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Gunpla Mercenary

Is a video game set in an alternative universe simular to ours.

The main difference is that gunpla is extreamly popular and
mainstream. In addtion a new VR game Gunpla Mercenary has just
been released. This game works with a new Gunpla Model Range
Gunpla Mercenary Kits. This allows the gunpla builder to
unlock a stock licnece for that mobile suit/etc.

The game itself is about taking control of a

Mercenary captain of the Wings of Aegis.

As a Mercenary Captain you earned the right to

command a Mercenary Ship and hire crew/etc.
With the support from Wings of Aegis.
This support is a starter funding that
allows you to buy your own ship and hire your
first crew.

As a mercenary captain you goal is gain money and

resources and upgrade you ship and crew etc...

The gunpla element of the game allows

the gunpla builder to buy an gunpla mercenary supported
model kit and unlock a stock licence Card for that model.

The default ship you start with has a hanger size

of 3. This means you can have 3 mobile sutis / equal size unit.

Stock Licence Card

These are contained in gunpla kits that support this game.
They activate a one time unlock for that mobile suit/model
for you account. These models are stock what means
they can not be customised or sold...
The act as your first mobile suit for early missions
for you game.

Licence Upgrade Store

An ingame store that allows you to purchase
a blueprint for each of your Stock Models.
This blue print will allow you to create
customiable and sellable items based on that licence.

However this will require materials and money dependant on item.

Vary greatly and have an extensive list based on various universes
of gundam. You will collect these in order to craft maintain
your assets.

in Gunpla Mercenary is called G-Coins. G-Coins are earned by completing
missions and selling assets.

Are things you aquire in game and can profit from selling.
An example is destroyed and recovered mobile suits and weapons/equipment.

The following is a brief guide on the above systems

The first released Gunpla Mercenary Kits are the following
-Zaku II (Stock)
-GM RGM-79 (Stock)
-Guntank RX-75-4 (Stock)

Your Gunpla Builder purchases one of these at the start of the game.
You Use the Stock Licence Card to Unlock the Mobile Suit
(the builder uses a card reader that trasfers the passcode)
The builder logs into their account and can transfer this
mobile suit into their hanger, so long as there is room.
You get one "instance of a model" per account. Ergo
there is no benefit buying more of the same model..

Once transfered to your ship's hanger you can go on sorties with it.
This allows you to earn rewards using this stock gunpla in game.

When you are ready and have the necessary resources you can choose a stock licence
you have and upgrade it to a full licence. This allows you to create and build your
own customisable and sellable model in game.

You can earn and unlock more gunpla stock licences from playing the game (from
and having your builder checking the gunpla stores often at key points (milestone
Designers Note: Simple put the more you play the game the more models will become

A note on damage ratings and mission modes

Damage Rating
Are levels set on missions to dictate how much damage your Assets take. This has no
effect on battle.
The following is the key guide.
S = Your Assets take realistic damage (Special Missions/Rare Events)
A = Your Assets take standard damage (Normal Missions)
B = Your Assets take miminmal damage (Beginner missions)
C = Your Assets take no damage (typically tutorial mission for new players)

Dev Note: E.g. when you play a mission your Mobile Suit/etc will be damaged
normally, however when you complete
or fail the mission your Gunpla will or won't be damaged based on the damage
rating. This damage is repaired in game
with Resources and G-Coins. Also for ranks A to C location damage is shared around
the whole Mobile Suit/etc in
regards to the models HP value. However S missions will have pin point damage.
Meaning where you are hit is where
the damage effects.

Mission Modes
There are two types of mission modes.
Active Missions = Are missions where you can earn salvage.
Practice Missions = Are missions where you can not earn salvage.

Mission Type
Narrative = Are the universe's story mode.
Randomly Generated = Are quests given to players to gain assets/etc, they act
as background lore for the universe.
Event = Are special unique missions that may offer exlusive rewards.
Trials = Are repatable challenges that offer various rewards.
Guide = Beginner missions designed to teach you the game systems.

Wings of Aegis
Is a privatly funded independant organsiation that trains people
to become various professions. One of these is yours.
They only act as an partner and don't directly influence
their members. Also they promote that members who have
trained under them to seek their own factions to join or create.
They often act as a liaison between members and
indviduals who have job offers for their memembers.

A person who has trained under them is called

a Wing or Wings for more than one member...
Aegis is the main company...


The player
-is you, you take control of a gunpla builder in the game.

Gunpla Builder
Is a gundam fan that collects gunpla, is very excited for the
Gunpla Mercenary model kits..and the game Gunpla Merccenary.

Is basically equipment and mobile suits and weapons you find on the battlefield
afer destoying enemy units. This is automatically collect and send to your storage
on your ship.

Are things you own from equipment to mobile suits, Ships etc etc.

Faction Assets
Are special assets that the faction owns, their controled, improved and maintained
by the leadership of the faction.

There is 3 orders you can give to stored salvage.

Repair: Spend matierals/G-Coins to rebuild broken equipment to full service.
Scrap: Turn it into materials that can be used for other things
Sell: Sell to npc vendors..

Repair orders take place based on your mechanics avaiblity.

Scrap and Sell are automaticaly done once you land in a ship port...
Helpful Tip:
It is more profitable to SCRAP if you want to gain materials.
It is more profitable to SELL if you want to gain G-Coins.

As a Gunpla Mercenary you must maintain your crew and ship while generating
enough money to survive the monthly costs of running your ship/etc.

Players may make factions as well and work together, factions

allow for regional control of zones. Ownership of Faction Assets.
An also unique missions like Faction Wars/Battles.

The game takes place in an universe set in the Sol System. Space Exploration is
So is World Exploration.

NPC Factions
Econmoic Allience of Colonies: The Aegis Corparation is the sole creator of the
colonies, they sell and rent parts
of these colonies to companies with the goal of furthering human technology and
progress. They also supply/provide housing
for the families of workers who live there. As such The Aegis Corpation is the
richest company in the world. With this
they spend a large portion of their profits on the Wings of Aegis Program. A
"better improvement" social scheme to get
as many people into a techincal field / craft that allows people to have
opptunities not normally provided by public or
private education systems due to the flaws of those systems. It is free for the
person being trained.
Earth Sphere Collective: Respentatives from the contries of Earth. There main
priority is to colonise planets and expand
resources and wealth. Due to the Treaty of Independance for System Rights; What
listed that Earth based goverments and companies
can control planetary areas. An that The Aegis Corpation and it's partners are
based in colonies. A strong stable realtionship
has been built within the system.

NPC Factions: However act independantly and have their own agendas, this can lead
to conflicts in areas between companies.

Ship Dessign

Control Room
A- Captain's Seat
Role: In Charge of ship, primary ship pilot, gives ship orders
LC: Mid of room
B/C - Observers seats
Role: Uses ship observation devices to detect important objects relvent to the
LC: behind the captain, sideways.
D: Radar/LDAR/TDAR/FCS seat
Role: Watches for objects using a range of sensory tech. Also maintains the ships
LC: would be to the right of the cap seat.
Role: matains the communication systems and relays orders to ship crews.
LC: Left of cap's seat
F/G: Additional Co-Pilots
Role: in combat tasks can be delegated to these pilots in order to reduce workload
in moving the ship
and for evasion etc, thus save lives.
LC: Front...

Side Crew/etc
Depends on ship but there may be dedicated gun/weapon crews, or automatic systems
or pilot controlled.

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