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How to glorify God in serving (1 Cor 10:31)

-serve (1 Pt. 4:10)

-be a good steward of God's varied grace by serving one another
-serve JOYFULLY and KNOWINGLY (Ps. 100)
-display that God is more valuable than our time, money
-God is our Creator, Owner, Shepherd
-God is good, loving, and faithful
-when we don't feel the emotions or inner motivation that suits the beauty of
God, preach good news to yourself and pray that God would make you feel them
-serve HUMBLY (Acts 17:24-25)
-God is not deficient without our service
-God is not the beneficiary of our benificence
-God is not dependent on us, we are dependent on God
-acknowledge His all-sufficiency and how He ultimately gives to and serves US
(Mk. 10:45)
-serve INDEPENDENTLY (Col. 3:18-24)
-people often don't deserve our submission, love, obedience, and hard work
-we serve others in order to serve God
-serve DEPENDENTLY (1 Pt. 4:11)
-trust moment-by-moment that God will supply what we need in serving Him
-when things go well, thank God, for He supplied
-when things are hard, fear not, for God is supplying

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