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Centuries ago, deep within the luscious

canopies of the emerald Amazon rainforest,

laid the peaceful village of Tanzia. The
inhabitants of this place were carefree and
gentle spirits. They spent their days
working collaboratively, harmoniously
hunting and preparing their own food. Their
joyous laughter could be heard as they
frolicked in the cool refreshing river and
they basked in the glorious sunshine,
enjoying the simple pleasures that their
perfect life had to offer. That is - until
that day. The day that would send shock
waves into their innocent world. The day
they noticed that their livestock had been
wiped out; slain in the most inhumane

Deep in the heart of the rainforest,

camouflaged by verdant green leaves, a
cruel creature, named Cretin, stirred
hungrily. Heaving his full weight off the
ground, he dug his pointed talons deep into
the damp earth and thrust upwards. Animals
blood tricked menacingly from his razor like
canines, the insatiable hunger rose fiercely
within him like the first trembles of an
earthquake. Creeping stealthily through the
humid rainforest, he stopped suddenly as
the alluring scent of fresh food wafted
welcomingly up his nostrils. His next meal.
Only footsteps away from Cretin, searching
for whatever it was that had mindlessly
killed their livestock, the Tanzian tribe
were completely unaware of the mortal
danger they were in. For Cretin had a clever
plot. Whimpering weakly, he lured the
curious tribe into a nearby swamp. They
were trapped.

Jo knew it was no good. He hung his head

down low, sat down and sobbed as if his
heart would break in half. His tribe was
trapped! The swamp was warm and murky –
just right for the cretin, but disastrous for
his people. Brandishing his sword, the cretin
slayed one brave warrior after another.
What could Jo do?
A long low echo reverberated around the
valley. Princess Jolene had blown her golden
horn for help. From the distant horizon,
Chief Joston galloped towards the cretin,
swiftly drew his bow and arrow and
executed the cretin.

Relief flowed through the tribe like a calm

summer’s breeze as they hoisted Cretin’s
body in to the air and formed a funeral
parade back to their village. The Tanzian
tribe thought it wise to embalm the body
and to raise it on a mast to be displayed at
the mouth of the village. It was said that it
warded off evil for the tribe never came
under threat again.

And if today, you are ever in the Amazon

Rainforest, you can look for the village of
the Tanzian tribe and you can see the spot
where Cretin was mounted. There is a plaque
there which tells the story and is headed:
A reminder to the Tanzian Tribe that good
will always conquer evil.

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