Abstinence Against Specific Food

Diet gastrointestinal means the diet during disturbances in the digestive tract.
There is also the digestive tract disorders include flatulence, diarrhea, gastrities
and typhoidal

3.2 Suggestions

In the diet, should set a target date and results; adjustment of the symptoms as
well balanced with sports activities that will remain healthy diet. The main
symptoms of adjustments made during disturbances (such as gastrointestinal
disorders) and are required to go on a diet, so that later the diet will maximize



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