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WALT: Write a description of a mythological creature

In your writing, remember to include:

 Origin: How was your creature created?
 Appearance: What do they look like? (Remember to include exciting adjectives)
 Habitat: Where in the world can your creature be found? Where do they live?
 Temperament: What sort of personality does your creature have?
 Form of attack: How does your creature attack?
 Special abilities: What unusual thing can your creature do?
 Diet: What does your creature eat to survive? How does it hunt?

WALT: Write a description of a mythological creature

In your writing, remember to include:

 Origin: How was your creature created?
 Appearance: What do they look like? (Remember to include exciting adjectives)
 Habitat: Where in the world can your creature be found? Where do they live?
 Temperament: What sort of personality does your creature have?
 Form of attack: How does your creature attack?
 Special abilities: What unusual thing can your creature do?
 Diet: What does your creature eat to survive? How does it hunt?

WALT: Write a description of a mythological creature

In your writing, remember to include:

 Origin: How was your creature created?
 Appearance: What do they look like? (Remember to include exciting adjectives)
 Habitat: Where in the world can your creature be found? Where do they live?
 Temperament: What sort of personality does your creature have?
 Form of attack: How does your creature attack?
 Special abilities: What unusual thing can your creature do?
 Diet: What does your creature eat to survive? How does it hunt?


Centuries ago in the deepest darkest depths of the Pacific Ocean, there lived an
enchanting flame haired Water Diety of extraordinary beauty named Merlia. Merlia
was the daughter of Poseidon, the God of the Sea, and a beautiful mermaid he had
fallen in love with. As the daughter of a Sea God, Merlia also had great powers and was
able to control the movement of the oceans. Poseidon, aware of his daughter’s
desirability and powers, was fiercely protective of her and decided to hide her away in
a guarded cave while he set about finding a suitable match for her. Left alone for
years, Merlia grew lonely, distressed and resentful of her father. Years passed and
still Poseidon had not found anyone who believed was worthy of his daughter.
Eventually, her hiding place was discovered by a powerful Pirate King who was
searching the seas for treasure with dark magical powers. As soon as he and Merlia
set eyes on each other, they fell deeply in love and the Pirate King used the Jewel of
Zeeta to free her so that Merlia could come and be with him. When Poseidon learned
of what had happened, he felt betrayed by his beloved daughter and was overcome
with rage. In order to punish Merlia, he effortlessly seized the Jewel of Zeeta and
used it to turn her into a hideous and treacherous Sea Monster. From that moment on,
Merlia became known as Merzeeta.

As Poseidon believed that it was his daughter’s beauty that led to her betrayal, he
destroyed this and made her hideous. Her amber coloured locks were transformed
into emerald ribbons of poisonous seaweed. From her fingers grew long metallic
talons. He split her mermaid’s tail into eight tentacles and covered each with dull
hard rough reptilian scales ending with a powerful forked luminous forks which could
light up the darkest bodies of water. Her gruesome face was the most terrifying of
all her features. Her once sparkling blue eyes turned into furious bloodshot orbs and
her skin became a translucent green with huge veins bulging out from underneath.
Poseidon robbed her of the power of speech and had cut out her tongue.

As a Water Diety turned Sea Monster, Merzeeta can be found in the deepest darkest
depths of the Pacific Ocean. She sleeps during the day and resides in the underwater
cave that her father had once confined her to. She has transformed it into a lair and
its floor is covered with scales she has shed and the rotting bones of her victims.

When she hasn’t fed in a while Merzeeta has a furious temper and is angry with
everything and everyone. Her father for what he has done to her and the Pirate King
for not stopping him. She used to be very vain and is now disgusted with how she looks.
She does not care who she harms and wants to cause as much destruction as possible.
After feeding, Merzeeta is briefly remorseful and angry with herself.

Special Abilities:
Merzeeta can control the thoughts of those around her. When Merzeeta appears at
the side of Pirate ships, she can make whoever looks at her see her as she was before
and fall in love with her from afar. As she can no longer speak, they can hear her
thoughts in their heads and she persuades them to dive into the sea to be with her,

Forms of Attack:
When angry, Merzeeta bangs her powerful forked tentacles on the bed of the ocean
and can create devastating tidal waves and storms. From the metallic spikes at the end
of her scaly fingers she can shoot out bolts of lightning which will electrocute anyone
in the surrounding waters.

In order to get revenge on the Pirate King, Poseidon ensured that in order to survive
Merzeeta must feed off the life of pirates. After she appears at the side of the ship
and has made a pirate see her as Merlia and fall in love with her, the pirate
desperately throws himself off the side of a ship to be with her. As soon as his body
hits the water, the spell ends and he sees her as she now is and tries to escape. Her
seaweed her reaches out to capture and ensnare him and takes her prey to her lair.
Once he looks into her bloodshot orbs he is frozen and she uses her tentacles to wrap
around him and as the life leaves her prey it flows out of her.

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