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Appearance It’s a shark pirate the scales the sea to find city’s and loot
them and adds them to his collection of treasure.

Colours Blue, whte, black and a bit of yellow

Fighting Style Aggressive

Backstory He was originally the best pirate in the sea until a giant shark attacked his boat
and to save his crew and his treasure he sacrificed himself to the shark and
when he did he turns into a shark but could walk on land and act like a pirate so
he scales the sea to make his collection bigger.

Attitude Aggressive and arrogant

Moves He rips of his back fin and uses it as a sword and attacks his targets with
his fin, he also uses his flipper like hands to stab his opponent.

Weapons/ His back fin and his hand like fins, he wears gold rings on is back fin to gain
Accessories power.

Costume He turns into his past form but still is a shark.

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