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1 - gank sem kp

pathing fudido
contestando scuttle sem prio/f (irelia/lee)
morte dnv sem prio
pathing q s� funciona contra retardado

KR Master-

Jungle is also a type of lane. Knowing the position of enemy jungle, level
difference, and getting cs is the biggest priority. If you focus too much on
ganking and killing, you lose.

When jungle, your routes should be planned anew each time you back

When jungle, if the enemy support is playing stuff like Zyra, Misfortune, you win
with a 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 level gank.

When jungle. If "Top no flash" "Mid no flash" "Bottom no flash", but you don't gank
in the next 5 minutes, you hear "gg jungler sucks". And that is true


Map Awareness
Tracking/Vision Placement

Formula Objectives/Priorities after 2/3 clears:

Efficiency (how fast you farm, camps timing/recalling)

First Turret (mostly dives)
snowball effect, turns to act, 3 mins actions repercussions, dont expose pathing
for nothing, WIN MORE

positioning, privilege to be offensive

different variables, small things that lose you the advantage

adapt playstyle, perfect 1, 10M+ TODO MUNDO JOGA IGUAL

4 main ways

1 - rush lvl 3 gank, wards still alive, wacky ways around to gank

laner dependant

2 - lvl 2 ganks, better on the sidelanes, cuzinho of mid warded, lane dependant

laner dependant

3 - invading enemy jungler, more reliable, mechanics heavy, powerful blazing

lanes/obj, only invade at right timing (can get smthng)

if lanes losing nd cant push adv into lanes, leads clash midgame, dont work if
enemy jgl weird path/lvl2 gank


4 - power farming, waiting for oppoturnities

(if mirror) coinflipy ...


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